Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Crisis on Cato Neimoidia | ATTN: Jedi

Planetary Operations Center, Emerald Undertow, in orbit around Cato Neimoidia

In any operation of great scope and diverse allies, communication quickly became essential to ensuring success. Dryas, dozens of officers, and even more comm's technicians began to take in, assess, and redirect the flow of information to where it needed to go. The admiral himself passively watched most of the exchange, occasionally glancing at his own console to peer more deeply into the aggregated information, but there were some individual messages he preferred to handle directly. Ariela turned her artificial eyes on him.

"Master Romi Jade Romi Jade is trying to get a secure line with you."

The admiral knew her, not terribly well, but on a professional level. He had developed a good deal of respect for her over the years, only highlighted by her recent willingness to intervene on the Silver Jedi world of Sarka during the Bryn'adul assault on that world. He nodded in assent.

"Go ahead and patch her in. We're here for anything that she might need..."

"And there's another jedi who mentioned you in their transmission, one Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze ."

He blinked. That was a name he could not put a face to, though he thought he had heard the name before. Ariela eyed him coolly, quickly analyzing his body language - she'd almost instantly come to the conclusion that he did not know who that was.

"He is a Jedi Knight who has in the past associated with the Galactic Alliance. I would rank his trustworthiness as high. He might have a better perspective on a possible issue of concern from his vantage point on the ground."

I'll have to rely on her again...

"Go ahead and put the message though."

Sound filtered his headset with the jedi knight's message.
A lot of the Jedi are rushing to stop the trains but we also need people to secure the bridge lines holding the city up. There are two crucial... fracture points on each side of the lines - don't need to tell you what that means. Admiral Quee maybe you can send specialists in... or Jaxx, you could take on that. Whatever you do... hurry. Time's running out.

He considered the message carefully. He'd prefer more time to get sensor scans on the bridge ends and to consult professionals - but clearly the knight was right - they didn't have a lot of time.

"Dryas, the last list you composed of available units had some Thunderhead Battalions on it. Correct?"

The visage of the AI sprang into exist, "Correct."

"Dispatch them immediately planetside to begin evacuation of the civilian populace, fight any who get in the way, and attempt to temporarily stabilize the structure through the use of tractor beams. If any section drops, we can temporarily hold them up or at least slow their descent. Dispatch any corvettes and frigates that you deem as excess to securing a defensive position around the world to add more stability to the structure below via the same means. Strength in numbers and all that."


Within a few minutes, the Thunderhead Battalions began to drop down from the bellies of the orbiting warships via aerial cruisers, aerial transports, and aerial missile cruisers. Originally raised to fight the Bryn'adul, the group was in many ways not entirely suited to the task. Most of the aerial cruiser's weapons were far too powerful to be used in the close confines of the bridge city. The infantry riding inside the unusual vehicles had largely trained and equipped to counter the unusual alien empire with exotic shielding and armor systems. The one possible advantage out of the whole thing in Gir's eyes was that few of the enemy were likely expecting the Concord to try flame or freeze them to death on an individual level.

(OOC note: Alars Keto Alars Keto | Kogdud’Kkurs Kogdud’Kkurs | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Zinn Zinn Bink'sa Zinn Zinn Bink'sa & other BOTM people and allies - Feel free to use the Thunderhead Battalion troopers as NPC opposition in your posts)
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Darth Manius



Location: At-La'o, Central Monorail Station
Tags: N/A

Sadly for Manius subtly was rarely an option for the oversized Null. But he’d caught wind that the other Sith were springing into action. He’d doubted that the demands for force sensitive children would be met so he put his bet into the city being destroyed.

Springing into action Manius made his way into central monorail train station of At-La’o. Behind was a small task force of Bando Gora lackeys that he had the pleasure of working with. Even he couldn’t do this task all by himself. On his back was a large supersized bag that contained enough explosive charges to threaten each corner of the hanging city. And from the central station he had access to the whole city from there though the monorail system.

With a large thud he placed the heavy bag of explosives on the ground for the Bando Gora to use and started loading up trains with the explosives. No longer did he need to act as a living forklift for them. With heavy steps he made his way to where passengers would board. There one of the train conductors noticed the hulking presence of Darth Manius and trained to speedily get the train away from the station with their couple of passengers. As the train began to take off on the monorail. He reached his hand out and clenched it, using telekinetic force energy to halt the train before it gained too much momentum. It slowed down and stopped before he dragged it back into place. Walking up to the front of the vessel he leaned down some to look at the conductor before speaking to him in a low deep voice. “Open the doors…” Manius wanted the few passengers it housed to use as hostages.

Even while frightened by the massive sith outside their train the conductor shook their head in defiance. Sadly such brave defiance would be in vain as Manius lifted his palm and telekinetically manipulated the controls in the train to open the doors. Before blasting the conductor further into the train with their passengers. As the doors opened a few of his armed Bando Gora buddies finally made it to where Manius was and they began commanding the passengers to leave and taking them as hostages. A defense against any well meaning Jedi who are looking to ruin his tasks here. After the train was emptied and the bombs set two Bando Gora agents boarded the train and would ride the monorail to the next station to continue their work.

