Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shadow Empire: The Living Planet | EE Dominion of Zonama Sekot




The Yuuzhan Vong and Zonama Sekot have become quite popular recently. The Eternal Empire reached the planet Zonama Sekot, they followed the Shadow Empire because the Blackwatch agents reported that their enemies were preparing for something here. As the Shadow Empire left countless corruption in the Unknown Region, the Hidden Enclave also came here to heal the planet if necessary. Because Zonoma Sekot was a sentient world with a soul. That’s why the Shadow Empire wanted to corrupt it and get itself a place.

And there was the Brotherhood of the Maw. They “just” wanted Vong technology to be even more effective on their own plans, and that’s why they hoped to find followers among Vong members as well. And for the last time, it was at Batuu when they went so much to the borders of the Eternal Empire. Maybe this was a good time for the Maw to remind them with their own presence, maybe they have not attacked the EE yet, but they are here.

Probably neither side was expecting an enemy, so they may have had a very unpleasant surprise when they found each other in this place upon arrival…



Objective 1: How Can You be Here?
The PvP objective, in space and on earth. As neither side expected enemies, a maximum of 5 km of vessels / fleet per person is sufficient. And only smaller troops on the ground. Although the Eternal Empire wants a purge, their units are scattered around the planet to hunt the Shadow Empire, so there will likely be more NPC units on the PvE thread, here a few dozen units/NPC per character will be enough.

The ground PvP will take place at La'okio, which has now grown into a larger city. The city also has a large Vong population, but many other immigrant groups also live here. Actually, they are the real population. Roughly half a million people live here, so we’re talking about a place big enough for everyone to play far enough apart.

Objective 2: Corruption
The PvE objective, with three different tasks:
Eternal Empire: Sith hunting and purge. It is up to the teams and characters to find and stop the Shadow Empire's ritual and kill the Sith and the ritualists (and Shadow Ultranauts), all in the Middle Distance area.

Hidden Enclave: The Enclave came to eradicate and heal the corruption caused by the Shadow Empire and to try to protect the soul of the planet from Sith corruption. They are trying to do this from Dragon Cave because it was here that they felt the strongest connection to the planet's soul.

Brotherhood of the Maw : And Maw wants technology and preferably to find members from the Vong to join them. To do this, they chose the Far Distance area, which was free from the forces of the Eternal Empire.

Objective 3: BYOO
There are many more ways to interact with the inhabitants than are listed here. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Links: Yuuzhan Vong | Zonama Sekot | Shadow Empire | La'okio | Dragon Cave | Far Distance | Middle Distance

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Kill the Maw.
Location: Streets of La'okio
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Romund Sro Romund Sro
[ Der Herr der Schatten ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Maw's stay here wasn't particularly unexpected, she could expect it. They had been threatening the Galaxy for quite some time; what was really surprising was that they had not attacked the Eternal Empire again. It was now eerily like Batuu. Just the Vong was a little different than the Smugglers Queen. Similar and different to her. Back then, Maw was just a pirate squad, now it was different, they were a stable Empire not just a horde.

The Empress looked up and reached into the Force. She also felt several familiar presence in the Force, ones she had fought with before, and one that had come close enough to her lately. And of course there are some artefacts she made. To others these had only weapons and signals in the Force, but to the woman was like a torch. Anywhere, anytime, she recognizes what she herself made.

~ Zachariel, to me! ~ it was a short, concise message, a cold, military order, now exceptionally not flirting with the man.

Did the Shadow Empire sort it all out like this? Because as long as the Maw and the Eternal Empire are busy with each other, they will corrupt the planet? It wasn’t a good and bad decision, either one is ignored, the other can attack them in the back. She had to divide the army and the attention in half so that neither could happen. She could only hope that this would not be a mistake; the Empress has seen countless times what Maw is capable of.

She chose an area that was hidden; she didn’t want anyone in that situation to see her when she met one of Maw’s warlords. Especially that given the situation of the two of them, this can easily be misunderstood…


Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective I.: How can you be here?
Location: Streets of La'okio
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Das Tier in mir ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Another task; After Coruscant, I couldn’t wait to finally be in action again. First of all, I was curious because I had never met Vong before, I only read about them in the history books. The other interesting thing is that we can find another new enemy here. Another state whose people can be taught what freedom is. And we don't have to go too far.

