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Approved Tech Fist of Moridin the Great

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  • Intent: Submit another Sith artifact for Carnifex
  • Image Source: Click - Young Kim
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Gauntlet
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Sonic: None
    • Force Light: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Electromagnetic: None
    • Elemental: Extreme
  • The gauntlet features several Sith Amulets that can channel and harness the power of the Dark Side.
  • Through combining the powers of each amulet, the gauntlet can achieve a variety of feats in conjunction with one another.
  • The gauntlet also features the power to corrupt Light-sided individuals through proximity, but can do so much faster and more successfully through direct contact.
  • By harnessing the Dark Side, the gauntlet can fire concentrated beams of Dark Side energy out from the palm. These beams are extremely devastating and leave behind lingering Dark Side corruption on everything they interact with, including the very air itself.
  • The gauntlet also drains Force energy from around the wearer, gradually replenishing their expended reservoirs, though the gauntlet itself requires a great deal of energy to use and maintain its powers.
  • Enchanted with the Touch of the Kiin'Dray.
  • Gauntlet contains a shard of Darth Moridin's spirit, which attempts to exert its own influence on the wearer at all times. The shard desires to reunite with the other disparate shards of Moridin and will try to convince the wearer to collect them.
  • Sith runes protect against Force Light.
  • Insidious Dark Side Artifact
  • Made from Sith Alchemy treated Sarassian Iron
  • Powerful Wards against Force Light
  • Extremely Heavy
  • Exceptionally Taxing on Wearer
  • Sentient Ambitions

Years ago, the Sith were ruled by a tyrant known as Darth Moridin, Iron-willed and cruel, he ruled over the Sith Empire with uncompromising authority. He was aided in his rule by a cabal of Sith Lords, each one loyal to the Dread Emperor and his vision for a galaxy expunged of weakness and decadence. One of these Sith Lords was Kaine Zambrano, who served as Moridin's right-hand and Grand Vizier. For his loyal service, Zambrano was awarded an object of magnificent, yet destructive, power.
It was a gauntlet crafted by Moridin himself, imbued with the strength to govern the Sith and the power to enforce the wearer's will.
Then Moridin vanished, vacating his throne after being challenged by Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin . Varanin quickly assumed the throne, becoming the first Empress of the Sith, and leading the Empire on an unprecedented rate of expansion across the northern Outer Rim. Though Zambrano could have challenged Varanin for the throne, he elected to side with the new Empress and become a capable and diligent administrator under her stead. But he was only content to play the dutiful steward for so long, and, in secret, he planned for his inevitable ascension to the throne.
He stood by and did not intervene when Darth Voracitos fired on Ashin's position during the Battle of Roche, allowing the corpulent Sith Lord to rise to the throne himself. He orchestrated events to allow the young firebrand Tyrin Ardik to cast Voracitos down off his throne, and only offered half-hearted resistance when Mikhail Shorn did the same to Ardik. It was only when all of his forces were in place, and his power near its zenith, that he challenged Dranok Lussk to a kaggath on Dromund Kaas.
And he emerged victoriously.
Now crowned Emperor of the Sith, Zambrano set about using his gauntlet and his political guile to increase his own power, directing the Empire into multiple campaigns to accumulate territory and resources to further his own plans. His reign was cut short by an interventionist campaign by the Galactic Republic, and during the Battle of Mon Cala, he fought and was defeated by the members of the Jedi Council. His gauntlet was destroyed in the fight, the many fragments scattered to the depths of Mon Cala's oceans. There they rested for over a decade.
But Zambrano returned to Mon Cala, now christened as Darth Carnifex, renewed Emperor of the Sith. He scoured the ocean depths for the pieces of his gauntlet, and once they had been recovered he set about reforging them into a new symbol of power. He called it the Fist of Moridin the Great, respecting the Dark Lord who had elevated him so many years ago. He improved upon the weaknesses of the gauntlet, imbuing it with a shard of Darth Moridin's spirit recovered from the decrepit cellars of Moridin's citadel on Byss.
This had the unintended consequence of awakening a portion of Moridin's fragmented consciousness, and the gauntlet developed its own sense of sentience. It greatly desired to reunite with the thousands of shards spread out across the galaxy, to become whole again. Carnifex used his immense strength of will to quell this piece of his former lord, keeping it bound to his influence rather than the other way around.
This battle of wills continues to play out in their shared existence, but Carnifex remains the triumphant master for now.

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