Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Chaos Under the Dome


New Cov
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Slowly moving to Hex Hex Daiya Daiya and Under Foot Under Foot

"Biomolecules," Valery said as she looked up at the sky and watched her husband shield the people down below against the debris that would otherwise be raining down on them. She had felt his intentions, so she wasn't focusing on helping him directly. He could handle it, so she focused instead on the people below and attempted to find the source of the breach.

One that had just become a lot bigger.

<Mrs. Terallo?> Valery asked, as she tried to contact Liin Terallo Liin Terallo via comms. <Are you safe? My husband and I are out in the city, but we could use some direction. We're focusing on the breach, but we need to find what these people are after too.> She really hoped that Liin could provide some answers.

But until then, it seemed like they had a new problem — a swarm of death bats had entered the city, and they were very clearly drawn to the lightsabers of the two Jedi. "Babe..." Valery grumbled. "We've got some new visitors." As easy as it would be to send her flames up into the sky now, she didn't want to cause that much suffering.

So instead, she drew her blade and backed up toward Kahlil, ready to help fight him while they stood back-to-back.

"We can't let these things slow us down too much."

But as they were readying themselves to fight, someone else appeared.

"Greetings!" he called out to them, waving the hand that still had a blaster clutched in it. "I couldn't help but overhear an alarming mention of terrorists. Perhaps I can be of some assistance."

Valery blinked and looked at Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt before pointing up at the sky, "You can start by helping us with those!" she called out, as she gestured at the swarm of incoming bats.

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[ vibro-arbir ] [ pistol ] [ knife ] [ grenade ] [ cryptlink ] [ slicing glove ] [ ransomware virus ]
Team A-Mazing: Hex Hex Daiya Daiya Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

[ sons of liberty ]​

An explosion caught the Squib by surprise.

Had Hex gone early?

No, through the ringing in his ears, he could make out her voice. Not all the words, but enough to pick out that it hadn't been her work. Their erstwhile benefactors must be starting some more fireworks. Whatever they were after, the haul must be worth a lot for them to be pouring this kind of chaos down on New Cov.

Making his way across the rooftop, the diminutive alien tried to stick to the shadows as he made his way toward here the location marker had the biomolecule distribution center. It was close to the industrial side of the space port, which made sense for preparing the product for shipping and export. Hopefully that meant it would be packaged in such a way that they could grab and go.

Bounding from off the roof, the fox-like Squib tried to muffle the grunt as he rolled with a landing that left him breathless. Gasping for air, the Squib's two tails flickered anxiously as he leapt up to grab hold of the edge of an adjacent container's roof. Pulling himself up, he stayed low as he crept forward to peer down at the warehouse lot on the other side.

The commotion had sparked a lot of activity by the guards. They'd huddled up and seemed to be sweeping the lot, trying to make sense out of the commotion.

Drawing his blaster, the Squib felt his chest start to grow tight as a pit formed in his stomach.

This wasn't like Denon. Those weren't Corporate Security goons shaking down the innocent or stepping on top of the vulnerable -- they were just regular people with jobs.

He adjusted his grip on the pistol. His palms were sweaty. His posture shifted as he wrestled with what to do next.

Their goal was close. Just... right there.

...he just wasn't sure if he could do this.

"Hex, Undie, something tells me we gotta make this fast..."

The furry alien nearly jumped as Daiya's voice suddenly piped up. His heart pounding in his chest, the Squib's ears and tail fluttered nervously as he tried to collect himself. Gotta go fast? "That's a mood," Ree muttered under his breath, swallowing hard as he tried to get his nerves under control.

"Something's happening in here, I saw shooting and everyone's running away from one part of the dome."

Wait, what? Ree usually didn't know what Daiya was on about, but now he really didn't know just what...

Then he heard a loud screech. Or, more accurately, schreeching and was nearly knocked off the shipping container when something big and bat-like did a fly-by.

"I dunno what, but it's probably gonna complicate our plan."

Holding fast to the shipping container, the Squib right himself and then watched as the sudden appearance of the flying creature seemed to draw the guards attention, sending a group of them chasing after it.

"Or it could be positively brilliant," the Squib remarked cryptically, as his eyes lighted on a now open shot over to the roof of the warehouse. The sound of a few blaster shots from the guard ought to cover the sound as well...

Drawing an ascension gun, the Squib fired a line over to the roof, then angled the back of the gun to fire an anchoring pin into another nearby shipping container. Testing the make-shift zipline, the Squib jumped across.

He made the landing in a three-point crouch. His eyes sharp as his tails flicked behind him as he got his bearings. "I'm on the roof," he announced, as last rising up and then jogging toward the maintenance access. As he did, he pulled his CryptLink and started running a scan. "Its rigged with motion sensors, but with those creatures all over the place, they probably have alarms going off everywhere."

As he arrived at the door, the fingers of the glove he wore on his right hand extended out to hack into the door controls. While the slicing glove started its work, the Squib began manipulating the data with the slicer tools in the CryptLink.

"I'm slicing the security locks now."

Tag: Under Foot Under Foot Daiya Daiya
Location: New Cov
Objective: Loot Bio-molecules

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter



Hex skidded to a halt as Daiya Daiya caught up with her, grabbing the back of her head and briefly pulling the foreheads of their helmets together. "That was a rush, what the feth is going on, this wasn't the plan, there is NO WAY so many monsters would just be ready to enter the breach we made, something else is going on here." Hex was excited, her eyes were beginning to shift towards pink.

Under Foot Under Foot was not far from them, a short gantry would take them across towards the warehouse, but these flying creatures were all over the place. Hex grinned and pressed a few buttons on the wrist computer of her suit, as she did, a dozen of her firebees launched and began pursuing the nearest flyers. A few caught their targets, latching on before exploding. A couple blew up harmlessly and several were actually ingested by the monsters, which was a messy sight. "I've bought us a few seconds, lets go." The teenager ran across the gantry and shortly caught up with Underfoot who was most of the way though slicing the doorway. Hex pulled out Candles and tool a few pot shots at flying beasts that got too close.

'...You're all going to die!...'
"Not this again, you always think that!"

