Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Mustafar: Legacies | EE/AC/BotM/GA Juncion of Mustafar/Jaminere/Ord Bostadus/Mechis III (SGHW)


Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus

In the corner of his mouth, a faint smile started to form; a smirk, a snicker, one borne from an immeasurable amount of confidence. Rakaan earned his share, that much was true, but it was yet to be seen how much of it had been misplaced. He stood there with sweat across his brow and wild movements from his brown locks as a result of the heat-filled wind of Mustafar - the conditions had not deterred him from the conflict ahead, it seemed.

Rakaan wielded his white bladed saber, home to a synthetic crystal, in a series of flashier movements until a final and combative stance had been struck in the face of the Sith Lord; "I'll enjoy this," he remarked with conviction.

The once-Jedi turned Imperial rushed forwards with a flurry of strikes. From all sides, the white blade of Rakaan probed the defenses of the Darth, and it moved both swiftly and yet with much strength. His footwork advanced all with the intentions to ensure Tennacus fell onto the backfoot from the onset of their duel. Some sliver of his mind devoted to the creature that loomed nearby.

Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Objective: Scout the factory, and sabotage Maw Objectives if applicable.
Allies: Eternal Empire, Eternal Empire Allies
Enemies: The Maw, Maw Allies, Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

Rolin had to stop himself from groaning in annoyance as the big bastard simply shot at his macrobincolars, no doubt destroying it. The First lieutenant was gonna be pissed, this had to have been the seventh pair he has lost since he signed up. Well, that was a problem for future Rolin.

Rolin then narrowed his eyes from up high as Kybo Ren Kybo Ren and a group of his warriors began to fan out, looking for him. Well, he never really thought he was one for stealth, what better motivator to get better at it than not being murdered by an angry Mawite and his horde?

Rolin jumped, thankful for the manufacturer who made his gloves as he grasped the jagged rock, and began to move across the wall. As he was moving, a small rock came loose from where he placed his foot. His heart stopped, reached out with his foot, and reached out, stopping the small rock. It floated there as Rolin sweated under his mask, concentrating, very much not used to using his lower limbs in force control. Biting his lip to stop himself from grunting, he kicked backward, sending the rock flying in the opposite direction where it plopped into the river of lava. With an inward sigh, Rolin continued to scale the rock, hoping no one saw that. Enemy or ally.


The Unchained

Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Mustafar... a world of fire and darkness, once called home to none other than Darth Vader himself. It was where Solipsis had declared his dominion over the Sith during the Great Sith Schism, declaring himself the true leader of their unholy ilk. It was here that Khamul had fought the Death Watch, a fateful day that gave him the clarity of purpose. Without that fateful day, he may have never ascended to the role of Mand'alor, destined to bring his people back to their former glory. In that aspect, Fortress Vader was as important to the Demon Mandalore as his new home among his people...

And now, the enemies of the Maw sought to tear that from him.

He stood upon the balcony, overlooking the advancing forces of their enemies below as he cursed them under his breath. How many more would he have to kill before they understood the futility of their actions? The answer was truly incalculable, as the Unchained's foes seemed as determined as ever to bring about the end of the Maw. They had been emboldened by their victory on Tython, and the Demon Mandalore would use that fervor against them, until none stood in his path.

His attention drifted into the distance, catching a distant presence within the Force. Though an unknown individual to the Unchained, there was something familiar about the signature.


His jetpack roared to life, projecting Khamul's armored body into the air as he sought his new prey.

Another servant of Ashla, doomed to be put to the sword of the Unchained...



Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Pa'Kar Sang Izah'zore
Ship: Jedi Vector

As the fleets were at stand-off range with one another and the conversation between Ashlan Fleet and Final Dawn Fleet were coming to an end, there was a flash of white and red before the super structure of the FDS Sovereign. A single starfighter had penetrated the defensive posture of Sularen's fleet through sure swiftness alone, that and a diminutive sensor signature. There were no tracking or navigational computers with the Jedi Vector so outbound signals were minimal at most. Soon after the starfighter had buzzed the flagship's transparisteel bridge windows an open communication message crackled "Battlecruiser Sovereign, order fields disengaged and depart the system. Redirect to astronomical object Xesh, nine, three, Besh, one." in a beat the message was repeated "Battlecruiser Sovereign, order fields disengaged and depart the system. Redirect to astronomical object Xesh, nine, three, Besh, one."

From within the starfighter a lone Zabrak Jedi Knight gripped the flight controls as he braced for evasive maneuvers. Through the force he could feel every minute sensation of the starship, he could feel what his sensor-less ship could not see. Even as Nexo had given instructions for the Final Dawn fleet to leave the present system, a chance to avoid a large battle that would cost many lives, the Jedi was certain that the commands would fall on deaf ears. But he had to at least try. Nexo exhaled slowly as he narrowed his concentration on the Jedi Vector, the starfighter began to preform a wide arc around the interior of the Final Dawn fleet's innermost defensive perimeter. Though despite the Vector's agility and speed, it was lightly armed. Boasting only two, multi modal, lasercannons and a small tractor beam.
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Suddenly the heat was on. Their position swarmed and, for someone who was used to working alone or on the outskirts, it made Maijan uncomfortable.

