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Faction Uncharted Waters (SJC)

Silver Spirit


Uncharted Waters

Balamak, a bountiful world in the Mid Rim, now under lock and key due to the suspected use of biological warfare following the capture of Grandmaster Kiara Ayres, Padawan Aayla Shan Aayla Shan and several thousand civilians from the border world of Nal Hutta.

All trade and travel routes were closed and those unlucky enough to have been the first responders to the call for assistance on Balamak were given no choice but to quarantine with those they had come to assist as medical personnel on the planet battled to find evidence that people were infected despite the lack of symptoms to assist in diagnosis. Several teams of selfless Jedi and doctors willingly made landfall on the planet, knowing the risks they took, desiring to determine if there was a cause for concern.

There was very little variance detectable in the blood of those that had been tested, nothing that gave concrete evidence of any infection which made the life of the Jedi Council difficult as they continued to negotiate with the Prime Minister of Balamak to allow them to extend the quarantine until a conclusive decision could be made since currently everything hung in the balance. They wanted to do all they could to avoid approaching the Silver Assembly to enact martial law on the planet.

With suspicions of foul-play already running high, those concerned became hyper-aware of any potential symptom displayed so when there was a notable spike in sneezing then it further heightened their cause for concern. Still, with the group of people they had with them, many from Nal Hutta who were not law-abiding or Jedi-loving citizens at the best of times, there was beginning to be civil unrest as people were held against their will - not that they had a home to return to after the razing of their home at the hands of the Bryn'adul.

The people of Balamak had been generous in their giving. Those with room to spare offered it to stranded people of Nal Hutta. Elsewhere, community halls had been transformed into temporary accommodation and a mass camp had been set-up for the benefit of the overflow of people. The camps were where many of the Jedi and their allies could be found, too selfless to accept a roof over their head in place of a civilian.

Despite the nature of the situation, the camp was bustling with life, spirits were high even a week into their quarantine, at least for those who hadn't heard of the rather damning Force vision Aayla had received...


OOC: This is the thread following the prologue here. The sub for the virus is here.
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Ripples little form could be seen near the head of a droid operated grav-skiff train. Handing out whatever was needed to those in quarantine. There had been requests innumerable for any number of things to make the people more comfortable in their strife.

And the little furry body had jumped at the chance to help. He'd been afraid, certainly. But he was more afraid for these people. Pushing to be active in the aid being provided as he scampered along the skiff deck and handed out whatever was asked for before directing the droid forward to aid more people before heading back for another load of goods.

"But why did the Bryn'adûl allow... you to leave? It makes little sense." The reddish-brown protocol droid standing in the dark tent hesitated mid-sentence as it tried to make out the holograms gestures. The weak signal caused the projected blueish image to be plagued by distortions. It couldn't be helped, for the signal was transmitted by the satellite antenna of a Jedi starfighter located on the distant planet Idoumodo. Under normal circumstances, they would have most likely not been able to communicate at all. But luckily, this was a priority call.

"The fact that they managed to bypass our defences and reach Nal Hutta is alarming enough on its own. But capturing civilians and then returning them? The cloaked figure shook her head, revealing the delicate features of the Sephi Jedi Master. She was clearly deep in thought, even as she spoke. "What exactly did they ask of you Kiara?"

I’ll be okay, Dad.

The flickering hologram of Professor Nimdok looked unconvinced. “Even if you were in danger, with this quarantine in place, you can’t leave the planet and I can’t come and help you. What I am wondering, little lady, is why you’re there in the first place.”

Miri’s eyes shifted nervously. “Uh… to help?

“That’s very noble and compassionate of you. But why didn’t you ask me before you went?”

She bit her lip and shrugged. “You’re on Coruscant. It was nighttime there. I didn’t want to wake you. If I had waited until morning, it would’ve been too late.

“And you wouldn’t be stuck in quarantine on Balamak.”

Yeah, so?

The hologram of her father stared at her. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared back, though blinking rapidly all the while.

He finally cracked a smile and shook his head. “Fair enough. For future reference, don’t ever hesitate to call me before you do something like this, please. Whether you think I'm sleeping or not.”

Yeah, but—

“No buts. Anything else I should know?”

How are you?

His gaze briefly darted somewhere off to the side. “Dealing with a change in plans, but so far I’m all right. Listen, if you really are there to help, I won’t keep you.”

Okay.” Pushing her hair back with one hand, she waved. “Bye. May the Force be with you.

