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Approved Starship Eschaton-class Star Destroyer

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  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems


  • Strong Offensive and Defensive Systems
  • Advanced and Comprehensive Countermeasures
  • Automated Internal Systems - Reduced and Replenishable Crew, Manufacturing Hubs
  • Techno-Organic Symbiosis - Tsudakyr Hivemind
  • Modular Hangar Capacity - Astral and Planetary Capabilities
  • Fast Hyperdrive - Realspace, Otherspace, and Path Access

  • Substandard Speed
  • Inadequate Maneuverability
  • Decreased Quantity of Rear-Facing Weaponry
  • Loss of Tsudakyr Results in Loss of Efficiency and Coordination
  • Potential Chain Reaction Detonation of Ammunition Storage
  • Loss of Output if Crystal Core of Starscourge and Weapon Systems is Damaged

The lineage of Star Destroyers fielded by the Sith originated in the Invictus-class Star Destroyer, a moderate of destroyer fifteen hundred meters in length that served as the backbone of the Sith Empire's naval forces during the first third of the modern ninth century. It had been designed and commissioned by Kaine Zambrano, currently Darth Carnifex, a rising figure in the Sith Empire who had managed to undermine the previous Minister of Intelligence and assume their position. With His authority amongst the hierarchy of the Empire secured, Minister Zambrano was free to orchestrate various production plans and shape the Empire's arsenal to His liking.
Though Zambrano often clashed with the Empire's Minister of Logistics, His pull within the central bureaucracy often allowed Him to outmaneuver and politically isolate His rival ministers. His acumen for navigating the cutthroat web of alliances within the Sith Empire made Him a formidable adversary and powerful ally. The Invictus was one of the first of His ambitions to bolster the Imperial military, but not the last. Unfortunately, though He would eventually become Grand Vizier and then Emperor of the Sith, Zambrano's vaunted Invictus-class did not survive long before the downfall of the Empire.
This design language was lost following the absorption of the Sith Empire remnants into the Deep Core based One Sith sect, which itself came to be an empire in it's own right following a rabid assault upon the Core Worlds. Warships like the Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer fulfilled the same role in the One Sith as the Invictus-class had done for the Sith Empire prior, but shared very little in common with the Invictus-class. The Wyyrlok-class had been designed by Oorooroo hive of the Killiks, resulting in it's strange and bulbous design, but was manufactured on a large-scale by InterGalactic Solutions.
With the collapse of the One Sith and the withdrawal of corporate assets from the rapidly diminishing empire, the Sith were again left without a notable star destroyer. It wasn't until the advent of the Sith Ascendancy, the precursor to the next Sith Empire, where the trademark triangular design of Kaine Zambrano would again resurface. He designed the Ascendant-class Star Destroyer to be used by the Sith Ascendancy, which would serve as it's primary ship-of-the-line. In a departure from previous models, the Ascendant-class lacked a fighter complement and instead was conceived as a purely offensive warship with an expanded armament and stronger armor and shielding.
Both of these would eventually be phased out, however, once Zambrano again ascended as Emperor of the Sith. With the Imperial throne reclaimed, Emperor Zambrano sought to start anew as His fledgling Empire continued to expand and develop. The culmination of this drive was the Marr-class Star Destroyer, a reliable and robust warship that would serve as the Empire's chief military vessel for nearly thirty years. Though it would undergo several alterations and modifications over the years, the core design of the Marr-class remained the same.
Unlike the Invictus-class and the Ascendant-class, the Marr-class would persist beyond the dissolution of it's government. Darth Carnifex transferred the use of the warship from the Sith Empire to the Kainate not long after the former's collapse, making it the baseline vessel for His hermetic shadow empire's military wing. It would remain in service leading into the earliest years of the tenth century, before efforts were started to gradually phase the warship out for a newer vessel; the Eschaton.
The Eschaton-class personified the evolution of Sith star destroyers designed by Darth Carnifex, with it's sleek angular design and intimidating profile. Larger than the Invictus-class, Wyyrlok-class, Ascendant-class, and Marr-class, the Eschaton-class measured out at two kilometers even, bristling with cannons, and imbued with the greatest technological advances made thus far. The vast majority of technologies built into the Eschaton-class were courtesy of Aurora Industries, which, while publicly run through intermediaries, was controlled by Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf -- the enigmatic Lady of Secrets and greatly acclaimed Mistress of Monsters.
At two thousand meters, the Eschaton-class was placed on the upper end of what constituted a Star Destroyer, but did not yet become categorized as a Battlecruiser. It's primary strength laid in it's offensive and defensive capabilities, both of which were extensive. The hull of the Eschaton-class was well-reinforced and studded with weapon emplacements, the vessel further defended by a robust and comprehensive deflector shield array. The command bridge was tucked into the facade of the dorsal superstructure and not so easily visible externally. The wide bridge tower itself was full of advanced sensor and communication arrays, allowing each Eschaton-class to effortlessly map their surroundings and keep in close contact with other vessels.
Most of the Eschaton-class' weapons were focused at the fore, center, and flanks, with the aft section particularly less armed than the rest of the vessel. This lay in the offense focused mindset of not only the ship's creator, but the military nobility which served under Him. Aggression was highly valued among the stratocracy of the Kainate, and nearly every piece of technology manufactured by their hand followed this line of thinking. The Eschaton-class boasted both turbolaser and ion cannon arrays, each capable of toggling through different firing patterns, ammunition, and effective ranges. A quintuplet of mass driver cannons located on the ventral hull was used almost exclusive for surface-to-ground bombardment, particularly for operations which called for maximum devastation.
Smaller laser cannons and point-defense turrets screened for starfighters and other small craft, while multiple banks of projectile tubes could launch a highly versatile payload of ordnance. Few Eschaton-classes carried more than a handful of different ordnance at any given time, but would often carry a mixture of missiles well-suited for ship-to-ship combat and saturation bombardment. Biological weapons would be frequently stored onboard so that they could be used against population centers and strategic targets alike.
The Eschaton-class' hangar bay was modular and could be arranged for many different purposes. It's chief purpose was to carry along a fighter escort for engagements against enemy forces, but it could just as easily be reconfigured for ground invasion or sustained occupation. Two hangar entrances were open on the ventral hull, a smaller bay towards the prow with a larger bay situated closer towards the center of the ship. The smaller bay was connected to a similarly sized opening on the dorsal hemisphere, which could be used to launch craft from either direction. An elaborate but efficient rail system could quickly move starfighters and other support craft from between storage and any of the bay openings.
Necessary crew complement for the Eschaton-class was noticeably reduced due to the automated systems that were integrated into the warship, allowing for a much smaller number of officers and technicians to operate and maintain the ship compared to it's size. Sithspawn known as Tsudakyr were crucial in this regard, as their interconnected hivemind effortlessly melded with the ship's technology, allowing them to control many aspects of the Eschaton-class' systems. This greatly reduced inefficiencies and redundancies, allowing the crew to act as a tighter and more coordinated unit. On vessels crewed by the Kainate, a mixture of natural born and strand-cast crewmen were present.
Of the many technologies woven throughout the Eschaton-class, the onboard exowombs are by far the strangest. Heavily used by the Kainate to breed strand-cast soldiers and officers, the exowombs allowed a Eschaton-class to replenish it's crew in the event of death or incapacitation. Likewise, molecular furnaces and various automated production facilities aided and augmented the Eschaton-class' capacity for limited self-repair. By towing in asteroids and other space debris, which could be broken down and transmuted into usable materials, the Eschaton-class possessed great potential for self-reliance while far afield from Sith shipyards and bases. The Eschaton-class also possesses adequate medical facilities and detention blocs for use by the crew.

