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The Kainate

A hermetic shadow state led by Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith.

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Carnifex Workshop


  • Intent:
  • Image Credit:
    • Click -
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Canon:
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Name:
  • Designation:
  • Origins:
  • Average Lifespan:
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description:
  • Breathes:
  • Average Height of Adults:
  • Average Length of Adults:
  • Skin color:
  • Hair color:
  • Distinctions:
  • Races:
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive

  • Diet:
  • Communication:
  • Technology level:
  • Religion/Beliefs:
  • General behavior:

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  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems


  • Massive Hangar Space
  • Can Rapidly Deploy Ground Vehicles
  • Fast Hyperdrive

  • Very Low Armament
  • Rear Blind Spot
  • Hyperdrive Requires Specific Fuel To Operate


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  • Intent: Create an artificial rift on Malsheem
  • Image Source:
    • Click - Ryan Dening
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Rift Name: Tyrant's Breach
  • Rift Alignment: Dark Side of the Force
  • Location: Malsheem
  • Destination: Through careful manipulation of the Rift's energy, passage to the Netherworld can be achieved.
  • Direction: Travel through the Rift can be achieved both ways.
  • Size: Small
  • Accessibility:
  • Description:



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  • Intent: Create a unique artifact
  • Image Credit:
    • Click - CaseStudyno8@Thingiverse
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model:
  • Modularity:
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Classification:
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Extremely Light


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  • Intent: Create a synthesized Sith belief founded by Carnifex
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Religion Name: Carnifex Thought
  • Religion Type: Sith Synthesis Philosophy
  • Influence: Interplanetary
  • Influence Area: The largest concentration of Carnifex Thought could be found in the adherents of the Kainate, the hermetic nomadic fiefdom of technocrats, sycophants, and warriors loyal to Darth Carnifex. Outside of the Kainate, Carnifex Thought had remained a powerful underground influence in the former territory held by the defunct Sith Empire, practiced by civilians and military officials alike in various capacities. Hidden sects of Carnifex Thought followers could be found within other intergalactic powers, such as the Galactic Alliance and Confederacy of Independent Systems, silently carrying out the commandments of their Dark Master.
  • Symbol: Much like Carnifex Thought itself, the symbol associated with its belief is a synthesis of several symbols considered sacred to the Sith Order. The first is the Sith Sunburst, an ancient symbol dating back before the founding of the Sith Order on Korriban. Within the Sunburst is the Hex Charm of the Sith Eternal, an almost equally ancient cult that worshipped various Sith Lords over the course of galactic history. Framing both the Sunburst and the Hex Charm is a square quadrilateral meant to reference the octahedral Mortis Monolith.
  • Description: Encompassing the various teachings and writings of Darth Carnifex, Carnifex Thought came to embody the pervading ideology of the Sith Empire for the latter half of its existence leading up to its collapse. An entire generation of youth was raised to believe fully in the tenets of Carnifex Thought, instructed from birth that the galaxy was chaotic and disordered; and that only a strong authoritarian hand could bring the galaxy back into alignment.

  • Founder: Darth Carnifex
  • Membership:
  • Sacred:
  • Dogma:
    • Strict adherence to the Code of the Sith;
      • Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
        Through passion, I gain strength.
        Through strength, I gain power.
        Through power, I gain victory.
        Through victory, my chains are broken.
        The Force shall free me.
    • The belief in the inherent superiority of Force Sensitives, specifically the Sith, over the non-Force Sensitive population of the galaxy, and that because of a Sith's status as Force Sensitive they were entitled to rule over others as they saw fit.
    • The belief that anger, hatred, and fear were powerful emotions to be harnessed and controlled rather than avoided and repressed.
  • Reputation:


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  • Intent: Create an NPC organization for TSE to use in stories
  • Image Credit:
    • Myself
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: Qokotsitsukut (lit. Path to Breaking the Chains / abrv. QKIK)
  • Classification: Ultranationalist Pro-Sith Insurgency
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Organization Symbol:
  • Description:
  • Headquarters:
  • Domain:
  • Notable Assets:
  • Hierarchy:
  • Membership:
  • Climate:
  • Reputation:
  • Curios:
  • Rules:
  • Goals:




