Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Acta Non Verba | RTL Populate of Seswenna


Elias Edo Elias Edo Saram Kote Saram Kote Django Parata Django Parata Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural
Varos Dajaay Varos Dajaay
EQUIPMENT: Beskar'gam Westar M5 Carbine w. underslung grenade launcher 2x 6M Hybrid Pistols Model 7 Shotgun

"Su'cuy'gar, vod, name's Krenis Skirata," Krenis replied with a nod to Saram and the other Mandalorians as he and Django arrived. "More than ready." He growled in the back of his throat and mimicked spitting on the floor. "Fething imperial scum."

His voice was taut while his eyes burned. "They're all the same." He paused to double-check his pistol holsters and secured the shotgun to the back of his armor, while the carbine hung on a sling around his shoulders. The squad of Cometeers gathered around him and Django.

"Let's get mounted up," Krenis called back to the small squad behind him, nodding to the volunteers. "Where do you want us, Al'verde? We'll get strapped in and ready to launch when you're ready."

It was odd not being in command, but that was what happened when he resigned his commission and went private to lead a privateering company. While technically, he still held a reserve commission as an advisor for the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, which was irrelevant here. This was no place for a light infantry special forces regiment. He needed the brawlers and fighters of the Cometeers who had spent their adult life fighting on stations and working in zero gravity.

He could practically feel their eagerness around them. They reminded him of shinies, but these men and women were older and already more experienced than the clones who were fighting their first battle.

Krenis hadn't been paying much attention to the work of the Suarbi defense forces to know what they were thinking, but he had heard rumors of some skepticism towards the volunteer brigade. Militia marines sounded to many like an absurd concept, but Krenis felt they'd be effective. They needed to prove themselves, not just to the rest of Suarbi's defense forces, but to the galaxy that the intergalactic roughnecks weren't just brawlers and stains on polite society.

They were critical parts of the League's society, of Outer Rim society even, with millions of them spread across the mining and prospecting worlds of the Outer Rim, all with plenty of resilience and grit, just ready to prove their worth. Even if not in the Cometeers, the Underground could always welcome them, and they were more than capable of wreaking havoc in the Sith territory.

"Let's get mounted up. Where do you want us?" He nodded towards Saram.

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Krenis Skirata Krenis Skirata Saram Kote Saram Kote

Django did not speak the Mandalorian language. It was not one of the languages loaded into his mind when he was being incubated in that test tube ten years ago. Might be worth learning, but he caught the gist of the introductions. "Django Parata. That's Django, not Jango," he added with a chuckle. So many couldn't tell the subtle difference.
He could also tell the Strill Mando was in charge, despite "Uncle" Krenis (he only chuckled inwardly at this thought) having once been a colonel. Not that it mattered to him who was in charge. He planned to learn as much as he could from all of these experienced veterans. "I guess you could say they're going to see their final dawn," he added with a grin.
He made sure to re-check all his equipment. His armored vacsuit wasn't made of beskar like the Mandos', but he didn't really need it to be. He didn't really need armor at all, but it helped designate him as with the League, as did the tactical poncho he wore over it. Then there was the two pistols holstered to either hip and the shotgun and rifle strapped to his back - all functioning and ready, with plenty of power packs on his utility belt and in his poncho. He also packed some CryoBan grenades, just in case. Never knew when you needed to put out a fire, plus they worked on enemies.
Everything was good to go. He followed Krenis towards where Saram Kote directed them. There was a slight itching in the back of Django's brain. Almost time for the fun to begin.


Allies: RTL, Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul
Enemies: Final Dawn, Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

"Sir, we're detecting movement from the shipyard. It appears they're releasing the Destroyer. No, dropping it."

A momentary look of shock came over High Admiral Seveirum's face, but that shock quickly passed. Of course anyone who would throw their lot in with the Maw obviously held little value for things like honor, and wouldn't balk at the concept of enormous civilian casualties. The High Admiral wasted no time in giving his next command. "Bring in the Cantwells. Prepare for the reinforcements, and launch the Raiders." In no time a trio of aging Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruisers exited hyperspace and began making a beeline for the shipyard. They had been prepared for a situation like this, the Arrestors on standby a short jump away, because there was one fact of life that Dantius understood all too well: desperate men will do desperate things in desperate times.

Three of the Authority's Escolta-Class frigates moved position to provide escort to the Cantwells as they made their approach, keeping the old ships protected with their point-defense guns and missile defenses. "Divert all weapon power to tractor beams!" From the Cantwells all of their tractor beams, nine in total between the three of them, were activated at full power, determined to catch the falling Star Destroyer. Normally customs or patrol vessels, today the Cantwells would be pressed into the role of tug. Dantius transmitted over comms to Admiral Sacul,
"Admiral Sacul, my Cantwells are attempting to halt the descent of the Destroyer with their combined tractor beams. No doubt the Dawn has something nasty hidden inside. We're going to attempt to remove the Destroyer from the field, but they'll need an escape vector to make the jump out."

Dantius surveyed the battle, watching the deployment of the droves of starfighters from both the Eriaduan and the League vessels to clash with the Dawn. Too many to count with the naked eye. Even though the TIEs that Eriadu utilized came with shields Dantius still admired the bravery of the pilots flying little more than a pod between wings, essentially flying targets. He was too old now to think about doing such things himself.

"Jester One to Wild Knight One, roger that. Moving to hit turrets and draw fire as well as we can on the first pass, once we do that, well use their fire to help clear out other enemy forces." Switching comms back to squadron wide only, Kurayami addressed his three wingman. "Alright Jesters, look alive, we are closing to attack range, make sure your warheads are hot and let's hit those turrets hard and fast. Save at least one pair of warheads for the power cells. Engage."

He kept the channel open but let it go silent, as the four of them rolled in nearly perfect unison out of the way of incoming fire from a point defense turret, which quickly went up in a ball of flame as Kurayami and Jester two fired on it. The next, larger turret, one of the main targets for the squadron was far more well shielded and even with a long burst from his lasers and ion cannons, as well as the cannons of all three squadmates, it managed to stay standing, though with severe damage after the first pass. It wasn't able to traverse as quickly as before so that was a minor win. For the moment they would focus on the anti-starfighter defenses that were scattered and take those out one by one. It was not a quick process and would be made all the more chaotic once the Final Dawn starfighters entered the fray. He kept an eye on his sensors and paid mind to his senses in the Force for any changes in the feel of the battle as it stood. Certainly not a perfect plan, but it was better than nothing.

During the attack transmissions were heard mentioning that a star destroyer had been dropped towards a population center. The Corellian shook his head at the cowardly tactic. Only a real bastard and someone devoid of any level of sense or morality would even consider such an act. He was sure that the piece of shit had some equally low justification of their motivation. Something along the lines of the fact the RTL attacked them without provocation or whatever.

