Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [GA | DE] Operation Shadow Hand | GA Defense of Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith


Operation Shadowhand
Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris


Objective I - Broken Furies

The Imperial coup d'etat on Empress Teta, orchestrated by the Imperial Security Bureau in collaboration with the Krath Cult, has failed. Despite their initial infiltration and attempts to incite revolution, the Galactic Alliance, with the assistance of local Tetan authorities, was ready. Faced with two recent battles for the soul of Empress Teta, the Galactic Alliance swiftly acted to quell the uprising as Imperial forces entered the system. As the Dark Empire's STORMTROOPER CORPS land on the planet's surface to assert control, they find themselves cut off from their orbital assets by the sudden activation of the planetary shield generator. Now, under heavy fire and cut off from reinforcements, the Imperials must fight their way through the capital city to seize the shield generator or face annihilation at the hands of the Tetan and Alliance forces.

The Galactic Alliance on the other hand, must rally their troops and mount a steadfast offensive of their own through the streets of the capital city, Cinnegar. Eliminating or capturing Imperial forces to try and bring this conflict to an end. Both sides must strategically maneuver through the urban landscape, neutralizing enemy positions and securing key chokepoints to either hinder or advance towards the palace where the shield generator is housed. Along the way, they must coordinate airstrikes and deploy specialized units to break through enemy lines and maintain momentum.


Objective II - Ashla's Tears

The healed wounds of Tython are an ever present scar, the events of “Shatterpoint”, a chilling reminder of the narrow victory achieved by the Galaxy's defenders against an enemy that sought utter annihilation in order to remake the galaxy in their own twisted image.

It is this wound, this tear in the fabric of space and time, that has remained, albeit faded. Like a specter of the past, this haunting reminder has hung over the planet of Tython like a dreaded omen. Incorporeal, this jaded crack in reality has remained undisturbed despite decades of study and observation.. until now. Until HE returned.

The Dark Empire's fleet emerges from a long-forgotten portal, tearing through the fabric of reality itself. They emerge from the very wound of Tython, birthed back into the Core Worlds like a bad dream, a nightmare to behold over the bastion of the Jedi Order. Engage in gripping naval space combat as the Dark Empire clashes with the Galactic Alliance, commanding capital ships and piloting TIE fighters and starfighters in a battle for dominance over Tython's skies. Each fleet is set to engage in the astrological debris field around the shattered face of the moon, Ashla. Navigate the treacherous obstacles as you strive for victory in this epic struggle between light and dark.


Objective III - Clash at Kaleth

The NEW SITH ORDER returns to the site of their greatest defeat, Tython, marking a pivotal moment in their quest for revenge. By launching an assault on the ancient Je'daii temple of Kaleth, occupied by their sworn rivals, the New Jedi Order, they aim to claim the knowledge within as their own and strike a devastating blow to their hated enemies.

However, their numbers are few, their strength not yet restored to what it once was. With two decades of supremacy, the NEW JEDI ORDER are at the height of their strength, seeing an ERA OF RECLAMATION in wake of both THE EMPIRE and the MAW’s collapse.The EMPEROR sees this, and so dispatches the enigmatic DARK SIDE ELITE. A mysterious task force of Dark Jedi and fallen Imperial Knights empowered by the Sith’ari himself.

Together, the combined forces of the New Sith and the Dark Side Elite pose a formidable challenge to the New Jedi Order and their allies. As the ancient temples of Tython echo with the clash of lightsabers, the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. Save the ancient homeworld of the Jedi or Snuff out the Light! Once and for all!

Do you have other stories to tell surrounding the invasion? Go ahead and BYOO!


Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: To try to hunt down Solipsis
Location: Ground, Tython
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: N/A
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


If anyone had known why I was hiding on one of the Sith or Dark Side Elite ships, I would have been executed. Last but not least, I didn't go to Empress Teta where the other Scar Hounds members were. Two planets that have played a very important role in my life. One was the happiest day of my life and the other the most tragic. Both because of Maw, both because of the ambitions of Darth Solipsis. That is why this worm had to die again. And I was prepared to do anything to send him back to where he had spent the last quarter of a century.

Empress Teta; we visited that planet twice, but the first event was more memorable for me. I think it was the first time Asher got the sword from Tommy, although I hated him at the time for the way my future husband had favoured him and appointed him as his successor and heir against Tribe law. Maybe I was even jealous that it wasn't me. I didn't understand why at the time, it only became clear later. Especially that it was my position. Asher wanted me to run away when he died, he didn't want me to stay. He wanted me to be free when he died. This was history…

The first Empress Teta, as I said, was the happiest day; it was the day I asked Asher to be my husband, just as Keilara asked Kallan. They both said yes and a few days later we were married. It was the best and most beautiful feeling of my life, even though the proposal happened in a way that I didn't know if I would survive. To this day, I think it was saying yes that kept me going. If he hadn't, I might have let that creature kill me.

And finally, shortly after the first Teta, we were on Tython, where Asher had chosen this name. I was hoping I could convince him to run away, say Mongrel was dead and no one would know. Actually... Mongrel was already dead on the ship when Asher picked his new name. And on the planet Barran had already killed Asher Kala'myr, who refused to serve the Maw and the Avatars. I was unable to save his life that day, but I was able, thanks to Solipsis' ritual, to create a new life for us together while he was dying.

Seventy years in that world; it felt like reality, I remembered every minute of it. But finally he died; truly as a free man. And since Exegol, we've lived happily ever after, we got the happy ending we wanted. We got our biggest dream, a life together. Ironically, in the Netherworld, where he was still dead, a soul, and I was alive. Yet we were together, happy, loving each other. But this was now threatened by the return of Solipsis, and I could not let him harm again in any way the man I loved more than anything else.

So... that's why I was here on one of these ships, on my way to a planet I never wanted to go to again. Because I still have nightmares about this place, when I wake up at night screaming and sobbing in Asher's arms as I relive his death over and over again. No, I didn't want to come back here. I wanted to forget this place forever. But here I was…

… I was here and I don't care what it takes, but I wanted to kill Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis .


