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Approved Tech The Sith Emperor's Lightsabers - Kotsnwûl & Woljirtyûk (To Break Peace & Obedience Through Strength)

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  • Intent: To create a new pair of Lightsabers for the Sith Emperor
  • Image Source: Click - Mike Nykiel
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions:
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Lightsabers
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Dual-Phase Setting: The Emperor's lightsabers feature not one, but two focusing crystals that could be used to adjust the length of the plasma blades from two meters to three meters whenever the wielder so desired. This was often used to un-balance enemies by shifting the blade length periodically.
  • VT-Disruptor Lens: A specialized lens inside of the lightsabers charged the plasma blade in such a manner that enabled it to cut through the typically lightsaber-invulnerable Yuuzhan Vong bio-organic weapons and armor just like it would through standard material.
  • Bifurcating Cyclical-ignition Pulse: The bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse utilized a dual-crystal process within the hilt that allowed his blades to continuously work while submerged.
  • Obsidian Crystal: Carved from an immense Dark Side shrine found on a forgotten Sith world in the Unknown Regions, the crystal inside Kotsnwûl is a jagged shard of obsidian infused with the Dark Side of the Force. Though glossy black in appearance, when placed inside the lightsaber it produces a scarlet plasma blade.
  • Tainted Nightsister Crystal: Created by the Nightsisters of Dathomir, the kyber crystal inside Woljirtyûk was suffused with the magical ichor of the witch-world and thus produced a sickly green plasma blade wreathed in acrid green smog.
  • Versatility: Though large in any other hands, the lightsabers sit perfectly in the Emperor's grip as they were designed specifically for him. By his own design schematics, the lightsabers could be used in virtually every environment across the galaxy; from the vacuum of space to the crushing depths of the ocean floor, and everything in between. A dial on both lightsaber's hilt could adjust the length between two settings, and a special focusing lens enabled the plasma blade to cut through Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology.
  • Reach: The Emperor's lightsabers are larger than the weapons typically employed by the Jedi and the Sith, perfectly suited for a man of his stature. The length of both plasma blades had been elongated to two meters, with an optional extension to three meters with the dual-phase dial, and can reach farther than the blades of the Emperor's typical opponents.
  • Size: Designed to fit perfectly in the Sith Emperor's gargantuan hands, these particular lightsabers are particularly unwieldy in the hands of a smaller being. Though either could be wielded two-handed by those smaller than the Emperor, who can wield both effortlessly in either hand, the weight of the metal that went into their construction was more of a hindrance than anything else.
  • Cortosis: Both lightsabers have zero countermeasures to prevent being deactivated when coming into contact by cortosis, and thus are still vulnerable to enemies armed with such material.

The man known as the Sith Emperor has used many weapons over the decades, particularly many different styles and models of lightsabers in almost every conceivable design. But, following the loss of his last lightsaber on Mandalore, the Emperor has decided to return to his traditionalist roots. In the forges of Bastion, the Emperor toiled over the creation of perhaps his darkest lightsaber. Into this weapon, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. From the depths of the Unknown Regions, he plucked a jagged sliver of obsidian from a long-forgotten Sith shrine and concealed it inside a hilt fashioned from rough cerakote. Though the crystal was as black as the void of space, the blade it produced shone like freshly spilled blood.
Dubbed Kotsnwûl, To Break Peace in ur-Kittât, the weapon would come to serve as the Emperor's chief arbiter of war. Never leaving his side, the Emperor used the weapon to great effect in quashing the bellicose that stood defiant against his Empire, both within and without.
Sometime after, the Emperor traveled to the witch-world of Dathomir to commune with the elder matriarchs. After the meeting, they gifted the Sith Emperor with a kyber crystal drenched in the magical ichor of the planet. Thoroughly stained with the power of the Nightsisters, the Emperor fashioned an identical lightsaber hilt to place it inside of. Dubbed Woljirtyûk, obedience through strength in ur-Kittât, this lightsaber instead created a sickly green plasma blade which boiled with acrid smog pouring off of the weapon in thick clouds.
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