Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Darkness Rises; the Battle of Kintan - TSE Invasion of SJO Kintan


Location: Atop the Rubble
Objective: Stop the Dark Lord by Any Means Necessary
Allies: Silver Jedi Order
Enemies: The Sith Empire - Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Equipment: Armor | Blade | Left Arm

"A good death?" Vaulkhar's words echoed from within his helmet as he strode out from the cloud of dust and grime. Both of his sabers were gripped tight in his hands, pointed down and away from him. "A death earned in war is rarely a good death, father. Though, I couldn't imagine you or any of your cult understanding such," the mask receded and rested at the base of his skull. The Jedi master's cold, blue eyes remained locked with his father's. "It's not too late for you to turn around and leave Kintan. Tell your forces to retreat, make something up if you have to. Further death can be averted if you make a sensible decision."

Above and around them the battle raged. Explosions lit up the sky as ships from both sides of the conflict met an untimely end. Debris rained down, bringing doom to those unfortunate souls beneath them. A large enough section of the fortress had been destroyed by the Silver Jedi Order's command, leaving many trapped beneath the rubble as the Sith marched closer and closer. The command tower and those within quickly found themselves being cornered as their forces shrunk in size. The likelihood the emperor would call a retreat was zero percent. Vaulkhar knew it, but it didn't hurt to try.

"You've lived so long shrouded in the corrupting touch of the dark side, father. I fear you don't know life beyond it, but I can show you," the son took another step forward. He remained guarded if need be, but his pleading was sincere. "Return with me to Kashyyyk. You will face a trial for your many crimes and likely rot in one of their cells, but you can make amends. Together we can bring peace to the galaxy and redeem our ancient lineage. I am begging you, father lay down your arms and come with me. I don't want to do this."


"You have come so far, and yet you still have learned nothing."
The Sith Emperor gestured to the cacophony of battle around them, the visceral conflict that left both the guilty and innocence broke upon the dirt and stone. Starfighters danced overhead, some blossoming into brilliant comets before smashing into the ground in a fiery explosion while others strafed enemy positions without any consideration between combatants and the unarmed. Sith slaughtered indiscriminately, eagerly obeying their marching orders from the Dark Lord, while the Jedi were pushed to ever desperate measures to slow their advance.
"Can you feel it, my son? The Dark Side closing in all around you. The sins of war exacerbate its gluttony, the souls of the countless dead heaped upon the scales of balance." The Emperor breathed in deeply, "With every battle, with every death... The Dark Side grows stronger, and the Light grows ever dimmer!" Suddenly the ground beneath the Emperor buckled as he pressed forward off of his back foot, the Force lending his form speed as he rushed to close the distance between him and his son. Both lightsabers lashed out, each striking from opposite sides to try and bisect Vaulkhar in half.
"And your death will fuel the Sith's triumph!"

K O R _ V E X E N

| Location | New Kalandra, Kintan
| Objective | ...
Vexen simply gazed on as the Jedi offered no response; good, perhaps there were Jedi who were not all talk. As of this moment, in this duel, there was only the two of them, and this is what Vexen relished the most - the intimacy of it all and the thrill in not only in the outcome that a worthy opponent would fall by his hand, but the possibility that maybe a worthy enough adversary might end up besting him. Titles and morals did not matter - light or dark, Jedi or Sith, none of it mattered to the Anzati; it was merely a battle for survival and superiority.
The Anzati would raise his saber off from the ground as the Jedi before him seemed to be the one preparing for the first strike, flourishing it as the man started to run at him. He shifted his stance slightly as he raised his saber to block the attack when the Jedi Master brought down a heavy swing as he was leaping in the air. The armor that Vexen wore gave him great physical strength as he was able to block the attack with only one hand, slightly bending it to let the weight of the attack push down a bit before acting as a springboard as he would push the Jedi away.
Vexen expected the Jedi to use their superior agility and mobility to do their best to dance around the armored warrior - a sound tactic. Vexen merely needed to put the man on the defensive with superior strength to prevent them from fully utilizing their speed as an advantage. That was not to say that Vexen couldn't keep up with the Jedi as wide, vicious swings would keep the Jedi on the move and constantly dodging while he continued to move to prevent the Jedi from getting a clear opening to strike at, though the testing blows that Morga would be able to land would find themselves glancing off the Phrik plating of his armor. Vexen too was watching his opponent, studying their mannerisms and movement as he slowly began to adapt to his opponent.
A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: New Kalandra, In the streets.
Allies: N/A
Enemies: Darth Bellum Darth Bellum