He echoed the phrase, then his hologram disappeared.

Miri pocketed the comm device, then started walking through the camp, clearly aimless. The teen may have been among the first volunteers to go to Balamak and help the refugees, but she didn’t really know where to start and thus was looking for someone to tell her what to do.

Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Optional

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Kiara Ayres Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Ripple Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

He just sat there as the holo-visage of the situation unfolded. Rubbing his head, Caltin just sat in disbelief in the common room of his ship "The Starlight Sentinel." The Bryn were upping the battle to bio-chemical war and this was not something to be trifled with. At this point it didn't matter how far they had gotten in, they had gotten in with this virus. Not only that, they had done this to the most recent Grandmaster, and a Padawan wise beyond her own years on top of the innocents. Those would have been bad enough, the combination of the two was a bit of a line that could not be returned to once crossed.

There was a short time where the big guy could actually see the warrior culture for what they were, a culture bent and bread on chaotic evolution. They did not dissent or dissuade from their actions or beliefs, they simply followed along with them. While this was not something that Caltin himself could not reconcile or condone(at all), he could see their purpose in the fact that this was what appeared to be in the way they improved themselves. It may not be "right" from the point of view of much of the galaxy, but it was their own view, and agree with it or not, they could not be shut down in their way of thinking. This biological warfare was something new entirely, it was dastardly, it was genocidal, it was more than that. It was terrorism.

That was Caltin's arena of the fight.

He may not have been back among the galaxy all that long, relatively speaking, but he had a share of favors that he could call in and he also had plans formulating in his mind, those would not be brought up until he had a better idea of what to bring about. For right now, he would sit and listen to all that had to be said. Sure, he could, and would call in some of the favors he's collected, but that was not for conversation at the moment, maybe they want another direction to take.

Doesn't matter, they did, and we'll address it. What are we doing on a cure?

It sounded impulsive, but there was more to what he was asking a lot more.




The skiff slowly tugged along, the furry body darting back and forth along the thing as he handed off a stack of blankets before spotting someone wandering aimlessly.

A small human, at least compared to the rest of them anyway. There was a small hop and arm wave to Inanna Harth Inanna Harth in an attempt to get her attention. A strange sight likely to her seeing the little body arch its head back as it's arms flailed at her.

Someone grabbed a box, the weight sensor on the skiff signaling the droid in the socket taking it as the signal to move on as the skiff jumped slightly beneath his unbalanced feet.

Ripple tumbled, hitting the skiff deck before rolling off onto the ground with a loud shriek as the droid whirled its sensor around and brought the train to a pause. It searched briefly, a shrill signal of question coming from it as Ripple rolled to right himself.

There was an angry chatter in his language to the droid, cut sharply by a squeal of pain as he flopped back down on his arm. Seemed he had thrown it out of place as he flopped in pain.


Kiara Ayres


Standing in front of the monitor in clean robes, there was little evidence of the torture she had sustained from the Bryn'adul aside from the brace which supported her reconstructed shoulder as it healed. Her hands were clasped in front of her as she participated in a meeting with as many council members as she could gather at such short notice. The Concord was not yet in crisis but that depended on the actions of those who were responsible for the citizens within.

Her gaze remained on Sakadi despite her words being interpreted through the medium of a protocol droid. "It looks like they're wanting to create an epidemic of sorts. There have been no conclusive test results as of yet but I trust Aayla's Force vision and all evidence suggests foul play. As you say: why release us?" She told the other Masters present.

"They asked me about our military presence on Nar Kreeta. I was interrogated by one they call Sethrak and it seemed to be almost a personal loss to him but I didn't tell him any specific details of our forces there. There seems to be an interest in usurping us from Nar Kreeta. I didn't sense any trickery in his words to suggest otherwise." She explained.

"I was also asked about where our next target is but they didn't learn any information on that. The only thing they regrettably learned was when they asked who was in command in my absence and I named Sakadi." Her eyes turned to the flickering image of the Sephi. "I know it is not in any official capacity but I needed to name someone and Thurion is King of Midvinter. I didn't want to risk the lives of everyone on that planet which I hope you can understand." She offered an apologetic half-smile.

"It's hard to find a cure when so far tests are showing differences in the blood as little more than an anomaly but we have doctors here and in orbit above Balamak working on isolating the virus and testing treatments on it. So far, no one is 'suffering' with any symptoms aside from sneezing so people are wondering if this quarantine is necessary since the illness appears so minor." She paused for a moment before continuing, the tone of the conversation a little darker. "But Aayla's vision warned of something much worse than this. This is only the start."
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Miri’s attention was drawn by a slapping sound.

