Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • spock_2_by_karracaz_d3dztlw-fullview.jpg

    Art Source
    General Information:
    • NAME: Errik Nimdok
    • ALIASES: Arimanes Bosch
    • AFFILIATIONS: Galactic Alliance, Silver Jedi Concord, whoever will have him
    • OCCUPATION: Professor of Jedi and Sith History, Archaeologist, Public Menace
    Physical Information:
    • SPECIES: Near-Human (actually a Shi'ido, but he keeps this fact a secret)
    • AGE: Unknown; appears to be about 35 by human standards
    • SEX: Male
    • HEIGHT: 6’0” (1.82 meters)
    • BUILD: Skinny/lanky tall guy
    • EYES: Dark brown
    • HAIR: Black
    • SKIN: Yellowish/Olive complexion
    • VOICE: Leonard Nimoy
    Social Information:
    • ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
    • PERSONALITY: Eccentric, Reckless, Knowledgeable, Two-faced
    • TROPES: Adventurer Archaeologist, Badass Bookworm, Symbiotic Possession, Papa Wolf
      • Long-Term: Collect all the artifacts he can; raise his kid and keep her safe; monitor Starlin's progress; acquire all of the k n o w l e d g e
      • Short-Term: Investigate strange occurrences whenever he stumbles upon them; drop hot takes about the state of modern Jedi; try to maintain a somewhat amiable relationship with his ex-wife/prevent her from becoming a drug lord; go on an actual date with Elise Ike


    • Encyclopedic Mind: Nimdok is a historian, an archaeologist, and a teacher with an incredible ability to retain information. While he specializes in the history and lore of the Jedi and the Sith, he is knowledgeable about a variety of topics and loves to share what he knows.
    • Shapeshifter: Only to be used if diplomacy, trickery, or just plain running away aren't options, he can shapeshift into virtually any creature. He must be able to concentrate in order to enact the transformation, but otherwise there are no limits on what he can become.
    • Regeneration: His ability to regenerate from wounds is considerably faster and more efficient than a human's, though the rate at which he heals is dependent on the severity of the injury. A superficial scratch could seal within minutes; a gunshot wound or loss of a limb would still take days, if not weeks to fully recuperate. But yes—if you cut off his hand, it will grow back.
    • A Trick of the Light: His species possesses a natural form of telepathy which allows him to subtly influence the perceptions of others. Its primary use is in covering up inconsistencies in his appearance that would otherwise tip people off that he isn't what he seems, but he has also begun to use it to conjure up illusions and trick others into seeing things that aren't there.
    • Symbiotic Possession: While it has become increasingly difficult as of late to tell the difference between them, Nimdok actually has two souls occupying his body. Because of this, he appears to have considerable mental fortitude; if one personality is affected, the other will step up to the plate and continue running things. On the other hand, being of two minds means that he experiences even more internal conflict than the average person, as these souls may have clashing interests and desires. He might even be described as "two-faced" or having a "split personality".
    • Compassionate: Nimdok will go out of his way to help those in need during his travels. He doesn't see it as a burden or an inconvenience; rather, he has found his way into a variety of new adventures by offering his assistance. Not to mention acquiring allies, friends, and even family.
      • “You have given me hope, Professor. I will repay your kindness somehow.” - Meira Amavia

    • The Perils of Fatherhood: Wherever he goes, he is usually accompanied by his young daughter Miri. He has no choice but to bring her along even in potentially dangerous situations, where her helplessness and vulnerability becomes a significant liability. While she isn't completely defenseless, she is still a child and can't be expected to fight for herself, forcing Nimdok to put her safety and well-being before his own.
    • Deceptive: Being a shapeshifter, Nimdok has a bad habit of assuming alter egos and deliberately deceiving others in order to get his way. It isn’t easy for him to be honest, either with others or with himself, about who he really is. But deep down, Nimdok is the person he wants to be and the identity he is most comfortable with.
    • Reckless: Being a Shi'ido with above-average regenerative capabilities, he has a poor conception of his own physical limits and will pull stunts that could easily get him killed.
      • "Nimdok. She was familiar with him only by reputation. Apparently he was an archaeologist that liked to play fast and loose finding dangerous relics. Relics a little too dangerous for his weight class. His papers were brilliant and he was clearly well-learned. Nonetheless, Syd was convinced his reach would one day exceed his grasp and that would be the end of Nimdok." - Syd Celsius
    • Extreme Temperatures: His Shi'ido physiology doesn't do well when it comes to extreme cold (which can slow his shapeshifting and regeneration down), nor does he have any desire to be set on fire, electrocuted, or burnt to a crisp.
    • Compulsive Collector: His love of history becomes obsessive when it comes to artifacts (and, when encountering very old beings who have seen a great deal during their unusually long lives, memories). He'll probably ask before taking anything that doesn't belong to him, but his determination not to walk away empty-handed has occasionally led to plain old thievery from those who are unwilling to part with their ancient treasures.
    • Annoying: He can be just a little too eccentric, talkative, and full of himself for some people's tastes.
      • "Just who was this slimy bastard?" - Adrian Vandiir
      • "I can see what Red meant when he said that just being around you gives someone a strong urge to throttle you." - Subject 648 Slipknot
    • Bad Girls: Every female he has ever been romantically linked with has fallen under the category of "morally questionable". In a broader sense, he is attracted to women who are dangerous and likely to cause trouble for him.
    Archaeology | Artifacts | Color Gold | Color Bronze | Color White | History | Reading | Miri | Elise Ike | Diplomacy | Old Lightsabers | Force Crystals | The Jedi (at their best) | Zenobia Trees | Ugly Dogs | Clean Beaches | Oceans

