Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Revelation- Elysium Empire's Rebellion Against The Agents of Chaos

Elysium Eternal

Elysium Empire Narrative


Elysium Empire Rebellion Against Agents of Chaos controlled space.

The plot:

The Elysium Empire has built up it’s forces for weeks, and now has several new ships designed by Veinstein Labs and Innovations ready for combat. With the status quo of the galaxy changing rapidly, Heath Valhoun has ordered a massive assault on The now-exposed and unexpecting Agents of Chaos.

There are several key points to the Blitz…..


Ambuscade; The first step is to break The Agents of Chaos’ outer defenses. The Agents should be caught off-guard by the new Elysium Fleet, allowing a quick and decisive battle to clear the way for ground forces.
Insurgency; In the Heart of The Agents of Chaos lies a mine. The Elysium Empire has slowly siphoned loyalists into the mines under the guise of poor families looking for work. These sleeper agents have been activated to cause Chaos in the Agents of Chaos, and secure the mines.

Reinforcements: Once the Navy breaks through the Agents of Chaos fleet, Reinforcements must land at the mines and help the sleeper agents before AoC forces crush them. If successful, these reinforcements will force The (hopefully) surrounded Agents of Chaos troops to surrender, thus ending the battle and securing a decisive Elysium Empire Victory.

Elysium Fleet:
Admirals: Richard Ringo, Exelaan

2x Deliverance Class Star Destroyers

1x Victory Class Star Destroyer The Utopian

3x Arquitens-Class Light Cruisers

2x CR-90 Corvettes

3x Gamma-class Light Personnel Carriers, capable of transporting 40 men per ship.



Richard Ringo


Post: 1
Objective: Ambuscande
Tags: Exelann Exelann
Richard Ringo closed his eyes, the blue light simmering through his eyelids. Then it disappeared, turning black. The hum of the Patron-Class Star Destroyer’s hyperdrive slowly died out, leaving an extremely low rumble as the standard engines took over. He allowed his weary eyes to open, revealing the black abyss of space.

Countless hours of planning with the king, and Exelaan had led up to this moment. The reasons he joined this Empire were about to take motion. The Agents of Chaos couldn’t hide from everyone. The Elysium Empire had located them, and now the assault was going to begin. A new fleet, unknown to the galaxy, was under his command and the first major offensive of The Elysium Empire rested in part on his shoulders.

Just moments away, the unexpecting Agents of Chaos fleet was stationed. They would be watchful, but they wouldn’t be able to prepare for this. They wouldn’t know the fleet size, the ships’ capabilities, Ringo’s own tactics, or even when the attack would begin. Behind the Agents’ fleet, Elysium loyalists would be overthrowing a key point in order to cut off Agent supplies and maybe communications.

“All ships, initiate the attack. Exelaan, you have command of the reinforcement fleet. Your job is to get to the mines and land the troops while I use the main force to engage the enemy. Good luck.”

His heart thumped as the fleet surged forward. This is the Revelation of the Empire.



In the midst of fighting a protracted gang war within the urban spheres, managing civil unrest on a wide scale, and staving off a renewed Ssi-ruuk incursion, the Agents of Chaos have been beset on all sides by hostile actors, with many coming dangerously close to threatening the Scintilla. The fear, anxiety, and insecurity generated by these threats has only exacerbated the economic crisis within the Jewel of the Unknown Regions, leading to growing uncertainty regarding the future of the Agents of Chaos and even the Scintilla itself. All the while, the powers within the greater galaxy, both large and small, have not forgotten about the threat that the Agents of Chaos pose to their activities of malignant expansion and brutal conquest. However, only one of these powers has sought to act, seizing upon a perceived opportunity to snuff out the Agents of Chaos so that they may embark on their own projects of unceasing imperialism.

The Elysium Empire.


Objective I: Truth Seeker

Within the sprawling mining complexes of the Deep, the Agents of Chaos have built up another engine of their economy. These mines are an invaluable economic resource, offering high-paying job opportunities, rapid growth, and more. As such, in an effort to undermine the Scintilla’s recovery efforts, the Elysium Empire has siphoned a large collection of loyalist assets into the mines. In response to the activation of these assets, a small unit of Wild Hunt soldiers was dispatched to quell what was initially perceived to be a spontaneous uprising within the mines. However, the unit disappeared only a few hours after its deployment, leaving behind an ominous transmission which hints that this event is far more than a simple uprising, but rather a coordinated incursion by a hostile foreign power.

The objectives of the Agents of Chaos here are twofold. First, uncover the fate of the missing Wild Hunt unit and coordinate a rescue operation if any are still alive. Second, engage the infiltrators and find out who is the power behind the uprising. However, be vigilant of crossfire, as there are still many workers within the mines who have not joined the uprising.

Achieve these objectives, and victory is all but assured.

Objective II: Void Fire

Only a few thousands light-years southeast of the Scintilla, a large formation of unidentified military-grade capital vessels has appeared in the system south, moving on a direct course for the Deep. In response, the Armada has put together a small rapid-response fleet to intercept this force. A peaceful resolution to the inevitable conflict presented by the appearance of a foreign fleet is preferred. However, this is not expected and as such, the Armada is authorized to deploy a full and unrestricted spectrum of lethal force in order to repel the potential threat, in the event that the invading fleet does not cede to our requests during the initial parley.
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Val Khaar


Post: 1
Objective: Insurgency
Tags: TBD

It had begun.

