Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Rebellion | Fires over Kesh - The Bryn'adûl v The Kesheri Imperium


Location: Gyn
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 8 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Enemies: The Brynadul
Allies: Non-Brynnies
Specific Tags: LeoraLiliana LeoraLiliana Octavius Bellator Octavius Bellator Helska Brood Helska Brood Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Tarre Priest Tarre Priest Hraelga Nacht Hraelga Nacht Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | +Open!


There was no slowing down in the damage that the city was taking. Scherezade could still feel the vibrations of the ground as she reached forward with the Force, doing her best to keep her focus on what she wanted to do and not succumb to HDH-Oh Shiny. Under normal circumstances, she had no such issues in the heat of the battle, but as combat hadn't actually started for any of them just yet, the song within her blood remained for the time being silent and mute.

Thankfully, the relative silence of their surroundings, considering all the other variants that had come into play, were actually helping her. The permission given to her by LeoraLiliana LeoraLiliana brought a smile to the SIthling's lips, and she pulled in deeper and harder, nabbing with the Force to every nook and cranny that she could. She had memories, inside of her head, of her own grandmother performing similar feats nearly a thousand years ago, bringing down an entire city after hours of focus, burying hundreds of Jedi and civilians to die beneath the rubble of that moment. And while it was true that Scherezade and her grandmother were lethal enemies and their next meeting would end up with one of them being very permanently dead, there were still more than enough things that Scherezade could appreciate and aspire to when it came to that dreadful woman.

And yet, before she could finish it, Leona had… Literally shot a hole in the ground for them to die in.

Scherezade definitely liked this woman!

Rising up from the ground, she dusted her hands on her thick thighs, and peered in. "I hope you've all brought night vision goggles or something like that with you," she said to the rest of the gang. As for herself… Her early days in training as a Mandragora Witch had given her the one spell that she found herself relying on again and again, the very one that she had created on her own. "Give me a sound and give me the night, let me see it all tonight," came the words, and those who were sensitive to the Force would easily be able to sense itslightly shifting. A small ding sounded inside of Scherezade's head, and suddenly existence was washed in shades of pinks, blues, and purples.

Of course, at the same time, none of them yet knew of the large worm that had broken not too far but not close enough above ground with Hraelga Nacht Hraelga Nacht riding atop of it.

Smiling to the rest of the team, Scherezade jumped first into the hole.

And couldn't help but notice that she was now standing in a tunnel that, if dug by a large beast, was way too big for comfort. Nearly fifty meters from top to bottom if her estimation was correct, and she could tell that it wasn't any modern weapon that had dug it out.

"I think we've gone from war combat to monster hunting," she mumbled, still digesting the scope of the situation they were putting themselves in.

And of course, even down here, everything was shaking.

Which put Scherezade in a damn near annoying situation. Could she give up the potential hunt or fight and just find a point from which to try to stabilize the ground, or at least a sizeable chunk of it? Yes, she could. She was strong enough with the Force. But was she willing to?

Glancing at her team members, the Sithling said something. Sometimes, it was better that not everyone knew everything. For now, she was totally opting to go monster hunting.

After Leona opened the hole in the ground with her weapons, Scherezade jumps in first, is assuming that they're dealing with something large (no clue it's worm-shaped at this point, but is assuming there were no tools used to create the underground tunnels) and realizes she can try to stabilize the city grounds, but instead opts for monster hunting without telling her team mates that another option is possible.
Location: Gyn, En route to the Central Island
Objective: Turn the planetary shields on
Wearing: Armor
Wielding: WindWhisper
Enemies: Brynadul
Allies: So far, everyone else
Tags: Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros [/USER] | Open


Alwine rolled her eyes. Here she was, stuck on a planet that was shaking so hard that glass was falling out of window panes, and the two males she was with were more concerned about being flirty than about being useful. Next time, she was definitely going to request female companionship for such things, if only for the smaller amounts of distractions those offered.

She had been given the job of leading, and so she did, running through back streets this time, hoping that hose giant black thorns would not rise from the ground again. Every so often she would open her holomap to ensure they were on the right track, not getting lost.

And within a handful of minutes, they had passed the distance, and were standing at the entrance to the building. Looking back to the scene behind them, the shaking of the ground had never actually stopped. Alwine was unhappy going into a building when things were like this, but they didn't really have any choice.

