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Junction Eternal Crusade: Let the Sunshine In (SGHW) | EE/AC/Maw Junction of Odessen/Tion/Lequabis




Odessen has only been important once in recorded history, specifically when the original Eternal Empire was defeated here by the Eternal Alliance. Outside of that, not much has happened in a place made up mostly of ocean, forests, mountainous regions, and sparsely populated areas - with hardly anything of note to attract enough attention or effort to develop a civilization of its own. The planet remains largely untouched to this day, perhaps because of the many special creatures which are closely associated with the Dark Side of the force. Such rumours may appear to explain the planet’s current seeming isolation, yet the truth is far more sinister.

Recently too many things have happened here. Given its proximity to three major galactic powers, The Galactic Alliance, the Brotherhood of the Maw, and the Eternal Empire; Odessen is slated to easily become far more relevant on the Galactic Stage. Over the past few months, the Eternal Empire has designated this place to install an Ashlan military base here under the terms of their treaty with the Ashlan Crusade. Yet, the planet has become all the more important because of its importance to the Shadow Empire and the Brotherhood of the Maw.

Both of these infamous entities have been working together for many years - at first utilising their resources for smaller, less risky endeavors; but now, it would seem that it’s time to take their association to higher levels. The Shadow Empire found this planet the ideal place to summon their god, Skulenus, who was once a Sith Lord himself. Given the ritual grows in both intensity and efficacy the more force users involved, the Shadow Empire approached the New Sith Order for help. While many of their servants perform the ritual upon the planet, Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio will meet Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis in Maw space to cement their relationship, and take it to the next level towards a greater alliance.

Meanwhile on the far side of the planet, the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade set about the operation of building a military base under the code name “Eternal Crusade”, suggesting an escalation in the Second Great Hyperspace War. It is in the interest of the Maw to prevent such an operation, as another front where two enemy factions are fighting against them could easily disrupt their plans. However, unlike Dromund Kaas, Odessen rests near their own territory, with the Maw able to commit far more resources to disrupt the operations of their united foes.

Neither faction has had an easy task in establishing a foothold on the planet, as both sides became engulfed on three fronts. After a while, the attempted ritual was disrupted on the far side of the planet. The Dark Side was felt everywhere on the planet, most of all within the Ashlan Crusade’s base camp. It was due to this elevated activity within the force that the Crusaders and Wardens of the Shroud members (disguised as soldiers and agents) reacted to prevent the ritual. Taking advantage of this, the Tribes seize the opportunity to siege the half-built base from two sides and meet in battle with the two armies, out on the battlefield and within the walls of the base, with infiltrating agents who would try to sabotage the base or protect it in the heat of battle. Meanwhile, the naval presence of the Eternal Empire & the Ashlan Crusade entwine in a heated battle against the war fleet of the Brotherhood of the Maw.

Whether through the will of the Force, that of the Avatars, or pure coincidence, Odessen faces its greatest battle yet. Only time will tell which side of the Second Great Hyperspace War will prevail.



Objective 1: Bring the Hammer Down
As the forces of good and evil clash outside the walls of the joint bastion, a most dangerous battle ranges within the walls. A dangerous game of daggers and shadows engulfs the spies and agents of both sides. Those left within the base are pit against Mawite infiltrators, and are left with but a single objective. Defend the sensitive systems of the base while the bulk of their forces engage the Maw host on the front lines.

With such few forces left inside the base, they are ill equipped to handle intruders of any real strength. With the defenders primarily composed of support staff, a token guard force, and a handful of agents, the Maw will find a target ripe for causing all manner of havoc and chaos. Destroy their systems in the name of the Avatars.


Objective 2: Master of Puppets
Members of the Shadow Empire set out on their dark ritual to summon Skulenus, hoping to summon their foul god to the material plane. The combined forces of the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade must fight to stop this dark plan. Unfortunately for them, simply blowing up the ritual area has proven to be impossible. Therefore, strike teams have deployed into the depths of the mountain to stop the schemes of the New Sith Order and Shadow Empire, or die in the attempt.

At the same time, those on the side of evil struggle to hold off the allied assault. You are outnumbered and outgunned, but when has that ever stopped you? Battle the forces of good and ensure the machinations of the Sith succeed. Fight in the depths of the bunker, through its winding halls, and keep the forces of good away from the ritual chambers, at all cost.


Objective 3: Steel Commanders
Half-finished and not fully supported, allied forces find themselves in a precarious position. While the base still provides a formidable obstacle to be overcome, Mawite forces descend upon them from both sides of the ‘valley’ the base is positioned within.Though it is still under construction, this joint bastion stands against the seemingly-limitless horde of the Maw forces stands this joint bastion. The objective of the defenders is simple - battle the forces of chaos every step of the way, grind their numbers down and battle for victory.

Coincidentally, the Brotherhood’s objective is just as straightforward. With vast hordes of levies and slaves at their disposal, accompanied and led by countless marauders and their veterans, the maul of the Avatars descends upon all foes. Grind down the allied forces, kill any who oppose you, and sacrifice their souls in the name of the Dark Three.


And Empty map for the warpostings:

Objective 4: Another Brick In The Wall
As the ground battle commences on the surface of Odessen, the situation in orbit grows just as heated. The Eternal Fleet mobilises alongside the Ashlan Crusades navy, moving in support of their forces on the ground. In dark contrast, the Maw warfleet, supported by the armadas of the Final Dawn, descend upon the joint blockade in an effort to overwhelm and decimate all resistance.

Objective 5: BYOO
Bring your own story, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!

Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Meet with Darth Solipsis
Location: Unknown Location, Maw Space
Equipment: Empyrean gland | Amulet of Many || OPBC-01m
Tag: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
[ Heart of Darkness ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As it was foretold. As Curse foresaw in one of his visions.

The shape-shifter Sith Lord looked up as his shuttle arrived at the coordinate he had received from the Dark Prophet. During the trip, the man watched the hologram; more recent ancient Mavors records and data were found with Dragon and Beast; another chance for change, for development. The light lit up under his hood for a few moments. Underneath the hood was the face of a younger man, with a completely average appearance, one side of his face very slightly lighter in color than the other. The sign of the man used his true form.

The young face was deceptive, for Curse was born centuries earlier; although it was different from the other Sith. He didn’t even live according to the Sith Code, maybe it was once, but that was before he became one of the leaders of Spear before he learned Ancient Mavors knowledge; before he received the cybernetic implants he would receive and this technology would have changed him. He was the Darksider part of Spear's triumvirate.

Although he was corrupted to his marrow, unlike most Darksider, he never longed for open power; he loved the shadows. He was the Puppetmaster, whose existence they did not even know existed. Over the years, he has gathered power, information, in the territory of the Eternal Empire, while he was a member in the Shadow Empire as well. Curse was interested in the information, and it took Shadow Empire, Nite was no longer enough for him. And now it’s time for the Shadow Empire to be his once and for all.

And for that he needed allies; that’s why he’s worked with Maw over the years, getting higher and higher up the ranks, gaining their trust, helping their work with information when needed. Until they got to today. What he had seen centuries earlier and the vision was as clear as he stood here today. After all, Curse had such lifelike Force visions as the Voss mystics. He knew exactly that this day was coming. He just had to wait.