The first step was complete, one group had been sent by The Agents of Chaos and the Loyalists had ambushed and killed them. Now they had weapons and time to set up positions. He couldn't fight the nerves....this operation was perhaps the key point of the whole thing. If the insurgency failed, the reinforcements were in vain. The fleet, win or lose, would not accomplish much more than a single victory. The Agents' forces must be lured in and held for as long as possible.

"You there," he pointed to one loyalist that had contributed greatly in the past weeks "I need you to set up a parameter. Set up the non-lethal mines, make a layered defense. You know the rest...can't risk saying anything in case there are Agent forces."

The man, at least six feet tall with tanned skin and long brown hair gave a nod, his typical response. Val didn't even know his name, maybe he should have taken the time to do so as he may never see the man again. Now it was too late, he had to ensure that this operation was successful. Everyone knew the stakes. Step one was complete, step two-setting up defenses-was in progress. For Val, the next move was to secure any undecided workers. The Elysium Empire wasn't here to harm innocents.

"Listen because this is your one chance. The Elysium Empire is now in control of these mines. You will be released and rehired after the battle if you so desire, however, until this battle is over...stand back and stand by. If you have heard of The Elysium Empire and you support us, you may join this battle and be rewarded greatly. Military honors, veteran medical care and pensions, and instant citizenship are in order for any volunteers. Thank you."

There had been panic when the first shots were fired. That panic hadn't died out, but the chaotic part had. Most miners just stayed at their posts and waited for help from either side. Now there was relief so massive one could feel it in the air. Most obeyed, some reluctantly, while a few stayed, willing to help the Elysium Empire. Perfect.

Objective: Annihilate the enemy fleet
Tags: Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal and Richard Ringo

1x Victory Class Star Destroyer The Utopian

3x Arquitens-Class Light Cruisers

2x CR-90 Corvettes

3x Gamma-class Light Personnel Carriers, capable of transporting 40 men per ship.

1x REC-SU01 LR/FA (Long-range/Fast Attack) Combat Shuttle

Exelann's fleet was still in hyperspace, waiting to drop out of hyperspace. He was waiting for the time to come in with reinforcements. In the bridge of the flagship the officers grew nervous, but Exelann calmed them. Do not worry, for this battle if won will bring good things for us. And if we have a bunch of nervous slugs working everything, our chance of survival will be lower.

Exelann went back to the helm and watched the comms, waiting for the signal. Any time now and we can crush them. Exelann sighed, he had tried to sleep before, but this was so good he could not. With so much on the line no one in the fleet could. The lack of sleep did not effect Exelann much, for he had done it many times, but he was hungry for a good fight.
Post: 1
Objective: Insurgency
Tags: Val Khaar
Carl held a rifle in his hands as he walked up to the mine entrance. He, Val and a good chunk of Elysium soldiers had gotten down to the planet on their shuttles weeks before. But now it was all or nothing. "If we're not careful, we'll be stuck on this rock til the others breach the Agents' forces." Carl barked into his comms.

The miners payed no mind to him as he walked in. Clearly Val's persuasion had worked. There were a few still waiting. Clearly the conditions in the mines were chit. "Listen here folks. If you haven't already evacuated, please do. We do not want any non-combatants being killed today. If you want to fight with us, there's armor and weapons in the crates." Carl gestured to the troopers behind him carrying crates of equipment. There's one part down, now they had to wait.

Dasmi Lindervale



F L E E T - A D M I R A L | D I M I T R I


The orbital platforms quietly and softly spun in the void of space, sensors working as intended while sending data back to the Scintilla and checking in hourly as required. The officer over the scanners was chatting about his next cycle out when a chirping caught his attention. The ORL Scanners had pinged something headed their way. A quick fumbling to return to a seat position had the man flipping through the channels, alerting the surrounding platforms to the presence before sending an alert to the Scintilla.

Squads began to move inside the asteroids as they turned to face the impending approach of unknowns, shields charged and guns waiting at the ready. They would not open fire when the unknowns dropped from hyperspace, but their presence was blatantly clear.

The continued paperwork requirement of running a fleet for the Agents was a hassle. Always would be. Dealing with the incident of Sapphire Squadron was finally nearing an end however as he strode across the office inside the Lullaby. He had moved himself from his place aboard the Scintilla to the relative security of a ship. His marine forces, security teams, and starfighter compliments had been loaded and the call to patrol was almost finished when an alert came in from the surrounding asteroid platforms.

Unknowns in hyperspace on trajectory for the scintilla.

A moment to process the information was taken, brow furrowing at the words. Who would be attacking? The thought did not last long as he sent the command to button up and moved to the designated coordinates to intercept the incoming unknowns. He would not leave the platforms to their demise. The plaque on his private desk was a testament to that.

Further orders were relayed to the Floating Mess to ready a supplementary fleet in case of the worst. The Lullaby idled for a moment as the coordinates were punched in, the jump made as the space around them shifted. Dimitri walked the long walk to the command bridge, his Executive Officer Rimes meeting him in the t-junction that funneled everyone to the command bridge.

"Status?" Dimitri hissed, ire rising at the impending attack.

"All accounted for and preparing to deploy, Admiral." Rimes spoke sternly, giving him a sharp side eye that only a Chiss could do. "Calm yourself, and think before acting."

"I am calm. I am thinking. I am wondering who this incoming is." He snapped back to the woman as she smiled and shook her head.

The pair entered the bridge together, no one moving to stand or salute as they continued working. Dimitri stood at the viewports while Rimes moved to the communication center.