"Jesters, any Final Dawn fighter you engage, make sure it is destroyed. Do not let a single one limp away. For every life they aim to take we shall make them bleed double. Jester one out."

He had no doubt that along with the skill of the Wild Knights and others present, that the shipyards would present far less of an issue than originally thought. It was slowly becoming clear that slowly, the defenses were being chipped away.





"Sir we have received word from Seswenna. A large Rimward Trade League Battlegroup has arrived at the system."

Standing on the bridge of his Flagship, Director-Admiral Dorian Sevenar was deep in thought as his Fleet prepared for Battle. Over Thirty Capital Ships and a little over two dozen smaller support ships had been deployed for the operation and yet some part of him still thought that it would still not be enough. Choosing to fight the League rather then withdraw was a huge risk on the part of the Final Dawn, although it still represented the perfect opportunity to prove themselves once more that they were still a force to be reckoned with in the Galaxy, especially with the Galactic Alliance perceiving them as an Insignificant Power in geopolitical affairs.

While it was agreed that a decisive victory was something they could not be achieved it was imperative that the Final Dawn deprived the Trade League of such a victory by maximizing both Military and Civilian casualties and making them unwilling to pursue the Final Dawn any further, while not an overwhelming display of power it would still be enough to prove that the Final Dawn was still capable of standing on its two feet in the face of larger powers.

"How big is this Battlegroup?"

"It's spearheaded by a single Star Dreadnought and consists of over Seventy Warships evenly split into Capital Ships and Support Ships."

"Seventy Warships…" Sevenar muttered to himself. He was expecting the Trade League to deploy a considerable amount of Military assets to confront the Final Dawn but never had he expected them to deploy such a massive armada, and lead by a Star Dreadnought no less. Even the Final Dawn hadn't deployed such a large armada in battle even during massive battles such as Tython, Exegol and Csilla. This only further proved that they were no different from the Galactic Alliance in the Core Worlds, first proposing one sided deals that only benefited them and now attacking them with no prior provocation with overwhelming force, overcommitting their military forces just to destroy a singular enemy. However the Final Dawn had faced such odds before and emerged victorious multiple times against the GADF and Sevenar expected this battle to be no different.

"Contact Admiral Tide." Sevenar ordered.

He proceeded to walk towards the Hologram Pod at the foyer of the bridge as the holographic image of a man wearing a Neo-Imperial Naval Uniform appeared upon his arrival at the Console. " Is this true? Seventy Warships including a minimum of Thirty Capital Ships and Support Ships each and a Star Dreadnought?" the Admiral inquired upon seeing Sevenar's face.

"Indeed it is true. It seems that our friends in the League are very determined to see our Shipyards destroyed."

"But is such a force even necessary to destroy such a facility especially when it only possesses a small fleet."

"Our Intel suggests they weren't aware of our changes to the Shipyards Defenses and still assume we still had a considerable amount of defenses there, not to mention this is typical behavior from democratic powers like the League and the Alliance. In the end the size of their fleet doesn't matter. We have faced lower odds than that and have won. Today will be no different, Admiral."

"Glory to the Final Dawn". The Admiral said as proceeded to raise his left arm to do a Neo-Imperial salute

"Glory to the Final Dawn" Sevenar responded also proceeding to salute with his left arm

Once the transmission with Admiral Tide ended, Sevenar proceeded to return back to the bridge where he proceeded to address the Senior Navigation Officer

"Set course to Seswenna. The Trade League has revealed their cards and now it is time we stepped in to remind them what happens when you cross the Final Dawn." Sevenar ordered.

Within the next few minutes the entire Fleet gathered at Adras began organizing itself, moving into formation as they readied themselves for battle before eventually jumping into hyperspace headed to Seswenna to face the Trade League and their Cronies, determined to secure the Shipyards while dealing a blow to their fleet. The future of the Final Dawn as a Significant Power in the Galaxy was at stake and it was imperative that they succeeded less they embolden their enemies at the risk of their own integrity.

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Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Xam Jubb Xam Jubb

"I see... Can't say I'm surprised. Just like those savages to try something like that. No worries, though. We're more than prepared for something even that scale. Defenses are ready. Keep me posted."
Corbin looked up at the sky from where he stood in the city. There was still too much daylight to see anything that might be coming through the atmosphere. But the civilians were hunkered down in their homes, and the defense shields were ready and being deployed. There was little to be worried about, especially with the tractor beams in place to pull the destroyer away. And Corbin was here as the last line of defense, if it came down to it. If need be, he'd give everything he had, even his own life, to protect these people. And he was confident that he could. That they could - and would. He summoned his armor around him and jumped up onto the top of his freighter. Reaching out through his ship with the force, he took control and flew it up a little above the city. An amplified view through his visor, in addition to the extra height bringing him closer, allowed him to just make out what was happening with the falling SD. He crossed his arms and waited with a grin hidden behind his helmet. He had no doubts whatsoever.



Location: Seswenna Surface
Equipment: Skinsuit, Jacket, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Magno-grip boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown, The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Vehicle: Speeder Bike
Tags: Xam Jubb Xam Jubb Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

And waiting had paid off.

At least in some respects it had. The initial appearance of the League vessels drawing a silent cheer from her as her arm pumped in the clear sign she'd been waiting on. A button pressed as the Launcher aimed skyward. Giving her all of five seconds to get clear. Her legs swept to the side, carrying her a distance before the Ion Flare ripped skyward.

Her gaze following it as it rose above the city skyline with a howling scream and deep green color before erupting into a cloud.

The signal to engage the defensive systems was set.

As if the preamble to the fighting wasn't enough overhead. A little more haste than caution had her hopping back on the bike and engaging with Jingles.

"Alright, lock onto my signal. Send the messages to all local authorities to get the message across and make sure the signal to the civic centers goes through also." The Speeder Bike whirled to life as she spoke, twisting in place as she headed down the ramp and back out to the causeway.

Communications have been sent. The AI informed her, earning a slight nod from the Zeltron as Jingles continued. There has been a complication.

"Whatdya mean?" The wind whipping at her hair as the local Speeder Bike cop had switched from tailing her to directing civilians and traffic along emergency routes.

There has been a development on the scanners. A large body has begun moving into atmosphere. Lossa scrunched her brow as she spared a glance to her wrist computer and frowned.

"That's. That's not part of the plan." Finally finding words to push through the confusion.

It was released from the station over Seswenna. It will impact at an unknown time. She sighed, finally clearing the cities bigger buildings until there was enough room for the Skiptown to do its thing.

"Just. Focus on picking me up, and then we'll figure that out." A confirming blip as the communication was cut off. She wanted to scratch her head. Have time to figure out what was happening, but noone had time for that kind of thing it seemed.

The Skiptown came into view overhead. Passing her over as she slowed and watched the large vessel struggle to reverse thrusters and maintain altitude.

A frown forming at the thought of an organic attempting the maneuver with the rather cumbersome vessel as the loading ramp opened.