Hex scowled, she was stronger than she was before, and was standing up to her voices, but her skin still prickled and her heart raced in a mix of excitement and fear. They did need to be fast, of one of the two mote capable slicers could get them in, they could load up and be back on the waiting star destroyer piloted by that gangster Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and be half way back to Denon before anyone was the wiser. That was the plan anyway. "Come on guys, we need to get this done faster.... Her eyes were drawn to the monsters that had now noticed them and were landing and beginning to amass near them. Hex pulled a party popper off her belt and threw it, the blast was intense but it did manage to extinguish at least a few of the creatures.

Location: New Cov
Objective: Get a good payday
Attire: Link
Tags: Daiya Daiya / Hex Hex / Under Foot Under Foot / Valery Noble Valery Noble / Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Smash Stereo - Oracle"


Cartri jumped out of his skin and awoke to the rumbling of the ship, dazed and confused as to why there was a lot of smoke outside "Ughhh... don't tell me you hit the engine into an asteroid again" the teen groaned just before an explosion shook the ship again, making him almost fall off his chair "Chit, where in the oblivion are we?!" he shouted to the pilot as he slowly but surely pulled his way to the cockpit.

"YOU DIDN'T SODDING TELL ME WE WERE GOING FACE FIRST INTO A BATTLE! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!" The panicked man almost screamed, sweat pouring down his face like he had been doing two hours of heavy lifting at the gym. Cartri on the other hand, who seemed amused by the predicament went behind him to pat him on the shoulders "Hey hey dude! keep your eyes on the prize!" Cartri giggled while the pilot did his best to bring them closer to the ground "If you get us back in one piece you'll get a good share of the profits. The babies I'm "borrowing" are not cheap!"

"I swear to god you kids are getting crazier..."

Pulling up, the pilot quickly hovered the ship to the surface. The area he landed was quite concealed from anything up above, it was only the ground they'd have to be worried about "There we go, the hardest part is done!" Cartri said with a grin, turning back to the sick pilot who was really questioning his career choice "Chit kid, you've really outdone yourself this time. Just please... please be fething quick" the man put his head in his hands and didn't look at Cartri when he lowered the ramp.

"Don't rip your hair out over it, and while I'm out please consider changing your pants..."

Kicking himself off the ramp he quickly made haste toward the specified location. However, not only was he getting closer to a good payday but running straight in the direction of familiar friends and foes.

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Sylas continued moving through the city but felt various force users on the ground almost everywhere reacting to various things. "Wow lots of force users down here, can you find out anything on them all the signatures are sorta blending together." The voice would reply Of course, shouldn't take me more than, oh wait already got it. Sylas sighed again "How many times do I have to tell you not to do things like this. I know we are a big company but you can't just go around collecting everyones data." The voice sounded sarcastic What really I can't? But all the net runners seem to, so I figured since I'm already in the system why not. Besides you do want the information correct?

Sylas shook his head before responding as he continued towards the closest force signature. "I suppose I did ask, alright fine tell me what you have then." The voice then chuckled You most certainly did ask Master Taff. From what I could find around, one might be a darkside user of unknown power, there appears to be two jedi masters from the Galactic Alliance who are currently trying to contact Miss Terallo. There might be some amongst the darkwire group you never can be sure what tricks they can pull out of their sleeves. There also appears to be another potential force user who is a princess of the Atrisian Commonwealth. She appears to be the one you are currently closest too. Sylas nodded "Alright I will head that way."

As he continued he heard the detonations coming from above and saw the creatures fly in from up high. "Huh this is a much worse place for a vacation than I had originally thought it seems I owe you an apology, you were right to tap in and keeps tabs on me. This might get worse." The voice without hesitation
Yes you do indeed owe me an apology. As for those, they should be fine the ship overhead seems to have already begun deploying fighters and ships to bring down ground crew. Our own people are hitting the ground near the space port, so far they haven't encountered any resistance or seen any of the creatures. So whatever's happening might be limited.

Sylas nodded "Thats good, I'm almost at the location of the princess." As he rounded the corner as he watched a woman he had heard about but never met before throw a shoe that was definitely force imbued around like a boomerang hitting three of the bat creatures. As he walked towards her, he lifted his lightsabre activating it cutting through one of the bat creatures from behind who hadn't noticed him. "Jedi Master Ike? Is that you? I heard about you back when I was with the Silver Jedi but I never thought I would have the honour of meeting you. Would you like some assistance?"

Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike I Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Location: Star Port

Mirdirmourt Security Forces began setting up around the space port as they had been requested to trying to funnel people in and getting them on board ships. They were a small group maybe 10 to 15 people strong along with two Ant Droids that were currently setting themselves up. It was going to take some time but they thought they had time enough as they gave up their dropships with their pilots to try and ferry civilians out of the city when it happened.

At first no one was sure what was going on garbled communications from members of whatever defence force the star port normally had. Something about
creatures made of blood, things that kept coming even when blaster bolts had hit it. Those bolts seeming to just succeed in pissing them off. Then it all happened at once, about a dozen of these four armed blood creature came up from under some of the shuttered off storage rooms within the star port and began trying to wreak havoc on the positions that the Security forces had begun to set up, catching most of them with their proverbial pants down.

Within the first 30 seconds, one of the Ant droids had been destroyed and well over half the force were injured or dead or presumed missing. They had to pull back from the entrance attempting to reassess what was going on. Communications were still garbled from civilians screaming, soldiers being injured and killed but in all of them the mention of the creatures was prevalent and the hopes that someone would come to help or save them all from these things.

Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
Aculia looked hard at the tactical display before her, gloved hands tracing over the design of the ground entry to the city before her. It was wide and tall enough, especially now that the large door was open, that an unending stream of enemies could continue through unabated. What was worse is that it seemed hardened against conventional attacks, which made sense given that it was meant to keep these creatures at bay and make it so that any ground assault on the city would be difficult without breaking the more fragile panels that comprised most of the dome above the foundation.

