Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Dying World | EE Dominion of Riflor and Val'hala




Riflor; not so long ago the Eternal Empire and the CIS made peace here again after nearly a decade. Now the locals have sent an alarm to the Eternal Empire that they need help because they are threatened by another natural disaster. Because one thing has not changed on the planet over the millennia:

"A planet ravaged by tectonic instability and geothermal vents, the harsh landscape was dotted by volcanic activity and destroyed civilizations. Native fungi grew around the vents and few other locations with a steady source of water. The native Advozsec evolved out of reptile-analogs, adapting to the harsh environs and low-level of sunlight that pierced the dense cloud cover of the world."

The last exodus happened 17-18 years earlier, when the First Order ruled the planet. That civilization was destroyed, another moved here; they were the ones who oversaw the EE-CIS' peace treaty. At the time, there was no sign of another impending catastrophe striking the planet, out of nowhere.

And the locals had nowhere near enough ships to take nearly a hundred thousand people off from the planet.



Objective 1: Evacuation
Locals have built a new city in the last little over fifteen years, to which a great many settlers have moved despite the planet’s bad reputation. The disaster happened in the middle of the night, a huge earthquake, half of the city collapsed, and then more and more earthquakes. The spaceport has also collapsed, and earthquakes and unstable ground make it extremely difficult for ships to land and take off, as the ground below them can collapse at any time. In this extremely difficult condition, the locals have to be rescued.

Objective 2: Fight With the Elements
There are those who try to help the locals in other ways; they tend to target the planet itself because they believe they can find a solution to save the planet. Just like others had done with Makeb thousands of years earlier. That is why researchers of the Eternal Empire are trying to carry out a similar project. There is a huge canyon system on the planet, the bottom of which is very deep and the core of the planet is easily accessible. Here a structure must be set up and activated so that the brought materials reach the core of the planet. However, with continuous earthquakes, this is not that simple.

Objective 3: Supremacy
Close to the Ebony Mountain, a large city, stands in spite of Riflor’s harsh elements. Unfortunately, in recent years since the fall of the original First Order, an Imperial-Humanocentric Warlord, Legatus Haradan Belshei, has taken over the city, renaming it Belsheiopolis and establishing a government within the city itself and the surrounding region according to his ideals, most notably, Human High Culture and Imperialism. Within this regime, virtually all non-Human populations, including Bothans, Khil, Duros, the native Advozse, and many others, live in large slums and are systematically exploited by Belshei’s government.

With the arrival of the Eternal Empire, a high priority has been placed on putting an end to the ‘Belshei Imperium’ and ushering in a new government. While Belshei’s rule only extends over half of a continent on Riflor, his military is nevertheless robust. However, Eternal Imperial High Command have determined that a decisive strike executed by a combined force of bombers, starfighters, interceptors, and the most recent addition to the Eternal Navy, jet swoops, could cripple the Belshei Imperium’s military within the span of hours.

The target of this strike will be the ]Ebony Mountain Base, which maintains the largest conglomeration of the military assets in the Belshei Imperium, including large numbers of fighters, bombers, and combat airspeeders, in addition to ten Law-class light patrol craft, and two Raider-class corvettes, which are considered to be the most powerful assets fielded by the Imperium. The objective is simple and twofold: to destroy the base and eliminate its military assets without prejudice.

Note: This is an objective tailored towards pilots!

Objective 4: BYOO
In addition to these, countless old city ruins have remained on the planet, and anything you want, personal stories. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Links: Riflor

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Canyon, surface
Objective II.: Fight with the Elements
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Mother Earth ]

This alarm was very surprising and unexpected. She had been on that planet a few months ago, then everything was fine. However, the people of Riflor were kind and helpful despite the very tense peace treaty. In fact, since it was a humanitarian mission, the woman immediately ordered them to be assisted. She herself was heading to the planet. It was originally supposed to help with the evacuation, but during the trip, scientists came up with a plan.

It was quite risky, but maybe it could even end in success. That's why Ingrid agreed to help. The plan was not difficult, to safely bring a research team to the bottom of a canyon and wait until they assembled a machine that would then shoot a compound into the core of the planet, stopping continuous tectonic movements. The woman had doubts, but scientists say there has been an example of this before on Makeb and it may work here as well.

After all, it’s worth a try; if they succeed, the planet will be habitable, if not, a dozen people will have wasted a few hours. Nothing fatal. Two dropships took the team down to the planet and landed at the top of the canyon. The rift was too narrow for them to descend lower or use a jetpack, so they had to get down from here, on foot. There was no second chance, the engineering team had to be taken with them. Fortunately, there was a safer road nearby, road down.

"Let's go, we don't have time to waste!" she gave the order.