After that Manius walked over to his new hostages and looked down at them. Looming over them he spoke.
“Main lobby, now” before the few remaining Bando Gora agents began to usher the hostages' into the main lobby along with Manius. This station was the central hub for public transit in the city so if someone wanted it then they would need to get past him.
Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek | Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky | Romi Jade Romi Jade

Another mission. Justice wiggled his fingers on his right hand. He was still adjusting to the arm and this was his first potential instance of combat since losing his arm. Eyes searched for Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren hoping she was going to be okay with his presence on the mission. Things between them seemed better now, but sometimes an odd tension still hung in the air since the injury.

Just sighed as he unbuckled his restraints. Twin sabers hung from his belt. His thoughts drifted to the similarities of his time as a Jedi so far and the early years of his Uncle Judah. Comparisons were already being made by those who knew him which only served to make Justice even more self-conscience.

He was quiet, and didn’t say much as he grouped up with the rest of the team. Normally he would engage with all the conversation, but he’d become more serious since the incident with the Sith Spawn. Some might say Justice was more focused. His skill in the force would certainly make that seem obvious. He had grown, seemingly overnight.

“We ready?”
In Umbris Potestas Est
"How precious." The voice of Onrai rang out as she heard the sudden message of the animated husk. It was a cunning move, to use his armored form as a distraction to lure in the Jedi the way they had chosen to. She had not considered whether the bloodshed of the resulting massacre the Maw sought to put forward upon these Jedi and their followers would be enough to allow her to wreak some extra havoc upon the world's population, but as she fingered the Sunstar-Shadowstone, a smile crossed her lips. Perhaps it would be possible for her to tear a new portal open on this world, another potential nexus to allow for interplanetary travel.

Or perhaps entry to the realm she so desperately desired.

For the time being, she would merely look for the right location. There was no reason to waste time forcing conflict with the Jedi or their associates when every death on the world was but another release of life-energy to draw from, to utilize for such boundary-breaking. Whether someone interfered with her was a completely different story. At least her men had not been spent on this attack - there was no reason to waste her followers' lives so recklessly, after all.

Open for interaction
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Location: Cato Neimoidia
Objective: Head of the Snake
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
"Val.." His gaze shifted to her, then to the apartment. ".. We have to be quick."
"Let's hit them fast and hard." She nodded and drew both lightsabers into her hands, not yet igniting them but she was already on the move. With explosive speed, she closed in on the building without any doubt about where Kahlil was — the coordination through their bond made it impossible not to know.
Breaking herself through the door, Valery looked at the two Dark Siders as they were readying themselves to strike at the civilians. The sudden shattering of the door caused them to stop and turn, but Valery wasted not even a second. She was right on top of one of them, violet blades now slashing through the air to take him down.
The other cultist drew a dagger and was moving to attack Valery from the rear, but she didn't have to defend herself. She could feel that Kahlil had it covered.
With the cultists taken care of, she let out a soft breath, disengaged her lightsabers, and turned to Kahlil.
"We should get these civilians out of-" Valery paused as a sudden disturbance in the Force struck hard, causing a momentary headache. She pinched the bridge of her nose and heard the words echo through the city's streets.
<"You have been deceived.">
But along with the feeling of death and destruction, she felt something else — a powerful hatred that was targeted towards her specifically. She had felt it earlier, but it had gotten much closer and was now coming straight for her. Normally, she'd be able to shield herself against it easily, but due to her recent recovery from a bad injury and lack of rest, she could not stop images flashing through her mind quickly enough.
"Kahlil... he's coming." She knew that he understood who he meant. Valery had killed one of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's Knights of Ren on Aruza a while ago, and ever since had been waiting for this encounter to happen; it was unavoidable. She would have preferred to be at her strongest but at least her fiancé was with her.
They would get through this together.
"We have to protect these people and get out."

Madison Starr


The Bellaguise - Concord Pelta Class Medical Frigate
Cato Neimoidia Atmosphere
Part 3 - Obj 2
Jax Thio Jax Thio , Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek , and Madison Starr approached the city by air and made landfall. Aiming to stop the bombs, rescue their friends, and minimize the collateral damage. Time was against them.​

"Okay. We're going in to support the city. Everybody hold on." The ship's Captain roared down the hall.

The frigate received a full Starfighter escort down into the atmosphere of the planet and approached the city at a rapid pace. Meanwhile, a shuttle was prepped in the hanger bay. Ready to rapidly ferry the Jedi down into the city. It's engines were hot by the time the Jedi began loading up.

"Shuttle Two-Three. The Jedi are onboard. Ready for launch." The pilot nodded.

~ "Shuttle Two-Three. You are go for launch. Force be with you gentlemen." ~ The Captain replied over the comm.

Go time.

The shuttle blasted out of the ship's hanger bay and into the busy city skyline beyond.

Madison watched as the huge Medical Frigate and it's Starfighter escort broke away to assist other larger vessels in the air space. Some shooting at Maw flyers. Others prepping their tractor beams for the worst. The sky was a frantic mess, all it's own.