“Sir, we estimate it would take around twenty of our conventional Koshmars to fully collapse the entrance to the city beyond any doubt, but they may have to be staggered to effectively assess the damage done and adjust targeting and that could take time. We could do it much more quickly with one appropriately scaled groundburst nuclear warhead of around 0.1 kilotons, which would one hundred percent guarantee the destruction of the entryway, and likely cause the collapse of the structure within 100 meters. The collateral damage of the latter would kill or severely injure anything within approximately 500 meters of the detonation. If someone wants to have children late and are not already sheltered, I would extend that out to around 1 kilometer for the evacuation zone. Fallout estimates are that it will be safe for protected workers to begin reconstruction within three days…”

“What are the chances there would be civilians still alive within the 500 meter range? 1 kilometer range? How about the panels?”

“It is unlikely anyone unsheltered is still alive in either given the amount and ferocity of the enemy. We estimate residential and commercial buildings to be totally destroyed within 200 meters of ground zero, of which there are comparatively few. There will be damage to civilian glass up to 500 meters due to the blast wave, but the reinforced biodome portions above the reinforced entryway should still hold…”
Aculia took a deep breath.

“We cannot afford to delay, every minute more and more of those things poor through, they seem coordinated somehow. If the entryway is not a complete burning radioactive rubble, they will get through on the ground. XO, broadcast an evacuation warning to anyone within 1 kilometer of the entrance. They have fifteen minutes to find shelter or ideally escape the worst of the blast zone.”

“Yes, sir! Comm Officer!”

After Severin had relayed the message, she went over to her command chair, and carefully popped out an electronic key from one of the arms. Then, she addressed her missile officer.

“Order a nuclear groundstrike missile into launch tube four.”

“Aye sir…attention, this is a nuclear mission order!”

Aculia walked towards the main firing station of the Zephyr.

“Missiles are loaded sir!”

“Open launch tube doors…”

“Doors are open, Captain.”

“Load Target Package 2 Charlie. Set ground zero for the middle of the entry tunnel.”

“Target package is loaded, Captain.”

“Disable warhead safeties.”

“Warhead is armed, Captain.”

Aculia turned to look at Severin, the middle aged man looking rather grim as he awaited the order.

“XO, please input your firing key and code.”

“Yes, Captain.”

A click could be heard across the silent bridge of the ship, followed by a few more on the keyboard.

“Firing code input, sir. Just awaiting yours.”

Aculia placed her key in the console, and slowly typed in A-R-E-N-A-I-S into it. Ironic, they still used the old Elysium Empire’s firing code.

“Are you ready to fire, Captain?” Severin asked, looking nervous. It was the first time they had ever launched such a missile in combat.

Aculia nodded.

“On my mark…one…two…three….!”

Both Captain and XO turned their keys, and a low rumbling could be heard across the ship as the nuclear-tipped Koshmar hurtled away from the Zephyr at breakneck speed towards its target. Any creatures making their way into the dome from the ground level would soon be having a very, very bad time.



An ominous siren was broadcast following the warning, before it repeated again.

Sylas Taff Sylas Taff Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Hex Hex Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Under Foot Under Foot Junko Ike Junko Ike Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt SKIP SKIP Lord Reficite Lord Reficite Daiya Daiya Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Sylas Taff Sylas Taff

She felt him and then he spoke..... Master Ike. Internally she snickered to herself a private joke and turned to look at him with his blade. "Which one?" She said it and Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Katagiri Ike Katagiri Ike Orihime Ike Orihime Ike Nico Ike Qarmast Nico Ike Qarmast Noriko Ike Noriko Ike Reiko Ike Reiko Ike Kyoko Ike Kyoko Ike were among the masters within the jedi and aided where needed. She didn't say it to be mean or a smart ass though as before anything an alert came warning of a nuke strike and Junko looked at him. "Well damn." She moved and breathed in deeply inhaling calmness and exhaling all of the tension she wanted to shout. "That is going to ruin a few things." Her robes had the micropoles for shielding and would protect from radiation but... who dropped a nuke on a city... honestly? Though by that logic who threw a shoe... an expansive shoe.... a one of a kind shoe.

"Princess." Her comlink on the interface spoke and Junko was listening to her handmaidens in the ship at port. THe porters likely had returned now with her stuff and there was not as much of a chance she could evacuate as many but.... "Barca... I heard it. I want you to listen and do this quickly. Activate the Phalanx shields and extend them. While bringing the ship to hover over the city." The shielding system was made to handle heavy hits and extend connecting to others to reinforce but it was still a planetary shield for fleet.... It was just going to need to be done quickly. She was debating what they could do... "And make sure everything happening is being recorded and sent to both Shoma Ike Shoma Ike and those it needs to be in the alliance." She didn't know who but received confirmation from the ship Kōgō Heika MK.II.

Meanwhile she was looking at Sylas and offered a small smirk. "We might be able to buy time but whoever is attacking here now on two fronts... likely won't stop." She slide her fingers to her hip and the White Lotus blade but she didn't activate it yet. Slipping her fingers around the polished bone of the hilt and feeling the smokestones interlaced through the hilt. Her senses expanding... the coolness of the force around her and she motioned. "I have a plan though maybe... it really is more of a notion... but if it works we will be awesome and if it fails well likely no one aaround to complain so." She nodded but motioned seeing one of the bats and started focusing the force. "Get into shelter." She said it into the force and areas around to move the people who had been running towards the buildings that they knew could withstand attack.

Simultaneously, panels all across the bridge of the Samhain's Derelict lit up, and an ear-splitting siren begin to wail. Collectively, everyone on the bridge winced in pain... and, as-if by magic, the siren suddenly ceased as the speaker system failed.

An outburst of noise began as a dozen voices rose, with Ivory swiveling violently from her position in-front of the bank of monitors she'd been glued to.

"What the hell is happening?!" She roared, the volume of her voice carrying across the bridge. Immediately, one of Darkwire's techs - seated at a nearby console - looked up at the raven-haired Darkwire Lieutenant with a look of dread. All the color had drained from his face.

"Um... There's... a missile, Ivory. Incoming projectile, toward the breach of the walls. The scanners could be wrong, but they're registering a significant explosive payload. We don't-"

Ivory turned toward a new voice which interrupted; not at all loud, however. Mysteriously, the speaker had entered the bridge without anyone seeing, and addressed the Tech directly. "How soon until impact?" Ivory regarded the newcomer with a cold, hardened stare. The Vultan Captain of the Samhain's Derelict stood confidently to one side, hands clasped behind his back.