O B J E C T I V E 3: Training
Tags: N Nyxeris
She hadn't felt okay. Not since that action on Vagaari. That creature she had encountered on Bakura had done something to her, changed her somehow. She had tapped into something then, a power that was so distant, yet instilled within her. She had yet to understand it. It was for that reason she desired to have her master by her side now, hoping that Nyxie could give her answers. Make her feel better perhaps at the fact she was losing control of her power once more.​
She felt her master approach, or rather, just....felt certain that she was near. It was an odd sensation, sensing someone without meaning to. Her face twitched, her body posed in meditation, saber resting between her feet. The world here was in pain, or distress. It was hard to tell. She could feel the planet tremble, shaking, pulsating against the disaster that was ravaging the world. She wasn't certain if this was a good use of her time, but her body just felt....wrong since Vagaari. Perhaps showing Nyxie what she was now capable of would make certain that she hadn't entirely lost herself. "Master, we don't do this often enough." Lil said, her back turned to her master, seemingly ignoring the view of the ground below.​
The Warden rose, her saber slipping against her palm, as she turned to face the woman, golden blade igniting as she raised the weapon, falling into a Djem So stance. The force gathered within her, and something Nyxie would notice, was the power within her apprentice Two presences swirled within Lilanna, one was that of her apprentice, and the other was.....of something else. Almost as if a spector of an unseen entity lingered over the woman. Something had happened to the Warden as of late. That much was certain.​


Objective: Save people
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel
Clan Tal was no stranger to evacuations, be it small scale or large scale. They had even done some in perilous situations, such as on Concord Dawn when the Sith betrayed the Mandalorians all those years ago... But never had they had to deal with the planet breaking beneath their feet as they did so. Taozi had even call on the Rebels, sending out a message as Rabbit asking for any Rebel assistance to aid Rabbit and Clan Tal in evacing the civilians. To this end, Taozi even had Feng dressed as Rabbit, and some of her Clan running around in the plain black armor they used when working with the Rebellion.

Currently, Taozi herself was giving orders left and right as she ran through the city. The ground was too unstable to allow her larger fleet ships to land, so she was relying on smaller support craft to travel back and forth from her fleet in orbit down to the surface. One such ship was being piloted by Kalic Daws Kalic Daws for example.

"Ace, what's your ETA to the surface? Have you unloaded the last batch of civilians?"

As she waited for his response, Taozi rushed to the sound of screams.

"Blue, I have audio on what sounds like a group of children about 100m South-South-East from our current camp's location. I have reason to believe it might be the location of a local school, send any free people from the camp to come assist."
View attachment 1284
Tags: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel A Admiral Elisabeth Zita

Kalic sat at the controls as people offloaded onto the Mandalorian vessel. He took a breath, looking the controls on the deck for his timing. Then the signal was sent, and he quickly took off and was back out to it again. He was wearing a full flight helmet that hid his face, and some spare armor. He really didn’t want to know where they got these from, but it would help. He then heard the Mandalorian running this operation.

“Keep your armor on, I’m out of the hanger now and pushing this ship as fast as she can go. I’m not taking off while people are still aboard.” Maybe a bit harsh on his part, but he was honestly doing the best he could. It didn’t help that the Empire still scared him in a lot of ways. The Empress may’ve tried to make herself look better publicly than the Emperor did, but Kalic knew all to well what she could do.....

He would quickly push those thoughts to the back of his mind as he began to near the surface, the engines roaring from being given no rest. He would soon find a spot to land, contacting Taozi and Rabbit again. He could’ve sworn something was... off about the Rebel of the two though.

“Taozi, Rabbit. Landing now.”

Objective: Help out and meet Taozi
Tags: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | A Admiral Elisabeth Zita

Another call for aid, though this time it was more official, and this time it wasn't to help a Rebellion but the common rabble. In this case, it was to help the Eternal Empire as much as provide aid to Taozi and her clan. Loath as Adenn was to come aid an Empire he knew little about, he also wished to see Taozi once more. And her message had said she'd be there this time, unlike that station where she needed engineers. Thus, Adenn committed another ship to this action and a handful of the more medically inclined of his clan. Nothing grand or that would reveal their hand, but enough to truly aid her. Then he had set off to join Taozi on this planet and hear straight from her just what she was doing.

Now he was coming in to land near the last reported location of Taozi, coming down in an assault shuttle. While better designed for combat, it's secondary role was also rescue and had ample space for medical supplies. As a result, its belly was half filled with various medical supplies and a small squad of Mandalorians, each proudly bearing the black and red of Clan Mortui. Adenn himself stood with them as the shuttle passed someone's vessel in very low orbit. And as it neared the ground, the Mandalorians prepped themselves to disembark. They had been informed the planet was breaking apart and any larger ships shouldn't land. While the ship wasn't overly massive, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Thus, when they were low enough, the assault ramp lowered as the ship came to a hover some dozen meters above the ground, and another dozen away from the main camp. Stepping towards the ramp, Adenn made sure their landing zone was clear before motioning his vode forward. With medical crates in hand, and pushing some others forward, the Mandalorians leapt from the ship. Behind them the Mortui assault ship took back off to higher orbit, awaiting their command. Adenn and his men on the other hand floated down to the surface with crates in hand. Coming to land with a thump, they immediately set to work.

