Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Gravity - BotM Invasion of Enclave Held Rothana

Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: Darth Mori | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN (I ain't tagging all you shits again - cope)
ENEMIES: Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna | The Quartermaster The Quartermaster | ENCLAVE
ENGAGING: Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna




The warrior did exactly what the Dragon expected.

The moment the Mandalorian grabbed hold of his blade, the Sith Lord disengaged the saber while a clawed hand struck out with inhuman strength and speed to dig into the soft underarm of the extended arm that had gripped his blade. All the while keeping on the pressure on the Mando'ad's mind despite the wrath and Yenna's attempts. No wall would hold forever against the relentless multi-headed onslaught of the ancient Hydra.
"You take me for a fool, Mando'ad. I have fought against your kind for centuries. They're all dead and I'm still here." he sneered.

But then he felt his movements held in place as the pressure against his mental attack lessen. The little vixen. She was strong. But even as her blade bit into an unarmoured part of his leg, he let out a Repulse from his inner being to try and send both assailants flying and to break the Jedi's hold on him.

Moving again, he could feel the burn where her saber had gotten him. It may take a bit of time before it would regenerate - time he did not have. He needed energy.
With that, his free hand he started Draining Yenna once more, this time feeding on the energy coming in to speed up his regeneration.

The little Jedi misjudged him greatly.



Ada Infernum



ALLIES: Sinestra Sinestra | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN - (I'll tag if you're important, don't @ me)
ENEMIES: ENCLAVE (you'll also get tagged if you're important)
ENGAGING: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Valery Noble Valery Noble




His blade clashed with hers just in time.

Good reflexes at least - she had to give him that. Better ones than his brothers had on Argovia.
<"Unseen and forgotten under the shadows cast over you, by those powerful far more than you are; desperately trying to leave your mark on the galaxy, like so many before you have tried,">
Ada chuckled. She knew exactly what he was trying to do and against a Sith it would have worked. "If only that was true, Child of Mandalore." she said before she struck out with the beskar blade toward his side as she drew her saber back to parry his next blow.

He was still blabbering on about the Sith, though. How quaint. This culture was so short-sighted when it came to the wider Galaxy. What Acherus saw in these fools was beyond her.
"You talk too much." she smiled before striking again with the beskar blade toward his abdomen while her saber struck high.

Time to see if Mandalorians can use their brains.


ALLIES: Yenna Yenna | Brothers & sisters from other mothers
ENEMIES: Dimitri Voltura | All them sons of bitches from BotM
ENGAGING: Dimitri Voltura
Location: Rothana | Orbital Station

The Mandalorian felt the tips of the claws pieces just enough through the fabric his armour didn't cover to feel the tips of the claws. Kragr could curse his miscalculation later as now was no time for losing focus. A grin spread when the little Jedi strike bit into an unarmoured part of the Sith Lord, splitting the focus of the Sith.

To make it even better, the Force blast from Yenna forced Dimitri to pull back and attempted to release a repulse of his own. However, Kragr was quickly on the Sith, "Two can play that game, Sith!" said Kragr with venom in his voice and while the Sith Lord tried to pull away, Kragr grabbed hold of one of Dimitri's forearms right as they were about to extend. With an impressive showcase of strength pulled the Sith off the floor and swung him around in the air like a rag doll, slamming him hard into the wall behind them, but on the other side of Kragr.

The wall shattered in an impressive show of light and sparks upon impact, leaving a deep dent in the wall from Dimitri's frame. However, Kragr wasn't finished and would activate his flamethrower while holding on to the Sith's forearm, just letting the flames devour and consume its way around Dimitri's body. Kragr doubted the flames would do much to the Sith's armour, but his head, on the other hand, was completely exposed to the hungry bites of the fire.

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Objective: Acquire the First Order's secrets for himself
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | New Sith Order | Death's Hand | Final Dawn | Ada Infernum
Enemies: Mandalorian Enclave | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla


Perhaps it was the adrenaline of fighting the Sword of the Jedi herself, or perhaps it was the opiatic taste of power he’d envied his former Jedi comrades of possessing when he had been a mere weakling, that postponed the sensation of pain until his body slammed against the wall of the abandoned depot.

Scorch trails followed the lengths of his arms and torso where his footwork had been sluggish. The repugnant smell of cauterized wounds and burnt zeyd-cloth filled his nostrils, the searing pain drawing drops of swear across the pallid face of the Sith.

Such strength, Master Jedi… and yet it pales at the power of the Dark Side.” Darth Acherus taunted. “How many more worlds will burn before you understand this truth?

