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Private Next Generation | Celeste

if they're watching anyways


Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel

Auteme didn't really do vacations. She didn't have any problems with people who did, of course, but when she traveled she never thought of it in that way. After all, if she needed a break she'd go to the library to read fiction. To spend time in a foreign place without the complete intent to learn everything possible while there...

Sometimes she thought she was weird. Just a little bit. Very rarely. Then she thought everyone else was weird. Then, just everyone.

While Kattada was not high on her planets-to-visit list (top 500), she wouldn't dare waste a chance to study a unique ecosystem and landscape. Even ignoring the abundant aquatic life, the seas and beaches were beautiful. It was clear that the local economy was centered around the tourism industry. Resort planets only had the base facts so she hadn't been able to find out what caused the water to take a green hue until she landed and tested it herself. It appeared to be a nitrate-silicate compound, but she theorized it was actually a unique algae that fed off the compound. She'd test it further when she got back to the temple on Coruscant.

Then again, perhaps the new temple on Kattada could provide what she needed. That was why she was there, after all -- she knew Master Rigel was building a new community on Kattada, and she knew it'd be incredible. Auteme had had an immense respect for Celeste; she'd probably be a terrible healer if it weren't for the Silver Rest's Den Mother. She didn't know if the Jedi Master would be present, but it wouldn't hurt to visit. She had the week off. Vacation, right?

After she took her samples from the ocean she walked along the beach for around half an hour before making her way over to the new temple. She stopped outside when she arrived, looking up at the new facility.

"Can I live here?" She asked, to no one in particular. After that, she headed inside.
Celeste breathed out a sigh.

It was a content sigh, but it was also an exhausted sigh. She'd thought that one baby had been work, but two? Now, that just wasn't fair. Everything was double – feedings, diaper changes, crying fits. Of course, it was deeply rewarding, too. Celeste was rather proud of the fact that she'd survived this far. And double-nap-time was quite an achievement... when it happened.

Their new home here on Kattada was tranquil. From their dwelling, they had an unmatched view of the beach, ocean breezes, and the sway of palm trees. And it was finally starting to feel like home, too. Celeste had lived aboard Coren's ship for a year – while they had traveled the galaxy together – and then spent a short time on Commenor, where she'd given birth. Then, the whirlwind of change had brought her here.

Of course, Coren had done most of the heavy lifting when it came to overseeing the temple construction, it was more his project than hers – save for a healing center, that was all Celeste.

And she'd just received notification that a number of healing artifacts had arrived.

Today, she hoped to see that the therapeutic pool was filled, the meditation center was cleaned and prepped, and that the artifacts found good homes within their new halls. With Coren handling his projects, Celeste had one baby on each hip – bouncing them as she walked towards the door. She tucked them into a double-repulsor pram, and off they went.

As she entered the temple space, she lifted a brow when she noticed a new face.

Or rather, a familiar face. “Auteme?” she asked, walking over to the girl, pushing the pram along. “I thought that was you! How lovely to see you again.”

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
The vaulted ceiling, the modern architecture and facilities, the natural lighting -- Auteme was in love already. While the size of the building might've made it intimidating initially, the curves of the conical central complex eased newcomers into the Kattada Jedi Temple. The sparkling greens and blues that painted the walls were reminiscent of the sky and sea just outside the walls of the building.

Auteme was trying to place the style of architecture in her mind when her train of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice. She turned to face Celeste. The Jedi Master hadn't aged a day, and Auteme smiled as the woman approached. "Master Rigel! It's so good to see you again, I- are those your children?"

That sense of familiarity was tossed out the window. Celeste had had kids. A wedding ring, too? All of a sudden she realized how long it'd been. Well over a year, in fact, since they'd seen each other. Auteme wasn't exactly part of the woman's life; for some reason she'd been expecting a reunion where they could pick up where they left off. She could keep learning from Celeste and find comfort in that motherly presence.

But that was alright. Maybe they weren't the closest anymore, but she still had those memories. It wouldn't hurt to reconnect either. For the moment she stayed conservative, standing with an awkward tilt a few feet away from Celeste.
Celeste's good-natured smile only widened as Auteme asked about the babies she was pushing in the little pram. She gave a nod, and then aimed a fond look down at the little ones.

