Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion No Stone Unturned | EE Dominon of Batva




The isolated world of Batva has lied forgotten and unknown in the dark fringes of space for all of recorded galactic history. Not many ships ventured out so far, and it is located off of many pre-established hyperspace routes that could possibly take one to the edge of the galaxy. It was not until recently that it has been receiving any attention from beyond its system.

The first was how it was discovered; by accident. Spacers who have remained anonymous accidentally found the planet, and its eerie system not too long ago, and made it appear on most star charts possessed in the Unknown Regions if not possessed by pilots and spacers across the galaxy. At first, the planet seemed barren and lifeless. However, the second reason it has gotten attention was how a large, and powerful, force presence was traced back to it. One that seemed curious, and living. It was given the attention of the Empress of the Eternal Empire herself, who ordered a mission to the planet to get an understanding of what is on the isolated, dark world.

The expedition proved more fruitful than initially thought. The small party found that the world was in fact not dead like surface scans from orbit have suggested. Beneath the scorched surface that lacks an atmosphere, there was breathable air in the subterranean portions of the world. There was the prospect that this world could possess life. The ruins left behind could mean that natives still live below, and scientists present at the base camp, and in orbit, are excited about what sort of ecosystem could exist down in the depths of the world of Batva. The source of the force presence is still unknown, but further exploration for the interest of the empire is necessary.

A much larger expedition to the planet is now being sent. This time it is not a scouting mission, but an effort of bringing Batva under the banner of the Eternal Empire. A small fleet of transports and command ships now sits in orbit. A base camp has begun to be constructed where the expedition found an ancient mining elevator that still functions despite countless years of lying abandoned and unmaintained. Finally, and most importantly, the first explorers from the Eternal Empire to venture into the uncharted depths of Batva have made the journey below the surface. Reports are mixed to those on the surface or aboard the fleet. The natives, despite appearing on previous scans from the first expedition to the planet, are more elusive to the teams this time. The force presence is still felt beneath the surface by those sensitive to the force, creating the feeling of being watched constantly. Meanwhile, the non-sensitive imperials just think they are being paranoid of the countless unknowns that face them while venturing into the dark underbelly of the planet.



Objective 1: Into the Depths
The first team to go beneath the surface of Batva was tasked with doing some initial archeology and surveys for future efforts beneath the surface. While soldiers make up the majority in the party, the few scientists and archeologists are analyzing all resources, structures, and signs of possible sentient life they can find. Various geological samples have been taken from the cave walls, and the light blue rivers, and scans of what writing can be identified on ruined structures have been made in order to translate the ancient language carved in the stone buildings. Cartographers are making maps of the tunnels, passages, and atriums as the party continues its journey. However, at some point along one of the trails in a large atrium in the caves, scans show that there could be a village of native Batvadans up ahead on the trail. It is now up to the scientists, archeologists, and soldiers, to decide what to do next with this new development in their mission.

Objective 2: Find the Source
For many in the Eternal Empire, the exploration of Batva means taming another world in the Unknown Regions to exploit whatever resources it has, or securing it so no one in the galaxy could use it against the empire. However, for a few, this effort to explore Batva is about uncovering what caused a surge of force energy that radiated to the nearby systems that were the capital worlds of the Eternal Empire. Members of the Wardens of the Shroud, as well as any trusted force users in the Eternal Empire’s ranks, have been tasked with joining some of the other teams, or venturing on their own, to search for the source of this surge of force energy. Whether this could pose a threat to the Eternal Empire has concerned even the Empress herself. Therefore, clearance to the subterranean world is granted to all force users in the empire’s ranks in order to find out what is happening deep below the surface of the dark world.

Objective 3: Base Camp
Only a few groups have gone down the elevator shaft to explore the more hospitable subterranean world. However, the majority of the Eternal Empire’s forces have been tasked with establishing a base of operations on the planet’s scorched and airless surface. The chosen location is on a mesa where the elevator was located by the previous expedition that was sent to Batva. Not all stationed here are tasked with a construction project though. Many archeological efforts have been taking place to make sense of what may be a ruined city nearby to the construction site by the scientists and archeologists not given clearance to go beneath the planet’s surface.

Objective 4: BYOO
In addition to these, countless another story waits to everyone, and anything you want, personal stories. Have fun in any way that you please!
Ask on discord about what story ideas you have before initiating them here please.


