Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Defense of the Devourer

Writing with: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus // Open for interaction
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Objective: Halt the advance of intruders.

Location: The Devourer.

Equipment in bio.


the Vorm of the Ren

"Nice try."

She noticed, and as she switched off the grenades on her belt, the air around them cooled.

Of course she did, she had the Force on her side. Yet what happened after, she could not prevent, and that was the Ren's goal all along. The slow, tension-filled prelude to their one-on-one combat switched gears hard; what's more, it kicked into overdrive. The soldier further back attempted to throw the telekinetically-primed grenade belt away, but it exploded in his grasp, vaporizing most of his body in a spectacle of gore and blood, thrashing and stunning those around him with its fiery close-proximity shockwave.

The moment the string of detonations rang out, so did something far more terrible happen onboard the Devourer; someone immensely powerful in the Force cast out their grasp over the ship itself and tore apart its internal structure in but a second. Waves of tremor rippled through and around the corridor they were in after the exploding grenades. But there was no time to waste; he had nowhere to go anyway.

The fire suppressant system kicked in and the terrorizer exploded down the hallway; but so did Mairéad's rifle discharge in tandem. Vorm's personal energy shield soaked the initial shot that would have hit him in the shin, the otherwise invisible bubble around his body flaring up in colorful geometric patterns – but he leapt once, twice, three times as he bent forward and flew down the corridor, quartering the distance between them each time he launched himself off of the floor or sidewall.

It was time to determine what this House Solus had to offer; for Vorm had no idea who they were.

First, he knew he still had to thin the number of her remaining lackeys, so with a hateful forward stab with his lightsaber he first attempts to gore the lady in the stomach, hoping that there remained no layers of Beskar underneath her leather belts that looped around her hip.

But he would not stop there. Regardless of his thrust's success, he maintains his gathered momentum as he slides forward low on the ground, aiming to get closer to the soldiers behind her and perforate weak spots in their lightsaber-resistant armor using the rarely-seen practices of Trákata combat.

Flashes of red illuminate the horrific scenes that the explosion left behind as Vorm activates-deactivates his two lightsabers in a dizzying flurry of quick attacks at the remaining soldiers thrown back by the explosion, while also keeping in mind that his main opponent could easily pounce at him at any moment.

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Try to save the hostages.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Open
Allies: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Garrus Garon Garrus Garon | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Vorm Vorm | Nal'Khem Szat Nal'Khem Szat | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Sil performs a tactical retreat.
  • She cauterises her belly wound.
Sil #1
Kralmus #1
Ivixa #1
Mairéad #1
Sil #2
Kralmus #2
Sil #3
Kralmus #3
Sil #4
Kralmus #4
Sil #5
Kralmus #5
Sil #6
Kralmus #6
Sil #7
Kralmus #7
Sil #8
Kralmus #8
Sil #9
Kralmus #9

I was able to sense and see he was letting go of his spear, but mostly because it was like he was holding it in his arms. I wish I had the strength to knee Karlmus in the groin again. But everything hurt too much from the belly stab. If I know well, that it is believed to be the most painful and perhaps one of the slowest ways to die. Bleeding out slowly from the abdominal wound while in great pain. It can even cause paralysis if the wound is too deep. In the corridor around us, you could hear the emergency signals and see the red lights. And for me, MANIAC projected the same colour on my retina. More indications of my injury.

I tried to overcome the pain with clenched teeth and hoped that he wouldn't try to bring the blade to my heart in one move. I would probably do that, but it would be a quick and painless death. This man didn't seem like someone who wanted to give anyone a quick and painless death. I groaned when I heard him hum. Waltz? Did he really enjoy it all that much? As I raised my head a little, I felt and saw how he was swaying back and forth with me.

<"Really?!"> I asked hoarse from the pain. <"I'm starting to think you're a bit of a romantic.">

I think if someone saw us now, they would think we were lovers and trying to comfort us for some reason or something. And he continued to speak, but I did not have the strength to do so or to stop him. When he said that it was almost over, that was the moment when I couldn't wait any longer. Here was my fear that he would raise the dagger to my heart. He didn't stay silent after my words, but his words were interrupted. First I screamed in pain, now he. As he let me go, the blade slipped out of my stomach and I fell to the ground.

The whole world was spinning in the wake of blood loss and pain, but I finally had the opportunity to press my hand on my heavily bleeding belly. Because of my helmet, I couldn't smell the burning flesh, and I didn't know how badly he was injured. As I fell to the ground, my other pistol fell out of my hand. And I didn't have the strength to go after him. I saw Kralmus trying to crawl away from me, I did the same. Tactical retreat.

This fight was definitely not one of the most glorious fights. It was bloody, fallible and brutal.

<"We really did!"> I growled through clenched teeth. <"I thought you wanted roast meat, well you got it! I told you to accept the KFE Happy Meal Menu…">

I screamed when he started shooting at me, I was lying on the ground in the foetal position, with my back to him, that he wasn't able to shoot me in any sensitive area. A few shots hit me, I heard the knock on the armour. When the shots stopped on the ground, I crawled to the nearest cover, gasping in pain. The injury left a wide streak of blood on the floor. I had my back against the wall in the shelter, I was getting more and more dizzy, the wound was still bleeding very heavily. I didn't know what I could do to not bleed out and die now.

I don't want to die!

The next moment, MANIAC projected a suggestion onto my retina. To cauterise the wound. I looked at the flamethrower on the vambrace. If I don't, I will die, but I can also go into shock and die. But I can survive. I wanted to live. I activated the flamethrower, very low flame. MANIAC assured me that if I lost consciousness, he would immediately turn it off. Good. I brought the flame to my wound. I gritted my teeth and felt the burning pain.

I don't know how long I could stand it, but I screamed loudly again, and then the pain stopped and the benevolent darkness embraced me...


Dodhorn Harert, Hellwolf of Mandalore
Alor of the Clan Harert, Sith Lord, Former Mandalore of Ruthless
Objective: Defend the ritual, kill the interlopers.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Beskar'gam | 2x Beskad | 2x Su'arnr be Tracyn | 1x red blade lightsaber
Writing With: Garrus Garon Garrus Garon
Allies: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | Vorm Vorm | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Nal'Khem Szat Nal'Khem Szat | Open
Enemies: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Garrus Garon Garrus Garon | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
[ Army of the Night ]
<"Mandalorian or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Garrus surprises her.
  • Ingrid's actions happen and Dodhorn does not attack yet, she waits her injuries healing.
Dodhorn #1
Garrus #1
Dodhorn #2
Garrus #2
Dodhorn #3
Garrus #3
Dodhorn #4
Garrus #4
Dodhorn #5
Garrus #5
Dodhorn #6
Garrus #6
Dodhorn #7
Garrus #7

To tell the truth, he really surprised her. He reacted with better reflexes and speed than many Jedi or Sith masters. In a series of moves that lasted barely a heartbeat or two, he was able to slash on her hands, almost both of them, even though she held the shield on both sides, not just only on one of it. Until now, she wanted to respect that he was merely human, but after this she wouldn't, since apparently he wasn't. The beskad so the man only had time to cut the woman's fingers, only on one arm.

Both movements were too fast and the beskar also protects well enough against cuts. And the man flew away before he could cause serious injury or cut the fingers of the other hand. Dodhorn still felt the pain and the fact that the fingers of the armoured gloves had blood. She didn't deal with it and it would all heal, she thought as she jumped up from the floor to face him again. However, an unexpected event happened then.