When he arrived in the room where Darth Solipsis was, he stopped and bowed respectfully. He was much older, but he knew respect and was a civilized man. Last but not least, he waited centuries for this man, someone who deserved his attention and respect. No, they were not the Zambranos, but Solipsis; the man looked more like Curse than any Zambrano, he was much more sophisticated in the eyes of the Sith Lord.

"Darth Solipsis, finally!" he said. "I am Curse of Spear, in the New Sith Order they know me as Darth Maledictio. I think we can help each other."

He waited for a few moments and then continued.

"I can give you the whole Eternal Empire… if you want…"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the false Mand'alor
Location: Near to the base, Odessen
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid received information shortly after the Chamber that there is another group as well who was hunting for her daughter; this time the Mandalorians on the Maw's side. Whom thought it would be great to cause pain and wounds to Ashlan Crusade if they killed the Light of Ashla. Last but not least, the Mand'alor also had an unfinished business with Geiseric Geiseric . It was even unusual for Ingrid. I mean, she never thought Eina would be the first from her children who get into a relationship. She always thought she would have to protect her son from the girls ’parents; but Eina? She was more unique and different.

Few know of the Empress as very protective; especially with those who belong to her family, her house or her clan. She would do anything for them, she would kill anyone if they threatened hers. And no matter how she was not pleased because a Jedi master would be the newest member of House L'lerim, Geiseric had already won the woman's respect, and she didn't want Eina to worry too much. These were things that made her remember why she hadn't had a child for long, no matter how much she and Tubrok wanted; the excessive danger and anxiety about them. Or she never thought it would happen so soon, she means that they grow up so fast.

In any case, she talked to them and asked them that if they came to the planet, they should definitely wear a Taozin amulet so that Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze could not find them. Ingrid will set a trap for the man and then she will handle the situation. She also needed the help of Children of Ashla and Valkyrja, as the woman was able to copy the Force Signatures, but she wasn't Lightsider, so she needed two more powerful amulets thats are radiate Light Side, the rest was arranged by the red-haired woman.

She was always good at making traps, this was how they defeated the Bryn'adûl as well. So even now she built it, nicely, methodically. And the day came when the Maw attacked the planet and the man was also present. And the woman was waiting at the scene of the "trap". When the man arrived, he found only the woman in her assassin armour there, not his two targets.

"Welcome Lord Kryze! I know you weren't expecting me, but you're not going to find my daughter and my future son-in-law here. I guess I don't have to introduce myself to you. That's enough, I don't like anyone to target members of my family, my house, or my clan." she said in her usual ice-cold, military voice.

She took her two swords off her back, the woman did not come to talk today, but to kill the Sith Lord who calls himself Mand'alor…


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Stop the ritual, and defeat the Sith
Location: Above the ritual site, surface, Odessen
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Allies: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Geiseric Geiseric (?) | Open
Enemies: Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina smiled a little tensely after her mother visited her and Gei, and all she could say to her beloved Crusader was that now the man knew where the Valkyrja had inherited, that she always wanted to protect everyone, and sometimes was too overprotective. In any case, there were few people to whom she would say no to such a request. This is pretty much her mother and Geiseric. In everyone else's case she would have definitely refused the request.

And for Eina, it was especially hard to hide her present, as she was a living vergence, the Light Side radiated very strongly from her and could be felt from very far away. Her aura glowed a golden light in the Force, as if she really carried Ashla's light. This was really Geiseric’s merit, as Eina reflected her betrothed's commitment, determination and love for the Ashla's cause and for the goddess. And probably she reflected the deep and pure love they felt for each other. At times, the dyad between the Force and the two of them was capable of miracles.

The Valkyrja felt a little uncomfortable that she had to hide her presence, in her case it wasn’t that easy. Eina also joined the team that went to the other half of the planet because they felt Bogan's power there. The girl had felt this thing before, here in the Unknown Region; the rifts they opened are the many sacrifices. The Shadow Empire was present again, and since her mother was just hunting for Kryze, Eina came here to help to stop probably a ritual that the enemy was probably doing; with Ashla's blessing they had to be successful.

After the dropship landed, she also got out of it while receiving the data; they were far from ideal. The enemy in the depths of the mountain and until then countless cultists, Sith and other horrors, stood in their way. She hoped they would arrive downstairs in time. The systems detected the energy shields, meaning she could not teleport in and do the job alone, quickly. Oh! She noticed an acquaintance among those who came here.

"Greer!" she spoke to her and waved at her.


Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor
Objective III.: Doing her job and follow the warlord's commands.
Location: Near to the Ashlan Cruade/Eternal Empire's base.
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Open
Enemies: Open
[ Poison ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Waiting for Mongrel and the Scar Hounds in the Landing Zone.
  • Mercy sent the data to Mongrel.
  • Mercy longing, waiting to finally see him again.

I have to say I think this is my first mission when it didn't really work everything out the way I planned. This was the first time when I couldn’t gather half of as much information as I wanted. I had no idea how he would react. I’ve never let him down before, in any way. But now, here? This situation was damn unusual. To have more accurate information, I would have to wait for the battle to begin and get into the building, the base with someone’s codes. Because I can’t with my own because I don’t belong to the base staff. And the defence system's AI recognised this this time, and I cannot hack the system.

Feth! I was scared? No, I was more worried that I would disappoint him. I didn’t consider myself a person who is irreplaceable. Not yet. It’s one thing to be his lover, but I was still replaceable. You can request another telepath from the Taskmaster at any time. At the same time, I felt like I wanted to see him because I longed for him, as usual, but I didn’t even want to be around until I fixed the situation and couldn't gather as much information as needed. I hated having to work partially blind. As of now.

And I hated failure… It was a weakness.

I only had data that roughly described the enemy forces, not exact numbers. It would have required a database, but I cannot reach that this time. The spying was successful because I saw the exercises, the armies, the tanks, the droids. But still, these were only approximate values. The weapon list is mostly based on previous fights, as well as which team was capable of what. I saw the external defensive weapons, but not the base's internal security system. In addition to working with HPI, so I know what they are capable of.

Nevertheless, I wrote an exhaustive report the day before, as always, which I will send in a matter of seconds. The landing zones were perfect, as well as where and how we'll be able to encircle the enemy camp. Actually, I knew pretty much everything but the things inside. So I didn't know how many vehicles or fighters may be stored underground or inside the rock wall inside the base.

In any case, I was waiting at the designated meeting point when our army will show up. I have posted landing zone points before; it was always the first. My thoughts began to revolve around [orange]him[/color] again; it was easier to work if he wasn’t there nearby, so now I wanted to see him again so I could feel his embrace, his kisses, himself. Even if these could only be realised through thoughts. When MANIAC signalled that ours had arrived, I immediately opened a line of communication toward the warlord.

As usual at this time, my voice was average, I showed no sign that we were lovers. This information belonged to nothing but us, and it only mattered when the two of us were in private, or we're communicating telepathically. If anyone else could see or hear us, I was no more than his agent and his slave.

