Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Dissolution of the Rim | SO Invasion of Sluis Van & Denab

He'd been in deep meditation, when the beginning had happened, and it wasn't until he'd come out of the meditation chamber, did he hear that several knights and masters were rallying to the Rimward Trade League's defense. The sith had launched a sudden, if inevitable, invasion on the Rimward Trade League and several of its territories. There would be those defending the Temple of the Rimward Jedi Order and some no doubt trying to aid in evacuations.

Raphael knew that he would be more of a hindrance than a help, when it came to defending a Temple, but he could easily aid in securing specific locations. Still, time was of the essence. From what he was hearing, from the information filtering in, the sith had already managed to push fairly far into the system. How, he had no idea; the RTL had always had excellent planetary defenses, from what he remembered. Hell, space travel was one of their big things... He needed to get there, fast, and there was only one way to really get there fast.

Jacket on, he looked like he was back to his old civilian/smuggler look again. The one that he was more or less known for and ran for the hangars. There was only one thing to do, and that was to get to his ship. He'd need to see the scene for himself. If it was as desperate as he was afraid of, then the first thing to do would be to establish air superiority. If only such a thing was that easy. He knew that, the moment he reached planetside, there would be too many for him to just cut through. But he could do much more than most.

The moment that his ship had launched out of the hangar, Raphael flew towards the rallying point, ships already prepping their hyperdrives. Already at max speed, however, Raphael launched first, ship rocketing into hyperspace.

The moment that he fell out of hyperspace, however, he could tell that it was so much worse than he'd thought. Somehow the sith had gotten dropships to the planet. Fighters were already starting to fly around and it seemed like the fighting had already made the ground chaotic.

Immediately, Raphael frowned. He didn't know quite where to land, or even if he could land. He slowed to half speed, before suddenly pulling on a lever as the wings unlocked and opened, before he accelerated the ship again and opened fire on a few of the fighters flying overhead. One exploded and one went crashing into the ground a bit away from the city, while he flew overhead.

That was when it hit him. He felt her, and a shiver went down his spine. Adeline was here... Raphael turned down towards a place where there was less fighting, or at least seemed to be less fighting. The ship's hatch opened and he jumped out, before tapping on it as the ship flew off on autopilot.

He reached down and pulled out his blaster pistol, before looking around. He needed to find one of the other jedi. They had to get people the hell out.

JEDI: Jax Thio Jax Thio
SITH: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
As she juked, she cussed under her breath. Really, she picked now of all times to retire her more combat oriented freighter for a weaponless exploration craft? It meant that she was flying a fighter, and this one, while she knew the shields and firepower could out perform even her A-Wing, the controls had been modified by her father, set up in a SoroSuub system, similar to the Preybird. She did not fly Preybirds like her father, or her aunt.

“Blast this fighter…” Though it did move quick, definitely made with pride.

Not as fast as her A-Wing but still, she’d use it.

Friendlies were entering space, the locals waking up to the threat of the Sith fleet in orbit. But the more that were arriving? They were Mandalorians.

That was a good sign. Mandos back in full force in the galaxy? And coming here to hit back at Sith?

“Dreamchaser, this is Kaia Starchaser of the Warbird Wing. Transmitting codes now. We have several transports on the surface still. Going to set up defense to get them out. Need to keep the Sith busy.”

As she spoke, she and her ‘wing’ which were three squadrons, ducked in and out of the larger ships, the Cipactli cruisers were firing long range lasers and energy missiles. The Dawn Chaser was making its move for the edge of the system. Most of the Force children aboard.

Mig Gred Mig Gred Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Veylin Torque Veylin Torque
Michael Hightower Michael Hightower

: Dagobah temple
: kill the jedi
Equipment: red lightsaber
Tag: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

Astrid walked the surface of Dagobah the swampy mess of the planet was annoying to deal with as her boots sunk into the mud as she walked the few soldiers she brought with her where keeping pace with her in their armor as they approached the jedi temple. From the information Astrid had gathered most of the council ranked jedi where gone and most that where left where knight's or Padawans as she approached the temple Astrid stopped and looked over the temple to see if there where any notable defenses she needed worry about or any jedi out to defend it.
Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
Worrarg Worrarg

Praedo Mundus

Erupting back into realspace, the rather large and very unorthodox looking battlecruiser stayed its position for a while. The ship bore no decoration nor insignia proclaiming allegiance to any faction. Were it not for the unusual design, the ship was otherwise unremarkable.

On the bridge, Capt BlahBlah issued her standing orders. Interdiction at maximum. Collect sensor data for all vessels. Ion cannons on stand by.

As the bridge crew assessed the fleets surrounding Dagobah and decided on the best course of action, several shuttles departed from one of the hangar bays. As the flagship, all shuttles were similarly lacking any identifying marks. The shuttle moved around the battles as much as possible, skirting and dodging star fighters, larger ships and as much of the weapons fire as possible on their descent to the surface of Dagobah.

Dagobah Surface

On the trip to the surface, Maestus had busied herself with preparations on the Mundus. Last minute triple checking that all was made ready for the hunter's return. Ensuring the cargo holds were properly secured, and adequate water supply was introduced into each holding cell. As well as making sure the team of zoologists, biologists and bioengineers were in place and ready to begin as soon as the beasts were brought aboard.

She watched as the energy of the hunting party seemed to ramp up with each passing second. She couldn't help herself, either. The atmosphere and attitude of the group was electrifying, and very contagious. It had been decades since she'd hunted like this. It even surprised her, how much she'd begun to look forward to the trip.

While everything was being prepared, she took a moment to study Thomas Barran Thomas Barran . Truthfully, she and Thomas hadn't worked together in years. The reemergence of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis had changed that. The Dark Lord's appearance had brought half the galaxy rallying to his banner. Or it seemed so, at least. Uncertain times, to say the least. She could no longer afford to operate alone. The time had come to begin forward progress, and to accomplish such things, having a man like Thomas by her side would go a long way towards facilitating such progress.

She studied his interaction with his crew. The respect each and everyone under his authority was plainly evident. She held no illusions that, were she to consider threatening their Khan, the number of blades and blasters and gods know what other weaponry they had would be on her with no hesitation. Good thing for all involved, she had no such thoughts.

