Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Shatterpoint | BotM Annihilation of GA Held Tython



:: Hanger, Avatar of War

Runi directed a few lingering Mandalorians down the flanks to help button up the interior of the vessel. It was a big ship, and evidently the Sith hadn't bothered installing emergency bulkheads or blastdoors at every junction. Well, the faster they locked things down so the entire fortress wasn't turned inside out, the sooner they could jump into combat. Provided the Sith didn't hinder their efforts to seal the doors.

The sound of a canteen caused the Speaker's avian helmet to turn aside. Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen seemed interested in supporting her efforts. The man was occupied not being killed with a fire fight nearby, so it was what he could manage under the circumstances. Her hand extended out, palm down, and the Manda brought the flask of water up into her grasp.

Soon, however, the tide of battle took the two in opposite directions. Runi strode calmly down the corridor toward the hanger with the last door in place. Now there were two levels of security against being spaced -- at least in the same manner -- the doors and the Manda's hold. Presuming the Mandalorians lacked mag-boots, jetpacks, and/or rebreathers for the threat of vacuum exposure to be of great concern, but not ever beskar'gam was the same.

Not as anxious to eager in combat as most, as it was not her way, Runi's progress toward the hanger was deliberate. The shortest, most direct path was not her path. There were a few stragglers in the corridors even so. A single warrior might go unnoticed until chance chose otherwise, but such chance also kept the matches even in number -- though not necessarily in skill. The Mandokarla were not the greatest warriors of the Enclave or that the galaxy had ever seen, but they were Mandalorian.

Loud explosions had thundered out from the hanger as she drew nearer, which bode well for battle, though not so well for easily securing the hanger itself. Such was war.

Then Runi heard the most peculiar thing. Someone cried 'For Mand'alor.' The Enclave hadn't chosen or acknowledged a Mand'alor -- a Chief of Chiefs. A great deal of strife seemed to follow such proclamations of late, much to her personal chagrin. To think something so true to their heritage would be so divisive... And yet here they were. Mandalorian presumably fighting Mandalorian. A sickening turn.

The Mandakarla did not believe in such civil conflict -- when it could be avoided. What good came from killing one another? Conflict was inevitable, but honorable combat could settle such matters when words failed to do otherwise. Slaughter? No, there was no glory in turning on one another. But it would come to pass... no one was perfect. No people completely united. Thus, despite the bitter taste of such matters, the Mandakarla also believed in another thing: to lay waste to their enemy, even if it became their fellow Mandalorian when all else failed.

A moment later a choked cry severed the breath and life of another raider that sought to set upon the momentarily weakened position of Gallius. The Speaker stood between him and the would-be killer with a wooden blade held horizontal out where it had caught them across the torso. The blade spun in the air at her side as the man rose to resume commanding their forces to hold the line. "For the Galaxy. For the Enclave. For the Manda," Runi roared as she held the blade overhead.

With the mess on the deck, Runi kept an ear and her eyes open for the dropships that should have been en route. That beast of SCAR SCAR that stomped around would be a matter of concern. Romul Saxon Romul Saxon seemed content to tackle that personally. Others, however, like Vorm Vorm or Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr would require handling. Perhaps they'd test themselves with a humble woman of Mandalore.



Objective: Survive, Break Out
Equipment: MAA-001 HjCBg | MAA-004 HjFIP | JT-12 Jetpack | MAA-005 HjGPG | Tinfoil Hat Band
Weapons: PGEM/MWP-001 | 2 PbBP-01 S.I. | Scatterblaster | 5 Vibro-knives in Self-sharpening Sheaths | 2 Batons | 2 Probe Droid Grenades | 2 Scarecrow Grenades | 10 Lodestone Grenades | 3 Thermal Imploders | 1 Coil of Thermal Detonator Tape | Ordanance Impellers
Ship: PGEM/S-01 "Hafta"
Shipboard Gear: Charric Rifle, Medical Supplies

The ground splayed with a dark shadow, scanners screaming as something large appeared on the screens before all of the troubles in the galaxy seemed to let loose upon the planet. His attention towards the displays, the rumbling of the ground was missed by the pilot with his eyes diverted.

The mountain beside him grumbled and groaned to life before spitting its vitriol for those daring to scar its surface. The sky darkened as the sky became a gauntlet of ability and survival.

The intake of the engine sputtered as his gaze snapped to his right, finally addressing the concern to that side of his vessel while debris began to rain down. The shielding mitigated the larger portions of the detritus as smaller superheated pebbles began to tear through and bleed atmosphere into the vessel.

Klaxons sounded in the ship and inside his helmet. The sudden veering action thinning the profile of his vessel to lessen the chance of something reaching him in the relatively exposed flight cabin. Cracks had formed already along the skylight, threatening to tear itself apart as he kept the vessel sidelong and dropping to barely above the ground.

Klaxons resounded in his skull as he noticed his instrument cluster turning red. Engine power decreasing sharply, the intakes beginning to clog as dark wafting trails followed him down.

"Feth feth feth fe-?!" Cursing his choice to break away from safety to join the fray below. Gunning the throttle, he dipped the hull low before raising the nose skyward and willed the vessel higher and higher behind his visor.

The blue glow of his wide, rectangular engine system began to dim as the dark clouds slowly thinned to nothing. The display showing a steady drop in power yet still.

[@open for pickup callouts[/I]

Formerly parallel to the mountain, flying over the center body of water.

Atop the hill…

Above them, a moon died.

Below, men and women followed suit.

Korr felt the deaths around him. The sense of despair. The hopelessness.

But he had been here before. And perhaps would be again.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex turned the full force of his powers on Ryan, causing the Jedi to lose focus of everything but defense. The Sith’s deadly sight enveloped Korr and he felt the heat of the gaze. His clothes began to smolder, then caught ablaze, burning and melting duraplast as they burned. Korr opened himself to the Force and it flowed through him, a preserving river of light. Once again he began to try to absorb the brunt of the assault with tutaminis, the Force preventing his skin and flesh from charring even though the heat was so oppressive he could barely breathe. Barely think. Barely do anything but resist and bide his time, gathering energy.

A sense of danger in the Force. Korr reacted instinctively, having been trained since he was eight in the way of the lightsaber to the point where it became as much a matter of reflex as the Force.

He slapped aside incoming blaster bolts, his blades a blur, while with his true attention he still sought to stymie the deadly gaze of the Sith seeking to melt him where he stood.

Koda Fett Koda Fett Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
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Location: Tython
Objective: Fight the Sith and do whatever possible to help disrupt their dark ritual
Gear: Armor | Lightsaber
Enemies: Darth Syphus


With the marauders defeated, it was time to move on. Every moment spent lingering, basking in each small victory, was another moment that the Sith drew closer to completing their ritual. Another moment Tython came closer and closer to rending itself asunder.

No sooner had the golden yellow blade of his lightsaber disappeared back into its curved hilt, as the final Mawite corpse fell to the ground, than Jeren felt... something. A presence perhaps; something that, even though he couldn't discern exactly what it was or its exact location, he could still sense even through the roiling, churning energies of the Force that threatened to consume the entirety of Tython. He managed to focus on it for a split second, drawing upon his extensive training in Force sight and sense. He could not see the shadows as such, but he knew that something, someone, was there. In that instant, he realized that he was in great danger.

Then the Sith materialized from the shadow and leapt, crimson-bladed lightsaber humming as it swept through the air, arcing through the air toward his neck.

The Miraluka Juror ducked. He could almost feel the heat of the Sith's blade scorching skin and hair as it passed barely an inch from the top of his head. Jeren called upon the power of Ashla, and felt Her strength fill his body. With a great effort he propelled himself backwards and away from his attacker, the muscles of his legs greatly strengthened by the power of the Force. The armored figure flew a good distance back, tucking and rolling into a backflip that righted Jeren, putting him on his feet and facing the Sith.

A snap-hiss sounded as Jeren's blade ignited once more. He took up a Makashi opening stance, preparing for the attack he imagined would be coming. The man before him seemed to the Miraluka to be one who, like so many others attacking Tython, reveled in violence, death, and destruction. This one was different, though. He had hidden in the shadows themselves, all but invisible even to Jeren until the very last second. He was quick, and clearly quite strong in the Force. Had Jeren not been Miraluka, and had he not had the training of the Luka Sene, he would likely have died then and there.

More than that, there was something... unhinged about him. Jeren could feel anger, hatred, chaos emanating from him. He was likely to be unpredictable and incredibly dangerous.

"Close, Sith, very close," the Juror said at last with a smirk. "But by Ashla's will I remain. This ritual cannot be allowed to continue. Your masters will fail, and Tython will stand. Surrender, or you will die here with all the rest of your kind."

He did not expect the Sith to surrender, but it didn't matter. Ashla's will would be done regardless.



Nadja Keto



En route to Tython from the Koros Trunk line
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Derix Tirall Derix Tirall , Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager , Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Blaster Pistol
Lead Ship
Total Meterage
30,000 m

This was never supposed to have happened.

She remembered the moment that she stood by Lily in the Iron Citadel and watched the live feed of the fall of the One Sith on Coruscant, watched the last vestiges of the Sith disappear - the last remnants of which she and Lily had been legacy to, despite neither living up to the dark reputation that children of that era were now known for. There hadn't been a moment of hesitation after watching the Coruscant skyline burn, with the Sith that had started those fires in a fit of nihilistic denial, before the two agreed to surrender their world to the first Galactic Alliance in recent memory - a surrender that kept the throne secure, certainly, but also their people and way of life.

It seemed so ironic, then, to find herself in the command throne of a Sith vessel with the newest incarnation of the Galactic Alliance as her own personal enemy, a conflicting set of emotions and circumstances to be sure.

She understood the bitterness in which her friend had been spirited away, forced by those that had been unwilling to believe that anyone could turn away from a legacy as tainted as the one her parents had left her with, and could only watch helplessly as the efforts to assassinate the late empress and her son was paired with very public 'rumors' that the child of a Sith lord was secretly a member of that very same order herself - a pairing that turned to self-fulfilling prophecy, the only ones willing to grant the woman and child asylum being the very empire that sprung up to deal a final and devastating blow to the Alliance that had tolerated her.

The vacancy of the Tetan throne had predated the new Alliance by some years, her enemies finding a foothold in the New Imperial Order instead. She'd learned, eventually, that a traitor to the Tetan throne had been the one to put an end to her. She had been told it wasn't pretty, not that war or death ever were. It wasn't her friend's murder that was the sole motivation behind her engagement with the Krath, with an inheritance she had been more than willing to give up with Lily's parents had taken the throne from her own, but the disillusionment she had with the purported acceptance, forgiveness, that the other side was supposed to bring with it. Mob rule, summary execution, false justice - that had been ascribed to the Sith, the One Sith at the time, by the propagandists of the old Alliance during its rise. This one, too, seemed to play into the same graces of a moral high ground, just like the Imperials they'd courted with in their infancy to get to where they stood today, and yet they seemed, from the perspective she'd been living through, to espouse those very same tools when they saw fit.

She saw them for what they were, though; politicians, each of them -- liars, all.

The offer to stay on Teta, to simply live on while the Brotherhood carried on towards the core, was one which she had happily accepted at first.. but it was one which seemed to renege itself when the Maw was placed into the corner it had now found itself in. She had hardly reacquainted herself with her childhood bedroom, let alone prepare the rebuilding process for her people and their world, when the call came in and now she was waiting in drydock for the preparations to leave for a war that was never supposed to be her own.

To Tython.

"Your majesty," An officer said, one who had been shuffled into her ship's crew at the last minute as her communications officer, with a tone that implied they weren't quite used to addressing presumed royalty. "The hangars have been loaded on the last Crucifix, we should be ready to depart when you give the word." Nadja, for her part, seemed skittish in comparison to the rather composed and, if even possible, relaxed attitude of the Final Dawn officer. She'd played her part in battles of importance before, even been the deciding factor in war games during her university years in the One Sith, but it had been over a decade since those days - and she'd never been given nearly as much autonomy and control as she had now. It was an odd feeling, like she was an imposter; the right woman for the wrong job, or something along those lines. Still, she was the one in the chair now and there didn't seem to be any other way out of it. Either she'd live up to the expectations she had been set against or she'd die.