1 G47 - Pipsqueak | Hip holster
1 K914 SMG | Concealed in right side of jacket
Phase I Haywire Armor | Worn beneath his lined leather jacket
HCC Lullaby
AE-12/24 Celestial Pheonix
Post: 1​
Objective: Void Fire: Fleet Battle​

Even before the Elysium fleet dropped out of hyperspace, their fleet had shown on deep scan. When it dropped back to normal space the picket satellites had their precise locations and scan data. One was randomly nominated to go active and it broadcast the scrambled info over hyper-wave to the asteroid stations. From there it was relayed to the Admiralty office. The Agents of Chaos may have been widely regarded as little more than a terrorist organisation, but it was run by veterans of many conflicts, from multiple nations, and they were professionals. Paranoid professionals.

Especially Domino who'd been expecting an attack for months. Ever since they'd poked at the CIS really. Which had been right after she'd joined and right before bringing her naval skills to the table. Since then she'd made two major contributions, the passive stealth sensor satellites that spanned the Scintilla's territories, and the White Glint Task Force. The latter were few in number but each was a highly advanced stealth frigate designed to punch well above their weight when working in tandem.

When the alarm hit her office, Domino flicked her screen over and read the data raw. She'd been doing this for decades and didn't bother waiting for a report or write-up to brief herself on. A quick call put the frigate squadron on alert for immediate launch and she was half-way out the door when she paused, a thoughtful look on her face. She called them back and ordered them to launch immediately, without her. She'd be joining them in the field in a separate command ship. Outer Rim Resources were making a supply delivery, she could pull one of her company escorts off and take that.

With a genuine spring in her step, she called up her old command and instructed the Reason to expect a shuttle and to prepare for combat, the Admiral was coming home.
Location: Landing in Mining Complex, The Deep
Objective: I - Truth Seeker
Allies: AoC
Enemies: EE ( Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar)

Although it had been a few months since Hanna had last suited up for war, the diminutive Aspect was no less dedicated to the divine mission as set out by Discordia. Her faith was now fully rebounded since the annihilation of H.O.P.E., though the loss of millions of souls still stung in her heart. Nevertheless, she felt more invigorated than she had in months, feeling as if the Dark Lady herself was channeling energy into her body, compelling her forward to wreak Chaos amongst the malignant powers of the galaxy. However, in achieving so much success in their mission, the Agents of Chaos had drawn the attention of what was believed to be a rising foreign empire, one that presumably sought to extinguish them so that they could conquer and pillage the galaxy free of interference.

While they were little more than heretics and warlords, even Hanna had to acknowledge that theirs was an intelligent strategy, albeit hopelessly misguided.

The Aspect of Devotion waited in contemplative silence as the Sandhawk-class dropship descended to the surface, her eyes taking in the planet below as she ran through one last check on her weapons. After finishing, Hanna gently clutched her necklace and spoke a quick prayer under her breath, entreating the Dark Lady for protection and guidance in the battle to come. Only moments later, Hanna felt the dropship lurch as it came to a hover only a few meters above the ground. Once the side doors slid open, the Aspect took a deep breath, activated her energy shield, and stepped outside, letting her body fall gracefully to the ground as her repulsor-pack slowed down her descent.

Her energy shield flared to life as a blaster bolt battered against it, the invisible aegis shielding her from harm as she brought her gauntlet-mounted electrical blasters to bear on the arc caster setting, preparing to cast Discordia’s fiery fulmination upon the interlopers who foolishly sought to oppose the Dark Lady’s mission...

Objective: Truth Seeker
Location: Landing in Mining Complex, The Deep
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Allies: Those in pink (Agents of Chaos)
Enemies: Those not in pink (Not-Agents of Chaos)
Tags: Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar + open!
Scherezade wasn't what anyone would classify as a classy woman. She rarely dressed up, and she ever more rarely used accessories of any kind unless they included glitter bombs and other ways to faster kill people when the situation demanded it. She also didn't get the point of using different forks for different kinds of food, especially when one had two hands, more than three dozen knives, and a spoon. The spoon, especially, was important. And that why, despite being a princess, no one ever was able to randomly guess that she was one. But that didn't matter.

And still, there were certain things that mattered to her. Perhaps it was the longing for her family that had brought her to it, to push certain people into obtaining the diamond minds on Durace in the first place, and then voicing immense support to building the mines as part of the Scintilla as well. It wasn't that she cared for the little shiny stones herself, nor that she needed the money from them; but her mother had a mine on Durace herself, and had owned a business that still existed that dealt with their acquisition and sales. And while Scherezade herself had never actually met her mother in the flesh, the longing for home and to doing right by her family and its legacy, had propelled her to take a special interest in what was going on now.

By now, she was already used to the Scintilla getting attacked from various directions. The Agents of Chaos' actions across the galaxy had earned them reputation and attention, and part of it was that now some wanted to try their muscles on them. She really didn't mind that; while some people in the group she was traveling with now were angry at the gall of attacking them, at worry at the potential loss of innocent life, she… Was giddy with excitement. With the exception of one, this was so far the most successful attack, in her little notebook. And what could be more enthralling than to take down the best so far?

"My anaconda don't," she hummed, moving her head from side to side as the ship broke through the atmosphere, "My anaconda don't," she giggled, making last checks that all her weapons and gear were in place, secured, and functioning. Uh… Not necessarily in that order. "My anaconda don't want none unless you got-"


Yup, they'd landed!

