Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Revelation- Elysium Empire's Rebellion Against The Agents of Chaos

Val Khaar


Post 5
Objective: Finish it
Tags: Hanna Hanna Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Nighthaunter Nighthaunter Carl Mako Carl Mako Daiya Daiya

He had managed five shots, and most of them hit. That meant he had two in one gun and three in the other left. He kept that in mind as the woman cursed at him, raising her energy shield again.

Her words were like lasers. He felt them soar towards him like missiles. His attempts to stay alive had only enraged her. He could hear and see the anger and determination she possessed. She was a monster, consumed by her emotions. Val could relate, in a way, to her passion. He didn't know what fueled the woman...did she truly believe in anarchy, or was there some hidden motive? But he did understand the will behind the passion. She was hell-bent on killing him. He, on the other hand, was devoted to The Elysium Empire. He would die here. Each breath made that more and more obvious. But he would die with purpose. That was a luxury that most didn't get. Every time someone was killed going to work. Every time an elder passed away in their sleep. They had no purpose.

Val was saving The Elysium Empire. He would die for something.

Another luxury that he now recognized was the luxury of having no one to miss him. So many feared death, but why? Was it the uncertainty of where they would go, or was it the uncertainty of what would happen to their family? Perhaps both. Val didn't need to worry about how his loved ones would react because he had no loved ones. It was a simple thing that many would see as a curse, or a punishment, but Val now saw it as a blessing.

Indeed, he would die a lucky man. A very lucky man.

And so it was that when the third of three blasts hit him, he felt no pain, no fear. Only peace, even happiness at his successful delay. He had even dodged the first two blasts...not that it mattered. One dual blast at this distance was enough to mess his heart up pretty badly. Had any more hit him, it would have been instant death.

It was just one more example of his luck. He wouldn't die immediately. He would slowly pass out from the uneven blood flow, and then die in his sleep. That meant he could try maybe one last move of sheer will. He would try.

He looked at the woman, staring her right in the eye. He grinned, she was a pretty girl by his standards. Maybe they could have been friends in another life. A shame. He had one thing to say to her, it'd probably be all he was able to say anyways...he was going numb. Fiddling with the triggers on his guns, he said softly "Too late, Bit-" his voice cut out as he started to see black in his peripheral. Pity. He would've liked to have seen her reaction to that. Girls were cute when they got worked up over silly things. He had enough experience to know that, though now part of him wished he had settled down...found a girl, started a family....been normal. But as he had said, too late.

He squeezed the triggers, unleashing the last five shots at the now-shielded woman. Maybe he'd get lucky one last time and have a shot penetrate the shield. But he wouldn't see it, as everything went black. Within an hour, he'd be dead.


Post: 2
Objective: Take command, Exit the transports, and surround the mine
Tags: Hanna Hanna Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Daiya Daiya

They had arrived. There had been an intense amount of resistance from the Agent fleet. They had cut the transport fleet off, and thrown barrage after barrage at them but the fleet had made it. Perhaps it was the will of The Force, or maybe it was the science of the Deliverance-Class ship that had deployed a shield around the transports. It didn't matter...they were here now. This was how The Elysium Empire would win the battle.

"Good job, Exelaan. I'm glad to have you. Keep things steady here until we depart the ship, then either join the battle or bombard any Agent Forces outside of the mines."

"Good job" didn't quite explain the gratitude he had in the Admiral who not only did his job, but executed it perfectly...with speed and efficiency. Now they had a chance.

Heath quickly walked down to the hangar which now housed the majority of the Elysium troops. There were 100 infantry, 2 AT-STs, 20 Stormtroopers,
25 Quarantine Enforcer/Mech Specialist droids (X), and finally, 50 Elysium Enforcer Droids (X). It was packed. The Victory-I Star Destroyer only held 200 non-crew individuals, and it currently held 150 plus the AT-STs. The remaining forces were in the supporting craft, and were currently disembarking just as Heath was.

The general had seen combat before, but it was never this critical. He couldn't help but feel like it was his first battle, no longer was he a veteraned general. He was a young corporal, inexperienced and foolish. He didn't know where to start. The men had their orders, they knew to disembark, find cover, and surround the Agent forces. What else could he tell them? Nothing.

He waited, watching the mass of men run out into the fray. He couldn't wait. He needed to but he couldn't. Too much was at stake. He ran down the ramp, blending in with the soldiers around him. Only those near him would realize it was him, but eventually the whole army would know their king, the leader and creator of everything they fought for, was with them. They would fight harder, better. It was all he could do at this point in the battle.

