Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jacob Calhan

Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
Jacob Calhan


NAME: Jacob Calhan

FACTION: Eternal Empire

RANK: Corporal


AGE: 31

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5’11” / 180 CM.

WEIGHT: 173 lbs / 78.5 kg

EYES: Amber

HAIR: Dirty Blonde

SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Analytical: Basically a requirement for his line of work. Jacob has a knack for looking at the information in front of him, putting the pieces together, and figuring out what pieces are missing. Jacob is never satisfied until he has the whole picture. he will keep delving deeper into the details until he plugs all the holes in his understanding, until all questions are answered. It is a useful trait, though in a state like the eternal empire, it can sometimes be problematic.
Adaptable: Jacob has never been challenged by new environments. Whether working alone or on a team, sleeping in a bed or in the dirt, deserts forests tundras or cities its never been a problem. It is simply a matter of analyzing the environment, figuring out the best way to survive, and doing what needs done.
Ambitious: No one will ever control him again. He will overcome all. He will surpass all. He will not be held back. He will climb to the highest level there is until no one is above him. This applies both to rank but more than that to his own personal abilities. As a scientist, a fighter, a force user, an agent of the empire, he is determined to be the best there is. He is determined to be so good at his job that no one would dare challenge him, so valuable a being that even the emperor would find him indispensable.
Protective: Power is a means to an end. Political power, financial power, martial power, military power, even the power of the force is a resource to accomplish a goal. In Jacob's mind that goal is to protect the weak and innocent, the citizens of the empire who cannot protect themselves. Just as he once protected his little brother from the bullies at school and their abusive father, Jacob will protect the citizens and civilians of the empire from all threats, both foreign and domestic.
Reliable: If Jacob says he's going to do something, it is going to get done. He will put everything he has into the mission until it is either accomplished, or completely impossible. He takes initiative, he finds solutions, and he keeps his word. This extends beyond his mission. Anyone who he cares about can rest easy knowing that if they ever need help he will help. He might rub it in, but he will help.

Arrogant: Jacob is... kind of a jerk. There's no two way's about it. He is a smart aleck and he has little patience for other people's mistakes. He also has a hard time admitting to his own mistakes, and will often return accurate criticism with childish insults. Part of this is an act, an attempt to appear strong so that other's will not come against him. However he is smarter than most people, and he is very, very aware of this fact. Perhaps his greatest weakness is that he doesn't like listening to others. He assumes there is nothing they can offer that he can't figure out on his own.
Irreverant: At least as much as anyone can get away with in the eternal empire. Jacob sees the use of titles, the standing at attention, all the yes sirs and no ma'am, as acts of submission. Something that lower ranking people do out of "respect" for those who are above him. And Jacob hates to admit that anyone is above him. Jacob grits his teeth and goes along with what is recquired to avoid court marshal, but little more than that. And behind closed doors he has no problem sharing his honest opinions of his so-called "superiors." Though there may be those capable of earning his respect, and those that do would find a truly loyal companion.
inferiority complex: No matter how high Jacob climbs, no matter how strong he becomes, no matter what he accomplishes; Jacob will always feel like it's not enough. He will always feel like everyone is looking down on him. He will always feel like he has to reach the next step in order to be worth anything. This is one of his primary motivations for his ambition, but it also makes him abrasive and unfriendly. He thinks everyone looks down on him, but the truth is it's usually him that pushes them away.
Vindictive: Jacob does not forgive, he does not forget, and he does not get even. He shows dominance. If someone wrongs him he doesn't try to even the score, he plays to win. Insult him? He'll humiliate you. Cost him a promotion? He'll get you fired. Break his nose? he'll break your legs. And if you ever dare try to seriously hurt him or one of the precious few people he cares about? No one will ever find your body.


Firearms: Novice
Jacob has a relatively high degree of technical skill with firearms, but very little practice in actually using them. He was trained in the use and maintenance of weapons just like every other soldier, but after changing his primary weapon to a lightsaber he found little need to practice with blasters. He can still hit a target as long as he has time to aim properly, or allow the force to guide him, but it would not be his weapon of choice.