"Okay boys and girls!" The shuttle pilot called over the heavy air, "We've got multiple bombs and lost Jedi all over the city! Where are we going!?"

The shuttle bounced and rattled from their rapid pace.

Madison turned to Jax and Travot for leadership. She knew it was only a matter of time before the Maw blew all the bombs and maximized the slaughter for the video feeds. Nuking the city and smiling all the way to Hell. No. Their mission now was to minimize the damage. While High Command figured out the rest of the puzzle.

Time to pick a destination.

Time to get stuck in.

. . .
Cato Nemoida


Juno landed the Alakandor on Cato Nemoida without too much issue. She put on her master's retrosaber and headed out into the streets. It did not take long before Juno felt it. Something was wrong.

Well of course something is wrong. They're taking force sensitive children.Juno thought to herself, but she just couldn't shake the feeling. This was something different. She knew there'd be trouble here, but not this. What was wrong?

It's a trap. Juno thought to herself. A snare to pull the Jedi in, and Juno had fallen for it. But then, what could she do? Sit by while Cato Nemoida was in danger? No. If Juno was going to be tough she had to be ready to fight through bad situations. The twi'lek steeled herself, running towards the palace. She kept her senses open, trying to feel where the bombs, if there even were any bombs, might be.

Truth be told she wasn't sure what she'd do when she found one. Juno wasn't a technician. But she had a feeling she'd end up tagging with Bando Gora or Not-Bando Gora cultist soon enough.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Kogdud’Kkurs Kogdud’Kkurs
Thalia Senn Thalia Senn
Zinn Zinn Bink'sa Zinn Zinn Bink'sa
@ Anyone else on the ground who wants to play tag.

WEAPONS: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 'FAE/M-01' Energy Blade, 1 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannon, (4) Elemental Grenades, Phase X-E CryoSonic Heavy Pistol
EQUIPMENT: Kirino Visual Interface, Darkkoninn Robes, Pendant of Faith
Tags: Onrai Onrai

Being the student of a being such as Onrai was a strange feeling. The instruction was, to say the least, valuable and attentively absorbed. But watching someone casually speak of tearing a hole in space for their convenience was something of a new mile-marker in her life.

She hadn't donned her old garb, instead requesting something new as she watched the planet through the viewport with little interest.

"Sneaky buggers the Maw are." An idle remark, turning to watch Onrai with mixed interest.

It would be educational to watch and feel the process, but the number of lives was something of a bone in her throat. At least for the time being. She might have accepted Onrai as her master, but she still had yet to let go of her morals.

Or rather been forced to yet.




Themes: XoXo
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Romi Jade Romi Jade , Justice Lesan Justice Lesan , Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky

"You got it," she affirmed with a nod of her chin, doing her best to mask the look of surprise evidently worn on her features following Romi's request of her.

No pressure.

Taking one last look around at everyone, Briana stepped towards the hatch. The time for action upon them, the mood began to take on an even darker tone. There was doubt, worry, fear, within the ship and without. All of it blurred together in a maelstrom of emotion that set Briana's teeth on edge. They were jumping onto a literal ticking time bomb, possibly several.

She had to push it down, ignore it, not in some self-absorbed attempt to try and show strength amongst her peers, but out of a genuine desire to inspire hope; that small, fleeting little light they all needed.

Centered, she pressed that feeling into the minds of her friends and allies, desiring that they might find a modicum of peace through it. They were going to make it out of this alive, hopefully having done some good in the process.

Briana just had to believe in that.

Here we go.

A deep breath in, a beat.

The commlink on her jacket was activated with a click, "We're ready."

With a hiss, the access hatch lowered and a sudden rush of wind blasted through the ship. Even from inside, the sheer velocity was almost enough to knock anyone unprepared off their feet.

Already tapped in to her connection with the Force, she used that to keep her grounded before taking a leap of faith.

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Location: The Bellaguise - Concord Pelta Class Medical Frigate Cato Neimoidia Atmosphere
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Madison Starr, Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek

"Boy I hate being right all the time."

Jax saw the Sith Lord trying to intimidate the Jedi showing off his worm infest face and bragging about setting off bombs. "The Brotherhood of the Maw," Jax said to Travot. "More specifically the New Sith Order, they've sprung a trap on us and they're making this rescue mission even harder."

But why though? What's with the theatrics? Why not blow up the planet like they did Csilla? Frowning, Jax turned to the Captain "all right people," he said. "The Brotherhood has revealed themselves and are attacking in full force, there are bombs placed on the trains, palaces, pretty everywhere on the damn planet."

They're going have to make do with what they got, the Brotherhood were toying with them. The Jedi will have to find a way to navigate this overly complicated maze that they concocted for them. "There," Jax pointed at the map. "The bridges, there's plenty of bombs perched up there and many Brotherhood troopers."

The Jedi Master frowned "too many foes for us to take especially with Madison and Dagos having limited experience." Not that Jax took on gaggles of enemies before but he was worried about the three Padawans who will accompanying them. "Madison!" Jax said. "In about five minutes we'll be heading into hostile territory filled with enemies who would kill themselves if it means your death. You have limited combat experience, so I want you to stick close to me at all times."

