Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Operation: Nightfall

Location: Dxun
Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Joran Olan Joran Olan | Liorra Liorra

The Jedi wouldn't just die quietly.

Cairan's kick had landed flush against the Jedi Master, knocking both parties back. The former Jedi instantly had his foe on the defensive and Cairan pushed the attack until the saber lock was initated. Cairan held the lock whilst attempting to bring the celing down, and only broke it when he heard a cracking noise below him and under his feet.

The floor dropped suddenly. Not far, but enough that Cairan stumbled. The blasted Jedi had used the force on the floor. The Jedi instantly pressed the attack, his Makashi style attempting to break the defense being put up by Cairan's Djem-So. Cairan stumbled backwards, hardly keeping his footing as the Jedi kept pressing forward. He had screwed himself.

He regained his footing and kept on the defensive, giving himself a moment to think.

Falling from above were rocks, just like he'd intended. He'd hoped for them to crush his opponent however. What was actually happening is they were just falling and getting in the way. For his more agile style, they would hamper him whilst the Jedi would be absolutely fine dancing and utilising Makashi to get between the obstacles that had formed.

Unfortunately for the Jedi Master, Cairan had also picked up a few things about Makashi. He kept up the defence for a few moments, before launching himself backwards with the force. His hand grip changed on the hilt of his crimson weapon and he adopted the opening style of a Makashi routine, offering a grin to his opponent. This battle would come down to the better duelist in the form of Makashi.

"Would you like to continue, or are you willing to give up and allow your story to end? I can do this all day you blasted Jedi scum. This is but a dance routine, and unfortunately for you it's my routine that I coreographed"

A bang was heard as another rock came down from above, and Cairan continued to offer his sick grin.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Maestus Maestus

The approaching Light dimmed like a flame running out of oxygen to breathe.

Valery was keenly aware that any Sith in her surroundings possessed at least one advantage — the Tomb. Its darkness made it straining for her to extend her senses, and it undoubtedly offered her enemy a source of strength as well. Perhaps enough to make her stand out like a beacon at night. To counteract this effect, she cloaked her presence in the Force, and tapped into her skills as a former Jedi Shadow.

The Jedi Master disappeared into the shadows.

The tomb was drawing closer with every step, and with both her body and presence concealed, she wouldn't have to be nearly as cautious in her approach. Fauna and flora alike could not detect her, and as long as she didn't lash out or reveal herself with abundant use of the Force, it would be hard if not impossible to detect her.

Soon enough, The Jedi Mater's fiery gaze passed through the thick vegetation and spotted the entrance of the tomb. A dark hole into a place most Jedi shouldn't ever try to enter. But this was her duty, both as a Shadow of the past, and as the Sword. So, without any hesitation or restraint, Valery broke free from the tree line and moved closer towards the darkness. Its strength was rising, and from within, she knew that her senses would be clouded.

It was time to draw her enemy closer.

All at once, her cloak dropped and Valery walked into the tomb with all of her burning might on display. The same power that had once killed Kyrel Ren, and the same one that would end this new threat before it could rise.



Location: Tomb of Freedon Nadd, DXUN, Onderon System
Allies: Knights of Ren: Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon
Enemies: Jedi: Joran Olan Joran Olan Liorra Liorra


Detritus would continue with a murderous rage charging towards the Mandalorian. He was fully intent to deal another helping of heavy strikes. Clear that he had the advantage towards his foe. If he couldn’t simply cut through her, there was the next best thing of using his might against her. In the darkness of the tunnel would the crackling of the orange blade carry an echo as Detritus hoped to advance closer to unleash another storm of power strikes. He could feel the darkness draw him ever closer. His rage building higher and higher, all ready to culminate in his flurry of strikes towards the Mandalorian.

As he approached her, she would in turn attempt to strike back. With a glow in the darkness Detritus was ready to commence his furious assault, only to find himself struck by a barrage of stones coming towards him. At first Detritus would try to counter by cutting through the rocks with a vicious growl. The stones kept coming, it was as if the Mandalorian was trying to bury him in the tomb. Quickly the stones became too numerous where his burning blade couldn’t hope to cut them all. He felt the rocks pelt his body, heavy stones causing searing pain through his dark armor. Still the hulking brute of a Ren persisted in his advance.

One of the stones would smash into his neck, slightly causing his head to go back from the force of the blow. This time Detritus was absolutely livid. “ARGRAAAA!!” He roared in furious anger as he charged the Mandalorian. The stones heavier and heavier, until his saber was knocked from his very grasp the blade extinguishing without any pressure to wield it. Lost in the darkness would the Mandalorian feel the Master of Ren smash into her. First he charged her into the wall, only to then start savagely beating into her. His heavy fists crashing into Beskar armor. While he didn’t hope to cut into her, he hoped to crack the Mandalorian from her shell. Fueled by pain, rage, and the immense dark side energies that had permeated the very tomb, his fists crashed into her chest plate, before his next attempt would be to take both hands to smash into her head. Hoping to take the moment of confusion to throw her against the walls. Fully intent on treating her like his own punching bag, even as he felt the burning pain of stone embedded into his flesh.​


Objective: I - Subjugation of Iziz
Location: Iziz - City Streets
Tags: Alexander Garrick Alexander Garrick | [OPEN]
Engaging: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Aron Thress Aron Thress


His eyes remained locked on the boy, drinking in the emotions welling up at the surface of his mind. Despair, doubt, fear...


To a creature that was more machine than man, the intensity of the emotions running through him were a powerful break in the cold and lifeless norm that Saevius usually existed within. Anger and rage were no strangers to Saevius, but in the absence of the tangible senses most others took for granted; such as the ability to feel the breeze upon one's' face, or the ability to even taste food during a well earned repaste; Saevius maintained his loose connection to the living world by savouring the emotions of those around him.

But there was something unique to the specific emotions running under the surface of the young man’s psyche; akin to the similarities between relatives that could be perceived upon closer examination of their face, or their gait... or even their voice.

Speaking of the face... Saevius could not escape the feeling he had met this young man before.

"AAAAAAAGGHH!" Aron began screaming, his face reddened with sudden rage, his eyes fixed on the Sith ahead of him as he roared out in bestial fury. The Force exploded from him like a bomb underwater, blowing back the Stormtroopers holding Aron as he stumbled free and fell to his knees, breathing heavily.