She flashed a grin as she strode towards the Great Khan. Folding her arms cross her chest, she began to assess the terrain surrounding them. They may be well removed from the battles being fought for the time being, but she and Thomas both knew how quickly that could change. This was not the time to take on the invading Sith nor the Jedi defenders. With any luck, they could hunt in relative peace.

Going to be a good hunt, Thomas. The only trouble I'm hoping to encounter will be the beasts and not...Them.

She waved a dismissive hand, meant to encompass the Sith and Jedi trying to kill each other elsewhere.

A team of scientists were organizing hoversleds that held containers of various shapes and sizes.

They will be tending to the collection of fauna. They've been given a list, however did you have anything in particular you'd like them to gather as well?

The port city of Yumfla was on fire. The section up against and branching out onto the ocean had already been doused, but the sections heavy with Sith were much more difficult to get ocean water to, with the Dark siders taking out scoop ships when they could. And there was only so much they could do. Luckily, the buildings were largely made of sturdy materials, but these were not regular flames. They were of the Dark side. Being Jensaarai, Rajan had no qualms against the Dark side, so long as one remained in control and did not let it consume them. But these Sith, they had all been consumed and corrupted. The Dark side was now controlling them, so they had to be stopped. No mercy, no remorse.

Rajan and Master Mirolai mowed down surprised Sith as they made their way to the government building. As he ran, Rajan pulled away as much of the fire as he could and absorbed it. He used the energy to fuel his body to run even faster. The palace was guarded by a large entourage of Sith warriors. The Jensaarai engaged them, being lead by a dark red armored legend Rajan recognized as Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser , as both Rajan and Mirolai vaulted over the crowd and into the building.

There, they encountered the one leading this invasion. Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . Hakilah Mirolai held her green-bladed lightsaber out in the reverse-grip style of Rek'Dul, left palm on the pommel. Rajan pulled a second lightfoil and dual-wielded his golden blades.

"Empryean, if I'm not mistaken," Mirolai began. "You probably don't know who we are, or you would not have attacked our home. We are the Jensaarai. If your kind still learn the tongue, you should know what that means. And if you are studied in Outer Rim Legends at all, you should know that we are the Defenders of Suarbi. We do not take kindly to your actions here today." She did not offer him a chance to take his army and leave. That may have been the Jedi way, but the Jensaarai were not Jedi. The Sith had already sealed their fate when they targeted Susevfi. They would learn that Suarbi would never fall.

The two attacked in unison, delivering flurries of lightsaber strikes.


"Ni dameh jima barcehyiu dha jetii meh Ni ganar nate kad, beskad cuyir datihaye a va luubid," countered Liorra to Mia, with regard to her fight on Dxun. She could have gutted the Knight of Ren, if she had a real lightsaber while her beskad help up fine. She wasn't a true Jedi yet and that seemed make Liorra feel as though she had something to prove. "Ni narir va ne'waadas a ik'aad vod, Al'verde. Ni kumeh jima temya'r bal gi'a akaanir, a Ni gurhera emuurir a hut'uun." She didn't need a baby sitter, Liorra lamented that she even left Dxun. Insisting that she should have stayed and finished the fight. Liorra's anger bubbled, she looked between Mia and Coren, and remained silent as she had been told.

"Yes sir," acknowledged Liorra, "I ca- we can do that." She remarked remembering that she was going to be shadowed by the Liberator. While, of course she was happy to have such a protection there was that part of her that hated it. Somewhere between her golden retriever energy, and the eagerness to prove herself was something darker that lurked. Perhaps a consequence of being brought up in a sheltered environment, or something else that lurked in the blood. She could, and did, sense how uncomfortable Mia was around the Jedi. "Ni liser shi hibirar teh nibral, vod. Gar cuyir va ogir at cabuor at ni bat Dwed bal gar va subay ratiin cuyir ogir at cabuor ni." Another statement directed toward Mia, in essence, Mia wasn't there on Dxun nor could she be there for Lio all the time. Lio would have to learn from her failures, a further 'justification' that Lio would be fine on her own.

Liorra adjusted her radio settings, "okay pappy, I've got you on comms, it's a pleasure meeting you Master Zark. I hope you've got lots of stories from the old days. Pappy always tells the good ones." Eagerly and without much hesitation, Liorra bolted off away from Mia, Coren and Zark. She was going to find the dar'jetii herself and prove that she could be both Mandalorian and Jedi. She was as hot headed and stubborn as her parents, her Rattataki heritage had likely been the saving grace for her on Dxun.

Allies: Mia Monroe Mia Monroe | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Opponents: Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Open to Interaction.

"We are what they grow beyond," Zark's faint smirk grew wider, "That is the true burden of all masters."

He glanced over Master Starchaser's shoulder and warned his old friend of the incoming child with a wordless glance. Her presence troubled him in such a dangerous environment yet given the Jedi Order's history it was not his place to offer any objections. It took the old man a few moments to notice her familial resemblance.

"Hello there, youngling."

She was not alone. Zark recognized her life ward's armor design at once. He could not seem to escape mandalorians these days. Experiences during the Mid Rim raids had shaped the Jedi's perspective in new and unexpected ways. Despite all his training the instinct to reach for his lightsaber was difficult to ignore.

"Mandalorian," the crusader nodded, "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."

His accent was crude. Words taught by Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya clearly sounded foreign in San Tekka's mouth. Some of his Jedi comrades could not look past the savagery but through Atin he studied mandalorian culture so that he could better understand it. There were times when diplomacy demanded more than kind words and olive branches to discover common ground.

“Can use some good eyes to call out Sith movements and slow them down. I’m got to meet with Master Raffinki, but I know we’re here to do Temple defense.”

"You have my blade."

Master Zark could sense the Force move darkly through Dagobah's swamps. Sith assassins or even worse nightmares could be lurking anywhere. He turned to bid farewell to young Liorra but she was already rushing off.

"May the Force be with you!"
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As her master addressed her, she was busy fiddling with a blaster she had stolen off a corpse. "You think we'll see some fights? I wanna blow something up Malma!"