Notwithstanding the stims still floating around in her superheated bloodstream.

So when they were asked about alignment, dread alarms went off in her skull.

Wide-eyed, she flashed a look to Boluc. He didn’t answer the question and instead instructed her to conceal them both.

That would escalate suspicion, would it not? And the SIA agents had more to do than try and hunt down two invisible no-names.

These individuals were clearly marked, proudly boasting the Starbird. And the other agent, the solo, looked at her and Maijan recognized the face as one of Empress Teta’s awarded heroes.

“Uh..” Hesitation hopped off her tongue. She could only hide them from prying eyes — but the other agents were too close. They’d be able to hear herself and Boluc scuttling around and trying to get away.

If they wanted a clean getaway, they’d have to set up some sort of distraction. Her hand floated to a smoke bomb tucked away in her arsenal and she looked at the Task Force Xesh handler to emphasize the extra effort.

She didn’t dare look at the planted explosive. A last ditch effort if everyone else failed M’s directive.

“No time forrr this.” She snipped, heavily accented. “Let’s get ze data.”

To emphasize her point, she took a heavy step forward and gestured to the commandos to lead the way. With the others ahead, she could then eclipse herself and Boluc after a few paces and make their getaway.

ALLIES | Boluc Laar | ABOUT TO RUN INTO: Tiric Sar'andor | (PROXIMITY MAYBE? Rika Hiro)





Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne

Even in respect to an enemy, Tennacus could appreciate the arts of warfare. His opponent was swift and agile, executing a flurry of strikes which did indeed put the Sith into a composure of defence, albeit with as minimal movement as possibility. His lightsaber arced in front of him, countering the luminous white blade with his own, compelling the two to hiss and whirl as they came into repeated contact. Tennacus motioned back a step, remaining on the defensive until he saw an opportunity to force their blades to linger against one another. He locked the imperial's lightsaber against his own, throwing the weight of his body forward while keeping his blade at a horizontal angle to prevent the imperial's weapon from reaching his torso. The Sith's whirring breaths notably elevated, rasping away from the masque as the glow of the blades illuminated his eyes. Tennacus still seemed to be relatively calm, his eyes lazed as if his attention was not entirely dedicated to their battle. Perhaps it would have been taken as an offense; it made no difference, in any case.

"Your agility is formidable," Tennacus monotonously complimented. "What is it that compels ye to try and cripple our cause?"

While Tennacus genuinely desired to hear the imperial's motivations in coming to Mustafar, he wasn't willing to hold back on his intentions. His other hand motioned between them, channelling the Force through his body to gather at his palm. In a swift exertion, the Sith generated a minor burst of the Force to try and throw his enemy off guard to allow his blade to arc in a downward cut.
Ah, to be home once more. Mustafar, the site of her birth as a Sith. She had long since secluded herself, away even from her fellow Mawites. Her absence most notable on Tython, where her Master, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis had been felled. Did she shed a tear when she felt the loss through the Dark Side? Not a single one. She felt only regret that it had not been done by her own hand.

Her shuttle came to a solid landing, not far from the entrance to the very cave the Master of Ren was attempting to enact his ritual. The very same cave Solipsis had taken her to many years prior.

As she strode down the loading ramp, her boot heels clicked loudly. She stalked down the ramp, in between 2 lines of her elite warriors, the Beskar clad Chosen. Each armed with a razor sharp, deadly pointed Beskar pike. When the commander of the Chosen made to fall in step behind her, she waved him off with a flick of her wrist.

This she would do alone. She needed to do it alone. And alone is how she would go.

When the first blast of Mustafar's heat hit her skin, she paused, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. She inhaled deep. The heat burning her throat, but in a good way. For Maestus was born of the heat of Mustafar. She experienced her rebirth and healing from the very lava tbat flowed so freely.

She was home, at last.

She continued on, finding the entrance with relative ease from memory. She was dressed simply, as ever. Light black robes with crimson red stitching, sleeveless now. On her hip were 2 hilts. One, an obvious saber hilt. The other, well that was her whip, Maestus Fury.

She strode through the tunnels, idly running fingers over the rough walls. She smirked to herself, a private thought that she found somewhat amusing.

When she stepped fully into the ritual chamber, the heart of the Sith cave, she allowed herself a moment to take in the scene amd scenery around her. Then looked at Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren and Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Am I interrupting?