Sudden realization flooded through Saevius as he felt the force rush through the boy like a river flooding its banks. He had felt that force signature before... or one like it. To Saevius, who was devoid of so many basic sensations, one that had not been denied him was that of feeling the unique presence each person held within the force.

Images of the Jedi in the prison on Coruscant began suddenly emerged within Saevius’ mind. Then, if it were possible for him to physically do, the Sith Lord would have smiled.

‘Unexpected... but welcome...’

Aron reached into the inside of his coat, and pulled out a sleek silver and black lightsaber, igniting it into a brilliant flash of Cyan light. Tears continued to fall from his face as he stared unblinking at the Metal monster that had frozen him.

Aron wasted no more time. With another yell, he charged forward, aiming his lightsaber right where the cold creatures heart would have been, if it indeed had one.

A red beam of energy burst forth from Saevius’ lightsaber and the Sith parried the Jedi’s wild attack. Another strike would come, but this time Saevius blocked and held the sabers into a bind for a moment as his mechanical, unfeeling eyes met Aron’s again. A disembodied voice would echo through the force around those recovering from Aron’s outburst


The light of Aron’s cyan blade mixed with the crimson hue of Saevius’ own saber, casting them both in a classic shade of conflict that had been repeated for aeons of time - light versus darkness.

Hope, versus despair.

The same metallic voice, which bore some semblance of the tenor and tone of Saevius’ former organic self, broke into a sadistic laugh. “I recognize you... Jedi. That Jedi I encountered on Coruscant... who is he to you? Your brother? Uncle...?”

He paused, and once again would have smiled even more broadly if his face was capable of the feat. “Or... your father perhaps?” Suddenly, Saevius’ inhuman strength would force the bind apart and shove the padawan backward. As if that weren’t enough, the runes etched across his body would pulse once again as he summoned a wave of intangible force energy into the young Jedi to cast him back in a viscous push - meant to pin him against the wall above the corpses that had gathered in a small pile. “I look forward to finding him... unless of course, he sent you here... alone. That’s all you are, boy.”

“Alone, and helpless to save these people. True strength lies in the power of the dark side. Feed your anger, and embrace it. Or Die.”

He spat every few words with a disdain that only someone fully committed to the cause of the dark side could muster, reveling in the conflict and raw emotion he could feel in his opponent. Then, Saevius would launch himself with near-inhuman speed at the Jedi - Saber pointed forward as he intended to skewer the Jedi in one fluid motion.



Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Do her old job
Location: Surface, Onderon
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Allies: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Hex Hex | Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Open
Writing With: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Closed
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


<< Copy that, Thomas! Have fun! Mercy - out! >> I replied back to Thomas Barran Thomas Barran .

I liked this job much more than leading teams. I didn't have to do that that much, fortunately; only when Asher had no choice. True, he taught me how to do that, but it was better from the tent than from the front row. I'd learned tactics before, but my melee blades were more like assassins than someone like Tommy or Asher. I was happy to create tactics standing at a holo table, or suggest tactics from data, and happy to analyse the course of a fight, but not while fighting. But today I chose to work in the field, alone. Just like before, when I was gathering information for Asher. Actually, I could have sent the droids out to collect data now, but it wasn't that important.

We were in a much better position than our opponents, who probably did not expect us. The time of the old great wars is over, people have probably forgotten what it was like. I'm surprised no one has tried to wipe out the Sith Order, who have been an open presence in the galaxy since the fall of the Maw. Maybe the Galactic Alliance has been corrupted, or maybe they're tired of fighting; I don't know. We'll probably find out soon enough. But in the meantime, I continued to liquidate the Embassy staff and disrupt the people here. While they're busy looking for me, they're not going out to fight the others. It was all for the best.

But it was exactly what you would expect, because soon everyone was either in the shelter or lying dead in the garden. And others didn't really dare to come out, or if they did, they did so with energy shields in hand to protect themselves. That's why I didn't like just shooting randomly at a point, a small place, because that's where it was going to happen. Here I didn't have my own target, I didn't have to kill one person. If I had, that person would have been dead long ago. And then... oh! Someone ventured out into the field, lightsaber in hand. A Jedi. Who looked quite young.

For a moment I smiled mockingly under my helmet. I almost thought something like "but in my day...". I felt quite old at the time, even though I still looked roughly in my mid to late twenties. But my mind still had memories of Ziare, Freedom and Keilara, not to mention my own. Then seventy years of the world that Asher and I had built together on Tython, and then the last quarter century in the Nether. Yes, despite my young looks, I sometimes felt old.

As long as the Jedi stayed under cover, I wouldn't be able to do anything against him, because I didn't have explosive ammunition, and it was too far away for a grenade or anything like that. I had to lure him out anyway, but then a smoothbore shot would not do. I'd need a shotgun, but I'm too far away for that. I'll have to lure him out somehow. It's been a long time since I've fought a Force user in this world, and it was one of Tu'teggacha's men. I've never fought a Jedi. Asher trained me, the Shadow and Frost Company trained me for this and I even trained at COMPNOR. I wasn't worried, even as a human. However, because of the distance, the only way I could communicate with the kid was... telepathically.

I concentrated briefly to find his mind. It probably would have been easier with Force, but I didn't have that luxury. However, my necklace made it easier and I didn't have to try so hard.

~ When did the Jedi become so weak that they would hide so cowardly from someone? I'm offering you a deal, Jedi. Meet me halfway, in front of the Embassy. I challenge you to a hand-to-hand duel. If you do not accept, more civilians will die... if you accept, I will not shoot any more of you. ~ I "told" him.

If the boy agrees to this, then I'll head down to go out in front of the Embassy, if not... it will be inconvenient for him and the GA staff.

Aron Thress
Location: Onderon Royal Courtyard
Tags: Darth Saevius Darth Saevius Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The tip of Aron's blade was effortless batted away by Saevius, and the follow up attack brought them together in a bind. His eyes narrowed as his anger focused, and Saevius made the connection between Aron and his father, but he said nothing. Saevius then broke the bind, and with a mighty shove, sent Aron stumbling backwards, and Aron took a breath with the impossibly small break he was given, and realized he had been holding it. He prepared to enter into his dueling stance when he felt the Force slam into him and send him flying backwards into the wall that marked the resting place of the forty he did not save.

His arms and body pinned were pinned to the wall as if nailed straight into the concrete from Saevius' admittedly impressive force push. He strained against the force as Saevius spoke, taunting the boy for his being alone. Aron, again, didn't respond. Calling upon the force, gathering the energies around him, he struggled to free himself from his binds while simultaneously...

