Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Auteme Denko-Durren - Little Light

if they're watching anyways
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    Name: Auteme Denko-Durren.
    Species: Human.
    Subrace: Quarter Kraljica.
    Age: Twenty.
    Gender: Female.
    Height: 5 foot 6 inches.
    Weight: 130 pounds.
    Physique: Slender; lean.
    Eye Pigmentation: Soft Green.
    Hair Colour: Dark Brown; Short, Thick, Well-Kept.
    Skin Complexion: Tanned; Light Brown.

    Languages Known:

    • Galactic Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • High Galactic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Galactic Sign Language: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Arkanian: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Honoghran: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Binary: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Bocce: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Sy Bisti: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Bothese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Cheunh: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Mando'a: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Rodese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Shyriiwook: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Nikto: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Huttese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Sith: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Olys Corellisi: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Numerous others.
    Languages Spoken:
    • Galactic Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • High Galactic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Galactic Sign Language: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Arkanian: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Honoghran: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Bocce: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Sy Bisti: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Bothese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Cheunh: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Mando'a: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Rodese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Nikto: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Huttese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Sith: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    • Olys Corellisi: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    Occupation: Jedi Knight; New Jedi Order Senate Representative; University of Coruscant Master of Philosophy student.
    Primary Allegiances: The New Jedi Order; The Galactic Alliance.
    Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa; Y'Toub system.
    Known Residence: Coruscant, Coruscant Jedi Temple; Peace Station.

    Force Sensitive: Yes.
    Alignment: Light (Neutral Good).

    Parents: Josiah Josiah Denko, Alive; Mara Denko, Alive.
    Siblings: None.
    Extended Family: Something something Darth Athora Darth Athora

  • auteeme.png

    Behavioural Keywords:
    Altruistic | Astute | Attentive | Balanced | Bright | Caring | Charitable | Compassionate | Cooperative | Curious | Dedicated | Determined | Hesitant | Indecisive | Inquisitive | Intelligent | Intuitive | Kind | Perceptive | Rational | Scholarly | Stubborn | Studious | Understanding | Well-Read | Willful

    Auteme grew up under the tutelage and guardianship of a monk whose only rule was kindness -- and to this day she follows that rule. Nothing else guides her actions more than the pure ideal of compassion and the idea that all people have good inside them. While helping others is her primary goal, Auteme is also insatiably curious and loves learning just about anything, though especially about xenobiology, culture, and linguistics. When she sets her mind to something, she can become very focused and determined to the point of stubbornness. Her studies and her innate moral compass make some answers come easy to her, but when there isn't an obvious choice, Auteme can become hesitant and indecisive. She rarely takes extreme measures and refuses to resort to violence in most cases, and she's wary of people who fight or anger easily.

    Character Strengths:
    • Agile: Spending time with a monk trained in the Echani Arts rubbed off on Auteme -- thanks to a little push from the Force and some training in acrobatics, Auteme is light on her feet.
    • Scholar: Auteme is extremely studious, well-read and organized. She understands the best way to learn about a subject and how to study, thus she's able to store information very well. She has a knowledge on a variety of subjects but focuses particularly on biology and medicine. If she doesn't have a piece of information, she usually knows where she can find it.
    • Adept: Auteme understands the Force and is adept in its study and use, specifically pertaining to the Light Side of the Force.
    • Pure: While she hasn't completely realized it, over time Auteme has developed a stellar mental and emotional fortitude. She is nearly immune to the temptations of the Dark Side. Her presence in the Force is brilliant and pure.
    • Speaker: Her time as the New Jedi Order's Senate Representative has given her the charisma and cadence necessary to be a good public speaker. Even when not speaking from a prepared statement, Auteme's words always seem carefully chosen and well-spoken.