Glowing green eyes glanced around for a moment, her gaze first falling on Hanna Hanna . She hadn't seen the diminutive female in quite some time. "Welcome back," Scherezade grinned from ear to ear. Then turning to her recent partner in more glittery crimes than one would imagine, she looked to Daiya Daiya and smiled as well.

Part of the Blood Hound tickled to grab the younger one, ask her how her training with the Force was going, and then shove her off the ship without waiting for an answer.

But she didn't.

Instead, she crossed her arms across her chest and a protective Force Bubble ignited around her. It was a bit of a show offy thing, but she didn't mind. Daiya had the freedom to choose whether to be included in it, or stay out. But if she stayed in, there was no time for delay.

A moment later, Scherezade followed in the footsteps of Hanna and stepped off the ship, letting the air take her as the ground came closer at a nearly alarming speed.

Of course, in her mind it could've been a spectacular fall - a free fall, from miles up in the sky down to the ground, making it all flashy and glittery like few others knew how to do. Instead though, it was only a handful of feet, and she only had to slightly bend her knees to avoid injuries on impact.

How disappointing.

A few bolts were sent towards her shield and she frowned.

With the commotion rising, she knew the general direction they were coming from, but she hadn't targeted anyone just yet.

"Cover me!" she shouted over the noise, and dropped down to a knee. Soon, her shield would have to be taken down. It had a few seconds left, perhaps a handful if she could keep her concentration up properly. Her hands touched the ground, and she closed her eyes to focus. If she could get enough minutes in, she knew, she could make the entire area quake.

And that was exactly what she wanted to do.
Objective: Truth Seeker
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar
Equipment: Armor, 2x Trayc'kal, Thermal Detonators, 2x Strill

It had been a long time since Jai’s been in a fight. He still had nightmares. He still hid them from almost everyone, but he’d learned they got worse when he wasn’t doing something important. Now was one of those times. He looked over at the others. He hadn’t seen either Hanna or Schere in a long time, and honestly... it was good. And part of why he wasn’t talking about the rumors he’d heard from the Mid Rim. His homeworld... it might be....

He couldn’t think about that now, and he hadn’t told anyone, but it was something that to him came with a price. He closed his eyes before feeling the ship hit, snickering a little at the deWinter’s singing. He looked at his strill to order them up and moving before quickly jumping out as he followed Scherezade and Hanna.

Schere had her Force Barrier. Hanna had her shield. Jai.... He had a Beskarweave cloak.... Yeah he wasn’t confident in it at the moment either. But he was the Aspect of Destiny, and part of the reason for was he was somehow still alive. Jai quickly told his Strill to get to the walls before move slightly behind the two walking shields. He would quickly leap out though, sending bolts down range before hearing Scherezade. He just hoped his current wondering mind wasn’t to obvious to the Sith.

“Got you deWinter! Guess it’s time to see how well this cloak actually holds up. And whatever you’re doing, please don’t hurt my Strill.” Jai would let his cloak take a few hits before firing back. The battle was on now.
Post: 1
Objective: C
Tags: TBD
Inventory: E-21 Blaster, Vibro-knife, body armor.

Heath Valhoun sat in the co-admiral's chair of The Utopia , an old Victory-I Class Star Destroyer from years ago. It had been renovated, and for a solid year it had served as The command ship of the Elysium Empire. Now it was just a support ship, thrown in the reserves with the transports and smaller ships. In the Admiral's chair, Exelann Exelann sat, offering reassurances to the crew. Heath hadn't assigned Exelann to the reserve fleet without reason. He was a capable admiral as far as basic tactics and tests, and this would be his chance to prove himself...a baptism by fire.

Exlann wasn't the only one to be baptised by fire today. The entirety of The Elysium Empire was to be doused in flames. The actions of men and women such as Exelann, Carl Mako Carl Mako , and Val Khaar would bend and beat the glowing metal, that is the Elysium Empire, and the final product would be a masterpiece. A perfect blade, forged by blood, sweat, pain, tears, and sacrifice.

Heath had to be here for the battle. His participation was a risk, not suitable for a "king" such as himself, but his instincts didn't allow him to turn his back on his men. For years now he had been a general, and a leader of men. Before that, he was the head of a militia. These years of leadership had created in him an unbreaking bond with whomever served under him. He couldn't send them on a mission to risk their lives while he sat comfortably at home. Never.

However, he couldn't participate in the initial battle. He is a king in the end. His care for his soldiers couldn't result in his death. If he died, The Elysium Empire would die. So many people had come to him for protection, comfort, and he couldn't let them down. From victims of The Bryn onslaught to politicians sick of corrupt and weak governments, The Elysium Empire was a refuge...a safe haven.

That's also why this battle was essential.

The Agents of Chaos would never allow a single banner around the galaxy. They were a threat to the Elysium Empire. Furthermore, they cause Chaos in their efforts to create anarchy. Chaos is dangerous, the galaxy has enough chaos with wars and alien invaders slaughtering civilisations by the trillions.

When Heath made his speech two months ago, laying the foundation of the Elysium Empire to the galaxy...he made a promise. A promise to end the Chaos. A promise to protect the citizens from evil forces. A promise he intended to keep. If The Agents of Chaos are defeated here, today, then the Elysium Empire will have fulfilled Heath's promise. The galaxy will learn to trust and respect The Empire.