The Phrik that Wyatt’s lightsaber faced was well forged, stopping his flurry with impunity. No strike passed through - much to his dismay. He had an idea however - striking the flexible portions, back of the knee, crook of the elbow, even the neck - all places that would be far more susceptible to a strike than a shin, or chestplate. Yet, his plan would have to wait -​
A heavy strike came downwards on Wyatt that forced the air from his lungs. His blade deflected it, but he could feel the weight of the strike - Physical, as the Sith often focused on. Wyatt grunted as he freed himself from the strike, letting the momentum of it give him a momentary chance to spin and strike his blade at the back of Kor’s knee.​
It would be all that he could manage however - following it with a push that separated them once more; moving to catch his breath despite it all. He’d already taken down one Sith Lord that day, but what was a Battle Master if he didn’t make it two? Wyatt smiled, minute exhaustion evident on his expression;​
Why do you Sith focus so much on physical strength?”, he said as he sucked in a breath, keeping his guard at the ready.​
Location: Kh'aris Fortress - The breach
Objective: Defend the breach, engaged with Lirka Ka Lirka Ka
Callsign: Icarus-1-1
Personal Assets: Icarus Platoon, first squad

12 x Ranger Special Forces

Allies: SJO, Valkren Calderon Valkren Calderon , Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , Kat Decoria Kat Decoria , Niklasz Tassik Niklasz Tassik , Jerek Morrows Jerek Morrows , Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde
Sith, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Fiolette Raaf , Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano , Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

Armor: Accelerated Infantry Power Suit
Primary Weapon: OS-115 "Bonesplitter" Heavy Assault Rifle (chest rig)
Secondary Weapons:
Misc Gear:

The creature’s first strike hit Beltran mid-torso. Flames shot out as the blade made contact with the reinforced durasteel plating that covered the Lorrdian. The armor, which was already compromised in that section, buckled inward and a new pain shot through him as a piece of it pierced his flesh. The pain, coupled with the strength of the blow was enough to force him to his knees, but it did nothing to quell his rage.

“I’m going to do more than scratch you,” He replied, his voice dark. It seemed a quiet tone, and yet somehow it was able to be heard above the din of battle. Unlike his normal inflection, this one that carried such malice in it that it almost seemed to be coming from another kind of being entirely. “I’m going to rip your face of with my teeth, then I’m going to crack open your skull and dine on your nightmares.”

As the fearsome creature lashed forward to hammer him with another blow, Beltran raised his off hand and activated his energy shield. Sparks and flame flared as the weapon was met with energy and the two opposing forces battle one another. His power-frame whirred hard, struggling against the strength of her blows, but after a moment allowed him to come to his feet.

From behind him, not-Beltran, heard Valkren Calderon Valkren Calderon 's voice call out, telling him to move out of the way. Ducking under one of the beast’s swings, not-Beltran took two steps forward, turned in his new position behind her. He didn’t bother with the sword, but instead raised his power-armored foot and kicked out hard. His intent was to connect with the beast’s backside, the force of which he hoped would cause her to stumble forward-directly into the Rangers’ combined blaster fire.
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K O R _ V E X E N

| Location | New Kalandra, Kintan
| Objective | ...
Vexen's crimson blade clashed with the blue of Wyatt's, a heavy swing coming down at the Jedi as they managed to deflect it off to the side, watching as Wyatt used the momentum to spin and swing at the rear of his knees. Vexen would dig his boots into the ground as he turned his body and legs to prevent the joint from taking a full blow as the superheated blade glanced off the reinforced duraplast exoskeleton. Vexen would be ready to backhand Wyatt as they were in close proximity, only to find the Force slowly push him away.
Vexen regained his composure as he stood at his full height, the deep thrum of his saber as it was held off to his side. Vexen having been on the ground for far less time than Morga was barely even phased or close to exhaustion in a stark contrast to the Jedi Master who had been doing his best to fend off their assault as well as having bested a Sith Lord before. As well as the Jedi may have tried to hide this fact, Vexen spotted such minute details with ease in prey. It would only be a matter of time if it came to a battle of stamina.
When the Jedi Master retorted with a comment about how Sith seemed to focus on physical strength so much, Vexen merely remained silent. It was merely adaptation and evolution that Vexen became as physically powerful as he was, even if he was not wearing his armor - but this also extended to his resolve and mind. He did not bother to answer such a shallow and dry question because asking such a question simply meant that their scope of things was far too narrow.
The fingers of Vexen's free hand would twitch slightly as an invisible hand seemed to reach out to the surroundings, taking hold of the black smoke from burning buildings and vehicles to carpet the space between Vexen and Wyatt, partially obscuring line of sight. Perhaps the Jedi might have to be a bit more cautious about the breaths he took. Vexen would begin to step towards Wyatt as his crimson blade carved and cut through the black smoke as he made a diagonal and upwards swing at the Jedi once he was close enough to do so.