Rising fully once they landed, Adenn and his vode deployed the crates on anti-grav plates before looking about. Then they moved towards the camp not too far away. Adenn himself kept his head on a swivel, eyes gazing about searching for anyone familiar, and where the situation looked darkest. That's where they'd be needed most, and where Adenn would no doubt find Taozi, in the thick of it all.
Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan A Admiral Elisabeth Zita Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

Objective 1: Evacuation

Location: Central camp

Shavara hadn't aided quite as much with the rebellion itself as much as she might hope. However, she was not one to lean to fighting, and she had little in regards to actual spy work. But she helped where she could still. And it seemed today was another such occasion. She had been called into help with some evacuation due to a planets instability. And joined up with Clan Tal in it. She'd had to tag along, she knew she needed to get a ship to use specifically as Sar Vun, the name she used every time that she helped with the rebellion. Though, she doubted either that nor her real name were well known among the Eternal Empire, she was more concerned her home-world would find out.

Shavara had altered her height somewhat reducing to only 5 feet, and shifted her facial structure, not that anyone saw it under her mask hiding more than just a face. Or her shape given the long robes she wore over her as she moved back and forth from person to person, checking every bit of equipment. She was unfamiliar with some of the machines, used to those of her own, but the most important things she had to know was the chemicals and drugs used. No surgeries needed right now, instead she was mostly insuring any pre-existing injuries or illnesses were taken care of. Broken bones, lung damage from dust, scrapes, or most importantly people who already needed regular attention even before the place became unstable. Those were the worst cases when it came to evacuations it seemed. She checked on them as she went, trying to speak to them in a calming voice as she went. The gkchrn she'd created came with her here as well, using it to heal wounds far more easily, though it was nigh useless for diseases.

This was not the life she wanted, it was fast paced, dangerous, and involved constant attention to multiple people. She never wanted to be a medical doctor, though her skills were closely suited for them. Nor did she want to do it while wearing a mask. Yet, how could she ignore the situation?

She did notice a mandalorian coming out, with medical crates. Lovely. Though, she wasn't sure what she should expect from mandalorians. So her concern remained. She was never good at keeping the emotions completely under her command. But she tried, right now, she had other things to focus on at least.

shavaras-robes (Covered by larger robes)
Additional medical kit and on site medical eqiupment.

Height reduced to 5'
Shifted facial structure.

Objective: Save people
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel
Clan Tal was no stranger to evacuations, be it small scale or large scale. They had even done some in perilous situations, such as on Concord Dawn when the Sith betrayed the Mandalorians all those years ago... But never had they had to deal with the planet breaking beneath their feet as they did so. Taozi had even call on the Rebels, sending out a message as Rabbit asking for any Rebel assistance to aid Rabbit and Clan Tal in evacing the civilians. To this end, Taozi even had Feng dressed as Rabbit, and some of her Clan running around in the plain black armor they used when working with the Rebellion.

Currently, Taozi herself was giving orders left and right as she ran through the city. The ground was too unstable to allow her larger fleet ships to land, so she was relying on smaller support craft to travel back and forth from her fleet in orbit down to the surface. One such ship was being piloted by Kalic Daws Kalic Daws for example.

"Ace, what's your ETA to the surface? Have you unloaded the last batch of civilians?"

As she waited for his response, Taozi rushed to the sound of screams.

"Blue, I have audio on what sounds like a group of children about 100m South-South-East from our current camp's location. I have reason to believe it might be the location of a local school, send any free people from the camp to come assist."
"Acknowledged." Adelle had felt the tremor ripple under her feet minutes before it actually did and had a few gathered volunteers. The teachers would, of course, do their best but depending on the size of the school--considering it was the only school for a couple klicks--they would be outnumbered by scared children with little in the way of first aid training, much less rescue. It felt like forever until she had a little over ten volunteers--the camp was busy too, with the constantly moving earth, the panicked and the wounded waiting for evac. But they couldn't wait forever and the kids needed to get out of there too. They took three armored repulsor-trucks, emblazoned with Clan Tal's sigil.

They covered the distance at near-dangerous speed, the ground in constant motion beneath them. A small compound grew into being as they came closer, some of the walls caved in and crumbling. Adelle spotted a couple adults among the children, many of them dust-covered and battered a bit. She jumped out before her driver fully stopped.

"Load as many as you can," she called out. "Injured first. Are there any trapped inside?"

