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Character Kai Bamarri | The Doppelganger








Jedi Powers
: Though he still doesn't have a master, Kai now has a few years of Jedi Academy training under his belt.

Predator Instincts: With Force-enhanced reflexes and a quick mind, Kai makes for a ferocious opponent, though he will rarely fight unless forced into a corner.
  • "Kai acted. He always acted... He didn't hesitate to protect people." - Iris Arani
Break the Cutie: Kai's childlike nature, while a definite hindrance, also seems to hit people right in the empathy button.
  • "What little he grasped of the beast in his mind thrashing wildly was enough for Dagon to realize they really, really needed to capture it alive. A newborn in a foreign body. The horror of the thought sent a shiver down his spine..." - Dagon Kaze
  • "He was an innocent soul in a horrifying body, a scourge held at bay by his own innocence, and all that she wanted to do was to help him." - Aeris Lashiec
  • "There was something distinctly childlike about this Kai and the way he saw the world, or so it seemed from the brief peeks Kal had gotten into his way of thinking... There was always the chance the presumably young creature's abilities were still untested and unrefined. Perhaps his control of the finer details remained tenuous at best." - Kal
  • "There were rumors of course, about just how old Kai was. She hadn't paid them much mind, but he was a child wasn't he? Or whatever the equivalent for rocks was. Pebble?" - Alina Tremiru
  • "'To be clear-- I thought you could help Kai.' He could use a bit of kindness, was what she didn't say." - Jem Fossk


: Courtesy of an essence transfer, Kai is now in the body of a human teenager. He sometimes forgets that he is no longer a Sith Doppelganger, and generally lacks understanding of his physical limits.

Muscle Memory?: While Kai still has all his knowledge of lightsaber combat and Art of Movement, his new body is not trained to deal with this action hero stuff. To make matters worse, he still fights like he can shrug off any wound because <it'll regenerate on it's own>. Not anymore it won't!

Just a Kid: Kai's emotional maturity is roughly equivalent to that of a fifteen year old. His grasp of concepts ranging from morality and ethics to social cues and etiquette are quite limited, and he doesn't know much about the galaxy or how life works. He also tends to be pretty gullible, and will quickly latch onto whoever is willing to offer him guidance.
  • "She made the mental note she swore she had made before, and probably would many times over still: be clearer with that wee bab." -Damsy Callat
  • "Not only was the boy curious, but also a bit gullible to some extent. Or perhaps takes things a bit too literal." - Amelia Venthyra
  • "... she felt bad for him. He was definitely still a kid, that was clear." - Yenna
  • "This kind of behavior could be expected from young men five years their junior. Younglings argued all the time, not Padawans." - Aaran Tafo
Loud Noises: Kai has a phobia of vibrations, including those produced by sound waves - to the point where he is afraid to vocalize in anything above a whisper, preferring telepathy as his main mode of communication. This is a psychological weakness, not a physical one; his original body was made out of pure crystal and was quite fragile. Naturally, he has an extreme aversion to explosions, sonic weapons, and rock concerts.


"Inside of you there lives a spirit with a strong will to live, a spirit that has yet to find its place in the galaxy, but also one that has been twisted into something entirely different. Something dark. And yet in giving you the chance to choose which of those you wanted to be, you chose to be a force of good." - Aeris Lashiec​

Kai was born a Bamarri, a unique species in which individual members are created when lightning strikes Chaldean marble. Coming into existence without any family, he was found by a much older, wiser Bamarri named Gerda, who guided and protected him during the first year or so of his life. While still a newborn, Kai was abducted by the Sith Lord Messala, who led Kai to believe Gerda had been killed. Messala destroyed Kai's natural form and forced his essence to occupy the newly-grown body of a Sith Doppelganger, a type of Sithspawn. Kai managed to escape Messala's lab and fled into the wilderness of the planet Dahrtag, where he survived for a time in a feral state, feeding on livestock.

Eventually he was discovered by a Jedi, Dagon Kaze, who rescued him and brought him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Because of the odd manner in which he was turned into a Sithspawn, the Jedi healers were unable to "cure" Kai of his Dark Side corruption, which is woven into the very cells of his body - and over time it began to influence the state of his soul as well.