    Arrogance | Child Abuse | Slavery | Complicated Technology | Most Sith | Piloting | Space Travel | Fighting | When Starlin Does Something Stupid | When He Does Something Stupid | When People Act Stupid In General |

  • hi
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Ishani Sibwarra

Ishani Sibwarra was born Rhiannon Ishani Threepwood on the planet Chaldea. Shortly before her birth, her homeworld had been wracked by a vicious civil war between two religious factions. The Chaldean Potentium, an anti-Force cult, had emerged victorious, beginning a period of suppression of other religions and the exile or execution of practicing Force Users. Ishani's father, Toloth Threepwood, was a Paladin who fought in the war on the side of the Potentium. After suffering a severe injury in the line of duty, he adopted pacifism, became a teacher, and eventually ascended to the rank of headmaster of the prestigious Chaldean Academy. He and his wife Charisse were devout followers of Potentium doctrine and would raise their two children, Ishani and her younger brother Ganner, in the cult.

Ishani's Force sensitivity first began to manifest shortly after she hit puberty. Her abilities would become especially apparent when she was under stress or emotional duress. Having been taught for her entire life that the Force was something that should be suppressed, she felt ashamed of her inability to control it. Her eventual acceptance of her Force sensitivity was dismissed by her family as teenage rebellion - and perhaps in some ways, it was.

Her first exposure to Sith teachings were through the Holonet. Initially horrified by what she learned, she gradually developed an interest in their more esoteric practices, particularly alchemy, and became convinced that they could help her control the Force that raged within her. Upon turning eighteen, Ishani led her parents to believe she would be attending the Chaldean Academy, where she would prepare to sever her Force connection. In reality, she boarded a shuttle headed to Korriban to start training at the Sith Academy...

Name:Ishani Sibwarrra
Alias:Rhiannon Ishani Threepwood
Titles:Lady of Folende
Mystic Initiate (formerly)
Sith Apprentice (formerly)
Senator of Chaldea (formerly
Current Home:Tribunal Station
The Vixen
Force Sensitivity:Sensitive
Force Rank:Atrophied
Force Alignment:Neutral
Race:3/4 Human, 1/4 Umbaran
Build:Tiny, Hourglass
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Green
Skin Color:Tanned
Notable Features:Scars
Synthskin grafts
Dental implants
Boons:Heightened Senses and Awareness
Call of the Sea
Languages:Galactic Basic Standard
Force Powers:Core Abilities
Force Suppress
Plant Surge
Lightsaber Forms:None >;|
Starships:The Vixen
The Space Van
Attire:Atargatis Skin
Redeemer Gown
Witchfinder General Armor
Weapons:Butter Knife
The Hungry Acolyte Dagger
Gear:Pocket Sand
Father:Toloth Threepwood
Mother:Charisse Threepwood
Brother:Ganner Threepwood
Complicated:Arcturus Dinn
Children:Marcus & Eloise
Friends:None : D
Former Master:Arlo Renard
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"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."
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"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

"I mean, it's not really a bad thing if you didn't. Sugary food isn't good for you, it's just…" This was proving harder to explain than she thought. She didn't want to make him feel bad about it. It really wasn't that big a deal… right?

"Most people like them. It's like junk food, you eat it for… fun?" That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. Or worse, it made it sound like candy was akin to drugs. "It's more than just sustenance. You eat it because it tastes good."

Speaking of tasting good, she followed him to the table and dug into the food he'd cooked. As he went back to get the juice, she heard him ask "What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can make me eat my words, I guess." She took the cup from him. "You could try a variety of things. Unless you're somebody who just hates sweet stuff in general, there should be something you'll wind up liking." She sipped the juice, then quietly added, "And if you don't like sweet stuff, I dunno why you're with me..."