The Light of Ashla , Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Ground, Tython
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Direct tag: Onrai Onrai | Closed
Tags: Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


To Eina, Tython meant a lot; it was important to her not just because it was home to three Nexuses, or because the planet's two moons were called [colour=#f7da64]Ashla[/color] and Bogan. But also because the woman died in this place at the hands of Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze , while she was protecting the soul of her husband Geiseric Geiseric to reach the Netherworld. In the end, they were both rewarded with Ashla becoming her Avatars and even having a daughter afterwards, who was "born" in a similar way as Eina was. From the souls of Gei and Eina. Thus the three of them became Ashla's Avatars, and the two adults became the goddess's champions. The Light of Ashla and the Shield of Ashla. And today, she was once again ready to face the onslaught of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and his new Empire.

Ever since the Sith Lord and the Maw wanted to destroy the planet, Eina has been back several times to try to help the planet and the system heal, which hasn't been easy. Of course, the place healed itself, but she tried to make it so. And of course, she visited the place several times to meditate or just to enjoy the beauty of the place. She had also been to the two moons, not just the planet, although she didn't particularly like Bogan because of the Dark Side nexus.

She appeared on the planet immediately today when she sensed and heard the prayers from the planet for Ashla. Rather, the intuition was that the huge scar that had been present in the fabric of space and time after the previous attack had been ripped open again. Eina arrived on the planet a few moments later, close to the place where she felt the presence of the countless powerful Force Users. She knew where the temples were and of course she remembered what the Sith had attacked the last time. So now, just to be on the safe side, she teleported there in case the target was the same again.

Naturally, she was ready to change her position in the light of where the enemy was about to attack. For now, she waited and concentrated on where they were coming from, what their target would be. Eina already knew that Solipsis had returned and that the Sith had organised a new Empire; she only hoped that this time it would be much less long-lived than the last. That this Empire would be able to do far less damage to the Galaxy and to living things than the last time. She remembered vividly and accurately seeing the souls of the slave soldiers of the Scar Hounds Tribe, and she also remembered how much she had cared for Mongrel, or Asher, to make sure he was okay.

At this moment she was hovering over the temple, holding herself in position with the angel's wings, her spear in her hand. The Light of Ashla was ready to resume the war in the same place where it had ended a quarter of a century earlier…


Warden, Magnarra and Marauder of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Find her way to Tommy
Location: Secret Prison Facility, Coruscant
Equipment: 2x Geysa Hybrid Pistol | Assault Rifle | Armour and weapon (weapon is lightsaber resistant) || OPBC-01m
Direct tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


A lot has changed with Spindly since the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War, the damage to her brain caused when the Heathen Priests broke her and turned her into a Slave Soldier has largely healed. While she still couldn't remember everything from her past, she wasn't nearly as restricted as she used to be. She had regained much of her intelligence and had grown into a fine warlord over the years. In the past she did not think she was worthy of being a Magnarra and a Warden, but now she thought she had earned it and no longer questioned why Thomas Barran Thomas Barran had made the decision he had made back then.

She had never asked him, but she thought that perhaps he had seen the person she was today in the not very bright and mentally challenged girl she was then. Spindly proved to be strong and she fought to be where she was today. Over the years she and Barran also grew close and became lovers. The process that led to the twi'lek woman finding herself again and her intelligence returning to the level it was before her capture was long and painful. Probably a contributing factor was that there were no ongoing wars and there was time to heal. That's what there was no time for during the Second Great Hyperspace War. Almost no one lived long enough for the damage done by Taskmaster or the Heathen Priests to begin to heal. Everyone died before.

It probably would have been death for the entire Tribe and the woman if they had been at Exegol, but they weren't there because of Barran, the Scar Hounds Tribe had "betrayed" the surviving warlords, so to speak, when the Maw was already in the process of collapsing. But it took that for Spindly to heal. In the years since, the young girl has grown into a mature woman. A great warrior, a true general. She needed to become one to stay alive. She was one of those who were alive when Mongrel was the Warlord of the Tribe. Those old laws were important to her and she lived by them. They were necessary for her to be alive and in the position she was in. Now she no longer wept or mourned when her men died, as she had in the past. Now she accepted that it was the will of the Avatars.

Yes, she still remained as religious as ever, with perhaps the only living Heathen Priestess living with the Tribe playing a big part in that. Now another war was coming, or rather beginning. She was not too happy that the Emperor, Darth Solipsis, wanted to use them as cannon fodder again, as he had done in the past. She thought the Tribe was more than that, much more. They were no longer the puppets of the Sith and Solipsis as they had been. Much has changed since the death of the Sith'ari. She hoped that her lover, Thomas, would see it the same way and not let them be treated like the trash they had been.

Now they were here on Empress Teta, again; they were here twice before. Once when they took the planet, and then when they lost it before and after Tython. She wanted their people to remember that things were different now than they were then. If it wasn't true, they should at least believe it.

"Let's show them that only the strong can survive, let's show the Dark Empire that they can't treat us like in the old war. We are no longer just expendable soldiers and units, we are much more than that. Forward, into battle!" she was trying to get their people fired up.

Finally, she put on her helmet and jumped out of the dropship into the streets of the capital with her gun. Here she shouted the old familiar phrase, which was echoed for a long time by the Tribe members.



Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Help to her fellow ISB companions
Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Direct Tag: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Sabine Korvan Sabine Korvan | Closed
Tags: Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Although trained for it, Ellayina did not usually do field work because of her rank and position. But this time it was different, and she found herself in the thick of the fighting. This did not really bother her, she found her place in this place as well as in the interrogation room. After all, everyone needed a little excitement, didn't they? This was perhaps even more true of the woman with the blonde hair and green eyes, if only because of her bloodline. For Ellayina was a member of the L'lerim bloodline, and members of the bloodline had always been warriors for centuries, or rather millennia. The Valkyri blood found among their ancestors was still strongly present in them in this respect.

The young officer did not grow up in the Eternal Empire or on the Terraris, but in the former NIO territory. The girl's grandmother married a local nobleman in the days of the NIO, as did her mother. Because of these, and of course because of the L'lerim blood, the young woman was also a noble. She was Force Sensitive, though not significantly so, enough so that she could be taught a little by her father, who was an Imperial Knight. The girl was skilled and well versed in telepathy mainly, which is why she used this power for interrogation and torture. The girl's methods were similar to those of the Psi Corpse known in the Eternal Empire; only she was not a "victim" of brainwashing and conditioning.