Inspired by his rescuer, and despite the obstacles posed by being a Sithspawn, Kai was determined to become a Knight. He used a dispersion charm to hide his tainted aura, and adopted the identity of a Jedi Padawan at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. But ultimately, the pressure proved too much, and when Kai was given the opportunity to be reborn as a pure and uncorrupted being, he took it...
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TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
ControlArt of Movement▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Dagon Kaze
AlterDrain Life▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Innate
AlterForce Lightning▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Innate
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
TypeSkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
-Acrobatics▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Dagon KazeLink
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
WeaponKai's lightsaberClaymore-length white blade; a fragment of Chaldean marble and a Shard of Mortis serve as the focusing crystals.[x]
WeaponDart GunA gift from Damsy Callat; Kai's first weapon.[x]
ClothingJedi JumpsuitStandard issue NJO uniform.[x]
ClothingPolyweaveA gift from Errik Nimdok; a material designed with shapeshifters in mind, it can change texture, color, and shape according to the wearer's telepathic command.[x]
TrinketAural Dispersion CharmA ring which can disguise the aura of the wearer.[x]
TrinketThe Ring of AspirationA gift from Isley Verd; a ring which enhances the wearer's focus.[x]
TrinketAnkarres wood hope chestA chest carved from ankarres wood. Being in its presence can quiet Dark urges.[x]
TrinketAshla's TearA fragment of the moon of Ashla, obtained during the annihilation of Tython.[x]
DroidBD unit (black and gold)

A gift from Errik Nimdok; an exploration droid.