    Character Flaws:
    • Reluctant: Auteme often hesitates when making important decisions, or when there isn't an obvious choice.
    • Pacifist: While she can accept some of the actions the other Jedi take, Auteme dislikes harming others and has an aversion to bloody wounds. She always seeks the most peaceful route, even if that isn't the most efficient one.
    • Abandonment: Auteme has a deep fear of losing her loved ones, and yearns for permanence in her life.
    • Darkness: Auteme is almost completely unable to interact with objects imbued with the Dark Side of the Force. They refuse to respond to her in any way, and repel her if she attempts to touch or otherwise interact with one.

    • Incorruptible Pure Pureness
    • The Smart Guy
    • Bookworm
    • Encyclopaedic Knowledge
    • Healing Hands
    • The Medic
    • The Heart
    • All-Loving Hero
    • Hates Being Alone
    • Badass Pacifist
    • Good Feels Good

  • “Tell me again how you found me.”

    “You never get tired of this story, do you? Very well. It was on Concord Dawn… I heard the crash as the ship fell from the sky, saw the fire from a mile away. I came as fast as I could -- and the first person I saw was you. You were teetering on the edge of an earthen ledge on the side of the cliff, in your little green outfit… of course I had to help. You must’ve bounced far away from the wreckage and the other passengers -- it seemed almost that you were dead. I climbed up and reached you… and you know the rest.”

    “No I don’t!”

    “You do, little one. It’s time to sleep.”

    “But I’m not tired!”

    “If you stay up late you’ll be tired tomorrow, and how can you create your own stories if you are so sleepy?”


    “Goodnight Auteme. Sleep well.”



    Auteme grew up traveling with a mysterious monk after an accident left her without a family. She was only four -- but the vague memories of her parents were soon washed away as she spent her time traveling with the monk. The monk had no name -- he was a humble old Mandalorian who felt he no longer had the right to hold his old one.

    The two were inseparable -- mostly because Auteme had nowhere else to go, and the monk made sure that she was well taken care of. The pair traveled across the galaxy, and Auteme saw more of it than most children her age. They didn't have any money, but the monk was kind almost to a fault, and often helped people in need. Auteme grew up with a prime example of a good person for a role model -- and she also saw how such kindness was returned to the monk, in the form of food, clothes, and whatever else was needed. She grew to be equally kind.

    Practicality wasn't ignored, of course, the old monk taught the girl some useful skills. She picked up little things from traveling the galaxy, and he gave her the basics of how to handle herself and how to use her natural agility.

    They often went to the grand stores of knowledge in the galaxy, spending hours upon hours in the various archives. The monk spent his time searching for something specific, something he did not share with Auteme. She was left to her own devices on these long days, and spent her time reading about history and languages and races of the galaxy.

    A month after her sixteenth birthday they arrived at the Jedi Temple on Kashyyyk. After two days of further research, the monk told Auteme he was leaving and she could not follow.


    “You have grown into yourself, little one. My journey takes me elsewhere, but I sense that your path begins here.”

    “I don't… I don't want to stay here. I don't know these people, I-”

    “Hush, Auteme. You are ready for a new chapter, as am I,” the monk said. He paused, then smiled to the girl. “I must earn my name once more -- but I would like you to keep it. My clan was Clan Durren. You, little one, are worthy of that name. Keep it until I return and find you once more.”


    With another name and a galaxy to explore, Auteme began her next steps.

