Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Eternal Conflict - Assault on Garos IV (Mando Protectors & Allies Vs Sith & Allies)

Garos IV
Hibridium Mining Facility
Base of Mount Usca​

The hibridium mining facility loomed on the horizon, dwarfed only by the mountain at its back. The drills support arching over the great chasm, control centre at its peak. The mining hole itself was at least a click wide and flanked by low level processing buildings, landing strips for cargo haulers.

The sith knew they were coming, that much she was certain of. The board of directors for the mining facility had made their case clear, if the Protectors wanted access to the hibridium, they needed to rid them of the Kainite claws that were dug into it. The first of many pies she was certain to find Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ’s fingers in. There was no guarantee that every member on that board was in line with that decision, so word had to have gotten back to him.

So Mia put word out, not just to those who’d sworn loyalty to Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel and the Protectors, but to all clans independent or otherwise. Not only did she offer them an opportunity to take a chunk out of the sith that had wrecked their homeworld, but they also stood a chance to get their hands on a precious resource. There had been scuffles already amidst rivals but a common enemy would focus them, for now.

The smell of sea salt kicked up as they drew closer, brought in on winds from their west, offering them a brief respite from the sulphuric smell of explosives that they drew ever closer too. Mia cast her eyes skywards, watching as troop transports dropped from cloud cover as they drew nearer, the odd growl from a basilisk droid joining the din.

Memories echoed of darker times but she pushed them aside. Her focus needed to be here and now. They could not afford to lose. Taking a breath she opened her comms, to all allies turning to those in the transport with her.


The sith stand between us and something we sorely need.

Let us remind them of why they were so terrified of us.

Of they felt the need to hunt us to the brink of extinction.

Let us remind them






She let out a long breath, turning to her own squad, tension easing from her shoulders. This was where she had always been at her best, in the heat of a battle, where the lines between foe and friend were clearly drawn. “Protectors! On me!”

The sky lit up as ground transports drew within range, red and blue blaster bolts streaked across the sky, missile contrails swerved between them as explosions rattled around them. Mia kicked off with her jet pack into the fire, a dozen others followed suit, her aim, to land within the defences firing line.

Ground Assault
Sith Troopers and Sith alike hold the line on the main road into the facility, break the line and push them back

Halo Drop
A secondary assault from the skies, Mandalorians drop with jet packs directly into the facility to scatter the forces, and hit the defences from all angles

Resource Management
To protect their assets, the sith have loaded cargo ships with unprocessed hibiridium and are seeking to get them off world. Stop them on the ground or in the air, at any cost.

Write good stories, and have good fun​


Puffs of anti-air bursts filled the sky, bright lines of plasma scything through the smoke-laden air. But the Mandalorians came all the same, dancing through the thick screen of enemy fire and giving their own in return. Laserfire bounced off of their armor as they landed, concentrated fire from the Kainate soldiers only enough to suppress their landing rather than repel it outright. Mounted repeating blasters raked the landing zones, only to become engulfed by a wrist rocket's tumultuous impact. The fighting was brutal, but it was evident they would not be able to deny the Mandalorians to land.

One of the Mandalorians, leveling a repeater rifle on His elbow, spun through the air firing down on enemy positions. He pivoted in the air, gun training on new targets, when an object slammed into his side and sent him tumbling to the ground. A giant sword had pierced his midsection, ripping through Beskar steel like it was ordinary duraplast, the jagged, broken blade ripping through to the other side. As his life quickly spilled out of him, he could feel an agonizing hunger claw at his mind, his vision fading as all became dark.

Vitae spilled out from the Mandalorian's body, coiling trails of life essence that spun down into the very blade that killed him. Crumbling to dust, the Mandalorian's body slumped as bits of armor settled on an empty suit. Someone approached, reaching down with an armored hand to wrench the blade free. The Mandalorian's helmet suddenly rushed up and landed in the man's outstretched hand, and He regarded it curiously for a brief moment.

Before He crushed the Beskar steel, glass scattering from the broken visor, and cast it aside.

"Mandalorians," He breathed, cold eyes watching the battle as it unfolded. "Animals like that don't deserve to live." There was a sound at His back, the sound of several pairs of metallic footsteps approaching. He didn't need to turn to know what it was, for He had created them. A squad of Moridinae Golems came to a halt a few meters away, their dark and angular Beskar-composite chassis gleaming amidst the fires and laser-shine of the battle. Glowing green photoreceptors stared blankly ahead, their vocoders humming with the low warble of garbled Mando'a.

"Kill them all," was the command given, and the Golems moved to execute the order.






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"The foolish Mandalorian Assault on Garos IV has presented a golden opportunity for the Shadow Syndicate to support the Sith Empire on the Surface. We are detaching a large number of criminal scum from our penal holding on Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa to support the defense of the planet. Prepare for heavy resistance."

Within hours of the Mandalorian Invasion of Garos IV; the lines of the battle had been made as anti-air defenses and ground emplacements fought a desperate albeit losing battle to keep the beskar warriors at bay but even the advance systems proved unable to halt the momentum of the Mandalorian Invaders as they cleared quite a sizeable chunk of territory to use as their base of operations, issuing commands and coordinating supplies.