A "tamed" Warghest bonded to Kai.
StarshipSSL-4550 Light FreighterKai's first personal starship. Given to him by Cotan Sar'andor.[x]
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze ComplicatedJedi who rescued him, shared a brief psychic link in which they saw some of each other's memories. To say that Kai was profoundly affected by the experience would be an understatement; in a way seeing Dagon's memories and Jedi ideals "civilized" him. He has been emulating Dagon ever since. Unfortunately, it has come to Kai's attention that Dag doesn't really care about him. Well, maybe that's not exactly true... but Kai's desire for Dag to serve as a mentor or even a father figure is never going to be fulfilled. It simply isn't meant to be.[x]
Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec LostThe Jedi Temple librarian. Aeris mistook Kai for Dagon when they first met. After learning his real identity and about his past, she took an interest in him and has been supplying him with books from the library. Kai grew to be very fond of her and considers her one of his closest friends, with her serving as an unofficial mentor/master to him. Unfortunately, following a traumatic event she and Kai grew distant. He hasn't seen or spoken to her in years.[x]
Damsy Callat Damsy Callat LostLike Kai, Damsy is a Sithspawn rescued and brought to the Jedi Temple by Dagon. They share an automatic kinship because of their nature. Damsy is older and has far more life experience than Kai; their relationship is more akin to that of a mother and child. Damsy even lets Kai refer to her as "Mom". Alas, much like Aeris trauma drove Damsy to leave Kai behind.[x]
Kal Kal DislikeA wandering Shadow whom Kai encountered at the Temple. While initially friendly toward each other, friction soon began to develop between them. Since they are or were both born as spiritual beings, Kai can't help but see himself in Kal, and his low opinion of the Shadow has more to do with being disappointed in him than anything specific Kal has done to Kai.[x]
Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina WaryA Jedi who once tried to kill Kai - and nearly succeeded. She seems to have calmed down toward him since then. He may have even earned her respect for having survived a duel with Solipsis.[x]
Michael Sardun Michael Sardun WaryIshida's master. He also tried to kill Kai, blasting him with Force Light. Died on Tython.[x]
Creuat Creuat WaryA Jedi Knight who hunted Kai when he fled to the underworld following his encounter with Ishida and Sardun.[x]
Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya WaryRhis' apprentice. She accompanied him on the hunt.[x]
Yula Perl Yula Perl CordialDagon's girlfriend and fellow sort-of Jedi. Kai met Yula by chance while he was hiding in the Coruscanti underworld. She mistook him for Dagon and the two struck up a conversation over a mysterious bag of spice. He encountered her again while she was snooping in the Reef.[x]
Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok DisconnectedJedi Master and professor who saved Kai's life. Alas, he and Kai don't always get along that well. Died on Tython.[x]
Claudia AylmerCloseA fellow Sithspawn who is bound to a wheelchair. She and Kai bonded over the fact that they were both victimized by the same man. Claudia teases Kai mercilessly, but is also fiercely loyal and has quite the crush on him. Kai likes and is protective of her, but wishes she was more independent. The two of them have a bad habit of feeding off each others' negativity, but they can also prop each other up with positivity. It works both ways.[x]
Worrarg Worrarg CordialKnown to Kai as "Forerunner", Worrarg is a Sithspawn who looks like a giant man-eating bird. He is ignorant of social graces, and thus can be very blunt.[x]
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru AmbivalentA Sangnir and former (?) Sith who wound up at the Reef. She is very reckless.[x]
Kiber Dorn Kiber Dorn AmbivalentA Sithspawn who suffered greatly at the hands of his "Creator", Kiber was found drifting in open space. He was taken in by the Sanctorium, though his nature and intended purpose - Kiber serves as a living, mobile "battery" radiating with the Dark Side - had a profoundly negative influence on Kai when they first met. Kai pities him, but he also will avoid him at all costs in the future due to the sheer danger of his mere presence.[x]
EricthoContemptA shapeshifting Sithspawn member of the Sanctorium who offered to help Kai control his Darker urges. She is not as she seems.[x]
Danika Leventis Danika Leventis EnemyA Sith Lady who broke into the library and attacked Kai and Aeris. Overall not a very nice person.[x]
Jem Fossk Jem Fossk WaryA Jedi Padawan who tried to climb the Kyber Arch with him. Kai dislikes Jem immensely, and the feeling is mutual. He finds her incomprehensible, rude, brash, arrogant, and aloof, not to mention borderline impossible to work with. However, after having a heartfelt talk, they are no longer so resentful of each other.[x]
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis EnemyThe leader of the Brotherhood of the Maw, and the self-proclaimed Sith'ari. Kai dueled with him briefly on Jedha. He survived only because Solipsis was distracted by his "daughter" and left in a hurry. Died on Tython.[x]
Iris Arani Iris Arani CloseA Jedi Padawan who befriended Kai. Easily distracted, not very bright, and with a tendency to freeze up in stressful situations, Iris often appears helpless to Kai, who feels compelled to save her from her own incompetence. He's been trying to teach her to not be so scatterbrained and panicky. In turn, Iris has been trying to get Kai to open up more. Iris confessed that she was in love with Kai, who was unsure of his own feelings. They wound up having a falling out, made up, and then Kai developed feelings for her... after she no longer felt the same. Oops.[x]
Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren AmbivalentA Jedi Padawan who shares a master with Iris. Kai has met her at a few group functions, but they've never really talked one-on-one.[x]
Kyric Kyric AmbivalentA friend (?) of Dag's and a member of the Alliance Marshals. Interesting fellow, likes pizza.[x]