Links: Batva

Thanks to Viermen for the description, the planet and the thread! <3

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Investigate the event | Find the Source
Location: Underground, Batva
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Open
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

If the Empress is curious about something, there is no force, power and authority that can keep her from learning more about it or checking it in person. This was still the case today. It is quite certain that she would not have been let be here without a bodyguard or escort. Because of the events at Batva, the circumstances were just like that. What can an empress do if she wants to go somewhere without anyone knowing she is leaving Kalidan? Yes, without a ship or any traceable device. So, she first went to Netherworld and then arrived on the planet via another rift.

Needless to say, it was precisely because of this, her arrival caused a great deal of turmoil. Especially among those who were not members of the Wardens of the Shroud. Perhaps she was the only one almost every Warden knew was among their ranks. At least in the high layers. While most of the Force Users in the Empire keep secret that they are Force Users, it was common knowledge, the woman was a Force User. It could not have been otherwise, since she was Tacitus' right hand, and his disciple.

She was just in the base camp from where the Knight Wardens had begun to begin their day-to-day research. MANIAC downloaded the data for her when she suddenly sensed something in the Force. A familiar presence. Ingrid had felt it before in the Imperial Assembly building, although she had not been able to speak to him at the time because the time was not right. Since then, she had learned and knew that the man had retired from SJC military service and moved his company headquarters to the Eternal Empire' territory. When they first met, she found it all quite unimaginable. True, a lot has changed since that battle on Voss.

The red-haired woman walked in the direction of the man, then smiled when she saw him. Extended her hand to the man in a friendly manner.

"Colonel! It's a pleasure to see you!" she knew she should have been called him as Mr. Rarr, but she still honoured him with the title. "It was a pleasant surprise to hear that you are moving into this part of the galaxy. Have you ever thought about my old offer?" she inquired.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective I: Into the Dephts
Location: Research camp, underground, Batva
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I was in armour and leaning on the side of one of the erected buildings. My helmet was fastened to my belt, I was just resting for a few minutes. Farther away from the hustle and bustle, calmer minutes. At least for me. I heard that further away from one of the tents, scientists are still arguing with each other. Luckily, they didn't have a weapon, because otherwise they'd probably have tried to shoot each other.

I didn’t like it when I had to "play" childminder. Not even if they paid for it. I felt like I was wasting my talent. Especially since it's not even a bodyguard job. Not really, I don't have to protect someone from assassins, just taking care of some incompetent and annoying scientist.

The only reason I was here was Arturo Braga Arturo Braga . I should come, it will be great fun, take a look and enjoy yourself! If I can shoot this bunch of incompetent scientists who are still arguing, I think it’s going to be really good fun. But without it? I think I would slowly need a painkiller to my head. Or a drink so I can bear this place. I don’t think you can argue that much like that. I’m glad I’m not a scientist, just a bounty hunter with a good business sense.

I looked up at the sky tired, but only saw the top of the cave. This place is awful. I want the sun, warm lights, flowers, and air. I don’t want to be down here knowing that if the ceiling will break anytime for some reason, we’re all going to die here. Great views! Today I was more growling, grumpy than usual and in a worse mood. I think I definitely don’t like having to spend my time underground.

It reminds me to the prison, captivity, time spent in slavery. I shuddered; it wasn't a pleasant feeling. And if anyone asks me the answer will be that I need more than a hot chocolate today to be in a better mood. Much, much more. When I finally see Arturo because he arrives, I look at him almost pleadingly.

"Do you let me shoot them? I can't take this anymore…" I poked my head at the scientists and researchers arguing with each other. "Or save me!" I offered the opportunity.



Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Batva, Science / Archeology Camp
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: ??


Peering out the tinted window of the ship whilst it slowly descended to the surface, and its designated landing zone, one Director Mihaly watched with great enthusiasm as both science and archeology teams scrambled to make the final preparations into the depths below the surface. The initial teams discovered something of great importance to the Empress, the Empire, and Director Mihaly; a possible underground village hosting living sentient life. Maps of the numerous tunnels had been developed by cartographers, then uploaded into portal datapads, and finally translated into holomaps for the teams making the trek beneath. Outside the village, there were ancient structures that dotted the landscape below, and one structure had been assumed to be an ancient science facility. This facility appealed greatly to the Science Overseer. Science was an evolving subject of importance. Most that scoffed at science never fully embraced the concepts science brought into their meager lives.

