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Faction Shadow Empire: Ragnarok Protocol | Eternal Empire

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Laboratory, Asteroid belt, not far from Zakuul
Objective: Defeat the Shadow Empire; Save the laboratory
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan | Ladybug Ladybug | Salis Salis | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Open
[ Ragnarök ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Not so far from Zakuul, the Eternal Empire had several research bases, which were secretly ruled mainly by the Wardens. Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan also worked in one of these when sensors indicated the approach of Shadow Empire. The leader of the base, laboratory, immediately issued the alarm. Because there were countless experiments in the lab where the data stored in the cloud weren't enough, they also required the physical samples, it wasn’t possible to just leave and destroy the base before the attack.

It is another matter that it would not have been appropriate for the Eternal Empire. And the laboratory was a secret one, so there was no fleet around it. Fortunately, several people were just near Zakuul when the distress call arrived. It is for this reason that the ships of the Eternal Empire and the Shadow Empire arrived in the solar system, the asteroid belt, almost simultaneously. Both sides immediately launched fighters and ground troops to gain control over the base or defend it.

The importance of the place was also shown by the fact that the Empress personally led one of the striking teams to the base to help defend the place. This team was among the first to land from the Eternal Empire to the base. But by now, the enemy was already inside and set out to kill everyone on the base so they could take over it completely. The hangar where the dropships could land was empty, the enemy had not yet arrived, but the noise of fighting could already be heard from the corridors outside.

<"We don't have much time, we need to reclaim the base. The Ragnarok protocol is in force, both at base and in space."> she said, and the Ragnarok protocol meant one, no quarter.

//OOC: it’s a pretty big base and asteroid, anyone feel free to join, who wants to do Warden thing here, a ground fight, or just a space battle. In the first round, I tagged those who indicated in Jacob’s LFG thread that they were interested in a thread. But this is open to all the EE members. //


Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Objective: Secure the Lab. Contain the threat. Protect the survivors and the samples.
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Open

Red felt the dropship jump out of hyperspace. He stood up from his seat, and looked at the other troopers inside his dropship. "Gear up! We're here!" Red yelled to them. The troopers got up, scrambling to grab their equipment and equip themselves. Red grabbed his helmet and put it on, the HUD springing to life as it connected with his armor.

"Alright listen up, we'll go over the plan one more time." Red said to the troopers in the dropship. "We'll be deploying right into the thick of it. We believe that enemies have already infiltrated the lab, but we can't be certain. We have very little intel." He explained. "Once we deploy in, we'll have multiple other teams to support us. We have multiple goals for this mission. Our first goal is to Secure the Lab. Second objective is contain and eliminate any threats. Final objective is to protect any survivors and samples that we may find. Is that understood?"

"Aye, Sir!" The troopers shouted in unison.

Red nodded. Their dropship was already headed for the base, surrounded by a couple of other shuttles. Red raised his commlink, contacting Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , who was apparently already on the scene. "Empress, Red, reporting in. We are now approaching the base. There is a heavy enemy fighter presence. Evacuating any survivors may be impossible." He reported.

Then, the dropship rocked. "Bandit on our Six! We're hit! Loosing control!" The pilot yelled.

"Bring us in as close as you can!" He shouted to the pilot, before turning to the troopers. "You heard the man, crash positions! Move! Move! We're making a sudden landing!" Red himself sat down into a jump seat, and strapped himself in.

"Brace!" The pilot yelled. And with that single word, the dropship smashed into the surface of the asteroid.
Location: Hangar, Laboratory - Asteroid Belt, Zakuul System
Objective: Defeat the Shadow Empire; Save the Laboratory
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Even with her zero-gravity training, Ivixa still found space to be jarring. So used to utilizing her hyper-sensitive hearing to process her surroundings, it came as a shock to be deprived of it, save mostly for the sounds of voices over comms and her own movements. Fortunately, if the mission went according to plan, she wouldn’t have to be in space for long. So far, for the Empress’ personal squad, it was. Being the first to land in the laboratory meant that they had not yet encountered significant resistance, allowing them to quickly secure one of the hangar areas.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t say the same for others.