Looking back and forth between the two, Maestus waved a dismissive hand, before turning and leaving the chamber.
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Equipment: AKraB Vibrodagger, Corporis Skin Suit, Feverwasp Particle Blaster Pistol, Survival Kit
Allies: GA
Enemies: MAW
Tags: Khione
Ari continued her way up to the top of the ridge, fighting against the heat of this sithspawn of a planet. The terrain itself wasn't too new to the New Alderaanian, who during her training as a Defense/Security Force Officer spent time climbing the planets' mountains, but the heat of the planet threatened dehydration, so she made sure to make frequent breaks to rehydrate with the water supplies her survival kit held - 3 days? Maybe on Fresia, I'm lucky if this lasts me half that on this Class D of a planet..

Putting such thoughts behind her, Ari continued to push her way up the ridge, being careful to keep her footing upon the crushed volcanic glass pumice, ash, and stone. Wiping what seemed like a puddle of sweat and ash off of her brow, she began to look around her, nearing the ridge's crest, she had quite a vantage point over the ravine she'd planted the nose of her X-Wing into, but she also wanted to make sure that the crest, or the other side of the ravine, wasn't hiding an enemy scouting force or - Who the hell-?!?! Seeing the sihlouette of someone's torso just over the crest, Ari quietly reached for her vibrodagger before cresting the ridge.

"Friend or Foe?"

Pa'Kar Sang

Pa'Kar Sang watched from his command chair as the Final Dawn and Ashlan Crusade fleets moved in on one another. He wasn't sure what the Crusade was doing this side of the Core and he had even less of an idea why the Final Dawn were defending this station but he did know that he and his Strike Group had come not expecting this level of resistance or potential controversy.

The Starhawk Marauder's Bane pondered forward at the center of their formation. Marines were already gearing up in the hangar for the prisoner extraction but with the Final Dawn and Crusade fleet between them and the prison there were too many complications to move in as planned. Right now they had the element of surprise though, and he intended to take it.

"Strike Group Flash-" he called across the fleet, "Engage the Final Dawn fleet! We are outnumbered here but if we work smartly we will win the day. Group up in twos, take down the enemy one ship at a time!" Green turbolaser fire lanced out from the Marauder's Bane with the Final Dawn flagship in its sights.


Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus

The former-Jedi understood his motives, and each of them encircled the idea of who it was Rakaan once was. He felt enormous shame, tortured with the memories of his own betrayal, and the hurt inflicted on those few unfortunate souls that honoured him with the title of friend. He was able to recite them a thousand times, and was yet to recite them a thousand times more all in an effort to see himself thrown further down this road; the destruction of the Sith, no matter the means, was all it entailed. It was all that it strived for. But as Rakaan resumed his focus onto the Sith Lord, his eyes stared into their own with their two blades locked as one, the Imperial refused to make mention of them.

Rakaan remained unsure if he could not, or would not.

"Sith and their rituals. Consider it some altruistic need." He lied and deflected, "You're all evil, whatever comes out of there is far from ideal."

Before Rakaan could even react, a burst of the Force struck out across his torso and sent the man onto the backfoot. His boot slid across the volcanic stones until he fell onto one knee. Briefly, had their two sabers disconnected before the Sith slashed down towards Rakaan but found it blocked as the Imperial held his saber overhead. Once more, the two locked together.

"I'm sure that was some Sith trick," Rakaan remarked between laboured breaths, "Find whatever drives me. Use it against me."

He rose, slowly, and with a lean that had seen the two locked blades slide across one another. In time, their whine-liked noises came to a sudden end as Rakaan withdrew his own and hastily stepped aside to allow Darth Tennacus to move beyond him. "It won't work," he said with bile as he encircled the Sith Lord.

"Was it red-red-green or red-green-red?"


The Arabesh Flats Military-Industrial Complex
Objective: Secure A Beach Head, Clear Sector
Gear: In Bio.
Friendlies: Jas Katis Jas Katis | Kessia Miran Kessia Miran
Hostiles: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Ronar Ronar | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
Engaging: Open


Leaning slightly forward, the old merc gave Dylan’s kit a quick once-over, going over the stuff he kept in his pouches; blaster rifle and pistol magazines, flash Grenades, thermal detonators, his individual first aid kit…

Making sure each and every member of the team was combat ready before deployment into any combat operation they’d be deployed to, was among his duties as the team leader assigned over them.

Satisfied with the state of his team’s kit, Skif’s lips curled in a faint, lopsided smile as he reached for his helmet clipped to his warbelt. Trailing Dylan’s gaze, the man turned around as he heard a set of familiar footsteps approaching him and his team from behind him. The veteran merc kept his faint smile as their commander spoke to them.

”I would suggest you and your boys stock up on canteens for this trip. Mustafar isn’t a place for smoothskins.”

The old merc chuckled under his breath. ”Camelback’s topped off, with extra canteens in the kit, sir.” the veteran mercenary respectfully informed his commander as the latter’s gaze fell over each and every one of them respectively.

On top of carrying around several canteens topped off with purified water in their backpacks, they had their hydration packs underneath their jet-black assault packs on their backs, with the hose coiling above one shoulder and firmly tucked under the shoulder strap of their chest rig, keeping it in place.

