Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kaigann Fossk

  • The Emperor
  • Darth Solipsis
  • The Sith'ari
RankDark Lord of the Sith
  • Dark Empire
  • New Sith Order
  • Brotherhood of the Maw (Defunct)
OccupationGalactic Emperor
Force SensitiveYes
Hair ColorWhite
Eye ColorSulfuric Yellow
Skin ColorPale
WriterKaigann Fossk

Early Life and Jedi Training
Darth Solipsis, originally named Kaigann Fossk, was born into the distinguished Fossk family on the planet Epoch. He was raised as a Jedi within the restored Galactic Republic and participated in numerous conflicts, including engagements with the Graug of Gratos, the war against the One Sith, and the emergence of the Primeval cult. As an apprentice to Jedi Knight Cyril Grayson, Kaigann quickly became a rising star in the Ession Reformation. He received training from notable Jedi such as former Queen of Naboo Feena Feena and the enigmatic Jedi Master The Dark Man The Dark Man , contributing significantly to the Ession Reformation's foundation. However, he eventually succumbed to the Dark Side under the influence of the One Sith after a series of missions that led him into their hands, leading to his unwitting betrayal of his friends and family.

Affliction and Barash Vow
After falling to the Dark Side, Kaigann betrayed his comrades and served as a unwilling agent of the One Sith, but was eventually saved from the Dark Lord's influence. Seeking redemption, he surrendered his lightsaber and took the Barash Vow, entering self-imposed exile. During his time in Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, he sought to strengthen his connection to the Force and explore new worlds. developing a love for the stars. He returned intermittently to aid Cyril Grayson and became the godfather to Cyril's son, Cedric Grayson. Kaigann settled on Ession for a time, acting as an uncle figure to Cedric, but left due to haunting visions of his past. He returned to Epoch, where he met and married a Firrerreon woman, fathering twins named Saan'an and Jem Gaelor.

Transformation into Darth Solipsis
Kaigann's peaceful life was shattered when long-time agents of the Sith, enemies of the Graysons, murdered his wife and kidnapped his children. In his grief, he fully re-embraced the Dark Side, slaughtering those responsible. This turning point led him to delve deeper into the secrets of the Sith. Adopting the name Solipsis, he embarked on a quest for power becoming a recluse. His pursuit of power led to horrific transformations and a deepened connection to the Dark Side, resulting in physical frailty but increased mastery over the Force. His body bore extensive scars from his time in the Vong's Embrace of Pain, a reminder of his suffering and a source of his strength in the Dark Side.

Rise of the Brotherhood of the Maw
Returning to Ession, Solipsis saved Heinrich Faust from certain death during a planetary genocide orchestrated by the Sith Empire. Taking Faust as his apprentice, Solipsis sought to pass on his knowledge, but Faust eventually returned to the Jedi - developing a conscience for the horror of Kaigann's beliefs. Solipsis then found the Hidden Maw cult in the Unknown Regions and founded the Brotherhood of the Maw. As the Voice of the Maw, Solipsis led the Brotherhood in a campaign of terror, ravaging the galaxy and constructing the planet-killing weapon Mercy. It was then that Solipsis first developed a rivalry with the tenured Jedi Master Romi Jade Romi Jade on the world of Jakku. Despite attempts to turn his godson Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson to the Dark Side, Solipsis faced significant opposition from the New Jedi Order led by Ryv Ryv and Auteme Auteme , culminating in long term opposition against the Galactic Alliance, leading to the destruction of Csilla and the onset of the Second Great Hyperspace War.

Sith Schism and the New Sith Order
Believing the Sith had become weak, Solipsis orchestrated a Sith Purge over elements of the Sith Empire and Sith Eternal, declaring himself Dark Lord of the Sith. This led to the creation of the New Sith Order and significant battles, including those on Mustafar, Felucia, Korriban, Rhand, and Thule. Fostering a kinship with the Warlords of the Sith, the Dark Lord successfully led the New Sith Order to victory, hunting down remnants of the Old Order. Solipsis's ambition culminated in a duel on Ilum, where he found his hopeful successor in Lord Halketh Halketh , later known as Darth Caelitus. The two reclaimed the ancient Sith redoubt of Exegol, where Solipsis was proclaimed the Sith'ari by the Prophet Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze , fulfilling the prophecy by destroying and rebuilding the Sith.

