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Character Darth Saevius

Darth Saevius


  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Only known as ‘Saevius’​
    The Spider, the Burned​
    Hapan Cyborg​
    58 Standard Years​
    340 lbs (~154 kg)​
    Brotherhood of the Maw - New Sith Order​
    Sith Lord​
    Force Sensitive:

  • B I O G R A P H Y


    ’Chaos is a ladder’ a great man once said. A truer statement has never been said before or since, particularly when referencing the story of the Sith Lord known as ‘Darth Saevius’. From birth, his life began with overcoming adversity. Born to a Hapan-born Sith Lord and a human paramour, Saevius was sickly as a newborn, with talk arising of leaving the babe to die on the sands of Korriban. His life was only spared when the force saw fit to imbue him with the initial presence of one with a strong connection to the force, even as a babe. While hardly as strong or formidable as a grown man, or even as a young child, it was enough to allow him to grow up and experience the hard life he was subjected to. He was raised to believe in the superiority and intricacies of the Dark Side of the Force. His father was his master – a cold, ever appraising Dark Lord who instilled upon his progeny the same remorseless, unyielding passion in the pursuit of further knowledge and power. The lens through which Saevius came to view the galaxy as he traveled alongside his father was always tinted along that vein. Serve the empire, which at that time was secretly growing in strength - spreading its tendrils deep into the galaxy until it was ripe for conquest.

    One of the most impactful moments of his young life occurred on a pilgrimage to Korriban’s “Valley of the Dark Lords” orchestrated by his father. The sheer scope and size of the tombs which lined the landscape struck him, especially as they delved within the catacombs of Sith Lords long dead. After hours of wandering the halls, Saevius came upon the realization that he was no longer with his father. In fact, he was completely and utterly alone within the dark and forbidding halls. Distant howls intermingled with the sounds of wind rushing about, and echoed through the chambers of the unknown tomb he found himself within. While fear threatened to settle in upon this stark realization that he was completely and utterly alone, combined with the reports of nameless acolytes perishing within these very ruins, the young Hapan couldn't help but feel this was some test on the part of his father. The torches which lined the particular tomb he wandered within flickered and grew ever dimmer, further handicapping the poor eyesight Hapans were prone to have in dim settings. Yet, even at the age of fourteen, Saevius knew that if he gave in to panic, he would likely never see the light of day again – and obviously displease his father. The trials he experienced as he wandered the tombs of mighty Sith Lords from ages past is a story for another time, but suffice to say that he nearly died several times before eventually making his way out and back to his father, only doing so when he closed his eyes (which were rather useless in the dark), and opening his mind to the force which pulsed around him. While it sounds rather cliche’, the fact remains that when he gave himself over to the force and bent it to his will to guide him out, he exited the tombs with a renewed sense of who he could be. His suspicions that this was a test were all but confirmed when his father gifted him with the components he needed to forge his own lightsaber, marking his ascension from little more than an acolyte with inferior eyesight, to his father’s rightful, fully fledged apprentice.



    As the years passed and Saevius grew in both stature and power, the type of Sith he would become eventually began to take shape. While he imitated his father in certain respects, namely using sensitive knowledge and information to gain leverage over rivals and enemies of the nascent Empire, Saevius took it a few steps further. Becoming enthralled with the legacy of Darth Sideous and Darth Plagueis, He delved into the darker mysteries of the force, specifically in utilizing the force to bend the will of other living creatures to his will. It first began with smaller creatures, and eventually progressed to larger beasts which roamed the ruins and dunes of Korriban. Even further, it evolved into young rivals of his who to the public eye had ‘mysteriously disappeared’ wandering the ancient tombs and ruins of old. This skillset eventually commended the young Sith into joining the ranks of the Imperial Inquisition, where he plied his growing mastery over the force to extract information from known dissidents and foolhardy Jedi intent on undermining the Sith Empire’s ideals.