It was meant to be a crushing blow to the
Sith Empire otherwise known as the Sith Order to most of the Galactic Governments. It was thought rather foolishly that the Mandalorian People were blinded by the ongoing and bloody Alliance-Enclave War and could not spare the resources to strike at the Sith and their Dominion.

The Shadow Syndicate, a Criminal Cartel working with the Sith had already sent a sizeable chunk of mercenaries and bounty hunters to support the defenses of the world in a show of support. IG-152B Had arrived on the planet mere moments before the first of the Mandalorian Transports made landfall as onboard scanners picked up each individual skirmish happening around the facility, trenches being dug and bodies thrown against the harsh surfaces. Turbolaser towers clashed against wrist rockets, sending debris and smoke around the field.

A Mandalorian Warrior noticed the arrival of the Shadow Syndicate
Contingent of the Haxion Brood Raiders, mercenary forces from the remaining Hutt Cartel. Clutching the end of the MK Sniper Rifle as the Mandalorian swept down to deliver a wrist rocket blast in the middle of the group, although never got the chance as blaster bolts went several times between the gaps where the armor plate met the bodysuit underneath, tearing through the armored fabric like butter as the rifle was designed to penetrate even beskar efficiently.

"Hostile Eliminated, Advance Companies at 2 Points along the Southern Quarter of the Facility." Came the robotic voice of the IG-88 Assassin Droid Model as they scanned the horizon for additional Mandalorian warriors. The Shadow Syndicate was more than prepared to send the worst scum that money could buy in order to support their new allies on the battlefield.

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Location: Starship Hangar, Hibridium Mining Facility - Garos IV
Objective: Resource Management
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Allies: TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) │ Allies (ORM-52)
Enemies: MP │ Mandalorians ( Drego Ruus Drego Ruus )
Direct Engagement: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

“Push your loader droids harder, overseer. We need these transports off-world as soon as possible.” Lucia said to the Trandoshan labor supervisor on duty, her voice deliberately shaped into a flat, synthetic register that left little room for negotiation. And yet part of her sensed that their efforts might be too late. Her aural amplifiers clued her in to everything that was happening outside, and none of it seemed good. The Mandalorians had established a presence in the air and could not be denied entry into the facility. Not to mention, they seemed to be making a beeline towards the hangars above other areas, no doubt hoping to interrupt the efforts to get the unprocessed hibridium off-world.

“Miss Naberrie, I’ve pushed the loaders to their maximum safe capacity. If I squeeze them any harder, I risk damaging their-”

“The loaders are immaterial.” The gynoid cut in, placing a hand on one of the disruptors in her thigh holsters as she did—a gesture that did not go unnoticed by the overseer. “The hibridium is all that matters now. See to it that this is done.”

“Yes, Miss Naberrie.” With that, the overseer took out his datapad and slid his fingers across the screen, thereby remotely commanding the loader droids to push past the safety limits. On cue, the loaders began to move and work faster. However, it didn’t take long for Lucia’s ultrasensitive audio receptors to register the subtle creaks of old joints and servos, which were accompanied by strained synthetic warbles. The loaders were not nearly as well-maintained or advanced in their design as she was.

<<Dark troopers, form a perimeter. Ensure that nothing gets through.>> Lucia transmitted to the detachment of battle droids she had been assigned to assist her in overseeing the evacuation efforts as she made her way outside of the reinforced hangar. They were one of the last lines of defense. Nevertheless, Lucia was prepared for the possibility that they would fail.

Moments later, Lucia stepped outside, the roar of jetpacks filling her audio receptors, much of which her synthetic mind filtered out as she took in the chaotic scene transpiring around her. On cue, the gynoid drew one of her disruptors from its holster with inhuman speed. Less than a heartbeat later, a Mandalorian who had been racing towards her from behind was struck from the air, a bolt of unstable energy obliterating his entire upper half in an explosion of searing plasma. What was left of his body crashed into the roof of the hangar bay, at which point Lucia spun back around and fired again, this time decapitating a Mandalorian with a shot directly to the T-visor, causing the body to ragdoll and collapse to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

<<Hostiles engaged. Dark troopers, watch the skies.>>

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Melee WeaponsCopad'kal, "Ambition", personal Mandalorian Kal.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
Iviin'cer, beskar spear.
PistolsDXN-57 Breachlight blaster pistol.
BH Durin Charric Blaster Pistol.
AP-25i 'SIMP' Particle Beam Blaster.
Auriel Combined Energy Bow.
Mother's Root seeds [In secured bottle stored in belt.]
Ground Mother's Root toxin [In secured bottle stored in belt.]

Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast


Her heart pounded. Her ears rang. Her blood pumped. Her resolve hardened. Elise Vizsla's jetpack roared as she leapt off her transport. Blaster fire screamed around her as she rocketed towards a group of Sith Troopers defending the front lines. She lifted her leg and threw a hard kick at the first trooper as he landed. Several blaster bolts hit her armor as she fell with the trooper, but she hastily rolled and grabbed ahold of the ground. Her boots skidded against the bare, rocky ground as she pulled herself up, drawing Copad'kal with one hand and her Durin pistol with the other. She fired pistol at its disruptor setting, shooting one guard as she bolted forward. Copad'kal glowed a bright blue as she activated its plasma cutter, slicing through a trooper's armor. From the armaments in her leggings, whistling birds sprang forth and knocked back the troops. With what little time that gave her, the Ajayid slashed two more times with her plasma cutter blade, bringing more troops down.