  • Changed Image & Image Credit
  • Edited Intent
  • Changed Headers
  • Edited Canon Link
  • Edited Affiliation
  • Edited Materials
  • Edited Armaments
  • Edited Defenses
  • Edited Hangar Allocations
  • Edited Hyperdrive
  • Edited Advanced Systems
  • Edited Strengths
  • Edited Weaknesses
  • Edited Description
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Very cool submission, as usual!
  • About the Affiliation and production scale. This is a minor production scale, where you wrote a Major and a Minor faction. If you want to keep the Minor scale, please specify a group within the SO, or remove the SO or the Kainate. If you want to keep the current Affiliation, please modify the Production to Mass production.
    Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.),
  • About the defences, the Electromirror is works like the Molecular Shield or the Xythan Shields. These shields are the most powerful shields in the SW. So please modify the Defences to Very High, or mention in the weaknesses, the Electromirror is not fully operating, that is, weaker than the original.
  • And one more problem, it is a permission issue, you cannot use the Diatium Capacitance Array without Onrai's permission. It is made for the Sith Empire, and the Sith Empire faction is no more, so you need a new permission for the Sith Order. And this is true to all of the subs which were made for the TSE.


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor
Link to Submission: Click
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Make some edits and add some things

Submission Name: Kainate Combat Rifle Model Sixty-Two
Link to Submission: Click
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update and make modifications

Submission Name: Afflicter-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Click
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update and make modifications
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