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Character Elise Ahana-Gwyneira


Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

Full Name
Elise Vizsla Ahana-Gwyneira.
Jac'Eli'Serum (Chiss name.)
"El'ika" (by Mia Monroe.)
"Elsie" (by Malum Marr.)​
Dreamseer Adept.
Vod Dar'Manda.​
Kestri (Birthplace.)
Archais (Raised.)​
Twenty-One Standard Galactic Years.​
Force Knight (Earlystage.)
Third Dreamrune (Novanian Shamans/ Dreamseer Coven. Equivalent of valedictorian.)
Alor'ad (Mandalorian Protectors.)
The Mandalorian Protectors.
The Novanian Shamans.
The Dreamseer Coven.​
Galactic Basic.
Arkanian (Novanian Offshoot Dialect.)​
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment

Neutral (Falling to the Dark.)​
Character Alignment
Chaotic Neutral (Leaning Good.)​
114 lbs.​
Template Credit

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    Once a Mandalorian, now choosing the path of an aruitiise. The Novanian raised Elise Ahana-Gwyneira is a kind hearted, sweet soul with an intelligence, cleverness, and bright spirit about her. Carrying a rather black and white view of the galaxy, with an overwhelming urge to save the entire galaxy from its sorrows, Elise's weight of the world and heavy emotions push her closer and closer to a darker path...



    Elise Ahan-Gwyneira, formerly Elise Vizsla, is a kind and determined yet almost tragically idealistic person. Her core morality and values are centered on such simple yet grandstanding concepts such as the protection of the innocent and the betterment of all, as well as of course the punishment of evil. Despite many setbacks and moments of realization this core hasn't changed, although over time her methods and means by which she strives to keep them most assuredly have. While a good soul at heart with the noblest intentions one can have, she has indeed begun drifting down a dark path in order to achieve a goal which will always be out of reach and unattainable.

    (~ Personality description written by the lovely Darth Strosius .)



    + Mandalorian Training: From birth, Elise Vizsla grew up learning and training to be a Mandalorian. She knows how to wield a wide range of weaponry, is skilled with jetpacks and repulsers, is adept in wearing heavy armor, and knows how to survive in the toughest of environments and situations. Her Mandalorian teachers include the Si'kayha Alor of Clan Vizsla, Kranak Vizsla; and Elise's Karjr mother, Gwyneira Vizsla.
    + Novanian Shaman Training: Elise joined the Novanian Shamans at age twelve and trained for years as Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran 's protégé. As a Shaman, Elise majored in being a Dreamseer. For approximately nine years, Elise remained within the Dreamseer Coven, learning a large range of skills, techniques, and abilities. Not only is Elise a practiced battle medic, but she has learned enough medical know how to perform lifesaving operations; and to identify and treat various illnesses and poisons. She is a skilled Force Healer as well. She is an alchemist and botanist, able to use various herbs and chemicals to create potions and salves, medicines and poisons. In Novanian libraries, Elise has learned much of galactic history, how various cultures and Force Religions have operated, and especially the Theology of her own people's Ancient Ones. Elise can use Mother's Root, the sacred Novanian plant, as both a psychedelic and a steroid-supplement.
    + Chiss Training: Despite only having distant Chiss blood, Elise was taught by her proud Chiss hybrid father in how to use Chiss equipment, technology, weaponry, and fighting styles. Elise also has learned of Chiss culture and their mannerisms, despite having never grown up in a proper Chiss society. Elise even has a Chiss name, Jac'Eli'Serum, despite only having a fraction of Chiss blood. Elise never considered herself a true Chiss, but she is appreciative of Chiss culture and respects it.
    + Physically Fit: Despite being a lithe and short woman, Elise is a fully trained warrior. She is physically stronger than she appears, and she can take an insane beating. She has endurance, and she has might. Her greatest physical strengths, however, are her speed and agility. She is dexterous and swift in combat, with a snappy and immediate reaction time.
    + Infrared Vision: Inherited from either her Chiss or Arkanian blood, Elise naturally had infrared vision.
    + Force Sensitive: Strongly attuned to the Force, Elise has inherated her mother's Force Sensitivity. She was trained more as a Mandalorian warrior than a Force Sensitive growing up, as Gwyneira believed that she should be Mandalorian first, a Force User second. Elise's first proper training in the Force came when she joined the Novanian Shamans, and she trained under Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran . Later on, when Elise joined the Mandalorian Protectors, she found another Force Master in Mia Monroe . She has also received training from Darth Malum of House Marr and Yorunarr Ahan-Yan'Sharlim . After her duel with Darth Carnifex, Mia believed that Elise was deserving of the "Knight" Force Ranking.
    + Prodigy: A child genius, Elise Vizsla has the Arkanian intellect of her mother. She was always a brilliant study, a quick learner, and an intelligent thinker. Elise flew through her homeschooling paces, graduating high school education at age eleven. In the Novanian Shamans, Elise earned the valedictorian title of Third Dreamrune - no easy feat for someone her age. Despite being young, Elise is already highly skilled as a Mandalorian warrior, and she soaks up any new fighting styles taught to her. The Ajayid enjoys intellectual and philosophical study, and especially archeology, ruin exploration, and lore research.
    + Compassionate: A kind and soft hearted soul, Elise Vizsla has always been highly sensitive to the needs of others. She wants to protect innocent people, and she cannot stand cruelty and abuses of power. Elise is kind to animals, shows honor in protecting the weak, and is willing to put the needs of others before her own.