Location: New Kalandra
Allies: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
Enemies: Darth Voyance
Equipment: Jedi Armor | Aspis Shield | Lightsaber

Having arrived within the city of New Kalandra with Master Morga, Lanik had set off to do as the other Jedi commanded. His goal was to evacuate the citizens as quickly as he could. The more Lanik looked around though the less likely he thought their chances of saving many civilians would be. Embers rose up from numerous portions of the city, overhead starfighters and Sith shuttles lowered to the city. Barely visible black specs spewing jets of flame could be seen transversing the city.

With the tendons in his heel having stitched itself back together Lanik had no issue sprinting through the alleys and streets of New Kalandra but no matter where he looked all he found was more slaughter. Piles of bodies were stacked upon one another akin to funeral pyres. One specific portion of the city having been completely leveled. There was nothing but rubble, and gore that painted the ground.

Springing unbidden to the surface of his mind, Lanik felt the echoes of a family’s final moments. A father hugging two children close to his chest. Crying over them, praying, begging for a savior and none had come. Pinching the bridge of his nose Lanik kneeled there in the rubble. The explosive ringing of artillery going off leaving his ears ringing and the ground beneath his feet shaking.

Looking up he saw a group of figures in armor that nearly blended into the shadows. The white and red colors that highlighted their armor the only giveaway. Two of them stood side by side and between them a group of children. Flying above were two others their rifles raising to target the Jedi. Red laser sights landed upon the kneeling Jedi’s figure.

Aqua eyes looking over to the Sith Dragoons and Nightseers, Lanik moved in an instant. Springing to his feet the Jedi rushed them. Blaster bolts reflected back at the troopers only to disperse harmlessly across shields. Fek

“Get down!” Lanik yelled at the children as he finished crossing the distance between the two grounded Dragoons the shield on his right arm shining evanescently in the light from a nearby plume of flame. Knee coming up it caught the first soldier in the chin with enough force to knock their head back. The same leg then extending into an empowered kick that flung them over the captive children’s heads and to the ground.

Coming know from the kneeing strike Lanik spun the shield coming around and bashing the second soldier’s blaster away sending an array of red energy darts off course. Continuing the spin the shield launched off his forearm, where it whistled through the air slamming into the head of the first nightseer, bouncing off it to the second before making a return trip to Lanik’s arm.

By the time the shield slotted itself back into place, the final Dragoon was floored also unconscious. Glancing down to the children Lanik reached down to them. “Come on, come with me. We have to get to the spaceport.” The children shrinking away from his touch, fear evident in their eyes.

The oldest of the group perhaps no older than eleven standard years old stood in front of the others, arms spread, tears retreating down their cheeks. The pain and fear apparent, yet also a seething rage was also there. “No, you don’t care about us. You bombed our homes, they said they’d keep us safe!”

Head jerking back as if slapped, a look of utter bewilderment crossed the padawan’s face. Just what had the children been told? “Where were they taking you?”

The child stood silent now, unwilling, unbending. “Please, I’m not one of the bad ones. I want to help.”
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Location: Wall Breach
Objective: Rip and Tear
Allies: TSE
Enemies: SJO, Valkren Calderon Valkren Calderon , Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Lirka's bravado surged, the first blow had been landed. The mortal weakling before her suffered just as she had suffered those years ago, it rarely mattered how thick the armor was once an energy blade got involved. And she had learned that lesson many times before, and would learn it in the times to come. Her form knew no mercy, it was one blow after another, liquid strikes that flowed into each other: combat was her art. But her enjoyment was obvious, even with the emotionless nature of her armor.

"Such hatred. You would make a good Imperial."

There was no better battle than one against a raging beast, and she had every intention to egg this mortal on until he go sloppy, and it would only take one slip up for the Sephi to capitalize it. Rend another slash in the armor, when the time came. The rage, a thing she had come to know all too well: in fact he reminded her of herself after the rebirth. It was amusing, grossly so. Two brick walls, two forces of nature slamming against each other. It was beautiful, in it's own way.

But he broke the mold, and took her by surprise. He got what he wanted, and Lirka stumbled forward, unprepared for the sudden strike. And was met with a flurry of blaster fire scorching across her plate, it held, for a time. But even the might of Duranium could only take so much, it seemed like hope burned bright today.

But hope was a falsehood. The first step on the road to disappointment. Lirka was something beyond mortal men, she was ascendant life. The perfection of the Sephi spliced and diced with so many other species, she was a vicious chimera. Her hate burned bright, her mission could not fail, she wouldn't allow it. Death would not claim her till she stood as Queen. And she did just that, Lirka had fallen to her knee, the ribbon that had been adorned on her armor scorched and burned, holes sprinkled across it's form. The smell of burned flesh filled the immediate vicinity. But she had survived worse. And she rose from her knee, a throaty and half gurgling half came from the helmet. The flesh beneath slowly knitting itself back together.