Since it was successful at Coruscant to work as a scout, I did so now. Until the other group arrived, it was actually possible to move around the city quite freely and easily. It wasn’t too big, but it wasn’t as big a metropolis as Carlac had been before. But that didn't matter now; although I still loved that place because without it I wouldn’t even exist.

Walking the streets I saw countless different species; how boring. And Vong is disgusting enough. If they join the Maw, they will not stand out from ours. I actually even liked what I saw. How many will choose us? Volunteer! It has always been a great question. In fact, you may have to place bets. It could even be fun because everyone would encourage them to work better.

I’ll mention it to the others the next time we drink together, after this mission. I was looking for a high altitude place where I was in pretty good cover and could see a significant part of the city. From here, it was easy to pass on the data to others if needed.

And I finally saw the first units. I wondered what they were capable of. After all, while they were allies of the TSE, they caused trouble to the NIO. And Bryn'adûl was also successfully destroyed, something no one else had done before. I was hoping they would be worthy opponents and the combat could be fun.

All it took now was finally the chaos to be unleashed…


Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective III.: Join to the Maw.
Location: Unknown Location, Zonama Sekot
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Open
[ Mitternacht ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Curse was calm; so far, everything has turned out exactly as he wanted. The Shadow Empire was here, as was the Hidden Enclave, the Eternal Empire, and the Maw. The threads came together perfectly, just as he saw it in the visions. The Dark Lord had been working with people close to the Maw and some members for some time, but never officially joined. Now it's time for that too. The man was currently partly a member of the Eternal Empire, one of the leaders of the Spear, the only officially recognized Sith Lord in the Eternal Empire.

Although, since everyone moved to Terraris, Spear has also moved its headquarters there. A lot was better there than on Duatiel. But now that wasn't important. The man had a lot of interest, he was one of the leaders of the Nite, there was the Spear, the Primyn Group, and of course the Shadow Empire. The man almost never appeared in public, he was a master of shadow games; he liked to move the threads out of the shadows; a true puppet master.

During his long existence, it has always done so; with his own interests in mind. That is why he did not shed tears for the Sith Empire and turned his back on the new power and Emperor without thinking. He just didn't care; he did not want to put more energy into it. They are insignificant, with a fallen ruler. Through Empress L'lerim, if necessary, he will be able to manipulate the new Hand of the Emperor. And there was no need more for him at the moment.

The man waited in a place secretly discussed with Maw, scanning the future, wondering what results he could see about the approaching meeting…

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Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Plain Cloths
Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Objective: Medical Vessel in Space - Obj III

The morning had been quiet. Or at least it had been when she finished crying.

A trip to a strange planet with the intent of getting fresh air and a chance to window shop had been a bright hope. The unexpected guests had dashed that hope without mercy or warning.

The time since Ingrid had returned Felmorante to the Eternal Empire produced a mounting struggle that the young girl had not imagined. One which was physically exhaustive, and more so mentally draining. Hope had been present at one point in the beginning, but even in the short month that had blurred by, it was quickly replaced by another.

One that pervaded every thought in her day as she woke to see the hand holds needed to raise herself out of bed.

It was a harsh reality to set in while waking. Dreams of running, jumping, and climbing. The memories and ghost feelings of doing such things in the past making it all the worse as the girl silently sat before the large viewport. The medical vessel, she was assured, was well and truly tucked away from the unexpected guests to the planet.

The assurances to the Empress that her young charge would not be in any danger the only reason she was able to even remain present.

Her hand rubbed along the blanket across her lap. The armrests causing the bottom of her arms to tingle with a feeling she could only describe as an irritated sunburn on the best of days. The hand tightened around a spot on the blanket, and she wished dearly she could feel that grip.

The bright eyes had dulled since her return. The weight of her situation settling slowly but with a finality that did not offer any comfort besides brutal honesty.

Stars twinkled brightly in the distance beyond the planet. The pin heads of light a chaotic pattern in the dark tapestry for her viewing pleasure. The only light in the room as she continued to sit in silence. She offered no words to the sudden interruption of her solitude as someone approached. The heavy sound of their feet on the floor told her it was one of the soldiers making their rounds.

How sorely she missed that freedom.

"Ms. DeWinter, are you hungry? Do you require anything?" A voice cut the silence as one might peel off a scab. The sound of it seeming far away through their helmet as she drew breath. She blinked, allowing herself to examine what she felt rather than believe she was in some far off place again.

