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Approved NPC Hellion Private Military Organisation

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  • Intent: To create a highly skilled private military company
  • Image Credit: Hexagon, skull, edited by me.
  • Role: Private security, asset protection, multi-role army for hire.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Hex Incorporated

  • Unit Name: Hellion Private Military Organisation
  • Affiliation: Hex Incorporated
  • Classification: Professional combined-arms soldiers.
  • Description: Easily recognized by their distinctive gear and their iconic emblem, the Hellion PMC’s are soldiers for hire by anyone who is willing to match their price. With an arsenal of powerful weaponry at their disposal, they are willing to conquer planets with skilled professionalism and discipline. Their only true loyalty lies with their parent company and CEO, Braxton Holst, who gives them stable work in protecting foreign assets and investments.

  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function:
    • The Hellion soldiers have heavy emphasis on combined arms warfare, typically operating from ground vehicles with air support and artillery to back them up. They prefer to move quickly in an attempt to overwhelm their opposition with shock trooper tactics and overwhelming firepower, though they are quite comfortable with digging in, setting up a sturdy supply line, and fighting a battle of attrition before charging forward with tanks and fast-moving trucks when they spot a weak point.

      Their vehicles and equipment are geared for quick insertions into combat zones and setting up bases of operations using their capital ships and even their ground vehicles as command centres. In theory, this allows them a steady rotation of reinforcements, medical centres, and a speedy retreat when things don’t go according to plan.

      Unit composition is quite standard, though every fighting force is geared from the ground up to fit into their ground vehicles for smooth and rapid deployment, all the way up to their star destroyers capable of launching corvettes from its hangar bays along with several wings of fighters and support craft.

      In space combat, the Hellion troops prefer the element of surprise using “guerilla” tactics and microjumps to try and outmanoeuvre their opposition, though they also tend to fight with conventional tactics as well alongside their unorthodox movements.

      In smaller operations, as well as defensive operations, they tend to work with more flexibility and improvisation to ensure a successful mission, though they won’t hesitate to level the playing field in order to get into their comfort zone.
  • Force Abilities: N/A

  • Numbers: The Hellions have a steady supply of recruits coming from various planets, primarily from the slums of Denon.
  • Training: While emphasis is placed more on numbers, troops are still trained well and ready to fight with ferocity.
  • Combined arms: Working in close communication with various divisions, the Hellions excel with combined arms warfare inside powerful machines of war.

  • Mercenaries: While their training and discipline is solid, they are still mercenaries, and will only go as far as they are paid to go.
  • Conventional: Their usual tactics and operations are quite conventional, potentially making them predictable in some situations.
  • People: Fighting only for money, they hold no loyalty except to their company’s owner. They are also not fanatical war machines like Mawites or Mandalorians, but normal people.

Coming from humble beginnings, the origin of the Hellion Private Military Organisation can be traced back to simple thugs from the slums of Denon hired by an ambitious Braxton Holst to protect his small business. Over the years, his business grew and the need for more muscle grew with it.

Arms were procured, then vehicles, and eventually professional training to sharpen up the growing company’s skills. When things got serious, the company was officially established and their services were soon exported to other clients on the planet. Things continued to grow steadily alongside the parent company, Hex Incorporated, and their numbers began to swell with desperate denizens of Denon at the promise of good pay, security, and a better life for themselves and their families.

Now this private military company has employees numbering in the thousands, with small and large scale operations spanning several planets, either to protect their boss’ interests, or to serve clients rich enough to afford them. Their business has even dipped into covert operations, with the most notable being a top secret job on Nimban where much of their new technology was thoroughly tested and proven. The details of this job are still highly confidential.
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