"Try to patch us through to Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha ." Nadja said in response, hoping the tentacle-faced man could give her some insight on the state of chaos she'd find when they inevitably arrived at the planet in question. "While we wait for our hyperwave transceivers to get us through to him I want us moving, as soon as we're out of the planet's gravity shadow we need to be pushing into hyperspace." She continued, crossing and then uncrossing her legs as she readjusted the position she was sitting in several times. "Open an encrypted channel for our ships to communicate through, I want my eyes and ears on every bridge - and please make sure I have their names right." The moment it was clear that she was through with handing out orders all attention was shifted off of her and onto the holographic displays and monitors at each respective officer's station as the mad scramble to get ready for an unexpected deployment for war ramped up. Nadja, on the other hand, sank back into her seat, wondering just what it was she'd given up for this crazy choice in life.

'I wonder what Val Aranda would say.. if she knew where I was right now.'



Objective: Capture or destroy Alliance supply train
Allies: Hal Vaiken | Lily Stevens
Enemies: Gaaraddik
Gear: Storm Commando Armor | Rifle | Pistol | Vibroknife | Grenades and other explosives


Gavyn ducked as blaster bolts splashed against the metal train car. He turned and prepared to squeeze off a few rounds toward the Alliance riflemen when he noticed a great, furry shape blotting out the light of Tython's sun before it landed heavily on the train car behind the Imperial squad. A Wookiee, and a Jedi at that, had come to stop them from carrying out their mission. A roaring challenge was bellowed at the operators. Clearly this walking carpet was not in the mood to negotiate.

They'd have to work in tandem to take him down, but he was sure they'd be able to, Jedi or not. Now to see what Sarge's call would be --

:: --hold that -- strafe that carpet from above; Rook, get the fethin' Jedi off this board, stat! I'm going inside."
Fuck. Really?

<"On it!"> he replied on comms. No time to complain, no time to hesitate. Quick, decisive action in the face of extreme was what they were trained for.

Gavyn thumbed the switch on his rifle, switching it to burst-fire mode. One hand steadying the rifle against his shoulder, he opened fire. A trio of blaster bolts sprung from the end of his weapon, whizzing through the air toward the Jedi. With the other hand he grabbed a stun grenade from his belt, primed it for almost immediate detonation, and tossed it ahead of him. The young man in the sleek black armor of a Storm Commando advanced on the Wookiee, firing again and again as he moved in anticipation of the grenade's explosion. As soon as it exploded -- or was sent away -- Gavyn deftly switched tactics. He swung his still-slung rifle around to his back, freeing his hands. Withdrawing a retractable cortosis-weave vibroblade, he extended the blade and swung for the Jedi's legs.

Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Warpost: Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to join the fight, feel free to! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Links: Weapons | Chosen | Some vehicles and other stuff​

The warlord watched his lover, saw thoughts racing through her mind. What they were, not even he knew, but he understood that she didn't believe him. Whatever she felt she understood, he knew they didn't see eye to eye in this regard. He knew she never had, and now he doubted she ever would. For her, the strong helped the weak. For him, the strong ruled them. One could twist it and say that both aided the weak, if less intentionally on the part of Zachariel. But it was a feeble argument, and one he ignored quite easily. He didn't rule them to aid them, he ruled them to aid himself.

As that thought crossed his mind, he felt and heard the ritual begin. His grin widened at that, this was it. The alliance would bring about their own end, with each marked one killed, the ritual grew stronger. In turn, those killed by them would most likely also join the ritual, their souls sacrificed as well. At least, that was the hope, and if it worked, then the Avatars would be pleased. Zachariel himself was pleased, as he watched Ingrid, he saw her feel the ritual take hold, saw her be brought to her knees thanks to its powers.

Weapons held loosely by his side, Zachariel took a step closer to Ingrid. Grinning down at her kneeling form, he chuckles low. So, she understands? She has understood nothing thus far, so he wondered just what she now comprehended. Her words make him scowl. So, she understood the galaxy was changing? Understood how little time meant to beings such as them? A mere three centuries had brought her that knowledge? He scoffed aloud. Such a short amount of time, and yet she thought to understand the passage of time.
"You think I don't understand that? That I am unaware of the rise and fall of so many factions?! For three centuries you've struggled to find your place, struggled with the times changing. A mere three centuries!"

His uproarious laughter echoed off the mountains.
"For one and a half millennia, I've experienced exactly that. I've seen the rise and fall of countless empires, saw the fall of the last Galactic Republic, the rise of the Galactic Empire, and its fall. The empires that came after, the Vong that destroyed so much, on and on. That list is endless, I have seen groups you've never heard of, fought for and against great collectives and suicidally small systems. From nearly a millennia ago, to a mere few decades ago, I have seen it ALL! Factions that ruled centuries ago, to those who had resurgences, to those who failed so quickly. There is nothing you can tell me that I haven't seen, experienced, or otherwise come across."

She continued on, and he sneered.
"Chaos will rule! The Force will be no more, or at least broken in two. You feel it? The souls being sacrificed, the power magnified, and the veil being torn? So do I."

There was dark joy in his words and it was clear he took great pleasure in that fact. He took another step closer, even as she finally stood and re-approached him. Holding his weapons by his side, he was half expecting her to attack, even with her daggers in the ground. Instead, she did what she had done so often before. So, she'd never lied to him before, and he hadn't lied either, at least not to his knowledge. However, her words sparked another snort from him.

By virtue of being a warlord of the Maw, he was being controlled. All in the Brotherhood were, but they also served the will of the Avatars. In the case of Zachariel, he was simply more privy to what that will was, and the plans that went into enacting them. He knew what this ritual would do, what it required. That Ingrid knew as well wasn't surprising, considering who and what she was. And as she placed a hand on his chest, he half grinned. She spoke again, her words surprising him. He hadn't thought she thought of him that way. Lovers yes, allies certainly, but friends? That was surprising.

As she struck his chest plate, he snorted, shaking his head. Weapons loose by his side, he craned his neck to look down at her fully.
"No, Ingrid. Those who are marked and who die, they will be consumed, their souls added to the fire that is the ritual. In those final moments, their souls will help set ablaze the galaxy, the Force itself. But one must die to fuel it, and I have no plans of dying anytime soon."


The Bloodsworn defending Akar Kesh were badly mauled by the alliances forces. Never before had they faced such overwhelming numbers, nor been placed in such a defensive manner. Still they fought on, seeking to delay the attackers and attain a worthy death, at the very least. From the lowliest slave, to the highest Chosen, all sought that. And so, the battle raged on as it had been. Cultists and marauders led the charge, their numbers depleted, but their spirits high. Following them were those in vehicles, either giving covering fire, or soon overtaking their slower moving brethren.

At the rear were the heavy hitters, thsoe specialized in range warfare, and the Chosen commanding it all. Some of course didn't move, such as Chosen Maeve, who continued bellowing out orders and issuing challenges. In turn, the attacks form Judah and Damsy had cut through much of the cultist horde. Vehicles being thrown had torn through squads, shrapnel had cut through many more, and wounded most. Dust made visiblity poor, meaning thermals were often the only option to see.

But through that smoke, through the blood and fire, the tears and sounds of war, they still came. The ritual had begun, their bloody vows been made. The symbol of ur-Kittat now adorned them, and chants of "Hâsk jiaasen" continued to ring across the battlefield. They knew not the true nature of the ritual, but they believed it granted them the favor of the Avatars. And with that favor, they sought new heights of glory, seeking a glorious end with which to earn their place in the galaxy beyond.

They didn't care that the world was falling apart all around them. In the distance, Tython rumbled and more smoke spewed into the air, further choking the sky. Some might call this the vindication of a wrathful god, the Bloodsworn simply saw it as another obstacle. The world now sought to fight them? So be it, it simply fueled the ritual in the eyes of the cultists. Their belief in that ritual was cemented by the actions of the Voice, who tore chunks out of the moon and threw them to the planet.

In awe, the Bloodsworn fought on, bearing witness to the wrath of their own gods, the Avatars, made manifest. As debris rained to the planets surface, and new fissures were created by impacts, they fought on. Come hell or high water, the wrath of man or gods, nothing would stop their glorious ends. So on and on they charged, finally reaching the primary pair attacking their lines. Their numbers were cut in half, if not more, and most were wounded to some degree. But they charged on.

All around them, the will of the Avatars was made manifest. In the eyes of the lowly marauders, they saw this as the Avatars fighting the false gods of their enemy. They would not fail in the shadows of their gods, so they fought ever harder. And as melee was reached, one cry range out from them.
"For the Blood God!"

It forgot a paragraph or two about the moon, so just rush readded it. Sorry that the ending is so rushed.
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Revenant Squadron
Galactic Alliance
New Imperial Order
The Enclave
Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire
Elysium Empire
Silver Jedi Concord
Brotherhood of the Maw

-Revenant engages the
Brotherhood fighter screen as
they work their way toward

The tactical holo continued to struggle with displaying the host of starships and starfighters over Tython. Alarms rang out to signal to the arrival of the enemy Warband Grinâsh and Wraith Squadron, soon joined by Enclave reinforcement and the Alliance’s 11 Flotilla. Discipline has broken down among the New Imperial forces, who were now firing on one another. An alert sounded as the Avatar of War superweapon fired on the Ashlan’s Might grazing the massive super star destroyer’s shields and striking the moon of Ashla. Meteors began to rain down on Tython, a threat to both ally and enemy alike.

Not that Chaar’s attention was beyond his immediate area. Revenant Squadron met the screen of Brotherhood starfighter defending the Avatar of War and Eradicator head-on. The two tight formations quickly dissolved into ferocious dogfighting as Alliance starfighters battled the enemy TIE fighters. The secure comm was a constant stream of chatter, with Six and Eleven both confirming kills on enemy starfighters

Amid the chaos, Revenant Lead was hunting.

Chaar pushed down hard on the control yoke and dropped in behind a TIE fighter. The enemy pilot had their attention narrowed in front of them as they struggled to get a missile lock on Revenant Two’s B-wing. He cycled his laser cannons to Overcharged mode and squeezed the firing stud as the Brotherhood starfighter drifted into his reticle. The TIE exploded into a fireball. Another kill for Revenant Leader.

In the moment of quiet, his gaze fell to the Eradicator, floating beside the colossal Avatar of War. Knocking out the Brotherhood star destroyer would be another major victory for the squadron. Ending its interdiction of the Tython system would open to way for Alliance reinforcements, while also putting Revenant in prime position to launch a strike on the superweapon.

A new klaxon rang out as Revenant Nine was hit. Chaar shook his head. Rookies. If they couldn’t handle the heat of battle, they should stay out of the way, lest they take a good pilot with them. “Three Flight,” he barked over the commlink. “Do you have eyes on Nine?”
She Left Behind A Legacy


Flooded Plains....
Jace Khel | Auteme Auteme | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Ferryman's Reach - The Past:

In conversation with Quill -

"-it just felt so something just swallowing me up" she clawed at the air. "Don't get me wrong i've had some really really vivid dreams, but this felt so real..." She mused for a bit on her own, mentally wandering beyond her conversation with Quill -- a dear friend, and mentor. "It's tiring, I'm tired. I thought coming here to reflect would bring clarity, I've been making marks in my journal.."

Part of her might've thought...


Flooded Plains - The Present:

She bent at the knee and propelled herself off the side of the cliff. Gravity took her lithe frame, and she scaled down the jagged mountain side. This became a pattern, it was like a sequence of motion with the needed break in between as the protruding rock was slick -- seemed as if it had been raining out this way.

Loud -- the world around her had started to crack and warp to the weather pattern, mostly due to the occupation. She originally planned to go to the seeing stone to assist on the support side, but switched goals when she got word on the location of the destroyer. She rerouted and decided to scale the mountain down to flank it.