Wha—is that an otter? Awwwww!

To her horror, the otter was bowled over by a droid, apparently injuring his wee wittle arm. Miri sprang into action, running over to help.

Oh my goodness, are you okay little guy?” Crouching down beside Ripple with a medkit spontaneously appearing in her hands (must’ve been in her bag?), it was clear by the babytalk tone of her voice that the question was rhetorical and she clearly thought the otter was… well, non-sentient. “I’m gonna fix your arm, okay?…



As much as Aayla had enjoyed growing her hair out for a time, its color, and trying to get caked and matted blood out of it caused a brief recession of interest. She had cut it all back down, adopting the pixie cut she had forgotten she liked so much. She had done her job well, as the supply lines within the Quarantine Zone were running smoothly, and now she had nothing to do but 'enforce' some semblance of peace within. She had been healing herself intermittently, but noted whenever she felt downtrodden, and tried to focus healing on a certain area, it seemed the effects of pain, or discomfort would simply shift to another location.

Today, wasn't a day for healing however. Today she had been patrolling, maintaining her movement. In her mind, if she kept up her movements, she would be able to stay strong for whatever was ahead. Admittedly, a few hours ago she felt as though her entire body had shut down. It reminded her of a fever from when she was a youngling. Unable to stand, unable to shift to a more comfortable position... It was like her body had been sapped. And yet, she didn't report this. Perhaps a moment of hubris on her part, not wanting to be isolated and tested upon when there was still so much she could've done for the operation as a whole.

A dry cough emanated from her, and she clasped an open palm over her mouth in response; the sound, and feel of gravel in her throat was enough to let her know... She was sick... With something.

For now, she would take a break from her patrols, and lean her back against a wall, not far from Inanna Harth Inanna Harth and her furry friend Ripple. Though, she had been so locked in her mind she hadn't yet cast any notice to them. Instead she focused on the Force, listening to her own breathing. She was by no means a healer, but she also had nothing to lose regarding trying it out...

Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Kiara Ayres Silver Tail Silver Tail


Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Silver Sentinel Common Room on Holo-Call

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Kiara Ayres Ripple Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

What to do… What to do…

Well, he was looking for something to do with the money he had. This could help, maybe help fund the research, even hopefully amp it up. However, how much of it would they find, and would it be of any help by the time that they did, in conventional means anyway. After all, if they took the natural track, this alleged virus could be unleashed on more of the galaxy and new strains could develop. The virus itself could evolve, or mutate into something worse. Perhaps it was meant to. If that is the case, then they need to take the outlandish approach first, and either succeed or at least “check it off the list”.

What else could he do? Angellus, his business partner, had connections that could maybe offer up some kind of medical help of some kind. That could help by means of more testing, but again, what if things change? This was the Rak’Ghoul plague all over again, it changed depending on the region, the time, and the host. Then again, there was a way to handle it. Or at least address it. Would this be any different though?

Let’s get to work.

I can make some calls in regards to additional resources and can provide more funding on my own as well. The problem is, like you said, isolating the strain. Have you given thought to how we… Jedi of the “past”... handled the Rak’Ghoul plague? Literally use the Force to isolate it…

... and eliminate it…

He had ideas about different strains and mutations, but that would have to wait for the moment.




Ripple had been rolling when a female voice caught his attention. Not from trying to help. No. The sentiment was appreciated. What was not appreciated was the tone she was using.

How many times must I-

He thought to himself as he ceased his rolling and looked her dead in the eye. He was still holding the arm in question, awkwardly given the span of his reach though he seemed indignant at the moment with a slow curl to his head at her.

"Your thought and action of assisting me is quite well, and most thoroughly appreciated. I would politely ask however that you refrain from speaking in that tone, if you could please." He chattered at her, a slow wiggle of his body to sit upright.

"Blasted droid must have ignored protocol for my direction and decided to move of its own accord." He whistled sharply as the droid made an apologetic a-whoo sound from the front of the skiff.

"We have been over this! The last time was at the gate and you were near to perfectly bisecting me between the skiff and the wall upon my ascent! Ill have to make a full check of your systems when we are finished with this round of supplies you over-engineered astro-map!" He snapped at the droid, who continued to sings its apologies.

He balked at the droid before turning his attention back to the girl.