Beneath her visor, she gritted her teeth.


She fired the Disruptor pistol once more, taking out the troops in her immediate vicinity. There was no time to celebrate, however, as another blaster bolt slammed into her shoulder plate.

She activated her jetpack again, flying atop a boulder as she fired another disruptor shot. So used to scouting and stealth, she was unaccustomed to open frontal assaults. She landed on the boulder, putting her knife and pistol away. She veered her body away from another pistol shot and pulled out her bow. She pulled the string back, manifesting a corrosive arrow from her nanonite quiver. From a newfound perch, she tucked herself into a crevice and opened fire from her little hideaway. Acid arrow after acid arrow was fired with speed and accuracy, mowing down troopers as Elise solemnly thought to herself, Some of you must be decent people. I'm sorry to be the one who released you from Sith slavery.

War was a necessary sin, sometimes. Elise hated it, especially as needless conflict, but sometimes it had to be done. The Sith were a scourge not just to Mandalorians, but the entire galaxy. She would do her part to save her people... to save the galaxy. She only could pray to the Manda, the Ancient Ones, and the Force itself that she would not run into Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr in this horrible place.

She continued to snipe with her bow, staying in place as she picked off every trooper in sight. And yet, she sensed something far more sinister coming closer.

Keeping alert, she continued to fire arrows until seeing something strange in the distance. There were some Mandalorians... fighting other Mandalorians. It was a sight that made her burn, remembering her own treachery against the Enclave. But this - this was different. Something was off. Through the Force, Elise felt as if some of them were mere voids, and the Dark Side within them was churning so. She knew enough on paper, and through her career as a Dreamseer, to know that this was unnatural.

The Ajayid hissed, lowering her bow.

She took off with her jetpack once more. Flying over the cyborgs attacking her vode, Elise noticed that a distance from the small party of infighting, a figure stood cloaked in the Dark Side's embrace. The putrid darkness seeped from her like a sea, branching out as poisonous rivers and directly to the voided Mandalorians. This was a witch. But as Elise flew in the sky, she saw something that bolstered her rage ten fold. In the same area, near the mines, civilian workers were lined up in front of the mines, acting as meat shields. They too had that same... aura that the Mandalorians had. Elise hissed, gritting her teeth as she cooled her jetpack and flew towards the ground. Feet first, she slammed into the gravel coated surface and shouted directly to the witch.


Bow still in hand, she fired a scatter shot directly at the witch within view. The arrow would split into three smaller ones as they neared the witch, making it more complicated to dodge.

This Sith Sorceress was the true scum of the earth. She defiled Mandalorian minds, and she used weak non-combatants as sacrificial lambs. The Shaman already had it resolved in her mind... she would not feel a shred of remorse killing this one.


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A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

Location: Just outside Starship hanger
Objective: Resource Management
Engaging: Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
IC Music: Hellfighters
Equipment: See Bio

Dark Troopers. An old favorite of the Kaninites.

The Mando, a veteran of the war with the Maw, feared nothing from them. A barrage of blaster bolts hit him and yet his beskar just shrugged them off. He was quick to climb ontop of one, pulling out his axe and impaling a spike into it's head, before unloading a double salvo of depleted baradium into it from his shotgun. They were watching the skies while he ruled the ground. his jump booted engaged, leaping him over to the next one.

"Come on ya sumbich!" He called out, cocking his shotgun and unloading another round into the energy shield, before firing off an EMP grenade into it, before spinning around and firing off a cryo blast from his vambrace into the leg of another Dark trooper, before pulling out the blaster cannon off his back and ripping the droid in half with exploding plasma. Even if it couldn't pierce it, the bolts erupted as soon as they impacted, a continuous assault of bolts soon overwhelming the bot.

"...Tanya, mop up the rest with the Bobcat." He spoke, before turning to the hanger door. Whatever was left inside, he would deal with.

A walker, parked nearby, turned the corner and fired off HE rockets at the other bots as they tried to fire on Drego.
Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

Equipment: nightsister energy bow, lightsaber

The nightsister had been tasked to protect the mine at all costs. Why she wasn't sure it wasn't like they could mine more in this chaos of combat with mandalorians seiging the planet as she had mind enthralled the minds of the workers to guard the mine itself. To prevent mangos from freely walking in as Astrid stood there alone against a group of mandalorians as she probed their minds using the force as she crawled into the minds of those with weak wills Taking control of them.

Astrid commanded the mind controlled mandos to kill their compatriots causing them to shoot down their own allies. As she smiled she sensed and saw more mandos charging at her screaming " kill them" she said calmly as the mandos under her control met them in combat.
That was when she heard Elise causing the witch to smile "rich coming from a mandolorian hiding behind a bow" she smirked as Elise shot an arrow which flew at Astrid making the sith sorceress smile yet again. As Astrid turned to green smoke as she reappeared a foot closer to Elise the arrow flew behind her as Astrid shot green lightning at elise.
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Objective 2: Halo Drop

There was an unnatural stillness to the air. If the sound of blaster fire was not indicative enough, the battle had begun, yet just as back upon Cerea, Malum found himself away from the thick of it, held in reserve, either out of an actual need of reserves or the fact that of course, he was still not trusted.

Such was not entirely an unfair assessment considering the circumstances.

