Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Death's Sting: SJC Invasion of BotM held Lao-Mon

Objective I: Free slaves | Deal with pesky Imps blowing chit up?
Tags: Lyra Vent Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood (engaging)
Location: Slave Quarters
NPCs: Tammuz Hoole | Jaina Grayson

Nimdok had already started to lead the slaves away from the holding pens when a loud roar resounded in the vicinity. “Did you hear that?” Nimdok asked Tammuz and Jaina, his tone suggesting it was a rhetorical question. His fingers tightened around the hilt of his lightsaber, preparing for combat.

Moments later, a hulking… being stepped into his path. The armor-clad creature clutched an eviscerated corpse like a child dragging a mangled doll. It tossed the body at their feet as if it were a broken toy, to be accompanied by the whining words “See what you made me do?” Nimdok was a father; he recognized the patterns of such childish behavior, blown up to catastrophic proportions in adulthood. Tammuz no doubt saw it too, though he sensed the elder master’s focus was on making sure this behemoth didn’t attack the slaves.

Then, the thing spoke. Nimdok raised an eyebrow as he referred to the slaves as property, then tried to induce them to turn on their rescuers. From the standpoint of a rational, sane sentient mind, no one would listen to a sadistic lunatic in 40k armor. Unfortunately, the slaves were not in a rational or even particularly sane state of mind. A few simply made a break for it, running away from Zachariel and swiftly getting themselves killed on the battlefield as they fled in terror. The rest seemed paralyzed with fear, rooted to the spot, their eyes fixed on the confrontation.

Should we even bother asking him to surrender?” Nimdok muttered to his allies.

Tammuz shrugged. “Oh, well… I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”

Are you sure?

Nimdok wasn’t a great fighter by any means. Tammuz was experienced and formidable, but he was an old man. Jaina was an excellent warrior, but she didn’t have the Force on her side. As always, the only true reward for doing good was feeling good—and in this case, they probably wouldn’t be feeling all that good after tussling with this guy.

If they wound up in a physical fight with him, that is. Not necessarily in a battle of minds.

“He’s nothing but a rabid dog in need of putting down,” Jaina said, already in a fighting position, her katana poised to strike. “And he’s in our way.”

Enough.” Nimdok looked straight at Zachariel, his expression stoic. Yet his eyes seemed like two black holes, drawing the Gen’dai in. “You don’t want to fight us. Trust me. Because if you do, you will lose whatever is left of your mind. I’ll make sure of it.

“Don’t—” Tammuz started to protest, then cut himself off with a sigh. There was nothing he could do now except hope for the best.

Objective 1
Allies: Maw.
Gear: Armour, lightsabre, Shotgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Ion Paddle Beamer, Cryo-Ban Gun.
Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina

Boom. The Jedi was either familiar with the weapon or had enough insight to realise the typical Jedi tactic of staying put and swinging his glowstick would not produce positive results. He deftly avoided the spray of shards, save for one grazing his arm. Enyo followed her foe as he weaved left and ducked into a corridor. Doubtless he intended to ambush her. But she had to come to him. She was fine with that. So she followed, but she did not charge after him mindlessly. As Sith were wont to do in her admittedly biased view of them.

Pulling a grenade from her belt, she activated it and hurled the explosive ball after him. Rather than a conventional fragmentation grenade, it contained a very potent gas that triggered fear, anxiety etc. Along with a feeling of breathlessness and panic of not being able to breathe, while actually being able to. Odourless and colourless, the gas could be absorbed through the pores and inhaled.

If the Jedi's precognition warned him in time and he deflected the grenade, that was not much of a problem for Enyo. She did not breathe anyway and her armour was fully sealed. She could handle a bit of shrapnel. If it exploded and he managed to protect himself, the gas might still briefly diminish his vision. So she followed after him, slinging her shotgun back over her shoulder, and taking her sonic pistol in hand. It was held at the ready.
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Post: 2
Objective: Blackest Hour
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives on person and in backpack | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Halketh Halketh | Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus | Bendak Crail Bendak Crail | Romund Sro Romund Sro | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Glossa | Jaedec Ren Jaedec Ren | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Ves Fett Ves Fett
Enemies: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Avenger | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Mrurh'en'lase | Hel Mrurh'en'lase | Hel | Lyra Vent | Artemis Lu Artemis Lu
Special Tags: Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

A speed freight train of armor was coming for her fast, she just caught barely out of the corner of her eye. She could have matched the speed in the force had she caught it sooner and moved out of the way, as was she just had enough time to moved just a half step to the side and activate the shielding on her armor. The speeding soldier slammed into her his right side clipping her left side. His tackle would fail to grab hold, but he would still hit her with ever ounce of his speed and weight. Tegan was tiny and only weighed about forty Kilograms so went flinging and even her shielding though would protect her from major injury she would still feel the effects of whiplash.

She went flying back yet her orange eyes keep target on the armored bullet that had just wreaked her day. It was almost like slow motion as she flew through the air her right hand reached into Jacket and pulled out a sticky grenade and tossed it in the armored man’s direction if it hit it would either strike his side or back. Though Tegan would be sure it struck it’s target as she slammed back to the ground as gravity had a tendency to do. She thudded into the ground her body skidding and then rolling across the ground for a few feet before she crashed into a wall.

The shield that that been activated flickered a few times and then died as Tegan laid there. The shield might have protected her from breaking bones and kept her vital organs intake though very jarred. It did not mean the experience was fun nor did it mean Tegan was not hurt in fact she hurt all over in that moment as she laid there. She was sure every inch of her body was bruised, and she did not want to get up. She just laid crumpled on her right side up against the wall she hit. Her left still crippled hand reached out trembling, only Tegans left eyes was open but just barely.

Her crippled left hand trembled as she etched the web symbol into the ground in front of her. Then she whispered a few words very quietly and a purple aura began to flow from her into the symbol and it wasn't long before Tegan’s web had been cast and began expanding across the camp. Her left eye then opened wider looking searching for on that had hit her and she had tossed the sticky grenade at. As she looked for the soldier the web continued to expand and her mind briefly touched the mind of all those on the battlefield of the camp.