The young woman felt honoured to be on a mission with the Imperial Despot's daughter, something not many people get to do. At least not of the rank she held. Ellayina was still young, only months out of the academy; perhaps that was part of the reason she hadn't really been out in the field. And the interrogation... She had already been involved in torturing and interrogating others during her years at the academy because of her skills. How did she enjoy it? There was no way of knowing, she was very good at hiding her feelings and thoughts about it. Whether it was due to her minimal Imperial Knight training or the L'lerim blood, there was no telling.

"Ma'am, what are your orders?" she asked the older woman with respect in her voice.

Ellayina didn't know much about the task at the moment, she just told the girl that she would have to join Kazian Blackwood and Sabine Korvan here on Empress Teta, and then they would inform her of the task here on the planet. So, the young officer, barely twenty years old, was already here on the planet and joined the two others; she was curious about the assignment; although she was excited inside, outside she kept her cool as one would expect from an officer, or rather a L'lerim. And today proved to be a good day for the young woman to prove herself.

She hadn't really had the opportunity to participate in a major war, because she lived in a more peaceful part of the galaxy, and during the Second Great Hyperspace War she hadn't even lived and her parents weren't married. In any case, the young woman was ready to prove herself on the battlefield and show what she could do. After all, Ellayina was quite ambitious and like most of her bloodline, she was a perfectionist. She was confident that she could prove herself today and get her career off on the right foot…



Kaleth Temple
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Braze Braze | Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath



It took a bit of convincing, but Dr. Izar gave her consent after requesting that Zaiya travel with the University-assigned childcare droid, Nana, as her companion. Nana had all the standard features of a childcare droid and functionalities that allowed it to protect Zaiya if needed. By all intents and purposes, Nana was Zaiya's chaperone, much to the young teen's discontent.

As it was, Zaiya and Nana traveled by public transportation toward Tython, where Aris had instructed her to visit him. She wanted to learn more about the Force and, after exchanging a few pen pal communications with Aris, had been invited to come and see a bit more about the Je'daii, an older version of the Jedi Order.

The landing pad near the temple was busy, but the young Lovalla was as excited as ever. As rare as Force sensitives are, and with Aris being the first she ever met, a distinct energy radiated as soon as they neared the planet. Once they landed, it only grew more robust, the intensity of the Force within Tython brightening her rosy-gold skin to have an almost pearlescent radiance to it in resonance. Just looking at her arm and seeing the colors and hues ripple brought such joy to Zaiya; it meant that perhaps this Force was, in fact, the best way for her to create social bonds again -- and no longer be alone. It was what she missed the most, that connection of family.

[ Will the young Noble be meeting us, young Zaiya?] Nana would chirp out inquisitively, shuffling alongside the Lovalla as they wandered along, trying to keep up with Zaiya as she searched eagerly with iridescent blue eyes for Aris's silver head and tall figure.

"He said he would," Zaiya replied, believing the young teenager would. Excitement ignited her markings, a bright citrine and cerulean hue, their edges rippling with faint glowing aqua bioluminescence in her joy.

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Deep Space

Under the cover of darkness in the depths of Tython space, Arla Rodarch waited with her fleet. It was a small fleet, only two capital ships, each of which had been captured during a recent raid by the Mandalorian Protectors on the shipyards of Ord Trasi. Arla had requisitioned the ships and had them refitted immediately for use in the Deep Core operation. The small force waited a short jump from the planet Tython and its moons, well out of sensor range, but a momentary hyperdrive trip away.

They were out here on a recommendation from intelligence. Still getting to grips with doings outside the Mandalore Sector, information had begun to trickle in about serious action in the center of the Galactic Alliance. Nothing concrete, but enough hints from various unconnected sources to paint a picture of something big being up. You couldn't hide everything in wartime.

The GA through their emissary Valery Noble Valery Noble had done right by Mandalore. Arla wanted to do right by them in the only way she knew how. Mayhem and madness to their enemies. She knew little to nothing of the enemy, but those dark side imperials were of a type. They liked big ships and big fleets and big blasters. They would come strapped. So had she, but not in a way she had calculated that they would be in any way ready for.

The archives of Clan Larraq, and the means and methods outlined within had played into the Rodarch warrior's plan for the upcoming battle. She could not have put the plan together without the concepts, and the hidden resources the codices had provided her with. Arla had spent quite a bit of time running around the Mandalore Sector to collect the various pieces that would be part of her overall scheme. The ships captured at Ord Trasi had been the final layer of the plot cake.

All her forces needed now was a signal from their operative on Tython that the enemy had appeared and they could move in and strike. It wouldn't do for this to all be for nothing. Arla sat watching the multiple displays in front of her, watching for comm traffic. Even the other Mandalorian Protectors didn't know what she had planned. The GA certainly did not.

The Dark Empire? They would soon find out.

Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Mig Gred Mig Gred Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen


Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Imperial Fleeters | GA opposing Fleeters and Allies

“That’s right, maintain a wide defence pattern. I want to see daylight streaming between each ship. High Alert.”

A claxon whooped its guttural shriek, commanding the crew of the INV Edifice to man their battle stations in preparation for any incoming assault. Cott knew that a similar occurrence would be playing out across the battle Line, limited though they were in size and number. Gone were days of enormous naval forces, the superiority that had made the Empire the feared military force it once was. With what remnants had returned to the cause, Cott was sure that victory here would signal to many that the Empire was sure of its resolve.

The strategy was simple. Hug the belt of space debris planetside so as to throw into disarray the enemy’s scanning capabilities. The detritus from the galaxy-shaking conflict that had occurred some three decades prior still floated in large clumps, the biggest sections plummeting to the planet’s scarred surface many years before. Zethran had been present, a Captain on a ship not too dissimilar to the one he now commanded. There had been fine commanders leading their forces that day, finer than he, he surmised.

The stormtroopers were landed, the fleet had ensured they had done so as efficiently as possible. The graveyard of Tython lay all about the Star Destroyer. Cott breathed heavily. He was remembering the last time he was present.