"Enjoy the intelligence, Mia Monroe Mia Monroe ? It seems Kaine himself has taken to the field, do try not to die." He spoke into his wristcomm, the smirk perfectly audible, through the private channel which they shared, shutting it off as soon as the transmission was sent. Their strange arrangement was a betrayal to the highest degree, it could even be called treason, though it was not as if he recognised the Twice Failed Emperor by his title.

Instead, he played his part, the part which he was fast becoming an expert in. The false mask of Darth Marr, hissed as it attached to his features, as he looked around him, reviewing the huddled figures of the Guard, preparing their tools of war, gazing to the sky, readying to counter the enemy when they would come. He may have hated this, being deployed once again to aide in some Kainite objective, ye even in his betrayal, he would never forego the Sith.

There was only one Mandalorian he cared for in this entire galaxy, and he hoped beyond belief that she... Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira , was nowhere close, that she had the good fortune to be far from this place, Archais would be ideal, he would accept Moridinae.

Just not, Garos IV, here and now.

He would be unable to protect her.

He would be actively fighting against her.

He shrugged his shoulders, trying to remove the tenseness that had gripped him ever since he pondered that scenario. It would not happen, there was no guarantee she was even here, and even if she was, she was capable, she was skilled, and she would be safe.

And if necessary, he was more than willing to do as the Tsis'Kaar were expected to do, move through the shadows, to fulfil their objectives with none the wise.

"The battlefront is secured, Imperator," The gruff voice of Custos sounded across the comms, "We will be ready to repel any attack upon the facility from above."

"We have secured the anti-air batteries, their landings will not be simple or easy," Venerandus continued, silky smooth seemingly designed to contrast Custos.

Malum said nothing, all knew it was assent, as the batteries began to sing.

They would not be kept out of battle for long.
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Location: Starship Hangar, Hibridium Mining Facility - Garos IV
Objective: Resource Management
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Direct Engagement: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

A third shot rang out from Lucia’s disruptor and with it came the faded, wordless scream of a Mandalorian as the ensuing blast obliterated his lower half, leaving behind an orphaned upper half that crashed into the ground with a hard thud. However, it was then that the gynoid received the first reports from the Dark troopers who she had tasked with holding the opposite (west) side of the hangar—a lone Mandalorian, ripping and tearing his way through their lines with axe, blaster, and heavy beskar. Immediately, Lucia dispatched her drone to track the situation and moments later, its feed was streamed into her awareness, allowing the gynoid to watch as the beskar-clad Juggernaut hefted his blaster cannon and fired the massive weapon into a Dark trooper, ripping the battle droid in half.

<<Seal the hangar bay doors. Designating and engaging target profile: Juggernaut.>> On cue, Lucia readied one of her plasma grenades, at which point her synthetic mind ran a series of ballistic calculations using the Juggernaut’s position near the west side hangar entrance as a reference. The gynoid completed them in mere nanoseconds, before immediately lobbing the grenade over the hangar building itself, so that the bomb might explode as it descended down the opposite side of the structure and came just a couple meters above the head of her target—the Mandalorian who had already destroyed three of her Dark troopers. A heartbeat later, a second grenade was thrown in the wake of the first—a flash bomb intended to daze and stun, aimed to strike the Juggernaut in much the same manner as the first.

As soon as the flash grenade left her hand, Lucia holstered her disruptor and swapped it out for her scatterblaster rifle, before making her way inside the hangar bay through the east side entrance, weapon held up and at the ready as she did. The gynoid had it timed so that should the Mandalorian make his way inside the hangar bay through the west side entrance in an effort to avoid her grenades, he would find himself staring into the barrel of her scatterblaster—which Lucia had pointed directly at the west side door from a little less than 20 meters away, in anticipation of that exact occurrence.

<<IBIS-414, cue me in on the target.>>

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Resource Management
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Open!

"Well, isn't this one awful mess?" Darth Strosius muttered to himself as he heard another missile streak by his shuttle, idly digging his fingers into his seat more as the pilot was forced into a short roll to avoid what must have been a more accurate rocket. The troopers in the shuttle alongside their lord were similarly clutching their seats and the harnesses which kept them anchored in them, one of them even had slammed his head against the wall from the sudden maneuvers. At least their helmets were padded accordingly.

:"Having to divert course slightly my lord! Heavy fire coming from the ground, we'll have to land just outside the facility.": The pilot spoke over the transport area's commlink, right before doing a swift dive that made the masked man grit his teeth. All this trouble just for the Kainites to keep their supply of Hibridium. A shame that they had made the mistake of asking him for help.

He tapped on his commlink once the shuttle had evened back out, broadcasting to his troopers both in the shuttle with him and with those in the other handful that were streaking behind his own. :"Look alive brothers and sisters, we're fast approaching the hangar portion of the facility. Remember your orders. We are not here to fight Mandalorians, nor are we here to aid in the Kainite's desperate defense. We're here to swipe as many transports loaded with Hibridium as we can, and anyone that gets in our way is to be killed. I don't care what banner they sport, all this chaos and battle will mask whatever we do as long as we're quick. Fight as one and keep on the objective and we'll all be home soon.":

Truthfully he had half a mind to bring in whatever fleet he could scrounge together and glass the whole facility from orbit, citing the Mandalorian incursion as too detrimental and destructive to be worth risking a proper ground defense. But stores of Hibridium? Now that was simply too valuable to lose. With any luck the Mandalorians would manage to disable the facility for a while and he could get away with a few cargo holds full of the mineral before anyone even realized he was there.