Starlin is a tall, lanky young man of mixed human and alien heritage. From his Balosar half he inherited a sickly pale complexion and antennapalps sprouting from his head, though he usually keeps the latter retracted and hidden from view. He has a gaunt face with prominent cheekbones, black curly hair, and striking blue eyes; the term "unconventionally attractive" comes to mind, but your mileage may vary. Both his right hand and his right eye, lost in two different duels, have been replaced by prosthetics. When not donning armor or Jedi robes, he tends to be sloppily dressed in jeans and untucked shirts.

  • Antennapalps: He keeps 'em hidden in his hair, but they let him hear sounds even at the subsonic frequency. The sense of physical intuition that comes with this trait is sometimes mistaken for Force sensitivity, but it's just a sensitivity to sounds and vibrations.
  • Resistant to Toxins: A Balosar's natural resistance to toxins and most poisons, particularly the stuff death sticks are made out of, can definitely come in handy.
  • Jedi Sorcerer: Starlin received unorthodox training from his first master, including the use of spells and "magic" which are largely unknown to most Jedi. As such, his opponents may be caught off guard by the tricks he employs in combat, as well as his often unpredictable moves.
    • "A creative fighter. The Sith won't know how to deal with you." - Cedric Grayson
  • Natural Light: To date, the only Force power Starlin has ever manifested on his own (without being taught) was Force Light, which comes quite naturally to him. It is best fed by positive emotions and thoughts, particularly humor, so if you ever need to cleanse the Dark, just tell him a joke.
    • "A boy so strong with the light he's practically phosphorescent..." - Sorceress of Zeffo
    • "He should have tried a thousand times already to corrupt him, but what good would it do? The boy before him practically radiated the light, and Thesh knew of nothing to cut through such. Deep down, wasn't even sure he wanted to." - Arcturus Thesh
  • Undying Optimism: Though he sometimes must exhibit a dark sense of humor to get himself through trying times, at heart Starlin is sickeningly optimistic - much like his hero, Luke Skywalker.
    • "When I saw his hand had been cut off, I... I was ready to kill the one who took his hand. He stopped me. As much pain as he was in, as humiliated and frightened as he obviously was, 'he' convinced 'me' to stand down, because he remembered what I taught him. He's a strong boy, he's a good boy, reckless as he is, and I think he can become a great practitioner of the Light, even if he's not a Jedi at the end. But to me, for what he did for both of us that day, stopping me from... from embracing the darkness... he has more Jedi in his pinky finger than I do in one of my arms."
      - Syd Celsius​
  • Former Thief: While he doesn't do it anymore, Starlin used to rob businesses, warehouses, and even ships. However, he has more or less sworn off stealing and will only take from others for a good cause.
  • Passed Flight School: After being gifted several starfighters, Starlin realized he should probably learn how to fly them. He can pilot competently enough to get from one planet to another on his own, but has limited experience when it comes to space combat or aerial dogfighting.
  • Great, Kid! Don't Get Cocky!: As a result of his training under Syd and the Silver Jedi, Starlin thinks he pretty much has the hang of things by now and considers himself to be something of a badass. While he has indeed progressed, he usually isn't on the same level as the threats he will (foolishly and enthusiastically) pursue.
  • Loyal To a Fault: Rather than siding with a faction because he believes in a cause, Starlin is more likely to follow a friend or specific person who has earned his respect or love - even if deep down he knows they're wrong.
  • Loud and Bright: Starlin is virtually incapable of hiding his presence from other Force Users (especially Dark Siders, who can "see" him coming from miles away) and has trouble with deception-oriented abilities such as stealth and illusions.
  • Big Dumb Dark Lords: Starlin has very little patience with Sith. In fact, he can't fathom why any sane person would want to be a Sith. Whenever he meets one, he will attempt to convince them of how wrong they are, sometimes to an almost comical extent if he is dealing with an ultra-corrupt or insane Dark Lord™.
    • "...there was absolutely no chance in the nine Corellian hells that some comedically insulting lines from some man she was actively trying to kill without a shred of emotional attachment to might convince her to pivot entirely towards the Light." - Darth Mori
  • Unorthodox Training: Starlin's first and most influential master was Syd Celsius. Her curriculum for the boy was, uh, rather unconventional. Starlin is a highly talented Force User, and his talents have been honed to a spectacular edge by Syd, but he also suffers from a sense of not belonging among his fellow Jedi - or at worst, fearing that he could be punished for practicing certain abilities that have been considered forbidden or heretical in the past.
  • Jerkass: He's self-centered and somewhat petty, but then he is young and stupid. Cut him some slack. Or don't. He probably deserves it.