"I am beyond you."

She rolled her shoulders, a crack coming from somewhere within. Anger pulsated off, it was a pure thing. A refined hatred of a being that has allowed it to marinate her being for longer than most humans would be alive. And she let them know, they would know the quest that kept her alive throughout any trial.

"Thustra will stand free. Your pathetic lot took my world, stole my birthright. Like the Mandalorians before. And you will burn, you will all burn. I am Queen! The true ruler of Thustra!"

She prowled now, the slightest interlude before the fighting would begin again. Gods above, were all Sephi this melodramatic?

"And I will slaughter every piece of worthless trash who aligns themselves with the Jedi Conquerors until Thustra is where it belongs. You can not stop me. The Force itself couldn't stop me."

It was a heartless notion, the zealotry of a Lost-Queen.


It was a swirling maelstrom surrounding the Lord of Lies, a choking smog that heavies the air and almost made it hard to breathe in the area he stood in. It was as if one had dived too deep into the depths of the ocean and the waters pressure was bearing down on every single bone. The rampage of the Shadow Hand was indescribable violence, carnage that defied comparison as he butchered everything that moved. They were never swift deaths no that would be a peace, they would die screaming. In his wake the air was filled with cries of agony like some sort of macabre symphony, the darkness rolling off of his form tainting the very earth it touched as the giant moved and drowned everything in wrath.
The Dark Titan's molten eyes screamed anger a snarl of unbridled fury on its face so deep, dark infused fire danced like cackling flames from his open maw. It was a rage so deep to simply feel a fragment of it would cause even the strongest willed to fall victim to a mindless berserk rage. Every footfall caused the ground to shake almost as if the environment around him rumbled in anticipation of what the Destroyer would do next.

The Mountain stopped in front of a substantial pile of rubble and with the casual gesture of his hand ripped a large chunk of the earth out and scattered it to the wind, revealing the trapped and buried Padawan learners within. The massive giants growled his voice a deep, otherworldly baritone that seemed to vibrate through the very stone as he stared holes through them. "Children playing with fire you are in my world now." He said moving towards them. "You are nothing but victims in my world. To label you Jedi would be to give you too much importance but know for your adherence to a failed religion you will all die screaming." The Shadow Hand said as he unleashed a devastating blast of crimson lightning, enough to char skin over the group.

"It is not bravery it is an insult to stand on a battleground you do not belong in. When I have deemed your suffering at an end I will release you from your mortal coils, and I will reach out and grasp your souls, and deny you the peace of the netherworld for your sins."
A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: New Kalandra, In the streets.
Allies: N/A
Enemies: Darth Bellum Darth Bellum

Luckily for Wyatt, his eyes didn’t move fast enough for the sake of lightsaber combat - and as such, he never really relied on them when it came to combat. The smoke would work against the Sith Lord, allowing him a moment of respite as he approached with his blade - only for it to swing into nothing. The Jedi was gone, despite a small afterimage of him that remained -​
Only for one of the speeders nearby to fly out of the smoke and slam in the spot that Kor was. Wyatt took no chances, and rushed through the darkness - sliding across the ground with yet another strike to the back of the knees; taking advantage of the speed he was offered against the far larger, far more immobile Sith.​
In the next moment - he was gone, using the Force to drag more of the smoke down, to make it ever more dense as he moved his presence about it. When Kor would feel him begin to attack, there would be nothing but smoke - and when he thought nothing, then he would come. Kor might’ve had far more stamina, but Wyatt could set the pace in the darkness -​
And he could keep this up, if he needed.​

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.

Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

The world had come unglued around them. With order disrupted and suspended, the chaos set in and robbed even Jedi of their wits. Conflict was the weapon of the dark side of the Force. War was a tool of the Sith. He cautioned them to find their peace, and short of that, their objective was to assure that life goes on. A Jedi wasn't a necessary part of the final product, but they often played a role in the equation of getting there.

It wasn't theirs to survive, or even to be victorious.

But for today, those Younglings gathered beneath ruin were not destined for death. The Shadow erupted from the hallway without announcing himself. Words were for situations that were not already crumbled and deteriorated. Action became necessary after the curtain had already fallen.

Night had fallen over Kh'aris. Not true night, but something far darker through which the other side was not visible. The Sith bore down on a weaker being, one he did not believe deserved to live.

But the Jedi had not made this a battleground. The children did not choose to be here. These people were forced against their will to become victims.

That would not stand.

Crimson light flashed brilliant and sinister across the world, and Prazutis the giant behind it glowered down at his chosen prey.

A flash of gilded light gave answer. The electrical energy arced and danced across the surface of superheated plasma and roiled, hissed, cracked, and screamed in displeasure. Behind that light, the calm features of the Jedi breathed out gently.