Her fingers curled around the access card she'd been given, and with another deep breath, she opened the door and went inside along with the two males. The building was he central hub for the generators.

"Keep your guard up," she instructed them in hushed voices. Why was the inside so… Abandoned? She had been certain she would find military personnel or other people resources inside. Carefully, she sniffed the air, trying to catch something. But whereas Lupine abilities gave her special hearing, it did nothing for her ability to scent.

The elevator at the end of the room would take them above ground. Dozens of floors. And fast.

"Up we go…" she sighed, clearly uncomfortably and unhappily. So many buttons. So many things to press. Her tracker beeped steadily, taking them tot he correct place which was several hallways away... But she was not looking forward to what would come after that. "Should've taken speeders."
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Objective: B – Lower the City’s Shield Generators.
Enemies: Everyone but the Bryn'Adul.
Allies: The Bryn'Adul.
Equipment: Weapons
Current Location: Kesh, Gyn, outside of the City. Northeast, in the Marisota river.
Tags: Tathra Khaeus

Sarask climbed, and climbed, and climbed. She didn’t speed herself up in that actual raising process, she simply used her own strength and dexterity, while keeping her actual form shrouded from others. They may see a blur, but it gives her a few moments after being spotted as others wondered what they were looking at, rather than seeing her and immediately realising she was a foe. It was a relatively easy scale, there were alcoves, she was more than likely scaling a few buildings for housing.

She’d eventually reach the very top. It wasn’t the largest building around. She gazed about her surroundings. She saw the city centre, there were many miles to cross. Given time, she could have tried lowering them down herself, but she didn’t have time. More than likely, she was already thought late. But now, she was at the top of one of the apartments. She walked to one side of the building, then sped herself up on all fours, jumping to the next.

She moved from building to building, climbing up those that were taller than others, and so forth, switching to the ground when there were no others to climb until she managed to reach the tallest building that was as close to the main island as possible. It was, of course, separated by another body of water. However, it did give her a vantage point to see it clearly. More than likely, this was where the shields were. Truth be told, she didn’t even need to lower the shields, if she were to destroy their power source, most, if not all of their defences would fall.

She studied the island. Perhaps had she continued her trek in the water, she would have made it to the place. Yes, it seemed as though most of the important things were on the central island, grouped up together. She studied the island, noticing two areas in particular that appeared to be what she was looking for. They both were too far away for her to deal with quickly. She slowly raised up her coarse, rough fingers to her head, poking at the device near her ears, speaking in her raspy voice.

Hiskt reporting. In City. Locations of importance, island in centre. Generators located.” She gazed upon the sight, before giving more of a detailed report of the city centre. She’d note that it appeared as though one of the contraptions was on one side of the building, while the other was on the opposite, around five or so miles away. She blinked once, before continuing. “Destroy on two sides of the island. Five miles apart” She mutters the coordinates down. “Lowering myself takes time. Use attack beasts.
Mike looked at his apprentice and the ship captain. He thought that this instruction was understood. Mike ordered the Dragon’s Flame to leave immediately when all the troops leave the ship.

“You just got your orders,” said Mike. “Go to the mountains and form a defense there. You are dismissed, except my apprentice.”

Mike turned off the holotable and went to a box. He was saving this for a occasion just like this. Mike threw a replica of a BlasTech Industries DL-44 from the box to his apprentice. He smiled that his apprentice.

“If you are going to go fight,” said Mike. “You need to get a gun. Yes, your practice saber can give a shock, but guns can kill people. Just do me a favor and do not get yourself killed.”

Mike walked out of the room and went to his replica Scimitar to travel down to Kesh’s planet surface.

Laziryth Laziryth Salis Salis Riamah Riamah
Post: 3
Objective B: Assault on Gyn
Location: Eastern Marisota River
Forces: 8 Brute Companies, lead by 2 Captains, 8 Majors (320 Total) / 320 Skags / 800 Drones (Direct Control)
Brutes: Barad Armour, Wendigo Spiker, Glaive / Spike Rifle (Majors)
Drones: Wendigo Spiker, Daggers, Claws
Engaging: Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor

Hrajlmak held a head between his claws and the dirt of the trench floor. He pushed, the head screamed. He pushed, the head capitulated under force. Slowly he brought himself up to his feet. The battlefield was in a state of carnage. As it should be Hrajlmak thought to himself. The skies were ablaze, the ground was a hellscape of mud and blood. A pure image of war. And it was only getting worse. Nuclear warheads punched through the cloud and smoke only to be intercepted by Phedraks. Their explosions rocked the battlefield. The indiscriminate use of such weapons set a tone of desperation. The enemy was panicking. The idea spurred Hrajlmak on and fed those under his influence renewed morale.