:"Landing zone coming up now, it'll be hot!": Darth Strosius quickly unhooked himself from his seat and marched to the rear door of the shuttle, summoning his lightsaber to one hand and drawing his sword with the other. He slammed his fist into the control panel at his side and the door slid open to reveal the shuttle still a good bit of distance from the ground, but with all of the fire coming towards them they would hardly have any time for a proper landing, :"Get out of your seats and jump, brace for impact and get moving to that hangar!": Without further delay the Lord Inquisitor leapt from the shuttle and landed on the ground as the vessel streaked lower to allow the troopers a shorter fall, the shuttles behind it following suit as his masked gaze turned to the facility and narrowed.

"Show time."

A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

Location: Outside Starship Hanger
Objective: Resource Management
Engaging: Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
IC Music: Hellfighters
Equipment: See Bio

The first grenade stunned him. The second one didn't get the chance, the Walker, controlled by Drego's AI, shot it out of the sky before it could go off.

"Nice shot Tanya. Now do me a favor. Open the doors."

Rather than enter the side doors, Drego opted for a different approach.

The walker charged the hanger bay doors, slamming right into, and through the sealed doors. Sure, it damaged the walker, but he could buy another one if need be. The Juggernaut followed just behind, lobbing a Metal ball into the hanger before waiting just outside, water vapor spilling out of it for a second, before finally a crack filled the air, lightning sparking across the room to anything it could catch.

And once it was done, Drego blitzed inside, his HUD immediately identifying, and cataloging anything that was inside. He opened up with his Orar, slam firing into any combatant that was inside. Droid, or otherwise.



Inside the transport, Mevia Vizsla awaited the descent into glory. Heart pounding with excitement, she relished the thought. She was finally going to be unleashing vengeance against the Sith and their vile forces.

The dark hull of the transport was invaded by the passing sunlight beaming in between the door latches. Holding her Igradi repeater rifle in hand, she remained focused on the doors. The moment they all landed, the moment the doors flew open, old Mandalore would take a step towards-


The ship rattled and tipped over in a millisecond. Violent and nausea inducing, the ship was suddenly in chaos. Mevia saw smoke between the blurred images of vode and equipment. Her ears were assaulted with metallic screeching, the shouts of her vode, and the roaring of battle outside as the ship hit solid ground. The bumpy, devastating crash was a long one, as the ship's pilot veered the transport towards a makeshift runway. The squadron was fine, but the boisterous clanking of slowing down, and the dirt and rocks around the ship, made Mevia's head spin.

After several long moments, Mevia came to. Upside down, she was against the wall at the corner of the transport. Mevia pushed off the wall with her feet and fell on the beaten, torn up floor. She started to hear her squadrons' voices more clearly.

<"Get ready! When those doors open we'll be in the thick of hell!">

<"Get our defenses ready, we're digging out! Where's Mevia? Her beskar'gam has a shield generator!">

Mevia pulled herself up to her knees. Up ahead, her Tyatr'geriuvr Plasmag rifle was laid on the ground. With clarity returning to her, she reached out and grabbed the rifle.

<"Stay behind me.">

Standing up, she slung the Plasmag over her shoulder and on her back. Adjusting her equipment, she approached the front of the line where the squadron was gathered. Lifting her vambraces, she nodded towards the squadron leader.

The group burst out the door. Surrounded by soldiers of the enemy, Mevia immediately activated her energy shield. Protected by the shielding, her fellow vode lifted their own rifles and fired away. Mevia slowly took step by step forward, protecting the group as her shielding grew weaker. <"Hurry!">

<"We dwindled them enough, fan out!">

Just like that, the group scattered into hell. Deactivating her shield, she lifted the Igradi and unleashed cyroban justice upon the spawns of evil. Several soldiers fell the her wrath as a sense of thrill engulfed her heart.

So this... was what being the powerful one felt like...

Her HUD flashed in warning, but Mevia was smashed into by a heavy object. Rattling and tumbling took her for a moment before she came to... a dead Mando'ade was on top of her. Mevia hissed, pushing him aside and looking up to see something she thought had died out from the galaxy a long time ago.

A Moridinae Golem.

One of her mother's history lessons cropped up in Mevia's mind.

<"The Moridinae Golems were vode once. But they were loyal to Ra the traitor, and to the devil Darth Carnifex. They were rewarded for their service with suffering; their organic souls trapped within cybernetic bodies. If you ever see one, please, give them the merciful death they don't deserve. They've suffered enough for their crimes, all these years...">

Mevia panted, looking up at the cold cyborg as it fired a missile from its vambrace. Her jetpack roared as she pushed herself up, jumping up and into the air. The missile screamed and exploded below her, and she landed on the ground again. She gritted her teeth.

I'm so...

The Dar'manda cyborg unleashed a wrist flamethrower barrage.

Sick and tired of...

Mevia ducked and rolled aside. In her mind, she saw a blonde woman with red eyes, smiling as she spoke fondly to her. Then, she saw the Mandalorian armor, and the vambrace pointed at her in dismay.