  • Intent: Flesh out the Kainate's Intelligence Apparatus
  • Image Credit:
    • Click - Brian Matyas
    • Click - Joshua James Shaw
    • Click - MeMyMine
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Organization Name: Reach of the Dark Lord
  • Classification: Intelligence Apparatus
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Organization Symbol:
  • Description: The Reach of the Dark Lord was the designation given to the various assassination and intelligence agencies under the control of the Dark Lord Darth Carnifex. The Reach was separated into three distinct organizations, each one performing a similar but distinct role within and without the Kainate. The Reach was led by an assassin-spymaster known as the Specter, a position currently held by one of the Dark Lord's wives; Izaszh Zambrano.
The Eidolon is the omnipresent internal security apparatus of the Kainate's police state, empowered with the authority to enforce compliance, imprison subversives, and punish dissidents. Born from the remnants of the Sith Empire's Saaraishash, the Eidolon adopted much of its predecessor's organization and policies. The Eidolon was commanded by a Lord Inquisitor, appointed directly by the Dark Lord and only dismissable through their intercession. Unlike the Saaraishash, each member of the Eidolon was intentionally Force-Sensitive and was tutored in the Sith arts. Each operative wore armored uniforms that set them apart from the central bureaucratic agencies and the military wings of the Kainate, a distinction that made their appearance striking and terror-inducing.

The standard Inquisitors of the Eidolon carried red-bladed lightsabers and employed practical Force Powers, their skills never deviating beyond the core instructions. Inquisitors traveled in packs for the advantage of numbers and to ensure that no single Inquisitor could break from the system of compliance and control. Each Inquisitor was conditioned in a similar manner to those within the bureaucracy and military, their individuality suppressed through various psychological manipulations and chemical injections. Inquisitors who were brought in from the preceding Saaraishash organization had their names scrubbed and replaced with alphanumeric designations, ED-XXXX, while strand-cast Inquisitors always possessed such dehumanizing identification.

Beyond the standardization utilized by the rank-and-file Inquisitors, the Eidolon employed several specialized groups to maintain the Dark Lord's authority.

The first of these groups were the Truthsayers, Inquisitors whose natural affinity for empathy and telepathy had been harnessed through rigorous conditioning to serve as interrogators. This allowed the Truthsayers to accurately determine whether or not another individual was telling the truth or telling a lie, their powers extending to forcefully probing the thoughts of those under their scrutiny.

The second group was the Fleshmenders, Inquisitors gifted in the art of bodily manipulation and healing. Fleshmenders would often accompany standard Inquisitors on missions or stand by during Truthsayer interrogations. They could use their power to expertly mend their wounded allies or prolong a prisoner's suffering and prevent them from succumbing to their injuries during torture.

The third and final group was the Haemonculi, Inquisitors who were subjected to horrific surgery to replace the majority of their internal organs and extremities with advanced Yuuzhan Vong biomechanical implants. These implants were far more advanced than previous Yuuzhan Vong creations, for though they were biological in nature they could successfully interface with inorganic technology.

Technological the Eidolon benefited from the advances of the Kainate's research, possessing state-of-the-art armor, weapons, and starships that allowed them to travel unhindered throughout the territory of the Kainate.
The Shikkari are the anointed assassin-priests of the Kissai, bound by an ancient oath to serve the Dark Lord of the Sith and dispatch his enemies across the stars.

  • Headquarters: Malsheem
  • Domain: The Reach holds tight sway over the disparate territories under the purview of the Kainate, maintaining constant vigilance over the subjects of the Kainate while dismantling its enemies wherever they are found.
  • Notable Assets:

  • Hierarchy:
  • Membership:
  • Climate:
  • Reputation:
  • Curios:
  • Rules:
  • Goals:


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  • Intent: Flesh out the Kainate's science and medical division
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Organization Name: Insight of the Dark Lord
  • Classification: Dark Side Alchemists and Scientists
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Organization Symbol:
  • Description: Introduction






    Shadow Mind

  • Headquarters: Malsheem
  • Domain:
  • Notable Assets:

  • Hierarchy:
  • Membership:
  • Climate:
  • Reputation:
  • Curios:
  • Rules:
  • Goals:


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  • Intent: Create a slave soldier for the Kainate
  • Image Credit:
    • Click - Phillip Williams
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Role: Slave Soldier
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Unit Name: Kyantuskagrotthu - Battle Thralls
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Classification: Decraniated Slave Soldier
  • Description: The Kyantuskagrotthu (lit. Mind Slave) was an invention of Darth Carnifex and the mad scientist Prospero, the robotic simulacrum of the late Adrian Vandiir. To create a Kyantuskagrotthu involved the abduction of a Humanoid sentient, preferably an adult Human, who would then be subjected to the inhumane Decraniation process. The upper half of their head would be surgically removed and replaced with a cybernetic control device, transforming them into little more than an organic droid subservient to the commands of its creator. Experiments with cloned individuals being turned into Kyantuskagrotthu have been attempted, although preference for kidnapped individuals remains prominent.

    Once transformed, several Kyantuskagrotthu were remotely slaved to a
    Tsudakyr drone through alterations in the cybernetic programming and chemical injections into the spinal cord. Many Tsudakyr drones were controlled in turn by Overminds, aptly compared to the generals of an army whereas the drones were captains and the Kyantuskagrotthu were footsoldiers.

    The Kyantuskagrotthu were outfitted with rudimentary equipment that lacked complexity in its usages, such as mass-produced armor and point-and-shoot variable blaster rifles. Kyantuskagrotthu were prohibited from operating machinery and computers and were accompanied by
    PEX1-S Multi-Role Probots to bypass obstacles defended by software encryption or complicated locking mechanisms.

    Deployment alongside regular Kainate infantry units was common, utilizing the simplistic swarm-wave tactics of the Kyantuskagrotthu against an enemy in conjunction with the tightly refined mechanized warfare of the Grand Army. Transportation for the Kyantuskagrotthu was procured through the Shadow Armada, the Kainate's elusive naval arm, who utilized expendable transports to carry out deep strike insertions into enemy territory to rapidly disgorge Kyantuskagrotthu units before the enemy had a chance to solidify their defense.

  • Unit Size: Large
  • Unit Availability: Common
  • Unit Experience: Rabble
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: The greatest advantage the Kyantuskagrotthu possessed was their numbers. The Kainate had processed hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of unwilling slaves into decraniated soldiers, with thousands more processed every galactic standard day. Lacking higher functions to perform complex actions, the Kyantuskagrotthu instead engaged in rampant swarm tactics to overwhelm enemies with sheer numbers. Lacking independent thought, Kyantuskagrotthu would attack regardless of the danger posed to them and would only cease if the Tsudakyr controlling them was destroyed or they were all expended in the attack.

  • tba

  • tba

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  • Intent: Update an old NPC sub
  • Image Credit:
    • Click - Tatiana Vetrova
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Role: Master of Surgeries
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Age: 55 GSY
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human (Atrisian)
  • Appearance: Odo Quiroga is a tall Humanoid covered from head-to-toe in leather and metal garments that conceal every inch of his skin from view. The only parts of him that are exposed are the wispy strands of greasy hair that hang down from the breaks in the leather skull-cap of his red mask.

  • Name: Odo Quiroga
  • Loyalties:
  • Wealth:
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality:

  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:



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  • Intent: Create a flight suit for Kainate pilots
  • Image Source:
    • Click - Keith Christensen
    • Headers - Ingrid
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification:
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: None
    • Sonic: Low
    • EM/Ionic: High
    • Cold Protection: Very High
    • Heat Protection: High

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  • Manufacturer: Malsheem Vehicle Manufactories
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: KR-1 'Shyrack' Atmospheric Combat-Reconnaissance Craft
  • Modularity:
    • Seat Height, Petal Position, and Other Relevant Ergonomic Factors Automatically Adjust to Accommodate Riders of Virtually All Sizes, Species, and Builds.
    • Motion Interface System May be Substituted for a Similar Neural Interfacing Technology, Droid Interfacing, or Secure Technopathy.
    • Various Aesthetic Modifications and Permutations.
    • Variable Nose Turret, Side, and Gas Weapon Loadouts
      • One Nose Turret Hardpoint - One Primary Cannon
      • Two Retractable Side Hardpoints - One Launcher per Hardpoint
        • Variable Ordnance Loadouts
      • Two Universal Gas Launchers - One Gas Type per Launcher
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:



  • Fast
  • Very Agile
  • Well-Armed

  • Vulnerable Magnarotors
  • Front-Facing Weaponry Only
  • Only Useable In Atmosphere

Ornithopter vehicles first became known to the technical minds of the Kainate during the reign of the One Sith. In 843 ABY, the One Sith launched an assault upon the Galactic Republic stronghold of Kashyyyk, a vital system at the crossroads of five hyperlanes; the Randon Run, the Trellan Trade Route, the Nigut Road, the Durkteel Loop, and the Great Kashyyyk Branch. A successful military operation against the Republic on Kashyyyk would break open the gate to the rest of the Republic, enabling the One Sith to strike any corner of the Republic's dwindling territory.

The Battle of Kashyyyk saw both the Republic and the Kingdom of Kashyyyk lose against the insurmountable onslaught of the One Sith. When the Republic was forced to withdraw, the native Wookiees continued to resist fervently against the occupying Sith. The vehicles employed by the Wookiees was unlike anything the Sith or their Imperial forces had seen before. They were propelled by wings connected to the craft by sophisticated magnorotors that allowed the airship to fly and maneuver without the aid of repulsorlifts.

Though the One Sith at the time did not pursue any research into this technology, the followers loyal to Darth Vornskr, who in later years would become Darth Carnifex, took note of the technology and apprehended several vehicles during the occupation. Even after the One Sith were forced to withdraw from Kashyyyk due to the mounting Akala Crisis, the design plans for Wookiee magnorotors would remain logged in Sith archives.

These plans weren't followed up until they were rediscovered by Kainate scientists during a combing of the Sith archives following the fall of the Sith Empire. Recognizing their potential, the plans were incorporated into the design of a new aerial combat craft. It was designated as the KR-1 Atmospheric Combat-Reconnaissance Craft (KR-1-ACRC), but was more colloquially known as the Shyrack; named after the flying creatures native to Korriban.

The KR-1 was designed as an atmospheric reconnaissance and assault craft, capable of nimbly navigating any atmosphere with the aid of eight magnorotors moving in concert with one another. The introduction of modifiable hardpoints allowed the KR-1 to be outfitted with an array of weapons in multiple configurations, allowing the craft to be extremely versatile for nearly any combat scenario.

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  • Intent: Create one of the Kainate's roving fleets
  • Image Credit:
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Fleet Name: First Shadow Fleet
  • Classification: Roving Fleet
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Fleet Symbol:
  • Description:
  • Headquarters: Malsheem
  • Ports of Call:
  • Goals:
  • Reputation:
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  • Intent: Create a new baseline Star Destroyer
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Star Destroyer
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:


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  • Heavily Armed Starfighter
  • Powerful Ion Thrusters
  • Stealth Systems
  • Field Disruption System Allows For The Possibility Of Bypassing Shields
  • Hyperdrive Nav-System Allows For Finely Tuned Micro-Jumps

  • Forward Facing Weapons
  • Gradual Loss of Rapid-Fire Accuracy
  • Requires Skilled Training In The Force To Pilot
  • Constant Use Of Micro-Jumps Can Overheat Hyperdrive And Cause Combustion

Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith and Eternal Father of the Kainate, had flown many starfighters in His storied career across multiple empires. Though having eschewed piloting in His later years, the Dark Lord was an accomplished dogfighter with many kills notched on His record. He flew in many campaigns during the era of the One Sith, maneuvering multiple starships against the fighter aces of the Galactic Republic and then the Galactic Alliance. During this period, He had never once been shot down.

After assuming the mantle of Sith Emperor, Carnifex began to gradually divorce Himself from the concept of piloting a starfighter in combat engagements. He still retained many of the models of starfighter He'd piloted previously, but many went unused or were divided among capable agents to be used to carry out their missions. Most were destroyed alongside the assigned agents, and plenty were missing following the downfall of the Sith Empire.

Now removed from the role of Emperor, Carnifex reinvested in the idea of a personal starfighter. He commissioned His brightest scientists and engineers, chief among them Darth Xyrah, to create a starfighter perfectly suited for Him. This new vessel, designated the SVRN-1, was built not only with the bleeding edge technology at the disposal of the Kainate, but also with the power of the Dark Side. Only a strong and trained Force-User, such as Carnifex, would ever be capable of piloting the craft.