The young demolition expert felt their commander’s penetrating gaze wash over him; his gaze fixed over him longer than the others. He could feel the unexpected tension rise slightly as the man took a step towards him, speaking to him soon after.

”You’re new.”

<”Yes, sir.”>

”You weren’t on Tython, were you? You haven’t faced the Maw…”

He shook his head. <”No sir. I was still under training then,”> the young man said. He and his team, with the exception of Skif and Scalpel, had undergone the Hellion’s training programme in order to achieve the set standard for the Hellions.

Although he had gotten some experience under his belt since then, taking up several contracts along with his squad, this was something going to be something he had never experienced before.

He could not venture a single guess as to what Lady Luck had in store for him. Would he survive this deployment in one piece? If he did, would all of his friends be as fortunate as him? Or would at least one of them lose a limb, getting wounded? Or worse, would they get killed in action? And even worse still, would he be the one to die?

Unable to find any meaningful answers to all of those questions troubling his mind, were what scared him the most above all else.

”I hope you learn quickly. The Mawites aren’t Imperials, Jedi or Mandalorians.” He loomed over the boy with his piercing gaze.

The young mercenary gave a curt nod of his head in response. <”Y-yes, sir. Will do, sir.”> the young lad said, never once forgetting manners as he talked to his commanding officer.

”If you need a human shield, use him. The others I need on this mission.”

His eyes would widen in mild fear behind the featureless, bright blue tinted visor upon hearing Jas’ suggestion to the woman to use him as a human shield if she needed one with a chuckle, and he wasn’t as vital for the upcoming combat mission unlike his peers in the squad.

Although he was almost certain he was joking, the way he just so casually said it sent chills down his spine. He didn’t actually mean that, right? Unfamiliar with their commanding officer’s sense of humor, Skif would be the only one among the team of mercenaries to laugh.

The order to move out and pile into their gunships came shortly after that, in the form of a blood thirsty roar. Sprinting to their assigned craft with their commanding officer, the kid would fall into silence as he delved deep into his thoughts. The growing howl of the Vanguard-Class Gunships became a background noise; extending his massive hand towards the kid, Tower pulled him into their landing craft, and helped Scalpel the same way as the kid settled down on his seat, right next to his battle buddy.

He knew some of his colleagues revelled in a combat environment such as this, taking almost an animalistic pleasure in killing. He didn’t think of himself joining amongst their ranks, but was he really different from them? He very much enjoyed shooting vermin with his Pa’s old cyclic rifle to kill time and have fun while doing so.

How different was killing a sentient compared to that? Another man, or woman?

An elbow poking his side would force that thought to be left unfinished.

With a quizzical expression emerging underneath his tinted helmet visor, the young man looked up from the durasteel plating beneath his feet, and at the visor of his friend, Aiden.

The techie leaned his head towards him. <”Don’t think too much about it, man,”> he muttered under his breath, patting him over his left shoulder with a friendly pat. He was referring to what Jas, their commander, had -presumably- jokingly said.

Looking away from his friend, the young techie leaned his back against his seat, and got comfortable.

Dylan gave a curt nod of his head in silent response, leaning back in a similar fashion as they felt the gunship take off.

Although Aiden’s words were intended for what Jas joked about, he felt that the techie’s friendly advice also applied to all the questions in his mind. Skif had said something similar in the past, too:

Don’t think about it till your contract ends.


The young merc’s foot nervously tapped on the durasteel plating of the troop compartment, close to the rhythm of the tune they were blasting from all their gunships. He grew anxious more and more as they got closer to their designated landing zone. Closing his eyes, the young lad would take in deep breaths to keep his anxiety in check.

Moving closer to the city in support of an artillery barrage, and escorted with a number of friendly fast movers keeping them safe, it wouldn’t be long for the pilots to reach their designated landing zone, he thought. The red light had already flickered on before that.

:: Don’t forget! The first objective is to get an objective! We set up a base of operations, and we move out from there! ::

His head in the game now, the kid opened his eyes in a clearer state of mind. <Don’t think. Just do.> he had repeated himself over and over in his mind. It helped to prepare himself for the things he would do, and the things he would bear witness in combat. He gave a silent, curt nod of his head in response to their orders, acknowledging their task at hand. They had to secure a beach head in the city to begin combat operations.

Sure enough, not long after their commander reminded them of their mission objective, their gunship came to a hover over their landing zone, in a rappelling altitude above it. Standing up in the troop compartment at the gesture of the crew chief, they prepared to rappel down.


"Go, go, go!"

Grasping the thick rope, the kid slid down the rope as soon as it was his turn; his feet touched the ground a mere moment after. Quickly making way for the others rappelling down, the kid reached for his rifle resting over his chest plate by its sling, and sprinted behind his squad lead in front of him.

Making their way rapidly towards a piece of cover nearby, the squad lined up across the wall, with roughly five meters of spacing between each team member as they all covered their assigned sectors.