It was at this moment that she felt the power of the Eternal Empress in the Force, who crushed the ship in the next moment. The whole ship cracked, as if something had broken its spine, it went limp, the alarms went off, the corridors, the hangar and everything twisted. The floors were torn off in several places, and there was also a large tear in the floor of the hangar. It's been a long time since Dodhorn felt this much power in anyone. One thing is certain, the ship was full of very powerful Force users. Which could cause problems, because they could easily tear the ship apart. Although it is not so much a problem for her. She could go or run away at any time, the Force was a powerful weapon.

Now, however, the ship was still shaking and it was still as if an earthquake had shaken the place, so for now it stood a good twenty or thirty metres away from its opponent, on the other side of a huge newly created chasm. The chasm led into the depths, further hangars, engineering rooms, living quarters, and warehouses could be seen in the depths. Fortunately, she was able to stand, and she had only one reason she didn't go after him. That is, two reasons.

The woman was patient and had time, the other reason is that the wounds on her fingers will heal while she waits...




Objective: Devour Panatha
Allies: Vorm Vorm Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Despite the red woman’s attempts to break the ship Kyrel wouldn’t allow it. The Devourer was but an extension of his will. As he went down the hole with the red woman he was cloaked in the shadow of the underbelly. He blended in with the dark skulking about, moving about to find the quick path back up to the bridge to commence the rest of the ritual. Systems started to spark, and the very doonium skeleton that the ship was forged from started to crack, and break. Still with his dark will remaining so did the instrument of destruction.

He was molded to the dark, seeing the red woman but she couldn’t see him. His dark signature would only proceed to disappear, what she would feel would be the overwhelming hunger. His hunger had permanently contaminated the destroyer, and all that she felt would ignite her own hunger. Such in on that moment he felt the death of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and an ugly smirk formed just as quickly. “Yess. There is nothing but death and hunger… When I’m finished here you are next.” He said speaking aloud only to himself seeking to destroy all of his enemies once his hunger was sated.

He only skulked about the darkness seeing an emergency ladder that would go up. First was the matter of the red woman that proved to be a troublesome thorn in his side. The Hunger gripped tightly to his hand he unleashed a surge of red energy. The same surge of red energy would cause the surrounding electricity to be sent into a frenzy. Bolts of red electricity would start to surround her into a cage. In that quick moment he would press a button activating a ray shield around her. “If you think you can stop me you are mistaken. If a Knight of the Old Republic could not, what hope do you have.” He said as he activated another button that would cause several Ray shields to activate in place.

“The fly has come to the spiders web.” He said with the activation of the internal defense systems he hoped to delay her long enough. If he unleashed his full power he could destroy everything here, and now. As the shield walls activated he started to climb up slowly through the rings of the ladder. A scorched black hand would emerge on the rune covered command deck. As the hulking behemoth emerged once more came the chants of the Sith tongue. He moved slowly to the center of the ritual feeding on the dark energy all around.
Objective: Defeat Alor Harert
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Teroch Shield, Beskad, Blaster Rifle
Allies: Eternal Empire, Enclave, Etc.
Enemies: Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert ; Dar'manda; Sith

As the 'Devourer' quaked all around them Garrus managed to rise back to his feet though the shockwaves radiating outwards as the hull began to twist and the floor split between them sent the man backwards. He'd use his right forearm to steady himself against the wall at his back while the throb of the left still continued to labor him.

Dodhorn should make no mistake, Garrus was human. Genetically modified but human nonetheless. It would go a long way towards explaining why he was stronger and more durable than others if nothing else.

Unlike Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert he was no force user though. He didn't need to be to know that something had happened, something immense. Starships don't just rip themselves apart and from the look of things, even where the two of them had engaged in their duel that was exactly what was happening now. In his comms Garrus heard the chatter from the Squad he'd been leading into battle...

"Do what you can."

...he'd tell them...

"I'll join you when this is done." then he'd steadied himself again and standing straight he'd look across the chasm that had formed between them towards his enemy. She was impressive, her strength and speed was telling but so was her durability. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to either of them when he called out to her from across the breach...

"Normally most would be dead by now, Alor Harert." was a statement of fact, Garrus had felled a thousand enemies but they were all men which seemed to be the revelation that Garrus couldn't miss...

"I never could win, could I?" wasn't a question of skill, Garrus simply didn't have what needed to put her down. She was something more, something else but that didn't mean that the Warrior would yield to her.

The Chasm between them, the ship still shaking in the aftermaths. Only one question was left in Garrus mind as he looked across at Dodhorn. How long do we have?

Objective 3: Fight
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Links: Weapons

It would seem that Zachariel and Ingrid were far more similar than thought prior. She had given up on trying to change Eina, and Zachariel gave up on that now. Dedicated thought and effort to changing her seemingly failed every time, so perhaps she would learn on her own. Truthfully, the warlord doubted it, as all evidence went against that thought process. But he also realized it didn't matter to him. Whether or not she changed would do nothing to him, because at the end of the day they would fight and he would win, one way or another.

Watching her, Zachariel scowled and shook his head once more. The two of them saw Mongrel very differently, and she saw a far more glamorous version of him. Snorting, he responded to her question.
"I knew him more than you'll ever realize."

Leaping forward to attack, Zachariel knew this battle would be between the two of them. The Avatars may watch and empower him slightly, but this fight would be between the two of them, and them alone. At first she dodged, his strikes missing and he continued on. But then, she closed the gap, with the warlord striking out and fully expecting to be struck in turn. Instead, his weapon dug into Eina, drawing golden blood that it greedily drank. Eyes narrowing at the seemingly easy strike, Zachariel nonetheless snorted as he brought his axe up to strike her again.

Instead, her hands reach up and she comes ever closer. She was too close then, for him to strike her with the axe. Snarling, he dropped the axe and telepathically reconnected it to his belt. Instead, his arm lowered to try and throttle her. Before his hand could reach her, Eina's hands reached Zachariel's head. He should have tried to block her, should have seen them for the true threat they were. Instead, he trusted his armor and regenerative abilities instead of stopping her.

His hand landed on her shoulder as the memories flowed into his mind, but there was no force to it. Instead, his grip on her shoulder and his sword loosened and his fingers splayed as the memories played. Zachariel's head tilted back under the assault of memories, eyes rolled back and mouth open in a wordless scream of denial and rage. Against who and what, not even he knew as the memories flooded him. Zachariel saw the memories of Mongrel, saw his life play out as he had done before, only from the eyes of the man himself now.

From the first planet where he had been marked by the Dark Voice, shock, fear, and some twisted honor at being so chosen. To his first battle and the lives taken then, the joy and twisted delight. On and on the memories surged, giving Zachariel a far deeper insight into the slave marauder that had turned into one of his lieutenants and eventually become his own warlord. He saw great and glorious visions, saw as the man stole his future love from Carlac and his story from there.

Every horror the man experienced, as a mere mortal and as a regular servant of the Maw, Zachariel saw it all through Mongrel. And as his memories turned, became more, as what some might consider blasphemous thoughts arose, Zachariel saw his change from simply the Warlord Mongrel, to the lover Asher. He saw it all, dove through the life of Mongrel and was changed for it. The man had changed through his path, becoming more, and Zachariel felt and saw it all.