He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Trust in the Force," He said. "And we'll get through this."





Lord Letifer | New Sith Order

The trap had been sprung, the Jedi caught unawares by the lure set by the New Sith Order. He and his apprentice could now act, free to engage without worry of alerting the enemy too early. His cold visage glared out from the cockpit of the Ommin class shuttle as it screamed through the skies of At-La’o. As soon as the transmission had ended the enemy leapt into the fray, digging a deeper hole.


Letifer leaned in towards the cockpit as they approached the monorail system whilst flying over the high rise spires. Communications began to scramble as the vessel shut down the coordinating efforts of those in the vicinity, it moved swiftly for the nearest transport attempting to make landfall. The Sith Lord eagerly screamed out,


The underbelly missile launcher rolled out from it's underside bay spiraling to life as it readied it's complement of Mag-pulse warheads. As it came down, the camouflaged veil peeled away with a blast from below. Trails of smoke rolled out blazing across the sky behind the missiles as they raced to make purchase with a bombardment of hellfire.

Jax Thio Jax Thio | Madison Starr | Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna

The vessel screamed off, passing by without a second thought. The Lord of the Sith turned from the cockpit without a word to his pilot, he moved for the rear of the stealth shuttle as it came over the moving monorail. Gesturing to his apprentice the assassin-turned-Sith Master stepped up to the drop ramp as it lowered, a gust of air rushing to meet him with tremendous force as the vessel rocked.

He could see the outside train top, moving at high speed. Letifer snarled under his breath and stepped off into a leap of faith, landing on the cabin above Romi Jade Romi Jade . A nimble roll off the top of the smooth surface nearly spelled disaster as he slid back grasping for something, anything to hold on. The Sith Lord's right hand snatched down onto the ledge of the nearest escape hatch, with iron resolve he struggled to pull himself fully on and straighten himself up to his feet.




Lord Letifer Lord Letifer | Halketh Halketh



Metal hydraulic jaws from the rock cutter severed the durasteel bars with a metallic screech at the tension. Hardly the tool ideal for the job but enough gruesome man-handling did the work needed. The passageway opened more for the neophytes of the Children of the Maw who passed further into the now exposed length of tunnel, the Khot-Vong able to navigate the dark and dank passageways with ease from their spliced Umbaran genetics. But the similarities with their master ended there as they'd nearly all been tainted with by the coagulated depravity of Sith alchemy in tandem with Vongshaping to create the essence of their being. The 'Khot-Vong', or as it was called in the other-Galactic tongue, the 'Beloved Children'.

A band of twisted, mutated marauders with pale, colorless eyes, pale purplish skin and limbs armored over with Yuuzhon Vong exoskeleton, some of them even mutating a third or fourth arm in the gruesome process. But they marched in unison, a cult in dedication to their long dead 'Star Gods' but all-in-all, a tool by their Master, Darth Kalyptos. The once apprentice and later murderer of Darth Setheus, one of the highest in the theocratic rulership of the Warlord of the Sith who secluded to the moons of Mobus following the collapse of the state, only for his apprentice in the Sith teachings to conduct the ever so vaunted dark sacrament of the murder of the master and ascend to his place, taking control of this otherworldly cult and warband to see his bidding and will be done.

Cato Neimodia was yet another sprouting seed of chaos in a Galaxy already fraying at the seams. The Children of the Void would be present to ensure it bloomed into something so wonderfully violent.

"This is it- bring forth the charges." The Neophyte squad leader said, motioning a hand down the line to another Khot-Vong in the unit. Nearly all of them were equipped in the industrial armor and equipment expected of heavy mining, a majority of the equipment being taken by force from the gem miners on the moons of Mobus. As paltry the equipment was, it had deathly effectiveness. Power picks, power hammers, rock cutters and mining drills mounted unto vehicles all proved deadly in their own right as detonation charges, salvaged blasters, and slugthrowers with industrial mining armored suits made up the bulk of the standard equipment expected of the Children of the Vong.

The man approached, clutching a heavy satchel loaded with several different baradium based charges and set them on the duracrete wall before eventually they would stack up on adjacent sides of the wall. The squad leader gave a hand motion to all of them and their respirators were donned over their faces, each of them checking the seal of their mask before going forward.

The wall exploded out and away from them, jagged chunks of duracrete, durasteel and metal shrapnel bursting out in explosive chaos as they emerged into the maintenance tunnels of the palace.

They fanned out, looking with low light vision before eventually Kalyptos emerged from behind them in his burgundy robes, the hood strewn over his abrasive features as he approached the Battlemind, a more intelligent and coherent Khot-Vong and the leader of the Warband hand-picked by Kalyptos for this mission.

"The tunnels will lead us to the vaults. As the Jedi scramble to respond to their crisis, we shall retrieve what we seek. Follow." He said before motioning a hand for the section to accompany him as they went about their mission. To break open the Great Vaults of Cato Neimodia to retrieve an object of Kalyptos' desire. Only a Jedi might be able to thwart his ambitions in their tracks.