  • artem-rhx-chebokha-103-2-1280_1.png
    Part I: Silver
    • A Padawan Under the Radar: Auteme heads into the library of the Silver Rest, meets a Jedi Master, and just misses someone who she hadn't seen in twelve years...
    • Beach Day: Some fresh air and socializing gets Auteme out of the library.
    • Step into the Light: Auteme heads to the planet Eira Pechal for a lesson on Force Light under masters Starchaser and Sar'andor.
    • The Crystal Caverns: Auteme heads to Ilum to find herself a lightsaber crystal.
    Part II: Padawan
    • The Battle of H'ratth: When Kaine Australis attacks the Jedi Praxeum on H'ratth, Auteme finds herself caught in the fighting -- she soon enough earns her title as book-throwing champion of the galaxy. She manages to hold her own (more like survive) against a Mandalorian and a Sith warrior.
    • Not For the Faint of Heart: Master Rigel comforts Auteme as she grapples with grief after the battle of H'ratth.
    • What Lays Buried In Dust and Forgotten Books: Auteme helps Knight Celiana find the location of a secret library and opens her first Holocron.
    • A New Adventure: Auteme meets fellow padawan Seth and helps him find information on Vylmir.
    • Lost Light: After twelve years, Auteme reunites with her parents on Monastery.
    • A Splash of Freedom: Auteme kicks her dad's butt at Go-Karts.
    • Another Plentiful Harvest: Auteme attends a harvest festival and meets a few new faces.
    • Nightfire: The Mandalorians strike at the heart of Silver space, and Auteme watches the raging battle from inside the Silver Rest.
    • Dealer/Debtor: Auteme brings some food to a less-than-Jedi Jedi.
    • Healing the Healers: The padawan finds a kindred spirit in Nida Perl while healing her at the Silver Rest.
    • Operation Morning Star: The Silver Jedi attack the Sith on Concordia. Nida and Auteme work together to free the enslaved beskar miners.
    • Swamp Thing: Stranded in Toydaria's swamps, Auteme works together with a group of padawans to survive.
    • Ingo Racer: Auteme protects the spectators of a podrace from attack and learns of her own strength.
    • Life is the Enemy, Death is our Solace: Auteme's strength is tested when the Sith attack Bimmisaari.
    • Slow Healing: Auteme helps an Antarian Ranger recover from his injuries.
    • Life Day To Never Forget!: Auteme stresses out about having her parents over for life day on Kashyyyk.
    • Pen Pals: Stumbling across a magic rock brings Auteme in contact with Master Jend-Ro Quill, and she helps him study the Suertons.
    Part III: Peace
    • There Is Only Peace: Auteme answers the call of Wyatt Morga and arrives at Peace Station, where she listens to the discussion of Jedi Unification.
    • Jedi Lore: Auteme gives her two cents on the idea of Jedi Unity.
    • There Is Only Knowledge: While settling into Peace, Auteme meets Ryv Karis, a fellow padawan.
    • Move Like Water: Auteme sits in on a youngling lightsaber class taught by Aaran Tafo, and shares a Sprite with some other Jedi.
    • Ruins and Robots - Part One: Auteme meets the padawans of Peace Station, and a bit of exploring triggers a little adventure for all of them.
    • Licking Our Wounds: After Brentaal IV is devastated, Auteme heads to Anaxes to see her friends -- only to learn one of them was left behind.
    • Icebreaker on Hoth: Sith Hate This One Weird Trick!: Auteme learns about some more specialized powers from a variety of Jedi, hosted by Master Quill.
    • The Autopsy of Kai Kriel: After the conflict on Kuat, Auteme helps investigate the body of the deceased Master Kriel, only for the Sith Emperor himself to make an appearance.
    • The Scars of Kintan: After the Sith attack on Kintan, Auteme helps with the relief effort and finds her friends.
    Part IV: Love
    • Don't Let Me Be Gone: Ryv struggles with nightmares of Kintan, and Auteme does her best to help, leading to a heart-to-heart between the two padawans.
    • Memberberries - New Recret Raid Night: Auteme wonders why Ryv plays video games.
    • Take a Day to Break Away: Six months after he'd disappeared, Ryv and Auteme finally reunite on Tython and try to reconnect.