"I do apologize for the trouble." He nodded to his arm before huffing. "Everyone is so agitated with the quarantine and discontent is sure to arise at some point. Trying to head off anything large with a physical presence as a reminder of solidarity is seemingly lost upon the vast majority of the bystanders." He spoke incessantly, anxiety working its way through his mind in the only way he could process.

Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kiara Ayres Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Uncharted Waters
Location: Medical Frigate in orbit of Balamak, Confined Office Space.​
It was hard to focus truth be told. His eyes stared at the communicator in his hand, watching the dim light flashing, pulsing that dull blue, hoping in vain he might hear back from someone. Anyone. He hadn't slept well for the last week and a half. At first it was because having learned that one's significant other and master had been captured by enemy forces wasn't exactly a 'stress free' event. Now was this quarantine, and it felt as if information was being purposefully denied from him. All he knew as there was some vague threat that was underway, and the only hint was another even more vague vision that Aayla had received.​
A shadow cast over the Mandalorian's face, as he pressed the crown of his hooded head against the view screen, gazing. He was tired, stressed, and most of call afraid. He was up here 'overseeing' the process, but there wasn't really anything to oversee. Doctors were working away in an isolated section of the ship, and once every five hours they would send a different record saying that they 'might' have found something, only to never elaborate on what they were talking about. He couldn't even read the damn reports given how they were seemingly coded with medical terms and phrases he didn't understand. He just did what he was told, and sent it down to the ground team, hoping they might discern something from the findings.​
Force knew he couldn't.​
After several data transfers, he was left to ponder on future events, and how uncertain everything seemed. He looked to the communicator in his hands, and pressed it, leaving another recording for his master. "Sent another data report down, still can't make heads or tails of it. Please let me know if there's anything else that needs to be done." He halted the recording, sending it, though knowing she wouldn't likely respond until her meeting was done; which could be anywhere from now until six hours from now.​
He moved on to the next think on his list, shifting his communicator to his next contact, Aayla's code name as 'Shan-Bear'. He smiled at the silly name, knowing that there was an underlying meaning behind it, and just as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished. He linged on the name for a moment, unsure exactly what to say, or how to say it, but figured he needed to say something to help. He only had the faintest of information from their link, and what little he received, it wasn't good. Which was why he felt he needed to let her know he was still thinking about her. He pressed down on the record key, and began to speak. "Hey, just want to say hey, hope you're alright. Just...doing paper work up here. You know, being the 'Grand Padawan' and all, have to keep up with my duties. Just...hope things are alright." He keyed off the recording, and sighed, then deleted it.​
He was being an idiot. Sending messages and taking up data at a time like this. His shoulders dipped, his hand dropping the communicator on his desk, his remaining hand stroking his beard as he stared back at the water world below. His real message would come from some place more special, and on one would complain about him sending it through the comm relays.​
His voice would faintly whisper at the back of Aayla's mind, a silent unheard prayer, from his mind to hers. 'Hang in there, please.'

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As the otter spoke fluent Basic, Miri winced, her face turning red. “Oh, you’re… sorry.

She stopped petting it like it was a dog as well, focusing on fixing his arm. It didn’t look broken, maybe just… sprained? Bruised or pinched? She wasn’t quite sure, being unfamiliar with Tynnan anatomy, and more than that, she wasn’t a medic. Her solution to this was to simply slap some bacta on it and hope for the best.

The otter was still talking. Still embarrassed, she nodded along without really paying much attention, feeling a little like when her father cornered her with an impromptu history lecture. “Are you a Jedi? Does it hurt enough to need a healing trance to fix it?” she asked, pointing to his arm. “‘Cause if you need a minute, maybe I can take over for you here.



She wasn't entirely sure why, but whatever was happening to her seemed to be advancing itself slightly. There were periods where she felt absolutely fine, and others when her energy was totally drained, different portions of sickness, coupled with intense pains that almost felt like her organs refused to work. In the end however, she felt fine. Right as rain as she looked over now, eyebrows furrowing slightly at the commotion brewing between Inanna Harth Inanna Harth and Ripple. The Tynnan apparently having some accident moments ago. She hadn't even noticed it...

She was slipping, and that wouldn't do unless she was dead. She cleared her throat, which felt fine, though she was just coughing to the point that it felt she had bile in her throat. Here it felt clear. She was just about to move over to them when it happened. Her XJ9 Comm-Link dinged, and she forwarded the incoming message to her earpiece. As she listened, a light smirk turned to a grin, evening out into a beaming smile as she stepped in no direction in particular. She could hear the worry in his voice, and found it for some reason... Cute. Well, maybe not the best word for it, but it was good to know someone cared.