Objective II
Allies: The Coalition of the Willing/Last Alliance/generic 'good guys', or whatever we're calling it. Err, SJC.
Enemies: The planet-killing bad guys. Specifically Darth Maleva.
Gear: Equipment: Armour, Hold-out Bolter, Boltgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer, Cryo-Ban Gun.

"Silvers want to fight Sith? Is it April Fool's?" Elpsis asked dryly and probably not politely. Political correctness had never been her thing.
Guyenne glowered at her...sternly. This was her usual expression. Not because she disagreed with the sentiment, but it because she would not tolerate breaches of protocol and let a minion speak out of tune. "Do I look like I'm joking, Lieutenant?"
Elpsis had enough sense not to point out that she was incapable of seeing the Colonel's facial expression on account of her blindness. "You never joke, ma'am."
"Then don't waste my time with nonsense. I'm not enthusted about this operation. But the order's been given, and you'll carry it out," Guyenne retorted bluntly.

It was Elpsis' company commander, a Rodian Captain called Sha Rezz, who spoke next. "The Silvers have roped in the GA and the NIO. Goshen War Camp's the target. Slave camp crossed with military base. Expect significant resistance."
"We doing anything about the prisoners?" Elpsis queried seriously.
"The primary objective is to deal a blow to the Maw's military power in this sector," Guyenne stated frankly in an authoritative voice. "The slaves are a secondary objective."

Elpsis looked a bit uneasy. "The Shi'ido are being butchered, ma'am."
"I'm aware. As are many other species but we're not swooping in to save them all. Many will suffer their fate if the Maw continues its reign of terror. Understood, Lieutenant?" The Colonel's voice brokered no contradiction.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good. Because I can't put the whole task force at risk because one of my officers doesn't have her head in the game." No one could accuse Guyenne of mincing words. Or bending over backwards to accommodate supposed 'heroes'. Elpsis would not respect her if she did.
The Lieutenant nodded grimly. "Just point me in the right direction. The platoon's ready. Some of the Champions will have to sit this one out though. Plenty of heavily injured from the run-in with those Maenan witches."

"Acceptable. I'll use my mental abilities to provide support," Captain Rezz said, glancing at the Colonel. "What are the Rules of Engagement?
"No Mawist is to be taken prisoner. The indoctrination of the Maw and their savagery makes anyone serving their cause suspect. Surrenders are not to be accepted. If you see civilians they are to keep 10 metre radius or be on the ground."
"This comes from high command?" Rezz asked for confirmation."
"General Devotion signed the order herself."
"Got no one in my unit who doesn't want to give these loons what they deserve," Elpsis remarked. It was retribution. It was balance.

The gods of war demanded their tribute. So far, Lao-Mon was delivering. Blasters whined, explosions echoed across the ruins, blood was spilt and people died. Their gunship? Flaming debris. No way but forward. Blaster fire splashed against Elpsis' armour. The energy shield flickered. She felt a searing burn in her torso. And projected blazing flames. There were screams. With fire, bolters, and the Force, Inferno Platoon was fighting its way through. Moving quickly, she hastened across the debris. A high-slugthrower shot grazed her helmet, and pain shot through her. She hit the dirt. "Sniper...Stryde..."
Ere she could finish, a shot rang out, and she felt the sharpshooter's pain. "Target down. Three."
"Not a contest,"
Elpsis retorted seriously.
"No. Just payback." One could count on a Chiss to have her head in the game.

A breach had been blown into part of the enemy defences. Silver and other allied troops were flooding it. But heavy fire and beasts greeted those who came close. E-webs roared, spitting a hailstorm of scarlet bolts. Too many to deflect with a lightsabre, so Elpsis did not try, seeking cover among the rubble. But the improvised cover was being blasted apart. No choice but to strike, and so the team did, coordinated through the Force. Diona initiated the meld, and the Miraluka Nydris Saal boosted them through her meditations.

Hazania brought a construct of flame into being. Elpsis lacked the talent for such arts. Her wall of flame could not shield, only burn. But she could help the Qadiri fire mage through this intense task by lending her a portion of her power. Some bolts were caught by the gleaming, vehement flaming barrier, bouncing off and flying all directions, superheated by the fiery embrace.

She felt Broowsk exert her will upon the ambient moisture in the humid air, drawing upon her magic. Harnessed by the Wookiee mage, the water urned to steam descending down upon the gunners to burn and disorientate them. And Elpsis drew upon the fire inside herself, unleashing an inferno of blazing heat and light. It produced agonised screams. Diona, Rhea and Nyssa came from the flank. Blade or rifle in hand, they set to work cutting down cultists. Covering fire came from Elara, Sienn and Stryde via bolter and shatter rifles. "Zuule, tell the Captain we're moving in! Could use some fire support."

Grenades were guided into the fray through the Force. Amidst the blazing inferno they were charging into she felt Rhea's anger, Nyssa's bloodlust, and Diona's stoic professionalism. Sardius, a Shard, waded into the fray, using xer armoured droid form to shield the organics, even as smoke coiled from xer. Xer repeating blaster spat crimson. Wounded Mawists who still breathed air were shot or stabbed. The team had learned from Csilla. Better safe than sory.

A flurry of vicious blaster fire streaked through the air. Vicious dog-like creatures spewed plumes of flame or sought to rip their foes apart with their sharp claws. A giant hound slammed her into the ground. Its vicious teeth tore into her flesh, piercing weak spots in her armour while it breathed flame. Pain surging through her. It stoked her inner fire, and she slammed her red-hot, cybernetic fist into its jaw. Her other hand fired her hold-out bolter, releasing buckshot into its brain. And so they moved on - into the inferno. Some attacks she avoided, others she absorbed or suffered. It all fed the fire, and so she set to work with flame, lightsabre and bolter. No quarter would be given.
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Libertas quae sera tamen


Dark Lord of the Sith
vestment | creation



The Perished | 4725/5000

Let me guess. You’re the King of the Universe; the waves part, and they engulf you, and the water is warm’? Or are you taking your cue from another section of the Dark Lord Playbook?