She would never survive the monotony of a long siege, he decided, however, to be fair to her, he was not much better. At the very least, she had the ability to entertain herself, even if he found that entertainment to be rather... distasteful. The blaster she was fiddling with was not hers, he knew that much, and with his layman's eyes, he could tell it was definitely not an Imperial blaster. Yet, he held his tongue, he knew from the moment he had met her that the way she fought, was far from... orthodox.

Mechu-Deru was a powerful ability, and his apprentice was a powerful wielder of it.

To suppress her power, as she was growing stronger, would not make him a very good master.

Even if he sometimes wished he could simply bring her all the components she required, as much as she needed, as complex as she wanted, without the stain on their honour for being a marauder.


Perhaps that was an idea.

He paused as he heard the nickname, blinking a long blink.

Still so unused to that.

"Master, he corrected," Not fully, he should have insisted, Darth Malum, it was the sort of thing other Sith Lords would have punished their apprentices for.

Yet for some reason, the nickname... was able to bring out some strange emotion in him.

One that never let him entirely tell her to cease its use.

"If we are lucky, we will see nothing of the sort," Bogan, he was reminded of him in his youth, when he had been so foolhardy to lead the students of all people out of the Palace of Silver Rain to battle with a professional a military force.

Bogan, how had any of them survived into their twenties?

"If all goes well, Susvefi will fall in a few hours, and we will have played our parts, as small, as seemingly unimportant as it may appear," He suddenly smirked, as he tilted his head, down to his short apprentice, "Still, that does not mean we have to be entirely bored," The Guard and Tsis'Kaar would spot anything incoming, quick enough for them to respond.

He turned to her, and reaching behind his back, revealing a beskar hilt, and then further, Sith Steel.

Holding it out against her, as he ignited.

Red plasma hissing awake, followed by orange flames.

"Care for a little spar? A field test for your weapon?" He held a cocky smile on his face. When she had made him this, he had not known how to react. It was something so thoughtful, and so useful, yet he had not expected it at all, he carried it with him always now, even keeping the rather poetic name.

The Blade of Storm and Flame indeed.

They may have not had a normal master-apprentice relationship, he may have been a rather odd Sith Lord, and her a rather strange Sith apprentice.

But, it worked.

And that was all that mattered.

Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis

Objective 1​
Location: Capital Palace​
The two approached him, Emperor of the Sith, and faced him with confidence. They spoke of warning, of his ignorance, of who they were - so much that mattered so little to him. The Corpse Emperor, stained in his own blood and shedding the Dark Side like a tide, focused nothing on their explanations and words. Only how they addressed him.​
"Darth Empyrean.", he corrected them as they leaped towards him, a deep growl eminating from his destroyed vocal cords.​
"If you knew who I was, you would not have gotten in my way."​
And with that, his staff ignited - a Force Saber forging a blade of pure malice. It snapped and his single arm deftly twisted the staff around himself to catch the first of the strikes - while his gaze shifted to Rajan Harpal Rajan Harpal directly. From his eyes came pure hatred, emotion so raw it ignited the air in a blaze and threatened to boil the man by sight alone. It was a dangerous Force Power, destructive in its measure and total in its accuracy. Where he looked, men died.​
In his non material hand, the cloud of the Dark Side forged itself anew in its place, created a limb of opaque black cloud that struck out at Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser in the same measure; looking to cut his arms from him in the second motion. Quick, violent, exceptional in speed. It mattered little who these upstarts claimed to be, to think themselves friends of the Dark Side in his presence was folly. Where they dabbled in the shallow end, he had consumed it entirely - what they drew on was his to control, what they played at was only the beginning of his strength.​
If they thought themselves better than the Sith, more in control, he would show them that control only mattered to the powerful.​



Outfit: XoXo | Equipment: XoXo | Tag: Osric Blackford Osric Blackford

At that moment, frozen behind the stone edifice with her heart pounding in her chest, Mina, under the guise of Eirtaé, felt a surge of fickle hope. The abrupt appearance of a Jedi amid such sudden chaos and despair was nothing short of a miracle. Not that the temple didn't have a dozen of them running around, but he wasn't preoccupied with the ritual like the others. Perhaps he had been tasked to help with the evacuation? His presence was solidified by the confidence with which he wielded an almost golden lightsaber and challenged the Sith soldiers. Mina…Mina could see why so many people saw the Jedi as a beacon of light in the overwhelming darkness.

She could also understand why the common folk took it so badly when they failed.

They were Gods among men.

Surely, it was breaking to see beings so strong fall short.

When a chunk of stone fell and somehow didn't smash her head to pieces Mina realized that the universe had a way of balancing itself out. For every force of darkness, there was a light ready to confront it. She might not have the powers of a Jedi or the ability to wield the Force, but she was a confident little mouse with a purpose. The unquestionable bravery of the Jedi inspired her and reminded her of the strength and courage that ran deep into her family roots.

Mina shared those traits.

With renewed determination, the handmaiden gripped her blaster tighter, knowing that while she could not stand at the forefront of this battle, she could still contribute. She could support, she could ensure that her mission was not in vain. The artifact she carried, though its purpose was still unknown to her, couldn't have been worth the lives of innocent people. Surely, her Queen would forgive the delay.


As the tall Jedi Knight deflected the blaster fire, creating an opportunity, Mina made a split-second decision. She would use this distraction, this brief reprieve, to make her escape. Not out of cowardice, but out of a deep-seated understanding of her responsibility. She pushed toward better cover and aimed at one of the soldiers who sought to pinch the Jedi between two vicious threats. "Jedi—Behind you!", she called to her ally of circumstance. Her blaster automatically was raised to the level of the eye of her enemy but…At the last moment, she drew the gun down.

Firing at his knee rather than between the eyes.

Mina had fought before within the confines of a handmaiden but she had never killed anyone. She didn't flinch when the darkling yelped in pain and dropped. Miraculously, their weapon was let go of and kicked away from them by the fleeing crowd but the young woman knew that was meaningless. A Sith, or a Jedi for that matter, never needed to reach for a weapon.

