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Major Faction Application The Sith Order │ Major Faction Application

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Name: The Sith Order
OOC Heirarchy:

IC Hierarchy:

The Sith Order operates presently on a Triumvirate system - lead by the most powerful of the Sith within the Order. Vying for dominance, the Eternals are under Darth Empyrean, the Tsis’kaar are under Darth Ophidia, and the Kainites are under Darth Carnifex. Together they hold a very tenuous alliance in the face of larger threats to the Sith, but individually plot the subjugation or death of the others, each convinced they are the Sith’ari destined to lead the Sith Order to greatness.

While there is a yet unattained Emperorship, the Sith Order is generally understood to be a fractured warlord state barely kept together by mutually assured destruction. Beyond the Eternals, Tsis’kaar, and Kainites - there exists a number of independent warlords and factions that do not swear loyalty to any given Triumvir. The lesser Warlords, such as the Inquisitorius, the High Sith, or the Order of Arcane Syn equally strive to bite at the first of the Triumvir to show weakness.

Surrounded by vultures and predators, the Sith fight constantly - but their open conflict has been brought to a halt in the name of greater goals. Still, assassinations are common - Kaggaths and duels of honor reign supreme in settling duels, and the occasional flashpoint between the warlords still remains a constant threat to the peace they barely hold onto - slamming their gargantuan influence into one another until only one can be named Emperor, and Dark Lord of the Sith.

Requested Hexes:

Jutrand (Capital) // Orax // Shiva IV

Interested Members:


The Sith Order is a meritocracy built on an uneasy alliance within the Triumvirate; barely held together but by the promise of mutually assured destruction. Powerful as they are, they have built three semi-autonomous states in a collective - the Eternals, the Tsis’kaar, and the Kainites. Each has enough weight to be a galactic power on their own, but together they form a dangerous reemergence of Sith into the Galaxy.

Yet they are not infallible - as warlords beneath them strive to overtake their power and influence and assert themselves as the new Dark Lord of the Sith. While the Triumvirs hold sway now - it is only a matter of time before one of them falls to the sharks circling their position. Blood in the water, to ensure only the strong may lead.

The goal of the Order is twofold - to end the Force’s reign over the galaxy and establish a dark empire spanning reality. The latter is more achievable, to create a state led by the Sith more grand than any that had come before it - and the latter, in time, when they control all that there is to control.

The Pitch:

As it stands, there is only one truly Dark Side faction on the board - but multiple light side or grey sided factions. Many times people have mentioned not being able to write dark side related stories simply because the limits of attention and warm bodies to write with - and the Sith Order returning to the Galactic Stage can do exactly that for factions not wrapped up in the larger stories of the Galaxy.

Creating a large scale, massive military state led by the Sith helps contribute to the overall site story as they struggle for dominance of the Outer Rim and eventually the rest of the Galaxy; but more than that, it gives a very centralized area for Sith to appear without the mundane need to ‘get along’ as previous iterations of largely sith groups have had.

It has been years since someone has challenged another for the title of Emperor or Dark Lord - as people still talk about the Thronebreaker fight, or the death of Drannok Lussk. The goal of the Sith Order is to bring back this era of internal conflict between the Sith, encourage Sith to try and rise to the top - and see what organic stories can come out of a healthy enviroment in which you could be betrayed at any moment. All while the Galactic Stage looks on in horror as stronger and more dangerous Sith arise by the week.

Past Roleplay Threads:

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

There’s going to be a strong likelihood this app gets accepted, but I’m seeing some familiar faces and I really, really urge you to pick those advising you carefully, those people who share the backroom with you. Bring an iron will or an iron fist.

Because these MFO’s got me chillin rn and if I get slapped out of it with a RELEASE ME remix or new THIS IS HOW WE GET RID OF THEM album, there is no amount of SWRP Staff Teams that will prevent me from painting these walls Sith red.

In a video game.

You can DM me or reply in this thread, but I need acknowledgement and a reaffirmation you intend to proceed after a night or two’s rest.
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