Ah, the tendency of the inexperienced to classify all beneath the same conventional umbrella. It made him nostalgic, almost, to hear the sarcasm leave the apprentice with venom upon the boy's tongue. Granted, he never was a chatty one, even in his younger years, but he had known plenty of others tutored alongside him who behaved in much the same way. "Not quite," he offered Starlin a response, two simple words to entertain and encourage the kid to keep spitting.

The crackling collision of the jade bolts against the raw energy he unleashed earned a smirk further still. "Ah the Jedi have resumed the teaching of that one," he remarked, chuckling dryly, "my my, times have changed."

And about that time is when he sensed another rise of energy upheaving within the apprentice's frame. The prodding and provoking that Starlin did seemed to be doing very little to garner the reaction likely desired, however, the remark about impressing strangers was met by an act of absolute cruelty. Rather than shield himself or expend more energy, the Dark Lord sought to preserve, and with that desire, came the need for advantage. His explosive fury previous had turned his reserves into a rare commodity, and his exertion became something he could not afford at this time.

He could see it, painted as clear as day, the will manifesting itself in the very ebb and flow coursing through Starlin's body.

As the energy peaked and the molecules of the apprentice's breath were excited to flame, The Divine extended a hand languidly, manipulating the same. Rather than allow the fire to pour outward, he flexed his might upon it with the intention of stopping it almost as quickly as it burst to life, and leaving it to burn the very maw and throat of the one who dared spew it. Perhaps now he would glean the answer to his question about the weight of Starlin's will.

"You speak too much and think too little," the miraluka mocked from behind the veil of his helmet, "your perceptions deceive you, boy." He was kind enough to offer a hint that the halfling was not the only one possessing decisive advantage when it came to sensing the motion of The Force.

ALLIES | Dakrul Dakrul The Mongrel The Mongrel Glossa
FOES | SJC | NIO | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Artemis Lu Artemis Lu Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen





Revenant Squadron
  • One Flight [Assault]
  • Two Flight [Strike]
  • Three Flight [Intercept]

SCAR Squadron

Brotherhood of the Sith

Silver Jedi Concord fleets under the command of ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar and Gir Quee Gir Quee dropped out of hyperspace and deployed their starfighters to engage the Brotherhood’s colossal space station or provide close air support to the ground forces. One of the SJC interceptor formations identified themselves and sent their IFF authorisation request to Revenant Squadron.

The request sat open for almost a minute.

When the IFF screen didn’t update it dawned on Chaar why the request had not been responded to - he’d always left his XO to deal with interfacing with unfamiliar squadrons. The Umbaran deeply mistrusted anyone outside his chain of command, and many who sat within it. But with his former XO nothing more than a scattered of atoms among the destroyed husk of Csilla along with the rest of Viscount squadron at the hands of the Brotherhood, the duty fell to him.

“Acknowledged SCAR One,” he replied flatly. “Request accepted.” Chaar tapped the command on his console to link his IFF system to the SJC elements. Starfighters and capital ships previously marked ‘Unknown’ now displayed as ‘Friendly’.

The Brotherhood’s massive battle station disgorged its starfighters, which after some probing attacks, retreated to establish a defensive line. The Alliance and Concord would need to take the fight to them.

Three Flight zipped ahead and closed quickly with the enemy forces. The targeting packages on the fast movers scanned the surface of the battle station, seeking out high-value targets. Using their speed and manoeuvrability to their advantage, the A-wings had the intel in the bag and were able to get back out of weapons range before the enemy could react.

The targeting computers on One Flight’s B-wings analysed the data. While weapons emplacements were limited, the target was heavily shielded and armoured. Even the heavy starfighters would have trouble cracking the shell.

Chaar was considering his options when the tactical holo lit up with numerous warnings - a Brotherhood fleet had been jumped in-system behind them, pinning the Alliance and Concord against the Lao-mon and its enormous orbital defence platform.

Panic began to flood across the comm net as cruiser captains and squadron leaders hurriedly issued new orders. Cooler heads needed to prevail. Looking at the screens, Chaar could see no way to push through the new arrivals without taking considerable damage. That left going through the Monastery of Slaughter as their only hope.

“One Flight, we’re going in,” he ordered gruffly, shunting more power into the B-wing’s thrusters. “Two Flight, close cover.” While heavily armed and armoured, his flight were sitting pelikkis without the X-wing escort.

Now, if the Concord squadrons would stay out of the way, maybe there was a chance he could pull this off the attack run.



Mean Green Mother From Outerspace

Allies: Maw | Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid | Halketh Halketh | Dakrul Dakrul | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Glossa
Enemies: Others | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Artemis Lu Artemis Lu | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

What is a soul?

The panicked minds of the hive had pulled the attention of the Great Progenitor. Through their roots and connection the Eldervine turned it's eyeless gaze to the intruder of their minds. There was nothing remotely human in the eldest Drengir. All they had was the purest of desires; harvest. But the vinesworn, humanoids blessed with the Drengir. Those who's bodies and minds were repaired with the very 'flesh' of the Drengir. Their minds had polluted the once simple mindset.

The forest screamed. Some trees began to rot from the inside out, their lifeforce drained. The lush jungle floor found a similar fate, greens wilting to black and brown. Other trees began to move. Bark creaked and groaned as large, toothy maws formed. Some large, some small. Vines erupted from their forms, writhing in agony as their minds were wracked with thoughts they shouldn't understand. The young of the Drengir couldn't handle it.

Drengir were never the type for plots and planning. Not when they could enact the Harvest.

White Eyes, was it?