"A few, we couldn't--"

"One teacher per vehicle. As many kids as possible." Adelle looked over the crowd. Not the largest school she'd seen, but considerably more than they'd be able to transport in one trip. "The teachers will help ferry them over and keep them calm on the trip, but they'll need to stay on the trucks until all the kids have evac'd. How many inside?"

"We're missing about twenty but the walls-- it all happened so fast--"

Adelle pulled out her radio. "Blue to ops, I'm sending three trucks full of children back. There's more waiting, and more trapped. Any vehicles than can be spared would be appreciated."

Her stomach coiled and tensed; Adelle felt the ground gathering itself like a hydraulic piston getting ready to fire. "And hurry. We're running out of time."

Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | A Admiral Elisabeth Zita | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Shavara Shavara

Asmus and Jules had deployed in the midst of the evacuation earlier. The pair sat on a precipice overlooking the base in question as a forward report group and to coordinate with the incoming atackers. Asmus sat silently with his rifle, watching one of the watchtowers as Jules adjusted his macro-binoculars back and forth between multiple posts.

"Anything new?" Thr green one asked, hand curled around the grip of his rifle while keeping his finger well off the trigger. The scope was focused on one guard in particular who seemed extremely chatty and made his presence known over the comms.

A sigh came before the spotters words, an annoyed sound that did little to alleviate how he was feeling in the cramped position the two had shared for almost a day now to report back to the incoming groups.

"Pretty static. Watching the skies. They know the ship is here but not you and I." There was a sadistic tone to the spotters words, something that made Asmus smirk.

"So when we get back, there's this little twi'lek that I saw-" Asmus started before Jules placed a hand on his back.

"Activity. Nest is stirring." Jules pointed out sharply. "Check three and eight posts." He gave direction while checking against his notebook for relevant information.

"Copy that. Guards are looking up." Asmus hissed, shifting his arms into a refreshed firing position. "Do we have incoming?"

"Op hasn-" The spotter started before touching the encrypted ear piece and listening. A small curse under his breath had him doing his utmost from rubbing his face.

"One jumped ship with...a war droid. Expect to deliver some covering fire." Jules informed him with annoyance.

"Wait. Not that basilisk war droid-"

"Yeah, the war droid. It'll be on approach here shortly."

"Oof. That'll be a sight. Copy that then. We have any data on how it perceives incoming fire?" Asmus quietly asked as he focused his scope on the chatty Cathy of a guard.

"None as of this moment. I'll contact the rider. Focus on the outgoing pilots and keep them grounded." Jules informed him as he opened another encrypted communication line to the Basilisk War droid pilot.

"They know something is coming, get on the horn quick or I'll have to reveal our hidey hole." Asmus snapped.

"I know Azzy. Quiet." Jules snapped as the line crackled open.

"Basilisk Droid Rider, this is forward scout group Teardrop, we have eyes on the base and they have detected the presence of the evacuating vessels. They may be scrambling air vehicles shortly on your approach. How copy, over?"

Jules was concentrating on the radio while Asmus stared through the scope, watching the pilot suits appear on the bases lift to the external hangar. His hand flexed instinctively as he took in a breath and slowly blew it out.

The helmet didn't fog up thankfully as his finger slipped over the trigger while the lift door snapped open.

"Pilots on the lift, sending." Asmus warned Jules, inhaling and exhaling once more before holding that empty feeling, his finger sliding over the trigger as it pulled against the protrusion.

It snapped back, a clean breaking feeling as the round whistled through the air. The rifle slid back into his shoulder, the bipod scraping slightly. He could watch it through the slit in the scope cover but only barely as the round found its home and slammed into the lead pilots helmet.

The crimson spray against the mesh wall behind them and the other pilots was enough to cause disarray as the guards whirled around to see the pilots body crumple backwards before scanning for the shot origin.

Asmus drew in another breath before blowing it out, calming himself before the adrenaline gave him hunting fever and made him too excited to shoot proper.

Tags: T Tamar Caldera
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O B J E C T I V E 3: Training
Tags: N Nyxeris
A smile broke out across her face, happy to share this time with her one true friend. She had never seen her master's lightsaber, Nyxie rarely used such weapons, in fact, Lilanna struggled to recall when she used a lightsaber. Lil inspected the form, and assumed it to be that of Makashi, curious choice. Lil made a motion with her hand, the cloak connected to her armor detached, fluttering the ground behind her, as the former Sith would make the first move. Wielding her yellow blade, Lil began by moving forward, using the force to increase her speed, as she would lunge toward Nyxie with her blade, pushing off the ground with her legs, and wrapping the force around her as she would begin to turn intangible, up until she could come within striking distance of her mentor.​
Ideally, Lil would be able to land a glancing strike on Nyxie, and land, though there was an opening that Nyxie would easily exploit if she desired to do so. Lil would attempt to pull back, withdrawing her blade and try to parry any strike that her mentor wished to lash out at her with, though Nyxie would be able to tell that something was off with the Warden at current, her fighting style was far more....sloppy than normal.​

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Canyon, surface
Objective II.: Fight with the Elements
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Mother Earth ]

The team was ready so they could set off on the road that was here nearby. Because of the easier and faster progress, there were now only light-armoured soldiers accompanying her who had a climbing qualification or understood to do so. The Ultranauts may have been trained for all terrains, but this was too specific a place here for climbers. Even the woman had little experience in such a field, but she did not let her men down there alone.