Regardless of whether they carried a saber, the truth, was that they already were a weapon.

In that regard, she would always fall short. So, she had to be smarter.

With another glance at the Jedi Guardian standing boldly, she seized the moment. Mina darted from her cover, weaving through the dangerous terrain with a blend of grace and urgency. Her heart was pounding so loud that it took everything she had to steel her nerves. Crossing through the fray was…


But—She needed higher ground to be of any use and better cover. There was a stone tower she could take refuge at and keep firing at the invaders, while providing the Jedi some sort of cover, or overwatch. He seemed to be alone. She took aim and a bolt would fly over his shoulder to wound one of his assailants with surprisingly intense accuracy.

Almost, as if an invisible hand curved the shot around him to hit the target.


//: Dagobah //:
//: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex //:

Light exploded against the Shadow, protecting her Master. Allyson stood, her stance widening slightly to balance on the thick branch of the old tree. A hand rested gently on its trunk while listening to Him acknowledge her. The gift. Allyson'seyes glanced slightly towards the bow in her hand. He knew of its sources, which meant He was probably involved in its creation. It should be expected Allyson knew of the pair's desire for her to join their side. The Shadow would be a great asset for either of them, but she doubted they intended to share the spy.

The Force cloak faded, the light refractions aligning again, almost making it seem as if she was shimmering into existence. "Kaine Zambrano." A name most didn't desire to speak, but Allyson learned to not fear it. Looking down at the mud clinging to His boots, she nodded. "Yeah, that's why I climbed up the tree." A chuckle and the Corellian jumped down and landed just outside the bog in which the Man had found Himself.

"There's a clearing not so far from here that I passed while surveying the site." Putting her hands up, she remarked quickly, "Scouts honor, there's not a trap set. I figured I'd try and catch you here by surprise. But it seems you brought a friend." The Corellian nodded towards the Shadow, "Pretty handy."

There was an odd sense of trust. Allyson valued their rivalry and respected the Sith as an enemy. This change of location was a brief truce between them, and she would honor that.

"I have a question, though, as we make our way over," She paused and slung the bow over her back. "Why haven't You killed me yet? You've had so many chances, yet I'm still breathing." It was a logical question, one that plagued her often. If it had been a Jedi and her a Sith - the Jedi would have slaughtered her the moment they could. Even as a Jedi, some probably wanted the chance to send her to the Netherworld.


//: Dagobah //:
//: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch //:
//: Outfit //:
Quinn didn't want to be here. A place cursed with mud, swamps, and creatures that looked like Taeli Raaf rejected projects was somewhere she would rather destroy than take over. The desire of the Sith Order was beyond her at this point, but it was the Emperor's will. The man was lucky; Quinn was required beyond her means to follow him. He was the betrothed of her Godmother, a woman she respected above all else. The Emperor was her Godfather, and it often made her troubled.

She had to listen, though, especially if she wanted to gain favor with the man and outlast the others who chose to grovel for their chance at his throne. The first that came to mind was Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . As much as she had grown fond of the man, he was still pathetic.

However, when she thought about it, she had to walk through the bog like she was pretty pathetic. A loud crash was heard a few bits away as she continued, and Quinn narrowed her eyes. Either friend or foe, she decided to check it out. Curiosity got the best of her. Making her way through, a small shadow black cat followed, stepping in each place she stepped.

It didn't take long for her to find the crash site or what she thought was the site. It happened to be the landing of the pilot. Her first instinct was to hide her presence in the Force and watch who stumbled out. Her first hope was that if it was an enemy, they had been stupid enough to kill themselves. If they were an ally, maybe she could convince them to take her off this horrible planet and go somewhere far more comfortable. She watched and listened as whoever the person was moved around, thinking they were alone.

Quinn probed the Force, seeking to discern if the individual she was observing was Sith or Jedi. To her astonishment, she felt nothing. Trying to connect with the person was like reaching into an abyss. This unexpected discovery unsettled her, but she resolved to initiate contact. Unlike her Sith counterparts, the Princess of Eshan was well-versed in the art of diplomacy.

The underbrush stirred as she emerged, the shadow cat weaving between her legs, purring and twining its tail gently around her ankle. "Pardon me," she began, her refined voice imbued with a sophisticated imperial accent. "I witnessed the crash. Are you unharmed?" She feigned worry as she advanced, "Seemed like quite the unfortunate sequence of events." She offered a cautious smile to the armored figure while remaining on high alert. With the Force silent before her, she could not fully penetrate the woman's thoughts or anticipate her actions.

Quinn knew she would have to depend on her Echani heritage to survive if the woman chose to surrender to her primitive instincts and attack.


