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Character Miri Nimdok 2.5

Miri Nimdok




  • Smart: Miri is intelligent and resourceful. Her love of reading has made her knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, particularly history - she's the daughter of a historian, after all.
  • Kind Word and a Gun: Miri prefers ranged weaponry, with dual-wielding pistols being her favorite tools of the trade.
  • Training: Miri started training with the Jedi at around age eight.
  • Persuasive: Miri is half Nagai, granting her an enhanced vocal range and a natural talent for persuasion.

  • Little Lady: Miri doesn't use profanity, is polite and courteous, and shows an almost absurd amount of respect for others - even if they're trying to kill her, or she them. That said, her patience with those she already considers to be treacherous or malicious can quickly wear thin.
  • Loner: Miri spent much of her childhood moving from place to place, never staying anywhere for long. As a result, she grew up with few lasting or stable friendships and tends to assume any close relationship she establishes will end sooner rather than later. The death of her loved ones has only reinforced that belief.
  • Adrenaline Junkie: Though it is more of a guilty pleasure, Miri enjoys a little danger from time to time. Putting her life at risk excites her in ways no other hobby possibly could (provided the danger doesn't involve heights or confined spaces - see Weaknesses).
  • Hatred of Dark Siders: Miri carries a deep-seated hatred and distrust of all Sith and Dark Siders. She is unlikely to be willing to reason with anyone who holds allegiance with such people.

  • The Would-Be Jedi: Miri used to have the Force. Now she doesn't. The circumstances under which she lost her connection are mysterious, but obviously painful; she is unlikely to discuss the subject.
  • Blind As a Bat: Without glasses or contact lenses, Miri's vision is quite poor. She hides this fact from strangers and never wears her glasses in public, claiming they make her look "mousy".
  • Fear of Bacta Tanks: Miri is not allergic to bacta, but the specific experience of being submerged in a tank or similar confined space seems to trigger an intense fear and overwhelming need to escape.
  • Fear of Heights: Due to her fickle connection, Miri can't rely on the Force to save her if she slips while climbing. Her fear of falling is bad enough to deter her from swinging across chasms or scaling mountains. If there are other people around to help, she's a little less afraid. But she can still freeze up or panic very easily if anything goes wrong.


An attractive woman in her thirties with dark curly hair and expressive brown eyes. Her slightly pointed ears and slanting eyebrows are the only outward sign that she is anything other than human, indicative of her half Nagai heritage. Her voice is a low, raspy contralto with an Alderaanian accent.