Clutching her line, and digging her soles into whatever they could catch she stopped her downward motion and twisted midair to gain a view on the way down.

Distantly, though, she felt another thread being pulled; she strengthened the cord, and spoke.

"Romi? Are you there?"

The meld, though even her mental projection sounded tired -- "I'm here Auteme. I meant to rendezvous with you at the seeing stone but--" she swiveled around to look at the distance she covered, "I just got a feeling--I needed to come this way..."


Her body shuddered at the sudden screeching, she tensed to follow the trail of the aerial beatdown as it laced the sky on its way down. She could see the shuttle swerving until its eventual collision with the flooded plains. She got herself hip to her sequence again, propelling herself up and through the motions of scaling the rest of this mountainside.

Wearing: Gladiator Armor

Armed With: Five Rings

Mission: Butcher Mawite Scum

There was no way Lynda, Demon of Jedha could miss out on this.

Her hatred of the Maw was completely consuming her. She was constantly taking any work that would put her in greater and greater contact with Maw filth, slaughtering upon sight.

Knowing the Maw would be here was a siren call.

And the setting... glorious...

Lynda had lurked inside one of the Alliance vessels until the time came to deploy at last to the surface. Every one knew who she was by this point, the butchery she was capable of. Everyone feared her. None in the Alliance called her friend. Many Jedi still agitated for her arrest.

She no longer cared what anyone thought of her. She had ascribed to their point of view once, and all it had caused her was pain. The only way to deal with the Maw was sheer, bloody brute force and limitless cruelty. Cruelty only a select few seemed willing to embrace.

A select few like House Io.

The fact there were Sith here was almost incidental to the opportunity to inflict herself upon the Mawite hoardes, to sow terror.

As her combat shuttle streaked down with a bunch of spec ops Troopers who were nervous just being next to her. Lynda grimaced at the hellscape Tython had become. But none of that really mattered. The chance to kill Mawites, was like a drug at this point, and she, the junkie.

As the shuttle reached a survivable distance where she could jump, she did so, activating the repulsorlifts in her red and blue, hoplite like armor and flying down ward into the thickest fighting, closest to the rear guard.

When she landed and her Katana was drawn the bloodthirsty roar escaped her throat, database involuntarily looping the files of her pulling dead children seemingly endlessly from the rubble of smashed buildings, followed by looping images of her impaled rabbit and turtle.

A being such as Westenra, in theory at least, has it all: She was designed for success. For power. Almost any guise she could take was so fine Mister Palmer would never have been able to tell you where the money went. She could take any job, any position if she had the programming installed.

But it all came with a catch. She had to feed, for her designer, a type of Vampire, had made her an Android Vampire that had to feed.

Vampires aren't popular, even when relatively benign, for a damn good reason. They need to feed, and so did she.

Sure, she fed on Psychic Energy in a victim, which usually had a better chance than most of leaving a victim alive, but she still had to feed. And that meant it was very difficult for her to get close to ordinary people, to trust them. Her pets had been one of the few creatures she could get any sort of love from other than her own family. Plus, while a Demigod by the perception of someone like The Mongrel The Mongrel , she was still ultimately mortal, and had mortal emotions. In being buried alive in rubble, in forcing her to pull dead children out of rubble she herself was rescued from out of a desperate hope to find one youngling alive, in killing her pets in such a brutal and unnecessary way, the Maw had caused possibly irreparable psychological harm, due to her perfect memory of all this, like it happened only seconds prior. The emotional agony of the trauma she had suffered had left her a bloodthirsty wreck who seemingly lived only to kill Maw, much like how Darth Xiphos had been created jointly by both the actions of the Bryn'adul and the decisions made by Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Ryv and countless other Jedi.

In truth? Lynda didn't care if the Galactic Alliance survived. If the Order survived. The Demon of Jedha had thirsts in need of slaking.

When the first rear guard squads saw her, instant panic lanced through some of them, as her blade glittered in the Destruction of the planet.

Lynda gave the mother of all slasher smiles and then she was leaping into the fray, a living lawnmower of feet, legs and blade. Limbs went flying, blood erupted in Geysers. The Narrator's FX budget went over the limit, like Michael Bay in every movie you let him have control over. (FX IS NOT A PLOT MR. BAY! NOT A PLOT!)

Lynda sliced and diced into the rear guard, fighting alongside Nuetralizers, finally forced to reign back their Organic counterparts when their lust for revenge went too far, and they started getting hit. But Lynda was beginning to all but spearhead the fierce counter attack, battling seeking to battle even the most experienced, savvy Maw Veterans, unimpressed by their faith and devotion, and wishing to show their prowess as warriors. Worshipping Anthropomorphic Personifications of conditions in life was, to both Lynda and House Io, a waste of time. Even if you had shown them the gods the Maw worshipped they would have been dismissed as spiritual con artists: Xiphos, who had grown up using con artistry, liked to think she knew a grift when she saw it. That the Mawites did not see it as a Con Job, what the Avatars wanted, was the only part that baffled her. If these Gods were so all powerful, why did they need Mawites to work their will? Their strategies were no better than that of the worst warlords on the outer rim. She had met people in Nar Shaddaa's darkest alleyways these Mawites couldn't hold a candle to on their sickest, most depraved days. Even the Superlaser scheme was just an example of the most fundamental mistakes the Maw could have made, the first among those being that the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force.

If that was the scope and limit of what the Avatars could inspire, killing a planet with a Laser, setting up operations any pirate or two bit Cult with loose morals did regularly, albeit on a smaller scale , then they couldn't possibly be mightier than the Force. After all, if you have to torture someone into believing what you want, how rock solid can the foundation of such a faith possibly be?

The second being this: Superweapons, in the history of the entire Galaxy, have never been able to secure any empire against falling from power. If anything, resorting to the superweapon was a sign of desperation, a sign that said empire had run out of justification, out of good arguments for their continued existence. Superweapons are bloated, expensive, and with few exceptions, can still only destroy one planet at a time. Sheer inertia would doom the Maw, even if they succeeded here, the superweapon could only be in so many places at once. Eventually someone would just retaliate with a superweapon of their own, and then where would The Maw's advantage be? The very fact it was even here was all but a tacit admission in House Io's eyes that no, faith wasn't stronger than Logistics, Numbers, and Firepower. Their faith was meaningless without the Avatar to back it up.

That is why House Io and Lynda fought so savagely, not just to win, but to mock their supposed faith in the inevitable. House Io didn't have a planet destroying superweapon, just a parked Battle Cruiser, flesh, steel, and boiling hatred.

They had come here, outnumbered by every major faction, most of whom considered them and their leaders traitors and terrorists, hunted and despised and thought of as insane. To be fair, most of the leadership was insane to a degree. But functional.

They had come here, hated and feared, and with little hope of victory...

...and still they fought as Demons, bent on dragging the Mawites away from Paradise, having eyes only for the Mawites, showing them what faith was, without a superweapon, attempts to rewrite all reality, and extensive torture and brainwashing to back it up.

Their zealotry, Lynda's zealotry, was the stuff of any Mawite's darkest nightmares. It was a Zealotry that could shame any church militant.

As Lynda cut her way into Maw Lines, matching Mawite faith with cold, ruthless determination and a desire to kill and keep killing, House Io driven into an even worse frenzy as they struck at the Maw forces daring to interfere with their holy work, attacking with such ferocious savagery, even as the steam from water meeting lava scalded skin and lung, The Parliament, a version of Xiphos from another reality who had snapped and become a Brain Demon Cultist, sneered at the sudden black magic wall protecting the Tho Yor as she led a now very large contingent of Brain Demon Cultist and House Soldiers.

"You Mawites and your Rituals..." she snapped. "You know, perhaps we are over thinking this...does this version of The Rhand Class have a Seismic Charge dispenser?"

"Yeah." Ted Forrest answered, looking at the catsuit clad woman.

"Tell them to fire it."

"But we're too far away..." Ted said.

The Parliament cackled insanely. "Let me worry about that, Teddy. Just tell them not to arm the three they prepare."

Ted got out his Comlink.

"Blood of Lao-Mon, this is Super-Besh-One, acknowledge."

"Acknowledged, Super-Besh-One. Go ahead." came the voice of the Cruisers Weapons A.I.

"Require three Party Favors. Hold the party hats, and release."

"Copy. Dispensing Party Favors. Out."

Three big projectiles were fired from a large dispenser, and the Parliament held out her hand, chanting in ancient Sith.

The Void 7 Charges would soon reappear in front of them, and in case it isn't obvious, The Xiphos Who Laughs is much stronger than regular Xiphos.

Whatever she was plotting, as she telekinetically lifted all three charges, chanting, prepping some ritual. Ted could only surmise it would hopefully mess up the day of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and whoever was fighting them as the Cruiser got some of its frontal weapons blown off by the destroyer, who now fired it's rail guns right at it again, still keeping up very steady Torpedo fire.

Meanwhile, Lynda kept razoring her way into Mawites, fighting her way into packed crowds of fanatics...

Darth Hellique II
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The Seeing Stones -> Jedi Temple Ruins (Northern Lines)
ATTN: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Aerys Myrrine | The Mongrel The Mongrel
Vicinity: Wedge Draav Wedge Draav | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Alessandra Io Alessandra Io | Project Uriel Project Uriel + Others


Kirie watched the falling shards as they filled the sky above, transfixed, until the ground shook and sent her stumbling. A violent quake shocked the ground, and she saw cracks running through the rock behind her.

Fighting to get to her feet she moved forward, casting a worried glance back at the hilltop with the Seeing Stone before she drove herself towards her ship, moving a distance and then stopping as the ground rumbled and shifted again, until finally she arrived at the Mercury, her hands steadying herself on the hull just as the trembling soil and rock pulled her feet from beneath her.

"Holy chit." Kirie grimaced, waiting for the tremors to subside, a horrible feeling of impending death hanging over her.

Struggling with the door, a light caught Kirie's eyes on the horizon. A deathly light glowed there, the product of an impact of huge magnitude. Her eyes locked onto a shockwave, racing towards her faster than she could track it. Kirie raised her hands, too late to protect herself. She felt it rip the air from the world around her and move along in an instant, doing little more than stirring up the dust. Unharmed, but shaken, Kirie at last pulled open the Mercury's main door and climbed aboard, taking a few seconds to catch her breath before she made her way to the pilot's seat.

“Time to make myself useful.” She murmured to herself.

Kirie scanned the radio as the engines fired up. By the sounds of it support was needed at the temple, where cultists and advancing New Imperial troops were putting pressure on the Alliance forces. Kirie took hold of the controls with a practised motion, and the Mercury rose into the air and sailed smoothly forward, leaving the hilltop and the Seeing Stone behind her.

She flew as fast and as low as she could manage closing the distance to the old temple until the blaring of missile warning Klaxons and the regular beep beep beep of targeting systems forced her to put the ship down by a rocky outcropping not far from the temple. Then she walked, hampered by the regular quakes and the dull booms of distant impacts. By the time she had reached the Alliance’s northern line at the old temple she was sweaty and out of breath. She moved slowly and carefully from there, both to recover and because blaster bolts from the firefight and larger shots from the walkers in front of her were now streaming past her head.

Having wound her way to the front of the line, she spotted Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka at the front of the line, leading the defence.

“Master Zark!” Kirie called out, stepping up beside the older Jedi. “Sorry I’ve been away so long. What can I do?”

Her next words were whipped away in a hail of blaster fire, and she ducked low. The cultists were upon them, and the New Imperials, it seemed, were not far behind.

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In Umbris Potestas Est
The Ablution
Allies: KV-6000
Enemies: ???
???: Romul Saxon Romul Saxon Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Juno - 11/0571 Juno - 11/0571 Mylo Thorne Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Liram Angellus Liram Angellus Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock VADM Tarsa Doon VADM Tarsa Doon Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach Aculia Voland Aculia Voland Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Mith'akis'ormo Mith'akis'ormo The Amalgam The Amalgam Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Khione Khione Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager

The turret aimed at the Avatar of War appeared to charge up with energy before lancing a beam of... something... at the superweapon. The beam pierced through the ship's shields, black enough to look as though it were a cutout of a sliver of space. A cursory scan of the Ablution would reveal no evidence that a plasma core or any buildup of energy had actually been fired from the gun, so whatever the beam was made of, it wasn't the proton energy of the weapon. The beam was consistent for several seconds before ending, a loud groan ringing through the Ablution that sounded as though someone had just pulled a very very locked up muscle, the sound of creaking metal joining the noise. The essence was still there on board the battleship, just somewhat diminished.