    This growing reputation as a rising master of the force did not mean he was unskilled with a blade or the martial arts. In fact, the truth is quite the opposite - for Lord Saevius was drilled endlessly by his father to master several lightsaber forms to the point of excess. This added to his efficacy within the Inquisition, becoming one of the foremost Jedi hunters within the Empire all the way to its eventual collapse. He had personally been responsible for the conversion of several misguided Jedi, and the death of many others who refused to bend to his will - making use of their connections to the force to experiment with the techniques he had only previously been able to read about. This eventually led to him acquiring a sobriquet amongst his peers and underlings, being known as ‘Lord Spider’ or ‘The Spider’. Many soon learned to never call him that to his face, as those who did would mysteriously disappear only to be found wandering the dunes as a mindless husk. Nicknames aside, Lord Saevius came to be feared both within and without the Empire, the mystery which shrouded him causing all but the boldest or amenable from involving themselves in his dealings. This obviously led to him being branded as a particularly vile ‘war criminal’ upon the collapse of the Sith Empire and the rise of the New Imperial Order



    In the months that led to the collapse of The Sith Empire at the apex of its power, he took steps to secure his future which culminated in him going into a self imposed exile while the rest of those too ignorant or foolish to acknowledge what was about to inevitably happen fought on. The few who were aware of his subtle exodus would brand him a coward, but such labels did little to affect him. To him, the Civil War exposed the Empire for how weak and corrupt it was. It deserved to collapse and fade into oblivion - he did his part to keep it running for as long as he could until their weakness was apparent to him beyond the point of being able to stomach it any further.

    In the years that followed, Saevius wandered the Outer Rim and unexplored regions with a small retinue aboard a corvette he previously had used during his assignments as an inquisitor, but scrubbed of its hyperdrive signature and undergoing extensive renovations to remove any inkling that it was at one time an Imperial ship. He spent those years of exile delving into ancient, forgotten worlds which boasted tremendous power within the force, learning much to further his own mysterious, unknowable ends. His journey to further knowledge eventually resulted in a confrontation between him and his father, who had become a petty warlord with nought but a few hundred men under his command - believing himself worthy to be the savior of the Sith in his squalor and delusion.

    When Saevius refused to join his former master in his quest to reforge the Sith in his name, his father decided his son no longer lived - but died in the ashes of the former Empire they had served. For the last time, father and son joined together in battle, the likes of which had never been seen before by the men who observed to the side - and which would not be repeated again. Blood meant nothing then, for only one man would leave the duel alive. Eventually, after what seemed like hours of heated battle in the form of powerful strikes, deft riposts, feints and counter strokes, Saevius triumphed with a single blow that would cement his legacy as a master of the arcane arts. After deflecting one of his father’s powerful blows to the side, Saevius’ right hand planted itself upon his father’s forehead - energy rippling from his fingers as they gripped his face like the fangs of a spider. Saevius’ voice took on a resonating, commanding tone as he uttered words that no other man or woman there could comprehend. His father’s face turned a pale white, and he at first struggled against his son’s grasp - clawing at his hand with the desperation of a feeble kath hound fighting against the vice grip of a Veractyl. Moments passed, with Saevius releasing his grip upon his father’s head. Silence prevailed between them and all assembled, until Saevius spoke one word to break the silence. ”Rise, father...”

    Without hesitation, without even so much as a protest, his father rose to his feet, his shoulders sunken like a defeated man who was a prisoner in his own body. From that point forward, “Lord” Saevius became “Darth” Saevius, and nearly all of those assembled upon the far flung fields of an unknown planet flocked under his thrall - either as willing minions to his goals, or as mindless husks alongside his father. Today, Saevius’ travels near their end as he has adopted a new mission - to seek refuge amongst the ranks of the New Sith Order within the Brotherhood of the Maw. One may wonder why a man who has spent years acquiring both knowledge and power would do such a thing, but who can truly know the unknowable?


    The Brotherhood invasion of Noris would be known as a great battle within the Second Great Hyperspace War, and would forever be remembered as a major event in Saevius’ life. Given his aforementioned skill in the dark arts of the force and its more eldritch nuances, Saevius had set about aiding his ‘brothers’ by setting a trap for members of the beleaguered NIO garrison at the edge of the engagement zone, shrouding an abandoned warehouse in darkness as he lured soldiers via echoes in the force, mimicking civilians in distress. His ploy had proven effective, as it lured a soldier by the name of @Anith Dorce into the warehouse, who was convinced that she was rushing in to save helpless non-combatants from the vile machinations of the Brotherhood’s marauders. As her and her commandos would come to see, this would be a grave and fatal error.

    Anith and her commandos were instead met with the malign powers of The Spider himself, who exuded feelings of dread and anxiety amongst those who he had trapped within the complex. His trap had been sprung as the shutters to the building snapped shut in unison with a foreboding series of clanks and thuds, along with his quick efforts to bend the will of one of the NIO operatives around his own. In the face of almost certain annihilation, it was only through the heroics of Anith herself that she was able to facilitate the escape of her soldiers; at the cost of her own life. Yet, her sacrifice would not be in vain, as in a final act of defiance, she detonated a military-grade thermal detonator in her hand even as Saevius’ face hovered mere inches from her own. The resulting explosion was immediate, and decisive.