All at once the screaming forest fell silent. Rotten trees fell to the ground, and the Drengir that had been revealed fled underground. What was once a luscious landscape was now devoid of all life. The earth churned underground, spreading farther and farther out. Madness and rage had triggered the Harvest. Maw, Imperial, Jedi. It no longer mattered what side someone was on. Meat was meat. The Drengir erupted from the ground, in jungles they hadn't spread to. In the smoldering remains of a battlefield of the dead and fire. Maws agape, drooling as they devoured any flesh they could find. Ripping those strong in the Force underground to drain their life from.

"Was it curiosity or duty that brought you into our minds, White Eyes?"

The voice of the Eldervine spoke from all around the shaman and his guard. The ground that had been rumbling started to part as another mass of green rose from the depths. But this one was beyond even the largest of the Drengir. Vine and bark formed into the shape of a claw, slamming down for the intruders. The monstrous being rose, standing far above where the jungle once reached. It's terrible voice resounded out of it's whole body. The sound more like creaking wood and breaking bark.


"The glorious Harvest begins anew. Feast to your hearts content, my children."

Objective: Defend the Warcamp
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | BotM and Allies
Enemies: Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | SJC and Allies
Engaging: Zachariel engaging Errik, marauders Ziare
Links: Sword | Axe
Post 3​

They were moving from the slave pens, evidently hoping to free them while they still could. So it brought Zachariel some amusement seeing them halt upon his arrival. The fear was also a delicate nectar to him, one he took the time to breath deeply of. As some of the slaves broke and ran, while the rest froze in fear, Zachariel simply watched with amusement. As his targets spoke, he simply smiled beneath his helmet, eyes glowering down with dark pleasure.

From the looks of it, they wanted to protect the slaves and avoid him. Zachariel's confidence remained unchanged, though he did wonder just how much of a challenge the three would pose. After all, they appeared experienced and one rather old, that implied decades of experience in them. Hopefully enough for proper amusement. As Errik glared at Zachariel and spoke, the giant gen'dai simply stared back, amusement evident in his posture.

With a chuckle, he dropped down to the ground before them in a crouch. Rising slowly, Zachariel pulled his axe free from his side. Tilting his head, Zachariel spoke.
"Tell me, has that ever worked? You seem capable enough in following through, but has anyone actually taken that offer?" Giving his axe a twirl, Zachariel shook his head. "After all, you can't take what isn't there. But, I suppose it doesn't matter, none will be able to accept an offer from you ever again."

Laughing again, Zachariel howled once more, attacking them mentally in the Force, and managing to break a slaves mind as well. As the slave fell down a gibbering mess, Zachariel stepped forward with a laugh, twirling his axe once more.


Their target knew they had seen her, knew they now hunted for her. As Ziare fired upon them, before then running deeper into the maze of tunnels, the marauder who had spotted her first laughed. Ducking to the side to avoid the blaster fire, he grimaced as he came out of the side tunnel and barely caught their target vanishing in the distance. Scowling, he walked forward, only to be soon met by the leader of the veteran squad, tall and scarred woman rippling with muscles. She said nothing as the marauder pointed down the hall the woman had disappeared into. Smiling darkly, the champion howled once again before setting off at a jog.

The others in their squad followed in a jog as well, spreading out in a loose line. They were circling wide to ensnare Ziare, while also hopefully giving them a chance to close the gap should she rush them. To add to the terror of being hunted, some of the marauders ran blades across the cages, the constant plinking echoing along the dark tunnels. Others still hunted in total silence, the only mention of their passing the occasional shriek of terror and surprise of the slaves. But more than that, any time a marauder spotted Ziare at any distance, they'd promptly howl, and if they were in range, shoot a blaster bolts close to Ziare.

Of them all though, it was the marauder leader and the one who spotted her first who were closest. Oh they were never truly close, none of them were, but it was always enough to show that they were still hunting. And then the marauder leader called out to Ziare, laughing as she spoke.
"Come out my deeeaaar! We just want to plaaay..."

Cackling madly, the champion continued on, occasionally simply howling for the fun of it. They weren't close enough to fully see one another, but always to show that the hunt wouldn't end. And as mad laughter echoed along behind Ziare, the marauder leader simply continued on, taking far too much pleasure in the hunt.

O B J E C T I V E 1
Tags: Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
The glow of his violet blade cut through the stonework of the citadel, though the evil of this place swirled at Kadan's feet like a fog. He focused, a scowl forming behind his helm, his footfalls seemingly the only sound that registered to him outside of the havoc of war that reigned down from elsewhere.​
Then he felt it, the cold, the darkness. It moved towards him, and up ahead, he found the source; a lone warrior. He raised his blade, hearing the man question his origins. He know of Mandalorians it seemed, though Kadan was no mere Mandalorian. He was a jedi, and the Grand Padawan of the order at that.​
He raised his blade giving a quick flourish, his left hand held outwards, right hand holding the blade elevated, plasma burning towards his approaching foe, as he took his Soresu pose. "Come and test your steel if you dare." He said calmly, his voice distorted by the voice modulator distorting his voice. He watched the man move forward, his own saber glowing like a torch as he moved towards Kadan. As he neared, Kadan's left hand swept down to his belt, gripping the hilt of his vibro-sword, and extending the blade. Gripping it now with his left hand, he flung the blade towards his foe, and charged.​
His past experience had taught him what happened to those who let his foe make the first move. He wouldn't make the same mistake again.​



D E M O N ' S _ H E A D
Operation: Bastion Spear
14th Military Intelligence Brigade, 501st Legion
Goshen Keep Dungeons

To Konrad, filled with unhinged wrath emanating in his glower, there was only him and the Taskmaster. No guards he could not evade, no clamor of weapons dictating Auria's fate, no ground grumbling and rattling beneath his feet. Light as a feather, sharp as an arrow, he'd carve right through the Ebruchi until the shine of his blade was lost to the color of the alien's blood. The rage of the maniac may have turned him into an untameable tempest but all that was left of his mind was a crumbling castle, shattering under the gaze of the twin voids the Taskmaster had for eyes.