Objective: Delay the Sith Fleet
Opposition: Michael Hightower Michael Hightower | SO
Memories pulled at the fringes of her mind as the woman stood silently, eyes shut as a breath slowly escaped from her pursed lips. It hadn't been that long ago that she could have just as easily found herself in a different position, and rather than face the now advancing Sith Order and coming to assist the Rimward Trade League; she could have been leading the fleet that now struck at the League's capital of Susevfi. There had been a time when she had arrived on Jutrand, the capital of the emergent Sith Order that now spread across the galaxy and sought to reclaim territories both old and new. So, what was it that had changed the trajectory of her life that now saw the woman standing firmly within the Galactic Alliance and unfortunately, so very unfortunately, standing against those that she had once called friend during the height of the Confederacy of Independent Systems?
Oddly enough it had been a conversation that she had with Srina Talon Srina Talon in the gardens of Jutrand when the woman had felt rudderless and sought out one of her oldest friends. The encouragement that had been given in that meeting had driven the woman further North within the Galaxy until she settled along the Braxant Run where she sought to be of service and take up a new mantle, not one for her own needs or desires; rather a mantle of service to others. It was this that would only further drive her to greater heights, and when it was clear that the political landscape was shifting once more, she found herself, strangely enough, at the very heart of the Galactic Alliance. She had, for the most part, thought that her time on a vessel was at its end, that she could remain on a planet and settle in one location, however, that would not be the fate that the Force had in store for the ancient warrior.
She had found herself once more upon the bridge of a Starship, this time in service of the Galactic Alliance and its denizens. She dove deep into the new position, finding the Captaincy to be just as riding a hoverbike with how quickly she returned to command. Her service continued within the Alliance, and with each passing moment, she grew once more into her position. It was her meeting with the Hapan Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray that solidified her opportunity, and as the Mandalorian Enclave invaded the Alliance, the woman only threw herself further into the fray as she stood against those that sought to bring her newly found home down and see it lain low. The confirmation had been tumultuous, though she owed Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan greatly for the confidence that was placed in her that now saw her holding a new title. Despite the misgivings of some Representatives and Senators within the Federal Assembly, the title of Supreme Commander had been lain upon her brow and now she had to prove that she had earned the title and not just had it given.
It was clear that the Alliance had its detractors within its midst, those voices in the Federal Assembly that sought to line their pockets with credits as they proclaimed that someone should do something, though took every moment to prevent any action from being taken. True, the Galactic Alliance had no formal alliance or defensive pact with the Rimward Trade League, however, they were hardly going to sit passively by and allow the Sith Order to run rampant across the Galaxy without resistance. Even if it meant she would, at some point, come face to face and have to stand against old friends, she couldn't stand by and watch the Galaxy burn.
Golden-yellow hues slowly opened, peering out into the shifting hues of Hyperspace as the vessel made its way toward the territory of the Rimward Trade League. She was unsure of the force that the Sith were bringing to bear against one of the few political forces that would stand against them, however, her goal was to ensure that the Sith were delayed just long enough so that as many people could flee as possible. Delay, that was the simple name of the game, and if she managed to strike a blow or take a few Sith vessels down before she, herself, had to withdraw from the battle, then it would be worthwhile indeed.
"Commander, confirmation, the Sith Order fleet has already arrived in the system and is moving towards the planet. Additional minor forces have also been deployed and stand ready to engage, both Rimward Trade League and Mandalorian signals are being detected."
Amelia looked over her shoulder towards the Communications Lieutenant and nodded silently her understanding of the provided information. Her attention slowly shifted back towards the large viewscreen before her as she slowly closed her eyes once more. Taking in a deep breath, she permitted it to slip from her pursed lips as she felt the shift begin, a soft smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth as the vessels were beginning to revert into real space. With that smirk upon her lips, and a soft hint of her fang showing, her golden-yellow hues shot open as she motioned for a channel to be opened.
"Theselon Squadron, this is Supreme Command von Sorenn. As you all know, we will be arriving shortly to assist the Rimward Trade League as they attempt to evacuate their capital. Our purpose is to delay the Sith Order Fleet for as long as possible and provide a screen between them and the civilians. Our primary focus is on ensuring those civilians manage to make it to safety, our secondary goal is to take down as many Sith vessels as we can before we have to withdraw back to Alliance space."
As the stars began to slowly reform, the woman watched as the vessel dropped out of Hyperspace, her attention falling upon the Sith Fleet and the Rimward Trade League's fleet, the two behemoth Super Star Destroyers seemingly poised to duke it out in the final showdown worthy of their classifications. The woman watched quietly as the Squadron formed up around the flagship, the ANS Theselon, the Hapan Fleet of the Galactic Alliance prepared to assist where they could. The atmosphere had brought goosebumps to the woman's skin, as her memories flooded her mind of all the times prior that she had found herself in a position just as she was now; on the bridge of a vessel, commanding it into the fires of oblivion and watching as the stars burned around her. Her soft smirk grew into a devilish smile as she permitted her tongue to brush against her fang for a moment as she remembered just how she enjoyed conflict.
"Lieutenant Commander Thane, deploy Sentry Command in a screen pattern, your primary purpose is to provide the primary escort for Civilian vessels attempting to flee from the combat zone. Lieutenant Commander Rorza of Sentinel Command will be on standby to provide additional assistance if required. Subcaptain Harkhess, form up the Seraph Division to the starboard flank of the Theselon, Subcaptain Thane will form up the Eos Division on the portside flank. Captain Madas, swing your Obsidian Line wide if you see an opening, slip in, and strike those Carriers fast and hard; if the opportunity arises, drop your payload of Pulse Mass Mines in the middle of that fleet. All vessels, deploy your Starfighter and Bomber Squadrons; Wing Commanders, form up within the fleet and hold position, Interceptor Squadrons will provide Starfighter screening for Civilian vessels."
With the confirmation of the commands coming in, Amelia watched intently as her vessels began their ballet, skillfully maneuvering and shifting into position. She could only hope that once it had begun, they would be able to save and protect as many individuals as they could; though even she knew it was likely that not every would survive. Even as she stood silently upon the bridge of her Flagship, she knew that not every vessel that she had arrived with, not every single Starfighter or Bomber would make it back. She would feel every single loss of life that day and carry that pain with her for the rest of her very long life, though she was prepared to carry that burden; and she was more than willing to see if any of the Sith arrayed on the other side had the strength and courage to carry such a burden.

  • Theselon Squadron arriving in System
  • Eos Division forming up to the left of the Theselon
  • Seraph Division forming up to the right of the Theselon
  • Sentry Command provides escort to civilian vessels
  • Sentinel Command holding in reserve
  • Obsidian Line holding to engage Sith Carrier Divisions
  • All Starfighter and Bomber Squadrons deployed
  • All Miy'til Interceptor Squadrons provided Starfighter Screen to civilian vessels

Location: Swamps - Dagobah
Objective: Sack the Jedi temple
Tags: Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural
Gear: in bio
Wearing: this but with a rain cover

Annika had learned something about herself today. Rain and cloying swamp mud? Not a huge fan. "This place is awful, why would they build anything here?" she complained "Next time we raid a temple, I suggest coruscant" there was laughter and the nearest soldier laughed too as he made his way through the mud, clearly feeling more comfortable than the teen was with their situation.

She looked at Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast as she stopped within sight of their target. The temple didnt look much, but looks could be deceptive and Annika had been made plainly aware how dangerous Jedi could be when they feared losing their grip on power.

"I'm struggling to get much of a reading on anyone here, the whole place just feels like melancholy to me." She asked, not really expecting an answer but just thinking aloud. She thought she could see movement on a balcony above and squinted to try and see more. Glancing in that direction to her mistress.