    +/- Sensitive: Naive and highly sensitive, Elise feels strongly and passionately. She is a sweet and kind soul, but is she equally emotional and whiny. She has a tendency to take things personally and is wounded easily by the harshness of others. She is frequently traumatized and haunted by the harsh realities of a that she sees as cruel and cold. A pure hearted and naive fool, Elise is unable to comprehend wanting to inflict harm unto others.
    +/- High Drug Tolerance: During her training in the Novanian Shamans, Elise had to develop immunity to a potent plant, the Mother's Root. The plant's terrifying side effects took years to develop immunity to. Once she mastered Mother's Root, however, she not only has her culture's signature plant on her side, but has developed a strong immunity to other drugs, venoms, and chemicals. This is an incredible strength when poisoned... but a crutch when trying to get bacta to work quickly.
    +/- Goal Oriented: Elise is obsessed with her ambitions, goals, and desires. She is a workaholic, and she works hard to train, study, and accumulate the needed tools to do whatever she sets herself to do. She can be passionate, driven, and hard working - but she can equally be obsessive, self-destructive, and unreasonable.


    - High Metabolism: Inherited from her Eldorai blood, Elise has a higher level and could die a lot sooner compared to others without proper nutrition.
    - Genetic Instability: Her father was once injected with a super soldier serum. Her mother was genetically expiramented on in a lab. Both parents are hybrids as is. Elise suffers from a genetic instability that increases her risk for mental and physical disorders developing as she ages.
    - Never Slows Down: With the weight of the world on her shoulders, Elise hardly ever slows down. She races through her life, hitting all the goal posts and doing all the training needed to get strong enough to "save everyone." Unfortunately, this Type A personality can cause her to be reckless, and she often times has a tendency to drive herself into the ground in exhaustion and foolhardiness.
    - Hero Complex: Elise needs to be the hero. She has to be the one to swoop in and save everyone. She must save every person, ever city, every soul. When she is unable to reach her high expectations of saving the day and preventing anything bad from happening, she crashes into the depths of despair at her own lack of strength to do the impossible.
    - Force Poisoned: Shortly before Elise was conceived, her mother fought at the Battle Of Tython; a battle so devastating in the Force, it warped reality itself. Overwhelmed by it all, Gwyneira Krayt had melded and faded into the Netherworld, and she wandered for months in Nether time before returning to the galaxy. The combined effects of Tython and the Netherworld poisoned Gwyneira's Force Connection, but when Elise was conceived it was passed completely over to her. It was an unassuming plague, as her family assumed that her off the charts Psychometry and Force Drain were due to inheriting her mother's powerful Force Sense. Elise is far more naturally inclined to use the Dark Side of the Force, and she finds the Light Side difficult to properly manifest. She struggles greatly in the realm of Force Sense, being able to generally sense things, but unable to pick out many details. She took months to properly identify the distinct coldness of the Dark Side when it was in the air. Elise is powerful in the Force, and capable of controlling it, but it takes great effort to counteract the Force Poisoning's effects.
    - Poor People Skills: Since she was a child, Elise was a genius, a bookworm, and a hardcore trainer. She trained day and night in her combat skills, soaked up knowledge and schooling like a sponge, and was a prodigy as both a Mandalorian and a Dreamseer. Unfortunately, with years of training and schooling under her belt, Elise never was a social acolyte. Despite being an extrovert, Elise never made many friends and allies growing up, and her social skills in general have suffered as a result. She is quite terrible at reading other people, and she is often times confused in the face of social situations, especially casual ones. However, Elise still has a charming aura and kind heart about her, and she is able to make friends easily through this and her deep convictions, which surprisingly manifest in a budding leadership potential.