Libertas quae sera tamen


The Aegis of Woe
| Lightsaber
The Perished
| 440/440
// Zaka Zaka Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis \\
Down fell his puppet, the final words of his revelation delivered across a tongue not his own, only the icon of his depravity was left to stare over the world before the line was severed and the chaos unleashed. Alone in the palace chamber, the Dark Lord's lips curled into a wicked smile and he laughed to none but himself, the sound echoing ominously off the walls until it reverberated far in the loft. Hands clasped at the carved steel masque he wore, his breath soothing the residual amusement from his tongue, he sighed dreamily. Oh to watch the Jedi scramble and struggle as plot after plot unleashed terror upon them. To feel the intensity of their hurt, to watch the maddened dash to restore the order they so callously thought was theirs to control. Those eager to confront him would arrive soon enough, of that he had no doubt, and while the slaughter to reach this far had been appetizing enough, he found himself lusting for grander suffering.

His boots struck the bloodied floor, splashing in the den of viscera he had created for himself out of the twisted, torn bodies of guardians, and he found his bearings once more. Splaying by his sides, wicked fingers curled into hooks, dark talons to leash the fading energy in the air for his feast. Power surged through him, lancing his veins with restoration, mending the wounds collected from those he slew. Renewal patched flesh back together, blood ran inverted, pouring back into the sunders across his hide, until scar remained. The font of death within him yawned, restored, it opened its blackened maw to spew his madness into the palace, corrupting it further. Darkness stalked the halls, extinguishing the light until naught remained but the impenetrable black.

Beyond the broken doors, his newly collected soldiers prowled, fallen Jedi who had been unceremoniously torn from The Force for a wretched union of soul and body, anchored by the wickedness of necromancy to serve their murderer. The Perished rampaged through the distant streets, ripping through the swathes of panicked peoples, leaving nothing but unrecognizable stains and shredded corpses in their wake. By the hundreds the damned stormed the streets and swarmed the most sacred places, spreading their Master's infectious madness with fervent desire. Within the halls those who had stood in his path had fared no better, falling to his overwhelming sorcerous onslaught backed by unflinching Perished who felt nothing but his rage. His depravity stalked the halls on two legs, extinguished blades in their hands, awaiting the intervention of interlopers to satiate their newfound hunger.

Incantations spewed from the Dark Lord's vile lips, his hands brought together in a tight clamp before his chest, the air churned with discordance. His will made manifest, warping and distorting reality into an illusory projection of his own design. Those straight narrows overturned into winding passages with incomprehensible direction. Windows blacked out, engulfed by the illusion to melt into the wall, offering no guidance. Black stone swept from his position, expanding ever outward to bury any landmark or guiding feature. The palace was reshaped in his twisted image, the deep woven illusions resonating from its foundations to its rising spires, leaving it almost entirely unrecognizable from within.

The earth heaved beneath the palace, perturbed by the depth of perversion undertaken, it screamed out for mercy to those keen to harken it.

A wound was opened and from its sundered depths spewed endless corruption, the Dark Lord's mind brought to bear in its entirety. His Presence could be felt near and far, the wretched power that had splintered his mind was offered to choke out the life in the air, snuffing hope out in place of sickness and despair. The cloak of fathomless unease draped over the palace, smothering those who dared come closer to intervene. He would dwell here for the time, eagerly claiming the palace for his own.

"This should do nicely," he spoke to the writhing corpses in the room with him, his whim reanimating them with a tear of his claws through reality's fabric. The Dark Lord ripped the jarred doors from their hinges and stepped forth into the twisting corridors. Heard through the very Force as far as the courtyard, his mocking words emanated from the undead in one grand choir:

"Come now, heroes, drown yourselves in my madness."

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Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Madison Starr Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek (Just inviting, feel free to say no) | Open
Location: A deep, dark place

The air was stale, like it had been pent up within a tightly secured jar for many years past its shelf life. It was dark, and moist - a steady drip could be heard, accentuated by the sensory deprivation of being unable to see anything further than three feet in front of you. As he came to, the Jedi Knight's haggard breath was the only other sound which filled the cavernous void surrounding him. Panic began to set in, yet he desperately strove to control it as he tried to center himself and gather his thoughts. The last thing he could remember was being a part of a Jedi squad who was attempting to investigate the presence of the Bando Gora, specifically their threat against the native Neimoidian populace. Then, a voice. The dark voice. In an instant, his surroundings became far more chaotic and far less tenable. He remembered civilians running through the streets, terror gripping their expressions as they heard the voice too. Then, an... overwhelming presence flooded his senses, and his consciousness faded.

Then he was here, strapped to some wooden structure in a dark, unknown location. He searched his feelings, and felt... nothing. But at the same time, not... nothing. It was strange; as if his senses were muted similar to ears being overwhelmed by excessively loud music. He felt no other presence in the room, but rather he felt... everything yet nothing. He wasn't sure if he was truly alone, or if he was being watched. At least, until a voice spoke to his left:
"Do you like music?" The voice was both near and far at the same time, possessing an otherworldly quality that sent a shiver down the Jedi's spine, as well as an involuntary shudder. Normally, he would be able to call upon the force to bolster his emotions and prevent his vulnerability to the emotions coursing through his veins, but he felt very much like a fish out of water - so far out of his element, he doubted he could walk much less draw upon the force.