Heath looked at his gun, a brand new E-21 blaster rifle, capable of firing physical projectiles as well as standard blasterfire. It was one of many Elysium technologies, with several new researches in full swing. Ships, weapons, and more were in production. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he eyed the smooth gun. He didn't invent it, but his empire had. If The Elysium Empire didn't exist, this gun wouldn't either. It's a sign of the future...the inventions a galaxy united can and will make. Of course, instead of weapons, there will be technologies for the people.

Furthermore, he had a heavy vest of armor that would protect against most blasts, and a small vibro-knife.

All he could do now was wait. He wasn't a jedi, but he couldn't deny The Force, which is why he decided to spend the time between now and the battle to calm his nerves, reciting an old saying to himself: "I am one with The Force.....and The Force is with me."

Val Khaar


Post: 2
Objective: Insurgency
Tags: Some in the post, otherwise: Carl Mako Carl Mako

Hell was breaking lose already. The forces of The Agents of Chaos had arrived and shots could be heard not far down the tunnels of the Diamond mine. The loyalists came from a plethora of backgrounds. There were veterans, engineers, artisans and craftsmen of all kinds. Men and women, aliens and humans (though mostly humans), old and young. In fact, the oldest was a sixty-year old man, and the youngest was a fifteen year-old female. However, every single one of them stood strong in their convictions. They were fighting for a cause that they believed in strongly. They were willing to die for it.

As for Val, he served because he had nowhere else to go. He was accepted here, he thrived and now he had become loyal. At first he had no interest in the politics, but now, he firmly believed in a united galaxy with Heath as the leader. It would be grand, it would be perfect. That all starts here. Today will mark the beginning of the Elysium Empire's reign.

Val drew his Scatter Gun to a ready position and moved toward the fray. Holstered in his gun belt, he had two SH-9 Slugthrower Pistols. Reliable and deadly guns, excellent at the range of the battle to come. He had always preferred solid-projectile weaponry. With great practice he felt that he had mastered them. The recoil was difficult to control, but Val was no stranger to it. In the simulations he was able to dump a full barrage with deadly accuracy.

Why did he prefer them? Val himself wasn't even sure. Everyone has preferences...these just felt...natural.

The sounds of battle drew closer as he continued at a careful run. He was good at staying calm in tense situations, usually, but he hadn't seen much real combat. Thus his stomach was alive with tingling and his heart was beating like a drum. It wasn't fear exactly, but it wasn't a comfortable feeling either. He didn't know if he liked it or not.

Finally he arrived where he saw several dead loyalists on the ground. In front of him, about ten loyalists were in position firing at a foe he could not yet see. "How many are there, brother?" He called out to the nearest soldier, squinting through the smoke and flashes of battle. The man's muffled response sounded something like "Twenty" , though Val couldn't tell. He'd just have to find out for himself.

He walked toward the main point in the fight, taking cover at a smooth corner where the tunnel turned. Waiting for the slightest break in the firing, he determined that he didn't like the feeling that resembled fear. Finally it felt like a quick break in the firing. He allowed himself to peek, exposing as little of his body as he could while still aiming his scattergun toward the foes.

He couldn't tell how many there were, but they at least equalled, if not outnumbered the loyalists forces. Great. There's only one solution to that: Kill some.

He looked for an exposed enemy, taking not of their weaponry and other equipment. A few of the Agents stood out...whether it was their body language, the way the troops around them acted, or in several instances, a large round shield covering them((( Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna )). Those were the important targets.

Val unleashed two quick blasts, the recoil forcing him to take cover rather than continue his barrage. This certainly wasn't like the simulations.

However...if his studying was worth anything, he knew that most energy shields don't protect against solid projectiles. Maybe that was why he liked them so much. He chuckled as he again wondered just what it was about the things he liked so much. The laugh didn't last long as he was sucked back in to reality. He needed to focus, there was a lot at stake here.

Back at the center of the mines, also the final defense point of the loyalists, things were in motion. First of all, engineers were setting up manually-detonated improvised explosive devices at key points. If all else failed, and the reinforcements never arrived, these were to be detonated. May the Force forgive them if it came to that.

Secondly, the miners that decided to join The Elysium Empire were being armed with the limited amount of weaponry the Empire had managed to sneak in. These men and women would be a huge aid to the loyalists. He hadn't expected half as many volunteers as there were.

Finally, technicians were attempting to set up a communications device that would allow the fleet and reinforcements to communicate with Val and the loyalists. This wouldn't be easy with the limited resources and the thickness of the mines. If it was successful, however, the coordination it would allow would be a massive benefit.

All of this information was going through Val's head at once. Kriff he could use a smoke right now. He wasn't even a smoker. Or rather, he was just a social smoker.

Ah well. All he could do now was wait for another opportunity to fire at the enemy. He wondered if his first shots had even landed. It would've been hard to miss with a scattergun in a tight and close mine but who knows, people get lucky and unlucky all the time.


Richard Ringo


Post: 2​
Objective: Ambuscade
Tags: Exelann Exelann Dimitri Lindzinsky
Time's up.​

He looked at his tactical map as he sat in the admiral's chair of the...the...he realized that he had never really named his ship. It was a Patron-Class Star Destroyer, one of two in existence. The ship had two laser-beam weapons outfitted for capital ship-to-ship warfare. If these beams were fired at a concentrated point, they would tear through the opponent's armor. That being said, it had very few other weapons, and weaker shields.​


It was a perfect name. Gold is weak but valuable. A rod is typically straight, like the laser-beams. If he survived this battle he'd have to get the ship painted with some golden streaks.​

Back to reality, now isn't the time for musing over what to name a ship. He focused on the tactical map. He stared at it for a moment, trying to take in the information. It couldn't be right, it had to be faulty. The Agents of Chaos fleet, which outnumbered the Elysium Fleet, had several ships already in position to fire. Had they detected the fleet somehow?​

It wasn't a huge surprise, but the attack should have been very rapid...too rapid to detect with time to prepare. Detecting was one thing, but getting ships in position? Not good.​

"All ships, this is Admiral Richard Ringo, halt the assault Now! They are on to us. Get in attack positions, but do not engage unless fired upon."