As Eina released him, Zachariel stumbled back and clutched his head. He stumbled against a nearby crate, sword pulling free from Eina in the process. Leaning heavily on the crate, Zachariel loosely held his sword by his side, panting as memories not his own flashed through his mind. Closing his eyes and tightening his grip on his sword, Zachariel shook his head and right himself, armored fist denting in the crate as he closed his hand into a fist. Turning his head to glare at Eina, the warlord spat out his words.

"Heresy? What know you of heresy? He could have had anything, done anything, for he was a warlord. The only one who would ever question the actions of a warlord would be the Dark Voice, or foolish Sith who would pay for their insolance." Shaking his head and tightening his grip further, Zachariel snarled. "I knew much, and suspected even more in regards to all this. Confirmation merely proves my suspicions."

Rising further, Zachariel released the crate, leaving a deep dent behind. Turning to face Eina, he flexed his empty hand, even as his mind raced. This changed things, considerably. But how exactly. Taking a step back and knocking against the crate, Zachariel raised his hand to his head as another wave of memories overtook his sight for a moment, prompting his eyes to close. The Mongrel had a lover, a wife. They had children. Nothing that Zachariel truly was against, after all, more warriors for the war effort. But the man also sought free will, again, not something Zachariel was opposed to, but did he seek so from the Avatars, or just the Brotherhood?

Shaking his mind free of the memories once more, Zachariel's hand dropped and he focused on Eina, eyes opening without their menacing crimson glare. Instead, he merely watched her through his lenses, the red of them no further affected than before battle. This did change things, but in the moment, not nearly enough to matter. So he would sort things out afterwards.
"Tell me, Eina, what did he seek. Freedom and free will to do as he pleased, to be free of the Brotherhood, or to be free of the Avatars. What did he want."



Objective: 2 - Assist as Needed
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ships: (11.05km) 5 Paltry Star Destroyer Flagship Callsign 'Prominence', 2 Coda Assault Frigate MK I, 3 Broadside MK VI Frigate, 3 Bellicose Class-Frigate, 2 Bijou Pocket Carriers, 4 CR90 MK VIII Assualt Corvettes, 4 Dissonance MK III Corvette, 4 DP20 MK VI Siege Corvettes, 6 Disruptor MK III Class Corvettes
Aboard the Prominence Star Destroyer: Mercenary Marine troops, 2 squadrons of Multi-role Droid Starships (40), 1 squadron of Sensor Droid Starships (12), 1 squadron of starfighters for Bella Bella
Aboard 4 of the Star Destroyers: Mercenary Marine troops, 3 squadrons of Multi-role Droid Starships (240), 1 squadron each of Sensor Droid Starships (48)
Aboard the Coda Assault Frigates:
2 squadrons each of Multi-role Droid Starships (80)
Aboard the Pocket Carriers:
4 squadrons each of Multi-role Droid Starships (120)
Aboard the Broadside Cruisers:
2 squadrons each of Multi-role Droid Starships (120)

The bridge of the Prominence was front and center to the destructive force of the Maw ship, seeing the clouds and debris split beneath the beam as radio chatter died for what felt like an eternity. Wide amber eyes staring as the Sensor pit scrambled to identify.

Niki leaned forward in her seat, cheek finally separating from her hand as she frowned at the sight before her.

"That's the Mawite vessel ma'am. They've been harassing the Star Destroyers with fire through the debris since we arrived. Minimal damage so we didn't-" The sensor officer

"Minimal damage doesn't mean ignore a potential problem." She snapped, letting the corners of her mouth grow into a sneer.

"Aid has been requested from the surface. Seems there are issues with the evac vessels." The communications officer informed her as the problem of Panatha and it's continued existence began to rear its head to her.

"This place should have been glassed the first time around." She sighed, rubbing her face as she reevaluated the situation.

"Coordinates for ground strike have been confirmed as well ma'am." The Communications officer informed her atop the growing issue. A wave of her hand dismissing the ready action for that particular call out.

She pondered her next move, watching the incoming fire from the Maw vessel dance across the shielding of her vessels.

The evacuation vessels had been compromised most likely, which elicited the call for further aid from the ground. Which was problematic given the raging storms that were scrambling everything. Atop that was the orbital bombardment from the Devourer.

A distinct problem that she would have to address most likely.

"Bring the Paltry's about and surround the Devourer. Place one inside the firing arc to the ground and full power to Shields. Bring both Coda's to bear and engage with the shield disruptor cannons. Support vessels are to attack when opportunities present themself but are to keep to their screening protocol while not engaged. Have the pocket carriers make landfall to aid in evacuation. I want that ship brought to heel with minimal casualties. Make it so." She waved her hand, watching the assembled vessels slowly lumber into position from their original intent.

The Broadsider's remained in position as the Turbolasers and Hypervelocity Cannons oriented themselves before delivering a strike positive signal to those waiting on the ground. When given the all clear, the withering barrage of the three vessels would begin.

At first forming a solid wall of munitions to deny the enemy advance before shifting and walking back upon the Maw forces on the ground to their origin in hopes of thinning out their ground forces. Turbolaser fire and inert kinetic rounds delivered from high orbit by the Broadside vessels to aid those below.

"Vessels are giving the all clear for movement ma'am." The sensor officer informed her. Her hand twitched, eyes narrowing before opening again. The supporting CR90's having made a run through the debris field and dropped Seismic Charges to push further debris aside as they burned hard and fast back to their assigned escort duties.

"Send the droid fighters ahead of us. Have them target open weapon systems with focused bombardment. No relenting even for those friendly forces aboard the vessel." She informed the officer as they stood in place, processing the words before nodding.

"Never plan for the best. Always plan for the worst and move accordingly. Hope does not hold out for anyone." She spoke as the vessels broke from their holding pattern and began to move towards the Devourer.

The Multi-role Droid starfighters had been deployed in their entirety, the wave of bombing tasked starfighters beginning to weave their way through the debris to launch their assault against the weapons aboard the Devourer, ignoring the starfighters from the Devourer in their entirety.

The Pocket Carriers made for the tunnel through the debris field, forgoing the collection of their starfighters as they advanced to make landfall. The sensor net Droids began to provide information about the vessel to Niki directly, her annoyance with the sensor officer showing clearly as he made to speak as she held a hand out to stop him.

The Bellicose Frigates moved ahead of the Paltry Star Destroyers, engaging the field of fire first as they directed their shield power forward while engaging their Heavy Ion Cannons. The previous calm about the vessels gone as the long range weapons aboard each vessel began to streak across the void in an attempt to draw attention away from the surface.


Post: 4
Objective: Rise of the Demigod
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: VA-IDS Armour System (Disguised as flight gear) | KC-77N Hybrid Pistol | KC-M74S Designated Marksman Rifle | Lucius-pattern Bayonet | Explosives
Allies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Garrus Garon Garrus Garon | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Engaging: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

She could have told him; she knew of a future where the Mandalorians dropped to their knees and begged her kin for aid and shelter. She could tell him she saw remains of every last Mandalorian world burned and then devoured by the great serpent. She could tell him how she knew of a time and place where the Maw got exactly what they wanted and regretted it. She could tell him how his people of that time proclaimed of her kin there Mand'alor. Though there was still a chance that future would not come true and the mistakes that led to it could be changed.