A bridge officer chimed in.

“All ships of the Line reporting in. All systems ‘Go’ and prepped for manoeuvre.”

“Holding our current heading steady.” came another.

Cott spoke once again.

“Excellent. Operations, confirm again. I want a final check on all systems before we proceed. We have no room for error.”

There was a silence against the hum of the room as the bridge officers checked their systems once again. They relayed their affirmations once again, confirming what they had already shared with the Admiral. He rolled his knuckles, each of the tips of his fingers striking against his thumb as he thought, anxious of the precarious position the Imperial fleet found itself in. He longed for the days of giant tactical superiority but it was firmly in the past; it would be some time before the renewed vigour the manufacturers would deliver what was required for a conventionally strong naval force.

He tapped the screen next to his large command chair, high above the command floor beneath him and he attempted to contact the Grand Admiral.

“This is The Edifice. Fleet Admiral Cott ready. TAPANI is Action Ready.”


The planetary shield generator was like a roar to my ears, the sound penetrating the speakers inside my helm as the forcefield sprung to life. I can feel the isolation creep upon me as the sky became blue plasma. We had been fighting for over a few hours now, operating in a failed uprising started by the ISB. What was supposed to be an easy snatch and grab had become a bottleneck push through the urban hell we now found ourselves in. With comms to the fleet dead and only local channels to our fellow ground troops, it's like we're stranded in a hostile sea.

Every step we take through these streets feels like tiptoeing through a nightmare. The rumble of collapsing buildings, the crackle of blaster fire—each sound is a harsh reminder of the chaos surrounding us. And deep down, I can't shake the feeling of being out of my depth. All the training in the galaxy couldn't prepare me for this. I held my rifle tight, tried controlling my breathing as the ash from a nearby explosion covered my armor. Moving toward the river, that thin line separating Imperial territory from the war-torn chaos of Alliance control, my heart started pounding like a drum. It's our lifeline, a sliver of hope amidst the madness. But getting there means facing the unknown, weaving through the wreckage and the crossfire.

I would have to cling to my squadmates like a lifeline, their presence a comforting anchor in the storm. With each block we pass, I can't help but wonder if this will be our last. But we push forward, driven by a mix of fear and resolve, knowing that reaching the river means a chance at safety, if only for a moment. Finally, as we reach the riverbank, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. The sounds of battle still echo in the distance, but here, for now, we're safe. But as I stare across the river toward the Alliance-held sectors, I know that the real struggle is far from over. And I can't help but wonder if I'll ever make it back home.

I'll have to make it to that damn shield generator at the palace. That fething far off edifice that was the source of interference from the fleet.

Our way home depended on bringing that shield down.

Last edited:


Objective One: Broken Furies
Location: Empress Teta
Unit Comp:
The Hellstompers

34th Hellstompers


"Sir! Ravens have eyes on the bridges!"

"Then hit them with everything we have."

The Hellstompers had found the call to war once more. Only had a month passed since the last battle. They had repaired and upgraded, and yet, some of the boys still were fresh. The streets were on fire already, and the civilians had been evaced as best they could. Not everyone wanted to leave their homes. He was sure people would get hurt along the way.

No matter. This was war. People had been given their warnings.

The thunder of 36 turbolaser batteries roared from about 2 miles behind the lines. Si Tech had fitted the Screaming Falcons with batteries ripped off of a dreadnaught, and given it legs. The six bridges, the lifeline between the senate building and the business district, rippled from the impact, and crumbled, falling into the water. Bridges were usually a tough nut to crack, but nothing was going to stand up to that level of firepower.

The heads of the Sphinxes poked over the head of the buildings, a volley of the same turbolasers firing on two adjacent bridges, all of their fire coordinates routed through a small set of droids that had eyes over the thin stretches of duracrete and durasteel, as they fell into the river below. It was only a 40 meters across, but it would act as their primary line of defense. The Thundercat's mortars roared to life, as they peppered the forces pushing towards them. Any imperial infantry in sight on the riverbank, anything already across. What had once been a lively city, was now a shelling ground.


What began as a typical day for Korr swiftly descended into uncontrollable chaos. One moment, he was reveling in the tranquility of his surroundings; the next, he found himself locked in a desperate struggle not just for survival, but to thwart any encroachment upon the temple by any means necessary.

Powering down his saber, Korr took a moment to catch his breath, his gaze drifting to the trooper he had recently dispatched. "Where did they come from?" The question hung in the air, but silence enveloped him, interrupted only by the distant sounds of battle.

"Save the questions for later, Korr. You have a job to do," he reprimanded himself. Now was not the time or place for such inquiries. Turning his attention to the horizon, Korr pressed onward, hoping to encounter pockets of resistance or, worse yet, anticipate any incoming threats.

Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon



3rd Shocktroopers
Objective One: Broken Furies
Location: Empress Teta
Gear: See Bio
Ashley had seen plenty of war. The Maw had been pushed back, the GA had been at peace. She had hoped it was over now. But never was, was it?

The sound of turbolasers sung overhead. The Hellstompers, their primary support unit, had fired their opening barrage, just as planned. "DJ, word on the bridges?"

"Eight taken out." The Mirialan nodded. Ashley took a breath. That would lighten the load of them. Phoenix Platoon had been tasked with holding the forward line, acting as a QRF to allow the Hellstompers to deal with armor and act as fire support. "Keep Paladin off the roads, we don't want them catching stray AT. Remember to use your thunderfists to clear rooms. Slow and steady boys." Her message over the radio was casual, but that's why the boys respected her. Radio discipline was all good when things were going to shit, but she kept things casual before the fighting. The boys saw her as their mom, and they treated her as such. With Respect.

Another breath. Lining up on a door, she had her command squad behind her. It had become a tradition for her to take the first spot. Was it logical? Hell no. But she always believed in leading from the front, with her men. Behind her, Boxer, DJ, and Bastard. Her Platoon Sergeant, her RTO, and her Medic respectively. She head up a hand.




Pointing her Roundhouse at the door handle, she blasted it before using the butt of her rifle to push it open, and throw a Roar grenade in, the room filling with water vapor, before...