Now it was a game of patience. One enemy move needed to be matched quickly with their own. Meanwhile, in the galaxy above, the fleet was doing everything they could to secure a victory. But the battle wasn't just here. All through the galaxy Elysium Loyalists were waiting to hear the results. They were fighting their own battles...while there were no weapons involved, it was nothing short of a battle. A great tug-of-war to sway hearts and minds. Advertising, dinner table discussions, school-house speeches, and anything in-between were the weapons in a battle greater than anything the galaxy had seen in a long time. The Elysium Empire had to win. The needed followers so the galaxy could begin to heal the wounds it had. Wars, endless wars, must end...and it would start with the great battle.

May The Force Be With Them
Post: 4
Objective: Retreat
Tags: Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya
"My liege! Thank goodness. I believe you should take command now." Carl sighed to Heath. While it was true that the full front of their forces was here, but there was still going to be a long fight. They could only hope for the best. The AT-STs packed power, but the Elysium forces were still mainly unexperienced. "Take defensive positions!" Carl shouted at the troops before preparing his weapons.
Objective: Truth Seeker
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar
Equipment: Armor, 2x Trayc'kal, Thermal Detonators, a Strill

Jai looked at the soldiers who'd stormed the mines. He glared as he finally got up. The Mando pulled his weapons before levelling them straight on the enemy. He'd quickly let out multiple shots into them before rushing forward, letting his armor take the shots. Once he got close he'd start letting loose with his Trayc'kal in their knife mode. He was quick to target the weak points in armor, and the was moving as fast as he could before darting from target to target. At least until something pulled his neck.

One of the troopers had grabbed his cloak, leaving an opening for another to jump him, but Jai just answered the jumper with a kick to the chest, and quickly fired at the grabber. Honestly it was starting to become a blur to him as memories mixed with the present, things that had happened, and what was happing now. Jai was fighting hard, but it was hard to tell if he was really making calculated strikes, or just in a blind rage.
Post: 4
Objective: Void Fire: Fleet Battle

For those that led these two nations, this would be called a victory, those that fought on the surface would think of it as hell on some planet not worth a proper name. As for Domino, she would call it Tuesday. The Elysium landing fleet had bypassed the blockade completely and were even now likely attempting to offload troops. There was a lesson to be taught there. The Deliverance valiantly moving to reinforce them had been forgotten and left to the mercies of her squadrons and bombardment. And scans showed that they had neither the guns or fighters of their own to defend themselves. As for the invader's main fleet, they were huddling together into a defensive formation around their remaining shield ship, believing its dome would protect them.

Apparently that lesson needed to be taught again. Combat was a three dimensional construct, and while powerful, a dome only worked in one direction, useful if properly utilized, less so when facing an enemy on multiple fronts. Tactical showed the enemy fleet gathering together behind their protective screen which brought a disappointed frown to the Admiral's face. They were crowding each other, cutting off their own maneuverability and lines of fire.

"White Glints Zero-One through Zero-Four, rotate one-eighty and resume bombardment, target the landing ships for near-misses using your torpedoes. Target missile barrage on everything but that Victory. Bathe them in fire. Break off and renter stealth once that Destroyer either lifts off or retaliates in force." Simply put, the offloading troops and vehicles no longer had the protection of their ships and if the thousands of tons of plasma exploding on or near them didn't kill them directly, the impact blast transmitted through the atmosphere of the torpedoes traveling at a significant fraction of lightspeed would. Behind the barrage would be the missiles, seventy-two to be exact, spread evenly amongst the support ships. Hopefully a surprise from inside the jamming distortion and the preceding plasma attack. Domino was under no illusions that any few Agents still on the surface wouldn't suffer terrible casualties depending on how close those ships had landed. But they would die when overwhelmed by this new empire. Stopping this landing might mean the survival of those fighting to retake the mines.

Her fighters had caught up to the Deliverance, their pilots no fools, its shielding systems and guns were the primary targets of their masses proton torpedo fire as they opened the way for the four bomber squadrons to launch their proton bombs. If they didn't kill it on the first pass, Domino was confident it would on the next as they returned. "Helm, roll the dorsal to face the main enemy fleet. Retarget all batteries with an angle on the wounded special weapons ship, move onto the second when its destroyed." This brought fully half of the Reason's batteries to bear on the fleet while leaving her torpedo armament and the ventral guns still free to fire on the separated Deliverance.

Relayed by laser-comm, her next orders would likely spell doom for the invaders unless they managed a break out. "Glints Zero-Five through Twelve, stay in your four pair-groups and start working your way behind that shield's flanks. No matter if they turn it towards me or the heavy guns of the blockade I want you to get in behind its edge and hit exposed targets. Try for the projectors but if other ships get in the way work to disable them."
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