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

The Swamp

The swamp was noisy, and the distant sounds of battle could be heard far off. What Arla had not expected to hear out here in the middle of nowhere was a voice. A polite sounding voice, to be sure. Arla was immediately on her guard, but no attack immediately materialized.

The woman was quite attractive, and wore a simple but ornate garment, not what she'd expect a swamp dweller to wear. She'd never met an actual swamp dweller, and knew little to nothing of them, but she was sure this wasn't a swamp dweller. The woman's accent didn't match her looks, which Arla recognized as kin. Another Echani? Interesting, but unlikely to be an ally. She was unsure enough not to go for her weapons immediately.

"In my line of work, getting shot down is a factor." Arla said, trying to figure out who and what she was talking to. She noticed the shadow cat too, and factored it in as a threat. The Mandalorian gave voice to her curiosity. "What brings you out this far?"

There wasn't much around them save for swamp, jungle, and the local wildlife. Arla surveyed the ground, looking for likely solid places among the muck, mud, and cloudy water, strewn all around with plants, trees, and vines. No civilization, and lots of hazards.

Tension began to mount as the two women watched each other carefully. Each was an Echani, capable of reading body language magnificently. Arla was cautious, careful to give no sign of aggression, while remaining as alert as she could. She thought the other woman was doing the same, but couldn't be sure. She was good.

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Veylin Torque Veylin Torque Nej Tane Nej Tane Quintessa Quintessa Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Michael Hightower Michael Hightower Zeptepi Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Rajan Harpal Rajan Harpal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean


Ruus Kote

Strill Securities Alor'akaatse


Friendly Units:
Units in Reserve:
  • Strill Securities Jurkad Verde Shere'shoy Mechanized Infantry Battlation (three companies in reserve)
  • Strill Securities Jurkad Verde Kad b' Marev Armored Battalion (three companies in reserve)
Ally Tag(s): Nej Tane Nej Tane | Django Parata Django Parata | Rajan Harpal Rajan Harpal | RTL
Enemy Tag(s): Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner (specifically) | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | TSO


Ysalamiri Birikad have been issued to fireteam, squad, platoon, company and battalion leads.


Buy'ce gal, buy'ce tal
Verbor'ad ures aliit
Mhi draar baat'i meg'parjii'se

Kote lo'shebs'ul narit.

The bay was filled with chatter and buzz. Equipment and supplies had been checked and stowed and the vehicles and men were loaded aboard. Everyone had been briefed, they knew what they had to do. Many, Ruus included, preferred small talk to the weight of the job that was ahead. There was no point thinking about it, one way or another the job had to be done. No amount of small talk let him avoid the fact that at the back of his mind where he'd shoved that thought when it had first reared its ugly head, he knew that this wasn't the first time they'd watched this sort of osik happen.

"Ruus, this Nyles," crackled the voice of Fleet Admiral Kote in his ear, snapping him away from both the conversation and the nagging feeling in the back of his head. "Dar'jetii orbital presence is too significant to risk a drop once we've engaged. If you're leaving, now's the time, vod." Heads turned in his direction once they realized he was no longer part of the conversation, putting together very quickly what had caught his attention. Aamer, Mirta, Walon and Jor all glanced expectantly at him.

"So it's going to be like that. Is this where you tell me you can't guarantee any CAS or orbital support, vod?" he sighed, standing to his feet and motioning for the others to assume drop positions. Urban environment, minimal to no CAS, it was hardly any commander's idea of an easy time. Of course, there was that old aruetii saying about the only easy day being yesterday.

"Orbital support is off the table, vod. You'll get your CAS, though," came Nyles' response. Ruus let out a quiet sigh of relief in the privacy of his buy'ce. The brief moment of silence that passed between the two was taken by Nyles as a sign that Ruus' understood the situation perfectly, "K'oyayci,vod," Then the connection terminated.

Ruus glanced once around the cabin, IFFs overlaid on his HUD telling him that everyone who was supposed to be aboard was aboard. "Whenever you're ready Dinua. Don't wait on our account," he said once he'd connected to the transport's intercom. As if on cue, the massive front ramp began to shut and he felt a momentary feeling of weightlessness as the transport's repulsors pushed it off the Darasuum Morut's deck.

Kalikir 1-1, Kebii Netra, Kalikir Kyr'galaar squadron
Escorting Busayr heavy assault transports to the spaceport

Part of her wanted to be up with the Morut once the Sith fighters closed the distance. The Morut didn't need her though. If they didn't take that space port, there would be no point to the orbital battle. If those transports didn't get Colonel Kote and their vode down to the surface, then there was no way in haran they were going to take, let alone hold the spaceport.

She was distinctly aware of the fact that most of these people weren't going to make it off the planet. She'd be surprised if any of them ever lived a normal life again. They weren't here to make that call, however, they were here to give those people a chance. A chance that many never got. Rhand lived almost rent free in her head. she had no illusions that she could do anything that would guarantee any kind of safety for these people, but she could sure as haran try.

Comms chatter between the squadrons agreed to leave the active jammers in the electronic warfare suite off till the Sith fighters picked them up. That, however, didn't take long. Her HUD lit up as the Sith targeting computers began trying to acquire locks on them. "Well, we tried. Kalikir 1-1 to all callsigns,
tracyr mav!"

Kebii watched as the tac display lit up with targeting lines and missile launches. Tra'bevin-class Brilliant Baradium missiles and Tbarsr-class Guided Baradium Cluster Missiles streaked outward as Nano-flares were launched from the Strill Securities fighters to try and intercept the enemy missiles fired back at them. Another volley exchanged, with the Sith fighters' missiles on average notable less effective than their Mandalorian counterparts as the jammers and advanced countermeasures on their fighters proved their worth.