After many test flights, the SVRN-1 was authorized for personal use by the Dark Lord. The ship's designation was lengthened to the SVRN-1 Saziliebm-class Space Superiority Fighter, saziliebm being the Epicant word for sovereign. Carnifex christened it with another name, the Nameless Fear, for this new vessel would instill such terror in all those on the receiving end of its hate.

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  • Intent: Create a new Netherworld location
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Landmark Name: The Convergence
  • Classification: Leyline Nexus
  • Location: Netherworld of the Force
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Size: Massive
  • Population: Uninhabited
  • Demographics: N/A
  • Accessibility: The Convergence can be accessed by traveling through the Netherworld of the Force to the place where the Kwa Priestess Akala was slain, a place so forlorn and desolate that few spirits and even fewer Nether-creatures dare to journey there.
  • Description: The Convergence appears as a massive swirling maelstrom of turbulent energies coalescing around a sinkhole, known as the Puncture, that leads out into oblivion. The energies surrounding the Puncture are drawn from all corners of the known Netherworld, the vast energies of spirits and Nether-creatures contributing to the endlessly churning chaos. All that energy swirls towards the center, dissipating into nothingness after passing through the Puncture. Nothing living nor dead can survive within the Convergence, for the energy currents are far too strong to resist and sweep anything down into certain annihilation.
  • Lucidity: The laws governing the material galaxy do not apply in the Convergence, as the mess of energies crashing into and splitting from each other causes dangerous gravitational and thermodynamic distortions. Space is not only affected, time seems to sporadically distort as well.
  • Hostility: Nothing can survive within the Convergence, not even the natural denizens of the Netherworld. Those that dare to venture too close are lost forever, ground up by the chaotic energies, before being scattered into nothingness at its center.
  • IC Rules: So long as one stays well beyond the Convergence's effects, a living being or a spirit should be completely safe. To enter the Convergence courts certain death. The closer a living being nears the Convergence, the more fatigued and drained they begin to feel, and their ability to control the Force diminishes as well. Spirits are affected more dramatically, as their astral form starts to bend towards the Convergence the closer they are, as their energy is more rapidly drawn towards it than it would be elsewhere in the Netherworld.
  • Fortress Eternity: A massive fortress situated above the Puncture at the heart of the Convergence. Fortress Eternity was constructed at the behest of Darth Carnifex, who employed the aid of several Nether-spirits during His sojourns into the Netherworld. The Fortress levitates through the combination of Nether energies, the Dark Side of the Force, and Dathomiri magick.
  • Energy Research Stations: Darth Carnifex's first forays into the Netherworld during His tenure as Sith Emperor involved the establishment of several research outposts within the Nether. Many were erected across the Nether, but none became so important as those situated just beyond the Convergence's perimeter. From here, Carnifex's scientists experimented with the chaotic properties of the Convergence by monitoring its effects on people and objects. Concentrated beams of energy, fired through the Warlock Gate on Dathomir, were launched into the Convergence to test its effects on different forms of energy at different densities, compositions, and outputs. With the construction of Fortress Eternity, and the fall of the Sith Empire, these stations have largely been abandoned.

The Convergence was inadvertently created when the Kwa Priestess Akala died during the height of the Netherworld Crisis, her death breaking open a rift in the fabric of the Netherworld itself. Initially only a gaping wound, energy from the Netherworld would slowly begin to coalesce around the rift. This gradual accumulation of disparate energies started to encircle the rift, drawing more and more energy in until they began to violently crash against one another. This series of collisions magnified the distortive properties of the Netherworld around the rift, warping space and time until what became known as the Convergence was born.

Darth Carnifex would first discover the Convergence during His journey into the Netherworld to collect the spirit of Ra Vizsla. He'd note the phenomenon but wouldn't make any further inquiries until years later, and by then the Convergence had grown both in size and in turbulence. Noting the wide berth the Nether-beings and spirits gave the Convergence, Carnifex understood that it was immense dangerously; but in that danger lied potential.