Lightsaber: Intermediate. Preferred style: Form V. Djem So / Shien.
Jacob started training with a lightsaber half way through the two years of Ultranaut training. He quickly mastered the basic cadences and principles of Form I. After that he learned the basics of all six of the basic forms and chose to specialize in Form V, which he believed to be the most practical overall, and the best suited to the heavy armor, used by ultrnauts and black watch agents.

Form I - Shi-Cho: Adept
Form II - Makashi: Novice
Form III - Soresu: Novice
Form IV - Ataru: Novice
Form V - Shien: Adept
Form V - Djem So: Adept (preferred)
Form VI - Niiman: Novice

Force Abilities: Equal to an advanced padawan.
The education Jacob received from the Eternal Empire military was limited. He learned the basics of drawing on the force and controlling his power without letting it control him. He learned how to use the force to strengthen his body and guide his instincts to make him a much more effective soldier. During his time in Blackwatch he became adept in sensing others through the force, as well as masking his own presence. Jacob's education was further bolstered by limited access to the lore and studies of the force in the Red Library, which Jacob spent a considerable amount of time studying whenever possible.

In the warrior culture of the Eternal Empire Jacob's figure is best described as distinctly average. Among his more intellectual peers however, his broad shoulders and corded muscles set him apart. He keeps his body ready to return to active duty at any time.

There was little joy in Jacob Calhan's childhood. His father abused him. His mother allowed it. His peers at school seemed to avoid him. It would take him twenty years to figure out why. The one light in his life was his little brother, Levi. The two children spent every moment together throughout their childhood, and well into their teenage years.

Levi was always... overly emotional. He couldn't handle his father's yelling, let alone the beatings. The bullies at school would quickly bring him to tears. Or they would when Jacob wasn't around. When he was around they would stere clear. They knew that picking on Levi meant fighting Jacob, and fighting Jacob meant one of them was losing a tooth. Jacob was always an impressive fighter, and worse he was tenacious. Even if they outnumbered him ten to one and he knew that he would lose, Jacob would inflict as much damage as he could while he was still standing. As the boys grew older the bullying became more sophisticated, and so did Jacob's retaliations. One day Levi was trapped in a locker after lunch. The next day one of the bullies was found trapped in the same locker, where he had spent the night. When one bully though it would be funny to pull Levi's pants down in the lunchroom, he found himself hanging from the flagpole by his underwear. After that the bullying stopped, only to be replaced by a cold isolation. No one bothered them. No one even talked to them.

Their father was not so easy to deal with. He had more power over them. Power over their food. Power to beat them and get away with it. He even had the power to keep Jacob at home and send Levi to school by himself. By the time Jacob was old enough, big and strong enough, to fight back against their father, he found himself unable to strike out at the man. He had come to feel pity for the old coward. A veteran of the last war, or perhaps the war before that, his father suffered greatly from survivor's guilt, nightmares, and other symptoms of PTSD. His favorite medicine was alcohol. Jacob came to regard him less as evil and more as... weak. Pitifully broken down by the horrors he couldn't handle.

With this realization Jacob felt a burning desire to go to war; to face the darkness that had broken his father, return triumphant and show the man that Jacob was stronger than him. He could have joined the army when he turned sixteen. He could have, if he had been willing to abandon Levi. But he knew that if he left, his father and the bullies at school would descend on his brother like ravenous wolves, avenging themselves for the pain Jacob had inflicted on them. So he stayed. He endured his father's beatings, and the cold distance of the other students for Levi's sake. When Levi turned eighteen he would be free from school and free from their father. Then he would go. then he would join the army.

It was Levi who changed his plans. One day when Jacob was home sick, Levi, who was fifteen at the time, came home with a black eye, a broken nose, and a busted lip which was pulled back into a crooked grin. Jacob of course, leapt from the couch he had been laying on and tried his best to squeeze the questions through his swollen throat. "I gosh shontin fa ya." Jacob answered and held out his hand. Jacob's jaw dropped when he saw that his brother was holding a tooth. "Ish Gemmy's." Jacob stared in amazement. Gemmy Gilroy was the biggest, toughest, meanest guy in the whole school. "Shou don gotta worry 'out me 'o or." Levi said. "I'll handle em."

