Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jonu Zihtil


NAME: Jonu Zihtil
FACTION: The Sith Empire - Brotherhood of the Maw - Kainate
RANK: Kissai
SPECIES: Sith 'Pureblood' - Kissai and Massassi blood
AGE: 32
SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 220cm (7'3")
WEIGHT: 162.39kg (358lbs)
EYES: Dark gold iris punctuated by dark ebony in the Sclera of her eye when Channeling, Crimson normally.
HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Clay Red


+ : Massassi Breeding gives her a tougher skin. Able to shrug off punches and some light debris but nothing more serious than avoiding nasty paper cuts.
+ : That same bloodline also has given her heightened senses all around. Nothing supernatural, but markedly better than your typical human.

- : Massassi Breeding has given her tough skin, meaning medical treatments are also more difficult to be given to Jonu. Stronger, larger needles, and more caustic compounds are required to affect her skin.
- : Longer healing time due to the toughness of her skin when pierced or cut. The almost hide like quality of her skin makes it quite stubborn to both damage and healing.
- : Another part of the bloodline is the heightened sensitivity brought on with acutely sharpened senses.

Standing well above most people, Jonu is an imposing figure by herself. Using her dark hair to frame the soft glow of her golden eyes, she cuts an even more intimidating figure. Born of Kissai and Massassi breeding, her body is one built of taught and kept muscle. Along her spinal column it can be noted that there are bony protrusions along the length of it, no more than a few centimetres in length, but sharp and plainly noticeable.

Her arms and legs are slightly longer than that of a typical being, a nod to her dual bloodline. A short chest cavity has created a few inconveniences in her life, as any surgeries in the area have proven to be more time consuming as most the organs are more tightly packed. On top of having a tougher skin, the healing process is also markedly increased.

Jonu is the hybrid between the Kissai and Massassi bloodline. Though most within the true sith keep to their respective lines, Jonu does not. A mixing of the Kissai and Massassi lines has made her more aggressive than most of the Sith line. Through most of her life, dealing with castes has been troublesome, as she is plainly not of pure Kissai blood, but shows the aptitude for it no less in aces. Her Kissai mother, and Massassi father were never seen together, though Jonu was often seen in their company at different times.

The Kissai of her people were hesitant to train her in any manner, citing the lack of truly pure blood to do so. Much the same with the more physically dominated group of Massassi. Through sheer tenacity, and more than a handful of threats for violence, eventually both sides began to train her. Especially after heightened tests to prove she was capable.

Adept with the force, and showing promise with Sith Alchemy and magic, the woman went on to learn how to make her own lightsabers. Outstandingly simple in design and made with what was available, they are in no way remarkable. Ambition however proved to win out over simply existing with her family, and threw herself into the empire that ruled over her.

BD-1 Cutter Vibro-ax
Chitin Mask with Synthmesh Shroud
Utility Belt
Synthmesh Kama
Armorweave Clothing

N/A Currently

N/A Currently

N/A Currently

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