The Force screeched as the Sith bent the ethereal to his corruptive will and the wall behind his back cracked before its chunks of duracrete surged forward to bury Jedi. In the open gap, Acherus slunk inside the depot, catching his breath in the process.




ALLIES: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Maverick Steele Maverick Steele | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN
ENEMIES: Mae Tecono Mae Tecono | Jos Krayt Jos Krayt | ENCLAVE (sort of - soz)
ENGAGING: Jos Krayt Jos Krayt
GEAR: In bio

Attack Line:

Flagship: Fortuna - (Shields 70%/Hull 100%)

3x Conqueror-Class Star Destroyer
= Aeternae - (Shields 32%/Hull 60%)
= Cerberus - (Shields 80%/Hull 100%)
= Athos - (Shields 96%/Hull 100%)

8x Tiburon-Class Corvette
= Charon - (Shields 10%/Hull 40%)
= Empusa - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= Eidolon - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= Keres - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= Orthrus - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= Argeus - (Shields 50%/Hull 80%)
= Scylla - (Shields 60%/Hull 85%)
= Aethon - (Shields 40%/Hull 700%)




"Nemea cycled, Sir."

Poe told his Captain.
"Good. Activate and keep it there." Stark said as he watched the Fortuna's solars hit the Mandalorian flagship. "Keep us out of range and keep up the barrage of the railguns. How are we on the recharge?"
"Thirty percent and climbing, Sir." said Poe.
"Very well. Keep them on the reserve." Stark answered.

The lights on the Fortuna flickered once more as the extra protection powered up again while the ship shuddered as the different railguns kept firing off their hatred.

Before long, the Mandalorian flag fired off another solar shot that got deflected back to obliterate on of the other Mawite ships in the orbital battle.
"Should we disengage Nemea again, Sir?"
"No! They're far too trigger-happy with those solar shots. Keep it for now." said Stark.
"It will slow down our recharge time on our solars though, Sir." said Poe.
"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, soldier. I'd rather keep this ship intact until our Lady gets back than obliterate the ship systematically while we have troops on it." answered Stark.

Just then another golden light hurtled toward them, far later than the previous one. It bended around the repulsor field, only to hit into one of the Star Destroyers next to them. Stark watched as crew members were sucked into space along with some droids before bulkheads finally slammed shut.

"Keep on the pressure - railguns and pulse-turbolasers. Do not let up."



Samron with the rest of the Company stepped out the portal after their Lady.

Danika, on the other hand could feel the presence in the Force coming closer. She stood still, a sinister smile on her face as the Company of dread-helms engaged the Mandolorians in the hangar. Golden bolts flew to and fro as they equally matched warriors went to metaphorical blows.

And then finally he arrived.

He stood out like a beacon in the Force as he entered the hangar. And akin to her, he seemed to also zone in on her.
"You might be a little lost, witch!"
The Lady of Conquest smirked at him. "Not at all, darling." she said. "I thought I'd come introduce myself." she added as an amethyst blade ignited with a hum.

"I am the Herald of Death."

The Blade of Night thrummed through the air to test his overhead defence.



Outfit | XoXo
Location | Rothana
Tag | Sinestra Sinestra Ada Infernum Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

Even as the Sith's body slammed into the wall following a barrage of lightsaber strikes, Valery kept her distance and remained cautious. Years of service at the frontlines and as a Jedi Shadow had taught her to never underestimate Sith, especially not when they sustained injuries. They could wield pain the same way they commanded the Force to their will, and only when then their bodies no longer allowed them to fight, the battle could be considered over.

When he finally stepped forward again, Valery narrowed her eyes at his words but said nothing, as she felt the future in dangerous motion. The metal behind Darth Acherus shrieked under heavy stress, and fragments of lethal metal were summoned to tear her apart and bury her for good.

In response, Valery extended her arms and projected a Barrier around her that shielded her from potentially lethal impacts, but the sheer amount of debris still buried her and allowed the Sith to move into the depot. But even now, Valery remained patient, steadied her breathing, and drew the Force into her body, before she released all that built-up energy with a powerful yell that sent the debris flying off.

Her fiery eyes shifted to the depot, but rather than going through the same hole he had taken, she moved up to another part of the metal wall, and phased her way through to end up in his path, but not where he likely expected it.

"If the Dark Side is so powerful..." she began when she made her appearance, the fire in her eyes fully ignited now. "...why run?" she taunted him back.



Juno heard Khael before she saw him. He whooshed past her as she squeezed off her last shots, his pistol in one hand and his unique beskad in the other.