He switched channels, quickly attempting to reach the Agents of Chaos admiral.

"Agents of Chaos fleet, this is Admiral Richard Ringo of the Elysium Empire, do you read me?" he needed to come up with something quickly. "We are here to respond to the emergency signal you sent out...about the Bryn'Adul? Why are you facing us?" It was a solid lie, truth be told. If they were responding to an emergency call, their speedy entrance would be reasonable. If it was the Bryn, the Agents probably would have called for help...and The Elysium Empire would have put aside their differences.

His heart felt like it'd explode. If the Agents fired, he would order his fleet to fire on the agent ships that are still not in position in an effort to hit them with their shields down, or in a critical and exposed point. If the enemy responded to his call, he would try to negotiate and play off the attack...ordering it to resume as soon as the opponents let their guard down.

The explosive heart was jumping. It jumped into his throat, then back down, the commotion causing vibrations on the floor below: his gut. Sweat poured out like a fountain, falling down his forehead and hair like a waterfall of saltwater. His muscles tensed up, and time slowed down.

Please work

Location: Outside of Mining Complex, The Deep
Objective: I - Truth Seeker
Allies: AoC ( Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred )
Enemies: EE ( Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar)

In the next instant, a pair of high voltage electrical currents were discharged from Hanna’s gauntlet-mounted electrical blasters, catching an armed infiltrator directly in the chest. The man’s body convulsed in response to the shock of the violent electrocution, his armor erupting in electrical fire as his skeleton blinked in and out of visibility in a frighteningly morbid display. For her part, Hanna didn’t spare the dying man another glance, immediately shifting her attention towards her surroundings as she quickly analyzed the sensor readings feeding into her HUD. From there, the diminutive Aspect moved towards the direction of the enemy signatures and fired off a trio of electrical bolts which struck another saboteur in the chest, his body collapsing to the ground in a smoking heap as the deadly high-voltage currents flash-fried his nerves. Two more infiltrators went down in a similarly gruesome manner, their bodies convulsing in the throes of death as Hanna irreverently stepped over their forms on her approach to the mines.

Moments later, Hanna saw a man fire off a pair of shots from what appeared to be a scattergun. Four of the projectiles struck her shield, which was fortunately rated to take fire from slugthrowers just as well as it could from energy weapons. Although she was too late to return fire before the man jumped back into cover, the provocation of his shots were immediately answered with a pair of coruscating electrical currents that singed the walls in the shape of lightning.

With a feral growl, Hanna fired off another pair of electrical discharges and moved into the mine with a snarl on her lips.

“The Dark Lady demands your blood!” Hanna roared, her high-pitched voice taking on a savage tone as the challenge was launched from her lips. “And I will give her rivers of it!” She continued.

“Run, and you will only die tired! Hide, and you shall die in the dark, as rats!” The diminutive, yet merciless Aspect yelled, as yet another charging saboteur met their end in a fiery electrical storm wrought by her hand.

“In death, your wretched souls will serve her divine mission!”

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Post: 2
Objective: Insurgency
Tags: Hanna Hanna Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Val Khaar

'Oh god oh god' Carl thought to himself. The skirmish had started and he was not prepared at all. Popping up from his cover he prepared to fire at whatever beasts the Chaos bastards had brought. The smell was so strong that it was almost overpowering.

As he popped up, Carl realized why, "Strills, why did it have to be strills." Holding down his trigger while indiscriminately firing his rifle. The beasts had to be defeated first. They couldn't fight armed agents and their pets at the same time. Of course, only time could tell if his shots would even connect.
Post: 2

The task force emerged from hyperspace on the far side of the planet from where the intruding fleet had been detected, using their inertial momentum sustainers to penetrate further into the system than most ordinary ships could. Using its mass to obscure their own translation signature and hopefully confuse their number and mass ranges. Stealth systems already engaged, their cloaks soon hid what their passive systems could not. Powerful engines pushed the fast frigates away from their entry point as they paired off, communicating with each other via tight-beam laser communications as they coordinated. Two pairs moved to take up hidden positions far out on the flanks of the blockade a little over a hundred thousand kilometres away in fact, placing them with good views around the reverse planetary orbit should others attempt the same maneuver despite the sensor network in place.

The other eight moved out almost in a starburst pattern, pairs keeping withing a rough ten thousand kilometres range with their partner as the stealthy frigates moved to place the enemy armada well within their optimum firing envelope. Ideally they'd take up positions in a rough pattern above, below, and to the sides of the interlopers and to their stern placing each ship at a ninety thousand kilometre distance. This maneuver had been practiced so that each member of the task force could pick their target without placing the other elements as back stops to missed shots and with enough variation in the angles and distances that the rest of the formation's placement couldn't be guessed from another element's location.