Miri Nimdok

TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
SenseAstral Projection▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
ControlMind Trick▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
SkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
Archaeology▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Errik NimdokBackstory
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
WeaponLightsaberMiri's lightsaber. She probably sold it.Built
WeaponShi'ido-variant BeamerNonlethal paddle beamer designed by the Shi'ido.Inherited
WeaponShi'ido Wrist-mounted BeamerNonlethal paddle beamer designed by the Shi'ido, this time wrist-mounted.Inherited
WeaponSIB-14 Stun/Ion PistolNonlethal stun weapon.Inherited
WeaponSIB-24 Stun ShotgunNonlethal stun weapon, this time in shotgun form.Inherited
CrystalThaissen crystalA crystal which changes color depending on the alignment of the person holding it.Inherited
CrystalA few pouches of Vita StonesMagical rocks that can banish evil spirits if you throw them at them.Inherited
ClothingHeadpieceA headpiece with Force-imbued crystals. Probably sold.Purchased
ClothingVelvet GownA purple velvet gown Miri wore as a teen to formal events. Probably doesn't fit her anymore, but she has fond and nostalgic memories attached to it. Maybe one of the girls can wear it when they're older.Purchased
ClothingFormal DressA sheer velvet dress with silver accents. Miri wears it to formal events.Purchased
ClothingLeather JacketA purple leather jacket. Provides protection comparable to light armor.Purchased
ClothingRuin Runner RobesRobes for running through ruins.Inherited
ClothingPolyweave clothingClothing designed for shapeshifters, though usable by non-shifters as well.Inherited
ArmorZayne Carrick's vambracesThis is a unique artifact, but that hasn't stopped the Nimdoks from wearing them.Inherited
GearFarseer Traveling BagA bag capable of holding anything you want in it, as long as you serve the Light.Inherited
GearSeimei Preservation CaseA case designed to protect artifacts for transportation.Inherited
GearSeimei Archaeological TomeNifty portable computer designed for archaeologists.Inherited
GearAquatic TentA tent that can be pitched underwater.Inherited
GearTonkutaji training toolBox used to train the student how to avoid getting injected by poison or drugs.Inherited
GearMidvanot training toolBox used to train lightning.Inherited
Substance5 liters of ShiftglueGunk that can stop shapeshifters from, well, shapeshifting.Inherited
PetsTwo dogs, Cowboy and SamuraiDogs!Purchased
Vehicle"Zephyr" Pattern Speeder BikeA speeder bike.Inherited
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Bithia GraysonStrainedMiri's mother. CEO of a company, also moonlights as a mercenary. Things have been weird between her and Miri ever since her parents split up. Bithia has (perhaps unintentionally) made Miri feel unwanted and forgotten.Backstory
Errik NimdokLostMiri's father. Jedi Master, member of the Benandanti Clan, Professor of History, archaeologist. Died on Tython. Miri was very close to him and misses him terribly. She has vowed to avenge his death.Backstory
AyreonWaryHRD, "employed" (technically owned) by Bithia. He creeps Miri out.Backstory
Jaina GraysonWaryMiri's "aunt". Used to work as Dad's assistant until she accidentally vaporized one of their allies, then Dad kicked her to the curb. As far as Miri knows, she's working freelance now.Backstory
Jacen NimdokCordialMiri's half-brother. The son of Errik Nimdok and Elise Ike.Backstory
Elise IkeCordialMiri's stepmother. Ancient energy vampire, former Sith, member of the royal Ike family of Atrisia, anthropologist with an interest in bones. While they are not particularly close, Miri has a good relationship with her overall.Backstory
Vaslav FlorescuLostMiri's first love. Silver Jedi Shadow. Was killed by his own father, a Sith Lord, in a seemingly senseless self-sacrifice.Backstory
Kyell LayselLostFiancé, father of Kyla and Lara. Jedi Knight, NJO. Met him at the Sanctum of the Exalted. Mute due to defect. Killed in battle.[x]
Kyla NimdokDaughterFirstborn daughter of Miri and Kyell, twin sister of Lara.[x]
Lara NimdokDaughterSecondborn daughter of Miri and Kyell, twin sister of Kyla.[x]
YennaCordialFormer Jedi Master. The little green goblin. Loves history and archaeology. Has a drinking problem.[x]
LeviRivalDevaronian. Thief. Got away. Grrr.[x]
Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl WaryZeltron. Fallen Jedi. He could've let her die, but he didn't. It was a strange encounter.[x]
XeykardRivalLizard alien thing. Sith. Got away. Grrr.[x]
KaleleonWaryJedi Knight. Scolded her for attacking Xeykard in public. Embarrassing.[x]
Ara SheridanWaryJedi Knight. Friend and former love interest of Kyell. Assaulted Miri at a party. Went to jail. Later apologized. They are on civil terms, at least.[x]
HacksRivalHacker and cyborg. Miri shot her. She threatened Kyell's life, and Miri almost snapped and killed her. Currently imprisoned by the Alliance.[x]
Iris AraniAmbivalentJedi Knight. Attended her knighthood ceremony and was assigned on a mission with her. Miri doesn't know her very well.[x]
Jasper Kai'elAmbivalentJedi Padawan. Bit of an idiot, but helped her deal with Messala, so he is a capable fighter. Styles his long hair and sparse beard in an unattractive manner.
Ariana Du CouteauAmbivalentJedi Padawan. Daughter of a late Senator. Missing an arm.