Born on a smuggler ship to Zabka Bis'clavret, a Balosar, and Jen Rand, a Human, Starlin's childhood was fairly normal (if you consider witnessing your parents conduct illegal smuggling activities and consort with intergalactic criminals on a regular basis "normal") up until the age of nine, when his dad went out for death sticks and never came back. After Zabka walked out on them, Starlin's mother Jen decided to give up the nomadic spacer lifestyle and moved to Coruscant with her son.

Unfortunately, the Sith invaded not long after their arrival. In the chaos and tumult that ensued, Jen descended into drug addiction. Unable to hold a steady job, she drifted from man to man. Starlin stuck by his mother through these rough years of abuse and neglect, though their relationship grew troubled.

By the time she got clean and remarried, Starlin was a teenager who had picked up a few bad habits of his own. To cope with the frequent muggings and beatings he received at the hands of the thugs that haunted his neighborhood, he joined a street gang. The gang provided him with protection so long as Starlin worked for them, usually by stealing from businesses or working as a drug dealer. By the time he was fourteen, Starlin had a criminal record, with multiple arrests for drug possession and petty theft.

One day, an unsolicited package addressed to Starlin arrived in the mail. Sent by a distant relative whom the boy had never even met, the package contained a fragment of a lightsaber crystal. Within days, Sith agents were sniffing around, asking about the "family heirloom". When the Sith threatened to harm his mother, Starlin fled the planet with the crystal, hitchhiking to the nearby planet Jerrilek. There he arranged a meeting with Professor Errik Nimdok, a famous archaeologist whom he hoped could help...

Name:Starlin Zayne Rand
Alias:Star (only those closest to him)
Silver Dragon
Bright Knight
Titles:Jedi Sorcerer
Faction:New Jedi Order
Force Sensitivity:Sensitive
Force Rank:Jedi Knight
Force Alignment:Lightsided
Race:Half Human, Half Balosar
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Baby Blue
Skin Color:Sickly Pale
Notable Features:Scars on both thighs from slug wounds
Prosthetic right hand
Prosthetic right eye
Voice:Kevin Levin | Ben 10: Alien Force
Languages:Galactic Basic Standard
Force Powers:Core Abilities
Force Light
Lightsaber Forms:Makashi
Father: The Man in White The Man in White aka Zabka Bis'clavret
Mother:Jen Rand
Bro/Rival: Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Love Interest:Isolda of Ession
Master: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
Mentor: Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
Apprentice: Lief Lief
Personality Traits:Mischievous
Tropes:Dork Knight
The Idealist
The Fettered
Plucky Comic Relief
Writer Account:Salamander
Playby:Dylan Dog
Theme Song:Jokerman
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: Kai is able to make himself resemble anything from an Ewok to an Epicanthix while fooling all but the most thorough of medical examinations; he can even produce facsimiles of clothing or equipment, though nothing more advanced than a fancy sword. He seems to have trouble coming up with totally new and unique forms, however, preferring to imitate others instead.
Hyperadaptable: The apex of adaptability, Kai is able to modify his body on the fly to suit his circumstances, including but not limited to surviving in most atmospheres, breaking down all but the most insidious of poisons, growing long claws or vicious teeth, and generating potent toxins and strange acids within his body.
Apex Predator: Devilishly fast and almost as strong as a Wookiee, Kai makes for a ferocious opponent, though he will rarely fight unless forced into a corner.
  • "Kai acted. He always acted... He didn't hesitate to protect people." - Iris Arani
Regeneration: Kai has considerable regenerative potential; sufficient to stop bleeding in battle or even regrow entire limbs, albeit with days or weeks of feasting - preferably on meat - and intense concentration.
Mind-Eater: An innately telepathic creature even before he was turned into a Sithspawn, Kai is able to "feed" on the thoughts of others - when done with care to avoid harming the person in question, it can allow him to slowly assimilate knowledge and skills alike; more aggressive feedings are liable to cause brain damage or even "drain them dry", leaving either an easily controlled "husk" or a corpse with distinctive brain damage.
Break the Cutie: Kai's childlike nature, while a definite hindrance, also seems to hit people right in the empathy button.
  • "What little he grasped of the beast in his mind thrashing wildly was enough for Dagon to realize they really, really needed to capture it alive. A newborn in a foreign body. The horror of the thought sent a shiver down his spine..." - Dagon Kaze
  • "He was an innocent soul in a horrifying body, a scourge held at bay by his own innocence, and all that she wanted to do was to help him." - Aeris Lashiec
  • "There was something distinctly childlike about this Kai and the way he saw the world, or so it seemed from the brief peeks Kal had gotten into his way of thinking... There was always the chance the presumably young creature's abilities were still untested and unrefined. Perhaps his control of the finer details remained tenuous at best." - Kal