Back and forth, working the accelerator as nerves slowly settled to attempt loading onto the moving ship. They didn't exactly have time to stop and dither with what was overhead.

The bike jumped forward onto the ramp and into the hold, hitting the brake before she could slam into the waiting surprise in her cargo hold.

"Close it up Jingles." The AI confirming her choice as the ramp lurched shut. The bike was pulled forward towards the access door, maneuvering between the containers of explosives until it reached the back of the container and entered the lower hold of the ship.

Ensuring the bulkhead was closed, she raced up the ladder and through the center of the vessel until she found the pilots seat swung around waiting for her.

Sliding into it, she donned the headset and tapped into the communication line for the ground RTL forces helping with setup.

<"Alright folks, seems the Final Dawn is throwing something at the planet. Get your systems up and going. Force only knows what's inside the thing."> The line left open as she settled into the seat before taking over the controls.

"Jingles, get the guns going and patch us into the League comms overhead if you can. I don't want to test the shield below if we can." Her ear abuzz with the sound of local comms going ballistic. Her eyes rolling at the chaos and holding the earpiece wide for a moment. The volume control slid down to a more manageable level as she tapped the display and began to scan the incoming mass.

Another ship was in atmosphere, seeming to wait on the falling body as she sent a message their way.

<"Oy oy. Skiptown coming near. You with the League?">


Fleet: Keros' Kad, 2x Shield-class Escort Cruiser, 4x Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvette, 2x HF-3 Aran squadrons, 4x CST Toscan 8-R squadrons, 4x GF-4 Stinger squadrons, 2x GF-2B Super TwinTail squadrons, 2x Directorate "Ghost" Viper squadrons

Vaux would be prepping her Twintail as the alarms of the Kad blared. Blue light flashing. Revertion launch coming. Vaux grabbed her helmet and quickly start to climb in her blood red fighter. "Get everyone ready for the black! Move move!" As she jumped in, the Mandalorian would start getting things ready before hitting the throttle once the blue shifted to green. She took a breath, looking through the hanger for the blue cloud of hyperspace to become space. The moment she saw space and the greenlight, Vaux punched it! He fighter sprang through the forward facing hanger. She felt the thrust push her into the seat, as many fighters came pouring out of the larger assault destroyer. Along with this, the Gred fighters that had them would quickly open their s-foils.

"Valta and Nexu squadrons, stay near the fleet. Everyone watch your vectors and keep clear of Keros' Kad's forward vector. Though HPCs'll be hot." Some comm signals would then come in from the big ship, which caught the pilots attention.

"All fighters, we're picking up a lot of signals. Looks like the RTL's already in the thick of it. Just watch yourselves."

"Nothing else, Admiral?"

"I'm not doing the storm thing CT, just get to it, and watch the forward vector." Vaux just rolled here eyes a bit, looking back at the comms.

"We're on it." She then quickly swapped to an RTL frequency. "League pilots this is CT. Anyone call for a light extra fighter support."

At the same time, Kaddie was handling comms traffic with the larger RTL fleet as the Mandalorian vessel started moving a bit closer. "League fleet, this is Keros' Kad A.I. Just tell us where you need us and we'll be ready to provide heavy fire support. We have four HPCs to knock a few doors if needed even from this range."

Dantius Seveirum Dantius Seveirum Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr Roth Tillian Roth Tillian Vera Tillian Vera Tillian


Allies: RTL, Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul
Enemies: Final Dawn, Joseph Torson Joseph Torson , Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar
"High Admiral sir, we're detecting fleet movement in the Adras system."

"Exactly as expected. Inform Force Besh they have the green light."

"Understood. Force Besh, you're clear to initiate jumps."

"Roger that. Seswenna Aeternum."

Over Eriadu, fleet movements of their own began to take action. A contingent of Star Destroyers likely assumed to be remaining over the world as part of its defense fleet engaged their thrusters and prepared to launch into hyperspace. Three Intercessor-class Star Destroyers and five Pellaeon-IIIs, along with a third Alveare carrier began to make their jumps in groups. First three of the Pellaeons, the Alveare, and one of the Intercessors departed, then the remaining two Intercessor and two Pellaeons would follow minutes later.
"Force Besh have initiated their hyperdrives and will be here shortly." The communications offer relayed to Dantius, and the High Admiral nodded in response. "Engage interdiction fields, and be prepared to disable them as soon as they arrive." The slightest hint of a smile crept its way across Dantius' lips. Ironic, that a tactic once used by the New Republic against Imperials would now find itself being utilized by Imperials themselves. With the right timing, Eriadu's reinforcements would catch the Dawn's reinforcements from behind, catching them between a rock and a hard place.

In patient meditation Sargon watched the stars on the winds of the Force without worry or care. It had been awhile since he had done this, but things were stabler then they once were and large scale death not quite as prevalent. He had no faith it would last considering the last few decades, but still it was a glimmer of hope and peace for the galaxy. Yet something at the edge of his thoughts seemed to flicker like a candle's flame wavering under a breeze.

At first he thought it was just another sign of change with his relationship to the living Force, and yet it didn't feel that way. It felt wrong. Stumbling over that thought again and again he brought his mind to bear upon it. Something was wrong, and it was close by him. For not the first time he kicked himself internally for not keeping up to date knowledge on well, anything. Politics, standings, military movements, or feth even just more research into this new Rim government.

Opening his eyes he could still feel it just at the edge beckoning him. He didn't know what, but he could see where and it was fairly close by. He'd been on route to the Rimward Trade League's territory. What he would do there he still wasn't sure, but he'd made a decision to obey the will of the Force and rejoin the galaxy. A part of that was finding purpose again beyond simply floating and existing. He hoped to find some of that purpose out here in the Rim and beyond once more.

Yet he was being drawn to an area outside of their territory, and he didn't know why. As he stepped into the cockpit he realized he'd already made whatever choices had been laid before him. He would trust in the Force.

"Mikey, take us into Seswenna space, but be cautious and stay towards the outlaying area from the planet."

He still had trouble adjusting to his pilot droid's self given name. He didn't mind that Mikey had chosen one he just really didn't understand where he'd got it from. Then again it was always watching holo vids and dramas so who knew. It was likely Sargon's fault anyway, it's not like the droid got much socialization to broaden it's horizons.

"Roger, calculating route and redirecting." It chirped out, but it's head tilted to the left as a sensor looked up at the Iridonian. He answered with a shrug, he didn't know why they were going there either. At first they'd Mikey had truly disliked that answer, in time though he'd learned to accept and trust the Iridonian. After all outside of a stagnating social life it lived a pretty good life for a droid.

After a short bit it reached for the lever to pull them out of hyperspace and Sargon felt it just before he could see it. Life in abundance bloomed around the planet on a single front. The sensors started pilling up readings as soon as they exited and in the distance he could see the lights and shadows among the stars of capital ships. Lots of capital ships.