First Reign of Terror
During the Second Great Hyperspace War, Solipsis's schemes came to fruition. On Korriban, the Dark Lord unlocked the secrets of Alter Reality, a powerful and dangerous Force ability once sought by Darth Sidious himself. Using this newfound power, Solipsis was able to restore his body to its prime condition. Meanwhile, his apprentice, Darth Caelitus, solidified his position as Solipsis's heir by assassinating the New Imperial Imperator Irveric Tavlar and leading a rebellion against the Empire. Solipsis developed a personal feud with Rurik Fel Rurik Fel , the leader of the Imperial Knights who had ascended to Emperor of the New Imperial Order. Using his former Jedi identity as a disguise, Solipsis manipulated the Galactic Senate, orchestrating major conflicts that culminated in the Burning of the Jakku Jedi Enclave of Romi Jade Romi Jade , the Sacking of Coruscant and the destruction of the New Jedi Temple. The Brotherhood and the New Sith Order began a reign of terror across the galaxy that reached the Core Worlds themselves. Striking at Jedha, Jakku, Cato Neimoidia, and dozens of other important worlds - the Dark Lord sought to scrub the memory of the Jedi Order from the face of the galaxy.

Death and Defeat
The final confrontation took place on Tython, where the leaders of the New Jedi Order and the Iron Imperator faced Solipsis. In a dramatic battle, Rurik Fel Rurik Fel sacrificed himself to disrupt Solipsis's ritual, which aimed to unmake reality at the center of the galaxy and create a new genesis in his image. Immediately following this, Solipsis was betrayed by his daughter, Jem Fossk, and confronted by the returned Sword of the Jedi, Ryv Ryv . Their duel atop the temple of Akar Kesh was fierce and destructive, ultimately resulting in Ryv's victory. The Sword of the Jedi succeeded in beheading the Dark Lord, but succumbed to his wounds shortly after. In the aftermath, Darth Solipsis's spirit was cast into Chaos, pulled down by the combined efforts of the New Jedi Order. His death marked the end of an era of terror, but the impact of his actions and the legacy of his dark teachings continued to reverberate throughout the galaxy.

Following his death, the spirit of Darth Solipsis was cast into Chaos, seemingly ending his reign of terror. However, his story did not conclude there. The Dark Lord's profound connection to the Dark Side and his mastery of the Force allowed him to endure beyond physical death. In the depths of Chaos, Solipsis's essence lingered, driven by an unyielding desire for revenge and power. His spirit endured unending torment, cast into the maddening void, driven to the bottomless depths where few have tread and where even fewer could last. The Dark Lord was discovered and resurrected by former Sith Empress Ashin Cardé Varanin and her Dark Side Prophets in a gambit to bring chaos to the galaxy. The ritual, fraught with peril, was one of the most challenging endeavors undertaken by the Sith. It nearly failed, but ultimately, through the use of a specialized host body, the resurrection succeeded. Darth Solipsis was restored to the physical realm, albeit in a form that was both a vessel for his power and a testament to his enduring will.

Philosophy and Influence
Darth Solipsis believed in the inherent strength and superiority of the Sith ideology. He saw the Dark Side not as a force to be feared but as a tool to be harnessed and controlled. His transformation from Kaigann Fossk to Darth Solipsis was marked by a complete embrace of Sith teachings, a relentless pursuit of power, and a belief that suffering and loss could forge true strength. His leadership of the Brotherhood of the Maw and the New Sith Order was driven by a vision of a galaxy remade under Sith dominion, free from the weaknesses he perceived in both the Jedi and Sith. He admired the Banite legacy and sought to adapt it to the modern day, carrying over the tenets of the past into his perversion of the Imperial Remnant led by Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan - turned Dark Empire.

Noteworthy Kills:
  • Kiara Ayres - Grandmaster of Silver Jedi Order | SJC
  • @Morteg - The Green Blade | NJO
  • Rurik Fel Rurik Fel - Iron Emperor of the New Imperial Order
  • Ryv Ryv - Sword of the Jedi (Mutual death, Solipsis was beheaded by Ryv)

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