"I know more of your people then I would like to." Is all she replied in all honesty, if her future didn't come to be she never would have paid any attention to defilers of the Taung culture. His remark of being foundling made her scoff a bit it reminded her of a self-proclaimed Mand'alor the uniter that her grandmother once told her about. Such arrogance oozing off those words only mattering if you served their ends other wise you were just an insignificant insect.

"You wield the weapon of a Jetti and Darjettii…" She remarked just as he used the for fling the explosive had fired at and lobbed it in her direction with great velocity. "You also wield their magick." She said more under her breath then force fully outloud but he could easily pick up her words. She reached out with force of her own her hand holding her Bayonet shot up as she herself used a telekinetic grab but instead stopped the explosive in the air and surrounded it with a telekinetic force shield. The Charge exploded with great force causing this area of the ship to shake violently just from the sound blast of it. However, the plasma explosion was contained within the telekinetic force bubble and the burning Plasma swirled violently in the sphere wanted to get loose and finish it's wave of destruction but Gen held it there suspended in air showing she had a bit of the force herself.

Holding it there focusing hard she stared down her opponent who had foiled her plan for a quick end. The Plasma from the charge hung suspended in the air and Gen began to force more energy into it Plasma inside swirling faster and getting hotter the hall around them noticeably getting hotter by the second as the explosive plasma got hotter spun faster and grew brighter. Gen eyes began to glow a violent sulfuric orange as she force more and more of her energy into he sphere. Her eyes glowed bright enough to be visible through the visor of her helmet. Her teeth gritted but she managed some more words and spit them out in the mandalorians direction.

"You don't even follow the way of your people, the way of the Dark instead you kneel to lesser gods not the gods of destruction your ancestors worshiped. If you did you would know the most destructive force in the Galaxy, so I will show you!" The durasteal around them was starting to melt and the fire suppression system went off as the heat became intense. With that Gen with the fury a sun she telekinetically through that burn ball of Plasma back at the Mandalorian. As she did waves of darkness followed behind. The Plasma burned hot enough to eat through durasteal like it was nothing and she hoped it could eat through some of the Mandalorian Beskar. If not at least the waves of Darkness that followed it would knock him on his butt. Due the heat of the Plasma orb the durasteal frames were melting, warping, and bending around them.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to stop the ritual and prevent Zach to reach Kyrel and Ingrid.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
Allies: Open
Enemies: Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Eina speaks to Zach.
  • She saves some falling Mawites after her mother's action.
Eina #1
Zach #1
Eina #2
Zach #2
Eina #3
Zach #3
Eina #4
Zach #4
Eina #5
Zach #5
Eina #6
Zach #6

Eina had no intention of hurting the man or taking advantage of his inability to defend himself due to the memories. Zach's armoured hand gripped Eina's shoulder, but she didn't move. She was just waiting for him to see these or do something after it. When it was finally over and Zach stepped back, she was also able to place her hand where he had stabbed her. The wound "bled", the golden ichor that flowed from the woman was pure Force, since Eina was a Force entity. The former Valkyrja watched in silence as Zachariel tried to process and maybe accept what he was seeing.

After the question, the woman tilted her head to the side for a moment.

"He had free will at the time of his death. The Mongrel never reached Tython, he died before that. It was Asher who died on the planet that day. Yes, free will. He was able to be himself, he was looking to be who he didn't think what the Maw or the Heather Priests, or they wanted him to think. He wanted to be himself. He turned away from the Maw, the Avatars, the Scar Hounds, because he knew they could survive without him. He wanted a free life, a peaceful life, away from war and killing, with his wife. He wanted to be human again, to get back what the Maw had taken from him, his humanity." she told him.

These were the things she thought he probably wouldn't like and that's not what the Gen'Dai wanted to hear. But Eina didn't lie, she always told the truth. For her, lying was an unfamiliar term and concept.

"But if you don't believe me, ask his wife, she's still here in the Maw, seeking revenge on whoever was responsible for Asher's death. She knows her husband better than I do, she knows his thoughts and feelings perfectly. They have become one, they know each other's thoughts and feelings." she offered him.

Most people probably wouldn't have recommended this, but it didn't occur to Eina that he might want to hurt the Mongrel's wife…

It was at this moment that she felt her mother's power spread over the entire ship and into her grasp. She was about to ask what she was doing when the whole ship cracked. The outer frame, then the corridors were twisted, the walls of the corridors were torn apart inside, as everything twisted. Eina had to jump back because the ceiling near them split open, as did the floor and several people fell from the upper floor. She telekinetically caught the Maw's men and put them in a safe place.

"What are they doing? They will destroy the ship and kill everyone on it!" she wouldn't be Eina if she didn't worry about the warriors on both sides.


ENEMIES: MAW | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
ENGAGING: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
GEAR: In bio | unit equipment


The continuous march of tanks and speeders through the jungle eventually turned into an assault as the Hellions found their enemy. Rockets rained down from above on the enemy lines while the tanks provided close fire support for the troopers pushing up. In the middle of it all was Jas, firing at any Mawite who dared to emerge through the thick vegetation of the jungle.

:: Get the flamethrowers up here. Burn them out. :: He ordered over the comms as he moved up, followed by the rest of the unit. They all came to a halt as other troopers moved ahead with flamethrowers in their hands, setting the area in front of them ablaze. Incendiary shells blasted from the tanks to reach even deeper into the Maw’s lines.


:: I really wish we had some Ultranaut support on this one. ::

:: Ultranaut support or just that other agent they got, sir? ::

The snickering over the comms gave Jas a very good indication of where this was going.

:: She’s a damn good asset in the field, Kardin, what are you on about? ::

:: Pretty sure you were more interested in her damn good assets, sir! ::

Laughter broke out over the sounds of cannons and blasters, though Jas had his own way of getting back at his men. He stuck a finger into his helmet and pressed down on the microphone, resulting in a harsh scratch, followed by a loud wailing through the headsets of the other troopers. Numerous cries and screams of shock, pain and surprise broke out over the comms of the company. Even a few of the tanks came to an abrupt halt as the Pureblood smirked beneath his helmet. :: That’s what I thought. :: He quipped, pushing up to one of the speeders.

:: Company, split up. I want two speeders moving along the flanks. :: He ordered as he jumped in and took command of the speeder’s repeater. They took off into the forest in search of the enemy flanks. However, a presence nearby drew the Pureblood’s attention. :: Driver, halt. :: Once the speeder slowed, Jas climbed out and gave the speeder a slap. :: Keep moving. I’ll catch up. :: He ordered as he shouldered his rifle and pushed further into the jungle.

His enemy was drawing closer…

Objective: Twilight of the Gods; Rescue the Prisoners
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Storm Breaker | Shroudsaber x2 | Empire's Shadow | Amulet of Many | Arquti-siqsa
Allies: EE
Enemies: BotM
Directly Engaging: Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

The core of his body hummed with energy as the muscles ached and his joints creaked with every step. There was so much weight that threatened to crush Rath's body from the inside out. Thankfully no one could feel what was going on with him, or at least most people wouldn't be able to feel the weight as the Force poured into his body like a font. An influx of energy as the Force poured into his form like an unending torrent. His yellow eyes flashed under the dark mask as dark cracks webbed along his arms and legs. Followed by a pale blue light that shone through. Only his dark armor and the shadowsilk prevented visual evidence of such a change in appearance.