Mevia pushed herself up, firing a rocket from her kneepad launcher. The rocket hit the ground next to the golem's foot, making it rock. Looking down, she saw that her fallen comrade had dropped a beskar spear on the ground. She gritted her teeth, grabbing the spear and pushing herself off the ground. Her jetpack and jump boots were activated as she darted forward with the utmost momentum. The golem lifted its vambrace and fired several razor blades. They bounced off of Mevia's beskar'gam as she ran full speed, recklessly, and shoved the spear full force into the Beskar plating of the golem. As powerful as the plating was, beskar spears were especially designed to fight other Mandalorians. The spear was embedded deep into the cybernetic monster through the power of her built up speed and raw strength. The golem fell, and Mevia fell with it. The Moridinae Golem crashed against the ground, skidding, with Mevia on top of it. She stopped her thrusters and held onto the spear, still pushing it deeper as she felt the spearhead make contact with a material completely different than the rest of its structure.

Panting, she watched the cybernetic husk rapidly shut down. She... had done it! But the victory she felt was crashed and burned when garbled Mando'a reached her ears.

<"Vor entye.">

Beneath her buy'ce, her eyes widened. Her mother's words once again repeated in her mind.

<"The Moridinae Golems were vode once. But they were loyal to Ra the traitor, and to the devil Darth Carnifex. They were rewarded for their service with suffering; their organic souls trapped within cybernetic bodies. If you ever see one, please, give them the merciful death they don't deserve. They've suffered enough for their crimes, all these years...">

Tears of rage flooded her eyes as she gritted her teeth. Removing her hands from the spear shaft stuck in the golem, she bent down and pressed her hand on the golem's head.

<"I'll make them pay for all they've done!">

She noticed, clipped to the golem's utility waist, there was a cruciform sword hanging on to the dead husk. Mevia reached down, unclipping the beskar scabbard and pulling the sword hilt up just a bit. She was met with the odd appearance of a glowing blue metal, unlike beskar. She shoved the blade back into its sheath and clipped the weapon on her own belt. She stood up, thinking grimly to herself as she stepped off the husk and turned around.

Buir should be able to identify this. Destroy it if its a Sith machination, or...

She took one, solum look back at the felled cyborb before turning back to battle.

She drew her beskad, darting into the thick of battle. She raised her sword, screaming, and brought it down upon every aruetii she saw. Vision red, she kicked, punched, stabbed, and sliced. Body after body fell as she ascended a platform towards where the source of her ship's downing was.

The soldiers wore Sith affiliated armor, with strange crests on their shoulders. She paid no mind, lifting her beskad and beheading one. She reached out with her crushgaunt, grabbing another by the neck and snapping it. She thrust the bodies aside, blood splattering across her golden armor. She sheathed her sword, reached up, and activated her gauntlet's plasma shield. She blocked incoming fire as she fired another rocket at the three up ahead. Darting forward, she pulled her Plasmag down with her other hand and ducked downwards. Her rifle was swiftly readied and fired, disintegrating one soldier similar to how a Disruptor would, but in a blaze of bright plasma.

She flung her rifle behind her back and darted forward, activating her crushgaunt's shockmitt technology as she reached up and kicked one of the soldiers. Adrenaline and satisfaction flooded her veins as turned to the other and ate his blaster pistol's fire. The bolt hardly affected her, bouncing off her armor, as she merely reached and grabbed his head. Sparks of electricity exploded forth from her crushgaunt. Beneath her visor, she grinned and chuckled as his agonized screams cascaded her ears. All Sith and their allies deserved this punishment. They all deserved to suffer for what they had done to Mandalore and her people.

<"Emery! No!">

Mevia's buy'ce snapped towards the kicked soldier's direction. He was on the ground, winded from the force of a kick that shattered a rib. Mevia lowered her crushgaunt, dropping the corpse she held. She walked towards the soldier, drawing her beskad once more. The blue plasma cutter glowed as she swung at his feet, then his ankles, then his knees, then-

She kept slicing him up, over and over, avoiding vital organs as she screamed. The crimson sprinkling around her was not enough. She needed them to pay for all they had done. She needed them to pay! She finally lifted her beskad from the soldier's shoulder, taking a step back and extending her arm.

From her vambrace, she unleashed her flamethrower, burning what was left of the criminal with righteous fire.

The smoldering corpse was left to rot as the Mandalorian panted. It was... still not enough... She took another couple steps forward, then found herself at the platform where artillery equipment was firing at the second assault time. Gripping her beskad, red liquid dripping from both the blade and her armor, she noticed a robbed individual wearing a dainty, mocking weapon on his belt.

Hissing, Mevia Vizsla lifted her beskad and pointed it at the Sith Knight before her, <"My day won't be complete without punishing a Sith themself as well! Come on! Fight me! Use the precious powers you've been lucky to receive, and I will overcome them!">

She unleashed a barrage of heavy whistling birds from her other leg. Whether they crushed him or not, she raced to meet the Sith with her sword.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


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Location: On outskirts of mining facility
Objective: Investigate strange contact
Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
Gear: in bio

Wearing: this

Annika's speeder bike hummed softly as she carried out put her recon assignment. An assault had broken out and Anni wondered if her lack of prowess in her last two combats had led her to being assigned on perimeter patrols. She watched the ping on her radar closely and furrowed her brow... interesting, it was moving.