Thank you. For now, the ship is in your hands. Do with it as you wish and what remains of me shall aid you in ensuring the vessel functions to its fullest potential. I am still here to aid you as you request it.

The message was sent within the ship's message system to the consoles the skeleton crew were a part of. Onrai herself no longer commanded them - now the ersatz captain of the Ablution was in charge.


Avatar of War
Allies: SCAR SCAR Vorm Vorm Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen @anyone I have missed on the Maw side
Enemies: Romul Saxon Romul Saxon Kaz Krayt Varik Awaud Varik Awaud Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Shakka Bralor Shakka Bralor @anyone I have missed on the enemy side
Chief Target: Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

The transition from mere mortal to primordial entity for Onrai had brought along with it a variety of changes, the ability to do a number of things she had never even considered possible. To exist in two places at once was in defiance of the natural order, yet she had done it before. To provide for the prayers of her followers, something she was now truly able to do. And most applicable to the present situation - to possess a starship and allow her essence to exist within it, as though it were a holocron, a droid, or any number of other constructs of Sith origin.

Minds. Countless minds. Confused minds. They know not, all separate, dichotic, un-understanding of the melding done.

The more she stretched out, the more the portion of her essence filling the vessel strained within the hybridized systems of the abomination of flesh and steel which now hung pendulously over the planet of Tython, whose sole reason for being here was to eradicate the beacon of the Force from the world. She felt them, the invaders, as though they were ticks scraping away at her flesh, seeking access to the rich veins of blood beneath.

And she reacted.

The palpable sensation of negative energy filled the vessel as the entity sought more direct action against the interlopers. A Mandalorian, split into pieces from tendrils of Dark Side energy that arose from within the walls. Soldiers' deepest fears spilled into their skulls. A sense of dark support was behind those who defended the vessel - its own defenses aided them, a vile blessing from the interloper as she observed the stretch of conflict.

Yet one stood out.

"For the Galaxy. For the Enclave. For the Manda."

The Manda. The Enclave. Onrai recalled how decades prior her attempt at aiding the Mandalorians during their alliance with the Sith Empire had gone to waste. Her attempts at what were generous behavior had been rebuffed, and so it was that she watched as Mandalore once more was subjugated and eradicated under the boot of the Sith. Her hatred of those words intensified as she recalled the incessant need for Kaine Australis to seek to guide the Mandalorians down a deviant path, one in which they called all antagonists and sought to instigate nothing more than endless war as agents of chaos opposed to the natural order.

She had a target.

A portion of the yorik coral near the floor where Runi stood bubbled, as though something swelled beneath it. Soon it cracked catastrophically, a rush of fluid the color and consistency of cephalopod ink bursting from the former seam. From the bubbling botryoidal charnel of flesh and liquid arose a shadowed form, indeterminate with silvered eyes that barely peered from its vaguely feminine frame as it reached to floor level. A light-consuming hand reached within the chest of its form, extracting from within the tasseled hilt of a weapon that soon seemed to emit but a single strand of infinite darkness every bit as hateful of the presence of reality as her own.

"My child, there is no Enclave. There is no Manda. As my servant Zhell and his Battalions drove your forebears off the face of Notron, so too will you and your kind be driven off this hulk."
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Javik sudant


Equipment: beskar'gam, purity blaster rifle, rotary blaster cannon

Objective: take the maws super weapon.
Allies: all those fighting the maw.

Javik ran through the ship making up for lost time. Towards the hangar Bay his pod had veered off course unfortunately and took him a ways away and they where caught off guard. Half his unit was killed but the rest followed him as they got to the hangar he noticed the leviathan creature and the maw forces.

"You four focus fire your thermal weapons on the insect you four focus on the maw troops" he said as he pulled out his rotary blaster cannon and began firing on the maw troops that where coming in to the hanger as the other four fired on the maw.
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Mylo Thorne



POST: #3



Perhaps his earlier thoughts were incorrect about the unifying force of the Tython Accords. Or perhaps his computer was just acting funny, because from what he could see, the raging space battle only served to exacerbate existing tensions. It made sense of course. For a moment, Mylo tried to think like Dark Lord, and what would be beneficial for him. If all your enemies were fighting each other and not you, it made it a hell of a lot easier to annihilate them. Pulling up the display on his terminal, he watched as New Imperial Order ships started to fire on each other. Dissent in the ranks was not going to help anyone and he prayed to anything that they could solve it as soon as possible. Numerous blips started to appear on the display as Mig gave him info on who it actually was.


Commodore Oliva and his force were the stuff of legend from the Imperial Civil War, and it warmed him to know that the Alliance had brought their best to the battle, even if the Maw had sent their own reinforcements. But that warmth was immediately pierced by an icy dose of reality as he watched a flash of oppressive green light dwarf all the flashing of the laserfire as the Avatar fulfilled its purpose. A concentrated beam of pure power smashed straight through an Ashlan ship, rendering it useless within a matter of seconds, and sending large pieces of jagged debris through out the battlefield. But what really caused some trouble was the damage to a key stellar object. The namesake of the Crusade. Warning klaxons went off throughout his cockpit as he gawped out of his starboard viewport.

The once proud Ashla, bastion of the light, had been struck by the beam. He watched the almost supernova-like explosion rupture the stellar body and send some of it down in pieces down to Tython. Mylo hoped the defenders on the ground had brought umbrellas. Meanwhile, he had his own problems to deal with. An Eradicator-class had caught the scent, and was quickly angling in for a quick end. Mylo couldn't give them that. Taking a hand to a slider, he throttled up rapidly before using that burst of forward momentum as he twisted the control stick up towards his chest, simultaneously pulling up as he removed his hand and let himself loop-roll off to port. The drop-kick turn would keep him safe for a bit, but in this clash with the enemy fighter screen, he had to watch himself lest he-

Mylo smacked his head hard on the side of the cockpit as the warning bleeps started up again. Damage to his outer shielding, but nothing too life-threatening. It was at moments like these that he thanked the Starfighter Corps for at least giving him a helmet to wear. Still a little dizzy, he shook himself off, pulling on the stick hard to level out. If he lost control and went into an uncontrollable spin, that pilots called spin out, he would feel even more sick than he already did and possibly lose consciousness. And it would leave him open to be popped like an inflatable. He pulled down into a steep nosedive, his upper shields glimmering as laser fire glanced the top of them. Mylo took the stick back to starboard and arced round, continuing to do so until he had become level with another attacker.

Now it seemed he was permanently on the defensive. Just to add to his prodigious luck, his computer warned him that one of his adversaries got a missile lock on him. Switching to his countermeasures, he deployed chaff and throttled up to keep the warhead off his back. He watched a small explosion detonate just at his rear viewport as small cracks started to appear in it. Eyes widening, he banked off where activity had slowed a little. The reinforced window would hold, he was sure of that, but, it was still an incredibly dangerous sign. Elsewhere in the battle, he got info on his terminal that Artemis had been hit pretty bad. Jinking smoothly out of the way of some snap-fire, he flicked on the Squadron-wide com.

"Em, you okay? You hit bad?"

He implored her to answer as he noticed an Eradicator getting into position for a shot. Mylo turned hard into the flight path of the enemy, breaking off hard enough that he almost lost control of the ship. The warning noises almost formed a catchy melody as a spin-out hazard symbol started flashing. The stick shook wildly in his hands as he put all possible physical exertion into trying to wrestle control of his ship. Eventually, he felt a small lurch as the stick seemed to relax. A deep sigh of relief from him broke the cruel silence of space. Weaving out of the way of numerous fighters, he tried to think of it as a blessing in disguise as it gave him a clear view of the hulking Pryde-class that was providing an effective interdiction shield. And it gave him a clear path. Eureka!

"Six to Leader. I've got an idea but it's going to need all of us. I've got eyes on the prize, Commander, and I think we've got a good chance of blowing it up. I can move through and hull-skim the ship. I'll be pretty inconspicuous and could hopefully take some down with me. I can scout it out and send my telemetry data for a Nova-flare while drawing fire. It's an old tactic, but it's worked numerous times before. We need to form up and everyone needs to target a specific point on the shields with their proton torpedoes and other armament. Hopefully we can soften up the shields enough for another more direct strike."

Mylo knew Chaar well. He wasn't one to take ideas from anyone but himself or his own superiors, never mind his subordinates. But in the hellish situation they found themselves in, it couldn't hurt to try something knew. "It's a flawed plan, but I think it might just work, though I might need an A-Wing to come with me..."

Mylo evades heavy fire and nearly goes into spin-out. Mylo suggests a nova-flare on the Eradicator and offers to fly in and perform field recon.


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Jace Khel




Flooded Plains -:
Romi Jade Romi Jade

In the doorframe of the crashed shuttle, Jace stood near the soon to be suffocated flames and electronic short circuits that sounded off as wild as ever. His two arms held himself there, still and in place, the rucksack across his back carried his scarce few possessions. Jace merely stared forwards for a moment, to witness the true extent of the aptly named Flooded Plains and see the distant war waged in a colourful display of tibanna and lightsabers. But the not so distant downed destroyer, the cause of all this immediate mayhem, had forced a need to avoid it.

His impact with the mud beneath sounded wet, his booted feet found beneath the waterline as it even neared his knees. "Stay here for now," the weakened Jedi commanded his two droid companions still aboard, with squinted eyes and narrowed features as the sun beamed over him; "I'll find some help, once I what all this is."

Per usual, it was the astromech that answered in his varied whistles.

"I'm not so sure, maybe. I think I saw some old Alliance designs out there, then a whole lot I've not seen before. I guess we'll find out."

It whistled in response again. Jace subtly smiled, "Right. I'll find out."

He marched onwards from the crash, the occasional turn over his shoulder had seen it dwindle further and further into the distance. But as he had done so, the lone outline of someone came closer. With his connection to the Force at an all time low, his ability to sense the one ahead of him was lost. Armed with no more than a blaster pistol, he hoped for an ally.

Just a minute, is that-
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Akar Kesh, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood
[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid continues to speaking with Zach.
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Surface, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid arrives to the place where she senses Solipsis, but Zachariel is in her way.

This day was interesting for the woman. Dromund Kaas was the first time that the Eternal Empire could actually reappear among the great powers of the Galaxy. Today was the second. They used to be there with Csilla and Korriban when the Ashlan Crusade tried to destroy the planet, though it wasn't very significant. But now yes; they were present with considerable force both on ground and in space. However, this day was strange and unusual.

The Maw was definitely the enemy of the Eternal Empire, and the Eternal Empress wanted them to fall, because of their actions, because of their methods. However, the fact did not matter at all whether or not Maw would be successful in destroying the planet. If so, well, there will be three fewer Nexus in the galaxy. They even do the Wardens of the Shroud a favour. At least the Wardens don’t have to perform openly and try something like that.

However, Ingrid was interested in something else today. She, like a lot of people in the galaxy, wanted to kill Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . And the man was here on the planet. It was hard to not sense him as he was surrounded with the darkest focal point on the planet. And the Dark Side attracted her. Not because she was one of them; simply, it aroused much more hunger in the red-haired woman. Absorb and devour their power, as she did with the energies of Carnifex and Prazutis when they fought.

She was in constant contact with Baron Reinhardt Ström and Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus ; the two men were responsible for ground and space battles, respectively. She asked them for constant reports. They knew the woman wanted to hunt down Solipsis on the planet's surface. Behead the snake, once and for all. That’s why she left her own troops when she sensed that Dark Voice was on the planet, too. Ingrid teleported near that place. However, here, before she could get close to Dark Voice, someone was already waiting for the Eternal Empress…

The man promised this at the Netherworld that this would happen. As she did as well, that is, she'll kill him, if he does not stand aside. Nevertheless, the woman had not yet attacked, but given her lover, the warlord of the Bloodsworn Tribe, a chance. A chance to live.