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    Gwyneira VizslaMother (Deceased.)
    Eliz KraytFather (MIA.)
    Mevia VizslaYounger Sister (Adopted.)
    Yuri MajiOlder Cousin (Adopted.)
    Shai MajiAunt (Adopted, deceased.)
    Kranak VizslaGrandfather (Adopted.)
    Xyoz MajiUncle (Adopted, probably removed.)
    Mia MonroeAl'verde (Officiall Force Master.)

    Buir (Adopted, following biological mother's death.)
    OrdoGreat Grandfather (Biological, on her mother's side.)

    Uncle (Adopted, through Mia Monroe.)


    Darth Malum of House MarrForbidden Lover.
    Siyarr Ahan-MitharranOfficial Dreamseer Mentor.

    Father figure.
    Trayze TesarUnlikely Sith friend.

    Malum's cousin.


    Yorunarr Ahan-Yan'SharlimFaction Leader.


    Ijaat MereelMand'Alor.
    Arla RodarchVod.


    Yael KandarUnfriendly Rival.
    Valery NobleElise is wary of the person who killed her auntie.


    Darth CarnifexFailed assassination attempt. He toyed with her and nearly killed her.
    Astrid pentoghastSith Witch, the kind of person Elise despises.


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    *Ability Icons can be found here


    • 527577.png
      MANDALORIAN WARRIOR: Despite no longer being a Mandalorian, Elise carries all the training and skills she possesses from being Mandalorian most of her life.
      • Bracercharge.png
        Tools & Tricks: Elise has trained her entire life to use beskar'gam, as well as Mandalorian equipment, tools, and gadgets. She can use grenades, missiles, and many other ordinances. Elise also can use the jetpacks and jump boots Mandalorians and renown for. She has always favored Mandalorian Vambraces, and she even has a set of vambraces inspired from the Mandalorian model still.
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        Ranged Mastery: Elise has the use of various pistols, rifles, and launchers under her belt. She even has gotten good with the bow and energy bow. Elise is most notably skilled in using pistols.
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        Blades Out: Beskads and kals are Elise's specialty. Especially with knives and dirks, Elise prefers to use melee combat over ranged.
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        Piercing Spear: Elise has been trained to use the beskar spear, and she is decently skilled with it.
    • Phasewalkassassin.png
      • Forcevalor.png
        Dreamseer's Blessing: Dreamseers are all granted the Dreamseer Blessing, which allows a Dreamseer to instantly force unconsciousness and sleep upon another person through mere physical touch..
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        Dreamwalker: As a Dreamseer, Elise is gifted in using the Force to travel freely through dreams, interpreting dreams, and using the Force to draw connections and read between lines. Select Dreamseers, Elise included, can lucidly enter the Dreamscape through the Force and control their own and others' dreams indirectly or directly. Dreams are their territory to do as they please in, and they can completely shape their reality in the dreaming state of both themselves and others.
      • Koltotank.png
        Botanist & Alchemist: Elise studied and trained for eight years to become a skilled botanist and medical alchemist. She can easily identify and use a large range of herbs, plants, chemicals, and fruits as both healing and harming salves.
      • Ability_Operative_Diagnostic_Scan.jpg
        Battle Medic: Elise has been trained to be a classic Battle Medic, applying First Aid and emergency operations on the battlefield.
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        Shamanic Healing: Elise is able to use unique Force Healing techniques used by the Novanian Shamans.
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        Nature's Fury: Elise's go to offensive Force power is Plant Surge. She even carries seeds of several plants into battle to aide her.
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        Illusionary: Elise is skilled in Force Illusions and Mind Tricks. She mostly applies them subtly, to confuse opponents. However, when tapping into her Mother's Root, she can cast large scale illusions and create entire Dreamscapes.
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        Stealth: Elise is skilled in Force Sense and Force Cloak, masking herself from the physical eye and Force Sense.
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        Augmentation: Elise's earliest Force specialty was Augmentation. She uses the Force to greatly increase her physical skills and attributes.
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        Healing: Elise is meticulous and skilled at using traditional Force Healing.
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      • Assaulttech.png
        Stealth Tech Training: Elise knows how to use a plethora of stealth tools and technology, including Chiss stealth tech. She can use this in conjuction with natural sneaking skills and the Force, making herself invisible to all.
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        Assassin's Touch: Elise is very skilled in sneak attacks with knives. She can also poison her daggers, use the Force to carry out sneak attacks, and use illusions to cover her tracks,
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        Standard Lightsaber: Elise is currently only trained in the standard single blade type.
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        Shii-Cho Maeltrum: Elise mostly specializes in Shii-Cho, as it most closely resembles traditional swordfighting.
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        Ataru Acrobative: Elise also has been training in Ataru due to its swift and dexterous nature,
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        Makashi Grace: Elise has put some practice into Makashi fencing, once more inspired by its similarities to traditional swordplay.
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        Jar'Kai Storm: A second blade is sometimes useful in combat, Elise has been training in Jar'Kai as well.