The tech turned to look nervously at Captain Dundavi before consulting his flickering screen again.

"Minutes, sir." He paused, then continued as he laid his open palms on the metal surface in front of him. With a sigh, the tech added: "Sir, if that missile hits..."

"I am aware." Captain Dundavi replied, gruffly.

The Vultan turned to look at Ivory directly, and the two shared a moment of silent communication. Without addressing her, he turned back toward the Tech. "Such a horde of creatures is surely a problem... but raining hellfire down on an already-victimized people isn't something I'm willing to allow. Do we know if this is part of New Cov's Military?"

The tech shook his head. "No, sir. It appears to have been launched by another vessel, bearing no signature associating it with New Cov defense forces. It could be an all-out attack, the beginnings of a coup-"

"Or an ill-advised strategy." The Captain muttered under his breath, then sighed.

"Ready your team, Miss Stroud." He said, then turned his back on her to take command of the Bridge.

Saying nothing, Ivory reached down, gripping the sling of her scattergun and moving quickly, with authority and purpose, toward the door which would take her to the lifts. As Captain Dundavi begin giving orders to those whom remained, Ivory's only concern now was for the safety of her friends on the planet below.

The ancient weapon-batteries aboard the Samhain's Derelict were already being primed as a small dropship departed from one of it's numerous hanger-bays and began making it's way toward the planet of New Cov. Less than sixty seconds later, a series of emerald-green blasts streaked outward from the flagship's forward-facing guns, streaking toward the planet with immense speed - and, strangely, remarkable precision. As Ivory watched through the viewport of her shuttle, she silently thanked The Force for being on their side.

Well-within the planet's atmosphere, far below them but approaching quickly, there was a bright flash of light as one of the turbolaser beams found their target, annihilating the missile-in-question only a few kilometers from Ilic City. Molten fire and debris rained down onto the dark forest below, swallowing all trace of the warhead. The flash would easily be visible from those within Ilic City itself.
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Why'd it have to be bats?

Kahlil's expression stilled for a moment, just before he lifted his hand again towards the sky. The panel of frozen glass he'd formed shattered in an instant, which he then brought down in it's original trajectory. Right through the horde of incoming bats. The Shield of the Jedi would not let this new wave of creatures harm any more innocents that were stuck within the city. Not even their corpses. The air froze over again, sending a shimmering wave of ice through them, between the buildings.

Leaving the whole section of where the panel had been covered. No more intrusion from above.

His gaze shifted, to Valery, then to the stranger.

"Any help is appreciated. Let's be off."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt


New Cov
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


"Not a problem."

Zel watched in awe for a moment as the Jedi council's Shield froze the air around a wave of incoming bats, shattering them. Such a raw feat of force ability was impressive. Even coming from a creed of warriors who valued skill first and foremost in battle, he could respect the strength of the Jedi's wizardry.

He, of course, had tricks of his own. As another wave approached, the Blubreen lifted his vambrace, unleashing a swarm of
whistling birds. The small munitions squealed through the air, zipping into their intended targets. In a matter of moments, little explosions had torn through the wave, taking the bats out of the sky. That would, theoretically, buy them some more time to locate these terrorists.

"I've not been here for long," he explained, "And I'm sure your 'force' is a far better guide. I'll follow your lead."

Objective C: Use the attack to your advantage
Equipment: Phase II Powderpunk Armor, Neon Phoenix, Darkwire Doorbells, Shocking Apples, Ants, Chewing Gum, Combo Breakers, Little Sister
Team A-Mazing: Under Foot Under Foot Hex Hex Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
And a ginger: Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll


Something else was going on here.

Hex's comment made her eyes dart in search of them, her head trapped in the blue girl's embrace. Daiya didn't often mind looking at her closest friend, even if the pink in Hex's eyes tipped a part of her off-balance as well. Her thoughts were racing while the words coming through were calm, reasoned. The teen blinked, surprised to find Hex so rational in the face of the unexpected. "Definitely," she agreed, nodding once her helmet was free to move again. She giggled under the helmet's mask, adding, "I think I just said that."


The thought unsettled the young shadowrunner more than she should have let it. Hex was on top of their task today while Under Foot was reporting his progress into the warehouse. It seemed like she had little to do but just tag along, so Daiya focused on staying alert. The needler gun slung against her back pressed into her every time she moved, a comforting reminder that its powerful bite was just a quick grab away. She took it, just to be sure.

"I hope you're faster than your starship," Daiya goaded over the comms with a grin she hope was audible, a step behind her friend on their way toward the Squib slicer. Slicer, mechanic, salvager...was there anything Under Foot wasn't capable of? Daiya caught sight of the blue girl's long hair swishing as she turned to fire at the swooping bats. The teen turned to do the same and her grin deepened, discovering one thing Undie couldn't accomplish with his customary flair.

Daiya took a few shots at the winged monsters, those that Hex's swarming firebees didn't destroy. They fell, largely intact, from the sky or limped to the ground, unlike the way the firebees tackled their targets. The teen winced once at the gruesome display, shaking it off to run faster toward the warehouse. She didn't want to think of what her fate might be if those creatures caught up to her, for all she knew they would do even worse to her and her friends.

The soaring glare of a turbolaser overhead made the teen duck involuntarily. She paused for a second to track it, watching it impact a missile, rendering it into a glowing display of harmless fireworks. Daiya's heart stopped for a moment as she realized the path of the missile meant it had been heading...right for the domed city! Biomolecules, monsters, and— "Oh my stars! That was a fething missile!"

Pressing a hand on the back of Hex's suit, the young shadowrunner pushed her closer to the working Squib as she crowded around. Her boots shifted as she watched, impatiently, at the unintuitive progress Undie was making. "Let's go, let's go, let's go..."