“Do you remember Master Coren Starchaser?” she asked, certain that Auteme would probably recognize the name. “We got married, and then took an extended honeymoon to explore the galaxy.”

Her absence from the Order explained rather simply. And now, she'd returned – but not as the Chief Healer of Silver Rest. Though, she did put in hours there as a healer when she could. But here on Kattada, home, she hoped to be able to work more... as much as she could with two infants.

“The girls were born just a few months ago, on Commenor,” she said with another nod. My, exactly how long had it been? Everything was such a blur, and some days her head was in such an exhausted fog. “Now, we're all settled here.”

She gestured to the temple interior. Celeste really didn't want to prattle on too much about herself, and turned her attention back to Auteme. The young woman seemed grown now, not that she hadn't been before. But Celeste still remembered the harrowing events of H'rrath, and how shaken the padawan had been after. Of course, she had adored all the padawans at Silver Rest, but she had been ever so fond of Auteme -- a padawan she'd liked to have taken for her own, had things been different.

“It's really good to see you. What have you been up to?” Celeste canted her head to the side, but then blinked. “Oh, I hope I'm not keeping you...”

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
"Oh, not at all. Not at all. I'm really just visiting, and honestly I'd been hoping to bump into you, because I'd heard you were around. But this," she said, gesturing to the children, "I'm very happy for you. I'm sure Coren is good to you."

She didn't know Coren Starchaser well -- or at all, really -- but she knew he was a prominent Jedi. The one time she'd met him, he'd taught her how to use and shape Force Light. When they met again she hoped to thank him for it. The technique was one she'd made her own, but without that initial push she wouldn't have achieved so much.

Celeste had done just as much for her; not just in guidance in the art of healing but the emotional support. The lifestyle of a Jedi wasn't one taken lightly. If it hadn't been for the words of the Jedi Master, Auteme wouldn't have been able to adjust as well as she had. It was just as inspiring to see that she could still do normal things like raise a family even with her role as a Jedi.

"Could I, um... try holding them?" She kept her hands close to her sides, as if nervous that she might suddenly reach out and grab the twin baby girls. She never got to hang out with kids anymore. The younglings at the Coruscant Temple had a habit of making fun of her, but she liked to think she was good with them. And, of course, she'd developed a near-perfect diet for human children to make sure their growth was good and timely. Maybe she'd give it, if Celeste asked.

No, that'd be bad.
Celeste gave Auteme a smile that almost seemed to glow. Indeed she was very happy. And she was rather touched that Auteme had thought of her.

“Of course,” she said with a small chuckle as Auteme asked to hold the twins.

Reaching down, she gently lifted one of the girls and cradled the infant in her arms for a moment before offering the baby to Auteme. “Here you go,” she said, in a higher tone – one used for cooing and saying utterly ridiculous things to babies.”This is Valerie.”

And she glanced to the little one in the pram that was just starting to fuss. “And this is Valora.”

It was quite fascinating having twins. Even at this age, the two babies had a deep bond that Celeste herself couldn't begin to fathom. Of course, the bond between mother and children was strong – but the little ones had something all their own.

“You will need to hold Valora next,” she said with a smile. “It's only fair! But, come along with us – I have a project starting and I could use your input.”

Taking Auteme through the temple, they came to an empty wing. There was an indoor pool, empty at the moment, too, and a number of rooms. “I'm in the process of creating a healing center here,” she began to explain. “Not quite the type of hospital setting like the Halls of Healing, but more of a rehabilitation facility – where people can come to rest, recover, and receive healing sessions.”

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
Auteme cradled little Valerie in her arms, beaming down at the baby girl. She tickled Valerie's chin, who grabbed at it with her little hands. Auteme felt like a grown up. That was pretty cool.

"They're beautiful." They certainly took after their mother.

It'd never really occurred to her that she might do the same. Children always seemed like a faraway thing. Celeste was, what, not even forty? Very young to be having children. If Auteme were to have children of her own, she'd probably wait until she was seventy or so. Perhaps she would adopt before then. She thought she'd make an excellent mom.