Collecting a group of scientists that specialized in esoteric studies, Carnifex established several scientific outposts around the Convergence. There, His scientists began to study the Convergence, experimenting on it through various means. All data from these experiments was highly classified and stored in top secret vaults on Malsheem. When construction of the Fortress Eternal was underway, Carnifex decommissioned the outposts and briefly moved all Netherworld study to Malsheem before relocating it to the Fortress after it was completed.

To this day, the Convergence remains a dangerous location within the Netherworld; made even more so by the Kainate's presence in the Fortress Eternal.

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  • Intent: Create a Nether-fortress
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Military Base Name: Fortress Eternity
  • Classification: Nether-Fortress
  • Location: The Convergence
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: Fortress Eternity was primarily staffed by members of Kainate science divisions, all of whom were assigned to carry out specific experiments while based in the Fortress. The rest of the Fortress' population were the guards, both organic and mechanical, that routinely patrolled the Fortress grounds.
  • Accessibility:
  • Description:

  • Maximum

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  • Field Disruptor Bypasses Shields
  • High Maneuverability
  • SLAM Boosts Speed To Maximum

  • Activating Field Disruptor Disables Fighter Shields
  • Gradual Loss of Rapid-Fire Accuracy
  • SLAM Decreases Maneuverability To Almost Zero

Innovation drove the engineers of the Kainate to produce greater and more technologically advanced products. Much like their previous creations, the Disciple-class Superiority Fighter, also known colloquially as the Banshee Interceptor, was manufactured with extreme technological efficiency in mind. The Disciple was thusly the culmination of many years of research and experience from designing other starfighters used by the Kainate.

In accordance with the Kainate's philosophy on naval strategy, the Disciple was equipped with an advanced compact hyperdrive system supplied in secret by the Globex Corporation. This hyperdrive system allowed the Disciple to move throughout the galaxy with relative ease, unmoored from capital ships and other carriers, and to perform complex maneuvers like microjumps and hyperspace skipping. A backup hyperdrive ensured that the fighter could still move about the galaxy, albeit without the provisions of more fanciful and esoteric maneuvers.

Aiding the pilot was a pair of independent control columns, which offered a higher range of motion and control over the starfighter with strong haptic feedback allowing the pilot to maintain a greater sense of their surroundings. The pilot also wore an Overseer-pattern Neurocrown, effectively melding their minds with the machine when in use. This allowed the pilot to work seamlessly with the fighter, acting almost as if they were one entity.

Rounding out the Disciple's weapon complement were two chin-mounted laser cannons, four universal missile launchers, and two PDS-63 class active protection systems provided by Jaeger Solutions. All of the universal missile launchers were concealed within the fighter's wing armatures, and had to be protracted on command to launch any payload. This robust armament made the Disciple a highly lethal starfighter, giving the pilot a wide variety of methods by which to destroy enemy starfighters. All of the Disciple's energy-based weapons were enhanced with kyber crystals, which magnified the energy generation by several degrees of magnitude.

The Disciple was equipped with an energy shield that protected the craft from conventional energy, solar ionization energy, ionic energy, and physical particulates. The energy shield was simultaneously polarized to allow the Disciple's laser cannons and missile launchers to bypass through the interior of the shield while keeping anything from bypassing the exterior of the shield.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the Disciple was its Field Disruptor system. This system, when activated, allowed the Disciple to physically bypass deflector shields of capital ships and planets to attack them directly. However, when the Field Disruptor system was activated it deactivated the Disciple's shielding, rendering the craft vulnerable to enemy fire until deactivated. The Field Disruptor system also could not bypass non-conventional shieldings like molecular shields and xythan force shields.

Twin turbo Ion Engines propelled the Disciple through the void of space, fine-tuned for exceptional and efficient energy output that pushed the fighter past what was considered normal speed without a great detraction in maneuverability. SubLight Acceleration Motors, also known as SLAM, allowed the fighter to entirely sacrifice maneuverability for extraordinary speed at the pilot's discretion. This sudden burst of speed was achieved by a brief injection of an extremely small amount of coaxium directly into the ion engine's fuel system.

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  • Classification: Light Freighter / Hunter Cutter
  • Length: 31.6m
  • Width:
  • Height:
  • Armament: Very High
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Squadron Count: None
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High / Average (SLAM Engaged)
  • Speed Rating: High / Extreme (SLAM Engaged)
  • Hyperdrive: Yes



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