The commanders of her bodyguards were, of course, angry, not only Wolfguard's Commander, but also Cart Dozneger (KK198) and Alain Price (NN220). Commanders of the Frost Company and Shadow Company. Such were the only cases where the two men agreed on something that was not that they hated each other. Sure, they both knew the woman is capable to take care of herself, but they had a duty, along with the Wolfguards, to provide even more.

True, the woman now promised that if she didn’t have enough knowledge here and would just jeopardize the mission, she would stop trying not to disturb and hinder others. Now, however, she was walking behind the leader and they were on the already pre-designated path. On one side is the rock wall, on the other the very deep chasm, and a railing that prevented them from falling. And they’ll have to go down about six to seven hundred yards to get to the ground.

They went about sixty to seventy metres ahead when an earthquake started again…


Location: Hangar Bay, EIV Celestial Fire - Approaching Ebony Mountain Base, Riflor
Unit Support: Missile Boat (10) │ FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (24) │ FAE/V-03 “Yuxa” Attack Swoop Craft (6) │ I-4V Dive Bomber (16) │ I-3A Lance Fighter (20)
Swoop Craft:
FAE/V-02 "Loralora" - Designation: Queen
Tags: Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand T Tamar Caldera

“Mermaid Nine, you are clear for launch!”

The Queen’s twin ion engines howled out from beneath the pillion, echoing across the hangar bay of the Celestial Fire as Eleena pushed the accelerator, driving her machine out into the dark sky, before lowering the nose into a sharp descent. Her lekku twitched with adrenaline as she got to speed, penetrating the sound barrier with the ease of a vibroknife through paper, all while quickly moving from one task to another, each just as important as the last in order to ensure the success of the mission at hand.

Flying with the same jet swoop squadron as she had with the Speed Corps under the Wild Hunt, with many of the same pilots, Eleena felt in her element, in spite of the fact that she had only recently transferred to the Eternal Navy. Isena Elysi was still her wing mate, along with Lexi, Lilacase, and a few others. Unfortunately, she had yet to hear of Traimri Bruz, but Eleena still had most of her family with her, pilots who she had trained alongside, learned from, and shared special moments with, the highs and lows of a life behind the vanes, flying deadly machines which were, in quite the literal sense, engines and seats. Nevertheless, Eleena knew that this was what she had been born for. She carried within her the blood of freedom fighters, men and women who had risked everything they knew for the seemingly unattainable dream of a free Ryloth. Unfortunately, while Ryloth was out of reach, Eleena could still fly for her squadron, even if she still maintained lingering doubts regarding the benevolence of the Eternal Empire.

For now, those doubts were far from her mind as she drove the Queen through the dark sky. Moments later, she punched through the clouds, a formation of missile boats, dive bombers, starfighters, and jet swoops coming into view as she did.

“Five klicks out from Ebony Mountain, Mermaids!” Isena called out over comms. “Remember, keep out of the cagers’ lines of fire. We need to-”

“Commander, I’m picking up an incoming Basilisk war droid! It’s...friendly, but not exactly...expected.” Lexi interrupted.

“Nine, hail it.” Isena said to Eleena. “Everyone else, we’re closing in on the base! Power on weapons and shields!”

“Yes, Commander!” Eleena answered. Then, with a few taps of her interface and a series of mental commands, Eleena opened a channel with the intruding Basilisk and its pilot, all while powering up her machine’s combat systems.

“Unidentified pilot, are you authorized to be here? Please be aware that this is contested airspace. You enter at your own risk.”


Jules sat there for a long moment. Asmus went from breathing calmly to doing his best to not cackle and reveal them further. The spotter blinked, and while his face was hidden behind a helmet, Asmus had been working with him too long to not recognize the motion.

"Open comm-"


"And then-"


"Only to-"

"Probably the whole base."

"Fethin-kriff-nerf-" the annunciator in Jules helmet shut off as he ranted a while in silence. Asmus returned to overwatch, spying a pilot making a break for what looked like an interceptor or something.

"How far out is backup?" Asmus thought to ask, feeling Jules look his direction. A measured silence passed between them, Asmus letting his finger slip atop the trigger once more as the answer came.