<”Alright lads! Look sharp! This isn’t the Killing House anymore,”> Skif said; the dark gray eyes underneath the man’s helmet visor darted around, ever vigilant. <”We gotta secure this sector to expand combat operations. Dylan!”>

Hearing his name shouted, the young man’s gaze turned swiftly, meeting Skif’s featureless helmet visor. <”You’re up front. Get your mine detector out,”>

<”Copy!”> walking past the others at a brisk pace, the kid took up his position in front of his battle buddy. <”Watch me for a sec,”> the particle rifle hung over his chest plate as he reached for the detector hanging from the side of his backpack. Pulling it free, the young mercenary flipped its power switch on and held the detector in his left hand. Grabbing his rifle with his right hand, he raised it before him; its butt-stock coached a handsbreadth below his underarm.

<”Alright, Acklay. Let’s get it done! Move out! I want ten meters spacing!”>

At their squad leader’s command, the team of mercenaries began to move at a brisk combat pace down the street, each member sweeping a sector in trained vigilance as they moved to meet the enemy they had come to fight. They had to keep the opposing force off the backs of their combat engineer companies while they fortified their landing zones.

After all, the best defense was a good offense.

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Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom | Anonymous
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword

Objective: Help the Maw forces with intelligence information
Location: The Forge | The Arabesh Flats Military-Industrial Complex
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr (as Kallan and himself) , Thomas Barran Thomas Barran , Ronar Ronar , Jas Katis Jas Katis , Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek , Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


~ Keilara ~
That is, the truth is that nowhere did I feel as safe as in his arms. To be here, in our living room, on our couch, after what happened on Tython; it was heaven itself. Maybe I never thought it might be possible. I, a little maybe even ashamed to say that, I thought we're all going to die on Tython..

There really was a miracle there.

Here, I am not only thinking that Kallan survived but also the children…

Although Kallan was not a warrior and I took care of him rather than he did with me; yet I felt the most secure as his arms embraced me. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes for a moment. It was a feeling like I was home, to feel his warmth, to smell his scent. I was able to imagine that there could be nothing wrong with me in his embrace and he could protect me from anything.

It was just an illusion because millions of troubles could have happened but the illusion was sweet and I was happy to be here with him despite a lot of suffering and pain.

The guilt I felt; I think it was the guilt of the survivors and it "radiates" to me from Mercy as well. The downside to this was that I was much less separate from her than before I completely merged with her. I know it will get better over time but in the meantime I even have to become a lot stronger. Again.

When Kallan answered my words, I glanced at him and smiled kindly at him especially after the gentle kiss. Ironically, the kiss he and Mercy "exchanged" woke me up completely. I wasn't jealous, as it was my desires that Mercy felt then. I'm more glad it happened so soon. I closed my eyes with a smile.

About the age difference between the two of us, I was often reminded of the idea that we could be like when a university student falls in love with her professor or teacher who is much older than her. I didn't bother with the analogy, it was more cute and I loved it. As he snuggled closer to me, I smiled at him again.

~ Are you saying let's focus only on the good things? ~ I asked him with a smile.

I wondered for a moment what I could tell him. I wanted so many things. As I was dying, I realised how much I hadn't told him. But now there was a second chance, we both got a second chance. I did not know who I should be grateful for, because according to the laws of nature, this should not have happened. And yet, we were here.

~ I haven't had a chance to tell you before, but I think I'm the luckiest person in the galaxy to have a husband like you. I love you so much, Kallan! I don't even deserve your love. ~

I whispered as I planted a gentle kiss on his neck, then finally rested my forehead on his and smiled playfully at him.

~ That's why I promise if you want to keep me in bed in the future and to be lazy for a little longer; I will not protest but will be happy to stay there with you for as long as you want. ~ I promised him.

I smiled at him for a few more moments with a loving look before continuing his words.

~ I think this romantic situation would be perfect for me to tell you, you're going to be a father, but you knew that before we did. ~ I teased him a little, with love.

I took a serious look at him for a moment, then continued.

~ Rather, tell us how it feels to feel the sun again, the heat, the cold; the taste of food and drink? How do you feel alive again? I know this is more different than it was in your mind after Asher lost your physical body. ~ I asked him.


~ Mercy ~
<< We'll see, Sir. >> I told him.

They may have had to divide their attention in several directions, yet it should not be forgotten: they were forces of three factions, not just one. We were alone, without Asher. He made the Scar Hounds Tribe great, no one could take it from him. And time will tell how good Barran is. I saw something interesting based on the data. I mean in the data that I requested from the Nite's database.

<< Sir, Commander Orr, Ronar, this is Mercy! In the city, based on the drones, I see only Eternal Imperial units and mercenaries working with them. Based on my data, they have worked with the Eternal Empire before, so you have to reckon with groups who are working with each other well. >> I told them on the comm channel.

In the secret war, the fight against the Taskmaster, I needed allies and supporters, and for that I had to do the same as how I gained Asher's trust on the battlefield and became indispensable. With valuable information and great work.