Leaning right the teen skimmed around the edge of the mine and towards her target. Light streaked in the sky as missles moved overhead, the force flashed in her mind and she jinked the right, narrowly being missed by a long range missile and feeling the concussion shake her machine. "OK cool, they're shooting at me already." Her bike misfired and she looked down to see a piece of shrapnel embedded in the compressor. "Oh well." she slowed and hopped off, allowing the crippled machine to drift off on its own.

Another flash of the force

She whipped out her lightsaber just in time to block a blaster bolt from an armoured figure near her. Annika spun around, defending a second shot before reaching out her hand. She wasn't sure if this was right but she listened to her instinct. Puffs of black and purple smoke came into existence and swished around the neck seam of the warriors before tightened and constricting tightly. The mandalorian grabbed at his throat as the force choked him and annika tightened her fist. There was a spasm and the man stopped thrashing.

A grin crossed her face and she looked away, speaking to an observer that wasn't there. "Whose next?"

Mia dropped to a knee, firing an explosive bolt into the chest of the trooped looming over her, the force throwing him backwards as Malum's transmission crackled through.

"Enjoy the intelligence, Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Mia Monroe ? It seems Kaine himself has taken to the field, do try not to die."


The line cut out, which meant Malum was also here, somewhere, fighting and killing her people. It was something they were both going to have to get used to if this arrangement was going to work. They could, at the very least, aim for minimum casualties? A blaster bolt pinged off her armour, and she fired another round blind, a scream told her it'd found its mark.

Why was he here? A quick scan of the battlefield told her the defensive line was starting to break, but the fight was far from over. "Jhi!" she shouted for her overwatch, her second in command. "I need eyes on a target." Mia stepped into the next wave of troopers, beskad in one hand bolter in the other.

"Really? You want to be more specific. Because right now, there's a lot of them." A high calibre sniper round cracked past Mia's helmet into the trooper behind her, as Mia herself decapitated another.

"A little close, Jhi!" she shouted at her.

"You're still alive aren't you?" There was a touch of amusement in her response. Mia didn't even know where the sniper was, but that was why she was overwatch.

"Carnifex is here. Get eyes on him."

She reached for a chunk of duracrete torn up from the explosions and sent it skittering through the line opening up a gap for mandalorians to push through.

"Got him! Sending you a mark. Want me to open fire?"

Mia kicked off with the jet pack as soon as the marker came up on her HUD. "No! Do not engage!" She arced over the battle, deactivating the jet pack a touch too soon she drew the force around her. Slamming into the ground before Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex duracrete cracking under her feet.


Ra's voice echoed in the back of her mind, the lines of her mind threatening to crack. Not yet, she thought to herself.

"Hello Kaine." her voice was low, calm. "I have a few bones to pick with you."


Mia levelled the bolter at his chest and fired.


"Got him! Sending you a mark. Want me to open fire?"

His head cocked to one side, listening.

"No! Do not engage!"

Fainter, the crackle of a communicator garbling some of the words, but it was unmistakable. She was here, just as predicted, and she had not anticipated Him. A smile crept into His features, teeth glaring through parted lips. The Mandalorian at His feet struggled for their gun, their one arm stretching against all reality to only tease the grip with just out of reach fingers. Their other arm was in His grasp; twisted, bent, and yanked back at an unseemly angle, preventing them from reaching what they yearned for.

Without warning, He released His grip, and the Mandalorian skidded forward on the permacrete. Working hand fumbled for the gun, but the Dark Lord's sword slammed into their back and pinned them to the ground. He'd thrown it in a casual manner, like how one would toss aside paper. The Mandalorian sputtered something in their bestial tongue before they perished, Carnifex not even bothering to understand what they barked at Him.

The sound of a jetpack filled the air, the woman dropping down right in front of Him; the permacrete cracking under the impact. She levied some words at Him, but none were as so biting as the gun she levied shortly after. The bolter roared, and an explosion filled the air between them as the shot struck squarely against the Dark Lord's chest. Smoke wreathed Him, obscuring basic visuals. But, then He swiped a hand through the smoke, like a paintbrush through water, and it dissipated into nothingness. The armor wrought about His chest looked no worse for wear, the strange silver metal shimmering with dark power.

"Ah, Liberator. There you are." His smile broadened, sharp and predatory. "You look far better than last I saw you, hitched to the back of Ra's basilisk; dragged here and about like common game. That man knew how to put on a show, did he not?" The Dark Lord rolled His shoulders and then raised both of His hands, mimicking the motion one would do to place a crown or a helmet upon His head. The moment His fingers touched His brow, a metallic sheen descended, covering His face before solidifying into a leering mask; one which encircled all of His head. A row of spikes, like a crown, jutted from all about His head.

When next He spoke, it was like the grinding of stone.

"Let's see if you've learned anything since."

Objective: Take a peek at the action.
Gear: Modified Trayc'kal, Zygerrian Electro-Whip, "Flare" lightsaber, jetpack
Tags: Caesar Kryze Caesar Kryze

The blood red TwinTail Tal'galaar leapt out of hyperspace, jammers screaming at max power and engines at low power with turbos off as she drifted the small fighter around the outer edge of the battle going on. She may've been an ace, but today was a ground mission. Once she knew other Mandalorians were in the area, and she'd gun it, her droid VK switching the power and allowing her to dart into atmosphere. They would practically skim it though as she tapped the side of the fighter.