Each syllable uttered by the Ebruchi, each word, drew a glimpse of a memory he craved to forget until the incantation was fully finished. In his spellbound gaze, the visor of his helmet broke into a hundred fragments just like that beaker when he had learned upon Tavlar's death. The shattering sound reverberated into a pandemonium, at first incomprehensible before it became clear.

Konrad's greatest fear. The son of Jaeger Harrsk and Mira al Qarnayn. Born and groomed to be flawless and preordained for unfathomable greatness.


All boundless expectations came crashing down upon his shoulders, weighing him down with the revelation that he had failed. He soared no longer.

The young assassin, frozen in his determined charge, fell on one knee. Wild-eyed he stared at the blood on his hands. The blood of his father. A man he equally loved and resented.

"Pathetic." the voice cracked his heart into a thousand crevices of pain he believed to be immune against.

"Father...?" he looked up at where the Ebruchi stood, instead it was the figure of his father - torched to a crisp by the molten flames of the Vizier. Only his eyes remained alive. Still so judging, ever so judging. Even from beyond the grave.

The eyes of a father that a son had failed.

ALLIES | NIO | GA | SJC | Auria Blackmoore | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
ENEMIES | MAW | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha
Objective 1
Location: Lao-mon, Goshen War Camp; the Citadel
Equipment: Lightsaber; Old Sin; Dueling Armor
Allies: The Maw, nominally
Opponent(s): Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora

The Phosphorescent Blade crackled as Sarad moved down the corridor towards his opponent. When the Jedi took a classic Soresu pose and answered his challenge it seemed to please Sarad who continued moving towards him at what appeared to be a leisurely pace. As he moved he permitted his senses to reach out through the force like it was a tangible thing, not to gain some advantage in combat but rather to read the ebb and flow of the force between the two of them. If this Jedi sought to use the force to enhance himself or manipulate their environment Sarad would feel the changes in the atmosphere as they occurred so that he wouldn't be caught unaware.

As he came closer Sarad, focusing on his foes body language would react as Kadan's left hand swept down towards his belt to retrieve the Vibro-Sword before he flung it at him and charged behind it. Sarad's movements were quick, he sprawled backwards snapping his lightsaber down to his right in the process to catch the Vibro-Sword on the inside and both deflect as well as destroy it. Unless the Vibro-Sword was of some superior construction the lightsaber should cleave it in twane easily, sending sparks out from the point of contact while the deflection was completed. The Lightsaber Sarad held would continue its momentum though, its downwards snap would bring it past Sarad's right hip and he would sweep it back behind himself as the initial deflection completed while his feet found their penchant again and Kadan charged in behind his blade.

It was exactly what Sarad had hoped for. Wheeling his right arm back around behind himself he'd bring it up, whipping it back behind his head in the process so that his lightsaber came over his left shoulder to the right of his opponent before bringing it down in a diagonal blow meant to catch Kadan's ligtsaber on the outside and parry it across the Jedi's body while contact was maintained. At the same time Sarad's right leg was sliding backwards, placing his left side into a lead while his right foot turned outwards for stability.

Once the parry was complete Sarad activated the weapon in his left hand, Old Sin. The Phase-Knife produced a nine inch molecular blade, it was similar to a lightsaber but different. Old Sin was enhanced compared to other models as well, capable of cutting through metals much more proficiently than usual. The Phase-Knife was held in a reverse grip, the blade forming at the base of the hand rather than otherwise. Sarad fanned his arm outwards and upwards as the blade activated, cutting towards the elbow joint of Kadan's right arm on the underside while he maintained his parry knowing that armored tended to be weaker in those areas to accommodate mobility. Like a lightsaber a Phase-Knife could easily detach a mans arm on contact but Sarad did not want to butcher this Jedi, he only wished incapacitate the arm and render it useless. If Kadan wasn't careful his charging momentum would only assist in carrying him in the blow.

.."What is your name, Jedi?

...his voice was cool, calm as he clashed with his opponent. There was a palpable heat emitting from his lightsaber too, Sarad was used to it but it might surprise his opponent. Time would tell.


Objective 1
Allies: Maestus Maestus
Enemies: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Inventory: See intro
The silence of desecration filled the enclosure where Gren's victims were now entombed. The life essence that had once animated them now coursed through his veins, invigorating his senses, sharpening reflexes. Every great ode to battle should first begin with such a song. Their memories were now his, too; he was free to sift through them in his mind, like decaying holoprojections on a screen, a family scrapbook that none who were alive cared about. Useless tableaus, all of them. They would return to dust along with their former bearers. Good only for practice.

Standing slowly, as the drums of warfare echoed outside and beckoned, Gren attuned his senses to his Master, and proceeded outward to his objective.

Maestus was confronted by a lone Jedi by the time Gren reached her. Tafo's eyeless visage was reflected by Gren's own missing eye as the dark one materialized calmly behind his Master, the two standing before the Jedi like black monoliths. He was just in time to hear Aaran's words, which were effectively terms of surrender. The arrogance. More than merely assuming he would be the victor, the Jedi's terms sought to deny him the very essence that sustained him; to live dangerously, and if necessary, to die as a warrior. Utterly insulting. Gren had to wonder if the Jedi's angle was one of mere cynicism, designed to cause as much blind rage as possible in his Sith opponents, and thus, mistakes. He would kill him twice if he could, just for that affront.

"Yes, Jedi," Gren responded, his stature unmoving. Around the trio, chaos ensued, men bled and drew their last breath.

"Within glorious chaos and the reign of death..."

A mortar shell exploded several yards from the standoff, first announcing itself with a resounding deep thud against the ground, then throwing a shower of dirt and blood between them.