<< My drones are out in the city and in the air, if anyone needs any information, you know where to find me. Mercy out! >>

I looked again at the monitors where the data arrived from my drones. The Scar Hounds Tribe was already on my side because of Asher. Because of the lie, but that wasn't enough to protect Kallan and the children when the time will arrive. Especially since Manifold wasn't here now to help.

I had to thrive alone, but at least I knew I was getting closer every day to being with Asher again.


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Location: Jedi Enclave ruins
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers (2)
Tag: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

From afar, the Jedi Master's eyes turned to the outline of the ruins ahead, but more specifically, those who had gathered around it. She felt no distinctively powerful presences among them, suggesting they were just ordinary people who, most likely, weren't here with the same purpose as the Jedi or militaries who had gathered on the lava planet. No task force had been assigned to the ruins of this ancient Enclave, and the Force swirled around them without the malicious intent she would have expected from Mawites.

So her conclusion came swiftly — they had to be locals or people who traveled here to visit the ruins specifically. But she was no fool, and understood they weren't here to appreciate some ancient history and learn about the Jedi. They came to take whatever remained of the artifacts scattered here for themselves, or perhaps look into the remnants of the Blackguard, whose weapons and personal items occasionally could still be found on the planet's surface.

Either way, it troubled Valery greatly and she knew she had to pick up the pace to prevent any dangerous items or weapons from ending up in the wrong hands.

But when she made her approach and focused her senses, something else entirely completely stopped her in her tracks. She looked around and the more she allowed herself to focus, the heavier the darkness felt against her mind. Over the last few years, she had clashed with many of the great Sith within the Galaxy, but few stood out the way Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis did. Their battle on Selvaris and their brief encounter at the Dark Sanctum had ensured that his presence, to some extent, was always a part of her, buried deep within her mind.

Now she knew that He was here.

It changed her entire plan instantly, so while she had hoped to approach in stealth, the murderous intent she felt from the Shadow Hand forced her to reveal herself. She not only stepped out of her Cloak, but allowed her own presence to flow into the environment, which undoubtedly would alert the Sith to her presence as well. Their paths would likely still not cross until they both reached the ruins, but another great battle between Dark and Light was inevitable now.



Communication "verbal" <<technopathy>>

Objective: Enter facility and steal some secrets
Tag: solo mission, open to dm

Loralora interceptor swoop
Gei Borugu Electro Spear
Light Saber (peony colour blade)
Laser Lance
Q7 encrypted data-spike

24 x Nuetralizer Model 2

The spike continued its work siphoning off information from the accessible databases. Akemi watched the flow of data like a river, adjusting and compensating for anti-intrusion attempts. It was clear to her that something was attempting to erase the archive, it did not suprise her, she certainly would be wiping her data if her home was about to be captured. But she was getting enough for it to be useful, and maybe even more valuable if the original was being wiped. Who knows?

Her eyes widened as she felt a familiar personality accessing the Io local network "Alessandra!" she said to herself excitedly and with relief. She hadn't spoke to her sister for weeks she had feared she was amongst the dead from Tython, but here she was. She immediately attempted to access Alessandras conscioness but was blocked? It hurt to see that wall up, she had never had to ask Al for access before, their connection was almost like they were the same person at times, but her it was, a firewall preventing her sister from connecting.

She politely requested access to Alessandra, and it was granted* it was only a moment's delay but Akemi felt it keenly.

From the perspective of Alessandra Io Alessandra Io , she would see Her sister materialise out of nothing as Akemi manipulated her photo and tactile receptors. She would look, sound and feel, if it came to that, to Alessandra as if she was actually there. But noone else would be able to perceive her. Alessandra would be aware this was a projection in her head, and Akemi was careful not to tie up any of the processing power Alessandra might need if she was in danger.

<Sister! What happened? Where have you been?> The feeling of being locked out had turn Akemis excitement back in to worry. <I have missed you so much> The whole family had, but Akemi and Alessandra were close and connected almost every day. To have that taken from her had upset her. So many things about the catastrophic battle at Tython caused her pain, she wondered whether their mother was mistaken to program those emotions in to them.

She frowned actually beginning to realise she was also angry at her sister too. She looked at the Chakrams in her hands and deduced she too was mid mission. <where are you? You need to come with me after this mission and we need to talk. Whatever is going on, you need to tell me so I can help you. OK?> her own mission was going according to her predicitions so she would hopefully be able to leave soon, she hoped her Sister was in a similar position.

*permission in OOC chat for access

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren
Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Everyone else, approaching SIA groups, Rolin Doan Rolin Doan
Biting his lip to stop himself from grunting, he kicked backward, sending the rock flying in the opposite direction where it plopped into the river of lava. With an inward sigh, Rolin continued to scale the rock, hoping no one saw that. Enemy or ally.
Unfortunately for the Initiate, it was not totally unnoticed. Kybo's armour and enhanced senses detected the anomaly in the lava, and the pirate immediately looked around the vicinity. Localised rockfall several metres away from any elevated rocks. Fishy did not come close to describing this.