Daiya didn't care that she was echoing Hex now, her knees bouncing from the urge to move on. Or at least inside to the relative safety of the warehouse. "Everything here is trying to kill us, let's get this fething job done!"
Objective: A
Weapons: Darth Reficites Lightsaber
Equipment: None
Interaction: Open to Anyone!
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike SKIP SKIP Aculia Voland Aculia Voland Under Foot Under Foot Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Hex Hex Daiya Daiya Squeeb Squeeb Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Bursting through the rooftop door, he quickly used the Force to slam it shut and crushed part of it as it started to be bashed into. Screeches came through as they kept trying to get out as the Dark Lord of Rebirth started to breath heavily. That was way to close...turning, he heard the sirens announcement as his expression was not fear...but annoyance. He was going to die again and this time due to a nucle-. The missile overhead exploded before he can entirely think that thought, a bright light in the sky as he raised a hand up to block some of the light.

This was really out of they need to nuke the place?! Lowering his hand, he walked to the edge of the rooftop and glanced around to understand the situation better...wait, there was an entrance completely open. These...things were coming in that way, something must have jammed up or prevented it from closing. Thinking, he heard the door creak from behind as he made a quick glance before looking back forward. This situation was not only in the worst possible sense overwhelmed but so was the potential for more destruction.

Darth Reficite did not have time to create a ritual to deal with the large numbers, nor have the ability to summon more of his gear without seriously hurting himself. No, he had to get it done now before everything goes down in flames. A destroyed city meant no investments....destroyed investments meant not seeing a profit, no nothing. No Biomolucules, no seeing Miss Terallo, not seei-. He paused at that thought, somewhat stunned at himself for even thinking such a thing. The door bursts behind him open as they scream, Reficite turning to see them charge as he knew only once choice existed...he stepped off the roof and started to plummet straight down onto the ground below.

Closing his eyes as the screeches filled his mind, the creatures around him swarming all around the streets, he focused back into a forbidden art of his own. Something he refused to use unless it was in the vein of impossibility, protection or the absolute need for death. He felt a bubbling rise of his anger, how this had all happened before he can even take advantage of the new technology, how these creatures harmed what is considered untouched by nature, how it was to take what he may wish to claim! Snapping his eyes open, they became a bright set of white eyes as his rage was now harnessed and focused upon, both hands out as he slammed down into the concrete in a Force Shockwave, scattering these hostile creatures all around him in an unfurled mess as a majority stopped upon seeing the destruction caused.

Feeling his joints hurt but still mobile, fighting through the pain, he slowly stood up with both of his lightsabers reignited in crimson red, his eyes not seeing it except for the disjointed array of colors. While he focused on his rage, he also was focusing on Force Sight, seeing the many creatures Force Signatures all around him as he breathed out slowly in a spike of pain. Then as they came charging, he finally for the first time in centuries, let himself fully loose onto his enemies. The lightsabers cut through the enemies in rows, waves and the Force was his to use completely for the first time without the need or help of others. Creatures were being thrown up like ragdolls, others were cut into pieces, all the while fighting towards where the opening of the door was.

The Dark Side had filled Darth Reficite to its very limit, yet he was still in much control of his emotions and ability to perceive friend or foe. The issue was how long he can keep this up without passing out, he can tap into the very nature of the Force for a short period of time, this cocktail combination allowed him to manipulate the very workings of the Force to his advantage but each time he did, the Force fought back. The Force wanted control back and will start cutting off Darth Reficite from the Force till either he had fallen over dead or loses all connection for a good period of time. Giving a loud Force Scream in front of him with both of his hands outwards conducting Force Lightning, more of the creatures were killed and made quite an impressive array of fighting and skill.

But he was feeling that old nagging feeling...pushing to hard, pushing to much in a short period of time. He had to keep it up...he had to keep going, he had to close that damn door!
Wearing: Schoolteacher's Raiment

Armed With: Nothing

Objective: Mixed

Vivian had finally gotten a breather from being that vile Witch Arianna. Her enchanted Civilian clothing suppressed the mechanism that led to her transforming into The Countess of Khemost when she overfed on the energy of another.

The Force Spawn had gotten an apartment here. Nothing luxurious...her tastes were much simpler than that of the blonde Sith she spent the last decade cosplaying as.

There was no hint of her ties to House Io. Vivian's ship was bought second hand. The only sign she was more than an elderly schoolteacher was the weathered, scratched Lightsaber hilt hidden in a statue of Leia Organa in said apartment.

But however, she was currently in her classroom, grading papers after school had ended. The elderly, fair skinned witch with long brunette hair wore glasses as she examined each test. She was a thorough, strict, and fair teacher, and found it an irony she was better at managing actual children then she could her own adopted daughter.

In the minutes before the alerts started, one of her students walked in. A Twi'lek boy with blue skin.

"Miss Duual?" he called out hesitantly.

Vivian looked up. It was Greni. A bright boy. Perceptive.

"Yes?" Vivian asked. Deep within her, she felt the many minds she was composed of stir, but her clothes muted their voices, suppressed them.

Greni walked up to her. He was barely ten. Class had let out only fifteen minutes prior.

"I...I have a problem. But I'm not sure what to do."

Vivian paused.

"Is it something to do with the class?"

"Well...sorta..." the boy answered, looking away.

Vivian removed her glasses.

"What is it, Greni?"

The boy was very hesitant.

"I...I think I made something move with my mind." the child said in a very quiet voice.

Vivian stared at him.

"Are you sure?" Vivian inquired. She didn't want to scare the boy. Arianna would have already been asking him to show her.

"It was a datapad. moved to me by accident."

"Have you told your parents?"

Greni shook his head.

"Well, Greni, that's not exactly something I feel comfortable discussing without informing your parents or having them present.

"But Mom and Dad don't like Force Users."

Vivian frowned. "I see."

Vivian leaned back in her seat, clasping her hands together.

"Greni, while I would sincerely like to help you, I am not sure how much help I could be. This is all very outside my field."

Vivian smiled. "Greni...take my advice. If it was just an accident...let it stay one. The life of those who do such things can be a difficult one. Harsh. Be a happy boy, and do--"

The monster burst in through the wall just as the alerts started. A deadly, snarling beast from the jungles, scaled black with red eyes.

"Greni, get behind me!" Vivian hissed as the beast turned it's attention towards her.

It charged and Vivian blinked conjuring small tentacles of water behind it's back feet that restrained it a moment, and she grabbed the boy and ran.