Lasers and mass-driver rounds crossed the dark void between them as the larger Breshig fighters jinked and weaved, viffed and vectored to try and throw off the excellent aim of their Sith counterparts. The quad repeating heavy mass-drivers on her fighter sent bright flashing low ammunition warnings onto her HUD as she sprayed at the Sith fighters that seemed to be all around them. As Kebii fired her tractor beam at a passing Sith fighter that did a number on her fighter's shields, the momentum swinging her fighter's nose to face the path of the enemy fighter, she pulled the trigger and emptied the guns' main feed. In her peripheral vision she could see the guns' rotary mechanism slow down and stop spinning.

A green icon told her the guns had switched feeds successfully, but she knew that they couldn't keep formation with the transports and those fighters would have no doubt let the ground forces know that they were en route as well as their vector. Sighing, she keyed the transmit switch, Kalikir 1-1 to all callsigns, form up with the transports. We don't have time to waste with these shabuire." A chorus of affirmative responses and acknowledgement signals answered her bar two fighters which signaled that they were returning for repairs. Two damaged? She'd take that. That did bring their total number down to ten fighters, though.

The remaining Sith fighters pulled off once the transports' guns picked off a few of their number, no doubt not keen on throwing their lives away with little to no chance of inflicting any damage on their targets.


Ruus Kote, on approach to the space port

Minimal ground fire shot up at them, friendly IFFs were still present in enough quantities that Ruus suddenly felt a lot more ease about their approach. As the twelve fighter bombers and twelve transports streaked over the city on their approach, their rained high-caliber mass-driver rounds, Tra'bevin-class Brilliant Baradium missiles and Tbarsr-class Guided Baradium Cluster Missiles at Sith targets on the ground as their fighter escort dissuaded approach by any prying Sith combat air patrols for the moment.

"Final in five, alor. You best head down," said Dinua, the assault transport's pilot and squadron leader as she glanced away from her controls for a moment.

"No heroics, Din'ika, just keep us covered," said Ruus as he turned and left the cabin, catching a "thumbs up" gesture from the pilot, an admittedly aruetii gesture that they'd all picked up over the years. He made his way to the cargo area with practiced ease that came with almost a lifetime of being ferried around in transports like these. Wordlessly, Ruus clambered up the side of his command tank and dropped in through the commander's hatch.

Powering on the commander's display, he did one last check of the tank's systems, a countdown in his HUD keeping him appraised of when they would finally touch down. His routine of checking his station was interrupted Jintar Kyrdol, his tank's gunner, "Alor we've been through worse
osik before, 'lek?"

Ruus frowned as he looked up from his station and looked over at the gunner's station where Jintar was looking back at him. "I don't know Jin'ika, ask me when this is over.

"I'm just wondering what the shab we're supposed to do down there," asked Jintar. Ruus could make out the slight tone of weariness in his voice. This wasn't a particularly high paying contract, in fact he had it on good authority that the company had offered a heavily discounted rate. Ruus tried not to think about the where and why so much, especially after what'd he'd seen with the CIS. The where and why tended not to matter so much when you were dealing with things that you could never understand given a thousand lifetimes.

"Our job,
ad'ika. What we would have wanted someone to do at Breshig," that last part had dropped out of Ruus' mouth without him even realizing he was thinking about it. It had caught him off guard. It only dawned on him then that it had been a big part of why he'd always volunteered his vode to be front and center. So no one else would have to go through what they had to. Yet, here on Susevfi, there was no way in haran that they were ever going to be able to get even most of the populace off alive, let alone permanently scarred by what they would have to witness. Shab, this was exactly why he tried not to think about this kind of thing.

Jintar's acknowledgement signal flashed in his HUD. He could tell there was a lot on his mind. They shared a look for a moment before they both returned their attention to their respective stations.

He noticed the bump felt even through the tanks' suspension before he noticed the timer tick down. A green light flashed on his HUD over the transport's intercom, telling him to disembark. Dinua's voice filtered in over his helmet's speakers and for a moment he wondered what she might have wanted to tell him before he saw how narrow the streets around the space port were, "This is it, vode. Streets are narrow, watch yourself down there."

Jintar didn't need to be told twice. Ruus and the two other tanks that shared the transport with him rolled out. Ruus could see Mirta, Shereshoy battalion's commanding officer, and her troops IFVs run into similar problems in the narrow streets. There was barely space for two vehicles side by side in the case of her far smaller IFVs, but his tanks had to move single file. Though granted, the ST-01-series super-heavy tanks were far from small vehicles.

Those few that remained looked on at his column, he wasn't certain whether it was awe, fear or hope. Probably a combination of all three. He was happy to see RTL IFFs in and around the space port. Letting out a sigh of relief, he watched as Jintar led the column slowly and painfully through the streets. The streets were just too narrow for his tanks, and more often then not they had to slow as they made space by crushing parked speeders or forcefully widening roads in other more creative ways as thy rolled over everything on their in.

Every time it looked like an ambush was coming thankfully nothing came. The Sith hadn't quite made it to the space port itself. The RTL had to be given credit for holding so long. His tank rolled into the empty space in front of the space port, Ghes already taking opportunistic shots with the tank's weapon systems at Sith troops in the distance as Mirta and her troops were doing.

Ruus opened the commander's hatch and pulled himself out, stepping out onto the hull and then leaping onto the ground. He motioned for the tanks to roll forward. He took a look at the map and sighed. This was not exactly going to be the easiest defense, even though their tanks and armored vehicles had commanding fields of fire down each main road to the space port, there were endless ways infantry could get through the buildings.

Moving up alongside his tanks he reached where Mirta and her command squad were laying fire into the Sith soldiers in the distance while squads were filing in behind her into the space port proper. "Nice of you to finally join us," snapped Mirta without looking up from her rifle. "Where the shab is Aamer, moving as slowly as you did?"

"These streets are narrow as haran. I need your vode covering the buildings, use the roofs," Mirta took a second no doubt to think over what he said before she nodded and went about ordering her men. Ruus could see movement orders and fire positions show up on the tactical map with the system recommending specific placement of weapons based on what the various squads were equipped with. Ruus then raised Aamer and Walon, "Ke'gyce 6 to Ke'gyce 5 and Marev 6. Marev 6, I need your armor to watch the secondary roadways leading to our position. Stay close to Mirta's vode. Ke'gyce 5, you're in command of the company, Wa'ika. Tracyt mav, send them to haran."