The Battalion The Battalion WaryA Sith witch who tried to help Kai and his friends when they became stranded. She tried to convince Kai to give in to his nature, but Kai steadfastly refused.[x]
Laertia Io Laertia Io WaryA Sith terrorist allied with the Battalion. Convinced Kai to fight some Bryn with them in exchange for a ticket offworld.
Lief Lief AmbivalentA fellow Jedi trainee whom Kai met during a mission to pick up a stranded Sithspawn. At the time, Eli was part of the crew of a smuggler ship; he later joined the NJO. Kai offered to spar with him, and Eli accepted... only for Kai to go a little too far and break Eli's nose.[x]
Yenna Yenna StrainedA Jedi Knight who was briefly slated to become Kai's master, only for the Council to switch Padawans at the last minute. Kai liked Yenna, but it simply wasn't meant to be.[x]
Valery Noble Valery Noble RespectedIris and Briana's master. Kai's interactions with her have been limited, as she went into hiding shortly after they met. He respects her as a skilled fighter.[x]
Darth Metus Darth Metus RespectedIntroduced to Kai as "Dar'jetii", he is a Mandalorian and kin to Damsy. Gave Kai a ring.[x]
Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn ContemptOne of two people whom Kai held responsible for the death of Gerda, his guardian. Kai encountered him by chance and recognized his face. He tried to arrest and/or kill Arcturus, but failed.[x]
Asha HexRespectedConvinced Kai to return to the galaxy by offering him sanctuary at Tribunal Station. They don't really "get" each other, to be honest.[x]
Qae Shena Qae Shena RespectedHad an interesting conversation with him over lunch about philosophy and history and coming back from the dead.[x]
Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor RespectedLoaned Kai and Iris a freighter, wound up letting Kai have it for keeps. That was nice of him.[x]
Melydia Gold Melydia Gold WarySithspawn female whom Kai stumbled upon. She has the ability to mutate animals in a matter of seconds. Kai tried to stop her but failed. The incident inspired him to found the GSPCA.[x]
Amani Serys Amani Serys CordialFormer Jedi (?) woman who helped Kai wrangle a Sithspawn. He later encountered her again on Tython.[x]
Jin X Jin X EnemyCannibal cyborg Mawite whom Kai dueled on Foerost. Kai's accidental use of Force lightning prompted him to retreat, much to his shame.[x]
Surea Surea EnemyGiant red chicken lady got him high on her rot spores.[x]
Corin Trenor Corin Trenor RivalJedi Padawan. Dagon's second apprentice, which is reason enough for Kai to be jealous of him. To make matters worse, Corin is an extremely difficult person to get along with.[x]
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo DislikeJedi Master. Rubbed Kai the wrong way on multiple occasions, and also took the role of disciplinarian, which typically doesn't lend itself to a cordial relationship.[x]
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa CordialSenator of Alderaan, romantic link to Amani. Kai didn't expect to like this guy, but he's nice. Also fun to mess with and has cool powers.[x]
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Short StoryA Chaldean TaleChaldeaN/A
SoloNobody's FoolTest Site Verdant Pasture, DahrtagN/A
PrivateCurse of SycoraxDahrtag Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
PrivateThe Modern PrometheusDahrtag Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
PrivateQuiet in the LibraryCoruscant Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
PrivateBirds of a FeatherCoruscant Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
PrivateSeeing DoubleCoruscant Kal Kal
PrivateA Kid In a Toy StoreCoruscant Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
PrivateTheater of FearCoruscant Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Michael Sardun Michael Sardun
PrivateBloody CityCoruscant Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
PrivateHeart of DarknessCoruscant Creuat Creuat
Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya
PrivateUrban Grime, Urban CrimeCoruscant Yula Perl Yula Perl
SoloThe Best Laid SchemesCoruscant Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
PrivateUnknown PathogensCoruscant Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
FactionInquestCoruscant Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
PrivateA Hidden LifeCoruscant Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
FactionThe Blind World There BeneathThe NetherworldSolo
PrivatePromises of Rescue?Space Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Alisteri Haxim
The Battalion The Battalion
FactionWhen the Sithspawn Come HomeThe ReefSithspawn Sanctorium
PrivateRancor On the LooseNar KreetaAmelia Venthyra
PrivateKaiabungaCoruscant Yenna Yenna
PrivateGuilty PleasureCoruscantBernard of Arca
FactionAll Things Being EqualThe ReefSithspawn Sanctorium
FactionCrazy Way to Catch UpThe ReefSithspawn Sanctorium
PrivateMarch of the SithspawnThe Reef Kal Kal
Sithspawn Sanctorium
PrivateOut of PrintCoruscantSaan'an Gaelor
PrivateWhat Makes You Worthy?Coruscant Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
FactionDecreeCoruscant Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
FactionThe Great Battle of CoruscantCoruscant Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
Danika Leventis Danika Leventis
Short StoryBright Knight - Issue #0.5CoruscantN/A
FactionAlpine's EndCoruscant Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
PrivateA Flash in the DarkCoruscant Valery Noble Valery Noble
Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateHealing WatersCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateStudy BuddyCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
FactionChaldea Or No DealChaldeaSolo
FactionCleansing FireJedha Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
Danika Leventis Danika Leventis
PrivateHearts on FireUnknown Planet Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
FactionThrough the FireJedha Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
FactionMisplacedPonemah Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