"Get out of my way Zachariel! You won’t get a second chance to stand aside!" her voice was ice cold, emotionless, now it didn't have the usual passionate and playful tone in her voice that the woman usually speaks to her lover when they are alone.

Objective: Tython Accord
Location: Surface, Naboo
Equipment: Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Baron Reinhardt Ström | Aerarii Tithe | Balt Vizsla | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid arrives to the meeting.

Naboo; ironically the former capital of the CIS. Although Ingrid agreed that it would have been difficult to choose a more iconic neutral venue for this meeting. The Eternal Empire said yes to GA's request and they travelled to the planet. Ingrid, as usual lately, was accompanied by Baron Reinhardt Ström. The grumpy uncle; most of all it was the best token the Eternal Empress found about the man.

After landing, she was walking along the ramp, accompanied by the four bodyguards, and on the "runway" to the vehicle, which would take her to the rendezvous site. Ingrid had never loved bodyguards, but it was now a situation where it was all mandatory. There was also a fifth bodyguard with her, invisible. She trusted him the best of those present. NN220, formerly known as Alain Price. Commander-in-Chief of Shadow Company. The man was there with her at NIO and GA talks, and whenever she was negotiating with the AC. Only no one knew about it.

The last meeting with GA was quite tense, and although results were achieved, it was ironically easier to negotiate with the NIO. They were more like them.

<"Overseer, please try to be restrained. If the data is correct, the Enclave will also be present. It would be unfortunate if GA were turned against us as they are allies. Let the Enclave look like barbarians, savages, not us. We are more civilised than they are."> she told him.

They soon arrived at the meeting place. Here, she allowed the members of the delegation, or rather the reception committee, to accompany her into the meeting room. If all is true, Tithe was already here, and she greeted the man with joy.

"Old friend, Chancellor! Nice to meet you again in person. It last happened a long time ago." she greeted Tithe and gave a hand, accompanied by a sincere and kind smile.

Ever since they last met on Coruscant during her captivity, Ingrid hasn't aged a minute. Besides, one thing was still the same, the red-haired woman was really happy to see the Chancellor.


Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Hi'los Krai
Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to fight, feel free to reach out :)
Warpost: DM me to work something out, NuMo#0475
Links: Weapons | Some vehicles and other stuff​

Tython, final objective of the Brotherhood, last desperate gamble to destroy the homeworld of the Jedi. The Brotherhood had traveled far for this, sacrificed much, and they would sacrifice even more to achieve their goals. With any luck, they would succeed and leave the planet a desolate wasteland, or a debris field.

However, as the Bloodsworn took up position around Akar Kesh, as Zachariel stood to the defenses, he wondered how possible it truly was. As a warlord, the gen'dai was fed constant reports from every source he could get his hands on. Their reports were grim. If they didn't succeed now in reshaping the galaxy… well, they would burn that bridge should they need to.

For now, Zachariel had defenses to organize and a lover to hold off. He knew, all in the Maw knew, that the alliance would attack this place, seeking to kill Solipsis and stop the ritual. As such, there were those to stand in their way. The Bloodsworn were simply one of those defenders, and Zachariel one of its leaders.

Standing on the rocky outcrop, he looked across the rough defensive lines, and grinned. No matter what happened, this would be bloody. He could already feel it in the Force, the death and bloodshed that was happening and that would. Closing his eyes, the warlord breathed deeply of that rich scent.


Opening his eyes, Zachariel's gaze swept the area. The scenery had changed, no longer was he atop a rocky outcropping, now he stood in a sort of dip in the mountain. He had left his prior position in search of a better place to fight, a place where someone may try to sneak past. This was all but perfect for it, and as Ingrid materialized across from him, he chuckled and shook his head. She had become somewhat predictable, at least to him. It helped that he knew her plans to kill Solipsis.

Her short declaration made him shake his head once more, arms still folded behind his back. They both knew the times for games had passed, now was a time for action. And that meant neither could stand down.
"My dear, you know as well as I, that won't happen."

Moving his arms from his back to his sides, he smoothly unholstered his weapons at the same time. Axe in one hand, sword in the other, Zachariel stood ready to fight, yet he didn't move.


In the defense of Akar Kesh and Solipsis, all that could be done to defend the Voice, had been done. In the case of the Bloodsworn, they were hardly used to being on the defensive. But needs must. As such, they set about with all their usual skill and no small amount of gusto, eager to fight in the shadow of their warlord and the Dark Voice once more.

Where they could, trenches had been hastily dug in what small time they had. However, these were hardly extensive and were instead focused on single squads. Most squads simply used the environment and their vehicles for cover. Others still were atop speeders and other vehicles, prepared to rush forward once the enemy engaged. The response of the Bloodsworn was many and varied, but they stood ready to defend Akar Kesh.

Heavy weapon teams set up on overlooks, regular squads huddled in cover, and others still prepared to rush forth. Above the din and clamor of war, the Chosen directed the loyal followers of the Bloodsworn, even as they too readied for war. Their orders had been simple, hold off any who dared try and interrupt the ritual.

War returned to this part of Tython, and the Bloodsworn began their desperate fight to hold off the allied forces. Across their lines, fire began to pour forth and war cries left their lips.
"For the glory of the Bloodsworn! For the Dark Three!"

And thus, the Bloodsworn fought.


Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Surface, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid not attacks Zach yet, but gives him a second chance to change his mind.

"This is your last chance to change your mind." she told him aloud.

~ I don't care if the Maw destroys this planet and the two moons. We will only win if there are three Nexus less in the galaxy… ~ she continued in a telepathic way.

"But your ruler must die today." and finished her words aloud again.

She really didn’t care about the planet and its fate. Zach needed to know exactly that. The red-haired woman watched as the man pulled out his weapons. She hasn't done the same yet. Ingrid still trusted that the man would have a better insight and decide he would let her do what she needed to do. Under her helmet, she smiled bitterly for a moment when she saw the weapons. They were dreadful weapons against anyone. But not against Ingrid. Those were only an ordinary sword and an axe against the woman; two resistant weapons, nothing more.

"I hope you know they are ineffective against me." she told him as she tilted her head a little.

There was no doubt that she would make the man's weapons in such a way that Zachariel would never be able to use them against her. The red-haired woman trusted the man as much as possible for her, but Ingrid was also paranoid. She left nothing to chance. Especially not her life. The Empress knew Zach was stubborn, so she hadn't walked in the direction of the man yet, because she expected the man to attack her at that moment.

"Be a good boy, drop your weapons and get out of my way!" she said.

She still hadn't pulled out her own weapons, Zach only got a second chance because the woman was enjoying her lover's company too much… however, there will be no third chance.


Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to fight, feel free to reach out :)
Warpost: DM me to work something out, NuMo#0475
Links: Weapons | Some vehicles and other stuff

Snorting at her words, he shakes his head again. At her telepathic words, he scoffed. She still didn't understand, then again, the truth was hidden. The Maw wasn't simply here to destroy Tython, but tear the galaxy apart. Reaching out telepathically, he responded.
"Ingrid, one planet and all its moons aren't the goal of the Brotherhood. This ritual, it will destroy more than just Tython, it will split the galaxy in two."

Aloud, he laughed and responded with utter confidence.
"Solipsis will not die this day, and even if he should, it won't be by your hand."

Through this though, he understood what she meant. This world was simply one other to her, the same as it was to him. At the same time, it was the make or break it point for the Brotherhood. Succeed or fail, the success of the ritual would determine it all. And Zachariel would not allow Ingrid to interrupt it. And thus, despite her hopes that he would see reason, he wouldn't see her reason. Twirling them as she spoke of how ineffective they would be against her, he shook his head.

"In the end, they are still sharpened pieces of metal. More than enough with which to remove your head from your shoulders." Smirking, he cocked his head to the side. "Though the powers you imbued into these weapons have certainly come in handy. For that, I thank you."

"Further, one is yours, one is not." Holding the sword up before his helmet, in a salute of sorts, he lowered it and repeated it with the sword. "Which is it?"

Weapons at his side once more, the warlord made no move to lower either blade. She could try all she wanted, but he wouldn't move. She would not pass him this day, that he would make certain of. Twirling them idly by his sides, he still made no further moves. Ingrid expected him to rush her, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. And so, he fully expected some sneak attack from his lover, so he watched, and waited for her to attack first, making it clear hers was the first move.


Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Akar Kesh, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid speaks Zach, and teleports after him, and continues her walking towards the temple.

"Zach, this is not how the Force works… Politically, yes he can divide and split diplomatic and political axes into two. But he can't do more damage to the Force than a local damage." she told him.

Through Zach, she had some idea of what Solipsis wanted. Large-scale plans. Maybe it would have been feasible, but only if all the major Nexus in the galaxy were attacked at once. However, she saw in the man's posture that he finally understood what the woman was thinking. That she wasn't here to protect the planet. This place did not matter to the Eternal Empire. Not really. And the woman would have sacrificed any planet in the galaxy to get the Eternal Empire to achieve its goals and get closer to the final plans of the Wardens of the Shroud.

Unlike her daughter, the Empress of the Eternal Empire was not a Saint. Neither literally nor figuratively.

But like everyone in this galaxy, she had to pretend. Alright, Maw didn't pretend, but everyone else did. No one was as spotlessly clean and good as they had shown themselves to be. There was a common enemy, yes. But nothing more. She or anyone who thought long-term was ready to compromise with others. For bigger plans, for ultimate success, for the well-being of the Empire and its citizens. That was something Ström didn't understand either; the "grumpy uncle" was a great soldier but a terrible politician.

"The NIO has already stolen from me the chance to kill the Emperor of the Sith Empire, you won't steal my chance to kill Solipsis." she told him.

That is, the case still hurt the woman's ego, it would have been the culmination of her assassination career. Actually, maybe it wasn't the NIO, it was Grayson. But it no longer mattered, nearly ten years after the war ended, the present was important. She sighed under her helmet again. She knew Zach knew exactly that it would be smoke if he cut off her head. Because of the Sith, she was not a human being for a very long time ago.

"Are you sure my head is truly my head?" she asked with a chuckle, mockingly, alluding to being a semi-Force entity who typically consists of smoke and transforms.

Ingrid finally took out the two daggers. Not the swords, not the lightsaber with pieces of Adrian's soul, but the two simple military knives. The red-haired woman concentrated for a moment and was no longer there. She hadn't attacked Zachariel yet, just teleported past him. She appeared again behind the man's back, at least a good six to eight metres. She looked back at the man for a moment, then walked on to the temple.

"Behind you, honey!" she said back to the man.

At that moment, she also felt that Eina and Geiseric had arrived on the planet, not so far from her and Zach.


Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to fight, feel free to reach out :)
Warpost: DM me to work something out, NuMo#0475
Links: Weapons | Some vehicles and other stuff​

"Then you understand little of the ritual planned this day."
Cackling laughter came forth from him. Perhaps she was right, perhaps she was wrong. It changed little, she would not pass. No matter that their goals aligned so often, or that she too wished to see the Force destroyed, or at least weakened. Both of them would burn anything to see things through, but she saw the need to kill Solipsis to reach those goals. Zachariel saw the need to keep him, for he was the primary reason the Brotherhood had taken such prominence.

The two of them knew that was their greatest weakness, their fractious nature. It was their true nature, and they didn't hide it. That gave them strength, the challenge to overcome and prove oneself to others. Compared to Ingrid, who even now spoke of her failure to kill another leader of her enemies. Had the true, factitious nature been allowed to be free, she may have succeeded. At the very least, there would have been a higher chance of success. But, because she had to 'play nice,' she couldn't take the EE against the NIO. Not while a greater threat remained. The Brotherhood was not so limited, letting Zachariel grin at his lover, seeing but another point where they were better.