<< Warlord, this is Mercy! I am already waiting for your arrival in the landing zone. As always, I send the data, but this time it’s a bit incomplete. I couldn’t get exact numbers and I don’t know what's inside the base. The reasons are included in the data. There are some routes outlined by what the enemy has used in recent days and where there are units. They can be fenced on two sides, their base is in a valley and not operated fully, their defences systems are incomplete. The base has no back exit, at least based on my reconnaissance. There are two larger cannons in front of them, they are worth watching out for, but I have also marked this. The numbers, as I mentioned, are only approximately accurate, however, most of the Force users went to the other side of the planet, where the NSO members are currently located. Here, however, the highest-ranking individuals are present again. The Eternal Empress, the heir to the throne, who is also an important religious figure in the Ashlan Crusade, and senior leaders from the Empire. The same is true of the senior figures in the Ashlan Crusade, there are many here today. >>

While I was talking, I also sent the data to him. He was still far away from me, so I couldn't send a telepathic message to him, yet; so I couldn’t greet him the way I wanted. I… we would need a modified Mindstones to be able to do this at any time, without distance. A few moments later, I spoke again.

<< I also take full responsibility for my failure, and I'll take the punishment that comes with it. >> I said humbly, though inside I was damn angry that I had let him down and possibly disappointed him.


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Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal in the Eternal Army
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: III Steel Commanders
Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7 Power Armor, Rex Imperator, KC SAT Pistol, Shroudsaber (concealed)

EE: Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai
AC: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
MAW: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , The Mongrel The Mongrel

{✠} As Long as We Stand, We Triumph {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>
Post I

Belisarius came here a few days ago. It was a mess. Odessen was a possible bridgehead into Maw space and the Unknown Regions, first and only exploited by the ancient Eternal Alliance. Now some fethhead in the STRATCOM and in the leadership of the zealots decided to put a staging fortress, a FOB into a damn valley. As if they are the bloodiest amateurs there are. Now a rag-tag combined force of the Eternal Military and that of the Ashlan-priests would have to fortify and defend it. Defend it before they finished fortifying, because the Maw was not retarded, they were dangerous and raging, but not stupid.

And they caught them off-guard as far as the Field Marshal was concerned. The fort was not ready, not even close and even if, some sane commander would relocate it as soon as possible or even abandon it. There was no room for armour to operate, no appropriate protection from above or against air-craft, the steep slopes of the valley making any early spotting of incoming aircraft nigh impossible.

It was down to the infantryman and his rifle, the artillery barrel and iron will. The Eternal Empire and especially the Ultranauts offered plenty of each. The Field Marshal could sadly not bring his favoured Winter Division into this warzone, not enough space, not enough room for them, plus he would not risk his veterans for a project alongside the Ashaln Crusade. They had already failed in their very own borders to keep a single Sith chained down. Pious zealots. But he would make every man count today, every soldier had to be in place and Belisarius did not count the allies in, it was better to work against the odds than to overestimate something.


The entrances of the valley were secured, as much as they could under the given circumstances. There was little room to retreat to and the reserve troops were working tirelessly to establish more makeshift defenses. More ramparts, trenches, barricades to fall back to if the front lines should fail.

The frontlines itself had decent trenches but with no hard-cover like bunkers, they were not ready and had to be scrapped as the foundations were in the way. Now it was onto sandbags and actual dug trenches to provide cover for the Ultranauts and their allies. They were quite well established, the Eternal Army knew how to fortify itself. Still, there was little time for major traverses or connecting trenches, so it was quite a deadly trap if the trench should be overrun, little room or possibility to evacuate.

One regiment was assigned to each front plus additional Thunder Corps troops to man the artillery in the positions behind. Heavy guns were dug in, lighter ones as well, autocannons and heavy repeating blasters to provide a serious crossfire in the valley. Belisarius was quite satisfied with southern defenses, what they lacked in depth, they compensated in firepower. The northern end held exactly the opposite and was far worse. The water making trenches muddy at best, ditches at worst.

A tank unit was held in reserve along with two more regiments, the latter being busy fortifying the rear lines. The tanks were the only ones they could land so far and meant to counter any serious breakthroughs, acting as sledgehammers in these tight valleys, but they were also simple target practice for gunships and close air support.


The Field Marshal was standing at the forward command post in the north, taking a look at the progress of the fortifications as well as issuing orders and instructions how to improve firing angles, better position heavy weapons or how to avoid getting the trenches constantly soaked with water.

The troops were drilling daily, next to their work in the trenches. He would not let them rest and become fat. The enemy would not let them be rested and so he would not do so either, time being the worst enemy of all to a soldier and the passing of it could be like walking through thick mud. Occupying their thoughts with hate towards him or vomitting their lungs out because of exhaustion was much better. They kept shape and edge.

Belisarius lenses were scanning the steep cliffs of the valley as he finished the daily briefing for some company commanders. The tall half-Valkyri was standing out, especially in his imposing black armor and with the large sword which was sheathed on his back. Despite his anger about the circumstances of this siege, he was content, both about the shape of the troops as well as to be fighting the enemy again. It was his profession.


Baron of Tygeria

Hi'los Krai
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal of the Eternal Army | Baron of Tygeria
The Undying


Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Objective: Steel Commanders (III)
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | 2x Shroudsabers (Hidden) | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KC SAT Pistol

EE: Belisarius Vactovion
AC: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
MAW: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr The Mongrel The Mongrel

Hi'los hadn't been on ground long, arriving from his office on Tygeria following a request for his assistance. Hi'los had agreed, though he was not optimistic in their chances. They were in scrambles. They were cooperating with the Ashlan Crusade, which Hi'los wasn't what to make of. The Ashlan Crusade weren't the most capable in many eyes, and it would cause a rift in the defences.

He was unable to bring his Havi Division, only able to fit a few regiment into the fight. Hopefully he and the current Field Marshal on the ground could cooperate to defend this base, because if they didn't, it would be their doom.


While there were only 2 entry points, they had nowhere to retreat to. Similarly to Field Marshal Vactovion, he had one regiment deployed to each entrance, along with support battalions setting up med centers. Meanwhile the 14th "Zenith" Battalion and the 25th "Warlock" Battalion were actively guarding the base as a last line.

Making his way to the forward command post, he spoke with his XO, Lieutenant-General Pal Kel. "Sir, I strongly believe that the 'Myross' Battalion would be more useful in reserve."

"I agree, Lieutenant-General, but unfortunately we need their armour. Colonel Malusk is currently at the north entrance into the valley, ensuring their in line."

The General knew his place, and so he didn't speak another word about the subject until they had made it to the command post. Due to Hi'los's recent arrival, he was counting on Field Marshal Vactovion to provide more insight on the situation. The duo entered the command post to see Belisarius Vactovion giving out orders and examining the fortifcations. "Greetings, Field Marshal." Hi'los spoke at last.
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Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: #1, Bring Down the Hammer
Location: Ashlan Base
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Enemies: OPEN


The cantina of the Ashlan base was an oddly jovial place for such a stern, righteous cause. It was where people came to eat, rest, and sustain for another day spent fighting on against the Bogan-- both outward and within. As a specific Togruta sat at a table alone, politely chipping away at some rations, she considered this. It felt like every sunrise and sunset, she was still struggling with the same demons that any better Jedi would've gotten over ages ago. Oraada Laabre was a tortured soul who wished that, someday, she could bring an old friend back to the Ashla. It would rid herself of the taint lingering about her, or so she hoped.