"Ok VK! Open open canopy and get somewhere safe! Three! Two! One! Now!" The fighter slowed to a near halt and rolled before jumped, waiting to get to her landing own little landing zone. One a bit off from the mining facility. She hated being so far off a fight like this, but she hadn't exactly told her brother about this, so she had to pick and choose what she was doing. Mig Gred Mig Gred loved fighting Sith, but he didn't want drag the whole House into it. Plus, he wanted to try and keep their new home safe. She understood it, but still. He seemed overly ca.... She was the one sneaking around right now, so she couldn't talk. Either way, she'd take pot shots with her Trayc'kal when they came up, particle round giving the hand cannon added oomph.


Leaving behind his ship hidden in the Tahika Cliffs, Corbin set off towards the Currahen Crossroads. It would have been much quicker to bring his speeder, but he knew Sith were here, and he would probably be fighting. He was here to lend aid to the [i[]vode[/i] calling themselves the "Mandalorian Protectors." He did not know this Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel who had claimed the title of Mand'alor, but he wanted to meet these Protectors and gague the man for himself to see if he was indeed worthy. At the very least, they were still brothers, and Corbin was always willing to lend aid against the Sith whenever and wherever he could.

So, Corbin flew through the forest of Baraka trees, his alchemized [/i]beskar'gam[/i] blending into the shadows of the trees. Though his Force signature was disguised as that of someone who was not Force-sensitive (which was a constant habit of his that he did unconsciously), he did not do anything extra to conceal himself. He had no Illusions or Cloak up. Illusions were less likely to work on Sith -- though he had learned to strengthen them beyond standard Illusions thanks to training with Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun and Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki -- and he figured nobody would be around in the forest right now, since he was not quite near the battle yet. At least, no Sith would be here. Probably. His strong Force Sense and natural Force Sight were not detecting anything at least. Not having to put effort into extra concealment meant he could put more energy into Force Flight and move a little faster.




Melee WeaponsCopad'kal, "Ambition", personal Mandalorian Kal.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
Iviin'cer, beskar spear.
PistolsDXN-57 Breachlight blaster pistol.
BH Durin Charric Blaster Pistol.
AP-25i 'SIMP' Particle Beam Blaster.
Auriel Combined Energy Bow.
Mother's Root seeds [In secured bottle stored in belt.]
Ground Mother's Root toxin [In secured bottle stored in belt.]

Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast


Beneath her visor, Elise scoffed at the comment made by this cocky witch. She jumped out of the way of the Force Lightning, noticing its intoxicating green glow. A spark of lightning just grazed Elise's leg, flooding her entire body with pain. She quickly moved further away, gritting her teeth. She was a skilled Mandalorian, but she had a feeling that physical skill and weaponry alone were not enough right now. If this witch was playing dirty, why shouldn't Elise? She landed on the ground, putting her bow behind her back. Around them, Mandalorians still fought other Mandalorians. The machinations of evil displayed hardened Elise's resolve.

A Nightsister is going to be tricky. I've... only done this a couple times, but should I...

She remembered the little glass bottle in her belt.

But if I do, I'll need a plan to make this work. A lot of little things need to line up.

Elise reached up, ripping her buy'ce off her head. Blonde hair flowed in the wind as she glared at the Nightsister. She clipped the helmet to her belt. Her disgust was raw in her eyes, but so was her resolve.

<"Fine. I don't need the bow. I'll even fight you without a helmet.">

Her beskar'gam completely covered it, but Elise's body was covered with red battle paint. The glyphic swirls and lines were currently not activated, but they soon would be.

The Ajayid freed Copad'kal from its sheath. She needed to close the distance between them in order for this to work. She opened fire with her wrist rocket launcher. Clouds of dirt flew up between them as Elise darted forward, using the cloud as cover. She fired a paralyzing dart from within the dust cloud. At the same time a glass phial from her utility belt.

Emerging from the cloud, Elise used a burst of Force Speed to get up close to the witch. If she succeeded in this, she would start a barrage of cuts and slices with her kal.

All I have to do is get close and break the glass. Then, you're mine.


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Location: Garos IV
Objectives: Support the Sith
Tags: Vaux Gred Vaux Gred
Gear: in main bio

The sky darkened and clouds swirled as the portal opened. An attack on the sith held world of Garos IV by mandalorians had been reported. Caesar had responded, keen to honour the old ties his father had to the Sith and come here with his Death's Hand in order to push these interlopers back to where they had come from. The portal ripples and the black armoured mandalorian flew through it at high speed followed by several of his warriors, the wings projected by their jetpacks made them look like demons as they scoured the landscape for targets.

<<I've got one...>> he radioed to his lieutenant gesturing at a twin tailed starfighter that had landed with a figure nearby. <<I will handle them, carry on the the main assault and support our allies... but remember the plan.>> his voice had a certain dark mischief in it. If his troops happened upon some of the hibridium, it would do their cause well that it went unaccounted for and made its way back to their fortress, in the chaotic melee, who was to say.

He twisted in the air and descended towards the ground, towards Vaux Gred Vaux Gred . He had know idea who this person was, perhaps he would get lucky and they might be willing to throw down their arms and surrender. If he was even luckier he might get a good fight and a story to tell. Vaux would see him coming with his red lightsaber glowing in his hand, how would she react.

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