Her eyes fell to the hand in her lap. She wished that prick of her nails would register. Would send the trigger of alarm to tell her brain to stop squeezing before she hurt herself. Instead, she felt nothing. She hated the tightness around her waist, keeping her tethered to the seat. From falling to the floor when jostled or unbalanced.

But it was required to even have the small allowances of independence the wheelchair gave her.

"Medicine. And water, please." She didn't turn her face, nor did she look at the person in the reflection. If she didn't...then this wasn't real...right?


The Maw.

They weren't supposed to be here. How could they be here? This wasn't Chiss space! Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae was the only reason he'd come out this far. He needed a break from the constant fighting. A vacation? Probably something like that. And yet, the Maw was here. The Chissalorian let out a heavy sigh as he pulled on his helmet. It didn't matter where he went, he was always going to end up in a fight, huh?

With his kit already sorted out he hopped onto one of the transports. The Eternals were going to need all the help they could get if they wanted to fight these types of people, if they could even be called people. The things he'd watched them do to the Chiss.. Anger flashed through his mind, but only for a moment. He needed a clear head if he was going to gun these savages down.

Well, if he didn't want to make his aunt upset at least.

Objective: 1
Power Cane | 2 Knuckle Plate Vbiro Blades (Hidden under large gloves)
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

Yes, this is what Romund needed for his collection and projects, Vong Tech. Although just some DNA collected could prove wonders for him, it’s unlikely someone with his skills could reverse engineer the Vong genes to create his own personal adaptations of everything. The Vong were masters of biotechnology, probably the best in the world since machinery couldn’t be used under their own belief system. He wondered if reverse engineering some of their biotech could prove more or less difficult in an industrialized lab. Nonetheless even if he couldn’t easily tamper with their genes they would make for excellent additions to his collection of galactic oddities, heck perhaps he should write a book about some of them and his adventures.

Romund didn’t know much of the real intentions, but he really was here to collect Vong Tech. His clone soldiers had touched down on the living planet and began their raid on the city La’okio to collect. However, as the dark Jedi stepped off the ramp of his personal raider-class corvette he sensed something. Not just opposition, but something familiar.

He wondered if the Eternal Empress was on the planet with him. A stern woman he'd faced a while back when part of the Warlords of The Sith, and if so, He should’ve figured that it would come to this. A possible reunion, not that he had that many hard feelings towards her. Not like that mando that actually took his hand that day. But she was there, and if it wasn’t for her then it’s likely that he could’ve kept his old original hand. With his new power cane in hand and mask over his face he began to make his way deeper into the city, doing a lonesome hunt for his collection. Leaving his clone soldiers to do the dirty work for him in finding interesting vong tech. Who knew, perhaps he could have an empress in his collection?
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Location: Tal class medical corvette
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
Equipped: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies

"Sucks doesn't it?" A female voice came from across the room.

"Your situation I mean, I'd be crying too."

Sat nearby was a young female Togruta wearing blue armour and with a mandalorian helmet attached to her waist.

"I'm Anashja, and don't worry, I'm not hear to tell you that you should just suck it up, you are allowed to be sad."

She paused for a few moments to watch the young girl's reaction. She did pity her, a young healthy girl finding herself in this situation was totally unjust. But the Tal thought to herself, even if the legs couldn't be saved, there was no sense in losing the person as well.

"it isn't the end you know, of everything you planned, things will just be a bit different. Once you have had the time you need to be sad. There are options." Anasja thought of her own suit, even if she had no connection to her own limbs, the dreamsight would allow her to control the thrusters and still be more mobile than most able bodied creatures.

Anashja sat and patiently waited. Hoping the girl would reply.
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TAGS: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

~ ~ ~​

Entering the transport, the girl struggled to collect her bearings. As an initiate to the Eternal Empire's Wardens, she was fully decked in Warden armor, alongside being armed with her weapons and equipment. She had worked on her armor before the shroudsaber, as she already had a lightsaber currently hanging on her waist, but she had hoped to make the signature weapon of the Wardens itself before being flung into chaos.

Actually, she had hoped to be better trained as a whole before being flung into the fray.

Alas, the Engineer was confused, being thrown into a conflict involving the Maw. Ah, the Maw. Such a lovely pack of... no way were they worthy of being called people. She had fought them once before, with this really cute boy. She was still shocked that she was fighting them again so soon.