Every shot she fired hit. The particle bolts exploded against the ursinoid’s armor and weapons, but the beast simply shrugged them off and came charging at her, nine feet of rippling muscle and heavy armor, scorch-marked sword in hand. He was intercepted by Khael, sliding in on one knee, raging flames spewing from his raised gauntlet. She squeezed off another pair of shots from her Double-E, aiming at Yamou’s massive head- maybe that would slow him down.

She shifted her attention- and aim- back to Kyrel. The Devourer had not moved. She’d seen her bolts hit him in the chest, seen the flare of plasma as they exploded… felt his dead eyes on her through his mask as he ignored them with all the murderous disdain of a being for whom pain meant enlightenment.

He took a step.

Flames washed over the tunnel, searing the very air itself. Juno dropped her Double-E to let it hang from her shoulder strap and drew her sonic pistol. Three plasma bolts to the chest had barely fazed him- maybe sonic weaponry would fare better. She smelled his flesh cooking, heard his skin sizzling-

Another step.

She raised the pistol. What the feth is this guy? She’d fought Force users before. Jedi, Sith, and whatever else they called themselves, but the Devourer was something else. It was as if the tunnel had become an abyss, and he was the creature gazing from the darkness. He came stalking out the fire like a demon from the Void, wreathed in flames, his dead flash blackening before her eyes. The air rent with an eerie, shrieking wail as if in pain, and the Devourer raised a glowing red spear. Kato’s drained, desiccated body flashed in her mind.

Vile beams of crimson energy spewed from the forked tip of the spear. Juno didn’t dare tank the beam, personal shields be damned. She juked to the left of the incoming death ray, her jetpack carrying her out of its path, and felt a wave of fatigue hit her in the wake of the blast, as if simply being near the hungering energy drained her of stanina.

She responded as any true Mandalorian would when faced with a monstrous creature born of nightmare.

She shot it.

As three sonic bolts whizzed downrage at the Devourer, the young hunter reached into her satchel for her ND-013.

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Objective: Repel the Sith Attack
Allies: Kale Onara | Juno Wren Juno Wren | Khael Vhijaric Khael Vhijaric | Grendel Krayt | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Valery Noble Valery Noble | MANDALORIANS
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Yamou Yamou | Darth Maliden | Ada Infernum | Sinestra Sinestra | SITH
Engaging: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

As the crimson lightsaber ignited, underneath his helmet Siv's mouth widened into a bloody, almost feral smile. If there was one thing that Mandalorians and Sith shared, it was pride. Pride that could be easily goaded. And by challenging this Sith, who by their command Siv could tell that they had charge of this raider party, he was distracting the bulk of their forces and buying his brothers some more time.

But just then the raiders began to advance -- not part of the plan -- and as Siv moved to make the steps they took their last, a blaster bolt impacted heavily against his left shoulder pauldron, coming from the massive iron that the Sith had worn at their side, now in their hand. Siv grunted a curse before flipping back the trigger on his own heavy blaster pistol, turning it into gunslinger mode; in quick rapid succession he fired eight shots, overloading the gas mixture in each blaster bolt making it much more lethal. In the span of a second he fired eight times in total, five each almost point-blank at an advancing raider, and the final three aimed at the head and torso of the Sith. Even if they managed to deflect the bolts, the disruptor-enhanced bolts would exact a toll on the defender regardless.

Pressing his advantage, Siv once more engaged his Whistling Birds launcher, locking onto the Sith and firing six miniature rockets that spiralled quickly towards impact from random vectors. Never someone who understood the definition of overkill, he launched his grappling line at the Sith's left leg, aiming to entangle and limit the Sith's movement before he could go in for the kill.



Objective: Defend Rothana
Allies: Romul Saxon | Zhara Krayt | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna | Andras Garon Andras Garon
Enemies: Dimitri Voltura | DARKCOM DARKCOM | Khamul Kryze
Engaging: Darth Mori

She watched as Jax and Kabr's blades slid through Mori, not biting into flesh but sliding through her visage as if she were air. She watched as their bodies slumped lifelessly to the ground without the Dark Lord even raising a finger towards them. Jaena and Sabine's fire only served to annoy the Sith, and she continued to advance.