The ship continued to whine in protest from the telekinetic grip the Empress had on the Devourer. Corridors twisted, doors would pop out of their frames, and hundreds of Mawites would either voice out their surprise or a select few would try to regain order amongst their ranks. Darkness fell on them like the night as their worst fears became all too real. From within the dark, monsters of untold nightmares emerged as panic and fear filled the corridor. It was a simple trick in the mind by digging into their memories to discover what they feared. Rath unearthed their nightmares as he practically slipped through their ranks. Occasionally he would have to cut some Mawites down with his beskar blade, but Rath more or less used inhuman mobility and Acrobatics to jump along the corridor. As he simply left them to their own paranoia.

At least, that was the plan. Along the way down the labyrinth of corridors, bursting through one of the walls filled the halls with smoke and death as intense heat washed over those unfortunate to be nearby. It was the summoned terentatek spirit as it let out a roar. Dozens of marines turned their blasters and ordinances against the monstrosity. Angered from being peppered by blasterfire and explosions. The terentatek began to cleave through their ranks with little regard to its own body. While this snapped many out of their fears and paranoia, Rath used this distraction to simply slip by those unaware of his presence. Those who were aware of him met a swift end as the beskar sword appeared to have a mind of its own. Not to say that it suddenly gained a sentient form, but rather it appears to have been animated as it follows close to Rath through flight.

Eventually as the screams, explosions, and blasterfire receded due to Rath gaining distance in the dark. He felt a presence close by. A friendly one that Rath briefly encountered during a party. There was another as well, but Rath didn't know who they were. Cautiously, the dark swordsman willed the beskar blade to his welcoming hand as he turned around the corner. Half expecting an encounter, and half expecting that Tovald might have gotten the prisoners already. Or perhaps even had a scuffle amongst the jailers. However once he came around the corner as the lights flickered around them. He instead came upon Tovald accompanied by someone who was in the middle of getting their armor on. Still, seeing them Rath relaxed a little as he registered there wasn't an enemy in sight.

"Are you two alright? Are there any others on board?" Rath questioned them, but one thing he quickly realized was that his disembodied voice was still there. It was like hearing their own voice through an echo or another phone. Except it was otherworldly instead of an electronic issue. His body and spirit was rapidly going through some changes, and whether that was good or not remained to be seen. Still that was his issue, and his alone. His sense of duty comes before his own safety.


ALLIES: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
ENEMIES: Nyaeli Nyaeli
ENGAGING: Nyaeli Nyaeli
GEAR: Lightsaber | Collapsible Force-imbued staff | Cortosis-weave Undershirt | Phrik Pauldron and vambraces




Zhea didn't condone it.

Any of it. War was tearing everything apart - disrupting the balance and order of the Galaxy. It didn't sit well with the Kiffar to assist in helping the Eternal Empire bring about the end of a world.

But she was there - as ordered.

Not that she had to fight lethally.

The blunt end of her Force-imbued staff struck the chin of another Mawite, knocking them senseless in the ruins of the city before the Sage moved on.
She abhorred fighting. She did so begrudgingly. It was a last resort - always.

It was as she moved, that she sensed a familiar Presence not too far from her - one that had belonged to the Order not too long ago. One that Zhea had regretted not helping before the girl had her lapse of judgement.
What's Ara doing here?!
Something was wrong.

Like a bolt from a blaster, the Jedi Knight rushed in the direction where she could feel Ara's Presence.


Location: The Devourer
Objective: Free prisoners and enact revenge
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Garrus Garon Garrus Garon

Enemies: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

Direct Engagement: Vorm Vorm

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Knife on ankle
Ladies Watch under body glove
FDS-4F blaster pistol in thigh holster
FDS-15S scatter gun
Several thermal detonators

The ship was shaking and shuddering metal was grinding against metal and the corridor seemed to have buckled in the middle and even the far door had twisted, it wasn't much but it was a chance.

Mairéad flinched as the warrior charged her she managed to get another shot off and hyperaccelerated mag-rounds peppered her foe's shields causing them to crackle with light. It was her last shot before he was on her. Seeing his stabbing thrust she dropped the shotgun down and blocked it with its frame. The gun was by no means saber immune but its dense construction was enough to push the blade to her flank where it shimmered against the limited shields that protected her own less armoured areas.

The man didn't confirm the kill but took his momentum past her and on to her vod, he was trying to eliminate her support. She looked down at her destroyed shotgun and tossed it to one side. The warrior was attacking her vod, their thick beskar plating gave them better hope than most against a saber armed combatant and sparks flashed where blade met armour and they did their best to hold of the enemy.

Mairéad popped open her calf and pulled her saber out with telekinesis, she held out the hilt and her thin red blade ignited. She also fired several Whistling birds into the back of her opponent to try and kill or at least get his attention. "Sith, you looks like you missed me!" she spat at him as he dispatched one of the supercommandos with a thrust to his neck joint, now it was just her, Ren and the last of her Commandos. There were more of her kind in other compartments trying to break through. She hoped the damage to the corridor would give them a different option.

Whether the man turned or did not, she had her bright red saber in one hand, held low and ready to defend, and her clenched fish raised firing repeatedly with her wrist mounted pistols.

How much will you endure?


Location: Panatha
Attani Implant:
Tag: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Zhea Nox Zhea Nox

The memories she continued to force into Ara's mind finally breached the woman's mental strength, and resulted in an enraged scream that brought out the widest, most sinister grin Nyaeli had shown today. But less than a second later, she felt the Force wrapping around her throat, and was pulled into a series of strikes that truly made Ara seem the like the animal Nyaeli had called her out to be.

The Aruzan could only embrace the pain that followed, and used her arms to shield her head, in particular the Attani implant. But even through this barrage, the Sith Apprentice continued to lash out mentally, until Ara finally recoiled and her assault was shattered. She was left exposed in the process, and Nyaeli used the opportunity to sweep her crimson blade across the Jedi's midsection, which forced her back several steps. What followed was Ara tripping over some debris, causing her to fall over the edge of the rooftop.

Nyaeli grinned and quickly dashed over to the edge even though her body was in pain — she had to see this with her own eyes.

Watching Ara on the ground, rolling around in pain and crying from the mental torture made her own physical pain fade almost instantly. But she wasn't here just to enjoy the despair and misery of others. She would only truly be happy if the Jedi were all dead and forgotten, so there was still work to do. With a powerful jump, Nyaeli made her way down and first sought to kick away the Padawan's lightsaber, before looking her in the eyes, her own face bruised and bloodied,
"This is what the Jedi tolerate these days?"

She laughed and reached for her weapon again, but mere moments before she planned to drive it through the Padawan's chest, she felt something —a far stronger presence of Light was approaching. Nyaeli considered killing the Padawan and getting out before it was too late but instead settled on a more risky but potentially rewarding idea. "It seems a friend is coming. Why don't we show them the disappointment that is you as well, hm? I'm sure the Masters are already used to it." With a wrapping motion of her fingers, Nyaeli commanded the Force to wrap itself around Ara's neck, and lifted her off the ground, where she'd be forced to levitate close to the Aruzan Sith.

Nyaeli then ignited her crimson blade and held it close to the woman's throat, making it obvious she was holding Ara hostage. Now all that remained was to wait for the other Jedi to arrive.

Disarm yourself or she will die.

These were the only words she allowed to telepathically flow between herself and Zhea Nox Zhea Nox as a warning of what was to come.