It would take Levi another year to convince his brother that he could be left alone. Jacob was nineteen when he left and joined the army, one of the first new recruits in the newly independent eternal empire. He both loved and hated basic training. He loved it because he hated it. He hated it because it was difficult, and because it was difficult every day that he pushed through proved he was strong. He was stronger than his father, and he would prove it.

He was stronger than most of the other recruits as well. At times. It was a strange thing. At times he would overpower the strongest of them in hand to hand combat drills, only for someone much weaker to wrestle him to the ground the next day. Sometimes he would pull his blaster out and perform incredible feats of speed and precision, feats which he could never manage to replicate.

But one thing was constant. His fellow soldiers resented him. They were jealous or so he assumed. He gave them plenty of reason to be. Yet he noticed that even recruits that he had never spoken to before seemed to have some natural aversion to him. Eventually his sergeant realized what was happening. One night when the rest of the recruits were heading off to the showers, the sergeant called Jacob to his tent, and had him tested for midi-chlorians. He was confirmed force sensitive.

Jacob was assigned special training to control and make use of his powers. It was rudimentary, pitiful compared to the training the Jedi or Sith would receive, but it was the best Jacob was likely to get in the Eternal Empire. He learned how to sense danger, how to feel the emotions around him, and the basics of lightsaber combat. Most importantly he learned how to restrain his powers, and that was when he had his epiphany. There was a reason why the soldiers had instinctively disliked him, why he had always been the target of bullying and isolation in school. It was the dark side of the force! His father's abuse, had filled him with anger and resentment from a young age, and because of his strong connection to the force that resentment and wafted off of him like a miasma. Nobody knew what it was about him they didn't like, they simply grew resentful by being in his presence. This had obviously caused him more pain and anger and resentment, which had fed the darkness surrounding him.

Now that he knew what was happening it was a simple matter to stop it, but that didn't make socializing easy. He had gone his whole life with exactly two kinds of social interaction; protect his brother, and compete with everyone else. And now competition seemed to be all he knew. He told his brother the next chance he had, and Levi offered a solution so simple that Jacob was amazed he hadn't thought of it himself. "Just try to pretend they're me. You were always my friend, so treat them like you treated me."

It helped, but it wasn't an instant fix. The other soldiers simply weren't his brother, and he had already made enemies of most of them. Besides, most of them were complete idiots who believed whatever they were told and didn't think or care about anything except the next place to get a drink. Most of them, Jacob surmised, would probably end up like his father. He needed a change, and so he applied for the Blackwatch. Originally he had planned to enter the psi-corps. That quickly changed when he first met a psi-corps operative. There was something about them that was just wrong. Something about them that made Jacob quickly decide he did not want to become one of them.

Even so, Jacob served with Blackwatch for a few years. During this time he began to study various topics in his free time. Mostly he studied anything he could find on the force, attempting to improve his own powers. But he also found an interest in biology, mechanics, psychology, and physics. Eventually he realized that his was his true calling. He was a good soldier, but it wasn't what he really wanted to be. He had entered the military to prove that he was stronger than his father. He had done that. It was time to serve his empire in a different capacity.

Jacob flew through his courses in the university, quickly earning degrees in biology and physics, and taking every class available on the force and the history of those who used it. Of course this information was very limited without special clearance, but he took what he could get. By the end Jacob developed a strong fascination with midi-chlorians, and wrote his final thesis on them. He believed that the midi-chlorians were the link between science and the force, the key to de-mistifying the mythical energy field.

After graduating Jacob applied to the institute of military sciences, and was accepted. Official records of Jacob Calhan end there. He is still commonly seen around the Red Library, but he never talks about his work and never seems to publish anything. This is of course because his work is classified.




Shadow Empire: Ragnarok Protocol
Sometimes It Just Doesn't Work Out
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