"Enough for another shot. But only one." Asmus heard the tone, pondered the speed and drop he'd had from the last one. It hadn't been nearly where he had wanted it to go. He compensated for the drop, adjusting a quarter-mil before feeling the trigger snap again.

The round sang through the air, a loud report as the rifle gave a brief flare from their position.

The pilot didn't even stop as they stomped up the catwalk, the other pilots not so daring as they watched them go. Watched them make it as far as the entry way before they flopped against the gang plank to the cockpit of their interceptor.

There was a shared look between those left on the lift at the comm mishap, a subtle nod that Jules noticed while watching the pilot group for the next target. The remaining pilots made a break for it. A slapping on Asmus's back to alert him to the change as the shooter shifted his leg sharply to get him to quit.

"Wha-oh feth." The mirialan snapped, cycling the spent cartridge and chambering another rapidly.

Jules didn't even bother with encrypting the line, save for scrambling the origin as he patched through to friendly transmissions.

"Base is scrambling interceptors as we speak. Teardrop, over and out." He couldn't contain the sigh at the end of the transmission. All that time spent watching and reporting. Flushed by a communication line fluke. His hand fell from his ear piece, both sitting in his lap a moment and pondering the pairs existence as the rifle cracked again.

Tags: T Tamar Caldera Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Objective: Save the children
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel || A Admiral Elisabeth Zita || Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud || Shavara Shavara
"Watch your tone with her, Ace."

Even through the voice modulator, the annoyance and short tone in Feng's voice was obvious. Would it complicate Rabbit's reputation among the Rebels if Feng showed her protectiveness of her cousin while in disguise? Possibly, but no one could be short with Taozi. Well. Except Taozi's mother, but she scared Feng more than Feng's own mother.

"It's fine. The stress of the situation is getting to us all. Get to the main camp, there's going to be children we need to get off-world immediately."

There was an odd calmness to Taozi's voice as she spoke to "Rabbit" and Ace. She had arrived at the school shortly after Adelle had, and she helped herd children onto the trucks. She gave her old friend Adenn a nod of greeting as she helped the last child onto the truck, before walking up to those gathered. The sound of crying mixed with the sound of destruction

"Su cuygar, vod. <I'm sorry I called for you under such dire circumstances. Can you and your men clear the way for us?>"

As Taozi spoke, two more transports arrived, and the Clan Tal members driving them began loading up more children.

"We need to work quickly. Once Adenn and his men clear the way, we need to get in and get out, as the next aftershock could come at any moment."
Location: Ebony Mountain Base, Riflor
Unit Support: Missile Boat (10) │ FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (24) │ FAE/V-03 “Yuxa” Attack Swoop Craft (6) │ I-4V Dive Bomber (16) │ I-3A Lance Fighter (20)
Swoop Craft: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” - Designation: Queen
Tags: Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand T Tamar Caldera

A pause.

For her part, Eleena was more confused than she was insulted. It was hard for her to feel such when she was riding a fast, heavily-armed jet swoop at speeds well past that of sound, all while managing multiple other tasks pertinent to the mission. Instead, Eleena shifted her swoop on an intercept course with the war droid, positioning her machine on the pilot’s six so that she could verify them with her own senses. The stealth systems on her bike were activated with a thought, dampening her IR signature, blocking out her life signs, silencing the engines, and cooling the fairing. In combination with the Nykkalt anti-sensor treatment, the measures would likely render her invisible on the war droid’s radar, allowing her to approach with little fear of detection.

There was another moment of pause as she quietly came up on the war droid’s six, tailing for a few moments before speaking up on comms again.

“You’re clear. Please acknowledge and respond to the sign, ‘Touron One’, when hailed. That will be your identification. Otherwise, good hunting.”

Just then, the twin ion engines howled as Eleena pushed the power, accelerating her machine past the war droid and down towards the formation of missile boats, jet swoops, fighters, and bombers which were already flying over the base, lining up for their attack runs. Missiles and bombs were fired in coordinated salvos, first prioritizing any anti-air guns, then targeting airspeeders, interceptors, and small craft which were grounded. Nevertheless, the enemy still managed to launch a considerable amount of craft, which quickly moved on course to intercept the missile boats and bombers which were wreaking havoc on the base.

“Nine, on me! Stay on my left.” Isena directed.

“Copy that, One. I’m closing in!” Eleena answered, now breathing deeply as she drove her swoop hard, lining up her nose to face-off with an ascending airspeeder. With a thought, the four particle beam cannons on her wings delivered a precise barrage of fire on the airspeeder, lancing through both pilot and machine in a fiery explosion.