But when Hadad fell from the sky, it was a moment of euphoric joy. Deep in the trenches there was no space or time to watch when the world-destroying worm made planetfall. But Hrajlmak felt it. They all felt it. The bell that tolled for the end came in the form of an earthquake that permeated the entire city and for miles beyond. Hrajlmak had seen Hadad once before during the battle of Eshan. Himself controlling a Servitor. The chieftain's worm was an unstoppable force and a testament to the Bryn'adul's war machine. To behold Him was to look upon a God in the flesh.

Reality reared its head when a push sent Hrajlmak onto his side. He quickly leaped to his feet and spun to face the source. A young, female human brandishing a sword and surrounded by the cosmic energy. Hrajlmak kept his drones away from her. She was his and his alone. He spun his staff and entered a stance.

"Surrender?!" Hrajlmak exclaimed in a gutteral, heavily accented Basic.

"Look around you, flesh."

Gyn's shield had faded. The Keshiri had begun mobilizing their largest forces and closer to the city, a cacophony of explosions as myriad ammunition and ordnance was detonated in a desperate bid to annihilate the approaching attackers.

"The Great Conquest is unimpeded. Your world claws at a losing battle. You have broken the sky and shattered the ground and yet still, we move onward."

The ground shuddered.

"But I will not speak while Hadad consumes the very foundations of your pathetic city. Throw what you have at us. You have lost. Strength comes."

Hrajlmak bowled a fireball at his opponent and followed close behind it with a dash. He swung his staff for the human's head just as the ball closed the gap between them.
Mike landed in the mountain area. He got out of his ship and took out a pair of binoculars to survey the scene in front of him while waiting on his apprentice. He looked and he did not see anything. Mike decided to take out his portable holo.

“Salis,’ said Mike. “Where are you? I am trying to regroup with you and I do not see anything here. Are you in trouble?”

Salis Salis Laziryth Laziryth Riamah Riamah LeoraLiliana LeoraLiliana

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Objective: 1

Forces: See Solan Charr's post

Location: Western Defenses

Tags: Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok


The only response the creature got, was an exagerrated yawn as he talked about the great conquest or something, alex using her free hand to wave the air as if truly tired already from the talk.

"Shame, looks like ill miss my favorite show tonight." Her voice seemed truly disappointed at this fact, as if it was something she had been looking forward to.

With that she grinned as fire was summoned up, the act making her even more amused considering her main client was the man who got himself burned and burned others day in and day out. She had learned a trick or two when it came to controlling temperature and as fire came out the trench itself started to freeze over and the blood and water that was inside the trench, or any other such liquids would become harder to find stable footing on. The temperature of the air itself seemed to be drained of any heat as she watched the fireball become formed and once thrown she found her blade coming forward, the heavily imbued blade not aiming for the ball but for the staff coming in behind it.

It was her free hand that came to reach out for the ball, smiling as the energy found her hand and twisted around her arm, tutaminis doing its work and Alexandra remaining on the defensive for now, deciding to give the monster infront of her a quick bit of her own past.

"Did you know, I used to serve in the household of the Sith Emperor. He thought he was a god too, probably still does. But gods do not exist." Her hand holding the sword pressed against the staff that had been leveled against her.

"Ill give you another chance to surrender... but before that, id like that hand of yours." Her fist, now free, came forward with the force focused into the limb, increasing its strength but also letting out a burst of telekinetic power the moment it landed on something, anything, a blast akin to a shockwave that left her shaking her hand after, smiling.

Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok
Location: Gyn, En route to the Central Island
Objective: Turn the planetary shields on
Wearing: Light stealth armor: Blends into surround with auto camouflage
Wielding: Electrostaff, Two Vibroblades
Enemies: Brynadul
Allies: Agents of Chaos, the Dark Hand, Kesh
Tags: Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Alwine Daye Alwine Daye | Open
post: 4

Following the other two smirking away.
Looking to Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol as he did.
"Well, if we don't die... and she doesn't kill us later... I'll buy ya a drink,how about it?...." He'd nod up to Alwine Daye Alwine Daye .
"You can join us too chick, though I feel I may drink you both under the table." He'd chuckle before stopping to look up the giant tower with a raised brow.
" We need to find the Gens in that?...Wonderful..." Then Dex would frown shaking his head. "Alwine, Give me a copy of the holo map.... I have an idea, I'll make my way over to the next one... we might have a better chance of getting them on quicker... " Dex would ask taking the map before bolting off in the other direction, 5 miles to run.... she was right... they should have taken speeders....

--- ---- ----

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae

He'd been running for some time, already passing swarms of evacuees and children crying as the sounds of war were already starting to be heard.
Dex didn't have much time to stop he only did seeing Seven soldiers surrounding one fox looking thing... Well that seems important.
He'd hold up his hands in peace as he approached.
"I'm friendly! I'm FRIENDLY!... You need to get moving!... You can come with me to the Gen towers, but I can't promise it'll be much safer?" He'd call looking over to the tailed creature with a raised brow. "You want that kid to live right? Get him out of here!" He'd say starting to move on again, only looking back to see if they follow. Dex couldn't leave a kid like that... the ones he had had their parents with him.... This one he assumed were already gone...he'd make a good Silencer later....
Location: Gyn, en route to the nearest safe zone in the city.
Objective C! : Saving Civilians
Weaponry: Just a Vibroblade
Allies: Keshiri Imperium and its Allies.
Enemies: Strange monstrous beings.
Tags: Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros


Well, Aeizori continues to carry this child in her arms, and she swore the nearest port was somewhere nearby. The noises from all the fighting that is going around her isn't helping her remain focus either. Though, she does look up and notice something odd happening. The shield. Its... Its lowered? Did someone destroy the city shield generators?! Are they already inside the city?! Panic flows through the girl, but she tries her best to keep on a straight face. All for this child she's carrying. "Its, Its going to be okay." She spoke, once more trying to calm down the child, yet is it truly?

Though, her head turns when noticing Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros , and looks at him. She eyes him up and down making sure he isn't some-kind of hidous monster. Nope. Doesn't seem to be in her eyes! "Oh! Someone didn't turn those on yet?! I, I think the cities gens are also down too... Mmh." Aeizori looks down at the child she's carrying. "What, what does that mean?" He sniffs. "Shh, don't think about it too much. Ah-Mmh." A sigh escapes her lips.

"Uhh, O-Okay. Ehm. E-Everyone l-lets head there then. M-Might be safer... I, I think." She sounds rather nervous. "Though sir, have you seen any other people around who might be the mother and father of this one? I've been trying to find them for a few minutes now." She prays the child's parents are okay. After speaking though, Aeizori and her group start to follow Dex. Strength in numbers...
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective - B
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Galak Galak | Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Alwine Daye Alwine Daye | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Solan Charr Solan Charr | Krael Vizkla | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Hraelga Nacht Hraelga Nacht | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | LeoraLiliana LeoraLiliana | Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros | Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae |
Equipment: Staff | Cuirass |
Forces: ORBIT - 14x Carriers | 12x Battlecruisers | x11 Ra'maks | PLANETARY - x1 Hadad | x4 Servitors |

Drek'ma could feel the death of the Ra'mak beasts, first three died and then another six were killed when the Shield was partially opened - however, before any had fallen their arrival and the subsequent attack on the eastern front allowed them to jettison their Dispersal pods, each carried ten - from those fifty-six that remained, each dropped ten Dispersal Pods to the fields alongside their brethren just beyond the Shield. The stress of the orbital attack was fresh, but from the city permeated one feeling - fear. Natives of all kind, soldier and civilian carried a great fear in their hearts. The Bryn'adûl came like rolling thunder, destroying everything in their path - tearing everything out root and stem. This was the way of things, like a force of nature.

Drek'ma was reluctant to forgo control of the twin Servitors dispatched to the aid of Tathra, but he knew the Shamans he had trained would do such grand beasts justice; likewise the commandment of the Chieftain was one of his wisdom. Even as the Primarch sat at a great distance from the combat, his mind and Hadad's were one. Distractions only got in the way, however often times obstacles were the pathway to strength, the pathway to victory.