With a slight, jarring thud her personal ship landed. Completing the necessary shutdown of lesser systems aboard, she headed for the exit, where she was greeted by two of the Royal Institute's faculty members upon disembarking the craft. "Director Mihaly," Doctor Hansen, a rather tall and skinny fellow with dark hair possessing a tint of white streaks forming on the sides of his head, began as the two engaged in a professional handshake. "Everything is in order for tomorrow's expedition. However, I am told there is an above average size of seismic activity below. I am told, also, there is no major concern to postpone the expedition, but we have been notified to take extreme caution, leaving nothing to chance." Director Mihaly nodded her head, turning her attention to the woman. Doctor Jenson, a short woman with an excellent athletic physique with long flowing red hair with extremely beautiful red freckles decorated a near prefect face. She was a major force in her field of study, and when Director Mihaly initially interviewed her before hiring shortly at the conclusion of the interview, she couldn't help wondering why this woman chose science over a career in modelling, sports, or even on the big holomovie screens. Director Mihaly was thankful, a rare feeling for the Sith Lord, Doctor Jenson chose science.

"Yes, as Doctor Hansen previously said, the seismic readings are minor, and yes we should exercise caution; but I recommend we move the timetable up for the expedition. It's my opinion we should leave earlier than scheduled, in the event the readings begin to fluctuate and cause us to postpone or reschedule the trip," Doctor Jenson added. The trio walked in silence toward the main camp site, allowing the Overseer to think. Both teams were ready, all equipment had been inspected and prepped for tomorrow's expedition, and all the supplies required where boxed and packaged and loaded on the vehicles. "We leave at first light," Director Mihaly finally proclaimed.


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“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi, Knight Warden

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon

Location: Batva, Eastern Base Camp
Objective: Investigate The Source
Tags: ??


My arrival to the planet of Batva was one of urgency. From the moment I stepped foot on this rocky, barren world, I was ushered to my team who were on stand-by, waiting for my arrival. Several teams were formed, each time assigned a Warden to lead them, in some instances two or three Wardens to a team. There was an energy well deep underground that was believed, as I had been told at my briefing before shipping out to Batva, to contain Force energy. Or something to that affect. Regardless, the Empress herself was taking a keen interest in this source personally, possibly leading a team herself. I found my team, collectively made of military personnel and a couple of scientists familiar with the surge of energy. The whole operation was a rush job, and I wondered how much information my military side of the team received? I've dealt with the Empire's science department before, and each scientist was a cryptic as their Director was. I'm wholly convinced my military entourage were fed little to nothing in what they were either looking for or expecting to encounter in the depths.

Without hesitation, I ordered my team into the vehicles. The vehicles were nothing more than refurbished military assets transformed into make-shift transports. These mechanical beasts could take us into the early stages of the underground tunnel, but no further than that. Majority of the investigation would undoubtedly be conducted on foot. I didn't like that. There were to many unknown variables down there. Visibility was a main concern. There were illumination devices we brought along, but in extreme darkened areas, they did little to assist. As a Force user, I possessed the ability to detect danger almost beforehand, I would be our team's early warning system. However, there are techniques and flaws in the Force that could cloud my senses, and if the Force down in these depths were powerful enough in raw energy; this could pose a problem. Again, I despised putting my team in such an awkward and unbalanced position.

As suspected, the schism between the two personnel types was evident during the trek to our drop off location. The scientists conversed among themselves, likewise the military did so amongst their ranks. This was bad. I felt deep in my heart these science boys were keeping something from us, and I feared their lack of communication would result in unneeded causalities. The transports screeched to halt, and we filtered out into complete and utter darkness. There was some kind of glowing fungus on the walls, but they were in patches and spread out considerably that they did nothing for us. In unison, the illumination devices kicked on; and slowly we crept into the unknown.

Still going, despite everything.

Objective One: Into the Depths
Location: Underground Research Camp, Batva
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera / Open
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

The scientists were arguing. Again.

Arturo did not know what had sparked the argument. He wasn't even sure if there was a why. What he did know was that scientists positively hated being told to calm down. By their subordinates, their peers. But especially by their superiors. Having detached himself from the gaggle of lab coat-wearing fools some time before, Arturo considered himself fortunate that he did not have to bear the brunt of their wrath. No, that was some other poor sod's job.