Another chirp, higher in tone from the last spoke up immediately. "Rerouting and pulling us out, give me just a moment to calculate."

Sargon placed his hand over the droid's just as quickly though and shook his head. "Wait, we're safe back here and away from the battlefront. Besides we'd likely just get stuck in an interdiction field somewhere and then we really would be trapped in the middle of whatever this is. Just put up a civilian broadcast and stay away from the battle. Whatever is going on we're not the fish they were hoping to fry."

With dissatisfied beeps the Iridonian felt sure was the pilot cursing about the situation it obeyed. Watching patiently as things began to play out with his eyes, sensors and most potently the Force he gauged the opening of the naval battle. An attack on a shipyard, and yet he wasn't even sure who's shipyard it was. He truly was dangerously uniformed at this point. Yet as the partially constructed Star Destroyer's engines exploded sending it careening down into the planet surface he really didn't need to know exactly who it was. There was also precious little and really just nothing he could do about it.

Military plans were great on the drawing board, but on the field they were in constant movement and flux. Anything Sargon did could bring additional chaos, though likely with a small freighter armed like any other civilian ship it would be pointlessly little chaos. Add to it that it would likely lead to his ship being vaporized by either side as an unknown, well, there simply wasn't a lot of good options.

"Rimward ships no? Well I suppose you found the shortest route to them, but a warning would have been nice." The chirps broke his train of thoughts as the pilot droid began to complain again. This time though the Iridonian really couldn't blame him. What were they doing here? He still felt something though in the Force. Perhaps he was just here to watch, or perhaps a moment would come when he could help. At least that's what he hoped.

"Keep us at a distance and steady, but be prepared to move if someone starts targeting civilian craft. I'll be in the garden."

As he stepped through the doors he could already hear the chirping complaining continue. "Oh great time to meditation, master. Truly inspiring." Where in the name of the Force was it learning so much fething sarcasm?

Battle meditation was funny thing, a good part of the results were based on trust. If those you tried to help didn't trust you or your support the effects were greatly reduced in his experience. The coordination factor was more limited, and any true mind meld to quickly get information across become impossible. It was still of some use, and if even for a moment it gave an edge he'd have at least done something to fight something that decided the best way to fight was to slaughter the innocent. He knew he was no great moral authority on civilian casualties, they happened in war. This was different though. There was no great military center of power where that ship seemed to be headed, just an abounding amount of sentient life. This wasn't about winning a battle, just a statement and punishment.

Crossing his legs beneath him Sargon felt the winds of the Force lift up his mind and attempted for the first time in a long time to reach out and support an enormous amount of life and movement. He didn't worry about being rusty, or even exactly where to try and support. He just trusted the Force and followed where it lead his mind. A part of him wanted to ask him what in Sith spit he was doing, but he emptied his cup and quieted that part. He'd been called here for a reason, perhaps this was it. The other distinct possibility is he was just going to get them all killed in the chaos of war.

Dantius Seveirum Dantius Seveirum Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Krenis Skirata Krenis Skirata Django Parata Django Parata Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul and I'm sure I'll have to update this apologies
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Location: Seswenna Military Shipyards
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Objective: Protect the Shipyards
Allies: FD ( Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar )
Enemies: RTL ( Dantius Seveirum Dantius Seveirum Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr Roth Tillian Roth Tillian Vera Tillian Vera Tillian Vaux Gred Vaux Gred )

Electra-12 gritted her teeth as her TIE accelerated into the void, the Gs wracking her body before the inertial compensators caught up to relieve her of the strain. With a deep breath, the strand-cast swept her gaze across the void outside of her viewport, taking in the massive formation of League ships in the distance as they advanced on the shipyards.

In much the same way, it was like those battles against the Galactic Alliance. And yet, these were odds the Final Dawn had triumphed against before. They could do so again, even without the support of the Maw.

“This is Nacheria Seven, reporting in with Crimson Linings.” The strand-cast said over comms. Once she had received her tasking, she pulled back on the yoke and angled her TIE towards the trio of Cantwell-class cruisers ( Dantius Seveirum Dantius Seveirum ) which had just emerged from hyperspace. After laying in a course, she punched her TIE’s SubLight Acceleration Motor, initiating a sudden burst of speed and acceleration that quickly drew her closer to the three cruisers.

But not too close.

Deactivating the SLAM, the strand-cast coasted in via momentum as she activated the stealth systems, rendering her TIE invisible to most sensors and the naked eye. Before long, she was within weapons’ range of the lead cruiser, at which point her cloak dropped and suddenly, a veritable lightshow of firepower was unleashed from her TIE’s ten heavy and light beam cannons, followed by a salvo from the twin disruptor cannons and a volley of two concussion missiles.

A textbook alpha strike, targeting the cruiser’s bridge.


Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Xam grunted as he glanced up, hearing some chatter rippling through the channels. Things had begun to take action in orbit, but nothing he had picked up on the Development Corps channels, which was unsurprising. They predated the formation of the League and many of their communications systems did as well.

But then the flare fired into the sky and the more specific message came through. "Feth," Xam grunted and stared down at the technicians. "Get that finished now." Something shifted in his mind and Xam frowned for a moment, glancing up at the sky. It felt almost like something was guiding them with more efficiency and tying concepts together more rapidly than before.

They nodded and flung themselves at the task, stripping the cables and splicing them together as Xam paced back and forth. "There!" One of the technicians stood up and jammed the cable into the generator.

Xam returned to the console and stared at the controls. "Engage power generators." The bustle paused momentarily as the crew moved into position and flipped the levers and switches. The generator hissed to life and sent vibrations through the soles of his boots. He glanced up, studying the warehouse roof.

It was a massive old structure with a retracting roof and the gears ground through the walls, pulling it back. The vibration through the floor increased as the generator came to life. A high whistle came echoed through the walls of the building.

"Ear protection!" Xam called, cupping one hand around his mouth and sliding protective muffs around his own head. A beam of energy rippled up from the generator and flung itself upward and outward as the WorldArmor9 Planetary Shield rippled to life across the city. Xam glanced down at the datapad in his hand as lights and dots flickered across the planetary display, indicating the other generators coming to life.
Even though the blood pounded in her ears, Vera had to admire the sight from the rear viewports as her small flotilla spread out in front of the battlelines. Behind her, the League fleet dropped out of hyperspace in formation. Multiple of the massive Remittances forming the core of the battle lines, surrounded by smaller cruisers and frigates, while even further back, she could see the Reliant and the Speranza. Off to the flank, she could see the Star Destroyers of Eriadu. That sight made her gut twist. Usually, ships like those were shooting at her family. Hopefully this would give Eriadu a chance to reconsider their adherence to long-dead despots.

But she shook her head and focused on the tactical screen, listening as the bridge crew read off sensor readings and adjustments.

"Fighters deployed-" one was saying.

"Explosions detected-" another was practically yelling.