As determined as she was to no longer be a helpless girl in war; as determined as she was to become a fighter - she was scared out of her wits. As the transport started taking its course, she struggled as she curled and uncurled her fingers. Wearing a helmet, she lifted her head back and sighed heavily. The voice distortion made even that sound somewhat intimidating.

She looked around the transport, heart pounding, and sought to collect inventory on her new allies and teammates - oh! Oh dear. That was... Edgy McHandsome at the other side of the shuttle. She smirked beneath her helmet, rolling her eyes. Of course he was where the Maw was! Due to Gwyn being fully decked out in Warden armor, she doubted he knew she was here. Sure, her weapons were a dead giveaway to her identity, but she was not so sure he knew her by her weapons...

Deciding to hide the surprise for now, blushing beneath her helmet as she thought of him, she continued to gaze around the transport and take soldiers in.



He uttered the word mostly to himself, but it was loud enough to be heard for those listening. The reason behind it? Armored or not, there was no way he'd forget Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla . As a Mandalorian, weapons were his life. As was armor, but it was the weapons he recognized. Her weapons. His masked visage stared blankly towards her. It couldn't actually be her, right? .. No, it certainly was.

That saber on her hip. The blaster.

He sighed as he looked away, out the window. He needed to not think about her. Right. Just look out the window. Pretend she's not actually there close by. .. Nope, not something he could do. It was good he was fully armored. It hid the blush on his cheeks as his mind raced to their last encounter and how that went. They weren't supposed to end up meeting again! That's the impression he got when he left. Just a quick thing.

Why was he thinking so hard on this? He grumbled a bit as he pulled off the verpine shatter rifle he had, checking through it's magazine to make sure it was fully loaded. They'd talk, or they wouldn't. No reason to dwell. Or let her invade his thoughts. Damnit why did it always go back to her!? She didn't even know how to fight that well since they last saw each other! .. Fuck it. If she's in trouble, he'll at least help. And it's not like being around her was bad.

Too much thinking. He clicked back in the mag for his sniper. Hunt. Kill. Fight. Focus on that.

Objective: Stop the corruption
Location: Dragon Cave
Tags: Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel || Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
There was a tingle that ran across Taozi's skin as she stood in the steam-filled cave. Flexing her gloved fingers, Taozi stared at the others of the Enclave from behind her Rabbit mask. She wondered if they could feel it too, the tingling. A shiver ran down her spine, and she knew they would have to get to work soon. Rituals were not her specialty, but healing was, so how hard could a healing ritual for an entire planet be?

"So. Are all the preparations done?"

Her voiced was modulated by the mask, but there was an urgency to her tone. She knew, no, felt the planet needed them to get to work soon. This "Shadow Empire" Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim had told Taozi about was rearing their ugly heads, so while the Empire took care of them physically... Well, only those Called seemed to be able to help with the corruption.

"I fear the Imperials won't be able to counter our mutual foe soon enough for us to succeed in our task."

Oh. He noticed her. The way he muttered "kark!" made it obvious. She blinked beneath her helmet, wondering what to do. She did not get to met most flings more than once a lot of times, so this was nice. Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt had always stood out to her, after all. She was honestly happy he had not killed himself from all his fights with the Maw. Hot or not, he was a good person. But of course, he was indeed hot.

She made her move. Walking closer in the transport towards him, she casually slid in as if it was nothing. She was small enough, it was actually unintrusive to the other passengers. She reached up and took one of the grips at the top of the ship. She was right next to him. Beneath her helmet, she smirked. Turning off the voice modulator, she spoke quietly enough for just him to hear, "Hey, hot stuff. Nice to see you again."
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Objective: Seize Technology
Faction: Brotherhood of the Maw
Nearby Allies: Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
Equipment: Lightsaber, Zersium Rifle
Ship: Wandering Pilgrim
Droid: 77-B
Whispering Swarm

The Wandering Pilgrim drifted overhead, a silent host draped by invisibility. 77-B watched its Sith master move below, equipped with such optics that it could hone in on the man shadowed by two, crawling creatures of chaos ensnared by the dark side of the force as if they were within the cockpit alongside it. Under different circumstances, it might have deployed its primary tactics as a Viper Droid, scouting along the plains of the world in search of wonders to sought out; but Darth Tennacus preferred not to put the droid at risk. As much faith as he had installed within it to serve his purposes, the sentient world carried unknown obstacles that might leap out and tear the droid asunder, setting the Sith Lord back several weeks in repairs. Time was an essence that needed to be spent wisely. There could be no mistakes. But that was why he was there.