His job was to make sure the scientists and cartographers were kept safe during their exploration of the underground vaults. Batva was riddled with them, after all. Vaults. Not scientists. No, the latter were few in number. Fortunately, they had a strong guard detail to keep them safe. From the native lifeforms that had been discovered dwelling beneath the surface, and any wouldbe interlopers. Anything -and Arturo meant anything- that sought to do them harm would be met with fire and steel and righteous fury.

Assuming they didn't harm themselves first.

Distancing himself from the shouting and the wailing, Arturo made his way over to Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera 's side. The small twi'lek looked sick. Or pissed off. Likely both.

"Do you let me shoot them? I can't take this anymore…" I poked my head at the scientists and researchers arguing with each other. "Or save me!" I offered the opportunity.

Smiling sadly, Arturo shook his head. "Wish I could, Sil. Believe you me." Staring over at the bickering group, Arturo let out a quiet sigh. For people who considered themselves masters of their fields, they really were quite stupid when it came down to it. "How long do you reckon they can keep this up? Five minutes? Ten?"
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"Colonel! It's a pleasure to see you!"

Beltran Rarr turned to see the Red-Haired Empress of the Eternal Empire approaching, a friendly expression on her face and her hand raised in greeting. It had only been a few weeks since he'd arrived in the Eternal Empire and the Lorrdian was still trying to determine which way was up. He had seen Ingrid during the emergency meeting of the Imperial Assembly a few weeks before, but circumstances had not allowed them to speak. Since that time, he had been busy working to shuffle his assets into this new area of the galaxy.

His headquarters for Obsidian Star Technologies would remain on Denon, as the Silver Concord and Galactic Alliance were major buyers. But he intended on opening up a subsidiary headquarters in the Vassek system, complete with a brand new Forge-class Shipyard called The Crucible. It was a busy time for the company, as it sought to recover from the losses sustained in the war with the Bryn'adul.

But that was a problem for functionaries and bureaucrats. Beltran had more immediate concerns, such as the surge of Force energy that had radiated out from this world not long ago. It had been strange, truly unlike anything he had felt before.

"And you, Empress." He replied as she came closer. Beltran didn't bow or anything grandiose like that. That really wasn't his style, but he maintained a formality in his speech that spoke of his respect for the woman. Neither did he correct her use of his old rank within the Antarian Rangers. He knew that much of what she said here was for the benefit of the others around them, many of whom were no doubt watching this exchange quite closely.

"It was a pleasant surprise to hear that you are moving into this part of the galaxy. Have you ever thought about my old offer?"

"I have," He answered softly. "That is, in part, why I have come to the Empire."

As a former contract killer, turned soldier, Beltran's forays into the Force had never truly been embraced by the Silver Jedi. True, they had tolerated him in their temples, a few Masters even allowing him to attend the odd class here and there, but it had always been clear that he was an outsider. He walked far too close to the Dark Side for most Jedi to be comfortable with him, and he in turn had always been openly critical of their narrow-mindedness.

During the height of the Bryn'adul war, he had studied under the-now infamous-Sith Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis for a time with the intent of bringing more deadly powers to the fight against an enemy that threatened to destroy them all. He had learned much from the Sith, but he had never really taken to their ways either. Sith were too petty, too selfish. Too many of them delighted in slaughter for slaughter's sake and all of them were obsessed with power for power's sake.

They Jedi called them evil, but Beltran had a far more scathing words to describe them: sloppy, undisciplined, weak. Which matched well with Beltran's opinion of the Jedi: arrogant, self-righteous, irresponsible.

'Toddlers with lightsabers, both groups.'
He had once said, and now in the absence of a threat like the Bryn'adul, they had returned to their never-ending war.

"With the Bryn'adul threat neutralized," He continued aloud. "I have come to take you up on your offer, if it is still extended."
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Steve the Ultranaught


Objective: Keep Watch Over The Construction Site
Tags: Whoever wants to join

UC-4158, informally known as Steve, was looking down from a tall guard tower over the hive of activity that was the construction effort. The tower, which was around ten meters tall and made of what felt suspiciously similar to cheap plastic, had been built earlier than most of the finished buildings, but that hardly meant that it was particularly stable. It was only meant as a temporary structure, and that was quite obvious to Steve and his fellow guard stationed on the tower. The other guard was designated UC-4160, and informally known as Dennis.