"Buir," Borros Vizsla, a grizzled veteran of nearly seventy years, said solemnly before unsheathing his kal knife. Then from his left vambrace he launched a volley of mixed concussion, fragmentation, and flashbang grenades at the feet of the approaching Dark Lord, the warrior's entire arsenal deployed in an instance. But at the same time, Jaena's blaster suddenly imploded, before lightning arced out from the Sith's fingertips to dance across her armor. Fortunately the electro-resistant grounding sinks and dispersion mechanics prevented the well-known dark side tactic from being fatal, though it was still exacting a heavy toll on the young warrior's body.

Borros did not flinch as the lightning danced passed him, stepping forward and to the side before unleashing a blast from his disruptor on his vambrace. Despite the close quarters, the veteran had seen the fates of his comrades Jax and Kabr and was doing his best to keep the Sith far enough a way so that his death would not be instantaneous. But even as Borros stepped forward, Alyia took a step back, panic filling her as she watched her two brothers in arms die instantaneously while lightning continued to burn through Jaena. It was Sabine who called on the comms, a short distress signal. "Quartermaster in immediate danger. Dark Lord of the Sith." She announced to any Mandalorian present on the station as she tried to fire at Mori to distract the Sith even further.

The Quartermaster watched, her body unmoving through not from fear, but from a sense of calm. All things must come to an end, she knew. And to face down Death and look it in the eye, unafraid, was bravery of a true Mandalorian. She was not afraid.
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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

LOCATION: Surface of Rothana

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kale Onara

Siv grunted a curse before flipping back the trigger on his own heavy blaster pistol, turning it into gunslinger mode; in quick rapid succession he fired eight shots, overloading the gas mixture in each blaster bolt making it much more lethal.
The quick attack shot dead another raider, and Kybo jumped out of the way of the remaining shots. One hit, hard, disruptor bolt exploding against his armour.

"You'll pay for that!" he yelled, firing back.

Pressing his advantage, Siv once more engaged his Whistling Birds launcher, locking onto the Sith and firing six miniature rockets that spiralled quickly towards impact from random vectors. Never someone who understood the definition of overkill, he launched his grappling line at the Sith's left leg, aiming to entangle and limit the Sith's movement before he could go in for the kill.
"Big mistake!"

Kybo stowed his gun and stretched out his arms and exerted his will on the Force: the grappling line was seized from the air, and one of the rockets were pushed back toward Siv. He pulled hard on the grappling line with the Force, pulling Siv towards that rocket, intending to slam the rocket into Siv.

In the meantime, Steelshanks made it to the next wall and his men continued to distract the few Mandos available to intercept them, while he scrambled to plant the charges against the wall of the Generator complex.

ALLIES: Enclave
ENGAGING: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis
GEAR: In bio


Shai’s gaze shifted up towards the encroaching snowstorm, the snarl behind her visor curling into a menacing grin. The Sith liked to play games. Her gaze returned to the Sith as he spoke up, deciding to keep playing with his mind games.

– I know enough… Shai Maji. You are a traumatized pup, intent on murdering your way over to self-determination. –

– Now that I've dissected your soul, I remember you. You've fought by our side once. Tell me, was it freeing? Do you miss the taste? –

”I remember thinking that was a great time to flatline a couple thousand of you.” She fired back as she slowly moved with him, carefully closing the distance. He mocked the lightsaber by his feet as he continued to taunt her. She took the liberty of reeling it back in with her whipcord as they both waited for someone to make a move. The storm continued to build and close in on them. It was reaching the point of lethality for a normal being.

But the Wardog was far from normal.

The storm enveloped her, bettering her with ice and debris as she stood firm against the wind. Her body glove tore open as chunks of stone and ice hit between the gaps of the armour, ripping into her skin and flesh underneath. Chunks hit her helmet and caused her to stagger, a splitting headache pulsing with every hit. But the wounds healed as they formed, the Wardog was stalwart as she flicked through her vision modes to lock onto him. A jetpack wouldn’t do for this.

In the blink of an eye, the Wardog burst through the ice and snow around him to charge at him with superhuman speed, her pistol firing shot after shot as she drew her Beskad, swinging at his gut.

”You should have taken the saber, schutta!” She cackled as she attacked, swinging again and again to draw his attention before she fired stun bolts at him with her pistol. Wider arc was harder to dodge, and she wasn’t going to let him get away. She was going to make him suffer.
ALLIES: Enclave | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
ENEMIES: Maw | Open
ENGAGING: Dimitri Voltura
GEAR: In bio

The moment she connected with his legs, Yenna was flung back by Dimitri as he let loose with a powerful blast. The little green Jedi slammed into the durasteel hall with incredible force, driving the wind out of her lungs and sending waves of pain through her body.

