Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
Queen of Fluffyness

NAME: Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
RANK: None
SPECIES: Ruferalanuin, Oólb Rudle
AGE: 45, looks 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Five Foot, Six inches.
WEIGHT: 143 lbs
EYES: Red from Dark-Side Corruption
HAIR: White
SKIN: Fairly Pale.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
See Race Link for rest of list: Race Link
Low Mental Resistance: Having been a slave for most of her life, she is highly subseptable to mental commands and telepathy.
Men: From her torturous state, Aeizori will almost cower infront of any person of the male sex, however she has learned to adapt to such, but may still tremble from time to time.
Shiny things: Its what got her in trouble in the first place.
As a kid, she came across something shiny, which happened to have been a ship. She saw that the hatch was open, so she had curiously entered inside. After a while of exploring, she found herself in the storage room, but the ship then started to take off. Until a crewmen went to check for supplies, the girl had hid in one of the ships boxes, nervous and completely terrified as to what just happened. She was taken out of the box, and was shown to the rest of the crew.
After several hours of discussing on what to do with her, the crew of four finally decided to sell her off to someone for a quick cash flow. Aeizori, ofcourse, didn't realize what was going on and went with it. In truth, she believed she was going back home. Instead, she was sold in Nal Hutta.
She was forced to live there for a few years, and as she grew up, she has been bought and sold by several different people. Her mental stability has slowly slowly started to lose its independence, from the drugs she was forced to take, as well as being forced to do whatever her 'masters' told her to do.
During her life, she was rescued by a man named Solan Charr and brought into his wing. With his guidance, and a little stubbornness, He had assisted in breaking her out of the slave habit, but there is times where she insists on acting and behaving in such a way. She was also taught how to properly defend herself by him.
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