“So, how long do you think it’s going to be before this flimsy excuse for a guard tower is going to fall over?” Dennis casually asked. “Well, I really think we should not be talking about pointless things like that while we are on guard duty, but I think it will probably be at least three days.” Steve responded with a distinctly irritated tone of voice. The two Ultranaughts continued watching the construction below in silence. After around a minute, Dennis abruptly began speaking. “Some of the other guards were talking about seeing odd stuff on this planet. Oliver even said something about seeing some sort of beast.” After Dennis had finished talking, Steve responded. “There is no point to spreading idiotic rumors like that. And even if there is a “beast” as you so eloquently put it, I am sure it is nothing the glorious Eternal Empire can not handle.”

But before Steve could go on a long winded speech, Dennis pointed something rather important out. “Well, sorry to leave you with nobody to listen to you shouting about how amazing the Eternal Empire is, but my shift ended 2 minutes ago!” Dennis promptly began climbing down the rickety looking ladder that lead to the perimeter wall. Steve merely nodded his head in response. The next guard would likely be climbing up the ladder fairly soon, but until then, Steve had to keep watch by himself. He peered through his set of macrobinoculars at the barren wasteland, watching the strong winds blow across the surface. Suddenly, Steve noticed an odd looking shadow moving quickly across the devoid wastes. It was moving with clear purpose and intention, and seemed to be moving towards the construction site. Behind him, Steve heard what was presumably the new guard climbing up the ladder.
Objective 3: Base Camp
Current Objective:
Equipment: Rendezvous with surface research team.
KC -95 Blaster Pistol
2x Flash bang Grenade
1x Smoke Grenade
Location: Aboard the Ember Cresent- heading towards the hangar.
Current Time: 16 hours before planet - logged sundown.
Flagship: Adjudicator class Star Destroyer Ember Cresent

"- are eagerly awaiting your arrival planetside, Admiral."
Ultranaught commander Targryn's voice echoed to Stirric's personal comm. It was the fourth time all told that the Admiral had tried to log the message as a whole- but yet, even still, Stirric found he could not fully divert enough attention to lend it enough merit.
He made a silent reminder to apologise in person after deployment. Until then, however, Stirric returned his gaze back to the datapad before him.

The small device had contained initial reports registered by advanced scout teams. Their report had been... unusual, to say the least. Stirric had previously attempted to decipher the Intel but had found he couldn't shake the notion that suggested the planet had almost deliberately remained hidden for so long.

"We would have seen it" he spoke aloud to no-one in particular.
"I would have seen it"

There was a light blip as Stirric's datapad lit up once more with further discoveries now littering his loadout. Immediately, he thumbed the audio log and a woman's voice penetrated the dis-quiet.

"Coupled with the more recent findings of a now seemingly ancient evelator system- it was obvious someone... something must have lived here at one point. And not only that, but whatever had been here must've-"

Whatever more had been said was lost in the Admiral's thoughts as he placed his free hand firmly against his brow. It just simply wasn't possible. A planet couldn't just be discovered accidently and not have anyone know anything of its prior existence.

And yet, that is exactly what he was looking at.

Stirric reached for his comm once more. Only this time, he set it on outgoing.
"Targryn, I shall be surfacing shortly. Prep the forces and get me everything we have on this elevator system".
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective I: Into the Dephts
Location: Research camp, underground, Batva
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I scowled at the sad smile and the shaking of the head. It was already very talkative, just like the sequel. Another grimace at the question. How long have they been doing this? That was a very good question. As I thought about it, MANIAC immediately rushed to my aid; good AI. The data appeared on my retina for me. Was that true now? Sure, it’s very accurate, but it was even worse than I first thought. I sighed wearily. Please have someone shoot me because one more day and I'll really kill them!

"They've been doing this for twelve and a half minutes. If they continue like this, I think they will be able to shout at each other all day. I would love to throw a flashbang between them. They would probably learn from it…" I grumbled.

The worst part was that they had to be supervised, so I couldn’t even say let’s go somewhere together for a bit. Now, in the first place, I thought I’d have a coffee and calm down, in a place where I can’t hear these!

"What will be the program and plan for today?" I asked.

I glanced at the disputing parties again for a few moments, then back at Arturo.

"Just don't tell me we need to keep listening to their arguing." I stated I want to go on vacation…

I looked at them again, they still didn’t want to end it and stop it all. This is going to be a really long and tiring day…

"I would give anything so that the two of us can get out of here now, to anywhere. Say a cinema or whatever…" I complained grouchy.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

Arturo Braga Arturo Braga
Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

"We both know that paper was widely discredited and of you really want to go? We can discuss your recent theories on Reductive Molecular Memory in digestive plants? But I don't think you want to go there now do you?" she looked at the older man who was shrinking as she attacked his scientific credentials, he was an idiot, he had decided as the 'senior' member of the scientific team he would lead. His plan made no sense, it had them scrabbling round in the dirt looking for clues that there was literally no chance of them finding, when they could just walk up and do the work themselves on site.