The room suddenly went quiet, and Ashley pushed in. Three dead stormtroopers. Force, it felt like ages since she'd seen those. 20 years since the Maw, and the NIO.

The four of them piled in, checking their corners.

"...this is gonna be hell." Bastard noted, "Just weeks of clearing out these damn rooms."

"No kidding." Boxer groaned.

"Keep your guard up." Ashley looked to her men with a sternness. "I don't want us to get caught off-guard."

"I need a smoke." DJ joked, earning a chuckle from the four. They needed to keep their heads on straight, that was for sure.


Location: Empress Teta, Cinnegar West Bank
Tags: TK-818 TK-818 | Monos Monos | Salvor Thul Salvor Thul | Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
Theme: [x]

Before the landing ships were filled, before the whine of engines winding up and roaring to life, the Stormtroopers had went through their mission briefing and heard the intelligence and expected resistance on the ground. KN-967 knew better than to expect Intelligence to be on the ball, something always went wrong, it was a universal law of warfare.

KN-967 and the rest of Fire Team Foxtrot-Two-Besh came in with the first wave, an assault team of young stormtroopers all in their first major engagement loaded for bear. Years of drills and training, of watching her comrades die in live fire exercises, seeing her hands covered in the blood of a teammate who had been shot through the abdomen drove her instincts. Everything clicked into place like a well oiled machine as she and her team moved into the city from the Landing Zone and into position on the west bank. Running from cover to cover, keeping her eyes up, covering her teammates all came as natural for her as breathing, her mind barely even registered she was doing anything at all.

The shields above buzzed to life, the energy in the air causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise and ripple uncomfortably, a bluish dome forming overhead. Over the unit comms she heard officers checking in, getting sitreps from platoon leaders, confirming the situation on the ground. With it overhead, suddenly the skies did not seem so free or the stars as close. To the south, laser fire bombarded bridges, kicking up smoke and dust into the air like great plumes from the mouth of a volcano. The battle started with sounds of thunder breaking from either side of the river, the sky torn asunder by plasma and shells as artillery began. Her heartbeat remained steady, calm. Collected. Voices in her ear buzzed with new orders as the situation developed, the approximate location of the shield generator and instructions for the ground forces to take them.

Besh, looks like ISB lost the plot. It’s on us now.” The team nodded, a few grumbles here, a snarky comment there. Deep down, silently hidden from the others, KN-967 found she was glad they would have a real fight on their hands. It was like the instructors always said, ‘The Universe will attempt to reject order, like an addict tries to resist sobriety.’ The sword of Damocles hung over the galaxy, this was the first stroke of the blade. “Bravo, High Light. Post up in that building. We are going to cover Aurek and then follow them across.” Two troopers found cover behind a duracrete wall. She and Recon, another trooper, took their place in the middle with Lane on the far side of the formation, eyes peeled for signs of the enemy.

Be careful what you wish for.
Location: Tython - Narls
TAG ALLIES: Elias Edo Elias Edo
TAG ENEMIES: Maestus Maestus
"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)

[*All Posts happen after this thread ]

“There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no chaos; there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.”

Words that the Jedi live by.

Words that those who “dislike” or “do not understand” the Jedi mock.

From youngling to Master, Jedi are expected to follow these words and pass them on to the next generation.

Easier said than done, and not the first time.

Ever since that fateful morning, his mind had been flooded with images, thoughts, and memories, they were almost taking control of his everyday thoughts and controlling his actions. Caltin would not leave his son’s side. No shame in that, right? It is what a good father would do, but Caltin was also someone who would join a fight. Chrysa, his wife, knew this and while she had long renounced her past (a conversation for another day) she still had a few tricks up her sleeve. That is why they spoke with Master Valery Noble Valery Noble , to tell her that he wanted “in” in any situation the Sith were behind. Not simply to “join the fight” but to get some level of closure.

This was one of them.

As they flew low over the Tython countryside on a direct path toward the Gnarls, or at least what was once the Gnarls, Caltin just watched as the landscape screamed by his view from the loading ramp. The rush of air making it normally difficult to stand there, he held onto the bulkhead with one hand, and his wife with the other.

She was facing him, she knew that one of them would have to go back to Connel and be there for him, it was better for her to do so. Caltin needed this. He needed to get back in the fight and he wasn’t going to do it thinking about nothing but that young Jedi Knight sitting in that bacta tank. He agreed with her, but was not able to do it without help. So here we are.

As she solidified her stance, leaning against his supportive hand, she took both hands, and positioned the fingers to form the silhouette of a Kyber crystal (diamond). Focusing his gaze to hers directly, she looked into his mind and slowly began to “clean it out”. Reorganizing his thoughts, realigning his memories. Taking his emotions away. This was not some “healing” ritual, this was not a mind invasion or anything. It is something her family had taught her long ago and she only used it once or twice. This was a time only because of the two recurring thoughts he wanted in his head.

  1. Do not kill needlessly.​
  2. Come back home safely.​

The rest was up to her ritual and as his focus was now completely on her, almost like Caltin was a sentient statue, she spoke.

“You will be an inexorable engine of destruction, remorseless, cunning and totally unstoppable…
You will feel no joy, other than the triumphant ecstasy over your enemies…
You will feel no pain other than that which kills you…
… and You will find untapped levels of strength in the deepest throes of despair.
Now go forth as a wraith of fear and torment to those who would torment others and let no one deter you.”

In the next moments, Caltin would kiss her one last time before jumping off the ship as it continued to flow low and fast. That kiss was not only to say “goodbye for now” as a couple normally would, it was what would activate his trance. The man that jumped off of the ship was not the man who landed and rolled on the ground in the dead of night.

Before it is misunderstood that the Massive Jedi Master was turned into some sort of Force Wielding Juggernaut like monster, Chrysothemis knew that his beliefs and lifetime of alignment would not accept these words fully. Which is why she chose them. What they would do was clean out his mind of anything holding him back, at least until she brought him back. She emptied his mind of his humanity. He was not a blind killer, he was not a murderer and never would be, but the wise, stoic Jedi Master that most knew today was gone, for now anyway. What was in his place was something, or in this case someone that the galaxy had seen before, but not in nine hundred years.