PrivateCaptain's OrdersSpace Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateBaby Don't Hurt MeSpace Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateA Visit to the ReefThe Reef Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
PrivateFor the One Who Has EverythingThe Reef Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
PrivateVertical MigrationThe Reef Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Yula Perl Yula Perl
PrivateWhat the Teacher TeachesCoruscant Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
PrivateOf All the Gin Joints in the GalaxyAlderaan Senari Gravis Senari Gravis
PrivateSlow Ride, Take It Easy???Paddy Pack
PrivateThe Blind Teaching ColorsCoruscant Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
PrivateSpoils of War: Boz PityBoz Pity The Battalion The Battalion
Laertia Io Laertia Io
PrivateFount of PowerSpace Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Lief Lief
Kiber Dorn Kiber Dorn
FactionThe PrecipiceCoruscant/TythonNew Jedi Order
PrivateThere's a Song About ThisCoruscant Kyric Kyric
Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateA Very Alchemical Life DayThe Reef Darth Metus Darth Metus
Sithspawn Sanctorium
PublicHawkbat BeginsCoruscantSolo
PublicSecuring EpochEpoch Davron Feln Davron Feln
Auteme Auteme
PublicTell Your FortuneTatooine Velok Brokentusk Velok Brokentusk
PrivateAnd You Are?Coruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateApartment Life is BoringCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateDark Humor NightThe ReefSithspawn Sanctorium
PrivateCoruscant's #1 Tourist Destination, According to Some Reviewers...Coruscant Lief Lief
PrivateIt's a FigCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateSand, Meet SeaDenon Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
PrivateBetween the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaThe Reef Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
FactionBalance PointIlumNew Jedi Order
PrivateWhat the Student LearnsUnknown Planet?Asha Hex
PublicGuilt and KindnessTribunal StationPaddy Pack
PrivateTo Live and Roam FreeTribunal StationAsha Hex
PrivateWhat's the Worst That Could Happen?Tribunal Station Qae Shena Qae Shena
PrivateAngry Boys Make Some NoiseTribunal StationIdeon Taldrel
PrivateTurmoil StationTribunal Station Iris Arani Iris Arani
FactionRetributionAsog Iris Arani Iris Arani
Thalia Senn Thalia Senn
PrivateIt's Not the Jedi WaySpace Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateAfter AsogTribunal Station Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
PrivateFriends and FoesDxun Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
PrivateInvasive SpeciesCoruscant Amani Serys Amani Serys
PrivateThe Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the TreeTribunal Station Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
PrivateBecause I Could Not Stop For DeathDahrtag Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Khayyam the Alchemist
PrivateSurvivorsSpace/The Reef?Solo
FactionEye of the StormCoruscantToloth Threepwood
FactionThe Day of RevengeFoerost Jin X Jin X
DuelThe Universe Is A Pretty Gnarly Place, BroChaldea Iris Arani Iris Arani
FactionMonty Tython and the Holy CoreCoruscantClaudia Aylmer
AnnihilationShatterpointTython Surea Surea
Amani Serys Amani Serys
PrivateJust Stay Off It For a WeekSpace Iris Arani Iris Arani
PrivateNo Rest For the WearySpace Iris Arani Iris Arani
Amani Serys Amani Serys
MissionShatterpoint: ResolutionTython Amani Serys Amani Serys
Iris Arani Iris Arani
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
PrivateThe Blood is the LifeTython Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Ongoing
PrivateMonsters Wanna Talk To MeCoruscant Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
PrivateDart Guns and DamsyThe Reef Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
PrivateAnything You Could Do You Can't As Well AnymoreCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani Complete
PrivateHow To Be a JediCoruscantMaxir Vancil
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
PrivateUnder the HoodCoruscant Max Wayne Max Wayne Abandoned
PrivateDay 53Spintir Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Complete
PrivateIris and Kai's Excellent AdventureUnknown Planet Iris Arani Iris Arani Complete
PrivateCatch Up Patch UpCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
Amani Serys Amani Serys
Complete - Story Thread
PrivateAerodynamicDenon Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Canceled?
PrivateYou Know You're RightDenonSoloComplete
First ReplyOpen Door PolicyCoruscant Auteme Auteme Complete
FactionA New JourneyCoruscant Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
+ Others
PrivateWoundedCoruscant Amani Serys Amani Serys Complete
MissionA Cold WarningIlumNJOComplete
InvasionHubris of EmpiresIlum Sylus (Γ059) Sylus (Γ059) Ongoing
DuelPadawan Fight ClubCoruscant Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Various Jedi Padawans
ArenaA Jedi's DefenseProsperityJediAbandoned?
FactionCurtains DrawnChandrilaLots of peopleComplete
PrivateNever Let Me Down AgainCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani Complete
PrivateAn InterruptionCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery Noble Valery Noble
PrivateRoyal PainCoruscant Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Complete
FactionRude AwakeningCoruscant Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec + NJOComplete
FactionKnighthood of Jem and CorinCoruscantNJOOngoing
PrivateThe FoolCoruscant Iris Arani Iris Arani Complete
PrivateBehind BarsPrison Valery Noble Valery Noble Complete
PrivateVisitor #1Prison Amani Serys Amani Serys Complete
PrivateJailbirdsPrison Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Complete
PrivateVisitor #2Prison Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Complete
PrivateJust VisitingPrison Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Complete
PrivateWelcome to the VoidAzrael Asylum Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Ongoing
PrivateThe Hanged ManCoruscant Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Abandoned?
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