Mind-Eating Sithspawn
: Released into the wild shortly after his "birth" by the Sith alchemist who turned him into a monster, Kai soon discovered his ability to consume the thoughts and memories of other beings... and swiftly fell prey to its incredible addictiveness. It's rare that he totally loses control and devours someone's entire identity and consciousness, but it has happened before. More than once, unfortunately. This ability also affects his sense of identity, as he gains the memories (and sometimes, the desires) of others through feeding.
Electricity: Ironically, despite having been born from lightning, Kai's new form has a weakness to electricity, which can impede his ability to shapeshift among other things.
Damned: As a Sithspawn, Kai is an innately Dark Side being and can be gravely harmed by Force Light, Electric Judgement, and other Light-oriented Force powers. However, while his nature may influence him, pushing him towards the Dark Side, it is not the deciding factor in his still-developing sense of morality. He does possess a Dark aura, but he hides this by wearing a dispersion charm.
Just a Kid: Despite his rampant consumption of other people's thoughts and memories, Kai retains the emotional maturity of a child. His grasp of concepts ranging from morality and ethics to social cues and etiquette are quite limited, and he doesn't know much about the galaxy or how life works. He also tends to be pretty gullible, and will quickly latch onto whoever is willing to offer him guidance.
  • "She made the mental note she swore she had made before, and probably would many times over still: be clearer with that wee bab." -Damsy Callat
  • "Not only was the boy curious, but also a bit gullible to some extent. Or perhaps takes things a bit too literal." - Amelia Venthyra
  • "... she felt bad for him. He was definitely still a kid, that was clear." - Yenna
Loud Noises: Kai has a phobia of vibrations, including those produced by sound waves - to the point where he is afraid to vocalize in anything above a whisper, preferring telepathy as his main mode of communication. This is a psychological weakness, not a physical one; his original body was made out of pure crystal and was quite fragile.


Kai was born a Bamarri, a unique species in which individual members are created when lightning strikes Chaldean marble. Coming into existence without any family, he was found by a much older, wiser Bamarri named Gerda, who guided and protected him during the first year or so of his life. While still a newborn by the standards of his kind, Kai was abducted by the Sith Lord Messala, who led Kai to believe Gerda had been killed. Messala destroyed Kai's natural form and forced his essence to occupy the newly-grown body of a Sith Doppelganger, a type of Sithspawn. Kai managed to escape Messala's lab and fled into the wilderness of the planet Dahrtag, where he survived for a time by feeding on livestock. Eventually he was discovered by a Jedi, Dagon Kaze, who rescued him and brought him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Because of the odd manner in which he was turned into a Sithspawn, the Jedi healers were unable to "cure" Kai of his Dark Side corruption, which is woven into the very cells of his body - and over time has begun to influence the state of his soul as well. Despite the obstacles posed by being a Sithspawn, Kai is determined to become a Jedi Knight.
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TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
Control?Art of Movement▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Dagon Kaze
Alter?Drain Life▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Innate
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
TypeSkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
-Acrobatics▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Dagon KazeLink
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
WeaponKai's lightsaberClaymore-length white blade; a fragment of Chaldean marble and a Shard of Mortis serve as the focusing crystals.[x]
WeaponDart GunA gift from Damsy Callat; Kai's first weapon.[x]
ClothingJedi JumpsuitStandard issue NJO uniform.[x]
ClothingPolyweaveA gift from Errik Nimdok; a material designed with shapeshifters in mind, it can change texture, color, and shape according to the wearer's telepathic command.[x]
TrinketAural Dispersion CharmA ring which can disguise the aura of the wearer.[x]
TrinketThe Ring of AspirationA gift from Isley Verd; a ring which enhances the wearer's focus.[x]
TrinketAnkarres wood hope chestA chest carved from ankarres wood. Being in its presence can quiet Dark urges.[x]
DroidBD unit (black and gold)A gift from Errik Nimdok; an exploration droid.[x]
PetSophieA "tamed" Warghest bonded to Kai.[x]
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Gerda AndersenGuardian/"Sister"Link
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AlterPlant Surge Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Self-Taught
AlterPyrokinesisBrunas Drace
AlterTransfer EssenceKhayyam
AlterTransfer ForceSelf-Taught
AlterTutaminis Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea
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VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
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