He was a powerful Jedi Master with a mindset of when he was a “crusader” of a Jedi Knight.

Almost immediately there was a Sith Recon team upon him, they were swift, cold and deadly, even for a Jedi Master, but Caltin was different today. Today, he had nothing to hold him down. The big man tore through them like a storm through a seaside town. They were not Sith, were not Acolytes, not Assassins, not even Twi’Lek, not Human, not anything. They were not even enemies at this point, they were obstacles to be removed, quickly and definitively. Even on a normal day, Caltin took no pleasure in this, that is not what storms do.

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Objective 3: Clash at Kaleth.
Tags: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Taam Moghul Taam Moghul Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

That word hung in her mind ever since the announcement had been made. The coup over Teta, and now an invasion.


She had assumed those days were behind her. The story of running for her life. The story of fighting for what was right, in spite of overwhelming odds. The story of a girl standing up against entire fleets, and spitting in the faces of moffs.

She took a breath. The trip there, she hadn't spoken to anyone, instead spending her time meditating with her mother's crystal, reaching out through the Force to her mother, and her siblings. She knew the Force would guide her. Finally, as the Reaper landed on Tython, she joined her padawans and her mate.

"Ko...stay safe." She pulled the boy into a hug, before giving him a small peck on the forehead. <May the Force Be With You.> She whispered in her native tongue, before letting him go. "Be safe out there." She looked to Taam. She had done her best to prepare. She had done her best to afford them every advantage. She reached over, and gave Taam a deep kiss. This was it. The Empire had returned. First the Empire of the Lost, now one intent on calling themselves the Empire of the Dark. The former had seemed content to keeping to themselves. While she dearly wished in her heart to take that threat down, she knew she couldn't. She knew she had to follow the Code she had sworn to now. But this Empire, the Dark Empire, seemed content to ravage GA worlds. She wouldn't stand for that...

The Cathar gripped Liz tightly. Whatever came next, she would deal with it the same way she had always dealt with it. At the end of her blade. As she charged into battle, she immediately engaged two dark side elite. Liz was unsheathed, and within a second, the first was slain, sliced in half by songsteel, before Jonyna spun around, and opened fire with Paul, blowing the elite's chest open. Whatever armor they had been wearing, it was mincemeat now.

Old instincts bubbled to the surface. The Cathar spun around, only to find her Mate. She let out a breath. Keep the Predator in it's cage.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Objective: To fulfill her own agenda (Objective 3)
Location: Ground, Tython
Equipment: ???
Direct Tag: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Closed
Tags: Open


Into the Tython system tore a rift, expelled from which was a cube the ancients who once lived on that world would know of, one of the profane gods whose ancient essence had sought to pollute the galaxy. The multikilometer cube blazed at a meteoric speed towards the surface of the world, and as it did so, its form began to shrink. By the time it engaged with the atmosphere, it had become naught much more than an aggregate mess of protoplasmic charred flesh the size of a corvette. The speed of reentry further and further disintegrated it, to the size of a transport, then a fighter, until eventually nothing more than a mist that sprayed over the surface of the world.

For a moment, it seemed as though whatever had attempted entry to the world had been incinerated, as though it were a shooting star. But soon the ground's hue took on a darker shade, the discoloration traveling upon itself and congealing together further and further before its full form bloomed. From the ever-darkening shadow, a bubbling mass of darkness coalesced into an ever-more humanoid form, which slowly rose up and eyed the ancient structure.

Yes, this was Tython. A world of dark secrets that had rarely been touched. The world that Typhojem himself had once claimed was named after his own infernal glory. A world where once the Blood Spites had reigned supreme in the long-devastated ruins of the dark city of Jurgoran. And a world with a direct link to a place within the greater sphere of Dark Illathurion, wherein beneath the Abyss of Ruh lay the means to bring forth unparalleled horrors upon the planet's surface. The grander prize had to be claimed by her and her alone - if she failed, then there was but a risk of another finding the secrets of Tython, one not yet able to take care of them as she would be.

First, however, was the matter of that.

Her eyes looked up. The Light Side of the Force beamed down as she sighed, her own essence riddled with the power of the Anti-Force inhaling the residual energies as though she was a man who had come down from the peak of the highest mountain, drinking of the purest air his body could ever imbibe. Yes, this would not be an easy discovery, would it? The Jedi and their ethereal protectors simply would not let her manage these new holdings in peace. Thus, it seemed that she would be forced to clash with one whose form she so vaguely recognized in essence but knew deeply of in lore.

"EINA!" A thunderous voice resounded from the shade-woman, glistening white eyes peering up from within her blackened mass. The sonorous impact of the voice rumbled the earth beneath her, though Onrai maintained her footing. The challenge had been made. The call to battle was now, and soon the essence of one or both entities would be spilt upon the world. If and when it was, perhaps then the circumstances would yet stir the Infernal Gate into action - a fate that neither of them would ever wish to truly see. Only a certain few truly were believers in the arcane, in that which was viewed as merely mythical by others. Onrai was certain that whatever happened, the world would no longer be the same as it had once been when they were done with it.
1st Post








Friend: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger Maestus Maestus Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
KN-967 KN-967 TK-818 TK-818 Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Foe: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Gress D'ran Gress D'ran (Additions expected)




Back here again, hm?
Ashina.... That scar's still got a little sting to it, its been nearly twenty-five years since.

Though I can't help but wonder what you'd think to see how far your people have fallen.

With Magnars set to commanding from the front, the Great-Khan of Mar'zambul would let the subordinate element handle their own battle-speeches whilst the Bloodhound himself prepared a speech of his own, preparing something of a callback to the Swarm's use of enemy comm-link channels for psychological effect. As only the greatest of dread awaited the Galaxy, along with every pain and agony imaginable for civilisations so gangrenous by the turn of the 10th Century ABY, and for as long as such blights were allowed to fester beyond it's first year, the pains and the dread would only continue to worsen after the fact.

'The cyborgs among us are a little - quieter than usual.'

Fight it though they would, and for every squared inch of ground, but in all things diagnoses - hubris would only prove to make the hurt worse before the end.