Everyone deserved that. She looked over at the Human, and Tynnan interaction for a brief moment longer, then moved in a more discreet area. Her path however was a beeline for Kiara Ayres. Just... A very slow one.

She would respond to his initial message in kind, tapping record;

"Watch out for papercuts Grand-Padawan, I'm about to go speak to the Grand Master... Look, there's a lot o-.."

She paused, as his mental communication came to her. Smiling again, and looking around at the encampment. A morbid, but rational thought crossing her mind... This planet wouldn't be the worst place to go.

"There's a lot of confused, and... Scared people down here. And they're here for something I said... Something I said based off of something the Force showed me, and nobody else. I'm sorry I stopped responding, but I've been thinking about some stuff the last week."

She continued, moving to sit on the railing for one of the haphazardly constructed durasteel bridges they had installed, the potentially lethal fall behind her not given two thoughts.

"I'm going to let them run tests on me... Do what they need to do, to figure out what's going on. I owe these people that, after what they saw as Bryn'Adul captives... Don't try to talk me out of it, I'm not dumb, I know there's a risk; its just... I owe them that. These people deserve to go home, or... Hell, wherever home is for them."

Aayla said, fingers moving down to stop, and send the message in full. She would hang in there, what she would be suggesting could either have been relatively easy, or very dangerous depending on the level of equipment they had on hand. Though, that wasn't the biggest hurdle...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

She had entered in Kiara's quarters initially intent on waiting to see her as most would, considering she was essentially a dually ranked political, and military leader. Though, well... Her secretary was swamped. From the moment Aayla hit the door, to the point she was standing in front of the young ladies desk, the woman had only glanced at Aayla once, juggling between holo-calls, while taking in a ridiculous amount of information at the like. She stood there for about thirty seconds, then took one testing back-step.

Nothing? Another... Then another, then a turn as she fell into a calm glide in Kiara's direction. Stopping partly when she noticed Kiara was instead in the communications room. She manuevered around the chairs, and equipment, only catching the latter bit of what Kiara was saying. It was the most relevant bit at that.

"But Aayla's vision warned of something much worse than this. This is only the start."

"Forgive my intrusion, Masters..."

She came to a rest just short of Kiara, only leaving about a foot and a half of room in between them.

"I want to give the Scientists, and Doctors here, and by extension the ones in orbit an opportunity to do more extensive research on whatever is going on. These people deserve better, its been a week; and I'm... I'm not even sure the vision was... I just want to help these people move on from all of this. So... I'll do whatever it takes. I just need you to okay it..."

She said, standing more like a soldier than a Jedi, a byproduct of her natural scrappy and fleet-footed nature. Beyond that... Something within the Astrian was growing bored of the waiting about. There was only so far one could walk under a quarantine.

Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora Kiara Ayres Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor



Kiara Ayres


"We can try and utilise the Force. It is a gift, after all." She agreed with Caltin. "Stasis can buy us time but it would take a lot of manpower to prevent an epidemic through the Force alone. We have limited Jedi on Balamak as it is and I don't want anyone else down here unless absolutely necessary. The people who volunteered to come here may have already sacrificed themselves." She sighed, giving a rather cynical take on the situation.

They could trust in the Force to help them through this troubled time but they had no idea how hostile and damaging a bio-weapon from the Byn'adul could be. At the moment, all was calm which presented its own problem when people demanded proof that they needed to be held against their will. The Jedi were still trying to find evidence aside from a Force vision which was unconvincing to many non-Jedi to say the least.

"Aayla..." She glanced over her shoulder with a look of confusion and then concern. Normally, a Padawan wouldn't be permitted to witness, much less speak in a council meeting but times were different so Kiara indicated for the Padawan to join her. It was her who set recent events into motion, after all.

"Your vision was invaluable. Don't doubt yourself." She tried to reassure her. "We all want to help but you've been through more than most, Aayla. You are not expected to do anything at this time." She wasn't sure what would be better for the Padawan: relieving her from her duties... not that she had many under current circumstances anyway, or trying to keep her busy to keep her mind off of the captivity they had just been released from.

For now, she trusted that Aayla could make the best decision for herself but would review the situation if it seemed problematic. "What is it you want to do?" She asked.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

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