<”Reinforcements are arriving now, Empress!”> Rominaria Seven answered, all the while processing the ever-evolving situation in the battlespace via her biochip implant, which afforded her a nigh-omniscient view of the area and access to data from thousands of allied sensor units within the vicinity. <”However, the base’s anti-air cannons have already been taken over. Reports are also showing a crash landing in sector three. Status of the occupants is unknown.”> She continued. <”When we get to a terminal, I’ll hack into the system to disable their defenses.”> The Asa’nyx stated.

Then, her sensors began to ping as hostile signatures conglomerated around the hangar.

Without delay, Ivixa moved behind a bulkhead, pulling the charging handle on her rifle as she did. In the process, she positioned herself to face one of the primary entrances while remaining close to cover, intending to engage the Shadow Imperial Ultranauts as they stormed into the hangar, hopefully slaying them before they could manage to make any significant headway.

At least, that was the plan.

<”Enemy signatures amassing outside the hangar.”> She said calmly, the bloodlust slightly showing through the tone of her high-pitched voice.

<“Ready to engage and destroy.”>

Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
Protect the laboratory.
Protect the people in the laboratory.
Avenge the experiment.

Jacob stared at the screen with a wide grin. Displayed on the screen were several blood samples, each zoomed into the sub-molecular level at which midi-chlorians became visible. Three of the samples were of ordinary beings of various species, two came from a Jedi dissident, and two came from Jacob himself. Jacob thought about all of the Jedi and Sith of the millennia past, and all of the scientists that had observed midichlorians over the centuries, and he wondered if he might actually be the first to have the opportunity to experiment on his own power. Then he heard the alarms.

"We're under attack!" One of his assistants informed him, in case he had missed the red lights and blaring alarms.

His grin was frozen in place as his eye started twitching in frustration. "Oh, we are? I hadn't noticed!" Months of work had gone into getting these experiments ready and just when he was about to begin, some morons had attacked the laboratory. Jacob took a deep breath and walked to the door.

"Sir?" the assistant called after him. "Sir where are you going? Protocol says for non-combat personal to shelter in place!"

Jacob nodded casually. "Yep. You should probably do that." As the door closed behind him Jacob pulled open his lab coat and his lightsaber flew into his hand. It had been a while since he had last used it in combat, and his fingers itched with the anticipation of putting his daily training to use again. Nervousness raked through his chest, widening the near maniacal grin on his face. He had almost forgotten what a drug adrenaline was.

Jacob took a deep breath and reached out with the force. With no intel to work off of he decided that the best thing to do was find the nearest mass of fear and aggression and race toward it. After rounding a few corners Jacob found himself coming up behind a small squad of Ultranauts opening the main entrance to the hangars. For a moment Jacob felt relief to have found some allies. Then he noticed the insignias on their helmets.

"Oh krif..." He muttered as two of the shadow empire soldiers noticed him and spun around. Jacob ignited his lightsaber just in time for the orange blade to parry a blaster bolt straight into the back of a different soldier's head. It was at that same moment that the blast doors fully opened, and the very unlucky squad of ultrnaauts found themselves with a lightsaber at their back and a rain of blaster fire at their front.

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu)
Overseer of Science Development, Knight Warden of the Shroud


Location: Laboratory, Asteroid belt, not far from Zakuul
Objective: Kill In The Name Of Science
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: @Anyone


Laboratories, like unkempt graves, produced several tasty components to dissect. Fresh graves where by far the tribunal semi-educated grave robbers would strike, looting for profit and future employment. Said grave robbers were notorious for boasting prideful booties in hopes of their dark duties would once again fill their coffers with credits; yet filled with cowardice when they were forced to look upon the gaze of a monster their unfathomable minds refused to wrap horror stricken eyes upon; praying homage to undead Gods that would one day demand tribute for their lackadaisical appearances. Bodies, dead or screaming, were always profitable.