"That hulk is falling?" Those words, taut and high, cut across the rest of the bridge's sounds, letting a silence broken only by the general quarters signal to fall across them.

Vera's eyes snapped to the viewport. Not that she could really see what was happening. The range was still massive, far beyond unaided human eyesight. She remained quiet, listening for further updates.

"Eriadu Cantwells have arrived, tractor beams focusing on the falling vessel- that's a lone fighter attack?"

Vera frowned. "How did it get past our pickets and the point defense?"

"Some sort of stealth system," one of the junior tactical officers said, "We picked up nothing on the battlenet sensors- the Q fleet may have something, but their sensors aren't nearly as fast as ours."

"Tactical assessment?" Vera responded instantly, gauging the layout of her flotilla. They were, more or less, as protected as one could be from a stealth fighter attack.

"Profile resembles attack seen at the incident over Denab against the Sith raiders- stealth to get into point blank range and then heavy firepower assault."

"Damage assessment on the tractor beams?" Vera's mind raced, calculating the probabilities and odds as information was relayed a thousand directions by the dozens of warships in the system.

"Uncertain; we can't see from here."

The solution was simple- the tractor beams had to be maintained until the ships could pull the hulk out of orbit where it won't crash into the planet.

"Contact fleet command," Vera said, her words coming quick. "Requesting permission to redeploy the vanguard to help cover the flanks of the Cantwells."

"Aye, captain," the reply came. "Speranza, this is Vanguard Actual requesting permission to redeploy to cover the Cantwell flanks from further fighter assault."


Lasers had begun to flash across the black as Jester Squadron dove against the enemy defenses, while the rest of the Q fighters hurtled forwards behind Roth. He could make out the leading squadrons out of the corner of the cockpit. Garbled transmissions cut through the channels and Roth frowned deeply and adjusted the frequency tuners to ensure the correct codes.

He glanced ahead and bit back a curse. The garbled comms weren't necessary. It was evident what was happening as the hull of the unfinished warship they'd been watching detached from the shipyards and began to fall toward the planet below. Roth toggled the comm channel as several old tractor-beam ships from Eriadu appeared. So, the three weeks of waiting and watching had been worth it. When the ship had arrived, there'd been a fair bit of suspicion, so he was glad the preparations had paid off.

"I read you, Jester One- we have a chance in priority," Roth glanced down at his tactical display, assessing who else had deployed, "CT and Kyrr as well; we have to protect those Cantwells."

Too late. A stealth fighter had already slipped past the defenses and assaulted one of ships, its shape growing larger and larger in the cockpit as the sole fighter hurtled forward. "Q-Fighters, remain on target- take out those defense ships. Focus your fire on the pocket destroyers- the fleet cruisers will clean out the rest."

He rolled the throttle over, listening to the messages bouncing back from the fleet. "Jester, Kyrr, CT, we need to blow a gap in the Dawn's lines so the tractors can haul that hulk out of there. Kyrr, move to engage that fighter if you can. Jester and CT, we need to make sure none of the fighters launching from the defense ships can proceed to join the engagement."

The engagement was truly beginning behind him as the first of the Surrel squadrons hurtled toward the engines of the defense ships, while the assault fighters hung back and kept up heavy, long-range fire from the railguns at the sterns of the two biggest ships. The bombers hung back for now as the Surrels darted in to engage with the deploying fighters, aiming to catch as many in the hangar as possible. Lasers and torpedoes streaked out towards the largest two ships, concentrated torpedo salvoes aimed at hangar bays, shield generators, and engines, while streams of lasers flashed through the black of space, aiming to take out guns facing the wrong way and fighters just beginning to deploy.

"Assault is a go!" Roth called into the command channel. "Defense ships engaged, station engaged." He tightened his safety straps for a moment and studied the scene. "We'll clear a path for the tugs and the assault boats."

As he spoke, he felt something familiar, yet unknown. It was a presence in the Force, flowing freely through the Force. Not one he recognized, but there was something of the Light about it. Roth wasn't sure who that was, but he wouldn't turn down someone else's battle meditation.

"Pilots, we have a Jedi friend doing battle meditation," Roth said quickly, letting his breath out slowly as he opened his mind and shared the experience, letting his own battle meditation reach out in complement to the first, stretching out further to include the fighter squadrons around him, and the stealth infiltrators aboard the shipyard and its attached vessels. Several, he suspected, were Jedi Coalition folks, although not ones he thought he had ever met. But he would try and act as a bridge between this new Jedi out there and the ones infiltrating the hostile station, tying the many elements of the operation together to work in unison and harmony, surpassing their already impressive component elements.
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Xam Jubb Xam Jubb


<"Oy oy. Skiptown coming near. You with the League?">
Corbin could feel the presence of the Jedi getting closer as he stood there on top of his ship. He vaguely recognized the presence, but it wasn't someone he knew well. She wouldn't be able to tell who he was at all, and his armor likely blended into the black of his ship. <This is Corbin Vasher,> he radioed back. <I believe we briefly met on Dagobah. I'm the one with the black, raven-themed Mandalorian armor.>
He paused as he felt another ripple in the Force, this time from the Force Meld of several individuals. The presence of the person from whence it originated also seem slightly familiar, though Corbin couldn't quite place it at that moment. He grinned. <You feel that? Might as add a little boost of Valor as well.> He joined the Meld, channeling his excitement and confidence into all his allies. It would pass along through the Force Meld and radiate out, potentially affecting most, if not all, of his comrades.

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Wearing: Wild Knights Flight Suit

Armed with: Lysandra's Pike

Susevfi, 4 days prior...

Nathan Bloodscrawl lay on the operating table, the Soldier Biots under the control of Vera operating on him after an injury from a recent duel against Alessandra Io Alessandra Io .

He had been blinded. In spite of the damage that had been inflicted. His daughter's androids were absolutely deadly. Fighting just one had pushed him to his limits. He didn't even want to think what would happen if a group of them had ganged up on him.

It wasn't his first time being blinded. He had lost his eyes when Castle Bloodscrawl had fallen. He'd had to resort to prosthetics provided by his Master, Moya De Lifte.

The new eyes were not all that different from his old ones. Same quality. He'd forgotten how used to such a way of seeing he was. He hadn't taken anesthetics, preferring to keep himself alert and still despite the intense pain he was in by having the biot known as Dulcinea operating on him.

For a long time, all he heard as he lay on the operating table aboard the Valley Forge was the whir of the machines as they were painfully connected to his optical nerves. Dulcinea, clad in a gold armor weave catsuit covered by surgical scrubs, at last stepped away from the table.

"All done, Mister Hardcore."

"Mirror." he requested.

(Cutaway of Jack Nicholson laughing madly when he sees his reflection)

Dulcinea handed him a small hand mirror. He stared. They looked tell tale glow from the eyes. Even had his shade of green in the irises.

"Thanks, Dulcy." Nathan replied, wincing as he at up and got off the table.