"How'd you do that?" Greni asked as she fled with him down the school corridors as more monsters monsters crashed into the school halls. Overwhelming numbers, and there were still staff, who screamed as the jungle beasts started to rip them apart.

The children! Vivian thought to herself. I can't leave them!

The situation made her conjure a thick barrier of water behind her to block the animal after them both, whose teeth were far too big. Quick thinking allowed her to spot the generator room with it's thick doors and duck inside it, shutting it.

She put Greni down.

"Stay here, child, I have to go get the other children."

"How did you do that?" Greni repeated in amazement.

Vivian frowned. "We'll talk about that later. But for now, stay here. They reinforced this generator room after an unexpected earthquake a year ago. It should be thick enough to keep those animals out."

Greni nodded. Vivian slipped out of the Generator room, determined to locate as many children and staff as possible. There could be no room for failure.
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Skip drew his blaster pistol from its holster on his hip and pressed it into Liin’s hand. “Do you know how to use this?” He questioned. “Be sure not shoot yourself.” He paused as he thought a little. “Or me.” He stepped away from Liin. “Stay close.” He said as he moved to the door. Peeking outside to see if he could make it to their speeder.


[ vibro-arbir ] [ pistol ] [ knife ] [ grenade ] [ cryptlink ] [ slicing glove ] [ ransomware virus ]
Team A-Mazing: Daiya Daiya Hex Hex Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

[ sons of liberty ]​

"I hope you're faster than your starship."

The Squib's head bobbed from side to side as Daiya's voice echoed in his ear. Rolling his eyes, he quipped, "Hey, the Falcon's got a JV-80 ion drive," while he continued to work, alternating between the glove on the left hand and the CryptLink in his right.

The control mechanism was pretty industry standard. Pretty basic tech, but people didn't really go in for top shelf when it was still essentially a deadbolt. But this security circuit?

"This'll just take a minute. They've got some kind of bioneural encryption on the coding for the door locks," Ree uttered aloud, as his blue eyes shifted between the two slicing tools. "It's not organoform circuitry, but I'd say it's mimicking the..."

The Squib's ears suddenly perked upward.



The klaxon and the accompanying warning were ominous to say the least. "The feth?"

Glancing back down at the slicer datapad in his hand, the Squib swiped right to shift the device over to use as a portable scanner. There was a high speed object headed...

"Oh, chit."

Swiping left, the Squib pitched himself into slicing the door as realization sank in. "...feth, feth, feth, feth, feth, feth..."

As he worked, he heard Hex and Daiya approach. He didn't bother turning around or saying hello. Which, he gathered from Daiya's impatient, "Let's go, let's go, let's go..." that they probably appreciated his uninterrupted working.

"...feth, feth, feth, feth... GOT IT!" Ree exclaimed, as there was a mechanical pop before the door to the warehouse slid away.

Pulling back the leads from the slicer glove, the small furry alien hustled inside of the warehouse. Drawing the knife from his belt, the squib popped it into scomp-spike mode and shoved it into the first dataport he could find.

Connecting the CryptLink, the Squib spoke up as he said, "Give me a sec to scramble the internal video feeds."

Uploading a quick slicer virus to the surveillance system, the Squib swiped back over to scanner mode. "I'm not detecting any motion," he reported, looking up at Hex and Daiya finally. It was an indication that they were clear. For the moment anyway. "The creatures probably have the guards occupied, but I wouldn't hold out hope we don't get one or more checking on the place."

He gave a sigh of relief that made him realize how exhausted he was at this point.

And he was glad that Hex and Daiya were here. And alive.

"The outgoing shipments should be on the warehouse floor," Ree commented, as he shifted back into business mode.

"If you guys can check there, I'm going to look for a company computer link. See if I can cover our tracks by bricking their computers with the hack virus."
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Tag: Under Foot Under Foot Daiya Daiya
Location: New Cov
Objective: Loot Bio-molecules

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


As Under Foot Under Foot scrambled to get the door open, Hex and Daiya Daiya Comtinued to fend off the monsters. A blaring warning went off over the loud hailers and Hex looked at her friends confused before looking up just in time to see the missile explode in mid air, it was quite the fireball. She wondered what payload it might delivered, part of her was even disappointed that they didnt get to see the result, but there would be plenty of time for that in future.

The door popped open and Undie led the way in, the two girls followed him and Hex quickly shut the door behind them. While Underfoot worked on the camera's, Hex used her wrist mounter fusion cutter to make a couple of spot welds in the door. It was enough to keep it barred from casual access, but little enough that she could burn it open in just a few seconds if they needed that door for their own exit.

"Everything here is trying to kill us, let's get this fething job done!"

"Maybe the corpo's sent them here to make us feel at home." she grinned at Daiya and then started walking down the corridor, she was like a kid in a gun store, kids like guns right? She looked at the disabled camera in front of her and struck a pose while she waited, pulling her gun to her lips and blowing a kiss at her friends. She was feeling fidgety, she wasn't as good at all the hacking stuff as the others and the waiting made her anxious, for all she knew there were monsters, armed guards or jedi all bearing down on their little shopping trip.

'...come on, come on, they are getting closer...'

Hex didn't need to reply, she knew it was true.

Once she was given the go ahead, she would continue through the next door and start exploring, the warehouse was very modern and very neat and tidy, a far cry from a lot of the Denon establishments she bad visited, at least that might make finding their chosen loot easier. There was all sorts of stuff in here, rooms with medical supplies beyond what an indescrete might ever have access their entire lives were the first thing she spotted, if she had a thousand arms she would grab everything.
Sylas stopped for a second almost getting hit by one of the bat creatures during the lapse before he force pushed it away into a building. "Hang on there's multiple Master Ike's? I had no idea my master just said if I was to ever meet someone of the nobility within the Atrisian Commonwealth with dark hair to refer to them as Master Ike. I wasn't aware that most of your family are jedi masters." The voice in his ear chimed in So for starters, I know you didn't ask and you'll try lecturing me again but this one appears to be Junko Ike. Whose files are still on record within what I gathered from the silver jedi if you ever want to see. Also it appears to Mercenary group we hired from in orbit are trying to nuke the city.