Reason then translated in to the rear of where the Elysium Empire had first been detected without bothering to obscure its arrival, it's three and a half kilometre bulk stark against the burst of energy back-lighting its arrival and silhouetting the absence in space created by the nightshadow coating its hull. Then it was gone as it too activated its cloak. Domino expected the enemy commander to capable of extrapolating just which ship had taken their six from her outline. Counted on it rather. When her hull had been laid over a decade ago the Reason had been one of the largest ships in service even when compared to the Republic, CIS, and Sith fleets, and even when she'd been surpassed in tonnage she'd remained among the largest stealth-capable dreadnoughts. Intended to take on and achieve parity with entire fleets of hostile warships when created, the march of military might hadn't been kind to her, long since leaving her passed up by modern dreadnoughts in ways that even her extensive refits hadn't fully been capable of bringing her up to. The Reason however still remained a considerable threat in smaller engagements and now she was pinning these interlopers between the rocks of the asteroid platforms and her own might.

On the bridge Domino allowed herself a satisfied smile as the scans from the surveillance satellites fed her their data at ftl speeds, keeping her up to date on the enemy's movements. Directing her own helm, the Reason 'dropped' below the axis of the enemy and off to port somewhat. Keeping well astern but repositioning away from their last sighting and changing headings as any stealth ship would after being sighted. The readiness board at her elbow displayed a row of lights rapidly turning green as each of the fighter squadrons reported their availability. This was Dimitri's space, and hostilities hadn't started yet, she'd follow his lead or let this new empire make the first move.

Edit: Changed the header format a bit, added a link to music and to scanner probes.
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Val Khaar


Post: Three​
Objective: Insurgency​
Hanna Hanna (Fighting+Dialogue)​
Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter (Passively fighting)​
Carl Mako Carl Mako (Allied, fighting side-by-side)​

"I hate to break it to you, babe, but I don't think I have rivers of blood in me." Val replied, a quick and humorous statement. He was usually serious, but this time the words rolled off his lips like a shot through a barrel. Speaking of shots and barrels, the quick barrage following his previous blasts seemed to have ended already. He was smart enough to know that they were waiting for him to peek again.​

Fortunately, the loyalists showed an unusual amount of cohesion for such a diverse group. Moving from cover to cover, and utilizing tactics such as suppressive fire. When one fell, another took their place quickly, returning fire. As far as accuracy, they might not be stormtroopers but it's hard to miss in a tunnel. These loyalists meant more than they could know to the Elysium Empire, and to Val. He hated seeing them fall, and many had fallen.​

He watched the loyalists work, exchanging fire with the Agents. Suddenly one was struck with a ray of electricity, smoking as she fell to the ground. What took him by surprise was the bolt moved from the dead loyalist to the next. The second target was a Wookie male, which howled out in pain as the blast struck him. Either weakened from the first hit, or due to the large and tough body of the Wookie, the blast wasn't lethal. Regardless, it obviously hurt the wookie, who stumbled back in a panic.​

He used the second provided to again fire a barrage, this time aiming better. Apparently the shield protected against solid projectiles, but how much could it take? His first blast hit a random Agents soldier, shredding his leg and causing him to drop down, screaming in pain. The second was directed at the crazy woman that wanted an unreasonable amount of blood from Val's body.​

This time, however, he saw something that made his heart drop. Some sort of dog-like beasts. He quickly returned to his covered position and closed his eyes, searching his memory for whatever these creatures might be. Nexu?: No, too small. Had he seen three pairs of legs? What in the galaxy's edge were these things?​

Carl Mako Carl Mako yelled out at the perfect moment: "Strills, why did it have to be strills?"

Val didn't know what strills were but he didn't like them. He allowed himself to peek one last time, managing to take a shot at a "strill".

It was a mistake, as a blaster bolt struck his left shoulder. Searing pain felt like ice so cold it burned. He heard the sizzling of his coat, shirt, and flesh as the bolt scorched him. Blast it that hurt! He thought, grinding his teeth and squinting as he scrambled back to his cover once again. He would join the fight again in a moment, but he needed to reload and give the wound a moment as the adrenaline kicks in.

He looked over to Carl, who appeared to be unloading his weapon's ammunition indiscriminately. As director of the Stormtrooper corps, Val expected Carl to be a heck of a fighter. "Carl! Focus on the shielded ones! They're obviously the leaders" Val called out to the Director. If he obeyed, there was a chance that the two of them could break through the shields and take out the women. It would be a huge blow to the Agents, but it'd take luck, skill, and coordination.

He still couldn't join the fight again, he needed to get some pressure off of him. Since his last attempt there had been an absolute unending assault on his location.

This was going to take a while...and despite their efforts, they were losing. They don't have a while.

Location: Inside the Mining Complex, The Deep.
Objective: Truth Seeker
Equipment: MK I Nightsuit, Silent Blades, Willbreaker, Phase I "Clairvoyant" Anti-Material Sniper Rifle, Smoke Bombs, Throwing Stars.
Tags (Friendly): Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Tags (Enemies): Val Khaar Carl Mako Carl Mako

Nighthaunter had arrived planet side well before the main assault of the Agents of Chaos against the mining complex. He had used a Star Courier ship with an added cloaking device that had allowed him to bypass the Elysium Empire's fleet in orbit. Once he had entered the planet's atmosphere he had landed the ship around 50 clicks away from the main mining complex where the assault was going to take place. Once he was within one click of the complex he had discreetly taken off all of his equipment, packed it into a bag and disguised himself as one of the civilian engineers. He had then convinced one of the Elysium Empire's troops to let him into the mine to let him help with the defensive effort. He knew that they were always more than welcome to bringing people into their cause. Once he was inside the mine he had discreetly hidden his equipment and had begun "helping" the engineers on the inside with the placement of charges and other defensive plans.