He grabbed the thermal detonator his fallen comrade had had on his body with the force, and armed it. The beeping muffled in the clothing and pile of bodies.

It has to be timed....just right. he thought to himself, setting the timer for just a few seconds as he sensed Saevius' intentions.

The cyborg charged.

The thermal detonator flew up diagonally towards him, and exploded between the two as Aron was finally able to free his hands and outstretched them, using the force to redirect the explosive force like a cannon towards Saevius, and quickly scrambled out of the way.

The explosion of the detonator sparked a cheer from the crowd, and in the distance Aron could hear an unmistakable cry.

Cheers rang out.

One by one, several more thermal detonators were thrown and exploded, sending Stormtroopers flying as the people of Onderon, those brave enough, charged in all directions. Some eager to fight back, others...most...just wanting to get out.

But Aron's commandos were among those eager for revenge, and after they exhausted their grenades, they grabbed dropped blasters from fallen Imps and began to rally the fighters in the civilian populace. Their fight to retake the city had begun.

But over where Aron and Saevius were, a different fight was already commenced.

"I don't know why you'd assume I was alone." he said, as he caught his breath and entered into his Makashi stance, skipping the formal salute, "I will make you pay. Inch by inch. Not one death will go unaccounted for. Not one!" he yelled out, "My father told me about you. All flash, no substance." Aron taunted, "Look what the darkside made you. Look how your service has been rewarded. The darkside is going to wonder why it kept you alive just to watch you die when I CUT YOUR KARKING HEAD OFF."

He's strong....really strong. And fast. But...I have to be faster. I can't let him corner me, or it's done.

Liorra initially failed to register that Ren's lightsaber had been knocked from his grasp. Instead, she was engulfed in an overwhelming, suffocating darkness, both physical and emanating from the Force. Slightly disoriented, she couldn't react in time as Ren shoulder-charged her into a wall. A yelp escaped her lips, pain radiating from her right shoulder, which refused to move. In over her head, she yearned for the presence of her mentors— Romi Jade Romi Jade , Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , her moms, or the reassuring Master Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble . Yet, she was alone, left to survive and endure, guided by the Mandalorian spirit.

Regaining composure, she attempted to distance herself from Ren, but his strength overwhelmed her. With one arm incapacitated, her situation worsened. The Beskar'gam withstood the onslaught to the chest palte, but each heavy blow to her helmet rattled her head. Needing momentum to escape the tunnel, Liorra summoned the mighty vines of Dxun, raining them down on Ren. Ignoring his presence, the gargantuan green vines pulled her from the tunnel, depositing her onto Dxun's jungle floor. Her head throbbed, ears ringing, and she suspected her shoulder was dislocated. Coughing, she noticed a slight dent in her chest plate.

On the ground, wincing with pain, Liorra reached out through the Force to nearby Jedi allies. Rolling herself to her feet, she located a sturdy tree, slamming her shoulder against it twice to pop it back into place. Suppressing the urge to scream, she squeezed her eyes shut, disregarding the blood streaming down her face. With confidence, she declared, "C'mon dar'jetii, I can do this all day." retrieving her beskad with one hand. Banking on Ren's interest in the tomb, she aimed to exploit that distraction and bury him within it.

Engaging: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Allies: Joran Olan Joran Olan
Opponents: Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon

Tag: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
Location: Surface, Onderon
Objective: smuggle stuff

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


The teen watched, confused by all the action going on around her, what was happening? Who were these people? It was just her luck to get a job that landed her in the middle of a warwarzone, but she couldn't help but feel a certain energy in the air, a buzz, people doing something they needed to an be damned about the consequences. A large truck drove past her covered in roughly clad warriors baring the mark of what looked like a winged skull and the words "Scar Hounds" daubed on it.

'...Maybe we get off the streets?...'
"aww... but it looks like fun, the Alliance embassy isn't far, we could go join...

....oh chit!!"

Two men came up behind the girl and put a bag over her head, it was coarse and hot and they roughly grabbed her. Hex was stronger than she looked and she fought them hard, but she felt them stripping her of her weapons.

"Careful, they don't want her roughed up too bad" she heard one of them say to another as she was thrown onto a hard metal floor and she felt motion.

'...Its the jedi, they found you!...'
'...kill them all...'

She pulled out a party popper and pressed the trigger, but it was snatched from her hand and tossed away, exploding behind the truck. She was roughly shoved down again. She reached between her thighs and grabbed her knife.

"AAARRRGH! MY FUCKING LEG!!!" came a blood curdling shout the noise as Hex plunged the blade into an unseen captor, she twisted the handle and blood spurted forth. Then everything went black.


Hex didn't know how long she was unconscious but as she came round everything seemed a little calmer. The vehicle was still moving but noone was shouting any more and she couldn't hear gunfire.

"We were told to bring her in unharmed, you sparked her out."
"Tell that to Rufus... no wait, the little whore killed him. Nah, she's lucky she's just gonna wake up with a broken nose and not dragged behind us."
"Oh look, she's waking up."

"Where are you taking me?" she could taste the blood on her face.

"We're taking you to the hound's fortress, bosses seem interested in you, avatar knows why, but here we are."

Hex's eyes were heavy and she was struggling to stay awake. She knew they must be getting closer to their destination as it got more winding and slower, she heard aircraft above them and the sounds of artillery firing. She was confused, she was angry, she wanted to escape, to kill every person she saw, but, bound and disarmed she was at the mercy of whomever these people were. If it was the Jedi, she knew she was about to be quietly executed.

'...its been a fun ride...'
'...Yeah, but now you die...'
'...a long time coming...'

"...just...fuck...all of you."
she said to herself as she felt her limp body be picked up and taken off of the now stopped truck.
Last edited:


Location: Tomb of Freedon Nadd, DXUN, Onderon System.
Allies: Knights of Ren: Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon
Enemies: Jedi: Joran Olan Joran Olan Liorra Liorra
Equipment: Black Imperial Knight Battle Armor/Robes, Crossguard Lightsaber
Objective: 3


Detritus dare not give his foe an inch of ground. He was engulfed in darkness both sight and through the Force as he charged right for her. Regardless if he had his saber, the former Imp Knight remembered his training and guidance of Rurik Fel well. He was not defenseless, for through his rage he felt strength overwhelm him. The stones jagged edges were digging into his flesh. Each pang of pain brought about a wellspring of strength further fueled by the very stone they stood upon. Detritus felt as if he could smash his foe with his bare hands and then some. The heavy feeling of fists crashing into Beskar, barely leaving an indent into her very armor as the dark side took hold of the Master of Ren. Even through the darkness, the Force itself made the Mandalorian a shining silhouette through the darkness. His fists rang with the heavy vibrations of muscle against metal.