Yenna collapsed on the ground as she clutched at her hip. Tears tugged at her eyes as she gasped for air, only to feel sharp pain through her chest. That blast was devastating. And to make matters worse, she could feel her energy draining once more. Kragr was on him almost immediately, buying a few precious seconds as she tried to regain her focus. The Mandalorian’s onslaught was nothing short of terrifying as he let loose against the Sith.

With a pitiful grunt she pushed herself onto her feet with a very unstable limp. Her golden eyes focused on Dimitri again, and her presence started to shift. The light remained, but it was straying dangerously close to the line that separated her from him. With a deep, shivering breath, she drew the Force through her, nullifying the pain and simply keeping her body together.

The siphoning dissipated somewhat as Kragr laid into him with immense strength and speed. Then, she attacked once more. The green blur darted towards him, skidding between both his and Kragr’s legs as she took another swing at Dimitri, then jumped up and over Kragr’s shoulder to strike at the Energy Vampire in another flurry of distracting attacks in his face. Every now and then she attempted to halt his blade mid-swing to cut at his wrists or chest, all attempts to subdue him. But not kill.

Even now, the thought of ending his life was too difficult to accept.


Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: Darth Mori | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN (I ain't tagging all you shits again - cope)
ENEMIES: Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna | The Quartermaster The Quartermaster | ENCLAVE
ENGAGING: Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna




Damnable Mandalorian.

Just as the Dragon sent the little Jedi flying, the giant, who seemed stronger on his feet than the Sith had anticipated, grabbed hold of him to fling him against the wall with force, causing it to shudder behind the ancient being. Serving only to bring out the worst in the Dark predator yet. That which had not been seen for almost a millennia.

The growl that escaped him on impact came straight from the Dark abyss.

Just as the giant was about to blast him with fire, the Hydra sent out an immense destructive force with his free hand straight into the chest of the Mandalorian to send him flying, channeling all the hatred, anger and abandonment into the energy sent into the giant form just as the flame started to escape from the vambrace.

With a speed otherworldly, the Ancient Dread darted forward, hate blinding out the wound in his leg or the pain of where he had connected the wall, just in time to meet the Jedi's blade with his own, the two of them a blur. With his free hand he let loose with immense currents of Lightning toward her - the Bogan in complete control of him now.

Even though the Forces of the Dark caused him to no longer feel pain, it did not lessen the damage that had been done. It was still very real, despite the feral frenzy that he fought with at the moment.

If he didn't feed, the damages would slow him down sooner or later.



Valgus Ren

ENEMIES: Enclave
ENGAGING: Domina Prime Domina Prime
GEAR: Lightsaber | Imbued Armour | Robes


His attacks paid off with careful timing, hurling her into a wall before his helmet smashed into hers. To his surprise, her helmet split apart and fell to the floor, revealing the bizarre features of the creature. The only thing that seemed to be normal to her was her build. Everything else was more akin to an abomination.

He ignited her lightsaber and that merely caused her already inhuman features to split open with rows of sharp teeth. It was time to end the abomination. She slumped down as she pushed away from him, but it was a fruitless effort. The Figure raised both lightsabers and brought them down to cleave into her exposed neck… but she managed to see that coming. All four arms grabbed hold of him and held him in place, too powerful for him to break out without his power.

In her renewed focus, she took hold of his head with her tail and yanked his head back as she pulled him closer, before her jaws wrapped around his helmet. His lightsabers disengaged as the force on his wrists clamped tightly, though he fought to hold onto his weapons. Finally, his helmet was ripped from his head and the face underneath was revealed.

Yellow eyes burning with fire, burn marks across his cheek and jaw, a coarsely trimmed beard and flat hair adorned the face of a man in his prime. His eyes rolled back into his head as their minds linked.

Fire and destruction littered the memories. A blue lightsaber cutting down a figure with their crimson blade extinguishing, and a disturbingly strong sense of enjoyment emanated from the wielder of the blue blade.

A crimson blade wielded by a dark figure, but through arrogance and denial, a deep fear laced each emotion before it was all extinguished by a swing of a blade.

A city on fire, as bombs and cannon fire rained down from the heavens, and searing pain took over.

A sense of purpose, a desire for vengeance and destruction, but honed to a fine edge. Beneath it all, grief and disgust hid in a dark corner.

The Figure’s eyes snapped back to Dima’s, as horrid pain and fire forced into her being. At that moment, a seed was planted. A constant pulse in her mind sent searing pain through her. The Figure’s face contorted into a grimace as he ignited his lightsabers, forcing the blades against her arms as she held him in her grasp. ”Now you see me, creature. Our goals are not so different. I am Valgus Ren. You would do well to remember that name.” His cold voice spoke as he continued to force the blades against her, fighting against her strength to try and twist the tips towards her neck.