Snorting at her, he shook his head as well.
"Physical or not, the point still remains."

As Ingrid pulls out her weapons, Zachariel stops twirling his own blades, focusing fully on her. He was expecting some surprise attack from her, so as soon as she vanished, he knew she teleported. As such, he whirled around, sword and axe flashing to cut behind him. Only, instead of cutting through flesh or clashing with steel, they cut through nothing. Growling upon seeing her so far away, he knew she didn't plan to fight him, only avoid him. Calling out to her with a scowl, his voice was filled with annoyance.
"Running my dear?"

Then, with an effort of will, he teleported as well. It had been something he'd been practicing for some time now, having seen the need to learn such a skill after being stuck in the Nether before Ingrid rescued him. Now he had learned the skill, after much trial and error, though he was hardly experienced at it. Nor could he go far, but it was enough to get him before Ingrid. And there he appeared, a mere meter before his lover. With a snarl on his lips, he swung his blades at her.
"Not so fast."


Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Akar Kesh, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid attacks back and tried to force Zach to make a mistake.

"Or you think he's more than he really is!" she replied without thinking.

Zachariel would not have been the first to attribute too much power to Dark Voice. Essentially, the entire Maw was built on that. She really hoped it wasn't like that, because she knew the man much more intelligently than that. Sure, she knew the man loved chaos, bloodshed, and the gen'dai couldn’t really think with a clear head during a fight, but he could be quite intelligent except for the fight anyway. However, his current words and reactions have destroyed this previously set up picture. To the woman's greatest regret.

Yes, Ingrid really had to play the "good"; though in her eyes there was neither evil nor cruelty in wanting to destroy the Force. It was something in the woman's eyes that would free the galaxy from the chains of the Force. It would finally free all the peoples of the galaxy. But it was quite a double view. On the one hand, she wanted this, and on the other hand, she would not be willing to pay the price to kill half the galaxy for it.

She knew the Netherworld was probably going extinct, but that was another matter. Although she was part of Netherworld, she belonged there much more than Realspace; she would have sacrificed the souls of the dead. Living creatures were a completely different matter, falling into a completely different category. She would have sacrificed herself, but not the innumerable other lives. That’s why the red-haired woman decided she would never join Maw, even if there were common interests. She did not accept the methods of either the Sith or the Maw.

"If I am one with the shadows, how do you want to solve it?" now her voice was mocking a very little.

Before teleporting, she showed him how she is able to melt into the darkness, into the shadows. After all, the Night Spirit transformed her body when she wanted her as a new host. Ingrid was the creature of the night, and now there was darkness in the middle of the Force Storm and all around them. After teleporting, she sensed that Zach was preparing to attack, but she wasn't there. The Empress laughed softly at her usual voice, like when a lover caresses her chosen one.

"I'm walking, honey! I'm walking!" she teases him.

The next moment, the man appeared in front of her and had already attacked. Ingrid lifted the dagger and stopped the blade swinging towards it. They knew each other's fighting skills very well, and of course each other. That's why she was made with something unexpected. She retaliated, however, not to the man, but at the skulls on the armour. The red-haired woman tried to smash one after the other, Zach's trophies. She wanted to anger the man to force a mistake, she was not a soldier against Zach, but an assassin. The vile game was part of the fight.

"If you think I don't understand the purpose of the ritual, tell me I think we have time for this!" she told him as she tried to crush another skull on the armour.


Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Warpost: Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to join the fight, feel free to! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Links: Weapons | Chosen | Some vehicles and other stuff​

Laughing darkly at those words, the warlord shakes his head once more.
"No, dear Ingrid. You think he's less than he is. Tell me, who else could have organized us? Who in all the galaxy could have brought about such a change?"

He gave her a moment to think, to realize what he said to be true.
"No one! Oh, there have been great leaders, those who brought about much change. But none have ever united the entire galaxy against them, none have wrought so much destruction so quickly. Others have been reviled, hated and thrown down. But they have had allies, become strong over the course of many, many decades. We have nothing and no one but the Avatars and ourselves! Our rise to fame and power happened far faster than any could predict, than any could slow. And that will bring about the change this galaxy so desperately needs, change the Avatars will bring."

She thought him lesser for attributing such power to Solipsis. He knew otherwise, the same way he knew the power of the Avatars. In his millennia of life, he had seen much, experienced more. Zachariel had seen powerful figures rise and fall, fought for and against them, watching them succeed and fail in equal measure. But their changes had been slow, easily removed, and far too reliant on just one aspect of the galaxy. The Brotherhood was not so limited, their changes evident for centuries to come. No one would forget them, no one.
"You believe he does not hold such power, you haven't seen what he is capable of. Nor have you seen the powers that aid him. All you see is falsehoods and lies, I tell you nothing but the truth. When this ritual succeed, the galaxy will be changed. And we will ensure it succeeds, no matter the cost."

The cost of this battle would be high, the slog here had been higher. But it had been a cost they had willingly paid. Staring down at Ingrid, he sneers. She wants to change the galaxy but won't pay the price for it, so she must be dragged into the reality, or left behind. He had thought she may change, see the truth. But considering her disbelief even now, he wondered if that would actually happen. Time would tell, but he began to doubt her then, doubted she would truly follow through.

Twirling his blades at her words, he simply continues to glare at her. If she didn't follow through, then what use would she be in the long run. Spinning about to slice behind himself as she teleported, he pushed those thoughts aside. Most likely, those answers would not be had today, so he focused on stopping her advance towards Solipsis. Teleporting before her, he strikes once more, only for her to block his strikes. Pushing in, he snarls at her, lenses glowing a dark crimson in echo of his anger.

This anger is broken as she suddenly strikes. He had expected her to attack as well, so at her strike he blocks the usual points she has struck. Except now, her blade sneaks past his guard and instead strikes a trophy of his. In doing so, she strikes one of the skulls near his waist, cracking it with the force of her blow. No easy task mind you, as these trophies are from Zachariel's most valued foes, those who had proven him a challenge, or been worthy in some form. During and after battle, Zachariel took skulls to add to his throne, those who were the most worthy instead joined his armor. Forever immortalized as a worthy foe in his eyes. Reinforced to endure the punishment his own armor would face, some of these skulls had been with the warlord for centuries.

And now Ingrid had cracked one, striking his most prized possessions. Her change in tactics pushed Zachariel to the back foot, unused to have to defend himself so. As such, some of her strikes struck true, sneaking past his guard to damage his trophies. More cracks appear, raising Zachariel's ire and anger, bringing it back in a way it hadn't been in many, many years. Then she spoke once more, slipping through once more, and smashing the first skull to pieces.

In that moment, for one eternal millisecond, Zachariel's mind froze. As the shattered pieces slowly clattered to the ground, the world slowed and then froze to the warlord. His thoughts traveled back one and a half centuries ago. He had been hunting a bounty hunter, the best of the time. Certainly one of the best Zachariel had ever seen. But he was used to hunting, not being hunted. And yet, he had given Zachariel a hunt to remember, to cherish. A hunt of cloaks and daggers, played across entire solar systems, and finally ending in a fight that had leveled three city blocks. The hunter had earned a place on Zachariel's armor. And now the skull was gone, shattered into pieces in a way that not even vehicle fire could have managed.

Then time continued and their blades locked, with him glancing down towards the pieces finally hitting the ground. No more than a second had passed, but as the warlord focused on Ingrid, it felt as if a century had gone by. Lenses suddenly flaring into a blinding glare, his crimson gaze locked onto Ingrid as he responded.
"You. Don't."

With a sudden roar, Zachariel struck back. Hate filled his every swing, rage made them faster, and pure, unfettered bloodlust, drove him on. In an instant, he transformed into a whirlwind of death and destruction, striking out and blocking at blinding speeds. And as he fought, the crimson glare of his lenses and the eyes beneath never left Ingrid, as he pushed, his growl echoed forth, vocalizing a fraction of the rage he felt.


Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Akar Kesh, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid successfully infuriates Zach.
  • At the first time under their acquaintance, she shows her true power to him

"No Zach, I never underestimate anyone. You already know that. I’m just more familiar with shadow games and politics than you are. Anyone who is charismatic and is in the right place at the right time and is targeting the right layer. Populist politicians are always like that. I never underestimate the fanatics or the religious fanatics." she told him.

She acknowledged Solipsis' power, it would have been foolish not to do so. They had already met and she felt him several times. Last but not least, the woman did not like personal cults either. Did she have to ask herself when she lost Zach? She knew the man was a fanatic, but he had never spoken like that before. Would recent successes have caused all this? Noris, Empress Teta? She thought that was probably the case. Even the woman was surprised to feel these feelings, sorrow, and sadness for a few moments before she instinctively suppressed them. Because of that, as she saw her lover now.

ShHe had never felt such a deep chasm between the two of them, even when they were really enemies. Now she had to realise that Zachariel was not only an ally and a lover, but also a friend. No, she still didn't feel love, but losing a friend, or rather getting lost, was painful even for her. That’s why she didn’t let anyone close to her and kept her distance from everyone. Because of her position and work, she couldn’t afford to have friends. Because sooner or later they will all betray her or get lost and gone astray.

"Oh, Zach…" there was only deep sorrow in her voice.

No pity, just grief and sorrow. She didn't consider the man less because he thought so.

"I also saw and felt his power. You know exactly that few things can surprise me in the galaxy or beyond because I’ve seen a lot. I simply know my own strengths and abilities. Unlike others, I keep them secret and hide them. And maybe I'm doing this well." she told him. "I know exactly who is next to him, who his helpers are and what the Avatars are capable of."

Ingrid would have gladly shouted into the man's face what forces Zach thought she had? She had already faced the Prazutis and Carnifex duo three times and was still here. Ingrid surprised them too.

"If the Maw is really as strong and promising as you think, it shouldn’t depend on the leader, but on everyone in it. It has to remain strong even if Solipsis dies. A state, an army, a cult is only as strong as their weakest link. Tell me, Zachariel, how strong is the Maw in this regard?" she asked.

The red-haired woman studied the Maw religion, she knew it was a good thing for them to die and they were not afraid of it because the Avatars were waiting for them in the Galaxy-to-come. She knew it was a lie, the Netherworld wasn't what they were promised. It's something completely different. Ingrid was a little similar to them, she was not afraid of fighting either, and the members of her people want to die in battle because this is a worthy and glorious death. And only this.

"Isn't that everyone’s goal to get to the Galaxy-to-come? Or are they just lying to the brainwashed soldiers?" she asked coldly.

Ingrid chose a vile method that surprised the man a lot. For her, it was no joy, in fact, before she suppressed her feelings, she even hated herself for doing so. ShHe never wanted to crush Zach. If she had to kill him, she wanted to do it cleanly and quickly. Not like this. But now she needed the man's anger.

~ Please forgive me! ~ she thought to herself.

"I warned you Zach! I asked you not to force me to do so, I am not happy to do so." she said in a still sad voice. "And see why I said what I said."

Before the attack, Ingrid unleashed her necklace with telekinetics and pulled it into one of the pockets of her armour. She no longer hid her power and began to absorb the dark side forces on the planet, mostly from the ritual. As well as the energies and emotions flowing from Zach. She had done this before in front of the man, but she was much, much weaker then. Ingrid reached into the Force and accelerated on her own, the world slowing down around her. Her strength grew at every moment, she had plenty to feed on. As she moved, she picked up Zachariel's movement's speed to defend herself even more effectively against the man.

Since their last serious fight, Ingrid has accumulated more than three hundred years of combat experience, typically in the Netherworld. She didn't hold back now. Other times, she always showed the same amount of strength and talent as her opponent. Not now, she didn't care now if she was growing above Zachariel. One of the cuts hit his side, however, thanks to the continuous dark side energies, the cut disappeared as fast as Zach’s injuries from his regeneration.

Ingrid was still neutral in the Force, but her strength was still growing moment by moment. There were moments when she attacked her opponent in such a way that the attack might have caused serious injury because the man could have not defended himself but she did not finish it. She just showed that she could do it. However, her defences are nearly perfect, anyway, she used only a dagger against the huge sword and axe. They could probably only look like two blurry spots to an outside observer.