"...Let's lie to each other."
Objective II: Tip of the Spear
Halketh Halketh
Location: Like right outside the war camp, idk tbh

Starlin nearly choked on his own flames, breaking off in a fit of coughing. “Nobody’s… done… that before…!” he gasped, smoke billowing from his nose and mouth. “I’ll give you… credit… there…

He swallowed to wet his throat, his expression pursed, and heard the Sith mutter something about perceptions and deception. “What are you talking about?” he asked, his confusion genuine. “My perceptions deceive me? What, because I’ve only got one eye?

But just to humor the Queen of the Universe, Starlin slipped easily into Force Sight. The Sith was multitasking, big surprise. The Sith Magician had a finger in every proverbial pie, pulling the strings of his army as well as the threads binding reality itself—although the latter was more of a passive observation. He was tapping into those threads, using them to predict Starlin’s moves.

Another burst of coughing hit Starlin before he could speak again. “Yeah yeah, I’ve heard it all before. Half the time, people show up to these battles for no better reason than to have fun killing. But please enlighten me, good sir. What did you come here with your fething undead army for, unless to revel in bloodshed? Don’t bother to congratulate me if I’m right.

While awaiting an answer, he clenched his right fist, causing three phrik blades to emerge from his knuckles. The hand was a prosthesis, made to serve as a weapon as well as a tool. With one of the blades, he cut the palm of his left hand, drawing blood. His lips moved as though uttering a spell. The Padawan had evidently just performed a bit of blood magic, shrinking his presence in the Force down to almost nothing.

Activating his lightsaber and shoto, he spun the blades, assuming attack position. “Try sensing my next moves now, schutta. Hell, try sensing me at all.

And with that, he lunged.
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Objective I: Free slaves | Deal with pesky Imps blowing chit up?
Tags: Lyra Vent Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood (engaging)
Location: Slave Quarters
NPCs: Tammuz Hoole | Jaina Grayson

Tammuz stepped in at once to protect the slaves, severing the link between Zachariel and their minds with a wave of his hand. Meanwhile Nimdok held the behemoth’s stare, his gaze burning.

You’re right. No one has ever been smart enough to walk away. My quest for an opponent with half a brain continues.

He knifed into Zachariel’s mind, stabbing deep into gray matter. The decentralization of his nervous system clued Nimdok in that he was dealing with a Gen’dai. A traditional duel would have indeed been foolish and ill-advised, then—they could regenerate from wounds faster than a Shi’ido. But merely having a decentralized nervous system didn’t mean there was no consciousness to wound.

While Jaina and Tammuz stood by to guard him and the slaves, Nimdok pushed further in, sending out barbs to latch onto memories. He would wipe this bastard’s mind if he could, leave him sitting here catatonic with all the cognitive prowess of a newborn. Maybe then he could start over and make better choices in life.

Location: Lao-mon, Goshen Keep Dungeons
Tags: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Auria Blackmoore | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina

The ones that Tu'teggacha loved best were full of fuel: self-doubt, regret, a paper-thin veneer of arrogance to cover a yawning chasm of fear and self-loathing, these were like dry tinder upon the mental bonfire the Taskmaster was so skilled at building. He could break anyone given enough time. He firmly believed that. But the serene ones, those at peace with themselves, had to be taught to see the galaxy's darkness. They had to be tortured for days, weeks, months even, so that they could learn to feel helpless, to dread the moments they were alone as nothing more than the countdown to each inevitable session of agony.

But the ones like Konrad... they carried that darkness inside them already, eating them up.

The white-hot knife of Harrsk's rage, which the bladesman had intended to turn on Tu'teggacha, instead sank into his own breast, and all of his repressed emotions spilled out like boiling blood. And the Taskmaster just. kept. pushing. He let the misery and uncertainty wrap Konrad up in a cocoon of self-judgement. It was the classic "gifted kid" problem: a child excels and excels and excels, as Konrad had, but each success was never quite good enough for the high-expectations parents... making outright failure all the more shattering. "Father...?" Konrad asked. But Jaeger Harrsk's charred corpse only sneered and turned his back.

The look on his mangled, half-molten face was one of utter disgust.

Things were not going quite so well with the witch. Though the Palatini had managed to wound her, slicing through armor to leave a long, thin line of blood across her slender back, she managed to escape being hacked apart in the crossfire of polearms - a feat that few could have achieved against such dangerous warriors. Her scream was certainly music to the Ebruchi's auditory organs (he didn't have ears, per se), but he knew what it meant: she was alive, and so long as that was true, she was incredibly dangerous. Proving that point, she unleashed her pyromancy once more, sending the four Palatini stumbling back...

... an opening she widened by tossing two of them bodily aside with her telekinesis.

The Taskmaster's bodyguards, elite though they might be, were clearly no match for the assassins... at least when they fought together. The witch might even be able to take them on her own. The one who'd been burned twice now was down for the count, his robes seared away and the armor beneath smoldering with residual heat; he'd probably been cooked alive in his plastoid bodyglove. The pair she'd more directly manhandled with the Force, sending their flaming forms flying out into the hall like fireworks with lit fuses, had hit the walls hard. Now they were struggling to rise and recover their long-bladed weapons.

The last one, having finished stamping out the edge of his cloak, was about to charge once again... but a gesture from the Ebruchi held him back a moment. It was clear that the lone Palatini could never take Auria down. Probably the three remaining could not even while working together. Even if Tu'teggacha managed to hold Harrsk until reinforcements could arrive, reinforcements he was even now signaling with his personal comm, he would very likely be burned to death by the witch if he didn't do something dramatic. It would require dividing his concentration, perhaps loosening his hold on Konrad, but he had no choice.

If he didn't stop Auria, or at least slow her down, he was finished.

So the Taskmaster reached out, questing for her mind this time. There was no time to delve deep into old memories and insecurities, to try to dredge up the kind of inner strife that had allowed him to spin Konrad down into the depths of despair - and the witch might not have such memories to find. Instead Tu'teggacha looked for something recent, something that had provoked a strong emotional response in her... and he found it. Suddenly their linked minds flashed back to Asoport, on the snowy planet of Carlac. They were standing on a long bridge at the outskirts of the city, just beyond the tram station they'd destroyed.