Just as Sylas heard that from his AI, he heard the sirens and warning claxons blaring. Master Junko Ike appeared to be saying things but Sylas couldn't make them out through his stunned state. The mercenaries he had hired were trying to nuke the city. He was effectively the one who pulled the trigger even if it wasn't him to actually push the button, he had hired the mercenary hoping they would be able to help with what was going on down here not nuke or destroy it. He tapped on his Comm link quietly saying "Genesis send an apology to Liin Terallo Liin Terallo I didn't mean for the people I hired to nuke the city I just thought they would help. Let her know if she wishes to cut ties with us over this that is fine, we will finish our part of the deal and leave the defence platform as recompense."

The voice calmly responded Very well sir message sent. I am sorry, I should have looked into their records further. If I had maybe we would have seen this coming. Hold on wait another ship I wasn't previously aware of just blew the nuke out of the atmosphere. Parts of the molten scrap and radiation from the missile will still ran down but it won't be as bad as if the nuke had gone off.

Sylas shook his head out of the state he was in "Send the message anyways. Its good someone else blew it out of the sky but I am not going to run from the reasonability of who hired them." The voice replied Of course sir, also I am getting garbled reports but it appears that our forces at the space port are under attack Sylas turned to Master Junko Ike as she began talking to him again. "Sounds like things have gone from bad to worse, Nukes not coming anymore but something is killing forces at the space port. Without access to the ships there the civilians here are likely to get caught up in any efforts to remove the creatures."

Sylas nodded his head "Whatever plans you have I am ready to hear them, these shelters should be able to hold off the creatures for a time but I don't exactly know how to go about..." Just as he was about to finish that thought a slug hit the building beside him. He whirled around to see a group of civilians, or people who wanted to look like civilians 3 of them were holding lightsabre hilts with red blades emitting from them. The other two were holding slug throwers. They began closing on Sylas and Junko Ike Junko Ike ready to attack.

Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Location: Star port

The garbled radio traffic continued coming through the comm channels to anyone who was listening. Whatever was left of the defensive forces calling out for help. Some of them pleaded for help, begged for help, others were garbles of people getting cut down by the creatures. Some were people saying the creatures were getting stronger. It seemed like no one would come to their aid this day.

The monsters continued hacking and slashing battering down doors, getting into ships and destroying them. With how effective they were being more of them were being created as someone in the crowd was holding onto an amulet, an object of significant power that was allowing them to create more of these creatures. So it continued getting worse as what was a handful of creatures began creeping into the double digits, the person holding the amulet even gave themselves in to become one of the creatures.

Hiding the amulet somewhere it would be found later by the right people. After all they were promised when it was done their soul would simply be giving another body. What use is a body if one can simply gain another. So it was that the monsters here became a strength of 20 from the original 5 that had attacked this place to begin with, as they began even storming out attacking buildings close to the star port including warehouses. Someone on a darkened world not anywhere near this place, watched this all from under a hood. Eyes filled with glee and malice watching their creatures at work, after all everyone was busy so no one would ever check the security access logs later, they would be deleted or destroyed long before the battle ended and that was good for he wasn't yet ready for company.

Tags: Hex Hex I Under Foot Under Foot I Daiya Daiya I Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll I Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud I Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt I Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble I Valery Noble Valery Noble
Vivian rushed through the school, hearing the screams of staff and children. Much though it pained her to leave innocent staff to their deaths, she prioritized the children. Some of whom she knew had been staying after school to rehearse for a play in the auditorium. That was most likely where most were located.

The cry of a child in one of the Main Offices sent Vivian running. Arianna would have already been thrashing the beasts with water tentacles. Vivian could afford no such luxury. She had the powers and combat skill to survive such threats, but this was her Civilian identity. Any grand displays would draw scrutiny, certainly from any Jedi on the planet. To say nothing of what such a powerful freak of nature was doing teaching in an elementary school.

Vivian would need to do this with subtlety. For that, she needed a weapon.

She spotted a vibro-fire ax inside an emergency case and broke it open just as a four legged jungle animal spotted her and went charging. Vivian swung the fire axe easily due to her naturally high strength in this form and cut off its head before making her way into the office where the child was barricaded against a desk, an animal that was big and burly on the verge of smashing through it to get at her.

Vivian buried the axe into it's back repeatedly, and it was screaming as it died. Vivian scooped the sobbing human child up and rushed back to the generator room, leaving her there and telling her to stay put while she rushed to the auditorium. The sounds of staff screaming and running for their lives while jungle animals chased them made Vivian cringe. The person she forced herself to believe she was ninety percent of the time would have derived pleasure from seeing the blood and gore.

There are no words for how much Vivian hated having to hide in the flesh and mind of Countess Belasko. She put on a polite, even affable persona as the Countess for members of her family. Outside of House Io, everyone...everyone...was something for Arianna to use and discard, should the situation warrant it.

Her false self wasn't as vile as The Amalgam...but that didn't mean she didn't like killing. Arianna still derived pleasure from it.

Long stretches of having to pretend to be that beast had left her questioning where Arianna Belasko ended and Vivian Duual started.

In spite of how off the deep end her own daughter had gone (Vivian had been flabbergasted by the approach of her creator, Darth Themis, in letting the association with the Cult drag in, only later coming to understand Themis had been completely paralyzed by her visions.) The Parliament never objected to the times Vivian needed to spend as herself, granting her a week to a few months leave if necessary. This was an easy concession to make: The financial acumen of her false self was such that House Io's machine practically ran itself at this point.

In fact it was Vivian persuading The Parliament not to seek vengeance against the Light Sith that had limited the Parliament's revenge on Themis to simply confining her to the House's newest city ship for the foreseeable future.

Vivian wasn't genuinely sure whether it was actually love or sentiment towards Vivian that had persuaded The Parliament to listen, or whether it was pragmatism, or some twisted combination of the two.

Vivian struck down a jungle predator clawing at the doors and opened the doors.

She found a group of the children along with one of the teachers who had been staying after school, an elderly gentleman a tweed suit, lying dead apparently after using a flagpole to kill an animal that had gotten in through a window, having taken fatal wounds.

Vivian winced but turned her attention to the group of crying children, huddle together behind anything they were strong enough to pull over and hide behind.