Yet his foe before him taking the brunt of his blows would try to get away. She tried to move past him in an attempt to draw out or escape. No… This cannot do. At first Detritus would stop the momentum of his onslaught. Exhaling heavy breaths, his heart racing from the sheer adrenaline rush of beating the Mandalorian down. He watched with curiosity as she dared try to get away from him. His fists would clench tightly, as he heard the words of what seemed to be a cowardd before him. Heh, he expected a fight from a warrior only to see a coward try to crawl but she was about to learn quickly. Detritus would allow her to fully get away as he felt the Dark Side course through his veins like a rushing river.

For a split second the Force showed him a vision. She was close to the entrance, but just like that Detritus would not end it. He stood as still as stone, and with the darkness he would fuel his power. In that split second before she got away, she was met with an unexpected surprise. The very foundations of the tomb started to shake as he screamed. “YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! IM NOT BURIED IN HERE WITH YOU! YOU’RE BURIED IN HERE WITH ME!!!” Detritus would scream out resulting in the words channeling dark side energy to cause the very foundations of the tomb to shake, as he yanked her back in his direction. Stones falling down on the exit to the tomb. He had covered the way in and out with rubble, as the howling Force Scream would bring her back in the tunnel as if a boomerang. The scream echoed as she was sent reeling back towards him. Stones falling inside the tunnel with them both in it. Detritus would not be denied his foe, nor his secrets.​

Veylin Torque

Wayward Children Privateering Company


Objective 1
Wayward Children Privateering Company
Aboard the Dream Chaser

In the disarray of the battlefield, among the chaos of destruction, a war chariot descended from the skies. It was a heavily armed corvette, festooned with more weaponry than a vessel of its size seemed capable of mounting.

The Dream Chaser opened up with its ventral laser cannons, scouring the battlefield, blasting away at the stormtroopers on the surface. Individual troopers were blown to smithereens or cast back several meters by the high-power impacts. Rocks and dirt erupted from the ground in half-molten chunks as the lasers swept back and forth, cleansing the landing zone of Imperial filth.

Finally, the one-hundred and forty-five meter ship set down just above the barren, war-scarred terrain. Repulsorlifts were pushing in earnest to keep the vessel a mere half-meter off of the ground.

A ramp lowered, and Veylin Torque stormed out in his green armor, a repeating blaster-pistol at the ready. Several other members of the Wayward Children privateering company followed him, fanning out to make sure no enemies remained. Behind them, yet more members of the troop pushed antigrav sleds that held crates meant for delivery.

Veylin peered across the ruined hill and settled his gaze on... a B1 Battle Droid?

"Hey! You with the resistance?! We're here to deliver the weapons! You got the cash?"

B1-173 "Omar" B1-173 "Omar"
Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn Vulpesen Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull Brak'rra 'Red Scar' Brak'rra 'Red Scar' Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Ayhan Ayhan Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Mahsa Mahsa


Objective | BYOO [Oversee Planetary Operations]



"Happy days indeed. I must say the rate in which Solipsis was able to gather a new following large enough to even carryout such a sophisticated operation here is quite impressive. A testament to the success that awaits us in the war to come." Sulrean said in response to the former Regent. The Dark Empire was on the rise and this time, Sularen hoped to cement himself as a central figure to it's war effort and contribute far more to the Dark Empire then he had done with the Brotherhood of the Maw in order to ensure it's success and the defeat of his enemies in the Core Worlds.

Marlon Sularen then shifted his attention to the holomaps, watching as new battles began to erupt all across the two main theatres on the planet. In the surrounding City, Insurgent Forces supported by Alliance Marines and elements of the New Jedi Order were engaged in heavy urban combat against Imperial occupational Forces. Elsewhere in the Onderonian badlands, a combination of Beast Rider Insurgents and Alliance Forces again supported by Jedi had just launched an ambush against the main Imperial Convoy that Sularen had arranged failing right into his trap and giving him the perfect opportunity to unleash the Red Right Hand upon the combined Insurgent-Alliance-Jedi Forces. In addition to these main developments, Sularen had also taken notice of a major pitched battle between Imperial and Alliance Armored Forces as they engaged in a heated exchange of fire in order to seize completely control of the battlefield.

As far as the High Regent could tell, the Battle still hung in the balance as neither the Dark Empire nor the Onderonian Resistance and their Allies had gained the upper hand, which gave him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and turn the tides, ensuring that the Forces of the Final Dawn would be the ones to secure victory for the Dark Empire and bring proper order and stability to Onderon. While still continuing to study the ongoing battles raging across Onderon, Sularen proceeded to speak to Rackham who stood beside him also studying the battle. "Rackham. How much available forces do we have as of now?" the High Regent inquired. Rackham then took out a datapad and began scrolling up and down, analyzing the amount of available forces that were at Sularen's disposal. "We only have the
Battlecruiser that you brought along with around 2,600 Brutetroopers that they are carrying and enough Transports to carry around 60 Vehicles. In addition to this we have 10 available squadrons of mixed Fighters and Bombers ready to provide Close Air Support to any theatre" Rackham responded.

For a second, Sularen thought about Rackham's assessment. As of now he had the forces attached to this Battlecruiser along with the Red Right Hand onboard their own
ship to reinforce the Dark Empire in order to turn the tides of the battle with additional forces under the command of Fleet Admiral Kaine Hamilton already on their way to further increase their numbers. The High Regent had enough cards to begin slowly shifting the tide of battle in favor of the Dark Empire and it was time he acted on the advantage he already held. As the High Regent pondered on how he could act, he was suddenly interrupted by Colonel Rackham who approached him. "Sir, we have a situation. There seems to be an intrusion within the palace." Rackham explained. "What kind of intrusion?" Sularen inquired. "Four Infiltrators, most likely Alliance Operatives." Rackham replied. "They seem to have slipped through the Palace Defenses and seem to be after the Queen or Korvan. I can't really tell since they are both in the same room." Rackham explained.