And yet, someone was coming to steal our secrets! My secrets!

From Cattamascar, I commandeered a ship, making that brilliant leap from zero to thirteen in a blink. From the bridge of the ship's radio chatter, I stood angered by the news being splashed like blood; and when it came to anything EE science, I was the tourniquet. Whomever was foolish to invade the EE labs, I sought to put them on a cold, grey slab and dissect them backwards to discover why. And the more they screamed, the deeper I would cut!


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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Laboratory, Asteroid belt, not far from Zakuul
Objective: Defeat the Shadow Empire; Save the laboratory
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan | Ladybug Ladybug | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Open
[ Ragnarök ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid hadn't heard of Red in a long time; the man was mostly a mercenary, so he worked for the Eternal Empire when he wanted to. The man seemed to be in the mood to work that day. She responded immediately to the message, correcting the calling code immediately; years passed, but she was still not used to the Empress title, especially not from her own people. It was too ruling title and not like, she only was their military commander.

<< Red, this is the Red Witch, we are already inside, the lounge is the rendezvous point if you can get to another hangar and not to where we are already. >> she answered.

She looked at Ivixa after her words. Yes, there will have to be this solution here, there was no easier method. The base was secret, so traditional convenience features like EENet or MEIPOC access were not allowed. A manual method so that no one can break and slice into the systems from the outside.

<"Yes, Seven. MEIPOC has no coverage or network here; we have to do everything manually."> she said, and this was also true for MANIAC. He didn't have a network here either.

Ingrid pulled out her two swords and then made a hand gesture, signaling to Ivixa that the girl would get the desired opponents in no time. She took an offensive position, using the Force to open the door. Shadow Ultranauts began to pour inwards…



Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Objective: Secure the Lab. Contain the threat. Protect the survivors and the samples.
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan Ladybug Ladybug Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

Red unlatched his harness, and got up, grabbing his gear. The hold was flooded in a red emergency light, and equipment was scattered all over the place. "Alright, who's not dead? Sounds off." He said.

"4-2 still here."

"4-3, still alive."

"4-5, still kicking."

"4-6, reporting in."

"4-7, still with you."

"4-8, sounding off."

"Eagle-3, still here."

Multiple voices went off. Good, so they only lost two people in the crash. The pilot was still alive, too.

"Alright, everybody, helmets on, seal your suits. We're about half a click from our LZ. We'll have to book it for the nearest entrance. Grab your gear, we'll be heading out soon." Red told them. They quickly unlatched their harnesses, and started grabbing the gear on the floor.

<< Red, this is the Red Witch, we are already inside, the lounge is the rendezvous point if you can get to another hangar and not to where we are already. >>

Red brought his commlink back up. "Copy Red Witch. Our Shuttle went down half a click from the LZ point. We'll be heading towards the lounge. We'll contact you once we've made progress, over." He said.

And with that, he opened the shuttle door.
Location: Hangar, Laboratory - Asteroid Belt, Zakuul System
Objective: Defeat the Shadow Empire; Save the Laboratory
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Ladybug Ladybug Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan

<"Copy that, Empress!"> Ivixa answered. A moment later, a breath was suspended in the sniper’s chest as the Empress heaved the doors open through an exertion of the arcane. Just as the first aperture appeared, Ivixa caught sight of a Shadow Imperial Ultranaut in the middle, the sign on his armor tipping her off to the soldier’s loyalty. Caught off guard by the sudden activation of the entrance, the man hesitated for a split-second before making an attempt to move. However, Ivixa didn’t even wait that long, a slender finger squeezing the rifle’s trigger to deliver kinetic retribution towards a cowardly traitor. An explosion of red mist succeeded the crack of her shot, the unfortunate soldier’s body thrown all the way back to the wall from the bullet’s massive kinetic force,

However, his death didn’t stop the others.