One such obstacle, a pearl blue dome of light. It was strange, the mind worked with such beautiful symmetry with the universe. Some times for, others against. In either case, one most obey that things shall come to pass one cannot control. Coincidences existed, but not as random events; but signs of what one must do. When the call from the Zealot Shadow came, the Primarch demanded the sway of the grand Hadad; its colossal form churning through thousands of metres in every direction, spiralling black thorns tore through the ground like an unearthly growth through skin. The pronged black teeth of the beast turned buildings and towers into rubble, moving toward the first Generator.

The Primarch could feel that imbalance across the Galaxy, the stench of purposeless weakness that clung to every Human, every Twi'lek. Hadad would set said imbalance right. He was a vehicle of truth, as were all beasts of nature, no matter how educated or complex - they were all instruments of the Chieftains will.
Objective: Hold the Line in Gyn and push the enemy back.
Location: Secondary Trench Line
Allies: Dark Hand, Keshiri Forces
Enemies: Bryn'Adul Ground Forces, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Hraelga Nacht Hraelga Nacht , Galak Galak
Equipment: Varos Cloak, Three Rhak Skuri Gas cannisters, Kits Yelp Bracer(With ten extra belts), his personal lightsaber, three EMP grenades, two frag grenades, 10 miscellaneous lightsabers, Three totems of Familiars(kath hound, Kreehawk, Acklay), Shadow Fox Amulet, VSF Fennec
Forces Under Direct Command: 10 Divisions of VSF troops.(160,000 troops total)

Breathe in 1... 2... 3... 4... hold... 2... 3... 4.... Breath out... 2... 3... 4... Vulpesen felt his mind clear as he reached his secondary trench, and sensing those around him. he could sense that they were doing the same. True, the enemy had taken the first trench, but that was an inevitability. They had built their current fortifications for a reason, and they weren't dead yet. It wasn't fear that widened their pupils and quickened their hearts. It was anticipation.

Every day they dealt with things that went bump in the night.. A few monsters from under the bed wouldn't route them now. As Vulpesen's eyes fell on the enemy commander, his blood boiled and his saber ignited in his hand. "FOR THE ALLIANCE! FOR KESH! FOR THE CODE!" he howled, his voice ringing out over the crowd before him, carried by the force. With a mighty cheer their weapons came up. They were not beaten. They were not scared. They were not toys. They were hardened soldiers who fought, died, and claimed victory for the Vitae Alliance every day. Like a thunderous storm, their weapons opened up at those who passed through the shield. A hundred and sixty thousand weapons opened up in line with Solan Charr Solan Charr 's forces.

Vulpesen himself focused his attention on their leader, standing proud and tall like a puffed up bear. The pack was barking and howling with its blasters. He took it a bit more literal. Opening his mouth, Vulpesen unleashed the force on Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus ' front line. A cone of explosive energy carried across the field, carrying his zorren howl with a wide lethal energy and turning it into a true war cry.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked on as a giant worms tore out of the earth under it, but it almost seemed unfazed by what he did. It didn't slow down, it just pressed its attack. For poodoo's sake what did it take to bring one of those things down!? He started to move back, winded but still ready for a fight. He then hit his comms, opening on all ally channels.

I just pumped that worm full of as much electricity as I could muster.... And it didn't even seem to do much. More like a taser strike." He was tired, but he couldn't stop. He wouldn't stop fighting these things. He formed a Kinitite in his hand, firing it at one of the beasts. He wasn't even sure which anymore. H e just wanted to stop them.

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Solan Charr Solan Charr R Reyn Australis Bazh'Thu Bazh'Thu Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Galak Galak Fomoris Fomoris Hraelga Nacht Hraelga Nacht Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha
Objective: 2
Allies: Kesh Imperium, Red Dragon, The Dark hand,
Location: Space, preparing for assault.
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus The Librarian
Ship: mki-enforcer-multipurpose-fighter-transport using the pod seeting of Two laser cannons, one Flex Tube proton torpedo launchers fitted with Proton Bombs to take on the bigger ships.
Squadron: With a squadron of the-apollo-class-interceptors.

Rocho's efforts least semi-successful. However, his team was but one of a much greater war. Personally, Rocho was not so sure the Keshiri would win. The best chance they had was to put a dent in the Byrn'adul, and show that in spite of their numbers, the Byrn'adul couldn't continue. And that eventually people would stand up to them who posed a threat. They might not be alone either, perhaps they were for now, with few allies. But the time would come that wasn't going to be the case. He heard the warning about where to go and quickly him and the squadron with him pulled back, but the interceptors had to board a ship first. They had extremely little time and they barely made it within, Rocho himself simply set his up.