ALLIES: GA | Zhea Nox Zhea Nox
ENEMIES: Maw | Nyaeli Nyaeli
ENGAGING: Nyaeli Nyaeli
GEAR: In bio
Ara was in agony as she writhed on the floor. The headache split her mind, but the moment she tried to reach up and massage her head, pain shot through her body from the wound in her stomach. Her vision was dark and funneled, her hearing sounded like a tin was placed over her ears, and the memories forced back onto the front page broke her heart.

She didn’t have any power or will to try and keep fighting. Her hand reached out after her precious weapon as a whimpering sob escaped her, but there was no power to pull it closer. She couldn’t tug herself toward it, she was too weak. The Sith was right. She was pathetic. A failure. An emotional wreck and a disappointment to the Jedi Order.

The Sith raised her weapon, ready to plunge the blade into her chest. Ara could do little more than roll over and stare up at her with tears in her eyes. This was it. This was where she died. On a doomed planet, at the hands of a coward, and nobody in the galaxy would remember her. Not her former friends, not her master, only her mother would feel her loss. The one person in her life who she never wanted to hurt or disappoint… now she would do both.

Her hands clutched at her stomach as she awaited the final blow… but it never came. Instead, she could feel a presence drawing closer. She didn’t even have time to react before she was yanked up from the ground with the Force, her breathing cut off as the grip tightened around her neck.

Ara clawed in vain at her throat in hopes of relieving the pressure. The writhing body only added to her pain and panic as she felt the cloth around the wound get wet and stick to her body. She was bleeding out. She tried her best to breathe, though her breaths were little more than raspy croaks.

All she could do was stare as the Jedi Master arrived.


Objective: II - His Will Be Done
Location: Aboard the Caragol in orbit around Panatha
Tags: Open

    • (1) Caragol - Akûz Flagship (2,000m)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (2) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (4,000m)
      • Brakka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • K’rggah
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (4) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (7,200m)
      • Varak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ra’jaka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Faerûn-V’okath
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mela’giroth’vaim
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (8) Bhorgoth Destroyers (10,000m)
      • O’goroth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ligash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Io’eth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Akash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ri’noam
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Arv’inash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Bakavh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Enakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (10) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (10,000m)
      • Bezarakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • H’roggoth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’ashbenaz’ungol
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Cimeno’ath
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Re’oam’ak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Khand’evaim
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ni’meloch
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ganakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • U’toch
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Jenakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (32) Vagabond Raider Frigates (16,000m)
      • Cleaver
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Jocasta
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Colonial Transport #37(Former GA Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Rotund
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ren’fiki
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • C-7475-Alpha(Former NIO Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’gash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’enak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Vak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ikbal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Chronakhal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Xinoan
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Razorback (Former Eternal Empire Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Fatima (Former GA Patrol Craft)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Desecrator
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Sev’Tok
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Empress Tetah II
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mine Hauler #AV-037
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Begaan
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ENS Feltic (Salvaged Eternal Empire Science Vessel)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Khandar
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Vekht
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mollach
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Stabba
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • The Ram Skull
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Gromandach
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mine Hauler AV-#047
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Swyft (Former GA Patrol Craft
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Eros (Former GA Patrol Craft)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mining Hauler #AV-004
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Striega
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • BRAAAM
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

    • (8) Bhorgoth Destroyers (10,000m)
      • Nagash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Bro’kaah
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Kraaj
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Eypa
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Baga Lopech
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Deeping Maw
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Loerekh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Shaak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (4) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (4,000m)
      • Malediction
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Blasphemy
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Dark Apostle
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Rath-Lakatha
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (8) Vagabond Raider Frigates (4,000m)
      • Memory of Tython (Salvaged GA Frigate)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 88%
      • Banga’ Rott
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Colonial Transport #111(Former GA Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Flaaaka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • C-5720-Besh (Former NIO Designation
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Maelus
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Kr’ogal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Scaag
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%


The calmer the break, the stronger the storm. At least, that’s what the so-called ‘experts’ say. Little would anyone know just how true those words would ring until... now.

Amidst the debris and, in a word; chaos in orbit and within the planet of Panatha, a new storm would break upon the beleaguered citizens and defenders alike. But this would not be a storm of ethereal energies or malign powers of the force. This would be a storm of cannon fire, iron, and blood. The first indication of this would be the energy signatures sweeping across the celestial horizon; ripples in space itself that signified the emergence of ships from hyperspace. But this was no mere strike cruiser or flotilla. The best word that could be used to describe the phenomenon would be the harbinger of a... horde of ships descending upon the entire engagement zone. There was hardly any time to react, and certainly little anyone could do to prevent what was about to happen next.

A jagged mass of ships possessing the mark of Kragamond emerged from lightspeed with a complete disregard for whatever was occupying the space before them - be they military vessels of the Eternal Empire or Galactic Alliance, or civilian ships attempting to escape the hellscape that was Panatha. The Ravager himself stood upon the bridge of the Caragol, bedecked in his full battle kit in his armor and ceremonial axes sheathed across his back. It had been some time since the Wartribe had mobilized for war - ever since Panatha and Nothmir, in fact. But this was not a battle of conquest. No, this was a battle for flesh.
“âtimiwsi ai diâ wisa diyi mis saiyir. Mis nayir tarsasi sianakt!”

Like a swarm of locusts descending upon a field of grain, so did the marauder fleets of the Wartribe descend upon all manner of ships in its path, be they frantic freight haulers desperately attempting to make it to warpspeed, or warships taken by surprise by masses of ships closing in at breaknet speed. Turbolaser fire belched forth from the fleet like a torrent of superheated flame, surging forth to break upon the masses of ships and debris in an indiscriminate shower of death and destruction.

Kragamond had arrived, and there was a toll to be exacted.[/white]

  • Intercept any and all transports we can. We must feast tonight!


Last edited:
6th post







Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Victor Vel Aath Victor Vel Aath Myri Dara Myri Dara Jas Katis Jas Katis
Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Elysium Dusk Elysium Dusk Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Zhea Nox Zhea Nox


Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Nyaeli Nyaeli
Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Ronar Ronar Runt Runt
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze



FOB: Tuatha, Mt. Suntower,
Canthar Province, Panatha (Early-Spring 877 ABY)

'Happy to hear this an' happy t'meet 'em, Major-General, y'all seem t'be competent soldiers an' officers, to me. But no more time to lose, I think. We need t'keep goin', don't we? I don't think you three are there to kill time, hein? Lemme know the reason, Lord Aron.'

Chuckling appreciatively, Lord Aron eventually replied,'Good, I like that. Straight to the point as soldiers like you an' I ought to be.', pausing to silently turn down an offer for a cigarra, amiably waving it off before turning back to Nukth once more with attentions undivided. The matter of feeling like one should have known the other in the Maw's assault on New Carannia, as much a kindly throwaway comment as it was, still stuck with the Tuath in hearing it, vowing inwardly to protect the Anaxsi fellow in the hopes he could rise through the IMPAF-commission ranks a little quicker. The Kellas understood what that felt like, experiencing stagnation in otherwise-stellar service, a standstill in one's progression in career, status and challenges alike, and knew that exemplary officers deserved better for all their efforts.

Aye, this one's meeting the criteria.... This one's sticking wi' me.

Ascending to the prestigious heights of Major-General, as much as it was destined to be, was never meant to be easy, not by any means - and certainly not with the Empire's growing list of enemies considered.