Staring wistfully into the depths of the room, Oraada couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. She was always a worrywart, considering the worst possible situation, but the Force alerted her faithful to danger... didn't she? That was what she had to keep telling herself. Still, as she sat, her appetite slowly evaporated considering the situation. So, she took her plate over to the return area and sighed. It was a waste of food, but wasn't she a waste in and of herself? She didn't feel quite that helpful...

And that was when she nearly bumped into someone on her way out. "Oh-- sorry-- I didn't--" she stammered before noticing who it was. A human with softly blonde hair-- Heinrich Faust. Oh. Oh no. This was the Grand Marshall. Backing up, she stiffened and tried to look serious. "Apologies, sir. I should have been more vigilant."

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  • Lancer Fighter Squadrons: 0/0/32
  • Haxor Interceptor Squadrons: 0/0/9
  • Hornet Bomber Squadrons: 0/0/14

Objective: IV - Another Brick in the Wall
Location: Odessen, High Orbital Blockade
Tags: Open Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

In orbit around the forbidding world of Odessen, the joint forces of the Eternal Empire & Ashlan Crusade had set about establishing a blockade around the planet, so as to better restrict space traffic whilst the joint forces set about rendering the world a bastion to springboard a major offensive into Maw space. Thus far, it would appear their blockade would be successful - but success was measured in this case by the absence of anything notable really happening. To Rear Admiral Aximand Sicarus, it would seem that yet again he was granted a thankless assignment. He often wondered what he did to deserve such ire from STRATCOM, although in truth such thoughts were derived from mere annoyance.

The whole truth of the matter was that this planet was at the speartip of the Second Great Hyperspace War’s Ashlan/Imperial theater. Although he was tempted to question the validity of his presence here, his experience and instincts together led him to believe this was merely the quiet before the storm. The Maw were not an enemy in the habit of ignoring a threat right on their doorstep, and Odessen was the closest the Empire had come thus far to being on their doorstep. With that in mind, the Admiral had set about putting his new flagship through her paces, together with the combined forces of his task group, code named ‘Task Group Gorgon’.

His newly minted flagship, the ENS Tiberius, formed the nucleus of the Empire’s section of the blockade - a Regency-type Battlecruiser that dominated the eyeline of the formation. Positioned in front stretched the Coda-class frigates derived from both the 20th and 56th Heavy Attack Lines, supported by Ashkelon escort frigates and disruptor corvettes staggered between them. Two Demeton-class heavy cruisers flanked the screening formation of the frigates, with one positioned on either side, and a single Eternal-class Star Destroyer; dubbed the ENS Bastion anchored the formation alongside the Tiberius, specifically in the center-rear of the pattern. The remaining corvettes within the fleet had set about engaging in patrol routes over the past two days, and were in the process of going between the blockade and patrolling neighboring planetary bodies. Last but not least, the task group’s carriers were deployed within the atmosphere of the planet itself; squadrons of starfighters engaging in their own patrol routes within the planet proper, or in support of the corvette patrols within the void. The carriers’ optimal position would allow them to support either the blockade or the developing planetary garrison at a moment’s notice, while also keeping them far enough back from the blockade to prevent being targeted via line-of-sight means.

Overall, the Eternal Fleet was here in force to honor its commitments to the Ashlan Crusade. Aximand stared at the planet from the observation deck on the bridge, pondering over the preparations they had made thus far. There was... something which made him feel on edge - some tension just beyond his perception, but he could not place it. He felt... uneasy, or even... clouded, to put it accurately. It almost felt as if he was forgetting something important, so much so that it was metaphorically staring him in the face. If he was being honest with himself, he had felt out of sorts ever since he had transferred command of his former flagship to his former executive officer; the newly promoted Commodore Varys Praxis. That meant he would require a new executive officer, who would end up being Commodore Joram Einar. He was a capable man, and over the past few months, Aximand had developed a respect for him. The bridge crew and junior officers listened when he spoke, and he rarely ever had to speak above an average tone to be heard, save for the most tense of circumstances.

Despite the slow respect budding within Aximand over his new companion, he had the distinct feeling that they wouldn’t fully bond until they went into battle together. That was the true test of an officer’s capabilities; how do they handle themselves under pressure? Joram had come well reported prior to his promotion, but that did not replace the Rear Admiral seeing for himself personally. But those times would come. If Aximand’s instincts were to be believed; sooner rather than later.

  • The Eternal Fleet has positioned itself in a blockade formation around the planet Odessen alongside what I presume would be the Ashlan Crusade.

OOC note: I am only fielding 15km worth of ships, so as to allow for the Ashlan Crusade to field 15km.


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Tags: Belisarius Vactovion | Anyone else in the base
Directly Fighting: Belisarius Vactovion
Links: Weapons and Chosen in Sig

Odessen, the very definition of a backwater planet. Useless, out of the way, and unimportant. Until a deal had been struck in the shadows, a promise made between Sith. The Shadow Empire and New Sith Order would aid one another, and to that end they'd called upon aid from the Brotherhood. Naturally they had answered, knowing well the worth Sith could provide in battle. Unfortunately, the forces of good had also come to this world, seeking to end the forces of evil, and perhaps strike back in some way.

To Zachariel, that all hardly mattered. It simply meant there was but one more obstacle to overcome, another foe to kill and sacrifice to the Avatars. Perhaps, should they be worthy, they may even join the trophy racks of the Brotherhood. However, that was for the future, the present still awaited a battle for this little bastion. And as Zachariel looked over the information regarding the bastion, followed by a glance at the Maw forces, he knew it'd be a fun fight.

The base wasn't yet completed, but the defenders were more than ready to lay down their lives to defend it. Grinning beneath his skull helm, Zachariel turned to observe the amassed slaves, clones, and marauders. These fools would lay down their lives just as quickly, serving their betters in death. However, it wasn't the masses that would win this fight. No, those would simply serve to whittle down the ammunition stores of the defenders, and locate where the defenders where located. It was the tanks, artillery, and more estoric vehicles and creatures that would determine the victor.

Handing the data pad to a menial, the warlord turned from the Brotherhoods army and towards the base. It was practically surrounded, an entire army arrayed to take down this allied bastion of the light. And as Zachariel marched to the top of the Northern sides valley edge, he was given a commanding view of his target. To the defenders, it would look like he'd emerge from the light, bringing darkness with him. Standing there, atop that hill, Zachariel viewed his newest target, his newest conquest. And as he watched, he was joined by a further two figures, his Chosen flanking him.

For a long moment there was silence from his group, all eyes on him, even as his eyes never left the bastion. Then, he raised his sword, pointing it ominously towards the defenders of all that was good. In an instant, chaos erupted from the Mawite lines, at least in this section. Behind him swarmed forth a tide of darkness, being herded forth by their dark masters. At the forefront of this tide rushed the slaves and clones of the Brotherhood, eagerly searching for death and bloodshed. Behind the countless cannon fodder came the marauders, just as eagerly charging, though more than willing to allow the horde to take the brunt of the fire. From this mass came a cry, shouted from thousands of throats, an endless chant of hate.