"It's ok, I'll repeat myself young one..." The disembodied voice possessed a... gentle tone, as if speaking to a vulnerable babe before him. The prospect of that did not sit well to the Jedi.

"Do you like music?"

'What does that have to do with anything...?' He thought to himself, confusion lining his facial features as plain as day, should someone be able to see his face in the first place.

"A great deal." The voice responded, which sent a new chill up and down the Jedi's spine.

"GET OUT OF MY MIND!" The Jedi shouted, thrashing about hopelessly upon his restraints. He was left to do so fruitlessly for several minutes until weariness began to grasp upon his muscles, and he subsided. Silence prevailed several minutes more before the voice spoke again.

"How does it feel, Jedi?" The voice took on a far more malicious tone, with the word 'Jedi' being spat out as if wrought from pure venom. Before the Jedi had a chance to respond, the voice spoke again, this time shifting position to his right, and feeling much closer: "To be so... powerless? To be at the mercy of someone far more powerful than you are. To be completely and utterly... alone." Immediately, the Jedi attempted to reach out with the force, to center himself, to see what was at hand, to do anything really. Instead, he felt numb, as if he had sat upon his leg for too long and had to wait for the sensation to subside before doing anything with it.

A boisterous, almost pleasant laugh issued forth in response.
"You stink of fear, boy."''

He wasn't sure from whence it came, but a surprising reserve of both courage and resolve gained purchase within the young Jedi Knight's voice as he shouted in response: "My brothers and sisters will find me, and you - whatever you are - will answer for this."

"I certainly hope they find you, boy. In fact, I'm counting on it." The fear returned as sparks crackled not more than 8 feet over to the Jedi's left, and strands of lightning arced through the blackness and streaked through his bare flesh. He writhed in unimaginable pain, his skin feeling as though one million tiny fires erupted all at once, immolating him alive. Although moments felt like eons, eventually the lightning stopped, and he felt the numbness ease from his senses. His first instinct took over, to reach out for help, or some way to gain the upper hand. He reached out to someone - anyone who was close enough to assist him, but that was all he could manage in his current state.

Meanwhile, the hooded form of Saevius stared at his hapless quarry, his yellow-tinged eyes burrowing holes into the Jedi's mind as he soaked in the fear, the uncertainty bubbling forth in his mind. The Jedi would be able to feel it too, as he loosened the veil he had cast upon their position enough so for the Jedi's desperation to seep through. To any legitimate member of the order, it would be too desperate of a situation to bypass.

All the more prospective specimen for Saevius' collection.



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Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson



The air on Cato Neimodia was a bit thinner than usual, the height of these pouched cities making it less comfortable than if it would be a bit closer to the surface. Fair, here all below was covered in deep clouds without possibility to guess the depth with the bare eye. But Aegon was not here to be astonished by the nature or architecture of the planet, well, not the latter not entirely untrue, though definitely not for studies.

He had arrived several days earlier, the message received as cryptic and short as it could be, but easily leading Him here and starting certain preparations. The Sith would be here to fake an attack of a cult of Dark siders to attract a Jedi response and then trap them, striking from the shadows, delivering a lethal blow to the poor lightsiders and their narrow ideals. Aegon was happily answering such a call, eager to cross blades with some infallible Jedi, some of the protectors of peace, champions of the light. Pathetic. They are dying just as any other peasant, they are failing just as any idealist, they are as wrong as anyone else seeking stability, order and justice. There was no such thing, the Force would not permit such to happen. The Jedi, the Sith were in an infinite circle of death and rebirth, to fight till eternity just for the Force to keep balance. A fake word, a farce to ensure that conflict was brewing and going. Ebbing and flowing.

Aegon despised those that valued the Force as anything but a monstrous entity which plays with the Galaxy and sentients for its own amusement and entertainment. The galaxy would regulate itself, would evolve if it wasn´t for the Will of the Force or the Unifying Force was just an abomination of force and violence, of terror and chaos. Everyone standing in the way of those that understood it, will perish, it has to end. Aegon was the one who wanted to end it, to take its place, to cast the judgement as an actual emotional being, perfect in His eyes. That all what was needed, live and let live.

At La`o was the city they had chosen to enact their atrocity, using explosives and the cover of the Bando Gora to lure the protectors in before the Sith would strike. It was a ridiculously coordinated strike and Aegon was doubting that the Sith would have exact and accurate coordination, but He did not want anyone interfering with His plans, just as He believed everyone else would think. The explosives would be a cover for soul traps He had tediously carved into the foundations of the constructs and buildings which would be detonated, gaining every bit of life essence from those numb-witted. It was a moderate source and one proper Jedi or actual Force sensitive would be more to feed on, but He took what He could, not leaving any opportunity behind.