"You need rest. Doctor's orders..." Dulcinea replied."

"I can rest when I'm dead..." He replied in a gruff tone, face freezing back to it's normal, eternally grim countenance.

Her Android hand seized him by the shoulder.

"Doctor's. Orders." she repeated.

"Like you're licensed..." He grumbled but complied.

Dulcinea huffed, hands going to her hips.

"I'll have you know I downloaded all the relevant files this morning. And I got my license."

"Online Degree? Real confidence booster." Nathan muttered in typically acidic tone.

"Did I avoid lobotomizing you or not?" Dulcinea inquired crossly.

Nathan shrugged, dismissive.

"Point taken."

"So, you gonna hit Seswenna?" Dulcinea asked as she began sterilizing her surgical equipment.

"Yeah. Roth Tillian Roth Tillian had me running drills with a buncha noobs--"

He stopped, grimacing.

"She's here."



Dulcinea detected the micro expressions of trauma on his face.

"You're in no condition to speak to anyone. I'll just tell her you are ill--"

"Won't help. She already knows I can talk." Nathan answered as he grimaced.

"Oh...right, you're a wizard." Dulcinea replied with an inadvertent sigh. "Should I just send her to you?"

"Like I honestly wanna talk to her." he snapped quietly. "Put that fethin' thing in one of the quarters on the lower deck. Don't let that Freak walk around the ship unobserved. I'll speak to it tomorrow."

Dulcinea observed him. He could barely be around Syd Celsius Syd Celsius more than 30 seconds. She didn't question why Nathan dehumanized Syd. Everybody had their blood nemesis.

"You got it..." she assured him.

Nathan got dressed and left for his quarters, passing by various employees of his company, Bacta Works. None of them knew they worked for him. He was just a Trade League Force User hitching a ride to them.

His room was barebones. There was no Momentos. No photos or trophies. Just a bed, and a weapon rack holding his lightsaber.

He dared not meditate. Already he could feel Syd's broken presence in the back of his skull just getting to the quarters. Half his mental energy was being devoted to keeping her out of his thoughts, from seeing into his memories. Meditating would only make it easier for her to get in his head.

He felt a deep wave of nausea and dizziness hit him as he entered his quarters, due to the Ysalamir he had brought into it. He couldn't feel the Force, nor his bond to Syd, which horrified and disgusted him.

Though he was nauseated, and felt like he was missing something vital, he still preferred it to the alternative of feeling her in his skull constantly.

It took a few minutes to fall asleep but he was soon being tormented by memories of his wife's murder, the image of her decaying in front of him as Syd's Sith Incarnation murdered her soul looping over and over. He tossed and turned all night.

But the pain never left him, whether asleep or awake.

The next day...

Nathan got up, still wounded and nauseated and showered and ate this way, dressing up in training gear before heading to the hangar. He was due to head out to Seswenna soon. The Valley Forge would provide extra punch with it's long range Ion Weapons to back the assault on the shipyards. The Force hit him like a sack of bricks as soon as he left the Ysalamir's range and dropped to his knees.

He felt her close by.

"Your presence was not requested." he said curtly, standing up. "Why do you approach me?"

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius took a hesitant step forward. She was, as usual, completely hooded, obscuring herself.

"You were reckless, going after that Cult outpost on Denon. I could have helped, if you had told me. Was it worth the loss of your eyes?"

"You? Lecture me?" Nathan sneered in a frosty tone. "I'm barely interested in why you are here..."

"I could have fixed your eyes." Syd responded. "You wouldn't have needed prosthetics."

Nathan's eyes narrowed.

"I will not go to my grave owing you. For anything." he replied in a hiss before turning his back on her.

"Do you have a death wish, risking your life like that?" Syd pressed, trying to understand him.

"Do you?" he asked immediately, wheeling around on her. "Because I can't for the life of me figure out why you thought going to fethin' KORRIBAN, BY YOURSELF, could possibly end in any way but failure."

"I...I was overzealous."

"Nah...that ain't it..." Nathan snapped. "I think part of you wanted to lose."

Syd was silent at this for only be a few seconds.

"Why did you spare me the first time?" she asked finally.

"Because stomping your head in wasn't horrible enough for my liking. I'm gonna go the extra parsec when I finally get around to dealing with you... some really creative, demented chit." he answered with an iciness in his words that would have made Ice Cube, Ice T, and quite possibly Vanilla Ice shiver.

He shrugged. "But your death serves no purpose currently. Currently. Now...why are you here?"

"Darth Phyre is gonna be heading to one of the Cult's holy worlds. I would have told you through our...our...connection...but you take such steps to keep me at the perimeter..."

"You came to me for that? I could have gotten that much in an encrypted transmission." Nathan growled.

"But not this..." Syd replied.

Nathan spotted a pair of Droids coming to him with a long case behind her. He sensed a spark within the box and went over to it immediately, snatching the case away.

He opened it, and he felt something break in him a little at the sight.

He took out the hilt, which was in it's collapsed state. It was hers. It must have become their trophy after she was dead.

He pressed the switch on one end and a bright yellow blade shot out.

"You were wise not to hand this to me yourself." he remarked quietly. "I might have crushed your fingers for the insult..."

Switching topics as though he hadn't just inferred bodily harm upon her, he then asked, very casually, "You heading to Seswenna?"

"I was thinking of it. The Demon of Jedha is heading there also. Anything related to the Maw pisses her off." Syd replied, drawing her cloak closer to her body.

"I noticed. Don't contact me again unless it's important."

"We will not survive if we are at each other's throats." Syd replied forcefully, daring at last to take a step closer.

"I've already lost everything important to me. Let the horrible demise come. I'll face it. Hell, I did it before."

"You have no hope?"

"A Man without Hope is a Man without Fear." Nathan answered coldly (An epiphany for Wilson Fisk: 7000 XP).

"So if you think I am afraid to die..." Nathan growled. "Think again..."

Nathan finally started to walk away with his Wife's Lightsaber.

"So that is your secret?" she asked. "How disappointing..."

Nathan stopped, fists clenched. He didn't look at her.

"I had hoped some core of strength, some drive for justice, for atonement, might govern your ability to remain standing..." Syd added in a sigh.

"Nathan, without Hope, you can't overcome Fear. Without can you be brave?"

There was no response from Nathan.

"So I completely disagree with you..." Syd spoke quietly, turning around, her protocol Droids following her.

"A Man without Hope is not a Man without Fear. The man without Hope is nothing but Fear." Syd said as she walked away from him.

Nathan stood alone in the corridor of the ancient ship.


Nathan dodged enemy fire, coordinating with Nexu Squadron in the Surrel X-Wing fighters they had trained with. Roth had given the order and Nathan and his aggressive Nexu Squadron dived into the thick against the fighters he had designated. He gunned the engines as Nexu Two and Three gunned it.

