Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lanik Dawnstar, Jedi Knight


  • 71A0vqS.png

  • Trial of the Exile

    What does it mean to be a Jedi? What is it that a Jedi truly does? After Mirial, Lanik could never find an answer to these questions. At one point he was a padawan climbing his way up to knight among the Silver Jedi. Lanik while brought into the order as a youth, served as an apprentice to his own father. Morion Dawnstar, a Jedi knight that was a beacon of light in a younger Lanik’s eyes. That could do no wrong, years they spent together, going on missions, fighting side by side against the underbelly of the galaxy. Then it all changed.

    All it takes is one day, just one day to change an individual. To break them mentally, to leave them questioning their very existence. That day for Lanik was Mirial, in a blinding flash of luminance everything he cared about was gone. His mother and father, destroyed in what was said to be the purest manifestation of light. Lanik too would’ve been caught in the area of effect if he hadn’t been helping evacuate citizens when it happened.

    What happened to his homeworld and to his family made Lanik turn his back on the Silver Jedi Order, and forsake his training. Going so far as to even toss aside his saber on that day instead, living out his life as a spacer. Jumping from job to job, scraping by paycheck to paycheck.

    Rejoining the Order

    After leaving the Silver Jedi Order, Lanik made his living jumping from job to job. Living paycheck to paycheck. Was it a hard life? Of course. But it was at least a life he felt he had more control over. A chance to start new, away from the Jedi that had destroyed his home. For years the exile did just that until one day when working as an engineer the ship he worked on was attacked by a group of Dark Jedi. Forced to action, Lanik foiled their plans before fleeing.

    After the incident with the Dark Jedi the crew Lanik work for disassembled. The few remaining survivors wanting nothing to due with transporting cargo. Without anything else to do the Jedi took to working in a soup kitchen on the planet of Formos where he met the wayward Knight Weyland Castril Weyland Castril . Despite the other Jedi’s attempts Lanik didn’t wish to return to the order. Though the force always finds a way. The Brynadul came to the planet of Formos bringing chaos, destruction and death. It was during these trying times that Lanik remembered his duty to the galaxy. Where it became apparent that the galaxy needed defenders. Whether it be from an alien menace charging their way across the galaxy or the Sith subjugating world after world.

    While having felt the force return to him in full and seeking to rejoin the order Lanik could not yet find it in himself to return to the Silver Jedi. Instead, he joined the fledgling Republic that had begun to grow more powerful in the Core Worlds. Among the Jedi there many saw Lanik as a failure, one who had turned his back on the Jedi and came crawling back. Despite the demeanor, he was treated with Lanik served within the order dutifully even leading an attack on the Imperial remnants on Kuat going so far as to even fly an Imperial shuttle through the interior of their battlecruiser and capturing the Admiral.

    With the tensions on Kuat already high the fight between standstill between the Greyson Imperium and Republic was the last thing that was needed. The fact that he was fielded to fight another faction that held their own Jedi didn’t sit well with Lanik. Yet the Jedi did his duty in disabling other fighters until another Jedi sought to kill him. Fighting in space above Lanik he found himself hounded by the Jedi Bernard of Arca Bernard of Arca . It was only due to swift thinking and his own skills that Lanik caused them both to ram each other and go falling to the surface of the planet.

    Once on the surface of Kuat a battle for survival began. Lanik attempting to survive the onslought of Bernard and disable to other Jedi so both could live to see another day. The fight ended with Lanik sending the other into unconsciousness, though in return he suffered a lightsaber wound that had cleaved through a large portion of his ribs and chest. Dying slowly Lanik stumbled away into the forest attempting to reach his crashed starfighter to only collapse in the dirt. Death threatened to take the Jedi yet he was saved by another who’d healed his wounds enough to where he could at least survive to see a medbay.

    By the time Lanik had finished his recovery he’d gone on a few other missions and joined the Jedi on Peace Station when they aided the Silver Jedi in the battle for Kintan. It was on this world Lanik was forced to feel the horrors and atrocities of war, and also met the infamous General Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar in battle. While he walked away the bloody and bruised victor Lanik, regretted having to maim the General.

    Fighting through his injuries Lanik sought to aid in the evacuation of the civilian population. More specifically a group of children being gathered up by the Sith. In order to ensure their survival, Lanik faced off against the vile Darth Voyance Darth Voyance . A fight that ended quickly and decisively with the Jedi captured.

    Months Lanik spent within Imperial hands, forced to suffer the torment and torture that the masochistic Sith put him through. At least till the Jedi came and freed him.

    Now a Knight in the Republic, Lanik seeks to continue on with the task the force has laid before him.

  • A "Holy" Endeavor: Complete
    For the Republic: Complete
    One More Job: Ongoing
    Shadow over Formos: Complete
    The Ring and The Prince: Complete
    Conflict at Kuat: Complete
    There Is Only Peace: Complete
    Returning to the Source: Complete
    Peace Through Superior Firepower: Complete
    Darkness Rises; the Battle of Kintan: Complete
    Odik Onslaught: Complete
    Suffer Not the Light: Complete
    A Taste of Treason: Complete

First thanks Darth Voyance Darth Voyance for giving me their character sheet to start with and build off of for inspiration.

Also thanks to all those who helped grade Lanik, and gave their opinions on the art while I was working on it.
Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar
Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Ryv Ryv
Republic Engineering Republic Engineering
Fiolette Raaf
Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry
Darth Bellum Darth Bellum
Bernard of Arca Bernard of Arca
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