Herding them forward were the veteran marauders, barking orders and directing the teeming mass. It was rather telling that these veterans were of the Bloodsworn, for that warband had dedicated itself to becoming a proper military force. They were the proper military arm of this Northern attack, all under the command of Zachariel Steelblood, their warlord. Said warlord had not moved from his position, still standing atop his hill, watching and waiting. Behind him marshaled the heavier hitters of his forces, before him charged a teeming mass of screaming hate. And he watched and laughed.



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre



The relations between the Ashlan Crusade and the Eternal Empire had begun to bear fruit, providing the Crusade with a location from which they would launch their offense against the Maw. Though Heinrich felt felt torn about establishing a base so far away from their territory, he understood the merits of such an endeavor. The doubt within stemmed from personal issues, or at least that's what he kept telling himself. Though some time had passed since his duel with the Dark Voice on Ession, Heinrich still felt a bit on edge. The Brotherhood and their New Sith Order were growing more dangerous by the day, and with each passing moment, their reach could be felt further and further across the galaxy. He could only hope that the tide of darkness would pass, and that he would be the one to put Solipsis himself to the sword.

He made his way into the cantina, followed by a small contingent of the Sons of Ession. The majority of their unit had remained in Ashlan Space for the time being in an effort to assist with the stabilization of recently taken worlds. It seemed that the Crusade's own victories had been piling up, slowly inching them ever closer to their ultimate goal. Yet, that same uncertainty lingered, as it likely would so long as the darkness remained.

As he passed through the room, a stranger bumped into him, almost setting him off balance. As he looked to the stranger, he recognized her as a follower of Ashla, though he did not know her by name. Many new faces had come into the fold, and Heinrich was still getting used to them. He offered a smile in return for her formality, an attempt at being reassuring.

"It's quite alright. No need for the formalities, we are all equals in the eyes of Ashla."

It had been so long since he helped found the Crusade, and despite all of that time, he never managed to get used to his rank. Heinrich was a knight first and foremost, a commander second, and a politician a very distant third. Sometimes he would almost forget his status when intermingling with those outside of Ashlan leadership. Such environments suited him better than the rigid practices of his office.

"What is your name?"

Location: Approaching Valley from the Northwest
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Allies: EE (Belisarius Vactovion Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim ) │ AC
Enemies: BotM ( Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr )
Direct Engagement: Open!

<“They are so screwed down there.”>

Eleena was not a tactician or a student of military strategy. Nevertheless, even she knew that the valley could quickly become a death pit or more bluntly, a mass grave for the poor ground-pounders tasked with defending the half-built base. It wasn’t often that a jet swoop pilot was lucky, being that their machines were widely considered to be death traps, even by those with ample experience in piloting them. And yet, Eleena felt that way. She judged that the skies were relatively tame compared to the soon-to-be mass grave that was the valley.

All she needed to do was not get shot down.

Against the Maw, that might be easier said than done. A veteran of Batuu, Eleena had been one of the very first to witness the Maw when they had emerged from the depths from the Unknown Regions to strike at the Black Spire Outpost. Since then, they had evolved beyond that savage band of raiders to an intragalactic-spanning superpower.

And yet, Eleena knew that they were still capable of being killed.

<”MEIPOC, link me to the local Battle Net and project its sensor data onto my feed.”> The swoop ace said.

<”Processing request, Warrant Officer Salwa.”> The AI answered in its paternal bass. <”Confirmed.”> It intoned a moment later.

Alabaster features red with anticipation, Eleena set her swoop on course to approach the valley from the northwest. Then, initiating a descent from high altitude, a silent command activated the Queen’s stealth systems, bringing them online to conceal her approach on the Maw’s lines.

<”Closing in…”> Her voice trailed off. <”And…acquiring target locks!”> She added, the pings echoing against her ears as she did.

Then, she willed her weapons to unleash hell.

Her sights set on the enemy artillery positions ( Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood ), a pair of mid-power energy torpedoes were cast forth from her launchers, locked onto the Mawite batteries. Then, cutting much of her speed, Eleena seized the initiative and approached at low altitude. Not a moment later, her quad disruptors whined to life, aimed to cut down any marauders she could find in the gun crews, with the intention of disrupting the batteries as much as possible. However, Eleena knew better than to linger. Before long, clouds of anti-energy weapon aerosol went off in her wake, covering her retreat as she zoomed away and disappeared into the forest after her initial attack run.

It would not be her last.

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Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Belisarius Vactovion, Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Enemies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , The Mongrel The Mongrel


Angels of Death

The air was tense on Odessan, as there had been reports of Maw activity near the planet. It had been an unsettling notion, thinking that the marauders would manage to find their way to the base before it was completed, let alone the space station. Nevertheless, arrive they would, as they always did. The Magister wasn't even meant to take part in the efforts here, as he had other matters to attend to. They were at war, after all, and there were plans that needed forming, supply lines that needed bolstering, and troops that needed training. Yet, he would find himself here nonetheless, answering the call to defend the position upon the planet.

As soon as he him and his troops had set foot upon the planet, he could see that there would be a disadvantage for the allied forces. The base was far from finished, and their numbers were slim. The Eternals had done what they could to dig in, and the Magister quickly sent several units to assist in the bolstering of the facility's defenses. Crusaders joined in the digging of trenches and foxholes, and lined the gaps with piecemeal walls as best as they could. There would be little time before the Maw was upon them, and every second would count.

He approached the command post with a small contingent, along with Commander Valgo, a Quarren with a quick wit and a keen eye for battle. The pair approached the half-Valkyri, each offering a nod of acknowledgement.

"Greetings, Field Marshal. I am Scipio Kaarz, Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade, and this is Commander Valgo. We brought as many forces as we could, at least, as many as we could mobilize this far away on such short notice. I have already taken the liberty of sending them to assist your troops with the defenses."

The Magister didn't know the man, save for his reputation as a soldier. Scipio had no love for the Eternals, but he had a respect for devotion and skill. With any luck, their combined efforts could hold the tides of darkness back.

"We took fire on the way in, though I expect it was to rattle our cages more than anything. No casualties, but some of the dropships are heavily damaged. The ones that can't be repaired are already being scrapped to add to our defensive structures."

Commander Valgo took a step forward, placing his attention on the Magister.

"Sir, where do you want Deus Company?"

"Keep them in reserve for the moment. When the time comes, we'll need them to be able to move to wherever the fighting is thickest."


Post: 1
Objective: World on Fire
Location: Brief stop In Obj 3 in Route to the Base Obj 1
Equipment: Mind Crown | White MidNight Duster with Hood | White Beskar Armor | White Sith Death Mask | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Lots Explosives and a few Surprises | Holopad
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | The Mongrel The Mongrel
Enemies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre
Engaging: Open


A ghostly image of diminutive figure standing under a meter and half dressed in white midnight duster and wearing a white sith death mask appeared. Even in this ghostly image her eyes managed to glow their sulfuric orange glow the darkness in her soul ran deep even her apparition was scarred by it. She came to stand right beside Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr looking out towards the valley. She didn't look at Mercy just stared out towards the war front. In the North the Charge had begun but her in the south they were still awaiting the arrival the Scar hound General Mongrel someone Tegan respected even if she was a bit jealous of his notoriety and infamy. Respect wasn't something Tegan gave far to often to anyone.