Ruus terminated the connection right as a Kyr'galaar Mutli-role fighter screamed past overhead, chasing a Sith fighter and a Jai'galaar fighter-bomber strafed some unseed target with its deafening anti-capital super-heavy mass-driver. This was going to be one haran of a fight, he could just feel it.


  • Ruus is informed by Fleet Admiral Nyles Kote that they have to leave the ship immediately and that orbital support will not be available.
  • Fighters escorting Ruus's transports and the fighter-bombers engage Sith fighters in a pitched dogfight till the transports catch up and add their firepower to the fight, chasing away the largely depleted Sith fighters.
  • The transports are forced to land behind the space port, leaving the tanks to push up through narrow streets around the space port to reach it.
  • Ruus' command company takes up position in the front of the space port, the infantry hold a rough 90 degree arc in front of it and the tanks are holding the flanks but under the watchful eye of the infantry.
  • Strill Securities gunships and fighter-bombers are strafing SO infantry and any other ground contacts.
  • Strill Securities fighters are attempting to keep the Sith CAP and CAS away from the space port with occasional support from the fighter-bombers.

2nd Post






Zinn Zinn Bink'sa Zinn Zinn Bink'sa Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Maestus Maestus Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene The Grunt The Grunt

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Zeptepi Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Jax Thio Jax Thio Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch




Pertinent to think o' that ongoing warzone o'er yonder, we're close to the temple after all.
She's still got the magic, every part as sharp almost twenty years later.... Incredible.

I'll do well to heed that perspective in the wilderness the-night, especially here.
Floodlights were snapping loudly into life around Base Camp by then, denying that counterproductive shade of it's trip-hazards as the mirky grey of the cloudy skies began to darken overhead, and as night began to gather around them, the glaring difference would become apparent between sentience and the wilderness within moments. Hunting conditions were on the verge of passing into all-things optimal for the endeavour's first captures, and like Thomas himself, the others in the large hunting-party could sense a quick success on the horizon; but in their quickness to prime the largest snare-cages, something else lingered in the backs of their minds, sensing nature's vicious poise as thoughts began to focus on the planet's infamous fauna.
'I think first, it would be for the best if I was honest straight off the bat - I admittedly have nothing particular in mind. I'm wading into this like a gambling addict, wading half-blind into what works an' what wouldn't.... But with that being said - flightless, land-based, herd mentality.'

With mind drawing off to potential use-cases for differing breeds of beasts, taking into account the specific stampede-numbers needed to force entire segments of OPFOR-territory into full, irreversible rout, it would become obvious to Maestus before long that the Khan's mind was finally in the right place for the task ahead. A fortunate realisation at the very least, especially with the recently-conquered Beastriders of Onderon considered, a fine addition to mark the need for more of it's sort in the Great Khan's growing collection, thus giving rise to the need for more effective Warbeasts in augmentation of Barran's warfighting doctrine.

And for as long as the Horde persisted on Dagobah's surface, the potential for increased life-expectancy for Marauders could not be shirked - and certainly not in a newfound behavioural-disdain for wasteful neglect.

'These are the compatible traits that work best with our war-taming preferences, or at least, this is the case on Mar'Zambul.... Though as for anything else, I know Zinn-Zinn needs something - something.... Amphibian, if you catch my drift.'




Objective: Eliminate the cowards
Location: Chimaera II - Entering realspace near Susefvi

The Sith fleet had engaged the enemy, tearing a hole through their defenses with their initial strike. Beneath the blackened sky, the capital burned. Transports bringing down the fury of the Sith Order's armies. The invasion of Susefvi had begun. Yet, the bridge remained quiet. Each bridge officer tended to their duties with precise focus. Displays were flooded with information. At the center of it all, Darth Athora stood firmly. She glared out of the viewport as her command ship approached the planet. She easily spotted the Mon Mors on the field of battle. It stood opposite of the Speranza, the main target of the naval operation.

"There will be no escaping Susefvi. The Emperor has deemed it so." Darth Athora drummed out to the bridge.

The bridge roared with life as the Lord Admiral spoke. Communications with the rest of the fleet came and went swiftly. The Chimaera II was on full approach towards the planet. It's flanks were secured by the rest of the fleet in motion.

"Break their ranks." commanded the Lord Admiral.

Chimaera II - 100 | 100

Ferrata I - 100 | 100
Ferrata II - 100 | 100

Khan I - 100 | 100
Khan II - 100 | 100
Khan III - 100 | 100
Khan IV - 100 | 100
Khan V - 100 | 100

Lussk I - 100 | 100
Lussk II - 100 | 100
Lussk III - 100 | 100
Lussk IV - 100 | 100
Lussk V - 100 | 100

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The Dark Lord moved to better ground, leaving the mud-fields firmly at His back. Whatever excess had accumulated about His boots sloughed off with the Force, leaving only a faint trace that they'd ever touched Him at all. He towered over the slender Corellian by a wide margin, His shadow practically engulfing her. He would walk with her to where she had indicated, no trepidation of a trap ever entering His mind. If she had wished to spring one upon Him, He was more than confident that He could dispatch it.

"It would be a waste to end your life, Allyson Locke. Not when there's still so much left to do. You are not like the Jedi they send at us in their youthful droves, the bare-faced children that know nothing of war; only of peace. Weak little animals." How many children's lives has He upended and destroyed over the years? Uncountable. If not through His direct action, then by the consequences that inevitably ripple out from them like the blast wave of an explosion; carried out in all directions. It did not weight heavily on His conscious, if He even had one.

"You have the mark of greater destiny stamped upon you, you've yet to find your part in it. But such excuses are nothing compared to what Taeli would do should she find out that I, in some form or another, killed you. We both know how she can be." They've had a bit of a game running between them, a wager to see who could draw Allyson into the dark first. Admittedly, the Dark Lord considered Himself not as worthy as Taeli was for this task, but He was not about to throw aside such a challenge. He did not fear losing, not when it was with Taeli Raaf, their rapport long since discarded such childish notions. But it was a subject of amusing discourse between them that He'd rather not give up just yet.

"You'll join us yet, Allyson. One way or another."

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