He finally lashed out with an armoured knee driven into the wound on her thigh. As his power surged again for a fleeting second, a blast erupted from him to push her off.




Rothana | Sector D-84 | Northwest of Unnamed Island
Loadout 2 (No Medical Backpack + Goran’s Stand).
Friendlies: The Enclave | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Hostiles: The Maw | Ada Infernum | Sinestra Sinestra



With each strike, warded off or not, they got a good measure of each other’s capabilities. Focused completely to his opponent, the giant's shrouded weathered, scar ridden features remained stoic, despite the simmering rage in within him he harbored for all Sith.

Perceiving the giant’s feint, the Witch masterfully warded off the Mandalorian’s strike as the crimson saber in her hand met the ancient blade a mere moment before the giant could drive it into her flesh. Credit to the Witch’s agility; Kranak was fast, quick on his feet despite his gigantic stature, but the woman was faster, and more maneuverable than he was.

Countered, the giant swiftly pulled back and assumed a defensive stance in anticipation for a retaliation from his foe.

"You talk too much."

He did not have to wait for long; pressing on her new found advantage in the wake of warding off the giant’s attack, the woman was quick to follow up with a strike. At the corner of his eye he could see one blade lashed out low at his abdomen, while the crimson lightsaber raised high above her head came down at him, intended to strike him down.

Sharp-witted with the sufficient agility to back it up, the Vizsla swiftly raised his greatsword horizontally, a handbreadth above the dome of his helmet to block the lightsaber, and attempted to get out of the dagger’s way as he leaped to his right; sparks jutted out as the relic met the Witch’s saber, but despite the giant’s reflexes, the woman’s dagger cut through his flight suit jacket with ease. The giant’s crimson blood gushed out freely from the sizable laceration on his left oblique, left in the dagger’s wake.

Despite the wound however, the giant would remain indifferent, and unhindered by the injury. The potent aura imprinted on the ancient relic in his grasp wholly nullified the sense of pain, while it sharpened his senses and supplemented the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Warded off most of her attacks, it was time again to strike back at her. He had to find a way to overwhelm and make sure she stayed in defense, taking away her momentum.

He’d start with an attempt to force her to fall back to just her lightsaber.

Swiftly combat rolling rearwards away from her, the giant exited his roll in a crouched stance; Reaching for his left kama holster, the man drew forth the holstered particle pistol; the moment his left hand grasped the pistol, the ammunition display in his HUD indicated he had only one bolt worth of energy in the weapon. Nevertheless, the man swiftly trained the pistol at the Witch, the dagger she held in her hand specifically.

And fired.

Not wasting a precious moment to see whether he shot the dagger free from her grasp or not, the man swiftly rose up from his crouched stance and lunged forth at the woman in a sprint. Tossing the empty particle pistol with great force at her to daze her, and to make an opening for himself, the giant’s left hand would return to grasp the greatsword with both hands once more, before unleashing a flurry of strikes; first, the greatsword swung from left to right horizontally to find purchase into her flesh.


Location: Section 3, Orbital Docks, Rothana
Objective: Want a fight? You got one!
Equipment: Sword, M.I. Beskar'gam Mk.1 M.I. 'Sunstroke' jetpack M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol, M.I. Model 12 shatter rifle x2, Thermal Detonators x50, Magnetic Detonators x 50, Perun's Call
Allies: Enclave | Open
Enemy Combatants: Maw | Open
Engaging: The Grunt The Grunt


Vulcan thought long and hard at the remark before scowling under his helmet, which was a covert dig at his stature. But had to commend the guy, that was a good comeback, silently Vulcan signalled the Mandalorians who were with him to fan out and intercept the Maw and engage where necessary, leaving Vulcan to face The Runt alone, well not really, but enough to take charge head-on. He was going to put everything Shai taught him into practice. Solo battle tactics and all

There needs to be a decent way to begin the fight without too much posturing he could make the first move by hurling a string of Detonators or blasting him with rifle fire. Then it struck him, why not both, so that is what he did, he threw several bombs in Runt's direction and followed it up with a burst of gunfire. Hit hard and fast, that was what he did best, even if it backfires he can use Perun to even the odds further. Small in size doesn't mean helplessness or that he can't go to war.

<"Hah, that's a good one, let's see how well you stand up to a Mandalorian!"> He exclaims over the roar of gunfire.