The memory was so vivid, she could feel her sweat freeze to her skin.

Konrad charged in, full of that bull-headed courage she knew so well in him, determined to slay the Mawite witch who stood against them. At first he seemed to be winning... but then, with a telekinetic heave not unlike the one Auria had just unleashed against the Palatini, his foe threw him from the bridge. “Goodbye, pesky little fly,” Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall cackled, as Konrad plummeted over the railing and toward the frozen river... and the legion of undead things that waited below. Auria had stood there a moment, frozen in shock and dismay, a look of horror on her face as she watched him fall toward certain death. Before rage had taken over.

Konrad hadn't died, of course, and Auria had taken the fight to Tegan fiercely in his stead. But Tu'teggacha didn't replay that part of the memory. He froze her recollection at that moment of shock and dread and grief, the sudden loss of a man who had the answers she so desperately desired. Someone as strong as Auria didn't hesitate for long in such a situation, but in the version of the memory the Taskamaster crafted around her, she did. Instead of fighting back, she fell to pieces. She panicked, she cowered, and her flames refused to respond to her call. “One Little Piggy is dead," Tegan grinned. "Time for the next."

In Tu'teggacha's version, Auria froze in terror as the rival witch closed in on her.

Could she disbelieve that false memory? Could she fight her way out of the web of illusion the Ebruchi was spinning? Probably, given a little time. The Taskmaster could sense her raw strength, both in the Force and in her own self-assurance. But he did not have to break her, a task that would surely have taken even him considerable time; he only had to delay her a little. He backpedaled quickly up the corridor, toward the reinforcements that might deliver him from this determined pair of assassins.

With Auria hopefully distracted, the last Palatini swung his blade for her neck...

Lyra Vent



ALLIES: Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | NIO | SJC | GA
GREY AREA: Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
ENEMIES: BOTM | NEW SITH ORDER | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Whoever stands in the way of programming
ENGAGING: The Mongrel The Mongrel 's Gore Wasp Riders/Firefangs
GEAR: Armour | Shield and Grappling Hook hidden in vambrace | Side-arm 1 | Side-arm 2 | Rotary cannon | Phrik cybernetics | Standard Grenade loadout | Vibroknife | 4x Shiva Knives




"Ah chit!"

Lyra had still been ripping away with the rotary at the two riders when they suddenly split up and things escalated pretty quickly. They were bloody good. Lyra had to hand it to them.

But now she had to think on her feet even more than usual, as one rider came bearing down on her like a bat out of hell. She had a split second to decide as the Wasp curled in on itself. No time to worry about her colleague, Lyra's instincts kicked into overdrive. Cybernetic legs launched her forward into a roll to evade the brunt of the great stinger. It passed just overhead as she dove forward, the stinger merely nicking the fabric over her back.

Rolling back onto her feet while pulling the Sunshot from its holster, the Raven spun around to face the enemy once again.

But Zoraya was faster.
Lyra did not have to be invited twice and she sprang away like a hare. She had more than enough experience with thermals. It was the reason she got turned into a cyborg in the first place.
"Blow it!" she called to Zoraya in the run. If push came to shove, they could always duck and cover.

If her companion pressed that detonator, the chain reaction would be devastating to the processing plants. The charges weren't some cheap black market stuff. Restricted Imperial military weaponry packed a punch.

All Lyra knew was that she didn't want to be caught in the blast - not again. So she high-tailed it around a corner....

....and then it all went south again.

As explosive thunder rocked through some of the camp, Lyra skidded to an abrupt halt. From all around, dread-hounds were converging on everyone within the camp. If she could get goosebumps or had hair on her arms, then everything would have stood on end.
"Ah hell." she said.

To make matters worse, some big guy was hulking in the road to the slave quarters while what looked like a Jedi barred his way.

The Raven groaned inwardly as she let loose with the rotary on some of the cybernetic Charhounds that got too close. How on earth were they supposed to blow the quarters now? They were running out of time.
"They really need to work through their anger!" she spoke over the continuous boom of the cannon.

Behind them, the inferno of the thermals was quickly spreading. They were getting boxed in. And by the look of the hounds, they would be pretty fire-resistant.

The day was just getting better and better.

Location: Dungeons of the Central Keep
Objective 1: The Goshen War Camp.
Opposing: The Mongrel The Mongrel

Reaching into the Force certainly helped. But it did little to prevent what came next. Her outstretched hand trembled, her vision blurred, and she had to fight not to drop to her knees. She knew the techniques taught to Jedi Knights to sustain themselves in situations like these. In fact, she had even taught them to her own Padawans. But the anaesthetic gas was already partially in her respiratory system.

She fought her body's need to cough, one shivering hand jerking the rebreather device from her belt. Against the time her lips found the mouthpiece of the rebreather, the edges of her vision had already turned dark. Her chest rose and fell in quick succession as she inhaled the filtered air. Her sight slowly returned, allowing her to view the consequences of the kinetic blow she had dealt with the Force. The Mongrel was nothing more than an dark figure in a corridor obscured by anaesthetic gas.

One who raised a weapon with the size of a bantha.

Oh, she had a bad feeling about this.​

Her legs were unsteady, and her mind still clouded. The adrenaline kept her standing, as did the rhythm of the Force that pulsed through her body. A rhythm that urged her to stand, to think, and to act. Not that she could come up with anything besides "find cover", however.

She backpedalled as best she could, her white blade travelling in an elegant arc to cut through the rim lock of the heavy, blackened steel door on her right. She jerked at it with the Force in a last ditch-effort to create cover, the door swinging open with a creak. Half stumbling and half falling, she found her cover. Or rather, slammed with her back behind it.