Just as poodoo attracts the flies, the Jedi came to Cato Neimodia, attracted by the smell of being able to enact some vigilante action and self-righteousness. It was too easy, they should just come whenver their enemy wanted them, they would oblige either way. The good dogs always come when their owner calls.

From His platform on one of the lowest buildings, Aegon observed incoming shuttles and fighters as more and more attention was put onto the endangered city. Wrapped in a dark cloak which was flying in the soft wind, He was watching from below His hood, he felt the Jedi presence, there was turmoil in the Force, so much Light rushing in. It was not exactly unsettling, more like a tickle in the back of the throat, the foreshadow of a hunger to devour them, a desire to show them their blindness.

As one of the openers to the entire dramatic play, the Sith detonated one of the buildings to make its descent into the clouds. Aegon had made His preparations and eagerly awaited the feeling of the souls trapped, thirsty and hungry He was staying still as the explosions blossomed around the foundation of the house, fire leaking and glass splintering. It was just the beginning. He felt the distant screams of hundreds of inhabitants, fear and pain freezing them in place in their assured lethal fall. Many had died through the explosion already, but the crumbling building would smash many more, the fall adding to the tragedy.

But He was robbed. The souls entered the Nether without interference, guided there by someone present. Anger tore His face apart, burning wrath building in His guts as He sensed the Light side entity having performed a duty as good-willed reaper. They were Aegons and now this being would pay. Its unique signature was not too difficult to locate, travelling in a shuttle which was keeping itself low, hiding and waiting.

Several antennas were located next to Aegons location, providing coms and other communication and receiving functions, but what exactly, Aegon did not really care. With the Dark energies of the Force fueled by His rage of the betrayal and thievery, He ripped out several of them, hurling them with great speed at the shuttle's engine section and cockpit windows. He was eager to taste blood, robbed of His baptism, His was pulsating with energy, readying Himself for the coming battle.



Jem Fossk Jem Fossk


Twin silhouettes stood in silent observation as all hell broke loose around them. From the large lavish balcony of one of the many high rise spires, the two watched on as the New Sith Order crawled out from the deepest recesses of the city to meet the Jedi head on. The day of victory was at hand.

The day of revenge.

Long had the Lightsworn held sway, long had the Jedi escaped the justice deserved to their number. A good death was mercy enough, their heretical lies would be scrubbed out of memory, their kin put to the stake, and in the end the galaxy would finally be made clean. Their influence gone forever.



The Dark Lord of the Sith gazed out into the city as chaos reigned. His sulfuric stare burned with unbridled hatred, under the weight of his tattered robes his fist clenched tightly.

“Scurrying about like ants. Caught unawares, always reacting never taking control. This is the folly of the Jedi, they are too weak to effectively bring about the necessary change. The cycle of violence will continue over and over until the Jedi Order has been brought down.”

The Dark Voice turned to face his daughter, the Jedi Padawan whom he saw so much of himself in. His hateful glare softened, eyes glistening with the simmering flames of a dying fire.

“I tried to give you a way out, a chance to live a life robbed of you.”

His eyes glanced off, gesturing toward the palace mere blocks away. His right hand raised to guide her vision.

“I was wrong. Your destiny is with me.”

They had front row seats to the inevitable battle between the Jedi Zaka Zaka and Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze against his very own Shadow Hand, Dark Lord of the Sith Halketh Halketh . The crashing waves of darkness polluted the air with the foul miasma of the Dark Side. The two would enter and meet their fate, the Dark Lord in wait for his prey.

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When some people looked over an edge, the sudden fear of falling would fill them. Even the smallest drop could fill someone with dread. Iris wasn't those types of people. In fact, she was the opposite side. When faced with a ledge and a drop, all she wanted to do was jump. The swirl of colors below her looked more like an ocean, waiting for her to dive in. Inviting. Beautiful.

"We're ready."

Iris jumped.

No hesitation, no needing to psyche herself up. She just leaned forward into the embrace of colors, smiling warm despite the situation around them. It was a short drop to the waiting train. For the brief moment she was weightless, the Padawan was joyful. Excited. The moment she landed though, her blade ignited. The colors around weren't bright any more. Something dark was here. Something wrong.

<“You have been deceived.”>

The all too familiar presence of Halketh Halketh filled her mind. Memories of Andrathorpe flashed, her hands shaking for a moment. Color being devoured by darkness. Her allies killing themselves when it was consumed. How her own colors were almost consumed. But like then, Domxite in her hand reached out. Calming her. She took a breath and turned her gaze forward on the train. She needed to keep moving. Keep up with the others.

At least until something else came barreling down from the heavens. Her gaze shifted at the mote of dimming in the sea of chaotic colors. There were many dim spots, but this one was.. Falling.

Towards the train.

"Okay.. Um." She clicked on the com.

:: Hey there's someone coming down. I'm gonna.. Uh.. I'll see what's going on, you guys go on ahead. ::

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek | Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky | Romi Jade Romi Jade
//Roof Top
// Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

“Look at them.”