Scar Hounds/New Sith Order

Location: Section 3, Orbital Docks, Rothana
Objective: Seize the station
Equipment: Dread Blade, Basic Blasters, Basic Armour w/ vacuum seal
Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt

Then it struck him, why not both, so that is what he did, he threw several bombs in Runt's direction and followed it up with a burst of gunfire. Hit hard and fast, that was what he did best, even if it backfires he can use Perun to even the odds further. Small in size doesn't mean helplessness or that he can't go to war.
The pair circled each other, dodging and firing. The Ubese tossed explosives into the path of Runt, who simply use the Force to toss them back, causing a string of explosions in the air between them.

<"Hah, that's a good one, let's see how well you stand up to a Mandalorian!"> He exclaims over the roar of gunfire.

Runt used this chance to home in on the Mandalorian's voice, charging through the dust and smoke, Dread Blade drawn. He burst out of the smoke and slashed down onto Vulcan.




Fleet Comp.

As soon as Task Force Maul cleared the debris field, Verin Ordo's Fleet made it's first move. "Sir, we're detecting multiple starfighters and bombers being launched by Ordo's Fleet, numbering in the hundreds." Wilhlem said. Shortly after Wilhelm's statement the Fleet was hit by a barrage of glancing shots from the Mandalorian Fleet which shook the bridge of the Preservation. "Status Report. How much damage did we sustain." Sularen asked. "They were only glancing blow, High Regent" Wilhelm responded. "Shield Integrity is mostly intact." the Colonel stated. "For now. Those were glancing shots, merely a warmup. We have yet to witness the full might of those Mandalorian Battlecruisers" Sularen said in response. "Rackham. What's the status on our boarding parties, are they ready for the deployment, and are we close enough to the Shipyards to commence our operation." Sularen asked.

Rackham proceeded to respond to Sularen's inquiry "The Boarding Parties are ready and we are indeed in position to launch them." Sularen leaned back into his chair and grinned. "Good. Colonel Wilhelm, go join the Boarding Party, i want you to direct our efforts to seize those Mandalorian Star Destroyers. You will be accompanied by my Raptors, for the task." Sularen ordered. Wilhelm simply nodded before turning around and proceeding to exit the Bridge headed towards one of the smaller hangars where a small group of
Raptor Commandos awaited him along with a Sith Infiltration Shuttle. Once Wilhelm had left the room, Sularen proceeded to address Rackham next. "Rackham, give the signal for the boarding parties to begin launching. As for those Starfighters and Bombers when they close in, we will proceed to tear them to shreds through the concentrated firepower of our Anti-Starfighter Weaponry. As for those Mandalorian Warships have all our Yahata Point-Defense Systems on stand-by to intercept any further attack."

As soon as Sularen finished, Rackham began relaying the orders to the rest of the Ship and the Fleet. Already Task Force Maul was zeroing in on the Rothana Shipyards with nothing left standing in their way. Most of the Mandaloria Fleet present were busy fighting the rest of the Mawite Armada present while Verin Ordo's Fleet was still rounding the edge of the planet still at a considerable distance from both Task Force Maul and the Rothana Shipyards. As such, the High Regent remained in the perfect position to seize the various Star Destroyers docked at the Shipyards, and soon enough the first wave of
Boarding Pods launched from the Final Dawn Fleet headed towards the closest Mandalorian Star Destroyer carrying a considerable force of Sith Troopers from Sularen's 439th Legion. While there were already Mawites onboard the Rothana Shipyards, Sularen had no clue on what exactly they were doing, but he assumed whatever they were doing would be enough to keep the Mandalorians onboard distracted for now.

Regardless there still remained the issue of Verin Ordo's Fleet which posed a threat to Sularen's own force, while the contents of the Rothana Shipyards was his primary objective, getting rid of Ordo's Fleet was also a priority if he was going to reach his ultimate objective here. Nevertheless Sularen did not order his fleet to steer off-course only waiting for Ordo to make yet another move. He would let the Mandalorian Minister expose himself and the capabilities of his Fleet so that he could gain the high ground and demolish the numerically superior Mandalorian Fleet. A suitable test for the warships and fleet composition, Sularen sought to use in future offensives against the Alliance.

  • Sularen's Fleet takes minor damage to the shields from the barrage of glancing shots from Ordo's Fleet upon clearing the debris field.
  • Sularen has Task Force Maul continue advancing towards the Rothana Shipyards while deploying a first wave of Boarding Pods from the FDS Preservation towards the closes docked Mandalorian Ha'rangir-Class Star Destroyer containing Soldiers of the 439th Legion
  • Sularen has Task Force Maul prepare itself for a much heavier attack from Ordo's Fleet unaware of Solar Ion Canons onboard the Mandalorian Warships.