Then, moving on Isena’s wing, Eleena covered her wing mate as the Echani closed in on an airspeeder’s six, twinned guns whining as the bolts ripped through the machine, which had gotten dangerously close to a missile boat. At almost the same time, a quick glance at her sensors alerted Eleena to another threat, a pair of TIE Strikers approaching the same missile boat. She immediately broke off from her wing mate, the first maneuver in a routine perfected through endless hours of practice in simulators and live flight training. Pulling a tight chandelle, she accelerated at full throttle out of the turn, charging up her craft’s energy torpedo launchers as she did. All the while, Isena activated her Loralora’s SLAM, cutting perpendicularly across the path of the two TIE strikers, in an aggressive maneuver designed to distract and lure.

Seizing the attention of the two enemy pilots, just long enough for Eleena to close in on their six.

A high-pitched whining noise marked her first shot, an energy torpedo discharged from one of the Queen’s launchers at maximum power, enough to feasibly destroy a tank or any similarly-armored target. Directed against a TIE Striker, the fusion plasma projectile ripped through the craft’s titanium hull at relativistic velocity, punching through the eyeball-shaped cockpit and disintegrating the pilot in an ear-splitting explosion of fire and light. Shifting her body across her swoop, Eleena only just managed to steer clear of the blast, all while lining up her nose with the second Striker. A second energy torpedo fired from her other launcher made a direct impact with the Striker’s left wing, sending the craft careening down to the ground, landing directly in a raging pit of lava...

Final Dawn Central Command


Objective | Kidnap Extract Legatus Haradan Belshei
Forces :

The Emissary emerged out of hyperspace at the edge of the System with 8 Squadrons comprised of both TIE/fd Advances and TIE/en Enforcers following suit emerging aside the Pocket Star Destroyer. Standing onboard the Bridge of the Emissary was Admiral Kaine Hamilton , formerly of the Beshqek System Defense Force who had fled with Marlon Sularen to the Unknown Regions joining up with the Final Dawn and partaking in their preparations for their eventual invasion of the Core World.

As part of these preparations , Hamilton had been placed in charge of a Task Force sent to the Mid Rim world of Rilfor to extract a Warlord with known Imperialist and Humanocentrist leanings which Sularen had deemed as a potential useful asset for the Final Dawn. Now Hamilton was here at Rilfor ready to carry out yet another important mission in the name of the Final Dawn.

"What's the status of our Strike Force" Admiral Hamilton asked as the Final Dawn Strike Force emerged from hyperspace. "All Fighter Squadrons have checked-in Admiral , and Agent Phantom and her Men are already onroute with an ETA of 15 Minutes." one of the Bridge Officers said. "Good. Have all Fighters engage both Eternal Imperial and Beshiri Imperium Forces and keep them distracted. We need to give Phantom's Task Force enough time to extract Legate Beshiri. Understood?" The rest of the bridge crew simply nodded in compliance.

Soon enough these orders were relayed and the TIEs were on there way towards the Mountain Base accelerating as they rushed to meet the enemy force. As the Strike Force of TIEs entered the upper atmosphere , the TIE Enforcers quickly split off from the main force activating their cloaking devices in the process and taking a large detour around the Mountain Base to strike at their enemy from behind. If everything went as planned then Hamilton and his task force and his Task Force would soon be able to leave Riflor with their prize.

TAG | Open
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Canyon, surface
Objective II.: Fight with the Elements
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Mother Earth ]

The earthquake was stronger than might have been expected at first because the road under the team also slipped and part of it was torn off. From the area above them, larger or lesser stones began to fall to the area where the team was. The soldiers responded immediately, as they were prepared to do all this. Ingrid, too, I easily maintained her balance, as did most scientists.

However, two scientists were nowhere near as lucky, one fell and thus slid in the direction of the abyss; and the other... under the other, the earth simply opened up, he had no chance to dodge or do anything else. However, they were lucky that a prepared team came here. The sliding scientist was caught by two soldiers and dragged back to the wall, saving his life. The other was a more difficult matter.

No one was fast enough to reach the man in the back, it was almost impossible for even Ingrid especially on the moving ground. Fortunately, however, the woman was a Force User. This was well known about her as she was Tacitus' disciple once, only her level of knowledge and strength was not well known to almost anyone. The scientist fell with a shout, then fell silent in surprise when he realized he was not falling any further, but floating.

And Ingrid stood concentrating next to one of the soldiers as she lifted the man back to the part of the ledge where they were now. For now, everyone has managed to keep alive and the quake has stopped. The group could continue down their way.


Tags: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel A Admiral Elisabeth Zita

Kalic looked confused, opening his comms again as Jee laughed a bit from behind the Miraluka.

"Wait, what I say? What tone?" He was honestly confused as he quickly pulled the shuttle around before seeing the landing zone. I looked down, spotting Taozi and the civilians He'd quickly hit the comms again. "I see you. Coming around. Let's see how many folks we can get in, cause I'll take them standing if needed." The shuttle would then begin to land, with Jee and another disguised rebel at the loading ramp. They would quickly usher people on board as Jee floated down to check an engine.