The storm of darkness buffeted him. Like waves against the rocky shore, the Shadow Hand's efforts crashed. And they went no further.

He had not looked up toward the creature of Darkness. Jerek could feel him, overwhelming, like the maw of a massive beast opening as it came crashing down. In its face, there was nothing.

To let go of...

His face drained of expression, while his mind filled with purpose.

...everything you fear to lose...

"Take the others," he calmly spoke down to the Padawans.

"And go."


Location: City streets
Objective: Supporting Sergeant Karina Lowe and H Company
Allies: Darth Bellum Darth Bellum | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Darth Voyance | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Lark Lark | Keva Keva | Felix Astermo Felix Astermo | LT-137 LT-137
Partner: Karina Lowe
Enemies: Elise & SJO
Post: 5

Much to his disappointment, Sergeant Lowe accepted his offer of assistance, adding that her H Company recon element was short staffed. It took a lot of self-control for Aerarii to not groan in disappointment. Acutely aware the four Legionaries accompanying him were waiting for orders, he did his best to feint confidence. “We’ll be with you shortly Sergeant. Err, hold tight until then..?”

He nodded to the Corporal who was stationed at the Repulsortank’s controls. “Bring us up slowly, let’s see if we can do this without anyone losing their head.” He armoured war machine began to advance slowly down the street, it's two gunners scanning for targets of opportunity. “Except for the Jedi, feel free to dispose of theirs.”

The sight that greeted them as they rounded the final corner was not what the bureaucrat had been expecting. Rather than a marauding mob of Jedi and blaster bearing soldiers, the Repulsortank was met by a pack of frightened civilians and a lone Jedi. Optimism began to swell in the Treasurer-General. Maybe there was still a chance that he could walk away from his in one piece.

“Hold! Hold fire! Stay back and don’t shoot without my command.” Aerarii bolted out of the command cabin and toward the disembarkment ramp, his Legionnaire crew calling after him for further orders.

He stepped out onto the street, being sure to keep his hands open at his sides to show he was unarmed. “I think we should all listen to the Sergeant here.” He slowly stepped toward the cowering civilians and the lone Jedi, who thankfully didn’t have her lightsaber out. That was a good sign.

“Kintan is blockaded, the last thing you want to do is trying to blast your way out of here.” Slowly, Aerarii unclipped his helmet and removed it in a sign of good faith. He directed his attention to the civilians. “Sith Lords are descending on the city as he speak. The arena is a safe space - come with us, and we promise that no harm will come to you.”

His eyes darted back to the Jedi. While he was a master orator, her mastery of the Force put her at a significant advantage. The Sith Imperial Banking Clan official did his best to concentrate on the matters at hand, hoping it would blunt her ability to read his mind and manipulate his thoughts, though doubting it would make any difference.
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Location: Streets of Kahsjkahsjdh (spelling?)
Objective: Evac civilians

The streets were littered with chaos. It buffered against Elise's mind, riddled her senses. She took a deep breath and gave a civilian a tight smile, gesturing they press themselves back against the wall she had guided them to.

SJO had done what it could to remove civilians from the war zone before the arrival of the sith; the evac area remained bustling with civilians waiting desperately for their turn on a ship out. A temporary shield generator would grant them a small respite over orbital attacks, but it would do them no good if they couldn't reach there first. She had spent hours herding families out, but even now Elise was still picking up stragglers through the desolate street. A group of 20 followed behind her like lost little ducklings. She needed to get them to the evac shuttles without any casualties, but up ahead she could feel the presence of sith soldiers pressing deeper in.

She peered over the corner of a wall, observing the group of eight. Karina Lowe

Behind her, a baby cried. The group of haggard men and woman all tensed, their eyes wide and wild as they turned on the mother swaddling a bloodstained bundle.

"SHHHH," urged one man.

Elise glanced backwards, her expression pinching as she raised a hand. With a tug of the force, she urged the infant back into a deep, blissful sleep.

It fell silent, its eyes growing heavy. Every civilian stared at the tiring thing with palatable fear. The tension in the group slowly dispersed as the babe fell into a peaceful sleep.

The mother's eyes caught hers, tearful and appreciative.

Elise nodded.

"We must keep moving. On my leave, you will run across the street and don't look back. You know where the shuttle pad is?" She asked a younger man in blue. He nodded, fear lines pinched around his mouth.

"Good. You will keep guiding them," She told him, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. He swallowed hard, his posture straightening. She smiled in approval, turning to address them all.

"Are you ready?"

Nick Dragovalor Nick Dragovalor


The name alone made a pit of bile begin to erupt in his stomach. Their invasion of a Silver Jedi Order planet meant there would likely be a great deal of them. While he owed the SJO a debt of gratitude... He was not here for them, exactly. No... All he saw was opportunity. A chance to make them suffer. A chance to hurt them, a chance to hunt them. A chance to wipe out as many as possible. The thought stirred a rare emotion from him - excitement. They would be out in the open, easy targets... Easy prey.