"Children? We have to go. You have to follow me." Vivian called out, approaching them.

"But the monsters!" a child protested.

"They will get in here sooner or later." Vivian replied. "You have to trust me. I'm your only way out."

The group of younglings silently weighed their odds before coming out of their hiding spot. Vivian smiled in reassuring fashion before gesturing to follow her.

"Stay close." She hissed, cautiously poking her head out of the exit. When she saw it was clear for the moment, Vivian told them to follow her, keeping that axe ready.

She soon reached the generator room, sending all seven she had found inside. Telling them to stay put she then conducted one final search. The rest of the staff had either fled or died at this point. Some of the Animals lingered still. She stretched out her senses, but was unable to detect any other child's life force in the school.

It was only a few animals. But Vivian didn't like her odds against more than one in this form while forced to resort to normal methods and protecting a group of children.

It was bad enough Greni knew she was more than she seemed, but it would be impossible to keep quiet if all the children with her knew she had powers. There were school cameras all in the main passages. Closest exit was 80 meters away.

She needed a distraction.

Most teachers had a flare pistol to call for rescue in times like this, but there had been no time to grab it in the heat of the moment. Also a basic medkit, which she would need if the children got injured, heaven forbid.

Vivian made her way to one class room. The keys worked on every locker and she reached the emergency locker in the back of the class, retrieving the flare pistol and four launching flares, along with two standard flares, a med kit, and an emergency civil defense ration kit.

Vivian took it all and whispered a curse on each pistol flare to do interesting things. Then quietly made her way to the next class room to unlock that lockers and retrieve it's contents also. She then activated a standard flare and hurled it down a long stretch of passage, where the moving light distracted the animals, making them chase it.

Vivian then snuck back to the Generator room and opened the door.

"Time to go children, we can't stay here. There's too many of them." Vivian ordered. "Stay quiet and keep close to me. We're going to the defense shelter a few blocks away. That will be enough to keep the monsters out."

The children gathered up and followed her.

Eventually leading them outside the school, Vivian was greeted to the sight of damaged streets, wild, vicious, and large predators running rampant in the distance. The security forces seemed swamped trying to contain the threat.

How was the dome pierced so badly? she wondered. No time. Get to the shelter.

Vivian questioned whether or not she could do it while hiding her powers.

But it was like her own daughter had said once.

If you can't do it without the powers, you don't deserve them.

Vivian signalled for the children to follow, Greni watching her like a hawk, much to her discomfort...
Objective D
Stealing art and being the greatest pirate lord that ever lived in his own mind.

Sadly for the galaxy, no cats or felines arose to challenge the rodent supremacy of the greatest pirate lord that had ever lived. A legend in his own mind.

Whiskers continued to twitch ready for the final descent. While upside down his nose led him further on the rope toward the ground and toward assured victory.

Pressure Plates!

Tiny feet finding the groove between them, his hands crept along the opposing side. Small enough to grip the gap between the floor tiles, and roll his tiny body off the rope. Somersaulting down, ratman hands met the floor. His little head looked up sharply, raising a dubious eyebrow.

The proud rat man lit a giant cigarra, puffing so much he almost fell over backward. Steadying his courage and watching the display of stun beams ahead of him, he placed the Cigarra on the ground. Once again letting the smoke light the way. The beams were moving diagonally across the floor and then looping back around. Squeeb cracked his small knuckles and counted in time. 1...2…3...

Hearing the warning alarms and sirens far in the distance toward the entrance, a great distraction for his own heist. Off his legs hopped dancing through the stun beams, swerving, ducking, and diving as only a miniature rat-man could. Freezing when a beam almost caught his whiskers. There would be nothing more degrading than a whisker-fated stun shot!

Reaching the end with a hop, he smoothed his precious whiskers out and admired paintings. Scanning the surface to seek out any further traps. Care was taken to replace each item with something of equal weight, sliding the empty frame carefully into place to not trip any sensors.

An oversized back bag full of precious artwork, there was a small box on the wall, which he took. Grabbing something he was hired for greedily in his hands. Now he just had to go back the same way… piece of cake…. cheesecake, maybe yoghurt. IT WAS NOT IMPORTANT. Once more this was the time they'd remember when they ALMOST caught the great Pirate Lord Squeeb!

Fin for Squeeb!?!

Unless someone wants a silly rat chase, in which case assume he exits the vault nose first. Thanks for the thread!
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Sylas Taff Sylas Taff

She gave him more a warm smile... it was meant as a joke. "It is alright, I am Princess Junko." She offered the look as more information was coming and then the nuke was for lack of a better term... nuked while her ship had moved into position and had its planetary shield over the dome. Remaining in a hover position so she wouldn't be able to evacuate to it. HE was looking at the creatures and there had to be more to this... an attack was bad but someone firing a nuke seemed overkill... and there was a lot more going on here. She turned to look at Sylas who was seeming to have a conversation likely with his ship or an AI... she sometimes did that as well so focused on the moment and situation.

"My plan right now is to protect as many people, I don't know who fired that missile but my ship will remain above to defend it. The planetary shielding will be better. We should look for Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and make sure she is okay. If this is a plan to steal New Cov technologies it is overkill.. if this is to try and kill one of the leaders for it then she might need more help and if this is an act of terror we should try and figure out who it is." To many scenarios.. too many questions for the moment but she was a jedi she wasn't instantly all knowing so she would do what needed. She turned when he spoke and turned to look at others and she tracked the blades and weapons.

"Interesting." She said it but didn't activate her blade, instead immersing herself and Sylas into the white current, the feeling of it there as she was under the effects and moving one way while he mirrored image moved the other. Its amber blade activating with a snap hiss of the curved hilt. The image moving in to defend from the slug with a barrier. She was moving and pulled at Sylas under the immersion to get him to the side and leave his own mirror moving around to defend. "Avoid touching them." She said it and was going quickly while waiting for a moment as pressure built up in the force and when the first shots went off into the illusion of herself she had moved next to one of them.

Then it popped and she was releasing pink-purple lightning.. electric judgement that would stun and knock the one out when her illusion broke and the jedi princess stood there for a moment with a wink. "Now surrender."

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