Tennacus cut through the landscape slowly - cautiously. The Force remained dormant within him, its mere shadow cast upon the Xenomorphs that moved behind him on all fours, serving as scouts, guardians and watchers all at once. The Sith Lord could see the targeted destination up ahead: it was close, yet so far when accounting for unknown certainties. To blindly run out into the open and take on whatever may come before him was beneath his caution; rather than put himself at such risk, he moved with an almost tedious pace which challenged his patience, yet was ultimately outweighed by his tenacity to the cause. If he wanted to conclude the objective without fault, he needed to reserve himself as much as possible. To remain a cunning, quiet shadow of which the planet only relied on rumours regarding his existence. The teachings that had passed down the lineage of Bane were surely not lost on him.

He soon came to a clearing on top of a hill, where he chose to halt and tune the scope on his rifle to get a view of what dwelt beneath him. There were seed ships - several of them - lined side by side, without a warrior to guard them. The knowledge of their sentience cautioned him not to consider hijacking any one of them as if they were a unguarded freighter. 77-B watched from above, continuously checking for any threats that might move upon the Sith Lord, while behind the creatures attuned themselves to the air, as well as any changes within it that might trigger their senses.

Tennacus turned his attention away from the seed ships, honing in on a line of zanoma sekot fighters. Between the two choices, he appeared to linger on the latter most, his prolonged observation fuelled by a promise of technological wonder. But as he turned back over his head towards the beasts behind him, he understood an obstacle that stood before him.

"One each," Tennacus said to himself, but it traced back over the commlink for 77-B to hear.

"You and Lord Senthral." the droid confirmed, subconsciously ruling itself out.

Tennacus paused. "The benefits of their creator's wonders are of more value. Their ships will merely serve as cargo carriers."

There was a moment of silence, then the droid said, "I would urge not to take too much time in deciding, my Lord. If what the data claims is true, there is nothing stopping those vessels from overcoming any telepathic attempts you might instil on them if you delay leaving."

The Sith Lord agreed in his silence. "Continue to monitor from above."

Without another word said, Tennacus killed the commlink and stepped over the edge of the cliff, descending down the steep slope to level himself with the vessels.

Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found


Location: Dragon Cave, entrance
Equipment: One (1) custom-made shoto lightsaber, Dantari crystal, One (1) CR-1 Blast Cannon, One (1) 50-meter length of synthrope, Four (4) standard thermal detonators.
Appearance: Nondescript leathers, mismatched with standard-issue Ultranaut helmet.
Interacting: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan
Nearby: LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) , Kalic Daws Kalic Daws , Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel
"I fear the Imperials won't be able to counter our mutual foe soon enough for us to succeed in our task."
"I still can't shake the feeling that distinction isn’t nearly as clear as anyone thinks, you know."

The Ultranaut helmet's voice filter abruptly switched off as Na'an strode through the cave mouth, letting her natural voice ring out and echo in the confined space. She loosed the helmet, dropping it, and pulled her braid out from where it had been stuffed into her collar. "The Voice has been following a few threads within Imperial military networks," she said. "Nothing's panned out yet, but the fact that those threads are there at all...I can't be the only one that feels like that's strange, right?"

Her lightsaber was clipped high on her belt; Na'an pulled it loose and ignited it for light. As a makeshift torch, the scarlet blade cast the space into an eerie, bloody light, glimmering against a small tide pool and throwing dark shadows from nearby stones. She held it ahead of her as she crept forward, trying to see where the system ended or turned. "This cave's deeper than it looks," she continued; "Look there; it's been bored out farther than is natural. And something in there..."

She inhaled, sucking in the damp air through her nose. And her free hand reflexively reached for the back of her neck, rubbing at a sudden rash of goosebumps as she turned back to Taozi. "It stinks, doesn't it?"
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Location: Alleyway, La'okio
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Allies: EE ( Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla ) │ Independent ( Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt )
Enemies: BotM ( Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Romund Sro Romund Sro )
Direct Engagement: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

For Ivixa, this had started at Batuu.

After the Brotherhood’s attack on Black Spire Outpost, it was within the freshly-uncovered ruins of an ancient location that she had first encountered and killed the cultists of the Shadow Empire. Ironically, Batuu was where the Brotherhood had introduced itself as a threat to the Unknown Regions, then later on the galaxy, as well. Since Batuu and her initiation into Blackwatch, Ivixa had been assigned on operations against the Shadow Empire at every possible opportunity. However, so far, she had yet to face the Brotherhood directly.