This was what he had done it all for. Re-awakening his prowess as a hunter, this whole profession was nothing but practice for a day like this. A day where the Sith showed themselves out in the open to destroy more lives.

He was going to enjoy this.

The woman that had assisted him in taking down a mark previously had tipped him to this battle, for her own business benefit no doubt. He didn't blame her for that. He just wanted to hunt the Sith, he didn't care how.

The cloaked bounty hunter didn't respond to her speech. He would follow where led, so long as wherever she was leading led to the Sith.
Objective: Assault Fortress Kh'aris from beneath.
Destroy Geothermal Power Shaft
Location: Fenn’s Cavern.
Tags: Acaadi Acaadi Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Jerek Morrows Jerek Morrows Kat Decoria Kat Decoria Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Lirka Ka Lirka Ka BobertEZ BobertEZ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Valkren Calderon Valkren Calderon

Shoulder to shoulder the troopers lined up, all ten of them with Tekkio at the far left. Next to him was the female Legionnaire officer. There was a familiar beeping of a detonator in one of the troopers hands, his finger on the trigger. The troopers finished their lining and was waiting. Although they could not see the power shaft, they would definitely be able to see the explosion. The still black furred Kushiban had ears perked, hand paws behind his back and was staring forward patiently.

The troopers was more or less ready for what would come next, specifically if the explosion would be too much for the cavern to handle. The soldier holding the detonator held it up. "I knew I would have fun with you guys..." The soldier holding the detonator said. It was his first mission with the special forces. "... I just didn't think I would have... a blast." There was a long pause between his words and a even longer silence. Sith trooper helmets slowly turned to face at him. Tekkio's ears glided down. He looked to the side as if looking towards his ear, unsure what he just heard over comms.

"Really man." One trooper said relaxing his attention pose and dropping his gun to his side. "The coolest mission I've ever been on, and you ruined it with one sentence."

"Sorry, I was under preassure. It sounded cooler in my head, and I had to say something."

"No you didn't. It would have been a lot better if you'd just press the button. You know what, give it, you lost you're explosive privileges."

"Common man, one liner moments are far and few. Hey, no I'll do it, and I swear I have something cooler to say."

Tekkio had one arm crossed his chest, the other had his handpaw resting on his face. The female officer noticed Tekkio's posture. "Hey!" She yelled, cause the two to pause. "If you two are quite finished. We have a mission to complete!" The soldiers snapped back to attention and the one holding the detonator pressed the button. A split second later the explosives along the power shaft exploded, lighting up the far side of the cavern and shaking it in the process.

Tekkio took his hand off his face and put it to his comms. "This is Lieutenant Tekkio to General Zambrano. Ma'am we've taken out a power shaft, if we can get confirmation from the surface that it was enough to take out the shield generator, our mission will be complete." Tekkio turned to his soldiers. "We're heading out to the surface."

Tekkio turned and started running in the still rumbling tunnel, ignoring all dirt that fell on his uniform. His soldiers followed closely. A few of them running ahead.

Location: Take a dusty guess.
Tags: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Tekkio Tekkio Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis BobertEZ BobertEZ
The destruction of the power shaft fell muted on Cara's ears, but the sudden violent rumbling of stone didn't go unnoticed. The legionnaires around her pressed on with only two exchanging glances to question what had just transpired. Their pattern of warfare continued as they leapt over crevices, slid down rocky outcrops, and rounded cavernous corners to find pockets of Kintan 6th Infantry or SJO troops. The company of the eight legionnaires grew on Cara, and the idea of fighting with such a squad as backup had been weighed as efficient. She put aside her usual self-serving style of combat, fully embracing her role as the bulwark for the Empire's soldiers. As the mobile shield of the legionnaires she took the brunt of any blaster fire, allowing the soldiers to maneuver the rocky terrain to achieve a better offensive. Even she, the devoted pugilist, had unclipped the unused concussion rifle to remove those who fought outside the range of metal fists. Such a difference in strategy felt refreshing.

Something new had lit up the subterranean battle, however. The sudden surge of independent electronic signatures meant only one thing: droids. Cara paused in the midst of another skirmish with the yellow-wrapped infantry, lowering her rifle and staring toward the direction of mechanical activity. The enemy trooper pinned beneath her boot glared with a face of fear and curiosity; what was so important that he dropped from her attention like a hot tuber? She stepped away, the idea of droids posing a potential of setback.