Flashbangs were tossed into the hangar, followed by more Shadow Ultranauts, who came rushing in with guns blazing. However, knowing that her armor was hardened against sonic and protected from burst of light by her anti-flash lenses, Ivixa held her focus on the entrance. One shot, then another, whip-cracked through the air as the first two Ultranauts charged into the hangar, the leading one having his head blown off in a shower of flesh and blood, before the second was cut down with a brutal shot to the thigh, the slug hacking off the lower part his leg to leave the soldier screaming in fits as he bled to death.

The sniper spared not a bullet to give him mercy.

Two more soldiers came through the same entrance, but by then, the other blast doors to the hangar had been either forced or blown open as well by the Shadow Ultranauts, who seemed intent on striking the Empress’ personal squad from all sides. Nevertheless, ever the trained assassin, Ivixa held her focus, cutting down both of the Shadow Ultranauts as they charged into the room, her slug ripping through the lead soldier’s neck, before proceeding to strike the man behind him in the upper chest.

Just as an entrance was blown open twenty meters behind her, the diminutive sniper realized that the only way through was forward.

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Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
Jacob took a series of quick deep breaths as the first few blaster bolts bounced off of his blade. He took the fear and panic that burst out from the sudden attack, and twisted it into the anger and hatred that fueled the dark side of the force, allowing his passions to guid his blade to the exact spot where it needed to be to deflect each and every shot that the enemy fired at him. As the traitors fell one by one, Jacob's lips twisted into a sneer. For some the dark side was fueled by the burning fury of a rabid beast. For some it was a cold hatred, cruel and calculating. For Jacob it was all about the thrill of battle, the desire to dominate his enemies, to overcome and surpass them, to prove his superiority. That was his passion. That was the source of his power. And against these pitiful, ordinary traitors, he was most certainly superior. That was why they were on the ground and he was on his feet.

Jacob stepped over the corpses and into the hanger, taking a deep breath to keep his emotions in check. There was always a balancing act to using the dark side of the force. One needed strong emotions to fuel their power, but too much emotion could dull the mind. Keeping the anger and passions strong in the heart, but still being able to concentrate on the battlefield itself, was a skill that Jacob has spent his entire adult life trying to master.

Jacob opened all of his senses to survey the scene in front of him. Immediately his attention was drawn to the absurdly powerful presence of the woman in black, tight fitting armor who wielded a pair of swords. Even though Jacob had never met the Empress before, there was no doubt in his mind of who was leading the defense. In the presence of Empress Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir Jacob suddenly felt very very small.

Envy boiled up inside him. He didn't push it back down. He didn't hide it either, not even from her if she cared to read his feelings at all. No, Jacob harnessed that Envy. Jealousy was a passion, and like any strong emotion it would fuel his power.

Jacob surveyed the battlefield. Enemy Ultranauts were pouring in from every entrance except for the one Jacob had just walked in through. The imperial forces in the hangar, the Empress, several Ultranauts, and a lone Asa'nyx sniper, were effectively surrounded. Their biggest problem, as far as Jacob could tell, was the sheer number of directions that they had to defend. This was forcing them to thin their forces, much as Jacob had done to the Ultranauts he had slaughtered on his way in. Therefore the best thing he could do was poke a hole in the enemy's net.

Jacob ran toward his left, toward the smallest group of enemies he could see. He ran straight through the open battlefield. That was the great thing about a lightsaber. He brought his own cover. The soldiers noticed him quickly and turned their blasters on him. Jacob slowed his charge and focused on deflecting and redirecting every bolt that came toward him as he slowly approached the ultranauts. Just like the group at the entrance they were forced to divide their attention between fighting back against Imperial forces, and a desperate attempt to overwhelm Jacob's defense before he reached them.

In Jacob's mind however, he was no longer in combat with these traitors. He was in competition with the bastion of power that was the Eternal Empress. If he could accomplish more in this battle, he won. These people, these... pitiful traitors, were nothing more than points to be scored in his private little game.
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

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