She couldn't tell what happened next.​

Her ears rung, and the sudden loss of balance made her nauseous. She focused on her breath, her training, but her hearing didn't return. Rounds flew past her little hideout in unnatural curves, although she wasn't paying enough attention to the salvo to realize how devastating they were. How the few that slammed into the door gnawed through it as if it were nothing.

For a moment, the only thing that kept her occupied was her bleeding left ear, and its stinging eardrum. Then, she made her decision.

Sakadi rose to her feet and stumbled through the doorway. She didn't know what the darkness beyond the entrance held in store for her, but she needed advantages.

And this corridor gave her none.​
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Ewan "Raider" Isaacs


Hesitation is a Hole in the head!

EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Angel 3". Commander Ewan Isaacs is "Angel 4" but also goes by "SCAR 1" Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 4(SCAR Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Angel 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Angel 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. Voodoo 4(SCAR Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. Voodoo 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter

SECTOR: Lao-mon
ORDERS: Engaging Maw targets
WINGMATES: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar

"Bag-n-Tag SCARs" Ewan was under orders to meet the squadron leader, which meant to him to work out a battle plan and move forward. Apparently, to the GA squad boss, it meant little more than figuring out on paper what his eyes should have already told him. "It is, what it is". They were moving in on their own and while Ewan was just as apt to keep attacking the station and lighting up the targeting scopes of allied capital ships, "Raider" just couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some fun with a Jackal.

They had their own separate flights, just like other squadrons, it was S.O.P. after all, but quite often in A.O.s like this, they flew as one. The SCARs would indeed stay out of the way of their compatriots, they didn't need to be near them. The speed and maneuverability advantages were on display as while the Alliance fighters had their targets, the SCARs took theirs.

"Twos, take to the big guns, threes hit up the projectiles". They could cover their own as they took to taking on similar targets.

S.O.P.=Standard Operating Procedure
A.O.=Area of Operation
Draw fire and take our targets of opportunity


Location: Western Walls, Goshen War Camp - Lao-mon
Objective: 2 - Tip of the Spear
Allies: BotM ( The Mongrel The Mongrel Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Halketh Halketh Romund Sro Romund Sro )
Enemies: SJC ( Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Artemis Lu Artemis Lu ) │ NIO ( Noel Strasza Noel Strasza Avenger) │ GA ( Damsy Callat Damsy Callat The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor )
Direct Engagement: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Her finger was pressed against the trigger and primed to shoot the armored Marine in the chest just as the powerful blast swept the Jango Jumper off of her feet, punching hard into her side as she was thrown back twenty meters from her original position. Tumbling as a pained, high-pitched scream left her lips, the strong aching sensation in her chest briefly drowned out her other senses. Unfortunately, it went without saying that something was broken. In the moment, she couldn’t begin to place what it was, but those errant thoughts quickly faded from her mind as adrenaline began to take over.

And yet, Glossa couldn’t help but to feel a looming sense of doom. Part of her had known she was going to die facing the Jedi. After all, this Jedi had likely already slain many, many more of her brothers and sisters before reaching her. Apart from being able to jump high and run fast, how was she any different from them? She had no ability to manipulate or even vaguely feel the Force, no magical intuition to tell her that a blaster bolt was heading her way, and very little in the way of formal training. She had already done well to hold out for this long, having crippled the Marine and managed to enrage the Jedi. Perhaps the Avatars might look favorably on her, for fulfilling her small role in cleansing the galaxy of the corrupt, bloated orders.

Or more likely, they would witness her failure and judge her as weak, her soul fit only for consumption along with that of quadrillions of other weak, feeble souls to bring about the Second Genesis.

Never had there been a time in her short, insignificant life where her weakness was more apparent than now. While Tu’teggacha had shattered her will, he had also reforged it into something stronger, molding her young, malleable mind into an instrument of purification. As much as she wanted to strangle the ugly, tentacled-faced alien, through sadistic torture and suffering, he had shown that weakness could be broken and transformed into strength.

Such was the will of the Avatars and the way of the Maw.

Groaning, Glossa clicked a grenade on left hip before pushing herself up from the ground, bringing her rifle to bear towards the charging Jedi. However, she was closing the distance with almost preternatural speed, faster than the Marine was recovering from Glossa’s attack on his leg. Sensing the danger, the Jango Jumper clicked the grenade thrice more to further reduce the detonation timer. Then, she heaved it towards the Jedi and the Marine with as much strength as she could summon, before diving away from the anticipated detonation, covering her head as she did.

Less than a split-second after the explosive device left her hand, it went off, showering the area in a deafening burst of light and noise...

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Objective: Absolutely save the slaves
Allies: NIO | SJC | GA | In proximity Lyra Vent | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

Enemies: BotM
E-11 Blaster Rifle with Grappling Hook attachment, SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster x 2, Vibroknife, Thermal Detonators x 4, KXA ABDG-01x 'Null' Grenade, Wrist-mounted Personal Energy Shield, Commlink



Vengeance is a monster of appetite, forever bloodthirsty and never filled.
The pair sprinted away from the towers as fast as their worldly bodies would allow them and upon confirmation from her ally that they were near a safe enough distance, the finger that rested over the detonator fell on the button.

The deep bellow of the explosions reverberated throughout the camp as the buildings crumbled from within, collapsing upon themselves and anything that dared remain nearby. The combination of rubble crashing in on itself and screams from people caught in the blast made for a truly horrific scene. It was quickly over and soon the remains of the recently standing towers lay beneath cracking fire once the fallen ruins had settled.

By then, the pair were long gone.

Soon it became apparent that those who had perished in the blast may have been afforded a more merciful death as they came face-to-face with the abominations that the Maw had sent barrelling after them.

Zoraya backed up to her partner, providing support from behind as she drew her pair of blasters to subdue the oncoming creatures. As they became cornered, their time grew limited. There were few allies in the area aside from the Jedi who she would would rather die than ask for help from.

The Jedi seemed to be in an equally as sticky predicament, prompting a snide comment from the woman. "I thought the Force was supposed to be with them."


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