Over comms she relayed the news to the Sith Lord and to the furry lieutenant, "Dorniarn reporting, we've got clankers in-bound. Varieties unknowm. Suggest utmost caution, over." The legionnaires, finished with their targets, regrouped to evaluate the gear between them. Cara interfaced with the ID10 who stayed near their Rumbler. She wanted details, quick and thorough. The trooper behind her and the squad had crawled away before getting up to his knees. A dry clicking and soft whir prompted him to look back. The concussion rifle didn't leave a pretty sight.
Objective: Assault Fortress Kh’aris from beneath.
Location: Fenn’s Cavern.
Tags: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex BobertEZ BobertEZ Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Tekkio Tekkio Lirka Ka Lirka Ka | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Jerek Morrows Jerek Morrows Kat Decoria Kat Decoria Acaadi Acaadi Valkren Calderon Valkren Calderon

Yellow-clad bodies dropped, smoking and charred by the lightning, which still left arcs crackling between her armoured fingers. The messages ticking into her helmet were barely audible as she held open the curtain of rage. She could hear the heavy thumps of the explosions in the geothermal shaft, and she was confident that the sabotage experts the lieutenant had brought knew what they were doing.

Copy that, good work Lieutenant. Proceed to surface for confirmation, but keep in touch.” The force pricked her on her right side. “We may need to call upon you again before the battle has ended.

She veered out of the path of heavy fire, her armour banging up against the back of a wall. It was an unfavourable position to be in. She could not move forward, nor back, and the sides were getting rather crowded. Furthermore, she had orders to give. Joycelyn plucked a grenade from her harness. She closed her eyes and focused, stoking the fire inside her, then threw. The grenade made a spin as it sailed through the air. One of the nikto sought to catch it to throw it back, but upon impact it detonated.

Shrapnel tore through cloth and flesh, while the blast itself shook loose new stones and crushed bone under the weight of armour.

Joycelyn sprang out. Vey, Vexa, and Aese followed her motion from their own hiding spot, laying down crossfire. Twanst sat leaned up against the cavern wall in one of the nooks, pressing down on a wound in his abdomen while one of the medics rummaged in their pack for the right equipment. Joycelyn gestured for the remaining three to follow her and cover her back.

Dornian’s voice ticked in next: Clankers in-bound.

I need some Rumblers to start clearing that surface path, now.” A new volley of fire cracked against the wall next to her, some scattering against her armour and knocking her shoulder back. “Enemy droids in-bound, we are going to need to shore up our entry point..” Vexa jumped in to return fire while Aese loaded Vey’s grenade launcher.

Joycelyn surveyed the morphology of the cavern and the two bigger mouths splitting off it. The cavern narrowed and widened at several points, and one in particular showed large cracks running through the ceiling from the previous bombardments and the collapse of the bastion above.

Dornian, we need to make a choke point on the south-eastern side.” “Look up. See the cracks?

Vey raised the grenade launcher and squeezed. The missile shot off through the air and impacted with one of the new fault lines from the previous bombardment of the fortress. Large chunks of rock loosened and crashed down. What was compact above would then naturally loosen as well and follow suit. The tumbling rocks created new cover and narrowed the points to create chokeholds

The burrowing sithspawn did not care about the rocks as they climbed over and around, or etched and scratched their way. Wherever one looked, Festerers were tearing yellow suits apart or swarming over the odd kintan strider. One of the striders Joycelyn could see had a blighter sitting on its head, planting a brain worm. While a rupturer rolled up and bee-lined for a squad of kintan soldiers, only to be torn apart by slugs and spill its caustic matter all over the ground.

While the battle pressed on, the reserve troops of sithspawn and legionnaires dug their way through the tunnels, opening those who had collapsed and widening those who stayed stable to facilitate greater numbers and larger beasts, like the Ravagers and Natasizi-tatek. By the orders of their master, small swarm of Poisoners came their way as well, filtering in from the cracks above.
Location: Space
Enemies: The Sith Empire & Co. | Murao | Viktor Goetz Viktor Goetz | Darth Athora Darth Athora
Allies: Silver Jedi & Friends | Kiso Kiso | Mig Gred Mig Gred
Objective: Strafe some ships
Ship: J-1

Cutting through the heart of the Sith fleet proved to be surprisingly easy. With the speed and maneuverability of the J-1 there were few fighters on the field of battle that could keep up with him, and it seemed that most of the attention sat on the main Jedi forces as well as a set of Mandalorian ships that had entered the frey.

Feln had only met a Mandalorian twice before, and both times had been rather...well, it hadn't exactly been pleasant. Yet it seemed the vessels were fighting the Sith, and that was good enough for him.

Another fighter exploded in a cloud of fire and rubble in the space around him, his eyes quickly darting to the sensors Lips thinned, and then he cut his ship to the left. There he spotted a squadron of bombers, all of them Mandalorian. They moved through the the battle, heading towards the Sith's own flagship while fighters caught their tail.