To say the least, Zonama Sekot was the last place she expected to find them.

Their savage, brainwashed marauders had arrived in force to secure La’okio and other settlements on the planet, their arrival coinciding with that of the Eternal and Shadow Empire. It was the perfect storm, one where the tiny Special Agent found herself caught in the eye, trapped within the city as the Brotherhood’s marauders assailed the paltry Ultranaut contingent assigned to the area. Ivixa had been assigned to support them, but making her way through the city and sneaking past the Brotherhood lines was proving to be a challenge.

Having resorted to creeping through alleyways, stopping intermittently to let her cloaking device recharge, Ivixa managed to get past a couple squads. Unfortunately, a few marauders were her path, meaning that she would either have to wait for them to pass or eliminate them, one by one.

The diminutive assassin had never been able to restrain the part of her that always went for the latter option.

Her cloaking device hid her form in a shimmer as she moved just outside of the alleyway, pulling her vibroblade from its sheath as she approached a pair of marauders from behind, before powering on the weapon at the very last moment. With a single motion, she fired her wrist-mounted static blaster into the skull of the marauder adjacent to the one in front of her, incinerating the man’s brain and nervous system as her vibroblade moved in a lethal arc, decapitating the soldier closest to her just in a graceful, leaping sai cha as he processed his comrade’s twitching, now-dead form, yet managing to let out a sharp cry before his head was separated from his shoulders.

With a mental command, Ivixa powered on her personal shield, knowing from experience that the Mawite’s enraged scream had been just loud enough to alert any other marauder within the immediate area.

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Half loaded Eliz just froze as Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla spoke up to him. Great. She had seen him. Well, how could she not? How many snow colored Mandalorians were on this transport? Though, maybe it wasn't the fact she was here, so much as her response. He'd just up and left her the last time they were together. No words, no explanation. Guilt drove him to at least try to learn what he'd done. Ghosting. Seemed fitting given he could go translucent whenever he wanted with his armor.

But she was right back to flirting. No anger, no retaliation. Well. Like hell he'd be the one to make drama if there was anything lingering.

"You look good in armor. You sure you're ready to fight though? Being saved from a village versus going willingly into battle is pretty different, k- Gwyn."

Kalic took a breath as he sat their, holding his PR-1 Ravager just in case any Imperial approached. Honestly, he still didn’t necessarily care which it was. Sure, the Eternals seemed to be better, but some scars didn’t heal easy, and what Ingrid did to him…. Now that he remembered he wouldn’t forget it. He’d look back at the Rabbit, who he finally started to recognize, but wouldn’t say anything, as he spoke.

“Ready as I can be, but I don’t know why you want me here. Best I can do is maybe have a vision that possibly relates to what we’re doing.” It was true. It wasn’t like he could choose where to look, or how long. Heck, he couldn’t control anything a limit them, and it wasn’t like he was a trained in Jedi arts outside of a concentration technique to keep from by blinded in a nexus. Still, he’d help as best he could. He then heard Vidalu walk up, aiming for a split second before seeing who it was.

“Something in their hm? Well now I’m curious.”

Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel

Gwyn smirked beneath her helm. Oh, he was flirting right back. Wonderful!

Still, his question was one she had already been asking herself. When she joined the Eternal Empire, she had joined them based upon several different things. Her Force sensitivity, her hatred for Jedi and Sith alike, a desire to belong, a desire to make a difference, and a desire to stop being so helpless. She had survived the war on her own planet as a refugee citizen, but here she was trying to convince herself she was someone else. She had trained, both in the Force and with weaponry. She was so desperate to prove, especially to herself, that she was not some scared girl anymore.

As the transport rolled on, her face beneath her helmet was mixed with so many dark and brooding emotions, far from the flighty and flirty girl Eliz thought she was. She looked up to the Mandalorian and spoke, completely faking her peppy voice while her face was twisted with anger and fear.

"Well duh. I'm a Warden of the Eternal Empire now. And keep in mind, I'm smart too. Just ask my IQ test."

When the transport slowed to a stop, she was so happy he could not see her face, which immediately disproved the confidence she exceeded to him. She bit her lip, hands falling to her twin blasters.

