Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ravenfire


King of Pumpkins

Ravenfire (AKA the messenger of ardent flames) (Real Name: Unknown)

Force SensitiveYes, very heavily entrenched in the dark side of the force


With Blonde Hair and Yellow eyes Ravenfire stands always in his armor which he tends to refuse to take off.


Two Red lightsaber, echani fibre weave body armour.


Ravenfire acts very evilly and unpredictably he’s just as soon as to ask for a name or just start a fight with anyone he comes into contact with. He thinks cruelly cold, trying to come up with the best ways to inflict pain and misery upon others;he doesn’t appear to hold any beliefs or phobias, beyond a mild aversion to water.


Skilled Duelist - He is a decently skilled duelist being able to handle multiple low level opponents but should multiple high level threats gang up on him, he’s likely to fold.
Knowing when to walk away - Ravenfire does wish to inflict pain and misery on as much as he can get his hands on, but he also understands when he is going to lose and will attempt to flee.


Hydrophobia - Ravenfire is afraid of water and everything that comes with it.
Technophobe - Ravenfire has next to no idea on how to use most technology and doesn’t wish to learn any time soon.


Assumably Ravenfire had a life before becoming what he is today. However whatever that was has been so deeply scarring that he cannot remember his own real name. The only thing he recalls with any sense of clarity is two things, Taff and Locke. What these could mean he’s not sure nor was his master who trained him in the arts on Talos a moon off the brink of a small cold planet called Crispor. When he finished his training he simply went out into the galaxy ready to find those names' meanings and spread the teachings of his master, pain and misery.

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