In the end, however, Ingrid tried to push Zach away from her with a strong telepathic push, and if that didn’t work out, she jumped further away and teleported away. The shadows moved around her alive, she was part of it. She glowed a silvery neutral light in the Force. Zach could never feel her as strong or determined as she is now.

"I don’t think I’m the one who is underestimating their opponent in this place. Do you really want me to teach you a lesson we'll both regret?!" she asked.

She reached out and the pieces of the broken skull / skulls rose from the ground and then agreed over Ingrid's palm. It took just four or five seconds and the skull/skulls was/were assembled, intact as before. She hovered it/them back it to the man with telekinetics.

"Tell me what they're up to, what they're planning!" it was no longer a request but an order. " The truth, not what they're lying to Maw! I accept that you believe in the Avatars, you worship them, you respect them as gods. But you also know that it is a lie when they promise a paradise. Zach, our goal is not to destroy the galaxy, not even yours. We want a different world, but not one that the Sith dominates or shapes into its own image. Please! This is exactly what you are fighting against, which you do not want either! Please tell me what they are planning! If it really is what we want, I will go and I'll try to kill him another day. You know I never break my word!"


Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Warpost: Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to join the fight, feel free to! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Links: Weapons | Chosen | Some vehicles and other stuff​

Zachariel snorts once more at her words. There is truth there, in most situations her words would hold true. Perhaps Solipsis had simply been in the right place at the right time, and yet he had still done more with that power than any other. It was two very different things to organize something, and to follow through and succeed. And few could say the Brotherhood hadn't succeeded in their goals. The dozens of worlds and systems conquered would attest to that, the countless more burned in the name of the Avatars was ample proof.

Tython was the last world in that string of bloody assaults. It may be the last one for them, but it would be a glorious end. And should they survive, then they would continue on as they had. Any who had fought them, knew them, would understand only their utter destruction would stop the Brotherhood. Watching Ingrid, he saw that she finally understood. Perhaps it had been how he'd expressed himself, or she could finally see the truth of the Brotherhood, of Zachariel himself.

The sorrow and grief in her voice made his eyes narrow. It confused him, made him suspicious. What did she know, or suspect, that he didn't? He had never hidden his beliefs from her, that of the strong ruling the weak, of the Avatars being true powers to be respected and followed. The further the Brotherhood pushed, the more this was proven to be true. They were led by a strong ruler, Solipsis, followed strong gods, the Avatars, and proved their strength in battle after battle.

"You have seen much, learned much, yet you're still blind." Laughing, he shakes his head. She hadn't seen enough. "No matter what you know, what you've seen and done, you still won't understand. Your power is great, the foes you've faced formidable. All have been overcome, beaten or escaped. But here and now, you will see. The Brotherhood is not one simple foe, the Avatars not one mere god, one belief system. They are more, and we are legion. The galaxy will run red with the blood we spill!"

Perhaps she would understand in time. The slaves of the Brotherhood were all equally brainwashed, the marauders all trained and then specialized in their warbands. The higher up the totem pole one went, the stronger the individual became. Strength ruled over all else. Where one fell, another would rise to take their place, leaving only the strong behind.
"Strength rules all Ingrid! Where one falls, another rises, and only the worthy continue on."

No one in the Brotherhood would ever admit how tenuous the alliances truly were, nor would any showcase this to others. So long as they had a leader to follow and an enemy to conquer, the Brotherhood would thrive. No matter the losses sustained, the enemies fought, or the battles won and lost, they would thrive. For no other reason than to ensure the strong would be there in the end. Whether this was the Brotherhood themselves, or another group.

"The galaxy is changing, it already has changed much. It will continue to change as time passes, we are simply the catalyst to bring about that change even faster. Should our goals succeed, the galaxy will be as decreed!"

All Mawites believed in the Scripture of the Hidden Maw. Above all believers were the Avatars, the Dark Gods of the Maw. In their name, the strong ruled and the weak served. They adhered to the dogma of the Avatars and the Brotherhood, following the words of the Heathen Priests. Of all the political and religious systems in the galaxy, the Brotherhood was one of the few that truly followed through in every aspect of who they were. Ingrid believed what was said to be a lie, but where was the lie? The Brotherhood followed the scripture, with every battle they changed the galaxy, forced that change on the non-believers.

Laughing loudly at Ingrid, the warlord of the Bloodsworn sneered. She may not enjoy what was about to happen, but he would. The strong ruled, the weak served, and the Brotherhood held true to its beliefs. He held true to his beliefs. And as her necklace was removed and they fought, that didn't change. Blade versus blade, will versus will, and centuries of experience on both sides brought them to fight. A blur to all but the two of them. Sword and axe versus daggers, the clang of the blades echoed around them, and each strike created sparks and one could see the air displaced.

Suddenly she pushed him back with the Force. And even that barely phased him, with him merely brushing it aside and slicing once more. Only, he cut through empty air. She had teleported once more, prompting him to straighten and twirl his blades about once more. He didn't look any worse for wear, despite what she had absorbed from him. There was simply too much death and destruction happening all around, he simply reabsorbed what was lost with the souls of others.

Watching her with wary eyes, he snorted as she spoke. He had suspected she would wish to speak once more, it's what always happened between them. In all their fights, they had spoken to one another in such a manner, between boughts of clashing blades. This was simply a more serious matter than those more light hearted fights. Twirling his blades once more, he snorts again. He is still a powerful warlord, a warrior and bladesman with a millennia and a half of combat experience. On top of that, he was a gen'dai. His confidence in the face of her words could be easily sensed.

That confidence didn't waver as she rebuilt the shattered skull, though disgust joined what he was feeling. She insulted the honor of that bounty hunter with such an act. Still, as it was floated to him, he held the skull in his hand, watching her as she spoke. He easily understood her words as an order, and scowled as he saw she still didn't understand. He hadn't lied, and she didn't believe him. Looking away from her and into the eye sockets of the bounty hunters skull, Zachariel's scowl deepened. Then his head shifted back to look at her, his rage evident as his lenses flared.

"I think... you underestimate me." With a single move, Zachariel crushed the skull once more. The skull had been lost in combat, an honorable end, even if it enraged him greatly. Moreover, he had been angered by the deliberate focusing of the skulls, rather than the loss itself. Rolling his shoulders in a false look of loosening them, he chuckled unamusedly. "This. Is. Paradise."

"I haven't lied my dear, not once. Should this ritual succeed, the galaxy will be torn apart by the forces at play. From this Force nexus to so many others, reality will break and bend to our will. Everyone will see the power we wield, the might we possess. And all our losses won't matter, because we succeeded." Spreading his arms wide, he laughs darkly. "THIS IS PARADISE INGRID! What comes after may be a lie, our souls merely devoured by the Avatars, or left to wander the Nether. But this? This is paradise. A galaxy at war, endless bloodshed, with the strong ruling and the weak following." His arms lower as he focuses on Ingrid. "If I must work with Sith to accomplish this, so be it. Once our goals are achieved, I will cast them aside, or be cast aside. Regardless, we will have succeeded. I will have succeeded."


Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to assassinate Darth Solipsis
Location: Akar Kesh, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

[ Lady of the Dark ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid feels her soul wants to connect to the ritual, but she is able to struggle with the feeling.
  • Ingrid tries to make Zach realise what this ritual is and what he thinks will happen.

The man did not answer her question. She didn't really expect it. If she had answered, she would have had to let the woman kill Solpisis because the Maw was strong enough without him. And if he says no; then he admits he is on the side of the weak, something Zachariel would never have done. It was actually the perfect trap, just a little annoying that her opponent ignored it, but perfectly understandable. She was already sure that this day was not when she would be able to rationally convince him. And in general, it almost always succeeded.

Today will not be like this…

Of course, she knew the words and ideals of the Mawite religion; that the strong must have ruled the weak and could have ranked further. When the man talked about the woman being blind; Ingrid felt the consequences of the ritual at that moment. The red-haired woman understood the words spoken in the distance before, as she spoke and understood in ur-Kittât perfectly. Her eyes widened, because of the energy she absorbed, her strength, her soul, wanted to connect to the ritual. The Empress groaned and fell to her knees from struggle. She never, but never felt so powerful hunger then as she did at the moment. She wanted to devour all the souls, she felt the way they connected, the way they fed Solipsis' ritual.

And that was wrong…

"I understand this, but it's not just about that for a long time!" she told him.

It’s the same hint that she knew what he was talking about. But Ingrid was unable to watch this in religious form. She wasn't blind, but she couldn't believe it. That was the difference. This was also the case for empires and states. Only the strong remained, the weak disintegrated, and collapsed. It was a cycle of life. Now the Maw is strong. The question is how long. No, that might have been the case at first, but she didn't think so anymore. She no longer looked at things small, but big. The present was fleeting, just a few seconds to her. She wasn't a human anymore, and she realised this after they defeated Omni.

And it was painful…

"No matter how much you’ve lived, you still see the galaxy so small, Zach!" she told him. "Don't look at the road that leads there. But what will happen after that? The road is irrelevant. And no, I'm not blind, Zach. I’m just no longer able to look at events and the flow of time like ordinary people. The fleeting seconds don't matter. Trivia like Maw, I, the Eternal Empire, NIO… could be listed. It no longer matters. For the past nearly three hundred years, I’ve had to figure it out. Everything is changing, yes. But what's happening here isn't what you told me long ago. No one will rule after this day." she said.

She had not yet risen from the ground, though she was already able to hold back her soul and overcome the temptations to join the ritual, to sacrifice her own life and soul at Solipsis' altar and will.

"That's not how the Force works. I can feel what they are doing. Not what you say! If they succeed in what they want… it will not bend the way you imagine. It will erase all life in the galaxy! Not only the weak, but also the strong will perish! Everyone!" she told him.

Now she got up from the ground, took off her helmet, and dropped it on the ground, stabbing the two daggers into the ground. Ingrid let her long red hair fall freely on her back and the wind played with it. The Empress stepped closer to her lover. She knew there was a chance the man would kill her. But she would have been ready for that. she would have been willing to assume it if she knew she could save him. She looked into the man's eyes as she approached. Meanwhile, Zachariel smashed the skull again. She sighed barely audibly.

"I never lied to you, never. Neither in the past nor in the future will I." she told him again. "I respect you much more than that. I don’t underestimate you, I always respected your decision, but now you’re biassed. I don’t care if you serve the Maw, I don’t care if you respect the Avatars as gods. But I do care if someone from the background wants to control you and convince you to do something like this with half-truths. I also care if it the price is your life or your soul!"

If she knew, she put her hand on the chest of the man's armour, where the heart of a normal living thing would be. She had done this before, in a similar situation. But now she wasn't trying to seduce the man. Ingrid looked up at the helmet, looked into his eyes. No, this place was not a paradise. Zach may have seen it that way. Was he able to understand the price he had to pay for it? She doubted that.

"I think from that moment, I'm trying to save your fething soul … old friend!" she said softly. "I don’t feel that you would be tied to the ritual. Tell me I'm right! Solipsis will devour everything and everyone, the full army of the Maw. Please… no, I'm beseech you, Zachariel, say you weren't so stupid! TELL IT!" she had already shouted the last words.

And she struck the armour, not to hurt or damage the man, it was rather helplessness and bitterness…

After all, she once promised that she would definitely protect the man because they wanted the same goal. And last but not least, Ingrid always did her best to protect her friends. And there were very few of them…


Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Warpost: Anyone else warposting and attacking Akar Kesh, if you wish to join the fight, feel free to! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Links: Weapons | Chosen | Some vehicles and other stuff​

The warlord watched his lover, saw thoughts racing through her mind. What they were, not even he knew, but he understood that she didn't believe him. Whatever she felt she understood, he knew they didn't see eye to eye in this regard. He knew she never had, and now he doubted she ever would. For her, the strong helped the weak. For him, the strong ruled them. One could twist it and say that both aided the weak, if less intentionally on the part of Zachariel. But it was a feeble argument, and one he ignored quite easily. He didn't rule them to aid them, he ruled them to aid himself.