    His flesh was all but immolated to the point of complete charring within milliseconds of the explosion, with his connection to the force and sheer, burning hatred being the only means through which he did not die instantly. Whether it was through the will of the force itself, or some other malevolent will at work, Saevius would not die that day on Noris. Instead, he would be saved by rescue crews aboard his flagship, and would be kept alive long enough to undergo a complete and total transformation of his former self.

    After weeks of tenuous survival connected to a myriad of life support apparatus, Saevius would eventually be reborn within a state-of-the-art cybernetic body forged from an alloy derived from some of the galaxy’s most durable metals. As the months came and went, his rehabilitation and integration within his new body would be nearly complete as the events surrounding the Annihilation of Tython came to fruition. As his mastery over his new body began to grow closer and closer to seamless, what truly carried him through the ordeal is a deep, seething hatred over the defiance of his late foe, regardless of how short lived their rivalry was. But he knew one thing - he knew that Anith had a sister, and that it was exceedingly likely she would be deployed on Tython. Regardless of if she would or wouldn’t be, he would make it his life’s mission to end the line of Dorce. Or die again in the process...

  • P E R S O N A L


    In a previous life, Saevius was considered a rather slight and debonair figure, possessed of raven-black hair, piercing eyes, and a regal appearance fit for a state dinner as easily as within a torture chamber. Ever since the fateful events on Noris, his appearance has changed rather drastically. Due to the sheer trauma inflicted upon 95% of his body, his survival was only preserved due to intensive triage and life support, and the eventual transition of his central nervous system into a fully reconfigured cybernetic body.

    Now, he is a 320-pound hulk of pure metal, with dynamic ocular sensors that change colors depending on his mood, and enough cybernetic enhancements to make a Mandalorian jealous. While he would naturally wish to reverse the damage done to his former body, one cannot argue with the obvious martial improvements he now possesses, which match his overwhelming mastery over the force.


    +Master of the Dark Side+ - Saevius has spent years mastering the dark side of the force, including visiting force nexuses and anomalies throughout unexplored space, and has delved into the arcane arts further than most average Sith have ever thought to do.
    +Duelist+ - Considered an expert in Makashi, as well as the defensive Soresu form, Saevius is near-equally as deadly with a lightsaber as he is with the force.
    +Qâzoi Kyantuska+ - Among the plethora of force techniques Saevius has gained mastery over, his signature would be the use of a force power known as Qâzoi Kyantuska, which translates to ‘Suppress Thought’ or ‘Control Mind’ in galactic basic. This enables him to utilize his own exceedingly powerful will to overwhelm those of others in his presence, literally bending their will to his own. The result is they either submit to his will, and therefore retain a level of consciousness at his pleasure, or their psyche breaks entirely, causing them to become mindless husks enslaved to his will.
    +Inquisitorial Background+ - Saevius is known to be a very effective Jedi Hunter and interrogator, and is oft called upon to ply those skills to his fellow brothers within the New Sith Order.

    -Psychopath- - To say that Saevius is a psychopath is a very large understatement. He views any who are not Sith or in service to the Sith as little more than objects, or at best inferior beings to be used at his own pleasure.
    -War Criminal- - In most civilized systems, particularly those within New Imperial Order space, Saevius is considered a war criminal and would easily be regarded as a threat to be shot on sight.
    -Mysterio- - Chief among Saevius’ defining characteristics is the simple fact that he has a mystique surrounding him. While this acts as a means of intimidation against his enemies and rivals, it also has the unfortunate side effect of preventing him from connecting with others. After all, who wants to be around someone who makes them feel uneasy?

  • I T E M S
    • (1) Double-bladed lightsaber which contains (2) kyber crystals, allowing for both halves to be detached into two separate weapons.
    • Dark robes and tunics made of armorweave, with scant amounts of cortosis laced throughout
    • (1) Belt with a myriad of pouches, containing rations, stims, deionizers, a commlink, and other miscellaneous tools and supplies
    • (1) Heavily modified corvette (factory submission pending)
    • (1) State-of-the-Art Cybernetic Body

  • A B I L I T I E S

    Force abilities include, but are not limited to:
    Physical/Martial Abilities:
    • Form I - Shii-Cho
    • Form II - Makashi
    • Form III - Soresu
    • Teras-Kasi
    • Medicine/Healing
    • Interrogation

Template by Pluperfect

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