Finally the ghostly figure spoke. "I need you fire on the six spider cruisers that are about to come over head, and create some comm chatter about how they have been high jacked." The six Spider Cruisers incoming contained several infiltration units, and their target was the base. The Spiders also carried a few more surprises. "Hit them but don't destroy them we want them to go into a controlled crash and land near or even better in the base if we can manage but the objective is to get as close to the base possible." The Image stood there a little longer taking in the valley, the figure looking poised for war and to bring wicked things upon this world.

"I liked your work on Jedha, so don't disappoint me here." With hat said the ghostly image faded away.

Tegan's eyes opened as she sat aboard one of the six Spider cruisers. She looked to the pilot and then back at the passengers in the back. Under her mask the wicked little demon was grinning from ear to ear the pilot at her side was clearly nervous. "It's time for the games to begin, are you read to scream." She let out a maniacal laughter.
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Post: 1
Objective: On the Highway to Hell
Equipment: Red Midnight Duster | Red Sith Armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | CrushGaunts | x2 White lightsabers | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | Variety of Explosives | RSKF-44 heavy blaster | X-21 shock glove
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw
Enemies: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Geiseric Geiseric
Special Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


The Job was simple to the point protect the ritual make sure no one interfered. They weren't really given a lot of explanation on what the ritual was about or for mostly cause it would have flown way over most their heads. Most of the people set to protect this little shindig weren't even force user some of them were but most of the sith were directly part of the ritual not the protection detail assigned to it. Khaos had volunteered for this much to Braktus's dislike he didn't want to be protecting no sith not that Khaos asked him too. He complained so much about not wanting to protect sith that Khaos had sent him off to go fight with the rest of the Mawites in the Valley.

Not like much was going to happen here anyway they were well tucked away, and she didn't figure much trouble would arise until the ritual was finished. She really didn't even care what the ritual was as person of the force and Magickal arts that came as a bit of a surprise when a few of the non-force users in the detail asked her what was going on. "I don't pay much mind to sith sorcery." She said bluntly as they asked.

Khaos thought this job was just going to be a cake walk and she would get to take a small break from all the war for once. Time recuperate and reinforce here armies with new recruits, as she was slowly working toward s building her own little tribe instead of always relying on the other tribes to give her people for the front lines. She was going to call them the Void Wolves or maybe the Wolf Bane tribe she really hadn't settled fully on what she wanted to call this tribe wanted to form.

As she stood there daydreaming about the future and twiddling her thumbs for the briefest of seconds, she felt odd. Her orange eyes the outward sign of her curse soul flash brightly as she looked around. The feeling was gone it was like sense in the force but a small tremor in the ground the vines telling her something was going on, but they didn't scream at her like normal. She looked around and even reached out the force but felt nothing.

Her heightened sense of smell kicked in, but the world was still too unfamiliar to her she hadn't been here long enough for the scents to normalize to the point she could pinpoint what was out of place. She was blind to the approaching strike forces but her own aura was projecting outward though it blended with the dark ritual being formed. She was like an exact opposite of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Khaos's soul permanently taint by the darkside bathed in shadow. Khaos's whole family was cursed with the darkness no amount of purification could ever separate it. They were the Tyrants of Destruction, the Heralds of despair or at least that's what some of them liked to think of themselves as. In truth some fought against the curse a fight that you could never truly win one Khaos's older sister Cord Starfall Cord Starfall still fought to this day. Khaos herself even fought against at times but as of late she was trying to accept who she really was.

"Be on the alert I think something is about." She finally spoke up to those around her. It was a feeling a small one but she learned to trust her gut a long time ago.
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The Dark Sorcerer of Dathomir


Location: Aboard one of the MAW Spider Cruisers
Objective: I
Equipment: Stolen Hellhound Armour | Crimson Lightsaber (concealed) | 2x KC-77N Hybrid Pistol

AC: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre
MAW: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr The Mongrel The Mongrel


Ami Dracov stood aboard one of 6 Spider Cruisers, dressed in her stolen Hellhound uniform provided by an informant. She examined herself once more, ensuring she looked exactly like Warrant Officer Lena Dracov of the Hellhound Special Forces unit. Her thoughts dwelled over her, but she moved on. She refused to think of her, not as her sister, not as her friend, only as her enemy. She deserved much worse after leaving her on Dathomir, but today her mission was bigger than Lena.

The Nightsister had studied Lena's file, examining her appearance to match it. It wasn't difficult, seeing as the 2 were almost identical. Now she had to play the part. Her job was to infiltrate the base as a member of a very elite special forces unit and assist the others in the mission. Now was the part she had objected, they were going to get shot out of the sky. The ships were filled with slaves and infiltrators, attempting to make the ship looked hijacked, the Maw forces would shoot them down. The goal was to land near the base, but it was all riding on the hope the forces there wouldn't attack escaped slaves.

She had no intention of staying through the crash though. She moved up towards the pilot and whispered in his ear. "We want a controlled crash, don't disappoint or your head will be next." She said with a smirk at the pilots discomfort. Out loud she said "Now, it's time to have some fun!" Just as she spoke the ship was shot at, and the mission began.

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Location: Odessen, War-Torn Valley
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Foes: Belisarius Vactovion | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz

  • The Mongrel struggles with his inner emptiness and his obsession with Mercy
  • The Scar Hounds advance along the southern path to the Alliance base
  • Mawite mobile artillery creates a creeping barrage toward (and over) the first trench
  • Firefang Wardogs charge the first trench with the barrage as cover
  • Marauders move up along the valley edges as a second wave
  • The Mongrel sends Mercy with a squad of Shi'ido fleshtakers to take out the enemy artillery

(For just the warposting, skip to the second section)​

Odessen. Placid oceans, majestic mountains, forested hills.

A pleasant planet... one about to be sullied by the filth of war.

The Mongrel stared down at the blue-green jewel his dropships were fast approaching, a gleaming sphere reflected in his goggle-like cybernetic eyes. If he'd come here as a younger man, freshly inducted into the worship of the Hidden Maw, he would have experienced a heady mix of feelings. Eagerness, fear, faith, all would have blended together in his mind, the kind of powerful emotional cocktail that had inspired him to great and terrible deeds. It was why he had risen, earned glory and status, where other slave-soldiers had fallen.

It was why he was the last of those original marauders now.

But as Odessen grew larger in the descending transport's viewports, he felt none of those things. He felt only tired. Over a decade of war, each battle stripping away more and more pieces of him, had left him all but spent. Twelve long years ago he had been promised martyrdom, a glorious rebirth into a purified galaxy, if only he would fight with all his heart and mind and strength in the service of the Dark Three. And he had, over and over, across dozens of worlds and every corner of the galaxy. He had given up flesh and blood and bone.

He had become a shadow of a man, and still he did not die.

The Mongrel did not know anything of Force nexuses or dark rituals or Sith Lords worshipped as gods. He did not know why the Maw fought for Odessen, and he did not ask. He was a military man, forged in the fires of war, and he did not question the schemes of the Dark Voice and his New Sith Order. Odessen to him was just another battlefield, an opportunity to drive back the Eternal Empire and secure the western reaches of the Unknown Regions for the Brotherhood. For that goal he would fight with all his strength until told to stop.

Because that was what he did. He fought, and he obeyed.