Their return was swift, dropping so much firepower on the Byrn in an attempt to further destroy them. It was here that Rocho began his decision, he was going to need at some point to get a bigger ship and crew. Let him have more of an impact on battles like this, and as a result have more of a score. For now though, he'd have to deal with what he had. Take them out personally. If they were going to rely on these Phedrak fighters to protect the bigger ships, he'd take advantage of that. "We're going to preform a rush. No need to hold back. Go in, release, go back and re-stock your missiles, repeat. There's no reason to preserve missiles in this battle." He told them.

Almost non stop firing from their laser cannons on the enemy fighters, they were numerous, but lacking in skill and firepower. They relied on swarm tactics, making them all the more vulnerable to the missiles that the interceptors methodically released as they closed in on bigger ships. Intent on clearing a path while Rocho prepped the Proton Bombs, releasing them any time they got within reletive range of any of the larger ships and then immediately turning to dart away from the powerful weaponry.

However, this method wouldn't last too long for the interceptors. They could only hold six missiles each and those were lost fast against the oncoming storm of Phedrak fighters, they could take them out in vast numbers yes, but they would quickly have to resort to dodging their way back to a carrier to restock. Leaving Rocho on his own to try and handle them. Regularly having to lead them on chases. Due to their raw numbers, actually turning around to face them wasn't always optimal. Instead requiring that he simply lead them around while firing on others and releasing proton bombs.

These creatures were not true hunters, they were relying on their superior numbers more than their tech or skill. Too him, that was a sign that the moment they faced an enemy of greater numbers who were used to having to have more trained members, they were screwed. And would aggression themselves into defeat. It made for a good target, a good enemy to score from. Because they were a threat to him, and a threat to the Keshiri. A very considerable one that posed a serious chance of death. But against true galactic powers, they would turn the universe against them.
Objective: 1

Allies: Kesh Imperium, Red Dragon, The Dark hand, anyone not a monster.

Location: Engaging Bazh'Thu and Fomoris Fomoris

Allies: Mike V'Trechen Mike V'Trechen

Salis grinned as the creatures attempted to surround her, "Such limitations, two dimensional." She said, they approached her, aggressive. Any hit from them would be a serious danger to her life. She couldn't allow them such a chance. So as they attempted to close in on her, swift as humans, which was its own advantage given their size. Even she admitted they were a threat in such numbers. However, they would not possess the same agility or speed she could muster through the force. Instead of facing them at this range the woman used the force to leap far higher in their air well over their heads and sending several Stun Pearls behind her. They were not things she used in battle much due to their lack of lethality. But they were small and hard to parry due to their design. Though she wasn't sure their effect on the creatures. As she landed she'd undoubtedly be soon assaulted, and so she reached out both hands, a cackle released from her as she sped to the side into the shadowy mist the shaman created, unsure if it would hide her from the creatures. Regardless she'd get on a run, using the force to guide her through the trees, her lightsaber deactivating, so that they'd be forced to take time to get to her. She heard Mike V'Trechen Mike V'Trechen over the comms in her helmet, "I'm in the big fog Mike. There's a force sensitive here, not like that Orex fellow though....this one's different. And some good amount of the big guys. Up to you, but they might start getting just a bit troublesome. I'm pretty outnumbered."

No sooner than did she respond then did Bazh'Thu Bazh'Thu get closer to her mind. An image of Mike V'Trechen Mike V'Trechen appeared before her. Of him bleeding from his chest, a vision that painted itself as reality. As he fell, past her arms, as he seemed to descend into the very ground itself. A vision of life slipping away, of the only person she'd had any attachment to since her parents...vanishing. Fear was not a thing Salis felt much of. A mere year ago, such a mental assault would have had no effect. A minute irritation more than anything. The question was, how much could it do now?