Miri Nimdok

PublicDo You Know Where Your Children Are?SpaceportSubject 73 RedComplete
FactionLicking Our Wounds Pt. 1.5 (Chaos Rising)AnaxesLots of peopleComplete
FactionPart 2 - Mistwalker (Chaos Rising)Caamas/NetherworldLots of peopleComplete
PrivateOnce Upon Another TimeCoruscantSoloComplete
PrivateWondering About WondersNar ShaddaaWillow & IvyComplete
PublicA Meeting On JerrilekJerrilekLots of peopleComplete
PrivateA Fine Addition to My CollectionSaleucamiElise IkeComplete
PrivateA Good StartMonasteryElise IkeComplete
PrivateSpirit of AdoptionLao-monSoloComplete
PrivateSometimes I Feel Like Jekyll and HydeLao-monSubject 73 RedComplete
PrivateFor Sentimental ReasonsCoruscantSoloComplete
PublicCome Rain Or Snow (Midvinter/SJO)MidvinterLots of peopleAbandoned
PrivateCall Me IshmaelAhch-ToMi'la UndariAbandoned
PublicHeart of the UniverseThustraSubject 648 SlipknotComplete
PrivateMy Heart is a Hollow PlainNathemaOnraiComplete
PrivateThe King is DeadUnknown planetMeira AmaviaComplete
FactionTRAA: Ballad of BardottaBardottaSoloComplete
PrivateThe Mermaid of NezamiyehChaldeaLots of peopleComplete
PrivateThe Girl Who Has EverythingThe ConestogaBanned personComplete
PrivateThe Rhythm DivineNabooSoloComplete
PrivateCollecting StarsAtrisiaSawa Ike
Elise Ike
PublicThe Beginning of the EndKashyyykSoloComplete - Single Post
ArticleAnd Make a Holy Sound With Our Dirty MouthsKashyyykShort StoryComplete
FactionUncharted WatersBalamakLots of peopleComplete
PublicA Step Into the LightEshanLots of peopleComplete
PublicThe Dedication of the Jadelight BeaconJadelight BeaconLost of peopleComplete
PrivateWorth A ShotUnknown Planet Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl Complete
FactionYashuvhu KnownYashuvuLots of peopleComplete
PublicRevenge of the Club IIIBespinSoloComplete - Single Post
PublicWhere All Stars EndMek-ShaXeykard
PublicGround ZeroThe Worlds WithinLots of peopleAbandoned
PrivateGet a ClueNar ShaddaaLeviComplete
PublicOde to the FallenAlderaanSoloComplete - Single Post
PrivateLost and FoundSaleucamiElise IkeComplete
PrivateCat Got Your TongueOdrynKyell LayselComplete
PrivateThe Depths BelowJerrilekKyell LayselComplete
FactionShadows of TreacheryNew AlderaKyell LayselComplete
PrivateAfter Every BattleHospitalKyell LayselComplete
FactionStarbird RisingCoruscantKyell Laysel
Ara Sheridan
InvasionHubris of EmpiresIlumKyell Laysel
PrivateIxion WakesPrisonHacks , IVI , and Chancellor Auteme discuss the events of Ilum from Hacks' jail cell; Hacks tries to demand that Kyell and Miri be killed, fails to impress them - possible bounty on Miri and Kyell's heads later?Complete - Miri Only Mentioned
PublicOpening of EverlightCoruscantKyell Laysel + Nightclub patronsComplete
PrivateThe Other HalfCoruscantYennaAbandoned
PrivateAn Unexpected VisitCoruscantKyell LayselComplete
DominionCubedJanara IIIYenna + OthersAbandoned?
FactionLibrary Hours: The Overdue SequelCoruscantNJOAbandoned
FactionStopping the WeaponLothalXeykard
Jasper Kai'el
Ariana Du Couteau
PrivateCold CaseNeshtabYenna
Kyell Laysel
PrivateOf Easy Wind and Downy FlakeAlderaanKyell LayselAbandoned
FactionKnighting Ceremony - Iris AraniCoruscantNJOComplete
PrivateThe Ossus ExpeditionOssusIris AraniComplete
PrivateAlone TogetherSpaceAra SheridanComplete
DominionBeltrix and the BeastSpace StationKyell LayselComplete
PrivateBackstabberMedical Ship?Amani SerysComplete
PrivateMaranatha MusicAlderaanJand TaloComplete
PrivateBased On What?Space StationLothaire GraysonComplete
PrivateIn My Father's HouseNabooBrandyn Sal-SorenComplete
FactionHapes Charity GalaHapesDesric TerassiComplete
PrivateLost on LothalLothalNathan BloodscrawlComplete
PrivateAncient Cults and RuinsRecopiaIris AraniComplete
PrivateIn Amber TrappedCophrigin VJasper Kai'elComplete
PrivateBladeworkCoruscantJun ChiyoComplete
InvasionDuracrete JungleMetellosHollis Orenn
FactionBacta Heals All WoundsMedbayNJOComplete
DominionA New LohopaLohopaSilas Westgard
+ NJO?
PrivateJustice or Revenge?Coruscant/ShiliKyell LayselComplete
PrivateA Family ReunionSaleucamiKyell Laysel
Elise Ike
FactionGift of LightCoruscantKyell LayselComplete
PrivateCorellian FenderCoruscantKyell LayselComplete
FactionKnighting - Ara SheridanCoruscantNJOComplete
PrivateMedical KnowledgeCoruscantAppears as NPCComplete
PrivateMoving DayBright KnightKyell Laysel
Eliphas Dune
InvasionGates of DawnSelvarisVector MonkComplete
PrivateHome AloneBright KnightKyell LayselAbandoned
PublicSoothsayerCoruscantHenna SarrattComplete
PublicAnnual Eshan BazaarEshanBazaar PatronsComplete
PrivateGas Station BashRefueling StationAlessandra IoAbandoned
PublicDebutante CollectionDenonMairéad SolusComplete
PrivateFoot in the DoorCoruscantMalcoma HesseAbandoned
PrivateYeah, no, I'd rather not.Some tombWake NayneComplete
SkirmishEclipseJedha Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl Ongoing
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