The Mongrel had faced the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade only once before, the Ashlans at Korriban and the Eternals at Dromund Kaas. He had learned quickly enough not to underestimate them. The Ashlans were as fanatical about their holy light as the Mawites were about their holy darkness, and the Eternals possessed highly sophisticated military technology, seemingly always ready for anything their enemies could throw at them. Neither was the Brotherhood's main foe in their campaign toward the core, but both were dangerous.

As the Scar Hounds descended toward the battlefield, their warlord read his most trusted agent's report. She was already securing his tribe's landing zone, as he had expected. The Brotherhood forces had the enemy garrison surrounded, ready to push into the valley where it lay from all sides. The Alliance's defenses were not yet complete, but what they had constructed was still formidable, especially given all the forces they had managed to pack into the mountain pass. Many of their prominent leaders were there to lead the fight.

More than that, however, she could not tell him.

It was her first failure in his service.

There was a time and a place when he would have been angry, might have raged at her or devised some punishment. But that had been years ago, when he had been whole, when he could still find some pleasure in the galaxy. Now he did not have that luxury. He was alone in his metal case, reduced to nothing but a damaged brain kept alive by a host of beeping machines, without touch or taste or smell. Mercy was The Mongrel's only way to feel, the only one he dared let touch his thoughts. Without her, he had nothing but emptiness.

In punishing her, he would hurt himself too.

The warlord sent no reply to her transmission. His ship was coming in for a landing; he would see her in person soon. That was the only thing that offered him excitement any more, the only thing that kept him going now that martyrdom seemed a distant and forlorn hope. Their "relationship" was a twisted thing, dangerous for them both. On Durace, she had told him she loved him... but in his heart, he knew there was no reason for it. He was a broken, vile, corrupted, evil thing, incapable of loving and utterly undeserving of love.

What she felt for him was dependence, the twisted attraction of an abused victim to her abuser. In the same way, he was dependent on her, dangerously obsessed with the relief her telepathic touch could grant him - the only pleasure he could still experience. Her presence was like a drug to him, intoxicating, addictive. He was possessive of her, viewing her as irreplaceable, protecting her with all his strength because he could not bear to face the galaxy without her. But that was not love, not really. It was ultimate selfishness.

In his rational mind, The Mongrel knew this. He knew he ought to cast her aside, to fall back on his faith in the Three Avatars and let nothing distract him from their holy purpose. But he was too weak to give her up. Already he felt the rush of anticipation as his dropship came in to land, his hunger for her presence stripping away even the possibility of anger. Was it making him soft, creating a weakness within him? Perhaps. But he could not find it in himself to care. He had given in to his obsession. He couldn't live without it.

The boarding ramp lowered, and the warlord strode out, his spiked metal feet crushing Odessen's lush grasses with every step. Behind him, the Scar Hounds deployed, preparing their engines of war and chanting verses from the Gospel of the Hidden Maw. The Mongrel hardly even heard them. He simply crossed to where Mercy stood waiting for him, eager to draw close to her. When he spoke, his voice was as harsh and mechanical as it always was; he could not make it tender, could not warm his tone. But his words belied that.

"Your failure is forgiven," The Mongrel told Mercy.

She was the first person he had ever spared from his wrath.

The defenders of Odessen would not be so lucky.


The Battle Begins
It would be like old times, back at the beginning of the Mawite conquests. In the north, Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood and his Bloodsworn Tribe would sweep down on the defenders in a great tide, shock troops taking the brunt of the incoming fire while the elite marauders behind them got into position. The Mongrel knew their tactics well; he had risen to glory from among the ranks of the Bloodsworn, and still viewed the tribe with great respect. They would be fearless and relentless in their sweeping advance, and brutal at close range.

The Scar Hounds were quite different. Rather than the brutal training and endless feudal loyalty of the Bloodsworn, they relied heavily on their scavenged technology. None of their warriors were without cybernetic augmentation, and none of it was uniform; replaced limbs, metal-plated bodies, neural enhancements, integrated weapons, all of it could be seen within their ranks. But these were not the only things that set them apart, for they were famous for using two other advantages: jury-rigged vehicles and fierce warbeasts.

They would need both advantages to win here.

The southern end of the valley, away from the river, had been easier for the defenders to fortify. Mercy's scouting reports indicated three successive lines of defenses ahead of the enemy forward HQ. These were largely open-topped trenches, kitted out with heavy repeaters that would turn the open ground in front of them into a brutal killing field for anyone attempting a frontal assault. Additional heavy ordnance lay behind them, big guns that could be brought to bear on larger targets. It was simple, but efficiently deadly.

A simple mass charge would be ripped apart in moments.

But despite the stereotype of the Brotherhood that persisted in Core Worlds media, the Mawites were not mindless fanatics. They would not have been able to destroy Csilla, burn Coruscant, or survive a war with every last major galactic power at once without strategy. Already the wheels in The Mongrel's mind were turning, tactical analyses running through his cybernetic brain as he pondered his opening move. He had learned much in a decade and more of war against all of Known Space. He could turn enemy tactics against them.

Csilla, Ilum, Korriban, Nirauan, Dromund Kaas, Roon - on all these planets and more, the warlord had seen the devastating power of artillery. He had learned from the horrific losses inflicted by the enemy's long-range guns, had carefully analyzed how they had been deployed and used. The Maw had developed new weapons to compensate... and to duplicate. Now it was time to put such tactics to the test, to blend them with the traditional strategies of the Maw and create something new. In this war, you had to innovate or die.

"Begin the barrage," The Mongrel ordered. At his command, the mechanized forces of the Scar Hounds moved into position at the valley's southern mouth, keeping well back from the trench line. Modified LuchsHai cargo speeders, each one bearing a Mongrel's Howl artillery piece in the back, moved in among the much larger Mawite War Skiffs, which were angling their powerful Chiss MetaCannons up high for arcing shots. As one they opened fire, the speeder technicals unleashing a rain of countless thundahvelins...

... while the MetaCannons belched out high-explosive shells.

Although the enemy was dug into their trenches, providing them with some cover, those trenches were open-topped. They could be hit from above with impunity, lucky shells landing inside them, with dire results for the troops taking shelter there. But the barrage did not begin with a direct attack on the trenches. Instead it formed a wall of explosions in front of the first trench, a wall that slowly began moving further and further up the valley, toward the defensive positions. It was a creeping barrage, devastation and cover.

DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran and his ilk had taught The Mongrel all too well.

Behind the colossal wall of explosions came the second attack. "Send in the dogs!" the warlord bellowed, and at his command the Scar Hound beastmasters threw open their cages. The battlefield filled with baying and howling as a wave of the tribe's fearsome Firefang Wardogs streaked out across the valley floor, moving in behind the creeping barrage. The idea was simple. Use the artillery to keep the enemy's heads down, then move up forces behind it: the Wardogs, ready to jump into the trenches when the shells passed.

In those close quarters, the hounds would be devastating.

But there was no telling how the enemy might react, and even if the first trench line fell to this tactic, there were several more behind it. That was why The Mongrel, as always, had several other plans in motion. "Scar Hounds, advance!" The bulk of his troops moved up far behind the dogs, sticking to the sides of the valley, staying out of the main fire lanes as much as possible. Their goal was to follow up the initial attack, to occupy the first trench line if it fell to this assault and to prepare the next attack wave if it did not.