In the meantime she followed the Jedi Master through the temple, careful not to fumble the baby in her arms. They were very fragile; Auteme didn't want to be the reason for any long-lasting injuries. Celeste could probably heal them if anything happened. Given the nature of Force healing, perhaps it was possible to simply speed up the aging process...

No. They wouldn't be as adorable.

"Ooh, is the pool going to be therapeutic? Or maybe it'd have healing properties itself. The water here on Kattada is filled with interesting compounds and algae. If that doesn't work, maybe water from the Healing Ocean of Merisee? Water is really amazing." She blinked, as if awakening from the trance that was her tangent about healing water. She cleared her throat. "Um, but, this place is really cool."
Celeste only smiled when Auteme complimented the twins. They were rather cute, even if she was heavily biased. The girls had wispy brown hair like their mother, but they both had eyes like their father – Starchaser Blue. As they walked, she glanced sidelong at Auteme as she carried Valerie. She's a natural, Celeste thought with a small grin – but soon turned her attention ahead.

“Right you are,” she said, stepping up to the edge of the empty pool. “There are some healing springs here on Kattada, it will be filled with water straight from one of those sources. And I do plan to enrich it with healing water from Manaan.”

Sure, it wouldn't be as effective as a dip in kolto or bacta, but it would be such a good source of therapeutic exercise – and relaxation, too. She gestured to the crates that had been neatly stacked next to the building.

“Healing artifacts and décor were just delivered early this morning,” Celeste said, taking a seat on one of said crates and pulling the pram over with her. “I'd love your input, is there anything you think we should have here?”

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
Auteme nodded. Manaan was a good choice; kolto was an excellent healing plant but the minerals in Manaan's oceans were just as vital to it. It'd doubtless be beneficial for the body. Maybe the water or filters could be alchemized with healing powers. "I'll be sure to take a dip sometime."

She moved over with Celeste to take a seat, setting Valerie back in the pram. The baby kept grabbing at the air. Auteme just smiled.

"Well, it seems you've got quite a bit of stuff," she said, glancing at the many boxes in the room. "I mean, I'm assuming you'll have a tissue synthesizer, for cloning organs and stuff. Jedi have a bad habit of losing limbs. Bioscanners, analysis droids, all that... bacta tanks. Maybe a deprivation ritual chamber? Honestly space for healing meditation might be good if you've got any long-term patients. Gene therapy equipment, of course..."

She thought for a minute longer. "I suppose if you've got healing artifacts, though, that might be enough. A viral infection wing might be good."
Celeste smiled when Auteme placed Valerie back with her sister in the pram, and she rocked it slightly to help the girls settle once more. Turning slightly, she listened as Auteme listed the important items that should be present at the healing center. Celeste nodded as if checking things off a mental list.

“I do have some artifacts,” She replied with a nod, also noting a viral infection wing. Yes, that may be a useful addition. While it was often difficult to fathom such an event where it would be needed, she did wish to tread on the side of being overly prepared. Ready for anything. “Though, it's been quite a process, it is all coming together.

With a small sigh, she looked around.

Indeed it was nice, but it was missing something. For some time, she'd been unable to quite put her finger on it. But now, it flashed before her eyes.

“It would have been nice to have a healing crystal of fire,” she said, gaze drifting off towards the building where they could house it. “You know, just like at the Halls of Healing.”

The patients there seemed to recover so very well in its presence. “But, perhaps it is something which could be acquired in the future.” Celeste shrugged slightly.

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
Auteme's eyes lit up at the mention of such an esoteric item. The Healing Crystals of Fire had been lost long ago, as far as she knew. But an expedition to find them again would be worthwhile. The little Auteme that inhabited the great big library of her mind wandered into the stacks to find any information that might give her a lead. With how many rakghouls there'd been lately, . "Yeah, that'd be amazing... I mean, their power was supposed to be even greater than the best Jedi healers."

There was a short pause. Part of her would love to dive deeper into all the nerd stuff; her theories about where they could find the crystals, more recommendations about things to bring in, or talk about the leading edge of new medical technologies. While Celeste was intelligent, Auteme had begun to realize her interests and studies were best left on the side. Many of her friends weren't as 'intellectually stimulated' as she was.

"So... what's being married like?" Auteme probably wouldn't know for a long while, if ever. It wasn't high on her priorities. "And having kids."

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