As Rackham spoke, an additional eight Red Right Hand operatives entered the War Room as all Imperial Forces within the Royal Palace entered on high alert. "Deploy a Company of Brutetroopers to reinforce the Palace Defenses and place the entire Palace on lockdown" Sularen ordered. "I want all exits covered incase there are more infiltrators on the scene. As for Corvan, send a squad of Red Right Hand Operatives to support his Death Mask Operatives. Whether those Infiltrators are after him or the Queen, they must not be allowed to escape." the High Regent proclaimed. Rackham nodded as Sularen finished giving his orders and began immediately making calls, first to the Battlecruiser in order to arrange for the deployment of a single Company of Brutetroopers and later to the rest of the Palace's Security in order to begin placing the palace on lockdown with alarms blaring out all across the building while a squad of eight other Red Right Hand Operatives began making their way to where Korvan and the Queen currently were.

As the Red Right Hand Operatives made their way towards the last area where the infiltrators we're spotted, Rackham sent another message to DT-1111 over a secured comms channel "DT-1111, this is Colonel Rackham. A Squad of Red Right Hand Operators have been sent to assist you in securing the Queen and protecting the Imperial Despot. They shall arrive shortly and will be at your full disposal to ensure that those infiltrators don't touch either the Despot or the Queen." Rackham said. Meanwhile as Rackham managed the ongoing breach, Sularen once against shifted his focus to the wider battlefield carefully looking at key engagements in which the intervention of his forces would contribute greatly towards shifting the tide further in their favor.





She didn't need the Force to glean from the situation a deep sense of foreboding -- even with her vision obscured, she knew that ever step she'd been shunted into was putting her on a path towards something sinister.

With each step the ground grew progressively more solid and structured, the air went from the scent of petrichor to something of old, humid duracrete; as they walked the space of the dark henge, she could tell their were much taller and wider structures surrounding them...she could
feel the grooves of carvings under her soles.

Aeh! -- she was thrown to her knees. On impact she had released something like an animal noise, the pain in her knees burned for just a second or so afterwards.

This woman had been beaten and disregarded for period of time, how much time had passed by this point was beyond her. Soon the coolness of the stone beneath her had crept the length of her shins. She hung her head, but the slickness of Janus's words had called her back to attention; she could feel his physical presence and her personal space shift around her as he approached her.

"HE is expecting you."

"He?" All she could do was be an echo in the depths of her mind. She had no idea or assumption about what it could mean...

She was pulled from her sloppy seiza, and shoved forward. She stumbled through a few steps before catching herself.

"Va-Valara," Jade spoke, finding her voice again, "Whatever you're planning, please, reconsider..." The Jedi tried to reason with her disgraced sister-in-law, and the leader of this cult, Lady Tenebrae. "You could kill me now and get your revenge..."

But none of them gave her anything. Silence took over.

As the group marched down the paver walkway, they headed from the henge just into the chamber that overlooked and observed the structure. She was thrown into a awkward kneeling position, but could still feel the large opening some several feet behind her, with the jungles breeze cutting into their backs.

So they hadn't traveled far from the henge, but just inside.

She had no idea for what was planned for her now...


Tag: Minister Janus Vipsanius Minister Janus Vipsanius | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


ENEMIES: GA, JEDI, Grisha Fletch

The jungle's tense silence was shattered anew in the immediate aftermath of Rneth's fall. From the underbrush, a surge of Force energy, raw and powerful, heralded the counterattack of Jedi Grisha. The air vibrated with the power of Grisha's strike, a wave of the Force amplified by the jungle's debris—twisted vines, shattered branches, and uprooted stones became projectiles in this sudden onslaught. It was a testament to the Jedi's strength and connection to the Force, a bid to avenge his fallen ally.

Darth Apophion, ever attuned to the ebbs and flows of the Force, sensed the impending attack with a clarity that transcended mere perception. In the face of Grisha's devastating telekinetic attack, he remained a figure of imposing calm, his connection to the dark side was a wellspring of power from which he drew with finesse and depth. With focused intent, Apophion raised his hand, summoning a force barrier to shield himself from the telekinetic onslaught.

As the telekinetic wave and its accompanying maelstrom of jungle debris crashed against this barrier, the force of the impact was absorbed and dissipated with astonishing efficiency. Stones shattered against the unseen wall, branches splintered into harmless fragments, and the surge of Force energy itself was blunted, its potency nullified by Apophion's will.

The debris and force of Grisha's telekinetic wave dissipated against Darth Apophion's force barrier, the Jedi did not pause to assess the effectiveness of his initial assault. Apophion, anticipating the feint, watched Grisha's approach with an analytical eye, his mind a step ahead in the deadly dance of combat. Even as Grisha adjusted his attack in mid-motion, igniting the second blade of his pike to execute a surprise slash from below, Apophion was already moving, drawing up the dark side of the force as he did and preparing for his attack.

Apophion shifted his stance, the Force flowing through him to enhance his agility. As Grisha's second blade came slashing downwards, Apophion used a minimalistic sidestep to evade the strike, the motion practiced and precise, conserving energy for the counter that was already forming in his mind. As Grisha slashed low, Apophion extended his hand palm outward, focusing his will. The dark side responded, a tangible force at his command, and he unleashed a concentrated burst of telekinetic energy directed at Grisha. A Force Burst, unleashing the dark side energies in a devastating and quick attack at the Jedi.

Objective One​
Allies: Jedi​
Tag: Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra
Loadout: See Bio, Jonyna's Normal Loadout

It was there, the advantage of reach of my staff worked well. In one second, I make a thrust with the burning pommel towards my opponent's spine, where then the head of my staff arced to slash across back horizontally in a fraction of the next. Forsaking flesh certainly had its benefits with my current form able to perform movements most organics could barely dream of. My strikes were quick enough to allow me to return to a defensive guarding stance where several feet stood between me and the Jedi interloper. They were probing strikes at a weaker location. If they were to hit, it would prove advantageous with the calculations being run in my synthetic brain proving greater odds of victory. If they were dodged and parried, there was a minimal probability of any negative circumstances now in my stance ready for another attack.

The staff met Jedi Steel, Jonyna bringing her saber down to slice through the staff's length. If she could disable his weapon, she could go on the offensive again. She needed to keep on the attack, and thus she kept firing her ion blaster. If she could get even one hit in, it would be a victory. Her tail slipped into her coat silently, drawing her kyber blaster and unleashing a swarm of kyber powered bolts at the android. One hit. That'd all it would take.