Tags [BotM/Final Dawn] | Maverick Steele Maverick Steele | Danika Leventis Danika Leventis
Tags [Enclave] | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Jos Krayt Jos Krayt | Mae Tecono Mae Tecono


Location: Shipyards, junction between Hangar Bay Aurek, Dockyard Aurek and the Core
Equipment: Beskar'gam; Heartseeker; Phase-Blade x2; Blaster Rifle, Assorted Grenades
Allies: The Enclave

The Red tinge was undeniable. Blood was caked across the visor of his Buy'ce. Andras looked down at a Mawite, Heartseeker lodged into the breast of the man who clutched at the songsteel shaft weakly as though he could still win this fight. A twist of the Beviin and a spurt of blood later and the Dark Horse was pulling it free of the deceased.

Turning his head Andras looked over the corridor where most of the fighting had taken place. Bodies lined the ground. Both Mandalorian and Mawite amongst the dead.

The Battle was not yet done, conflicting reports came in scattered across the comms channels. They said that the Maw was being beaten back. No, they said that the Maw was overrunning the Shipyards. All was lost or victory was theirs. Which was it? It was impossible to tell. Andras only knew the battle was not yet done.

Scanning the area during this momentary lapse in combat that allowed them to regroup Andras silently committed the dead to memory while counting those who still lived. At least half of the Commandos that had been with him when combat commenced had fallen. They would be avenged.

A Commando approached him, the insignia on his Beskar'gam blotted out by blood splatter but Andras thought he recognized it. Clan Harconth was a Minor Clan, maybe a few dozen members---less than that now....

"Sir, we've performed a munitions check. We're running low on ammunition, grenades, everything."

...Andras bristled beneath the cover of his own armor, the combat had been hard...

"Scavange what you can from the dead. Use Mawite weapons if you have to, they won't be needing them anymore."

...he spun Heartseeker in his hands before planting it against the ground butt first off to his right side...

"Yes sir, we'll do whatever it takes. We're holding a forward position with half our remaining number. The Maw is still thick with chaff and attacking but we're holding."

"Good. Get those munitions to the forward position in the corridors. We've taken the fight to them now let them come to us. When your blaster runs dry let them taste your iron."

...that was all, the Commando left Andras and moved out to scavenge what he could so that he could resupply his brothers back at their forward position further up the corridor. Even reinforcing their position some chaff still continued to slip through. Nothing could be done about it except to kill anyone that they met further down.

Bringing up the diagnostic system built into his Beskar'gam Andras plotted out their position. They were at the junction intersecting the Aurek Hangar Bay, Dockyard and the Core. They'd been hit hard, other Commanders hadn't fared as well as he had Andras knew yet they all fought on.

One Mando'ade.
ALLIES: ENCLAVE | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Shel Beroya | Mae Tecono Mae Tecono
ENEMIES: MAW | Danika Leventis Danika Leventis | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Maverick Steele Maverick Steele
ENGAGING: Danika Leventis Danika Leventis
GEAR: In bio


The visor of his helmet betrayed no emotions whatsoever at her words, though a hint of amusement rippled from him as he watched her make her move. With the elegance of a coursing river, the Kel Dor stepped aside from her strike and struck out, aiming the tip of his staff to rap her across her knuckles as he moved back, circling the woman.

”Sadly I possess nothing as glamorous as such a title. Though you can call me ‘Jos’ if you wish.” He quipped with a smile in his voice. All around them, the hangar was a warzone as Mandalorians clashed with the unknown enemy. Golden bolts zoomed around them, though the few that veered a little close for comfort wrapped around and flew towards the witch’s soldiers with a wave of the Kel Dor’s hand. He didn’t doubt that their armour was sturdy, but anything to help his men would likely be appreciated.

He moved again with his staff, refraining from activating it for the moment as he thrust at her, only to twirl it back and swing the bottom tip at her side. Quick and simple movements as he tested her defenses.

A shudder rumbled through the ship as another series of hits bombarded the vessel, but there were no breaches as the shields held firm against the onslaught. The fleet continued to barrel towards the enemy ships, growing close enough to bring their full broadsides to bear. The solar ion cannons fired once more at another star destroyer, surging the ship’s power for a moment as the powerful guns jerked the ship ever so slightly.


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