Her father stood besides her, quiet and impassive. It was as if he had always been there. Her heart skipped as she tried to keep calm. Don't move too fast-- don't alert him-- and she just might be able to escape again. "Master, I-" The comms went dead as an explosion reverberated from a distance. She caught herself on the edge of the roof, horror in her eyes as she watched the chaos spring from her father's trap.

"Stop this," she uttered. It was a pointless request, but the child beseeched the parent anyways, full of undashed hope.

"Father, please,"
The words cracked as her gaze found the small shape of Dagon in a square two blocks over. She wanted to call out for him, or jump from this roof and get to his side, but she knew that that would only bring the Dark Lord down on them both. It was a confrontation they wouldn't win.

She stood stock still, her knuckles white on the edge of the concrete as she was forced to whiteness it all.

"You don't have to do this anymore-- You've got me. I'm right here.
Stop this."
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We all fall in parallel
"Fan out, search the entire area! Don't let the Jedi regroup."

Taku only half listened to the orders barked above the electrical fires that spread rampant in the wake of his pod's crash. The black plumes of smog obstructed view just right to afford him decent cover as he assessed the situation. From his vantage point, the movement of the rails was plainly evident. Routine stops had been reduced to afford maximum movement to key points.

It seemed that even in the lies that the Sith told to draw them here there was truth. Those pivotal points housed either hostages or ordnance- there was no doubt of that. With the chaos that permeated his surroundings, Taku could not accurately glean which unfortunate circumstance they were beset with. There was fear, there was exhilaration...

To push that excess from his thoughts afforded him clarity, but it blinded him to the human element.

Still, he exhaled those emotions and glimpsed the unknown through a different lens. Gossamer strands replaced the substructure of the bridge city as he concentrated. His gaze fixated on the train and followed its path, and a sensation plucked at his consciousness like fingers on a guitar string, strumming. At first, the reverberations were soft. If he left it at that, if he but scratched the surface, Taku felt only relative discomfort.

But he'd already followed through to the conclusion. His thoughts pierced the veil and saw what happened when he wove together the myriad stops along the way. How each point waivered, how they formed a perfect shape when they were connected like dots by a line- and the sensation that once shivered now sent a violent tremor through his entire body.

He pulled back from the immaterial as yet more blaster fire erupted around him. Defense forces shuffled across the bridge in their valiant effort to secure it, only to be met with the various Bando Gora and Sith who had pinned Taku down initially. Instead of a hiding place, Taku found himself in the crossfire. To one side, the rogue elements- and on the other, some portion of the Silver Jedi's Thunderhead defense forces.

These were not the Sith he knew. It was not the enemy in the Stygian Caldera who holed themselves up within their walls and toiled in secret. This was an enemy who found opportunity and bled the innocent in order to strike at those who would protect them. It was not an Empire intent on spreading its ideals like poison.

In those fleeting moments where he could see clearly, Taku had been deeply disturbed.

In that clarity, he saw nihility.

His lightsaber thrummed to life as he made his decision. He stepped out from the dust and smoke, the blue beacon a sign to ally and enemy alike. The fire from Sith and Bando Gora forces shifted to concentrate on him, which granted his reinforcements an opportunity to press forward and force them back. For Taku, it was another opportunity to retreat back into the ranks. It was the first real chance he had to group up with someone who did not want him dead.

"The railway-" he managed breathlessly. "Tell someone to take out the monorail tracks."

He sensed hesitation, and moreover, distrust as his words were received by the Silver Jedi forces.

"Get word to someone who has the authority to make that call. Do it, or we'll all die."

Gir Quee Gir Quee

Attn: Sith writers
Hot Jedi singles in your area are looking for Sith for a good time. Apply via DM.

Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Halketh Halketh | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Kogdud’Kkurs Kogdud’Kkurs | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Zinn Zinn Bink'sa Zinn Zinn Bink'sa | NSO
Romi Jade Romi Jade | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | @whoever else wants to ruuuuumble.
GEAR: In Bio


That is what the dread-pair was. Even disguised as the horrid cultists guarding a train as it sped toward a designated destination to deliver its cargo, they had a different feel about them. An umbrous Presence that separated them from the rabble.

Master and Apprentice.

It had been a few years since the Dragon had run into the young man on a remote asteroid. The young man that still stood at his side. A few years since he had sprung the predator from his imprisonment by the Jedi. A loyalty uncanny for a Dark apprentice.

Dimitri stood in the middle of the cart that held the dangerous cargo, a calm upon him that did not befit the situation at all. The Force signatures were a far off jumbled mess with the tensions running high throughout the city. His will sieving through the chaos, Sight searching ahead of them for any obstacles. If he had not been as tuned into the Force at that moment, he would have missed it.

The signatures bearing down on them.

Crimson eyes opened calmly.
"We'll have company soon, Orlov. Ready yourself." he said, using his Apprentice's original name as always when they were alone, as he glanced back at the Dark Scholar. Right at that moment, the Dark Voice spoke and his kinsman Halketh Halketh ' will also spread throughout the city.

The Dragon turned to face his Apprentice.

"It's time."



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