Her mind raced. She could deal with the android, she wasn't worried about that. But the phalanx was working faster than she could deal with. She needed to prioritize.


Location: The Badlands, Onderon
Objective 2: Raid Imperial Convoys
Steed: Dalgo
Allies: Brak'rra 'Red Scar' Brak'rra 'Red Scar' | B1-173 "Omar" B1-173 "Omar" | Mahsa Mahsa | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | @Others
Hostiles: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | @OtherScum
ENGAGED: Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull


What had meant to be a swift strike, in and out, had broken out into a full-scale battle as soon as Ayhan and his riders had charged down the hill. Before the two lines had even met, the black-clad troops poured out of their armored vehicles, and poured burning hot bolts of gas onto the riders. Half gone in an instant.

"Aurek team, multiple infantry dismounted from the vehicles!"
"Yeah, we've noticed!"
Ayhan said back through the commlink as he spied the rupings in flight overhead.

The rest of Ayhan's riders skirmished along the length of the convoy as the second group of cavalry poured down the valley's other side, Hera's yellow saber leading the charge as they crashed into the convoy with their full force. Only a brief moment of success as the brutetroopers began to rotate, and confusion swam among the soldiers.

The source did not come from either the beast clans or the Empire though. A third party, roaring down the hill with the full might of a military force. Missiles slammed into the armored vehicles, precision bolts of light felling any Imperial foolish enough to not take cover. "Master, who are these guys!?" Ayhan shouted into his commlink. "Confederacy!" Hera responded. "I'm not sure why they're here but they seem more concerned with the Imperials."
"I'll take all the help we can get right n-"

Ayhan's dalgo screamed in pain as a massive insect slammed latched itself onto it's body, and then another and another. The steed reared back in agony, throwing Ayhan onto his back. Ayhan's body thudded onto the ground, and the man grunted just before an insect lunged at him. Ayhan reached out witha hand, grabbing the insect before it could pin the Firronthix to the ground, and ran it through on its saber. Ayhan stood, tossing aside the insect corpse only for another to try and take him down again. A quick slash dealt with that insect, but a whole swarm surrounded the combatants, Confederacy, Beast Clan and Imperial alike, all screaming. "Mahsa! What's going on up there!? I can't see chit with all these damned bugs!"

Something zipped past at that moment. An insect, unlike the others and bearing a rider with a lightsaber. She must've been the one leading the insect. "All teams, hostile Force User on site!"


Tags: Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon

Joran had held the advantage, just as his foe had for a time. Such was the way of lightsaber combat. If a duel could not be decided in the opening exchange of blows, it was likely to be a drawn out affair where attrition more than anything would prove the victor. Joran was a Jedi with decades of experience in the field. He knew he could outlast many foes across the galaxy in such a heated engagement, but the sheer brutality and adaptability of his current opponent kept him from making risky moves that might end the battle.

This foe showed the characteristic arrogance and aggression of the Dark Side, yet the refined combat ability and knowledge most often seen by Jedi. A sick feeling settled in the gut of Joran's stomach as he watched his opponent adjust once more, adopting a Makashi style of his own and hurling back into the battle, testing blade against blade.

You were once a Jedi," Joran said, not really a question, barely heard as rocks fell around them. Joran ignored them, his connection with the Force guiding his movements to avoid potential dangers falling from above. "Your story has taken a dark turn and I am sorry. Stop now, stop all of this, and I promise to guide you back to the Light."


Location: Tomb of Freedon Nadd, DXUN, Onderon System
Allies: Knights of Ren: Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon
Enemies: Jedi: Joran Olan Joran Olan


The way was shut. With the entrance sealed due to the Force Scream, he couldn’t be lured to the Mandalorian despite his efforts to bring her back in. The voice rang loudly on his head, chastising him for becoming distracted by even a moment. The Jedi had failed in guarding the secrets of Freedon Nadd from the Knights of Ren. Brother Cairan focused on the old man, while Detritus slowly dripping a trail of crimson along the stone of the tunnel, he could feel the dark side whisper out from the abyss. The voice told Detritus to venture deeper if he dared, and Detritus nodded feeling the punctured hole of his armor, and the stinging wound coming from within. “No… I will not be denied the secrets of Nadd!” He said through a rough growl, pain evident in his voice.

Darkness had enveloped Detritus completely, as he had extended his palm out to pull his saber back to his grasp. He could feel various presences all around the strong aura of the dark side that had wrapped within and without the tomb. Feeling the various clash of light and dark side among the pull of the abyss, Detritus would press onwards towards the path of the tunnel. There was nothing that would stop him from gaining what he desired, no one to put a stop to the Ren from claiming another piece along the new way to glorious rebirth. The further he would walk down would he feel the pain of stones burying into him. Using the pain he focused only on his goal, the chance to claim what the others could not. He turned to one chamber seeing a set of caskets. He didn’t know much of Freedon Nadd so he could only guess they were family members of Nadd. Little did he know who they actually were.

He felt two pulls one from the chamber, and from what he felt coming from below. The voice beckoned him to venture deeper into the abyss. The temptation too powerful to ignore, he would turn away from the chamber only to venture further down the tunnel. He could feel many presences around him, he bowed his head slightly and muttered in silent prayer. “May his abyss guide me on the path of shadows.” He would say through the pain as he stepped closer along the path, his eyes could see nothing as he stepped blindly, but the Shadow showed the way to him, and the destination was bathed in darkness that there was no doubt he would find what he sought.

The voice continued to echo in his head, promising him that he would find the power he justly deserved. “Yes… By your will it will be mine! Under his eye.” He would say with renewed intensity as he continued to walk along the path. He could smell the ionized air of lightsabers clashing, or the push and pull of light and dark against each other causing the tunnel to spin within his vision. Still, with his conviction rejuvenated he would press ever onwards towards the end of the tomb. He only wondered with what he would find would be worth the price to be paid.​
Location: The Badlands, Onderon
Objective 2: Raid Imperial Convoys
Mount: Rupert the Ruping

It was hard to keep tabs on everything happening down, the movements of friendlies and enemies alike kicking up massive dust clouds that obscured her view from the action. However this also made it easier to pinpoint the various areas where the enemy had gathered around, the concentrated fire of their bright red bolts impossible to hide from the eyes in the sky.