'But in any case.... We're up against the Scar Hounds the-day, and thus the rumours an' coincidences that were aw lining up afore seem to draw into our collective thoughts once more, namely those circulating around a Warlord we haven't been able to identify as of yet, suspected to be of Goidelic or Galidraani heritage - doesn't help we're up to our eyeballs in tinfoil-crackpot theories lending credence to this.'

Gowrie was never known for actions like these, nor was he known for temporarily poaching officers and non-coms from other units, but in light of the strange circumstances that were occurring all around them at the time, exceptions were easy to make. There was plenty in the way of the highest soldiering quality to choose from, and having already adopted Lord Erskine's habit of snatching up handy operators along the way, there were no qualms or self-imposed roadblocks getting in the Tuath's way this time; especially in the pursuit of truth and revelation, as tides were turned on much less, and any discovery in the latest war had the potential to be useful, and proven to untold extremes on the odd occasion already.

'Put simply, the lads believe a Goidel became the Mongrel's successor along the way, an' they believe this same successor rose up to take his place as planned. So I want the tinfoil proven right or wrong either way, I want to learn the truth an' ID this kark-sucker once an' for all.... Plenty dangers await us behind enemy lines for sure, but knowledge is power - a power best served in Imperial hands.'

The offer itself would have been tempting, though no doubt many a lesser warrior would have seen such dangers presented as their own little warning signs and red flags adorning the same signpost, but Lord Aron was sure Nukth was more than that, something greater waiting to ascend the lowly station of Captain. Lord Aron could see more, and like the Kellas himself, the others wanted more from the Anaxsi strategist; and as they were all willing to go extraordinary lengths to find out who was leading the Scar Hounds at the time, the Goidels knew that Kelga'an would shine one way or another, completely aware that the existential Crucible had, in turn, retained many a means of bringing such wonders out from within the toughest of Imperial warriors like them.

Location: Secret Prison Facility
Tags: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr


Mercy was lost in her memories, reminiscing about shared experiences that - for Kallan - hadn't really been shared. Not with him, anyway. He had only begun to reawaken during the events she described, slowly growing within The Mongrel's mind until they had begun to overlap. It had nearly killed them both, trying to share a brain while they were so at odds with each other. It was only with Mercy's help, her telepathic action to separate them into distinct personalities, that they had been able to coexist. From Asher's point of view, she had saved him. From the Taskmaster's point of view, she had destroyed The Mongrel.

The truth, as Kallan saw it, was perhaps a little of both. When The Mongrel had met Mercy, he had been used up, his hope and zeal expended by endless war. With his humanity stripped away piece by piece, he had begun to lose faith that he would ever be allowed to die and pass on to the paradise promised by Mawite religion. Despair had taken hold of him, a terrible fatalism that had threatened to destroy his worth as a champion of the Maw. Mercy had changed all that, restoring hope and color to his life... but in the end, he had chosen to die for her, to try to set her free from the Brotherhood and conceal her escape.

It had been the wrong decision, and it had cost them all terribly.

Kallan did not bring any of that up to Mercy, of course. He kept playing the role of Asher as best he could, keeping up with each new memory by dragging the echo of it out of his own recollections. When Mercy screamed as the scalpel bit into her flesh, the beginning of the procedure that would both save her and bring her terrible agony, he held to her even tighter, his mental embrace drawing her closer. ~ I'm here, ~ he told her, again and again. ~ I'm here. I'm with you. I'll be here the whole time. ~ And he would, because of course he would. They were all a part of each other now. He was with her always.

He would comfort her through this as best he could.

~ No harem, ~ he said, chuckling in Asher's voice - though it was forced laughter. He hated to see her suffer. He hated to see the fear in her eyes, hear it in her voice. ~ There was only ever you, Mercy. Before you, life had become a prison, a dark metal jail where I felt nothing but emptiness. It was you who helped me to feel again. It was you who gave me something to live for. ~ Just as Kallan had been trying to give her something to live for, to persuade her that she could be mother to the twins, and that was worth delaying her reunion with her departed husband. It hadn't been working well so far.

He had to keep trying. They needed her. She was the strongest of them all.

"Hold her!" Tu'teggacha shouted as Mercy thrashed, lost in a haze of pain and delirium. The medical droids gripped the woman even more firmly, hard enough that their metal hands bruised her skin. A scream ripped free of her throat as the lead surgeon droid began cutting; the painkillers hadn't kicked in yet, clearly. Oh well. It couldn't be helped. To delay at this point would risk the safety of both mother and children. And the children were there. They were ready, ready to emerge into a war-torn galaxy. That second scream that Mercy distantly heard... it wasn't from her own throat this time.

It was the first cry of a baby emerging from the womb.

Watching over the lines, Adenn frowned beneath his helmet. This siege, however short it was, had already proven itself to be bloody. Clan Mortui had fought the Brotherhood of the Maw before, a handful of times, but they constantly showcased new limits with every battle. And they seemed more than willing to push those limits time and time again. It was a scary thought, but one he was growing used to as time wore on. Grimacing at the charging line of berserkers, Adenn watched as his own men opened fire.

Where the Maw was only superficially organized, with three loose lines, the Mandalorians were regimented in their trenches. Still, their plan worked well. With melee marauders at the fore, the true threat behind them couldn't be properly eliminated. This left the trench lines under significantly more pressure than before. Those with armor were better off than those without, but it still left them all ducking for cover and allowed the first line to close ever closer. But it was the third line that truly was a threat, carrying grenade launchers and using mortars.

Cursing as mortar fire arches above and towards the trenches, Adenn scowls as they land. Some burst into flame, others spew forth chemicals as they bounce, and others emit sonic death, but all send refugees screeming in pain and panic. The death toll rises by the second and the last hope of the Panathans here dwindles faster and faster. Despite that hopeless feeling overtaking all, the Mando'ade still fight. Panicked responders rush towards wounded civilians, with medics doing their best to save who they could. The most injured were simply left where they were, or given the peace they craved. Those that protested were allowed their moments, but for now, they had to prioritize those they could save. Perhaps Clan Tal would have done differently, but in a warzone like this, only those who would make it were saved, anyone else would be a liability.

Adenn hated it, the medics despised it, but they saved those they could. Other responders rushed to put out the mortar fire. Some canisters were destroyed, others thrown over the barricades. A handful even had personal armor placed over, most often simply helmets. This contained the worst of some of those chemicals, but left many without helmets. A dozen void sealed helmets were left strewn about, placed atop landed mortar shells that once spewed chemicals. Then, those same warriors returned to fight for all they were worth.

"Get shields up, NOW!"

Came the roar from Adenn not soon after. More fire was already incoming, and already places of this port were desolate with corpses and destruction. Other areas were now packed to the brim with refugees, crammed against one another like sardines. Turning to Maki, he saw that they understood his orders and communicated them to the pilots. Across the port, ships had spooled up their engines and shields, giving some much needed protection. Narrowing his eyes beneath his helmet, Adenn turned as a message from Mig came across, bringing yet more news. Motioning to Maki, he spat out.
"You heard Alor Gred, ground those blockade runners. Clear them of refugees and... bombs?..."

Adenn had begun ordering the grounding of the blockade runners, even before Mig had mentioned bombs. But his question would remain unspoken as the ground shook and the ATC tower crumbled under the shot from the Devourer. As the ground shook and the laser bloomed, Adenn had instinctively ducked, along with most others present. Straightening at the sudden pause in the battle, Adenn looked up and saw the towers remains falter. He saw the damage across the port as cracks formed in the ground and tilted ships, he saw as the wounded and dying were further injured and more joined their number.