It was time. And Gwyneira was determined to either survive or die a death worth remembering.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt
The Eternal Empire's new pet

Objective: 1
Location: space
Tags: open


There was a ripple in the force as a huge red break in space and time opened itself, light pouring out of the void beyond. Alghul pulled him through his now open force path, his bulbous head leading and his thousands of metres long tentacles following behind him.

He sought the call of his masters and they beckoned him here. Alghul loomed now in full view of all the starships in the system, his enormous body crackling with energy as he took a moment to readjust to normal space after his long journey through the path. It was a tiring ordeal and he was eager to feed.

A tiny freighter got too close to him, its course abruptly interrupted by the giant creature. It was taken by one of his tentacles that instinctively wrapped around it, draining it of energy before rolling it into his waiting Maw. The crew would not have lived long after the initial strike, and they wouldn't have suffered. He did not know who was aboard that craft, it crashed into his feeding tentacles so was his for the taking.

He sent a telepathic message to the force users to knew to be here "Alghul is here my friends, please use my power" Lashing his vast appendages he sailed closer to the planet, looking for bigger prey.​
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Objective: Kill, Maim, Burn
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Romund Sro Romund Sro
Links: Weapons

The Vong, a species once feared by all, hated by all. Now faded into obscurity to all but a few. Oh, people knew who and what the Vong were, but most had never met them, much less fought with or against them. Zachariel was one of the few who had done both, as he had aided them during their wars against the galaxy, but also prevented some total destruction. His former masters had wished certain planets secured, and Zachariel had done so. While such connections had vanished in the intervening centuries, he still knew of their skills. Thus, when it was determined that the Brotherhood would make use of them, Zachariel had opted to go.

Having arrived in their main city some time ago, he had made a few connections and deals, promising many bodies in return for the Vongs alliance. There had been those who willingly joined, others forced, but Zachariel had secured himself technology and allies. All in all, it was a successful outing, one only interrupted by the arrival of the Eternal Empire. Alerted to their arrival by various sources, Zachariel had smiled at the chance of slaughter, and to show these Vong why they were right in joining him. Not for an instance did he think of them being Ingrid's forces, instead he simply saw them as more souls to offer to the Avatars.

Pulling free his axe and sword, Zachariel emerged from the city streets, stalking openly down the road as a herald of war and death. Already, forces of the EE were pushing towards the city, seeking to secure it. A relatively easy tasking, should the locals comply. Instead of an easy mission, this squad of EE soldiers encountered Zachariel. A single second they froze, then they opened fire, identifying Zachariel as a foe. Leaping forward, the warlord simply laughed as his weapons cut into the foe.
"Kill, Maim, Burn!"

In mere moments, the first squad was halved, cut down by the razor sharp blades and Zachariel's strength. The others in the squad separated, maintaining their fire and calling in aid. Another squad quickly answered, prompting Zachariel's mad laughter to only grow. And behind them all, in the city proper, the Vong he had recruited watched in dumbfounded awe. A few distant stories told of similar sights, but none had ever witnessed them personally. But this view, for them, simply reinforced the idea that they were right in joining the warlord.

As his slaughter continued, and blaster bolts hit his armor, Zachariel heard Ingrid's command echo in his mind. Stopping short after cutting another soldier in twain, Zachariel growled low. Turning towards the biggest grouping of Ultranauts, Zachariel raised his sword, directing it towards them. Concentrating, he unleashed Force Destruction upon them, sending out a blast of pain and death. That majority was destroyed, bodies ripped asunder and flung away. The few remaining continued firing, but it was clear they were retreating, knowing they couldn't face such a demigod of death. But Zachariel wouldn't let them escape.

Raising his arms, he concentrated once more, reaching out towards the Ultranauts. With some effort, Zachariel turned them towards himself, forcing them to march in his direction. In turn, he slowly marched closer, controlling their movements in turn with his own. This only amplified their fear, elite though they may be, they were still mortal, and very outclassed. Once they were close enough, Zachariel cut into them again, and not one escaped his wrath.

Once the last body fell, Zachariel was left standing in the center of devastation, panting somewhat at the exertion of the Force. Even now, he wasn't used to using such powers for prolonged periods, and instead chose his natural strength and skill. But he wouldn't let the fools escape, that would be too simple, and would set a poor example for his Vong to follow. Drawing in a breath, Zachariel sent a reply to Ingrid. It was a mixed message, a word and thoughts combined.

He told her, even as thoughts of slaughter appeared, urging the other forward, onward to glory and death. Glorious death for his foes, and the fools who dared interrupt him.

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