Their creatures twirled through their natural element, weaving out of shots and range as their riders worked on nullifying the bigger weapons from the vehicles. They were no different, the young padawan occasionally urging her ruping close to a cluster of troopers too focused on the enemy ahead to watch for dangers from above, and she could only hope the disruption caused by her actions had given their allies enough time to regroup back in the safety of the trenches.

[We have additional company!] The alert was sounded as she caught sight of the third party, the worry in her voice undeniable. Things were already looking bad enough, and she doubted they’d be able to handle additional Imperial reinforcements—though she would find her answer to that question in a series of loud explosions as various missiles slammed into the armor vehicles of the convoy.

[Master, who are these guys!?]

Small hands tightly held onto the reins and saddle as a nearby detonation rattled the air around them, the ruping barrelling through the sky before their wings snapped open once more to slow their flight path and regain control. "G-Good job, Rupert!" She praised the creature for their quick reflexes, before catching sight of B1-173 "Omar" B1-173 "Omar" as a bolt impacted the droid in his back. She’d spotted him weaving through their comrades before, dragging those still lucky to draw air into their lungs towards the safety of their companions before rushing back for more.

"C’mon Ru, we gotta help him!" There was no hesitation from the padawan as she spurred the ruping in their direction, heart racing as she spotted one of the ‘troopers begin to take aim at the droid. They skirted over the dried ground, kicking off a trail in their wake, before a raspy shriek from her companion bought the pair a handful of precious seconds.

The Imperial turned around to try and spot the source of the sound, and they were greeted by a head cloud of reddish dust cloud as the ruping banked left and into an arched path. A hissing noise was quickly followed by a glow of bright pink as Mahsa activated her lightsaber, before the blade sliced through armor, muscle, sinew, and bone as the head was cleanly severed from the body.

"Grab on!!!" The plasma blade dissipated into nothingness as the padawan allowed the handle to dangle from its security strap around her wrist, hand extended towards the droid that had managed to roll himself over. His weight would’ve knocked her out of the saddle had Mahsa not been prepared, a pained grunt leaving the girl though she refused to let go.

They reached the dugout in a matter of two wingbeats, fingers finally releasing his arm as the momentum carried the droid towards the soldiers awaiting. "Take him and go, now!" She’d felt the heavy aura descend on the battlefield and the skittering of legs and pulsing wings, she didn’t need a glance back to confirm the new threat that loomed over them all.

"Ayhan…!" His name slipped through a whispered breath as the voices chiming through the commlink became inaudible chatter, her eyes quickly scanning the battlefield as she sought the familiar glow of a golden lightsaber while her ruping climbed back into the skies.

A bug threatened to crash into them, narrowly missing as the creature twirled right before Mahsa’s lightsaber came to life once more. The scent that clouded her nostrils was indescribable and unpleasant as she carved through the insectoid and then another, before she finally spotted on the ground as he fought against the bugs that threatened to swarm him.

She jumped off Rupert’s back as they neared him, pink saber impaling the insect who’d lunged at Ayhan from behind firmly into the ground. A quick motion sliced through the carapace effortlessly, her blade held forwards and her back pressed to his own as a larger shadow zipped over them.

Just another Tuesday for them… though she hadn’t missed those.

Allies: Ayhan Ayhan | Brak'rra 'Red Scar' Brak'rra 'Red Scar' | B1-173 "Omar" B1-173 "Omar" | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | @Others
Hostiles: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | @Others
Engaged: Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull
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Objective: I - Subjugation of Iziz
Location: Iziz - City Streets
Tags: Alexander Garrick Alexander Garrick | [OPEN]
Engaging: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Aron Thress Aron Thress


Saevius began closing the distance to his quarry, but in an instant the situation changed. He saw the orb first, and in an instant - the memories of what happened to him on Noris flashed across his memory. ‘NOT AGAIN!’

He had but a moment to throw up a barrier before the detonation occurred, which only partially shielded him from the brunt of the force. His body was thrown backward, only to crash against the far end of the courtyard. More explosions echoed throughout the area, with a cacophony of flame creating a veritable hellscape as flame consumed nearly everyone in the area - soldier and citizen alike. The flames engulfed Saevius’ body, which was spared only by virtue of his metallic body. His mind though... his mind was not spared from the psychological trauma of his situation.

The last time he was engulfed in these very flames... he had quite literally died in excruciating agony, and had clung only to the vestige of life long enough to be interred within this body... this tomb of undeath.

His brain recalled the sensation of his flesh melting away from his body - the flames ravenously picking away each piece of tissue with merciless hunger...

Despite his metal frame superheating around him, a cold rage began to well up within him. His mechanical limbs moved as if with a will of their own as he rose to his legs, and his eyes glowed a deep, icy blue. They met those of the young Jedi, and Saevius held his gaze for several prolonged moments. Insurgents began rushing into the parts of the courtyard that were not aflame, only to be surprised by the reinforcements called for by Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen who rolled up in armored vehicles.

They began pouring out of the vehicles and setting a perimeter before exchanging fire with the insurgents. All of this began to unfold as Saevius appeared laser focused on Aron.

“You are a fool if you believe you understand the power of the darkside.” Saevius dispensed with the use of his mechanical voice. The voice he spoke with was intangible, but yet real as it sounded as if it came from behind Aron. The Sith Lord called his lightsaber to his hand and reactivated it - a single beam from the elongated dual bladed hilt surging forth with a violent hiss. “I did not simply adopt the darkness... I was born into it.”

With each step, he continued to speak - one sentence at a time.

“Nw r tuti zo tash, irsir ros kanasazi.”


“Dro kanasazi, Nu tihri tutsatsa.”


“Dro tutsatsa, Nu tihri midwan.”

His footfalls sounded heavier and more deliberate with each line of the Sith code as it was uttered.

“Dro midwan, Nu tihri dirtsarias.”

His voice sounded as if it possessed greater power with each word, and the runes glowed with an intensity that rivaled the flames that burned behind him. It would change its ‘direction’ several times, until it sounded as if to be all around him at once.

“Dro dirtsarias, ki dzara tuti kots.”

With a brutal slash, Saevius lashed out at the Apprentice as he quickly closed the remaining distance - uttering the final line of the code in the ancient tongue of the Sith:

“Qyâsik tqi ridasi ki!”