Objective: Help out and meet Taozi
Tags: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | A Admiral Elisabeth Zita | Shavara Shavara | Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel

Deployed next to the primary camp, Adenn and his vode had first gone towards the camp with their supplies. Still, they had maintained an eye on the rest of the area, searching for the worst area. Then they had seen a fast exodus towards the South-East of their location, both in vehicles and various medics and the like. Whatever it was clearly was important, and that meant Taozi would be there. Sighing annoyed, Adenn hurried his vode along. They quickly entered the main camp and went towards the most official looking person that was closest. That just so happened to be Shavara, more for the fact that she stood out the most from all the others.

They jogged up to her before depositing the crates, and even as his vode were already turning to go, Adenn stopped for a moment to speak.
"Medical supplies of most any type in there. Not sure what you need, but there's enough to help some areutii out." He glanced back towards his vode and South-East before continuing. "We got someplace to be, so just make sure these get to the right people."

That done, Adenn turned with a final nod before rushing in the direction all the commotion had been. Narrowing his eyes at the short pace, Adenn gave a mental command and his armor complied. Suddenly he was up and shooting forward, flying up with his vode shortly following him. The sped forth with all the grace and speed of birds, flying just above the rooftops to get to their target destination quickly. They arrived and landed even faster, coming close and slamming down to the ground in a cloud of dust and some rubble.

Landing just as the final children boarded the trucks, Adenn and his men's faces hardened beneath their helms. Gaze swiftly sweeping the area, Adenn took it all in before focusing on Taozi. The skull helm he even now wore seemed to glower with Adenn as his gaze landed upon the school. Then he blinked and it was gone, even as he turned towards Taozi. She approached them even then, all business, and loathe as he was to agree, now was no time to catch up.
"Su cuy'gar, ad, <aye we can. clear it out, then we can catch up.>"

His helm turned towards his vode as he switched to a private channel, even as Taozi spoke with her people. The plan was simple, move the toughest out of the way and get further into the rubble, all while looking for survivors. Nodding as one, they moved towards the school with haste. Adenn himself passed close to Taozi, quickly clasping her shoulder before moving on. Just as they reached the rubble the ground shook once more, throwing everything around. Maintaining their balance was easy enough, though it still shook them, but all of them had endured worse bombardments, but it didn't change the schools outlook for the better.

Snarling, Adenn pointed towards the rubble and barked out to all the nearby Mandos in Mando'a, both his and of Clan Tal.
"<Move it vode! We got adiik needing help and we're not leaving them to the planet.>"

Clan Mortui rushed forward, immediately setting to work on the rubble. Those with extra limbs, either mechanical or natural, set to work on moving the rubble, Adenn himself was with them. The others either moved the smaller pieces to the side or scanned for life. Occasionally a cry would go out that a life had been found, and someone would no doubt rush to help. But Adenn and his vode kept at the main hall, knowing that more had no doubt rushed this way. Even now some life signs could be scanned, and faint cries for help and of pain could be heard. It simply prompted them to work harder.
Objective 1: Evacuation

Location: Central camp

Shavara was not meant for seeing the future. Sure, there were many cases where she'd had precognition and heightened awareness. That was nearly a give-in. But knowing the disaster coming was not something she had nailed down. Especially with the place so full of thoughts and emotions around her as she began to feel rushed when injured started coming in. A lot was minor, but it only takes a few urgent ones to start causing problems. Of course she wasn't the only person here who could help, yet the unfamiliarity with these people and which level of medical science they had urged her to try and help faster and better.

The medical supplies from Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud were certainly a welcome sight as she'd considered before, they seemed quite plentiful in that matter. He definitely spoke in a far more military fashion than she was used to and she managed a quick, "Thank you." before he and his men were already off. She started quickly getting the supplies distributed and ordered where they need to be. It felt odd, being addressed that way. She was not so sure she liked it, but she had far too many other things to think about right now. Still, she couldn't help but glance at them flying away. Incredible armor.

She felt the ground rumble beneath her feet and had to steady herself against the crates as the earth shook. It made her skin crawl as she clenched the crate, would be so much easier to just fly but that wasn't exactly ideal for helping people. She rushed inside where they were keeping the more injured or ill to fix anything that may have gotten upset by the shakes and again had to steady herself when another one hit, muttering under her breath about living on an unstable world.

There wasn't much to do planwise, but get to work again. Heal, assess, organize, heal, assess, organize, repeat.

shavaras-robes (Covered by larger robes)
Additional medical kit and on site medical eqiupment.

Height reduced to 5'
Shifted facial structure.

Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Kalic Daws Kalic Daws A Admiral Elisabeth Zita Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel

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