"Nexu, show the enemy our resolve. Crush these Neo-Imperials, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their Moffs."

Nathan ruthlessly launched three missiles at a hangar before coordinating his attacks with the rest of Nexu Squadron for Maximum Aggression, dispensing with all notion of fighting fair. For one fighter he chased it while Nexu Three cut off it's attempts to pull aft, and tricked it into doing an immelman...only to be shot down by Nexu Two as the fighter hit it during mid twist. Nexu Four and Six launched torpedoes, laser bolts, anything they had on hand to try and damage the engines, while While Nexu Eight, Nine, and Ten flew dangerously close to the hull, to attack Point Defenses. The Rest were directed to attack any fighter Possible.

As he splashed another fighter, he lost focus a moment and accidentally let Syd into his mind and she saw a memory of his Wife as she told him she was pregnant.

He almost didn't see the enemy fighter attempting to flank him until the warning sensor turned on and he barely twisted out of the way of a streak of laser bolts as his wingmates did the same. Each engaged the enemy fighter from separate angles, executing an Alpha Strike with Nathan and obliterating it in retaliation.

An accidental flash of Syd's mind showed him the first time she had dated Laertia and he almost vomited in his flight suit in disgust, barely avoiding a collision with space wreckage.

Get it together! he screamed in his mind.

Electra-12 Electra-12

Vera Tillian Vera Tillian

Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr

Elias Edo Elias Edo

Dantius Seveirum Dantius Seveirum

Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul

Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar

Sargon Vynea Sargon Vynea

Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural
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As Torson expected, the sight of the Destroyer falling towards the surface of Seswenna, was enough to spur the Trade League and their allies into action. Within just a few minutes, enemy fighters had been scrambled and had proceeded to move forth to launch a direct assault against the Final Dawn Security Fleet and the Shipyards themselves. However their Fleet still remained in the background and had yet to advance on the Shipyards, as if they were waiting for something.

Sir, we’re detecting additional vessels emerging from hyperspace.

Soon enough, a trio of
Eriaduan Cruisers emerged from hyperspace, which immediately rushed towards Seswenna’s Upper Atmosphere in an attempt to halt the descent of the Destroyer with their Tractor Beams, which were soon activated at full power. As the Tractor Beams locked onto the Destroyer, it began to de-accelerate as the full force of the combined Tractor Beams came into full effect.

However, this effort was in vain as despite slowing down the Destroyer it still continued its descent and even began to slowly pull the Cantwells down with them. To make matters worse for the Eriaduans, Nacheria Squadron had entered the fray launching a rapid Nova Flare attack against one of the Cantwells.

Observing these developments from the Command Center of the Shipyards, Torson decided to take advantage of the situation, seeing an opportunity to take out both the Cantwells and their Escorting Frigates.

Redirect one of our Pocket Star Destroyers to deal with those Arrestor Cruisers, those Tractor Beams must be destroyed as soon as possible. We cannot allow them to spare Motti City from the High Regent’s Retribution!” Torson ordered.

As ordered, one of the Pocket Star Destroyers split off from the Security Fleet, proceeding to head towards the Cantwells and their Escorts, supported by their Five Squadrons of mixed TIE Fighters and Interceptors which moved forth to support Nacheria Squadron in their attack against the Three Cantwells, proceeding to launch a similar Nova Flare attack against another Cantwell’s Tractor Beams with their Proton Torpedos.

At the same time, a ferocious battle had begun around the Shipyards and the Security Fleet, as Trade League Starfighter Squadrons began to focus their firepower against the Shipyards and the strongest capital ships within the Fleet, only to be confronted by the sophisticated point-defense systems of both the Shipyards and the Vessels of the Fleet along with waves of multiple TIE Variants, which would only further complicate matters for them.

However as the Battle progressed, there was still one issue that continued to bother Torson, that of the Main Enemy Fleet, which had yet to make any moves against the Shipyards, which puzzled Torson.

What’s the status of our Invector Frigates?” Torson asked.

We can’t reach them sir, it seems we’re being jammed.” one of the Communications Officers said.

Something’s up. They’re planning something.” Torson proclaimed. “Relay this to the Director-Admiral once his Fleet arrives…

Torson then paused mid-sentence, as he came to a realization.

It’s a Trap!


Things were very clearly heating up as more and more flashes of ships were registering as reverting, both friendlies and hostiles. It seemed that for the time being the friendlies outnumbered the hostiles by a fair margin, but that wasn't always the determining factor in an engagement by any means. Three ships dropped out of hyperspace and made a bee line for the Star Destroyer that was dropped towards Motti City. The energy readings from the city below meant that it was almost guaranteed that a planetary shield was activated to mitigate the impact should all other avenues fail.

Along with his wingman, Kurayami had managed to thin out a fair amount of point defense on the side closest to the most likely approach vector of League vessels. Not entirely sanitized by any measure, but certainly no worse than any other combat zone. He and the other Jesters swung around and took out the first heavy turret they had hit earlier, which had been helpful in damaging another that was nearby, which Kurayami froze in place with a long salvo from the ion cannons and Jester Three finished with a pair of proton torpedoes. As the squadron peeled off for another run, the Wild Knights frequency crackled to life again with another request from Tillian. He wanted them to switch target priority to fighters and cut through them for an assault on the pocket destroyers. Well that sounded perfectly reasonable.

"Jester One to Wild Knight One. Switching target priority. We'll help you clear a path to those destroyers."

Kurayami sitched back to his squadron only frequency and made sure they understood the new orders. "Well. y'all heard the gentlemen. We are clearing a path through the Final Dawn fighters. We can hit the shipyards again after the fact if we need to. For now, make sure that the path to those pocket destroyers is clear. Time to paint the void with their blood."

He pushed the throttle forward a bit further and outpaced his wingmen, drawing a few of the more bloodthirsty Hunter pilots attention as he did so. He kept jinking to keep a firing solution from being reliably gained on his craft. Pulling the craft straight into the vertical Two through Four continued to engage other enemies that had become interested in this strange silver streak that didn't show up on sensors. While they were busy with those, Kurayami pulled the throttle back to half and slammed hard on the right rudder, spinning the craft 180 degrees in the blink of an eye, strafing the fighters that had previously been tailing him with agrocite enhanced ion and laser fire took little time to dispatch the pursuers.

Gently he eased the throttle back up to three-quarters and moved to engage the next target of opportunity, which was a pair of TIEs on Four's tail while they were clearing on off of Two.
"Four, when I tell you I need you to break hard left. Ascending turn, tighten until inverted, roll into a descending right turn, start wide and slowly apply rudder to tighten the spiral. Break." Some would have considered the calm tone the command was given in indicative of how little the leader cared for his subordinates, when in fact it was due to them have done this exact thing many times during training on Xagobah that he was able to remain so calm when issuing the order. He dove a short distance, before mirroring the command he had given breaking into a widening, ascending left turn. As Four dove past, one of the ion blasts caught the pursuer and sent him spiraling into his wingman. Two TIEs one shot. It was far from over though and the way forward was still crawling with TIE fighters of all sorts and shapes.

Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | Vaux Gred Vaux Gred | Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr | Dantius Seveirum Dantius Seveirum | Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde



Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): Krenis Skirata Krenis Skirata | Django Parata Django Parata | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural
Enemy Tag(s): Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Final Dawn



Saram returned Krennis' nod. Mandalorian t-visor met fierce look as she listened to him speak. You couldn't buy this sort of conviction, the man genuinely believed what he was saying, She was sure that he had all manner of interesting story to tell, unfortunately now wasn't the time. "Isn't that the shabla truth?" she sighed in response to his comment about Imperials all being the same. "Just a matter of who's going to try to shoot you this week. Sometimes that means working with the one that isn't, though, in my line of work."

Saram let out an amused snort at Django's comment about the final dawn of the Final Dawn, "Terrible sense of humor, vod. You'll fit right in." She didn't pause, motioning for them all to follow her up the ramp as she walked on board, "Don't mind the mess. Galaar 1-1's something of our home away from home. You're welcome to anything but the bottle of tihaar in the aft of the troop bay. That's off limits."

"Aren't you going to introduce us, alor?" chimed Viraen Kote from the far end of the gunship's troop bay where most of Davaab sans Ran had collected. They'd fought alongside one another for long enough that Saram didn't need to see his in-helmet pict feed to know that he had his trademark osik-eating grin plastered on his face.

"That cheeky idiot over there is Viraen," said Saram without even missing half a beat, turning slightly toward Krennis, Django and the Cometeers to facilitate somewhat more natural conversation. "He's my marksman." Pointing each and every one of them out, Saram proceeded to intoduce the rest of Davaab, ending with Ran, "Vihkar and Janar, heavy weapons. Anila, my explosives expert and osik detector. Jaing's both my tech specialist and senior NCO. You can't raise Ran or I, you raise Jaing. Rusana, who's usually watching either Viraen or my shebs. That leave Ran, who you saw earlier. Ran's my 2IC, Ravaab 5. You can't raise me, call Ran, he'll get it sorted."

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Al'verde," said Ran, pausing for a moment before he went to take his seat. "Up in the cockpit is Galaar 1-1's pilot, Rav. You ad'ike have done this enough that you know if you're calling Rav before we're all done something's gone to haran in a hand basket."

The ramp, almost exactly on cue, began to seal. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, ad'ike of all ages. This is a non-smoking, no meal, non-stop flight straight to hell. Take your seats, stand, losing your footing and end up on the deck, it's all the same to me, just don't say I didn't warn you." Saram could feel the usual momentary sense of weightlessness as barely moments later the gunship raised in place in the hangar. Even if she couldn't see the holographic projections of the external feed, she could certainly feel the gunship leaving the hangar's atmospheric containment field.

Saram casually brought up the gunship's Manda feed for the others to take a look at. There was not a damned thing any of them could do about the battle out there, but knowing how things were going out there gave them a good idea of their timeline. Galaar 1-1 slipped past the enemy defensive line, powerful stealth systems on the gunship keeping them hidden from prying eyes. Galaar 1-1's stealth kit was the real deal, powerful EWAR combined with light, sound and EM wave bending tech. Rav and her crew trusted it with their lives, and so did she and Davaab, and for good reason. It had never failed them yet.

The vast shipyard facilities loomed in the distance till they didn't. A surge of anticipation flowed through her body as their gunship got closer and closer to their target. It felt like almost an eternity before Rav announced their arrival over the intercom, "This is as close as I can get you without giving us away. This should lead straight to power. Once you're in, there's not a whole lot I can do for you. Oya, vode and good hunting to the rest of you. Standby."

"You heard her, let's move, Davaab!" she called over squad comms before turning to Krennis. "Once we give the all clear, you're good to go." She and Rusana took up positions on either side of the hatch in the deck, waiting for the light on their side to change from red to green, signifying that the connection was good. Opening the hatch, she and Rusana stepped through the boarding tube to the door waiting on the other side. While Rusana kept her covered, she undocked her
security descrambler and waited for it to give her the door codes.

It took a while, which was to be expected, but it wasn't long before the two of them were through, weapons up and hidden from scanners and the naked eye thanks to their armor's stealth systems. The only problem was the security turret at the end of the hall. Davaab could slip past thanks to their stealth systems, but Krennis, Django and the Cometeers could not. Biting back a curse, Saram snapped up her rifle, prompting Rusana to do the same. In about the span of a heartbeat, she and Rusana put a pair of depleted baradium SLAP rounds through the turret, Rusana through the gun itself, while her shots neutralized its servos.

"Clear, but hurry, we're going to have company," she called back over the comms to Krennis, Django and the others without missing a beat.


The Cantwell was caught unaware by Electra-12's TIE, and the collective fire unleashed dealt heavy damage to the vessel. The Escolta-class Frigate escorting it, however, locked onto the modified TIE Whisper and began firing upon the fighter with its fast-tracking turbolasers, at the same time unleashing a swarm of TIE/df Drones from its hangar with the simple command of "protect the Cantwells at all costs." The Cantwell's shields had taken some of the TIEs fire, but even then it sustained considerable damage to the bridge. Many of the bridge crew lay dead, with replacements rushing to take their places. The ship's captain, bloodied but still alive, climbed back to her feet and activated her comms to the High Admiral. "We've sustained heavy casualties. All nonessential crew are evacuating to the RDAGs. We're staying the course, High Admiral. Seswenna Aeturnum."

"Seswenna Aeternum, Captain." Dantius said in return to the captain, then glanced down at his wrist-chrono as the communication ended. They must've gone through the calculations a hundred times to synchronize the jumps. They only had one shot at this, and they were determined to make it count. "Deploy a squadron of fighters to escort the Cantwell's crew to our hangar safely." A precaution, to ensure that as many of their lives were saved as possible."Carriers, unleash the drones." On the High Admiral's command, from the Alveare-class carriers a horde of TIE/df Drones came rushing forth. Hundreds upon hundreds of the unmanned fighters spilled out into space, swarming towards the Final Dawn's fleet. With each carrier capable of fielding a dozen and a half squadrons, and each squadron consisting of two dozen drones, in total over eight hundred droid fighters were now making a beeline for the Final Dawn.

The Cantwell's escorts, meanwhile, began opening fire on the incoming enemy fighters with their fast-tracking cannons. "The Cantwells are being pulled down by the Destroyer's weight, we need more tractor beams on the vessel if we are to stop its descent," Dantius transmitted to Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul , before giving a command to his own crew. "Begin long-range turbolaser bombardment of their fleet." Less than a minute later, the ship's octuple turbolaser barbettes came to life, and began firing large emerald bolts that arced through the void space towards the Final Dawn's security fleet.

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