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| Location | Royal Courtyard, Iziz
| Objective | Hot drop, and an explosive surprise!
| Focus | Aron Thress Aron Thress Darth Saevius Darth Saevius Izah'zore Izah'zore

Jenn knew that she stopped being low profile from the moment she boarded a diplomatic vessel, maimed a Senator of the Galactic Alliance and kidnapped another. By the time she finally seized the mantle of Alor, she had no doubt that the SIA had most likely built an entire dossier around her - possibly with elimination orders, given just how rotten her luck was. After all, she was devoted to truth, and so she found no alternative but to admit to her crimes when confronted.

Such were the thoughts going through her mind as she anxiously awaited a response. Getting nothing but silence would be far, far preferable to being recognized as a war criminal of the Mandalorian Enclave and forced to contend with the Galactic Alliance and the brutal tyrants currently oppressing the people of Onderon. But there was nothing for her to do but wait, all too aware that the Clan's modest fighting force would never be able to fight off the Empire's interceptors if they focused their efforts on them.

<This is Admiral Izah'zore,> the Twi'lek began. <Fighter escorts will be assigned until you reach the surface.>

A sigh of relief escaped her. The gamble was paying off, it seemed, and her intentions were accepted as genuine.

"Attention all dropships! We have Alliance starfighters inbound, be sure to ping them as friendlies on your radars. You know your deployment zones: you are to reinforce the frontline in those sections of Iziz still under the people's control. You are not to launch a breakthrough unless absolutely necessary! Our mission here is to help these people, not to win glory for ourselves. Am I understood?"

Every squad leader was quick to relay a ping on her HUD signifying their acknowledgement of her orders - or, in some cases, they chose to direct a firm "At your command, Alor!" back to her directly. One after the other, the dropships departed from the hangar, taking the warriors to the fight they were anxiously waiting for. Hers would be the last to leave the Enduring Flame.

<My thanks, Admiral. My warriors are few, but a force multiplier on their own - I can dispatch a few squads to lend a hand to your ground troops, if needed. The rest of them will stabilize the frontline and assist the rebels while I personally drive a lance into the heart of the foe.>

It felt... different, to cooperate with those she had been fighting not so long ago. To ally with one's past enemy was certainly a difficult game to play, and she could only hope that her actions this day would show the Galactic Alliance that her people could be more than marauders, brigands, and savage killers. With the Alliance's aid, however, the dropships managed to punch on through and into the atmosphere, the starfighters accompanying them giving them just the chance they needed.

Just as Jenn prepared to relay her orders to the rest of the Clan, however, an explosion rocked the dropship, alarms blaring all around her. A familiar voice soon spoke through the command squad's comms - that of her old friend and pilot.

<Brace for evasive maneuvers!>

<Karrys, report!>

<Port engine is dead, Alor - we're losing altitude.>

Removing the straps keeping her in her seat, she moved on over to the back of the transport, motioning for her warriors to do the same - which they did, without question.

<Get the ship to safety. We'll find another way down.>

<Understood, Alor. I'll try to set her down outside the city if I can, bail out and link up with one of our squads.>

And with that, she slammed her fist against a button, causing the emergency lowering of the ramp, revealing the war-torn city of Iziz below them, anti-air ammunition exploding all around them. Even from up high, they could see pockets of resistance, where heavy clashes raged on. One of her honor guards walked up to her side, giving an upnod in the direction of the open sky before them.

"This is your plan?" asked the warrior incredulously, and perhaps with a little worry.

"We need to get down there, one way or another", answered the Alor calmly, turning towards her comrade and friend, clapping her hand on their shoulder. "Or do you intend for us to get ourselves back to the Flame already?"

A chuckle escaped them. "Not before I have redeemed myself in the blood of Imperial dogs", they answered, their tone ferocious in spite of the clear jest they shared.

Jenn turned back towards the open sky, inhaling deeply, sharply... and let out but a few, simple words.

"Follow my lead, vode - OYA MANDA!"

Her cry was repeated by all, and, as one, they rushed on out of the dropship, freefalling through the sky with grace, quick bursts of their jetpacks allowing them to change their trajectory. The question, naturally, was where exactly they would make their impromptu landing: choosing an Imperial stronghold might see them all shot out of the sky before they had a chance to make much of a difference, given the fact that they were facing a professional military. A change from chasing pirates that some among her Clan welcomed.

<Alor, coordinates received from our new friends - they've got a ground team in need of assistance. Marking the coordinates on your HUD.>

Jenn adjusted her trajectory with a quick burst of her jetpack, only to see just where exactly they were heading towards.

Ah, yes. What better way for her to die than leading a squad of her best warriors into the Royal Courtyard of Onderon's palace, where Imperial presence would be dense, and their reinforcements doubtlessly quick to converge... all for the sake of those she would have called enemies, not too long ago.

But the duty of Clan Kryze was to deliver hope. And what hope was more important than that given to those who thought themselves trapped like rats, left with no choice but one last hurrah before their death?

The Imperials never knew what hit them. After all, how could they have expected to find themselves under assault by a squad of Mandalorian warriors jetpacking their way down from the sky, zipping through the air? The proud warriors were quick and decisive in their application of violence, harassing Sularen's reinforcements with accurate shots made all the easier to land thanks to the elevation as well as the advantage of surprise - while some of them outright crashed into the blindsided foes and pushed their blades into them! They struck like meteors, the momentum of their assault turning the tide in favor of the insurgents- if only for now, thanks to the advantage of surprise as well as the sheer ferocity of the Mandalorians.

But it was the familiar sight of lightsabers that caught Jenn's attention. Cyan meeting crimson: the metal frame of a being that was, without a doubt, another servant of the Great Enemy. And, perhaps most importantly, a young Jedi in dire need of assistance. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, standing so courageously, so defiantly in spite of the odds. A noble soul, but one whose fire would be snuffed out if she sat by.

It was time for Jenn to embrace that which she kept on fighting against for so long, that which she had all but rejected after the truth had been revealed to her. With a crack of energy, her lightwhip came to life, and a flick of her wrist sent its elegant length of oceanic energy towards the unrelenting foe.

"There is no emotion, there is Peace!" she called out, more so for the Jedi than for herself, even though she found that the meaning of those words echoed within her more meaningfully now than ever before. She had learned of the Jedi Code as an effort to exploit the weakness of those who were then her foes - and now, here she was, invoking it to inspire hope in the Jedi's heart, and draw the Sith's ire onto herself.

Such was her duty. To deliver hope to the worthy, and the terrible wrath of the Mando'ade unto the unworthy.

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