Then that moment of stunned calm ended, as the marauders of the Maw howled in abject glee. They saw this as providence from their Avatars and howled their glee. But that howl would be their undoing, as this snapped the defenders free from their shock. It was almost as one that a volley of blaster and slug fire erupted into the lines of the Maw, cutting vast swathes into them. But they didn't stand still and charged once more, slamming into the defenders with zealous fury.

But Adenn didn't watch that, nor did he watch as countless people rushed about and tried to help one another. No, his eyes were on the chaos of the evacuation ships. Some of them were taking off. Barely a quarter had been fully filled, and not one had been given clearance to leave for fear of AA and the orbital debris. But now, some ships were spooling up and taking off. Most of those ships were half filled at best, some even less so.

His roar was amplified by dozens of speakers across the port, his order roared out across the comms of his men and their allies. And they were followed. Ships were stormed and guns held to the heads of pilots. Others had Mandalorians dropping on their cockpits, with blasters and slug throwers pointed at pilots and stopping them. Adenn himself launched himself atop the nearest freighter, magnetic boots clamping onto the hull as he gripped his E'care one handed, the other gripping onto the ledge of the ship.

Those ships were stopped, out of fear of those doing this threatening or the fear of retribution. But not all were stopped, several managed to take off, with only one or two fully stocked with refugees. That angered Adenn to no end, as he now had to fit even more refugees into even less ships. Leaving the ship he had grounded personally, once it was secured from within, Adenn returned to his place. There he witnessed as order was forcefully restored.

Behind them, and towards the hills, he spotted Beskad Warriors led by his own Beskad Elite take the fight to the tanks coming towards them. Atop their backs were missile launchers, which they used to rain down death in turn for the fire coming towards them. Adenn never even noticed their threat, leaving his elite to take command in his stead. Smiling grimly at the sight, it was the only good news thus far. Turning as more help arrives from orbit, some much needed shield generators from Trinity, Adenn silently listens in as Maki urgently makes contact again with Niki Priddy Niki Priddy and her comms officer.

"This is Maki, we've got mass panic down here and are barely keeping the situation contained. We need that corridor ready to go yesterday! Dust off for us is in fifteen minutes at wosrt, though we're shooting for the next five to ten minutes at best. It's that or we all die! So any info in regards to the space situation would be greatly appreciated."

Throughout the port, order has been partially restored. Now there is only half as much screaming of pain and agony, while the lines to board ships have been rushed as people are crammed in far past the safe limit. But the addition of the shields from Trinity have greatly calmed people, giving them a sense of calm and protection, while also saving them from the mortar fire for now. However, as Adenn turns to observe the lines once more, Adenn knows it's a temporary hope.

Where the tanks are rushing, Beskad Warriors and AT-ADs fight with whatever missiles they have. But they don't have unlimited missiles, so won't be able to hold them off forever. Here where the marauders rushed and rush again, their trenches won't be able to hold them off forever. Already, bodies pave a way for an easier path over barbed wire and into trenches for brutal melee. And all around refugees milled, struggling to board craft and escape while they still could.

This situation was dire on every level, made even moreso because Adenn knew someone would have to play rearguard. Watching as the Netherhounds aided his Beskad Elite in taking the fight to the horde of marauders, Adenn sighed. He hoped they would be able to save all the refugees, but new it was unlikely. He hoped they could all escape, but suspected a final stand would instead come. Sighing again, Adenn lowered his head and opened a comms to his vode, only those of Clan Mortui.

"Ner'vod, my alliit. We have fought across many worlds, time and time again seeking to save our people or fight the enemy. We have killed many of our enemies and saved many more of our allies. And today, today we must fight again. For our aliit and our family in the Fitz-Kierkes, and those within other Houses. We fight for them all, to hold this Manda less horde at bay."

Looking up towards the trenches, Adenn walks to the edge of his platform, leaning against the edge with his hands on the railings.
"I will ask you again, as I before on countless worlds, will you stand with me once more? To the end of all that is on this world."

For a long moment, there was only silence on the comms. His vode thought over it, many looking towards either the refugees or the enemy horde to make their decision. Soon enough, calls of confirmation came to him once more. They would fight till the end, as they had before.
"Then let us fight, my aliit. Fight until we are buried beneath the rubble, choked by the smoke, and neck deep in the bodies of our foes. And let us rise from that rubble as we did on Manda'yaim, to fight forevermore. For Mandalore, for our aliit."

As Adenn launched himself off the platform and into the trenches to join the fight, that cry echoed from a thousand throats.
"For Mandalore, for our aliit!"


Location: The Devourer, above Panatha
Engaging: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

  • Kralmus patches himself up


Kralmus Orr had been badly injured before, many times, and had the scars to prove it. Under his signature crimson armor he was a patchwork of old wounds, each of them telling the story of a hard-fought battle. He hadn't won all of those battles, but he had survived them all, and that was impressive in its own right. The cannibal could already tell that this latest wound was going to scar up pretty good. His inner thigh had been charred down to the bone, a smoking hole through his flesh that only bacta and grafts would fix. In the old days, before such high tech medicine, there would have been no possible treatment; he would have been a cripple for life, if he hadn't died of infection.

Blessedly, these were not the old days. Dragging himself into the cover of a section of deck plating that had been thrust up vertically by the damage to the ship, Kralmus set his back to the mangled metal and inspected the wound. Yes, there it was - he'd been crisped, cooked, caramelized. For a long, odd moment, he considered jabbing at the edges of the injury with his flensing knife, cutting off just a little bit to raise to his thin lips and split tongue. He had eaten so many of his enemies, savored their flesh, consumed their strength. What would he taste like? What would it be like to taste himself? The temptation was almost overwhelming... but, with a great effort of will, he resisted.

He was still in a combat situation. Pleasurable distractions would get him killed, and then he would savor nothing.

So instead Kralmus produced a small medkit from one of his belt pouches. It contained a bacta applicator, which he pressed deep into the burn, suffusing the scalded flesh with the tissue-regenerating substance. The pain began to ease somewhat, though a dull ache persisted. The cannibal let it persist, even though he had painkillers available. It would keep him grounded, focused, present in the moment. It would remind him that he was not invulnerable, and that there came a time when he needed to stop playing with his food and actually finish the meal. Finishing up, the cannibal pressed a quick-seal bandage over the wound, protecting it while the bacta slowly did its work.

Well, that was that. It would hold him for the moment. Replacing his medkit on his belt, Kralmus peered around the edge of his improvised cover, trying to figure out where his opponent had gone while he was busy putting himself back together. He couldn't see her, but he could see the trail of blood she'd left behind her, a trail that led to another piece of improvised cover further up the corridor. She'd probably done exactly as he had, dragging herself off to relative safety in order to tend her wounds as best she could. Well, break time was over. He was going to have to be more cautious now, but he was still confident that he could finish this, eliminating the prison block intruder.

Little did he know that, in the confusion of the damage to the ship, another Mando had already slipped past him to the prisoner.

"Oh Piiiiiiinkieeeeeee," Kralmus called, aiming his blaster down the corridor. "Where aaaaaaaare you?"

"Thank you for the roasted meat, but I'm in the mood for some ribs."

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