    • State of the Jedi: On Coruscant, Auteme attends a meeting to discuss the future of the Jedi, and encourages Ryv to step up to his responsibility as Sword of the Jedi.
    • Jedi Jubilee: On Thustra, Auteme and Ryv go out to a fancy party and dance the night away.
    • Station of Solace: Auteme helps refugees from Kintan and tries to keep the peace on Peace.
    • A Moment of Peace: Auteme meets another Jedi and helps her find her way aboard Peace.
    • Invaluable Field Experience: At the behest of Master Quill, Auteme heads to Mustafar where the pair investigate a mysterious, ancient artifact.
    • Love, Auteme: Auteme sends letters to her father.
    • Queens For A Day: Loske and Auteme head to Wayland to visit the Noghri and try to calm the conflict arising between the refugees of Honoghr and Wayland's natives.
    • Lazy Sunday: Auteme and Ryv spend a quiet afternoon together.
    • Trouble on Tython: A festival in the city gives Ryv and Auteme an excuse to explore together.
    Part V: Alliance
    • The Grandmaster's Lesson: Master Morga teaches about the Force and the history of the Jedi, and Auteme learns something new.
    • Looking Ahead: Auteme gets a lesson from Merrick Sato on precognition, and learns a little bit more about herself.
    • Starting Anew: A year after H'ratth, Auteme revisits the site of the first battle she'd ever witnessed, and takes time to reflect.
    • Crossroads: With a strain of the Blackwing Virus resurfacing on Kuat, Auteme arrives to help find a cure.
    • Careers of Great Interest: Auteme meets the Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance, Emmen Tagge, to discuss her new position as an aide to the Senate and a liaison from the Jedi Order.
    • Detoxification 401: Auteme visits the Silver Rest to attend a lesson on detoxifying poisons with the Force and makes a friend in Jamie Lysle.
    • Stopping for a Breather: Auteme meets Senator Adhira Chandra in the Garden of Equality, and learns a little about her struggles.
    • Preemptive Actions: While sitting through a meeting with the GA, NIO, and Wardens of Light on the recent attack on Ilum, Auteme struggles with a deepening sense of loneliness.
    • Disconnect: Loske talks to Auteme and gets her to open up about her feelings, and gives some fantastic advice.
    • Talk Later: Auteme and Ryv try to reconnect after some time apart, but she soon learns the distance is too far to cross.
    • Parol de Uhl Olys Lanlo: Auteme gets a lesson in Old Corellian from the one and only Allyson Locke.
    APOTHEOSIS: First Steps | A Short Story
    • ILUM: I Love U Metellos: Auteme gets to explore an old Jedi Temple on Ilum with Saber Squadron.
    • Go With The Flow: Master Morga gives Auteme an important lesson at the Jedi Temple.
    • Family Feud: On Thracior, Auteme helps Senator Chandra organize a peace treaty between the great clans of the planet.
    • The Spice of Life: Just before Auteme heads back to Coruscant, she talks to Jamie about the New Jedi Order.
    • Guv'nor: Auteme attends a Senate meeting on clone rights and fulfills her duties as a scribe.
    • Cold Water: An outing with fellow padawan Bernard to the coral reefs of Pantolomin gets Auteme more than she bargained for.
    • Root of the Problem: In the ruins of an ancient Sith Star Destroyer, Auteme reads the writing on the walls.
    • The Art of Dying: Auteme tries to help fellow padawan Zaavik Dagoth out of a coma.
    • A Grave Mistake: Auteme speaks to the Senate in defense of the New Jedi Order after the death of Lanik Dawnstar during his attempted 'assassination' of Kaito Kiyoshi.
    • Dream Sweet in Sea Major: Auteme explores the 'ruins' of the Temple of the Infinite Spirit on J't'p'tan alongside padawans Leon Gallo and Serena Rylvin.
    • Grass and Glass: Auteme explores the Crystal Canyons of Chandrila with Master Aldric and Charlie Nooran.
    • Providence: The Alliance returns to Brentaal IV, and Auteme aids the other Jedi against a seemingly unstoppable foe.
    • Revenge of the Club II: Auteme gets a night out with Charlie, however disappointed she is that they aren't visiting the tibanna refinery.