As that thought crossed his mind, he felt and heard the ritual begin. His grin widened at that, this was it. The alliance would bring about their own end, with each marked one killed, the ritual grew stronger. In turn, those killed by them would most likely also join the ritual, their souls sacrificed as well. At least, that was the hope, and if it worked, then the Avatars would be pleased. Zachariel himself was pleased, as he watched Ingrid, he saw her feel the ritual take hold, saw her be brought to her knees thanks to its powers.

Weapons held loosely by his side, Zachariel took a step closer to Ingrid. Grinning down at her kneeling form, he chuckles low. So, she understands? She has understood nothing thus far, so he wondered just what she now comprehended. Her words make him scowl. So, she understood the galaxy was changing? Understood how little time meant to beings such as them? A mere three centuries had brought her that knowledge? He scoffed aloud. Such a short amount of time, and yet she thought to understand the passage of time.
"You think I don't understand that? That I am unaware of the rise and fall of so many factions?! For three centuries you've struggled to find your place, struggled with the times changing. A mere three centuries!"

His uproarious laughter echoed off the mountains.
"For one and a half millennia, I've experienced exactly that. I've seen the rise and fall of countless empires, saw the fall of the last Galactic Republic, the rise of the Galactic Empire, and its fall. The empires that came after, the Vong that destroyed so much, on and on. That list is endless, I have seen groups you've never heard of, fought for and against great collectives and suicidally small systems. From nearly a millennia ago, to a mere few decades ago, I have seen it ALL! Factions that ruled centuries ago, to those who had resurgences, to those who failed so quickly. There is nothing you can tell me that I haven't seen, experienced, or otherwise come across."

She continued on, and he sneered.
"Chaos will rule! The Force will be no more, or at least broken in two. You feel it? The souls being sacrificed, the power magnified, and the veil being torn? So do I."

There was dark joy in his words and it was clear he took great pleasure in that fact. He took another step closer, even as she finally stood and re-approached him. Holding his weapons by his side, he was half expecting her to attack, even with her daggers in the ground. Instead, she did what she had done so often before. So, she'd never lied to him before, and he hadn't lied either, at least not to his knowledge. However, her words sparked another snort from him.

By virtue of being a warlord of the Maw, he was being controlled. All in the Brotherhood were, but they also served the will of the Avatars. In the case of Zachariel, he was simply more privy to what that will was, and the plans that went into enacting them. He knew what this ritual would do, what it required. That Ingrid knew as well wasn't surprising, considering who and what she was. And as she placed a hand on his chest, he half grinned. She spoke again, her words surprising him. He hadn't thought she thought of him that way. Lovers yes, allies certainly, but friends? That was surprising.

As she struck his chest plate, he snorted, shaking his head. Weapons loose by his side, he craned his neck to look down at her fully.
"No, Ingrid. Those who are marked and who die, they will be consumed, their souls added to the fire that is the ritual. In those final moments, their souls will help set ablaze the galaxy, the Force itself. But one must die to fuel it, and I have no plans of dying anytime soon."

Ingrid looked up at the man as she stepped closer as she was kneeling on the ground. The red-haired woman looked up, at which point Zachariel could have easily killed her if he wanted to. When she was struggling just to keep her soul from joining the ritual. She didn't know if others were feeling it, but she was more affected. She assumed that because she was a semi-Force Entity, or just because the one who transformed her body ages ago, was also a Sith Lord.

She laughed bitterly at the man's mockery.

"Actually, two hours was enough after we defeated Omni. While we won there, I was defeated against an Omni drone named The Manifold The Manifold . The price of the fight was my personality." she told him.

The red-haired woman only talked to Tubrok and Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano about what happened then, Eina didn't have to, the woman's daughter saw in her mother's soul what had happened. She acted like whom she was fighting there, logically like a computer. She saw the world differently, everything was so tiny, insignificant, illogical. It took Ingrid eighty years to start to feel any feeling again. Anything; any feeling that she can suppress. It was present as a living computer for eighty years. She hoped that Zachariel would never understand or experience this.

"Yet you think and live like an average mortal, in vain have you seen so much and lived five times as much as I did." there was sorrow and envy in her voice at the same time.

She often considered the man very smart and brilliant, but at the same time he was infinitely simple, and this was confirmed by these words. Of course, she was glad that Zach never became a Sith or did not chase power, true, so there was no need to change his mindset. The woman had no choice in this question, first Tacitus changed her, then the Night Spirit. She didn't have a chance to answer to the gen'dai, because then she felt what Solipsis was doing, looked up at the sky, saw and felt Ashla's surface shatter, and the pieces were falling toward the planet.

Luckily, she and Zach were in a pretty sheltered place, even if something fell nearby from the sky, they were still in a pretty covered area, covered, beneficial, which protected them from all eyes, even from the pieces of Ashla.

"I feel it, but it’s not enough, he needs everyone to die on the planet. Is that why the new Superweapon is here? If that's not enough, will the Maw destroy the planet and the moons?" she asked him.

Ingrid saw in it an opportunity, if the ritual didn’t work out, they would try it with technology and hope the whole thing would trigger a chain reaction. It was crazy! As she stood up to get to Zach, the man did not attack her, despite the mocking, dark, and evil reactions. However, the woman felt the surprise in Zach when she called him as a friend. In fact, even the woman was surprised to think so.

"Good, I'm glad you kept something of your common sense!" she said coldly, but inside she was relieved.

She wanted to answer when the ground shook beneath their feet, cracking along the length of the covered valley, and a few feet from the pair the lava also burst to the surface. Ingrid felt the wrath of the planet itself, the turmoil of the Force.

"I think the planet and the Force think differently …" she told him. "There is a chance that the planet will tear apart before the ritual ends… answer honestly. We both know that the Force has its own will and is playing with both sides. Do you think it will let what Solipsis is planning, or do you even have to deal with the Force itself?" Ingrid didn't think the Force would let them try to kill it, or damage it to such an extent.

She hadn't moved from the man yet, just watching the open lava flow nearby as it widened.


Location: Ruins of the Jedi Temple - Tython
Objective: Save a Sister
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Direct Engagement: Project Uriel Project Uriel

Losing the battle, yet winning the war. But which would finish first?

The warnings grew more persistent as the Terminatrix’s wrist blades dug into the engineered flesh in her right arm, lancing through the weaponized organs inside with deliberate precision, executed with far more efficiency than she had done with her left. All the while, there was a sickening crunch as yet more “bones” in her neck were broken from the staff pinning the Chaplain to the ground, which was now shaking with force powerful enough to bring down buildings and destroy entire cities. The ground itself was coming apart as well, with cracks, fissures, and geysers forming around the two HRDs, as if Tython were slowly ripping itself apart. And yet, in spite of the damage both to her chassis and the planet itself, Alessandra was still dangerous, to a very limited extent. Her photoreceptors yet remained unharmed, from which she immediately deduced that the Mawite HRD was unaware that the organs were weapons, or else they would have been gouged out long ago.

And yet, she knew that using them would only accelerate her defeat in the battle, while also compromising her effort to win the war.

In clipped, synthetic fashion, the Terminatix rattled off a series of letters and numbers. Alessandra could only watch the display, before her digital-biological cognition systems quickly processed the new transmissions sent her way. However, contrasting to the cheerful, playful, lighthearted data packets Alessandra had sent, these were of a far more violent and visceral character. Within a fraction of a second, the Chaplain processed nearly every kill and mission the Terminatrix had ever completed. She saw the faces of her brothers and sisters, her masters, her technicians, and her victims, including the woman whose image she had been crafted to resemble. She saw the complex, inorganic machinery of her internal mechanisms, the walls of her charging station, and yet more…

It went without saying that the Terminatrix was a killing machine. And yet, Alessandra could not ignore the thought lingering in the back of her mind, being that in spite of their physical differences, in many ways, their purpose was the same. While the Chaplain was programmed as a psychologist, therapist, spiritual advisor, and priestess, she was also an assassin optimized to kill Force Adepts.

What then, separated her from this Mawite HRD?

It was only when Terminatrix grabbed her arms and slammed her chassis into the ground did the Chaplain abandon the thought, drawn back to the present by the warnings that now screamed at her with extreme volume, as multiple “bones” were broken by the powerful impact. While Alessandra could not feel pain, her self-preservation protocols were becoming less tolerant of the threat to her life presented by the Terminatrix.

One way or another, this would have to end.

Extending her technopathic signature out towards the Terminatrix, Alessandra sent a gentle request to establish a direct systems link, hoping that she might gain an avenue to see the war raging inside the HRD’s matrices, and possibly, intervene.

<<We can do this together, sister.>>

Last edited:
How much will you endure?

Location: Tython | Flesh Raider Grounds
Attani Implant: Link!
Tag: Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Jan Beroya Jan Beroya

"Isn't it magnificent?"

In this darkest hour of Tython and the Alliance, Nyaeli watched with widened eyes and a wicked grin on her face as the moon above split apart, and fragments began raining down on the surface. The fear in the hearts of the defenders, the pain as they were losing something so close to them — she could feel it as a tremor in the force. It was like a song where a million voices all cried out in terror together.

A true symphony of death.

But as magnificent as this destruction was, the young Aruzan's focus could not linger too long. The flesh raiders she had twisted to her will and sent after the pair of Imperial Knights were doing exactly what she had demanded of them. Jan Beroya Jan Beroya , the stronger of the two with the particularly resilient mind was getting swarmed. It was only a matter of time before the woman would break through their ranks, but the damage had already been done.

Bring her before me.

The moment Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira 's eyes opened, she stared into the corrupted, hate-filled eyes of the Aruzan Sith. Her chaotic nature pulsed between them through the Force and as they made eye contact, the woman could feel Nyaeli's mind reaching out to her own, scratching away at the protective barriers it had regardless of the pain and damage it could cause.

"Finally, we meet," the short woman said, as she began taking a closer look at the Mirialan.

"You'll become a useful tool to kill the other. But first, I must... open your mind to it," Nyaeli grinned and raised both her hands and, while strengthened by her Attani, she tried to create and force her way through any cracks in the woman's mind. It was time to expose her to her worst memories, and force her to relive them over and over again.

Until she either breaks and gives in, or dies from the brutality of it all.




ALLIES: BOTM | NSO | Whoever else - I ain't tagging y'all
ENEMIES: GA | NJO | NIO | AC | Enclave | EE | The whole shebang
ENGAGING: Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad
GEAR: In bio




Hell reigned supreme.

Dark power swept across the planet with vehemence before the heavens were pulled down on their heads. Korriban had been but the start and even Danika had shied away from that association when Solipsis had barely touched on reality.

This was far beyond that.

She had the gift of walking both planes of reality. The empyrean was at her fingertips. But even she could not let the heavens answer with a mere word. But his destroying of worlds tampered with her own plans for expansion.

He would have to be dealt with.

As fiery boulders crashed to the ground around them, breaking the steps apart and rocking the earth beneath their feet, she fumed, hands clenching around her sabers. Anger was something she didn't feel very often. And the anger bubbling within her would prove a blinding mistake.

The Templar struck again and this time she had been too preoccupied to properly see it coming. She had been ready for him, until Ashla was dragged to the ground as a parlour trick. By the time she had registered the enhanced movement, she was barely able to lift her sabers to prevent his from impaling her completely. But his momentum and force knocked her off balance in the process.

Stumbling back, she felt a burn across her hip where his deflected saber had grazed past the unarmoured area.
"Not bad, darling." Wincing slightly as fabric moved over the graze, she regained her footing quickly, one saber at the ready just in case as the other arm helped with regaining balance.

When she did, however, she didn't hesitate to jumped forward with her own speed, despite the burn in her side, with an amethyst slice to try and open him from hip to opposite shoulder. The crimson blade remained unengaged, merely ready to deflect. The confusion of the Force wreaking havoc over the planet, on the other hand, made it nigh impossible to properly sense an upcoming Force attack.

She was blind in that regard.



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