He was in the middle of placing charges when he saw a bunch of troops heading towards the entrance of the mine guns at the ready. A few moments later he heard the familiar sounds of blaster fire. The Agents of Chaos assault team had arrived and from the sounds of the battle it sounded as if they were taking this rebellion very seriously. He saw the Elysium Empire engineers look up from their work at the sound of the gun fire with a look of worry but at the same time gritty determination on their faces. He used this moment of distraction to sneak into the shadows, even without his equipment this underground mining complex was perfect for hiding, there were so many cracks and crevices that he could use. He found the area where he had dumped his bag and immediately put his stuff on. He felt the familiar tingle in his spine as he put on his armour, he enjoyed putting it on. Putting it on meant that someone was going to die and he very much enjoyed killing in the name of his divine patron, Discordia, The Dark Lady of Chaos. As he finished putting it on he turned around to see a shaking engineer standing 10 feet away pointing a blaster at him.

"Wh-What are you?" The engineer asked, his curiosity clearly getting the better of him. From the engineer's perspective Nighthaunter looked like a man dressed in armour the colour of midnight. The only thing that he could easily see in shadowy mining complex was the Nighthaunter's blazing emerald eyes. Seeing such a thing inspired religious images in the engineer's mind of the grim reaper. 'Had he died? Was this person here to take him to the other side?' He thought to himself. 'No he couldn't be because it felt like his heart was beating at a million miles an hour'.

Nighthaunter just smirked under his mask at the poor engineer who hadn't raised the alarm due to his sheer curiosity with what was in front of him. "I am an Angel of Death." He said quietly, barely above a whisper. Before the engineer could respond, Nighthaunter flicked his wrist and a silver throwing star imbedded itself in the mans neck. Nighthaunter quickly ran forward and caught the man before he could hit the ground. He then pulled him back into the small crevice of the mine where he had hid his equipment, hiding the engineer's body.

He then activated the grips on his gloves and boots and leaped onto the wall. He quickly climbed upwards all the way to the roof of the mine, rightly thinking that the last place the troops would look for a threat would be on the roof of a building. He crawled along the roof to the main entrance to the mining complex and could hear the sounds of blaster fire getting closer. He stopped crawling about a 100 metres from the main entrance where he could see there was an intense firefight taking place. He saw troops running to reinforce the front line. For rebels they were incredibly well organized and had attracted many different types of people to their cause. He dropped down from the roof in the middle of six rebels. At that moment everything was in slow motion, he could see them all turning towards him as if suddenly realizing the danger. At that moment Nighthaunter was the fastest to act with having the element of surprise. He unsheathed his Silent Blades and immediately sliced the throats of the two troops in front of him. One a Twilek male and the other a human male. They both had a enough time to scream before they began to choke and gurgle on their own blood. The wookie to his left roared in anger and charged him attempting to rip him limb from limb. But Nighthaunter was too fast, he moved forward and slid underneath the wookie's legs, raking his blades across the wookie's thighs, and severing the walking carpets hamstrings. The wookie dropped to it's knees now paralyzed. The Nighthaunter then appeared behind the wookie like a shadow and slit his throat blood splattering all over the floor. The two other soldiers had just enough time to scream and fire a single shot each at the shadowy figure before they to were killed. They fell as throwing stars were embedded in their foreheads. The whole event had taken no more than twenty seconds. Knowing that the troops in the entrance must have heard the commotion, Nighthaunter drew Willbreaker and advanced forward with his humming force imbued blade.
Objective: Truth Seeker
Location: Landing in Mining Complex, The Deep
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Allies: Those in pink (Agents of Chaos)
Enemies: Those not in pink (Not-Agents of Chaos)
Tags: Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar Nighthaunter Nighthaunter Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred + open!

Chaos. That was the only way to describe the unfurling events as shots continued to rain, as people dropped or suddenly found a second and third wind they never knew they had. Scherezade remained crouched, but her shield had already been taken down. She couldn't afford for it to be undone,for that would've left her too weak to continue the battle properly, and so instead she'd opted to remove it herself before that point ever came. A few shots had still found their way to the Sithling despite her request for her teammates to cover her, but her armor so far was holding. Her head, still exposed, would soon need protection too, she knew.

Deeper and deeper did she move with the Force. It was always harder to do this on planets instead of space construct, but the reward always made is so much more worth it. To Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred she just nodded. Of course she'd never hurt his Strill on purpose. An avid animal eater as she was, Scherzade was a much bigger animal lover. The mere size of the zoo she kept against all odds on her tiny ship was sufficient proof of that. The janitors at the Eve docks always complained about her pets leaving droppings behind but she just smiled and tossed them a few chips to continue cleaning it up. Animals pooped. It was just a fact of life.

When her eyes opened moments later, the green glow of them burned brightly. Scherezade had tapped much deeper than she usually did, calling up all the power she could for her neat little trick.

And soon enough, the ground indeed began to shake.

It was nothing overly dramatic, nothing big. At least, not yet. Most would be able to feel the small vibrations in the ground. And, she hoped, they would all feel the warning, for given enough time, she would make those vibrations stronger and stronger, until they had an entire earthquake to deal with.

Looking towards the entrance of the mines, where she half knew and half assumed some of the enemy were bunched up, the Blood Hound smiled.

"Come and get me if you want this to stop," she purred before returning her focus to the ground, continuing to let the power grow.

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