Until then, the major threat they still faced was the enemy artillery, the dug-in big guns that would no doubt fire on their advance even through the screening barrage. The Mongrel could not prevent that initial attack, but perhaps he could dispatch his most elite forces to prevent any follow-up. He turned once more to Mercy, for though he was loathe to put her at any risk, he knew he would need to use her skill in order for them both to survive this. "Their artillery must be brought down before it destroys us," he told her.

"Bring a squad of fleshtakers. Infiltrate and destroy."

His thoughts, however, contained a different order.

Be careful. Return to me.



Another Brick In The Wall

Location: Orbit above Odessen
Objective: Hold the line
Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus OPEN

Grand Admiral Draellix was stationed in orbit in the newly christened Lord Hoth This was something of a shakedown for it, but it had passed trials with flying colours so she had utter faith in it and its crew. To tell the truth, she could have been on any one of the Noble Crusaders, they all looked identical from the inside, other than the gold banding at shoulder height with the name of the ship emblazoned in it in beautiful script. Isla was absolutely certain though that she could tell the difference from the hum of the engine. The Bane of Darkness had a slight off pitch drone. And her beloved Pillar of Retribution had the wonderful note when the engines cycled that was like music.

Today's objective was to hold the line, she looked out of her port viewport and could see the flagship of the her counterpart in the Eternal Navy lazily drifting in formation with his fleet. The ENS Terminus was also new, and she admired the lines of the Regency Class, a formidable platform. To her starboard, the form of the Fist of Demici dominated the view, she could see lights filling the sky as its interceptors flew around to form a CAP screen. If the Maw were to come, they would be bringing fighters if previous experience told, so she had brought three of her anti-starfighter corvettes, dangerous little things that could cut swathes through enemy fighters in moments.

Get me Admiral Sicarus on the holo" she ordered her comms controller who obliged quickly.

"Admiral, how wonderful it is to see you again, that is a handsome ship you have got there, I would love the honor of having a tour some day.

My long range pickets are picking up some hyperspace traffic currently, at very long range, there was a spike in civilian traffic leaving a system not from the Mawite border. I have sent a picket to investigate, for something to spook the civis like that gives me a little concern, could be raiders, could be nothing. Let's hope it pleases me to have a man of your caliber at my side."

She genuinely respected the man, he had a distinguished record, but Isla was being deliberately pleasant. They were to be allies, if they were to head north into the Mawite territory, she wanted to know her counterpart as well as she knew herself, the last thing they needed was to fall apart in the middle of the battle because tactically he was an ambush hunter and she was a turtle. And from tactical manuals, that was generally her strategy, her ships all had state of the art shielding and layers of thick armour, slow but more than capable of sustaining a fight for the duration, as was shown at Korriban, where only the intervention of that Ashlan Damned super laser broke her fleet's back.

One of her Corvettes had moved along side her now and she looked out, the little thug of the Principality looked tiny next to the Noble Crusader, but their captains loved them, nasty little things, but she needed to keep them safe, the Seraphim class was her old go to for a light warship, but their open hull design was just too vulnerable and they had been mothballed, officially at least. Unofficially they were being repurposed as stealth frigates. If you can't take a hit, don't let the enemy hit you.

She sat in her command chair and began to review her fleet composition and status, she was happy, all were reading above expectations, there had been less call for the fleet due to the Sith Empire collapsing, so their readiness had increased and her crews were currently at 95% of operational levels, the highest it had been in years

Fleet currently in blockade position over Odessen, positioned to the starboard side of the Eternal Navy.

Friendly picket vessel currently investigating reports of a spike of civis leaving a nearby system, concern about raider activity.



Steel Commanders

Location: Just outside Ashlan Base
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Tags: OPEN

The Mandalorian had only been stopping in system to take on fuel from the Eternal Navy when a distress call went out from the ground, a serious incident requiring urgent medical treatment. Anashja offered to step in and landed one of her Læknar-class medical dropships nearby the site of the incident. Cables were being drilled into the rock face to support large electrical masts above the base. Whether it was bad cables, bad rock, or bad workmanship, something had failed and a ton of metal working had ripped out with the high tension cable. The installer working on it had been killed instantly, a large part of his lower body was missing, potentially launched into the surroundings by the makeshift catapult. Further along, a dozen or so construction workers were serious injured, some critical.

She knelt over one of the critical patients with her eyes closed. Her shots saber in her left hand and her right hand over the wound, the man's organs had been turned to sponge by the impact and he was bleeding internally. The healing glow of the saber and her own force power worked in tandem, staunching the blood flow. This would not be a complete fix, but it would stabilise him for the hours needed to operate on him, without this force healing, he would bleed out withing minutes. Already his breath was raspy, as the mislocated blood put pressure on his lungs. The thoratic drain she had out in place prevented his lung collapsing completely, but blood oozed from the drain onto the floor. "come on! Heal damn you!" She said in Mandalorian as she felt the body resisting. There was a darkness brewing, she didn't know what it was, but the light was flowing less smoothly into her, and the Litr Grtyr on her chest was responding to some dark pervasion on the air.

At last, the man was healed enough for regular surgery to save him, one of her vod took over as she moved onto the next, a woman, her upper leg had been cut almost completely away at the thigh, there was no way of saving it, it was her or the leg at this point though Anashja sadly, as she drew her other lightsaber to perform the field amputation.


Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: #1, Bring Down the Hammer
Location: Ashlan Base
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Enemies: The Maw
Engaging: Open


It wasn't her place to really be so casual with someone of a higher rank. Much like a Padawan showed respect to their Master, other Masters (rank or in name), and even Knights, Oraada felt it was only right to show a superior officer the reverence he was due. Even as he claimed they were equals, it was hard to stamp out that lingering sensation that there was a great power imbalance between them. Even among her peers, Oraada was only so skilled at combat, at being one with the Force. Rank, to her, was earned through skill, so it meant that those above her had both the experience and the finesse to be there.

Even so, wouldn't it be worse to disregard what Faust said in favor of sticking to status? The man was making it clear that he did not hold immense regard for such things, at least for the moment. Oraada dipped her head slightly, making the lekku draped over her shoulders slide forward with her. What should she say in return, she wondered. Perhaps just an acknowledgement? How casual was appropriate for this?

"Still, I don't imagine you enjoy being accosted, accident or not," Oraada said softly. But despite that, she pulled herself together and steeled her courage enough to try and smile. "My name is Oraada. Oraada Laabre. I am one of the newer folks to have joined up with the Crusade."

Providing her name was the least she could do to alleviate the awkwardness. Heinrich Faust was a man that was difficult to avoid. If one was in the Crusade, they likely knew him in one way or another. On the other hand, there were so many of their people together that she imagined it must have been hard to remember anyone in particular, much less one little Togruta.

Something tugged at her mind. An errant thought which pondered about the feelings of other people. It struggled to find the reason for why he would disregard his rank so easily in a casual conversation. Perhaps... no. She shouldn't assume. There could be any number of reasons and none of them were her business to know. Nonetheless, she began to move aside so the Grand Marshall could properly enter the space.

"I should... probably leave you to your meal."


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