    • The Bad Knowledge: Loske visits Auteme at the Jedi Temple, only for the darkness of Foerost to follow them.
    • Witches Be Trippin': Ryv and Auteme head to Thracior to wrap up some loose ends and get a moment to talk.
    • Blackout: Zaavik and Auteme pursue a Yuuzhan Vong warrior into the depths of Metellos.
    • To The Beat: Auteme learns about music from Miriam Tachi.
    • Starlight: Two awkward teenagers learn to be awkward together.
    • Misadventures of a Strange Breed: Fellow padawan Kir Dantos tests Auteme's patience while they search space for an ancient rogue droid ship.
    • Big Trouble on Little Coruscant/Talk Too Much: Auteme heads out with Charlie and talks a bit about her past.
    • Upon This Joyous Day: Auteme babysits Senator Chandra at a party with alcohol that is far too available. Also, the Silver Jedi Order becomes the Silver Jedi Concord and Auteme overthinks things.
    • A New Menace: When the Sith Keepers attempt to steal a holocron, Auteme and the other Jedi try to hold them back.
    • Some by Virtue Fall: After the assassination of Senator Far Zhas, Auteme attends an emergency session of the Senate to discuss next steps.
    • Next Generation: Auteme catches back up with Master Celeste Rigel on Kattada.
    • Darkness Falls: Auteme finds herself in the midst of a brutal battle and finds an unlikely ally in the form of Aerarii Tithe.
    • Justice Prevails: On Plexis, Auteme helps with Aerarii Tithe's debriefing in an SIA safehouse.
    • The Secret of the Promised Land: Alongside Charlie and her mother, Jyoti Nooran, Auteme fights against a host of rakghouls in Taris's Undercity.
    • To Ilum We Must Go: Auteme asks to become a knight -- but like, in a bit.
    • Tell Me Something I Don't Know: Auteme tries to get Amani to stay on the path of the Jedi, and half-succeeds.
    • Operation Dark Vergence - FIRE RISING: Auteme stands against the greatest darkness she's ever faced -- and finds her abilities lacking against the power of the Emperor and his Hand.
    Part VI: Knight
    • Live Long and Prosper(ity): Auteme becomes a full-fledged Jedi Knight.
    • Light Up The Darkness: The Jedi Coalition takes its first steps. Auteme represents the New Jedi Order and speaks to Caedyn Arenais about the future.
    • Devil You Know: Auteme faces off against Bartholemew Cain on Myrkr and learns the difficulties.
    • Dance With Me: On Anzat, Auteme meets Adrian Vandiir and they have a discourse.
    • It Will Burn: On Nar Kreeta, Auteme works with Adrian Vandiir and Yula Perl to combat the Bryn'adûl and help the Silver Jedi push back the genocidal monsters.
    • Honor Among Thieves: Auteme helps negotiate the transfer of Frego into the Galactic Alliance.
    • Haru no Yakusoku: Auteme spends some quality time with her father on Atrisia.
    • Far From Home: Auteme meets Takui and teaches him a little about the Jedi.
    • A Knighting Ceremony: Auteme comes across an old mentor and convinces him to return to continue aiding the Jedi. She reflects on the weight of the title 'Jedi Knight'.
    • Second Chances: Auteme seeks out Oceiros Sunstrider on Dantooine, and affirms that he is still a good Jedi, despite saving the life of a Sith.
    • To Speak In One Voice: After the death of a New Jedi Order padawan, they convene to discuss how to best protect the Jedi and decide a new future for the NJO. Auteme leads the discussion.
    • The Knife's Edge: After a skirmish on Yinchorr, Auteme awaits news of the Senate's decision -- and finds her own way forward. Lucien Dooku happens to be involved.
    • Windspeaks: Lucien helps Auteme learn about the New Imperial Order and they explore the city of New Carannia on Nirauan.
    • Us and Them: With Shili hanging in the balance, Auteme watches as the New Imperials begin to claim the world. Unbeknownst to her, she's also been found out by COMPNOR.
    • The Coronation Ball: At the nicest party she's ever been to, Auteme spends time with Lucien and learns more about the Imperial worldview.
    • In The Flesh: As the New Imperial Order descends on Yinchorr, Auteme attempts to evacuate the locals and rescue the Yinchorri Council of Elders from NIO special forces teams.