'Aye, ye know why that is, eh?'

Shocked to find Nail Darkhan shaking his head with shrugged-shoulder gesture in response, Barran found himself remembering how the hulking cybernetic menace earned his rank as one of four Tri-Lunar Darkhans, with memories of campfire tales on Rhigar telling of all that Nail had achieved under the Mongrel's command, years before the Bloodhound's resurrection. A record enough on it's own to eclipse that of Rook and Dreamer combined, but in loyal understanding of the movement's progenitor and his reasoning alike, Thomas had clearly hoped his old friend had not forgotten in the decades since the glories of old. Yet despite the troubling revelation, Barran could see clearly that the perfect time to remind his friend was nigh on with them already, to recount all to his strongest Darkhan that could have been lost in the process of near-full cyborgization.

'Nail! Disappointing, at least for you anyways.... The reason why - each an' every last one o' them, an' right down to the mere amputees among them, all the experienced Marauders know whats at stake here! They know their leader has a chip on his shoulder the-day, for that chip is theirs to share in encumbrance.'

Nail Darkhan's posture then shifted in reactive discomfort, showing little tells that he realised these such understandings were more precious than previously anticipated, and certainly more than was anticipated in the moment's leading to his great cybernetic leap of faith. Bringing Nail to the realisation that someone, some-thing more was needed to lead the veteran-warriors of decades passed, and though Thomas himself could see it clearly, (even with just one eye remaining to catch such nuances of expression in action) the Great-Khan himself had never wavered from his faith in the hulking legend of bygone wars.

'When we get back to Mar'Zambul, I will do all that I can to help.... Not all is lost, not all is irrevocable.'





If I get the chance, I will show Ardana what Nail himself missed.

What others might miss.... I feel those pains of autonomy though.
Too much insight is wasted time, but it piles on all the same.

The initiative was the Dark Empire's to take on the ground, focusing as the conventional, lion's-share element of the two-pronged assault, but in that wide-front formation holding the other side of West River Canal, would incur the lion's share of the defenders' sallying efforts from within the inner-city districts from the east. The bridgeheads would mark the pacing on Battlefront: West thereafter, markating the static-line as a perfect diversion for Barran's own plans in the northern districts, and in this two-front riot for dominance over Cinnegar, the Great-Khan intended to wreak as much havoc as his mentor had before.

The city would have more to worry about than the unconvention of Marauders' abandon, much as it had in the Maw's previous outings on Empress Teta, as this time - Barran had brought a sadistically-extensive array of droids and warbeasts to harrass and terrorize at will.

'Great-Khan, your orders?'

But in terms of strategy, the Khanate's main goal would be to drag their opposition into firefight entanglements across the entire northern battlefront, keeping Mandalorians and GADF elements alike at the peak of their northward-gazing hypervigilance; thus making it somewhat easier to pressure and puncture whatever weak points they could find, patiently working to widen a southward, harrying expansion of the greyzone between them, a plan generalised enough to leave room for on-the-spot augmentation. Yet these were but differing means to an end for which more fighting would be needed to see, as any self-respecting General would admit that circumstances often dictated the ebb and flow of conventional siege-assaults, as such would with the ebb and flow of every other open, wide warfront of the sort.

'I want 'em stretching out wide.... Take some Marauder-Aspirants, split off between two contingents, take one westward, take the other out to the northeastern outskirts. We'll see then if they take the bait, but in any case - cointoss between yourself an' Dreamer as to who leads where.'

As the Arkanian-born swordsman bowed, he let out a little chuckle of appreciation before stifling it for the sake of appearances, calming himself before replying,'So we're playing our little games out here this time.... I like irritable opposition - we'll provide a Sitrep soon enou-.', all too happy to be warfighting once more as Rook Darkhan. But time would prove itself once more to favour none, heralding the true first phase of the assault as the defenders struck out first somewhere on Battlefront: West, completely unaware that it was in fact defence-forces engineers demolishing the majority of the impending bridgehead locations, a sequence of blasts that echoed so loudly across the city that it cut the conversation short with absolute finality.

'Go! An' take some UAVs with you, loitering-droids an' such.... Good luck out there!'
Then out of nowhere, as if by punctual, perfect clockwork, the screeches and roars of firefights rang out all across the northern battlefront, from slugs to disruptor trails and everything in-between, interrupted only by the loud thuds of grenades and ground-shaking artillery impacts. Whatever in all the Galaxy's realms the initial chain-reaction had been, it was clear by then that this was the main signal meant for all the defence-forces to sally out with the first strike, initiating their counteroffensive across both battlefronts, moving outward against the Mawsworn and Dark-Imperials - as one.

One of the Marauders standing watch over the maproom would move to cover Ghoul Darkhan's approach, but after little more than three southward shots in anger, a sniper's slug would send burning helmet fragments flying in all directions, though not enough to see everything within spilling out instantaneously, only the misty blood-spatter that escaped through the helmet's broken visor-goggles. Testament to the Hound Armour suits and their durability. It was just the guard's rotten luck that his only arc of fire was already covered by an opposing vantage-point, likely to be an overwatch position with a vicious shot taking up a squad-sniper role, and with long-distance suppression elements at that level of general proficiency, Barran knew the Maw would finally get their long-awaited return to ultraviolence.

That which the Raiders of Mar'Zambul had coveted for almost twenty years.



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The Fields - Sports Bar
Empress Teta - Cinnagar
Interacting with: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

The dinner rendezvous at The Fields, a sports bar, with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell didn't quite unfold as anticipated for the Anaxai businessman. Instead of the usual five-star fine dining ambiance, he found himself perched on a stool amid a flurry of holo screens showcasing various sports events, from grav ball to shock boxing.

Makai recounted the tumultuous events leading to his six-year separation from Myra. While his tale stirred sympathy, Casteel couldn't help but harbor reservations about certain aspects, like Makai's delay in seeking resolution directly. Nonetheless, Makai seemed remorseful and determined to mend fences with Myra. The prospect of their impending nuptials meant Casteel would need to adjust, albeit begrudgingly.