Her eyes glowed yellow, her face seeming to pale as the darkness grew within her. As instead of joy, she drew power from fear. Her breathing was fast and almost sputtering as he teeth gritted against themselves. As her mind struck against the force attempting to push her into collapse. And that fear turned into anger, that anyone would dare to threaten or use such a thing against her. Her hiding in the trees would not remain a moment longer. A scream tore through the air as she grabbed at the very trees, ripping them from their roots and sending each crashing into another towards Bazh'Thu Bazh'Thu and Fomoris Fomoris and their forces. Followed as she focused her hands, eyes wide and wild as she stood atop one of the taller trees, her hatred growing as she pushed the dark side into raw destruction. Using a power that was often her favorite, Force_Destruction. Something designed to rend matter and flesh, and even when it missed, was known to throw anything nearby. And then she released it at the Shaman, not relying on the ever so deceived eyes, but on the force itself. "DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND DO THAT AGAIN!" she screamed.

Even right after the first she'd already started forming another effort of Force Destruction as she stood on the tree, relying on the fact they'd have to either rush at her or shoot her to threaten her. Zepher heard the outburst of her through the comms, "Perhaps it would be good if I came to get you ma'am?" he prompted. But Salis barely heard him, her rage was a rare thing to see in truth. Ever so often cheerful. It wasn't just that she had been shown a vision of the one thing that actually produced any fear. Nor was it that the fear was crippling, even as bad as it might have been, it was less than a normal person should have had for a loved one. No, it was that she'd felt it at all. That it had been pushed on her by another. Whether it was a threat, or a vision, she didn't care. She was furious that they'd show it to her.

Zepher looked at the Robots in the ship with him, he decided in spite of not being ordered to, she might need help soon. He ordered the TX-1 droids with them to get on board with their weapons and then he would begin to attempt to navigate the ship towards the cloud once again trying to locate Salis with the sensors it did have.

On person:

Salis Lightsaber

Stun Pearls

-Salis's armor


-Several phrik throwing knives


2 Model_Kylan-3


Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.

astro-class-lx-combat-freighter: Picking up 10 TX-1's and heading to Salis's location.


All Terrain Rough Rider (In ship)

-Basic Astromech droid.

Zepher with MK_II_Paladin_blaster_rifle.

14 tx-1-robots on the freighte
Objective A
Location: Slums
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Keshiri Imperium
Equipment: Radesh Auto Weapon | Barad Spec Ops Armor | Barad Glaive
Compliment: 3x Servitors

The ries of terror were dying down as those living within the slums were either dead or managed to escape the destruction. Xrobas walked through the carnage and wrecked buildings, surveying the area. Bodies of families and vagrants were strewn about, mangled to a point were they were unrecognizable. Pools of blood began to form as the bodies were emptied of the red liquid. The mutated drael let out a rough snort from his nose in disgust.

[Their weak pale flesh was not fit for war. Pitiful. Not even their defenders could protect them. They seem to care not for their poor and weak and defenseless. Very well. I will have to bring a few of their bodies for my studies.]

A lone policeman charged at Xrobas, armed with nothing but a metal pipe. His bravery was commendable but it would only award him a gruesome death. As the policeman got close, Xrobas sent him straight to the ground with a swift and heavy hook to the right side of the man's face. Blood spewed from his nose and mouth and teeth began to rain from his lips. Xrobas looked down on him with disgust before planting his massive foot on the human's chest.

[Brave. Very brave. Yet, you lack the power the back up your bravery, thus making you a fool. Sometimes, I pity you lesser species. You do not know what true strength is. Here. Allow me to demonstrate.]

Xrobas reached out to the man's face with one massive hand and grabbed it. With little effort, Xrobas began to squeeze, enough to make the man cry out in pain and agony. It was only a moment begore the man's head exploded into a gory mess in Xrobas' hand. Blood, bone, and brain matter splaottered across the ground as the man's lifeless body fell with a heavy thump. Xrobas shook the excess carnage from his hand before moving forward, deeper intot he slums after the Servitors.
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Objective: B
Tags: Solan Charr Solan Charr | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Mig Gred Mig Gred | R Reyn Australis | Galak Galak | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Krael Vizkla | Xrobas H'kahn Xrobas H'kahn | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma |
Armour | Axe | Shield | Belt-Fed Launcher |
Orbital Forces: x
40 Phedrak Carriers [15|3] Per | x48 Battlecruisers [16|4] | 73x Ra'mak War Beasts |
Planetary Forces: [See Galak's Post] | Ra'mak Additional Forces:
10x Ravagers | 2x Obalisc | 43,000x Drones | 140x Brutes
Theme: [
Planetary -