    • Life Over Politics: On Peace, Coren Starchaser holds a neutral conference for the Jedi after the alliance between the Sith Empire, Confederacy, and the Concord. When he chooses to leave the position of Grandmaster, Auteme gives her support to his pledge to keep protecting others and opposing evil.
    • Ten Rounds: Auteme speaks to Mishel Kryze in a bar.
    • See The Light: Auteme teaches her first class on Force Light.
    • Defamation (Article): Auteme learns about the Totally Real Adventures of Auteme, a show about her. She reads some comments and watches the show.
    • Options (Article): On a day out with Loske, they discuss romance. Auteme realizes how complicated her love life is.
    • Totally Real (Article): After a bit more watching of TRAA, Auteme has an uninvited guest.
    • Can't Say I Didn't Warn You, Huh?: Ryv and Coren lead a discussion on the Jedi's role. Auteme says her piece and tries to avoid having the discussion be sidetracked.
    • No Quarter: On Dantooine, Auteme's attempts to rescue civilians are soured by the Sith Empress's hostility. Auteme is saved by a Silver Jedi, Sakadi Marathi Sinvala.
    • Of Mice and Men: An emergency meeting of the Senate is called. With the approaching threat of the Eternal Empire's fleet, Ryv and Auteme affirm the Jedi's support for the defense of Byss and the Alliance.
    • Somebody Catch My Breath: Auteme and Ryv find themselves in a familiar situation; they talk about the Jedi in the middle of the night. Auteme reflects on how much has changed.
    • Return the Favour: On Byss, Auteme opposes Darth Prazutis himself. Though she knows she is not enough, their battle proves how much she has grown.
    • Mind The Gap: The Galactic Alliance moves to Zardossa Stix, preparing to cut off the Eternal Empire's retreat from Byss. Though the negotiations are short, Auteme has a nice conversation with Commander Olen Halcorr.
    • Don't Worry (Article): Lucien visits the Jedi Temple, and they discuss their relationship. He reassures Auteme that they'll be alright, no matter what happens.
    • Promise Me (Article): In the moments before their attack on Korriban, Auteme and Ryv find solace in each other's company. A promise is made.
    • Return of the Jedi: Auteme, united with the New Jedi Order, strike at the heart of darkness that is Korriban. Things escalate when their Force meld breaks, only for the blinding flood of emotions to empower her when the meld returns.
    • The Mermaid of Nezamiyeh: On the fascinating world of Chaldea, Auteme encounters a few odd characters and investigates the curious case of a beached mermaid.
    • Adventures of Adrian Vandiir (Article): Auteme does a stellar impersonation and manages to trick some Sithspawn into making TRAA better.
    • Balance Rest Ye Merry Imperials: At Crystal Nest, Auteme and an envoy of Galactic Alliance Senators observe the beginnings of a refugee settlement being constructed by the First Order.
    • Forest of the Heart: On a mysterious forest world, Auteme talks to Violet Horne and meets Ashin Varanin as the Sith drains the life from the world's heart tree.
    • Land of Giant: Auteme meets Koda Fett on a rocky, windswept world, and picks up a few survival skills.
    • I Just Happen To Have A Chance Cube Here: At the Hoth Enclave, Auteme teaches Suerton probability manipulation alongside Master Quill.
    • Cosmic Dread: On Coruscant, Auteme helps Persephone Hero with her struggle against the overwhelming power she holds.
    • Stand With Me, Stand Against Me, Or Stand Aside: The New Jedi Order meets the Silver Jedi Council on Commenor. The discussion is heated, but in time the Jedi choose that collaboration for the future is the best path forward.
    • Slice of Life Day | Hindsight's 2020: Auteme celebrates Life Day with her friends at the Coruscant Temple.
    • A Belated Gift (Article): Auteme leaves a package for Jend-Ro.
    • la façon: Auteme talks fashion with the most fashionable of Senators, Seto Du Couteau.
    • Jump and Carry On: Collaborating with the First Order, Auteme negotiates with the Quarren of Mon Cala to get them to agree to evacuate.