<"Pack 2, move to the upper level and check upwards. The stones are telling us a story.">

For his part, Kybo returned to the main level of the complex and looked around and above, scanning nearby for anything out of the ordinary. He did not know it yet, but Rolin Doan Rolin Doan was close enough that he could sense the younger man's presence, and the pirate's skin tingled.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop the ritual
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As always, she watched intently for any surprises or reinforcements. Although only the man could be felt at the moment, this did not mean that the assassins who were hiding their presence could not hide in the shadows. She probably would have done that. True, the Eternal Empress considered herself an assassin rather than a ruler. Well, we could say that, everyone needs a hobby.

To tell the truth, Kyel's words surprised her somewhat, as she felt forces from the man that were so very familiar to her; the power and the "scent" of the Netherworld. She found this very interesting. She rarely met such a person.

Since she was apparently not in danger, she decided for the time being to listen to what the man wanted. Ingrid knew Carnifex was related to the Maw somehow, or at least he was while Solipsis was alive, but apparently he didn’t talk about the woman’s abilities. Ingrid's real power always lay in this, she kept it a perfect secret and hid it from everyone. As long as it could.

But there were situations where this could no longer be hidden. This was one of them.

”Do you really need Sith rituals to reach the Netherworld?“ she asked with sincere surprise.

She did not know how well known it was outside the former Sith Empire and the Eternal Empire that she was once a disciple of Darth Tacitus and the man was a famous necromancer. Ironically, the woman learned the necromancy abilities not from her former master, nor also from the late Adrian Vandiir, aka Darth Prospero, but from self-diligence to bring Adrian back.

But the soul of the woman's late husband was torn to thousands of pieces because of Runi Verin Runi Verin , and she was unable to save him.

The woman let her power be felt by Kyrel, there was also a touch of Netherworld in her strength, making it clear to anyone that the woman had a connection to Netherworld. Anyone who knew the afterlife could also feel that the woman was a part of it. Just like Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos , only the woman did not think of herself as a god as the man did.

And there was something else; Ingrid's power was similar to Darth Mori's for some reason.

”I know the Netherworld better than Realspace. I spent more time there than here. I know the possibilities, Kyrel Ren. As well as the disadvantages. Do you want to bring Solipsis back already?“ she asked him.

She paused for a moment, then tilted her head to the side a little.

”I really should have given his souls to his precious Avatars to eat him…“ it was half a mockery, half serious thought.

She didn't really expect an answer, even if it had been true, it would have had very little chance to that the man will telling her that.

”Oh, I don’t like anyone playing with Netherworld either, but my daughter, Ashla’s Avatar, is even less so. Do you really think you can tell or show me something new, Wrath of the Maw?“ she asked with a faint mockery in her voice.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to stop the ritual.
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Lord Odion
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina didn't even have to go that far, which in her case meant flying with her wings, because soon a man stood in his way and greeted her. The former Valkyrja was very sanguine about that she would not encounter living beings here. She was out of luck. Eina still didn't like having to fight the living. That hasn’t changed since she became Ashla's avatar. After all, she fully preserved her old personality. Just like Gei.

Another gift from Ashla.

She didn't land so far from the unknown man on the ground. After arriving, she contracted her wings, and the end of her spear tapped on the ground as Eina propped it to the ground, next to herself. The avatar tilted her head slightly to the man's words, just like her mother did at about the same moment. Even her motion was similar; almost the same.

”Then you don't listen to the Force well enough or you don’t pay attention to what it want to say.“ she told him.

There was only kindness and care in her words, no intrigue or mockery. Eina didn't even know these, and she always said what she thought. The former Valkyrja was pure, all kinds of shadow games not fit to her personality. Her words were most like the childhood innocence. Last but not least, she was not interested in the fight between the dark and the light side; she was not interested in the eternal religious war between the Jedi and the Sith. Not particularly today.

”There have already be rifts in the fabric of reality, to be felt in the Netherworld as well. These called me here; the fault, the injury that needs to be healed.“ she continued her words.

She paused for a moment, not beginning to explain how different she saw the world and the Force than others.

”That's why, please let me go to the place of the fault.“ she asked him.





Location: Mustafar
Ship: ANV Tython
Tag: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Pa'Kar Sang Nexo Nexo

Izah's golden gaze shifted to the viewport as the strike force dropped out of Hyperspace and back into Realspace, directly over the molten planet of Mustafar. Her fingers were gently tapping against the armrests of her command chair, and for a few seconds, the hectic sounds of the bridge faded into the background. This was the moment she had been working toward ever since the Alliance had saved her from her life as a slave. She had attended the academy, worked her way up to her first command, and now she was given the trust to fight along with allies from across the Galaxy in the war against the Maw.

The corners of her lips tugged into a faint smile, her steel focus shifted to the Final Dawn and Crusade fleets, and as the words of the fleet commander echoed across the secured comm channels, Izah stood up and looked at those around her.