When the breach in the Shield appeared, for a moment Tathra assumed Hadad's task was complete but he was mistaken. Tathra turned to look at the sky for but a moment as the fifty-six Ra'maks deployed their combined Dispersal Pods, over-five hundred Dispersal Pods before six more were destroyed, their massive corpses falling onto the Shield, others partially sliding through, others blocking the holes of the City Shield. As Tathra moved through the open-ground into the enemy defences, smoke and ash danced around them in great volume, fires erupted all around them. All that could be seen were soulless opaque eyes and the fluorescent glow of the molten trail of red that followed every swing of the Axe, held aloft in his dominant hand; blasters bounced ineffectually off his skin and armour, one after the other Tathra cut through the weakling Keshiri. With an outward swing he pulverised a man, his limbs flying off from the cut torso, a kick to the chest sending another three metres into the muddled earth, broken.

The attack above was yet another show of desperation, leaving their weapons aimed to the sky, not to the enemies at their feet allowing Tathra and his Brutes to close the distance. Humans were cowards, this - was nothing new. However the attack had allowed the deployment of their fresh forces, an additional forty-three thousand Drones took to the field, lead by the Brutes of the 7th Regiment, reinforcing the push for the enemies defences. Above, they wished to launch their aircraft, a mistake this close, the M'gaelak Siege Towers fired their combined twenty-four anti-air turrets, massive spikes and such slicing through whatever craft attempted to funnel through the shields gap; their some forty cluster missile turrets fired off into the air wings and trenches equally, causing ripples of explosions.

The Rhivaks continued to move into enemy territories beyond the Bryn'adûl infantry, leaping onto enemy tanks and blazing plasmatic fire into their metallic confines, their turbolasers tearing into the Rhivak deployments, whilst the Brumaks remained behind - continuing to vaporise entire firing lanes of enemy forces.. In the sky, the remaining six-thousand Phedrak would continue to dominate the sky with the aid of the remaining fifty Ra'maks, their massive cannons, capable of tearing apart metal shells.

The newly deployed Ravagers were massive Baedurin, lead by Krael into the outlining enemy trenches - the massive creatures were seemingly unstoppable, for every Ravager that might fall, a hundred or more would be taken with the beasts. The Obaliscs would sit on the edge of the battlefield, their massive tendirls firing out incredibly powerful beams of energy focused on the turbolasers whilst Tathra would lead the 10th forth, the Drones not far behind.

Tathra moved like a blur, speed and rage as a volatile whirlwind of red encircled his movements, then - a blast of wind, force enhanced perhaps. The shockwave threw a few Drones flying backward, crashing into the caked-mud without their weapons. The Brutes all weighed nearly half a ton or more, their heavy armour holding them firm, Tathra eyed the hysteric force-wielder - the explosive force energy cascaded over the pointed shapes of his armour; warped by its form as the strength of the force grew quiet, nullified and weak in his presence. The only strength, emanated from the Titan himself.

Around them, the twin-walkers fired at the M'gaelak overhead - the powerful Mass Accelerator weaponry tore away at the flesh of the beasts, but their tough hides showed little true damage, it would take a grand deal more than what this pitiful band could muster to bring down their great beasts. The two M'gaelak now angered, extended out their massive tendrils and cleared a swath across the ground, their massive limbs crushing all in their path as the smaller tendrils grasped oto nearby buildings, hurling them at the turbolasers; the underground Servitor tore open entire sections of the trench, whilst the one above ground attacked the Walker from its side; intent on burying it beneath the earth.

Tathra moved into the depth of the enemy defences, spearheading the formation of Brutes and Drones as they clashed - their brute strength and savage weaponry excelling in close quarters. In seconds, Tathra cut through dozens, those left in his wake who evaded his lethal strikes would find their skin melting in the molten vapour that followed it.

Tathra kills more defenders, Brutes, Drones, Obaliscs and Ravagers are deployed fresh from the Ra'mak Dispersal Pods; the M'gaelak start shaving entire sections of defences away with massive limbs, Servitors are sinking lines of defences, Brumaks vaporising hundreds, Rhivaks attacking tanks/droids. M'gaelak siege defences attacking funnelled air forces. Tathra unaffected by force bellow, some drones affected. Then, Brutes of 10th Regiment spread-head a push into the focus of the enemy trenches, lead by Tathra.

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