"If you are aware of her former illness, then are you aware of how to assist with her panic attacks?" In a hushed tone, Casteel queried Makai about his familiarity with Myra's panic attacks. Although Makai's sudden inquiry regarding if he would continue to be a part of Myra's life drew an immediate swivel of the blonde's head. Dark brows rose up as if the consideration was ludicrous.

"I endeavor to be as much of a part of Myra's life as I have thus far, Makky." he shot back the rest of the stout, but not before a slow, wry grin would curl over those pearly white teeth. "Never fear, I shall not be far at all. We are joined at the hip now."

The wry expression, however, suddenly turned into one of concern as the first rumble hit in the distance. He gave a frown, turning. Around them, the patrons were also confused. The concussive force and noise of another nearby orbital hit sent everyone screaming when the glass windows shattered. Reacting swiftly, Casteel moved to shield Makai as the windows shattered from the concussive force of the impact nearby.

The blast of a distant alarm klaxon began to ring, and Casteel's eyes went wide. They were distant enough from the windows not to be damaged by the glass, but those patrons who sat beside them were not so lucky. Briskly, Casteel muttered a polished "Fuck," under his breath, Casteel's expression darkened with the realization of the looming danger.

"We need to leave. Now." He knew what that alarm meant. Teta's planetary shield had been activated. They were under attack.


175th Chandrila Naval Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi
Bippina Class Dreadnought Battle Cruiser
ANS Whirlwind
BSD - MC87 Heavy Star Cruiser
ANS Liberty's Array
ANS Mentor's Plight
Triumph Class A-601 Main Battlecruiser
ANS Montorr
ANS Kellin
ANS Colls

ANS Sinbad
BSD - Hammerhead Class B Cruiser
ANS Lorix
ANS Almac
ANS Torin
ANS Dain
ANS Monsu
ANS Jagar
Declaration Class D-100 Starfighter Cruiser
ANS Blotus
ANS Mollo II
ANS Greylock II
ANS Furlow III
Blissex-class Assault Frigate Mk III
ANS Selziro | ANS Guose
Madine Class Patrol Frigate
ANS Locket
ANS Monsoon
ANS Addle

ANS Fiery
ANS Huanan
BSD - DP40 Heavy Gunship
ANS Larus
ANS Pippin
ANS Dinas
ANS Picket
ANS George
ANS Momo
ANS Valery

The ANS Whirlwind sailed through the vastness of hyperspace, enveloped in an eerie silence. The only sounds that broke the stillness were the gentle clicks of fingers on monitors and the whispered conversations among the crew.

In this moment, everyone aboard knew that the outcome of this battle would shape the destiny of the Galactic Alliance for countless generations to come. There was no room for sentimental farewells or thoughts of self-preservation; only an unwavering determination to vanquish the Alliance's adversaries and secure the freedom of all its citizens from the clutches of oppression past or present.

Vice-Admiral Ideon understood that the Alliance was becoming bloated and increasingly run by self-interested lobbies and political ideologies in the senate despite the strong resolve of the Chancellor Auteme. Could he say that the Alliance was broken? Yes but this assault would break the last visages of the era of Peace, the Era of Pax Allianca would officially be over and maybe the Senate would wake up to this threat and meet it head on.

Such wishful thinking did not belay the concern etched on the elderly man's face, as the 175th Chandrila Naval Task Force exited from hyperspace into the System of Tython, sight of the Infamous Shatterpoint Event, a turning point in the endless struggle with the Brotherhood of the Maw, whose brave defenders allowed just enough of a
reprieve to cast down the Dark Avatars over Exegol later on. No longer was the crew sullied by inexperienced hands as they had been over Onderon, the Task Force was outfitted with the full might of the Alliance's 8th Generation Modernization Program.

Yet such an advantage would be fleeting as the enemy moved to slice through the Alliance Defenders, Ideon much preferred the bleak blackness of space than the death and destruction that would happen here today.
"Enter Defensive Formation Aurak 4 around the remnants of Ashla, bring up tactical screens and establish secure communication with our formation. Begin prepping all primary, secondary, tertiary batteries for a frontal assault and recycle all shield modules." The Captain's chair reverberated with the commanding voice of the Vice-Admiral, as the chain of command swiftly followed the assigned orders and the communication's officer tirelessly exchanged messages to the secondary flag officers throughout the fleet.

  • Alliance Task Force is holding Defensive Formation

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Tag: Tigris Tigris
Location: Coruscant
Objective: Destroy or disable comm tower

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter



"Why the kark are we on coruscant? The real fight in on Empress Teta, they're laughing at us since this blue princess showed up." Hex heard on of T'aemin talking to another as she put her helmet on in the next room. "Yeah, no chit, there ain't nothing worth fighting on this planet."

Hex frowned and made her way in, gun in hand, walking past them she opened the balcony windows of the 3000th floor apartment they had broken into the day before to act as their staging point. She turned to them and started waving her gun as she spoke. "Listen up, yeah. You guys were picked for this posting because you seemed like you could cope with my style of combat. This is shadowrunning, if you dont like it, you can leave... out the door right now?

Oh, but you dont get to keep the board, its part of the deal."
she grinned at them, a short walk and a long drop wouldn't appeal to them most likely. They had a job to do, Hex had pitched this team to add a little more technical flair to the scar hounds skill set, some of her team though were less keen. They didn't seem to be walking either.

'...They're gonna stab you are some point...'
"Not useful, just up yeah..."
she needed to assert her authority or get eat alive within the hounds. The Sword of Denon knew what she was doing and was damn good at it.

'...That nickname is stupid...' Hex just laughed and shook her head.

"Ok, let's do this, we got some explosives to place."

"Fine! but after this i'm going somewhere for s real fight."

They gathered their stuff and out the window the five boarders all flew, equipped with light scar hound armour, Dancers and a lot of explosives. Their mission was to reach a long range comm tower, tasked with monitoring military traffic around Tython and Empress Teta, disabling it would weaken the Alliance connection to the system, hamper future combat operations and generally just be of use to the Dark Empire's plans. They all dropped fifty floors before activating their boards and entering the flow of speeders towards the district that housed the tower. Why did Hex try to convince herself she hated places like coruscant and denon, this was her element, and as she grabbed her board and did a kick flip over a speeder truck she felt alive.

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