"Strike Group Flash-" he called across the fleet, "Engage the Final Dawn fleet!

"You heard the Admiral... open fire," Izah ordered calmly while her hands folded together behind her back for a moment, her eyes still focused on the significant forces that had amassed before her. The Alliance fleet was the smaller one present, but under the command of an Admiral she respected greatly, and alongside their allies from the Crusade, she felt confident they could prevail.

"Coordinate our target focus with the ANV Consolidator," It was one of the other Concord-class Star Defenders, and as ordered, she would pair up with it to target a single Final Dawn ship. Dorsal turbolasers shifted and within seconds, the two large vessels unleashed a barrage of fire towards their intended target.




Location: Sunspot Prison combat theatre system
Objective: Defend the evacuation of the prison
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Liedran Kathause Pa'Kar Sang Valery Noble Valery Noble

The Ashlan Grand Admiral smiled to herself as the enemy commander ended transmission, she did not expect the man, rumoured to be so high on his own engine fumes as to believe himself invincible, to back down. But it was her way, offer a path to peaceful resolution whilst also buying a few more minutes for ships to prepare for combat if needed.

Her holo set off an alert as more Alliance vessels entered the system and almost immediately engaged the Final Dawn. "Captain, out allies are engaging, please have the Bogan's Nemesis Target the flagship of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen with their metoer cannons, begin moving the fleet forward. Have the Watcher continue loading but have its crew ready the ship for hull landing. If necessary we will carry those HVTs out of here." the Captain gave a concerned look to the Admiral, landing a 900m long cruiser on to Hull of a battlecruiser in combat was something not often attempted, and probably for good reason. He nodded and carried out his order.

She opened up her comms to the allied fleets and adressed Pa'Kar Sang , Izah'zore and Nexo Nexo "This is Admiral Draellix, my forces are still holding enough of the station to extract our prisoners, the evacuation should be competed shortly. I can remove the evacuees from the area of operations once they are clear." Her people were laising with the Alliance and the Eternal Empire to make sure noone was left behind.

She watched as her ships crept forward finally into long range, and added her firepower to the distant flashed. The Bogan's Nemesis began firing its primary weapon, the extremely powerful meteor cannons, and the charges streaked through space to add to the already significant weight of fire on the enemy flagship. Isla was aware the Final Dawn ships were tough, but that one ship had the majority of its opponents firing it.

Isla also launched winges of Phoenix Multi-role starfihters, escorted by Pegasus Interceptors, out into the middle ground between the fleets. The majority of them would not engage yet, but four squadrons blasted forwards on their SLAM drives aiming to make an attack run at an as of yet unselected target amongst the smaller Final Dawn ships.

Aboard the Divine Purpose Isla grinned as she stood in front of the viewer, watching the enormous firepower of her own ship light up the space in front of her. The Ashlans, and the Galactic Alliance were now engaged with a mawite fleet. The Alliance attacked from one direction and the Ashlans another. Isla hoped this would provide too much for the Maw. She also hoped that the radiation and light from the sun at her back would help to obscure her fleet and make them harder to targeg effectively

Lettow crusier still loading up prisoners, carefully positioned with AC flagship between it and the Maw.

All other Capital ships opening fire, primary targer is the final dawn flagship

secondary target is FDS Iron Fist and FDS Crimson Linings

Last edited:


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma


Amen & Attack

The transport took a couple of hits as it descended toward Fortress Vader, its wings singed from glancing blasterfire as the brave Crusaders made their way toward their objective. The plan was a simple, yet bold one. Descend toward the fortress, and deploy onto a nearby platform without a proper landing. Some would call it foolish, others crazy, but to someone such as the Grand Marshal, such maneuvers had become commonplace. Hit them where they would least expect, he would say. Take the fight to them where they wouldn't see it coming. The last part of that ended up not working out as planned, though thankfully, their pilot was skilled enough to make it work. As they advanced to their landing zone, Heinrich looked to the brave souls that had chosen to join him on this mission. Many were newer to the Crusade, yet were as determined as ever to see Ashla's will fulfilled.

Turning his attention to one new face in particular, the Grand Marshal let out a slight smile.

"Stick close, and we'll see victory on this day. Once I make the jump, follow. Stay close, and Ashla will do the rest."

The ship took another glancing hit, rocking the interior as those within struggled to maintain their balance. The pilot had managed to break right just soon enough to avoid a catastrophic hit, saving everyone on board in the process. Heinrich said a little prayer to Ashla for blessing them with the ability to make it through this, though he fully understood that the fight had only begun.

As they neared the platform, Heinrich looked back to the others. opening the hatch as he spoke to the faithful Crusaders.

"Ashla wills it!"

With those words, he leapt from the dropship, his body propelled by the Force as he dropped to the platform below. These minions of the Bogan had possessed this planet long enough. Today, that reign of tyranny would end...


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