Feln reached up, quickly flicking over his comm. "Mandalorian's, this is...well...doens't matter. I got your six."

He cursed himself for not thinking of a callsign earlier, but quickly grabbed his controls and pushed them forward. Within just a few seconds he flew in behind the Mandalorian Bombers, his lasers firing in a quick burst as he rid his newfound allies of their Sith attackers.

Then they shot forward, Cenric protecting the other vessels as they moved towards the Legator II.
Objective: Stop Tacitus and his forces
Allies: SJO and allies
Enemies: Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe | TSE and allies
Equipment: Ranger Armour, Bow, Force Resistant Arrows, Explosive Arrows
Forces: 5x Elite Rescue Rangers, 30x Rescue Rangers, 10x Jedi NPCs

Holding his bow tightly, Yuroic breathed out slowly as more Sith forces poured out and fired upon the Rangers with Yuroic and the other Jedi. He fired several more explosive arrows at the machine, then focused on firing arrows at the soldiers blowing them up and shooting several force resistant arrows as well when he heard the shouting. Some crazy Sith had this idea that the Jedi were criminals and worms. It was funny to Yuroic since they were the ones attacking civilians and committing other crimes against innocent lives right now and in the past. A challenge was set for him as he placed his bow on his back, he could sense the Dark Side and the power of this Sith Lord. It was not going to be an easy fight for Yuroic, igniting the Lightsabers, he blocked the lightning and moved forward.​

"So, attacking a planet of innocent people is not a crime?" Yuroic asked as he kept the lightning from striking him. "I just need to know where the line is on what you think is vile and wretched actions. It just seems that you are a little confused on the matter, the Sith are the bad guys, they kill people. The Jedi are good guys, they help people. Maybe you want to help us?" Yuroic taunted as twirled his Lightsabers ready to fight the Sith. "This war isn't something that the Jedi want but the Sith Empire is too dangerous, it is killing people and brought war to innocent worlds." Yuroic argued, perhaps he could turn this man from the dark path he was on.​
Location: Fort Rubble
Object: Survive Praz, save a friend

The girls stiffened in each other’s arms, their murmured reassurances cut off into gasp. A whole side of the rubble-built cave tore away, a massive chunk of fortress’s wall flung through the air as if it were nothing more than a pebble. Light spilled into the space, illuminating the two fear-struck padawans.

There were no words for what Kyra felt as she gaped up at the sith looming over her. Her unshielded psyche shied back against the darkness that had engulfed the area. The sensation crept up her skin, standing her hair on end and chilling her to her core. Her breath fell short and hard to catch, the darkness ominous. Suffocating. Even her thoughts slowed to a trickle, pure terror shooting through her form.

She had felt the dark side once before. On a slaver ship. She had nearly died that day, but she hadn’t ... because she had given into it.

All her months spent conflicted over that moment felt pointless. Yurioc had been right all along. She wasn’t dark. This was dark.

Though understanding, there is peace.

The cheesy phrase finally made sense to her. Funny how experience could drive lessons home stronger than any training room. Steel entered Kyra’s frame as Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis raised his hands to them. The darkness battered against her mind; his cruel words were meant to scare her, but she refused to bend. She was light. The dark energy surged. Kyra braced for the inevitable, her force shield erupting back over the two.

It was met with no resistance, wind buffeting over her instead.

Kyra opened her eyes in shock. When had she closed them? It didn’t matter. Jerek Morrows Jerek Morrows stood over them, catching the sith’s energy blast with his saber in hand. She gaped, dread dropping in her stomach. “No,” she breathed to him, fear for his life sparking.

“Peace.” came Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. ’s voice, breaking into her mind through their force bond. “Find peace, I’m coming.”

Hope sparked in Kyras chest. If not for her own life, then Kat’s. Her friend was still trapped under a bolder that had fallen on them, one of her metal legs pinned down beneath it. She released Kat, shoving herself up and adopting a stance. She reached within herself. The bolder quaked for a moment, but it wasn’t enough. Just like In the slaver ship... fear sparked, only this time she chose differently.

“Kat,” she gritted, her attempt in the bolder not ceasing. “Help me!”
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Objective: Kill a monster
Tags: Felix Astermo Felix Astermo
Taozi growled as the monster before her began to speak, his voice grating to her ears. It's accent sounded like claws on metal. All that mattered to her now though was the adrenaline coursing through her veins, and the thrill of ending the life of a Sith before it could hurt anyone else.

"Because unlike you, I'm not a monster. Life is priceless, and beautiful, but you Manda damned Sith never seem to think like that... And that makes you all monsters to be slaughtered like livestock."

Taozi barely dodged the rubble as pure hatred dripped from her voice. She raised the trayc'kad to parry the vibrosword as it launched itself towards her. If she were successful, she aimed to also twist the blade out of the soldier's hand.

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