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    The best doodle ever by Loske:

    A gorgeous Tarot card from Waddles:

    Other Art (definitely not mine):

  • Bag.
    Jedi Jumpsuit.

  • Hey there! This is an OOC zone, where I put my ideas and core writing components. Hopefully it helps you understand the character a little better, just as writing these things down will help me better shape and guide Auteme on her journey.

    Guiding Questions:

    • What is the nature of the Force?
      • Current Answer: "The Force is life, and to end life is to hurt the Force."
    • What is the best way to improve the galaxy?
      • Current Answer: "Lasting political and cultural change, one person at a time through compassion and nonviolence."
    • What is a Jedi?
      • Current Answer: "A Jedi is a force for good in the galaxy, and must use their power to work towards peace of self and others. How they achieve this is up to the individual."
    • Heal the galaxy.
    • Help her friends.
    • Bring about lasting peace, love, and kindness to the galaxy.
    Imagery, Diction, and Focus:
    • Auteme has a strong sense of self and thrives when given things to react to. Most posts are primarily composed of her own thoughts and connections to other things -- while I have yet to write it, Auteme practices a sort of mind palace to store information and organize herself, so that can be one interpretation of it.
    • I have not picked any particular imagery, but Auteme is quite attentive and observant. When in the natural world she notices everything around her and seeks to understand it better, while still appreciating the beauty of life.
    • Auteme tends to be a relatively passive character, but when called and committed to action she is focused and competent.
    • As her story continues she will grow more in tune with the Force, and more regularly call on it for guidance. She will sense the flow around her and better understand the nature of the galaxy.
    • While I had not initially intended it, the best inspiration -- and potential end goal for Auteme -- is the Legends character Fay, a Jedi Master so in tune with the Force that it kept her alive for hundreds of years, while she did its bidding by ending wars and bringing compassion and love to the hearts of others. This suggests that the true nature of the Force is one that supports life and seeks harmony and balance. Auteme leans towards this belief heavily. She is pure of heart and only rarely sways from her morals.
    • Under the traits section, Auteme has numerous tropes related to her. Second to the purity is her wisdom and intelligence. She is the archetypal smart guy; she always knows what needs to be known, but does not have the same combative skill set as many around her.
    • At her core, Auteme is still a teenager and is affected by a variety of mundane situations. As much as she tries to be kind and friendly, there are little ticks she has that keep her human and far from the often stoic and righteous Jedi.
    • Following the more mundane side of life in the Star Wars Galaxy, I did want to add a (small) lens of realism to Auteme's journey. She's become a medical student after realizing that being a Jedi doesn't actually qualify you for anything. She might be smart, and she might be a healer, but if people only take her seriously because of her position as a Jedi, it's just not right. Not everyone has the advantage of Force sensitivity and passing over their hard work is an insult. She's become dedicated to learning in a more traditional sense and garnering academic credibility such that no matter the situation she can do something to change the galaxy for the better.
    • Since overcoming most of her loneliness and inferiority issues, Auteme has effectively become a complete person. While moments of doubt still happen, they are more self-reflection than moments of crippling anxiety -- the world may be attempting to trick her into believing the lie, but Auteme never gives up on changing the world. Having overcome this, her arc has transitioned from a more positive arc to a flat arc. Rather than a protagonist, Auteme is an impact character. Her beliefs are very strong, and there is no lie for her to overcome. Instead she changes the world and characters around her rather than herself. The truth she believes is: "To do good is the only way to live, and the greatest good will be true peace. Everyone can help achieve that goal." Her answers to the core questions of the story will not change.
      • Change to Setting: As a Jedi far from the battlefield, Auteme makes her impact in the Senate and as a peacekeeper. In character she's already helped settle small conflicts on Wayland and on Peace Station. Now that she's become the official representative of the New Jedi Order to the Senate, she can have an impact throughout the GA and potentially beyond.
      • Change to Characters: Most of Auteme's time has been spent with other Jedi, and because they hold similar ideals to her she has not been able to change them much. But, her unwavering kindness, compassion, and support will help others get through difficult times. As a supporting character she's always helpful and rarely doubts the person she's supporting.
    To be continued!
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