    Novanian Shamans are a coven of shamans who are dedicated to their own homeworld, Archais, and the Ancient Ones who once lived there. Force Sensitive Shamans are especially able to be closely connected to the spiritual realms, the Ancient Ones, and can vastly improve upon the techniques and blessings given to none-Force Sensitive members.

    Shamans can apply a special war paint, which when activated gives them access to their powers. Their eyes and war paint will grow red while the abilities are active. Under these effects, Elise's own Force abilities effecting the Mind and Sense, are greatly boosted in power.

    There are three branches of the Shamatic order - Warseers, Deathseers and Dreamseers. Elise is a Dreamseer, thus only has access to Dreamseer powers.

    As a Dreamseer, Elise is gifted in using the Force to travel freely through dreams, interpreting dreams, and using the Force to draw connections and read between lines. Dreamseers are all granted the Dreamseer Blessing, which allows a Dreamseer to instantly force unconsciousness and sleep upon another person through mere physical touch.

    Dreamseers are able to manipulate a psychedelic, Force sensitive plant unique to Archais, the Mother's Root. The Mother's Root, once inhaled or eaten, will cause drowsiness, hallucinations, numbness to pain, and really trippy episodes. A tolerance is built up within Dreamseers through small scale exposure, which allows them to far better handle the symptoms, use the symptoms to their advantage, and to control the symptoms of their victims affected by it. This immunity is most naturally found in pureblooded Novanians/ Arkanians. Ajayids (hybrids)/ Arkanian Off-shots and non-Novanians find Mother's Root a lot harder to build up.

    Connected to the Ancient One pantheon of ancient Force Entities, Elise has the ability to summon the conciousness of one of the Ancient Ones into her mind, and from there may be granted advice and an extra pair of eyes if the Ancient One summoned desired. The Ancient One will not possess the body of the summoner.

    When Shaman powers are expended, a Dreamseer will suffer side effects ranging from mild to severe. Drowsiness, headaches, hang over, sensitivity to lights and sounds, and similar side effects can annoy or debilitate a Dreamseer between a short amount of time and weeks.

    Select Dreamseers, Elise included, can lucidly enter the Dreamscape through the Force and control their own and others' dreams indirectly or directly. Dreams are their territory to do as they please in, and they can completely shape their reality in the dreaming state of both themselves and others.



    Melee Weapons:
    • Swords:
    • Knives:
    • Lightsabers:
    • Other:
      • REC-ACS/01 "Batillum" - Pattern Entrenching Tool.

    Ranged Weapons:

    • Vambraces.




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