"Look, you can hide out up here all you want and enjoy your retirement as the scientist riding on the back of one great discovery when you were my age, or you could pick your balls up and come into the cave. See those three over there? The big guy and the two heavily armed twi'leks? Think they were sent here to supervise a children's karking sandpit? No!" this felt good for Trinity, she had bitten her tongue with this man, they had never gotten on since her days as a student when she disproved one of his papers. But a strong and confident part of Trinity had woken in the past year and he was receiving it now. The man was old, he was sexist and while still brilliant, was completely our of date.

Dr. Harris took a big breath and clipped on her Guarderma helmet, the forcefield flicking into effect in front of her face. As she turned, the other scientists who were initially backing the old professor up had post their nerve in the face of Trinity's fire and were beginning to suit up themselves.

She left the old man gathering his papers, almost in tears as she approached their armed guard. She looked at Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa and smiled, there was a reason Trinity was finding it easier to stand up for herself now after all. She looked at Arturo Braga Arturo Braga and Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera "I do apologise that you had to watch me disciplining the children." she was the youngest scientist by at least 20 years but they knew what she meant. "I think we are ready to proceed now into the deeper sections mapped out on your briefing packs."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Investigate the event | Find the Source
Location: Underground, Batva
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Open
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The two of them had known each other for a while, so Ingrid was very grateful that the man didn't bow. It wasn't a particular habit anyway in the Empire. The outsiders usually did so, the officers just bowed with their heads, and saluted of course. After all, the woman was their military commander. This is what the imperial title meant here. The beauty of the military society.

"The Lady Ingrid will be enough, colonel. I'm not asking you to call me "my Lord", I'm not your commander. But the Empress is too official, too regal." she said, for "my Lord" was the official address within the empire, only this simple; she was never fond of the sonorous and great titles; that is, it was her predecessor who liked them, not her.

Just as it was gratifying to hear that the man had arrived in part because of the earlier offer. From the first meeting, she thought the man could be a great ally because he was a man of honour. And last but not least, he is a great soldier. At the time, the woman was most looking after Adrian, her fiancé, and later her husband. He has been dead for more than ten years now. At least here at Realspace; It had been more than three hundred and twenty years passed for Ingrid, but she was as mourning as she was then.

As for Beltran, it was revealed from the first meeting that their views were similar, that they didn’t like either the Jedi or the Sith, but were looking for something else. Something where neither side is present in the galaxy. Ingrid had previously outlined to the man the possibility of a world where there is no Sith, no Jedi, not even the Force. Then the man had not yet been able to accept this, maybe he did not want to believe it. Maybe now. Some people found it soon, others needed more time to accept it, to think about it all.

A smile appeared on the woman's lips when the man finally stated that he had arrived because of the earlier offering, opportunity. Ingrid remained speechless for a few moments, but finally, after a nod, she spoke.

"Of course the offer is still there, I didn’t change my mind." she said. "I still have the same goal: to break the current perpetual, meaningless cycle, and get rid of the ongoing war between the Sith and the Jedi once and for all. Even before everything and everyone is extinct in this eternal struggle, which will never end unless we break the circles drastically."

No, she didn’t consider herself evil for it, as she didn’t want to solve it like the Sith or the Maw would kill everything and everyone in the galaxy. No, Ingrid wanted this as bloodless as possible. She only wanted to kill the Force, but without casualties, no collateral damage. The red-haired woman smiled again for a moment.

"I guess you have a lot of questions, Colonel. After all, I suggested and sketched something to you a long time ago that is not a common thing in the Galaxy. Feel free to ask, I will be happy to answer. In the meantime, we can even start looking for the source of the radiation." she offered.


Location: Underground Research - Batva
Objective: I - Into the Depths
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Ladybug Ladybug

Eleena leaned over the vanes of her bike and placed a hand on her cheek as she watched her girlfriend put the elderly, chauvinist scientist back in his place. While she knew that the argument was quite annoying for the two mercenaries who had accompanied them on the expedition, the jet swoop ace couldn’t help but to admire her girlfriend, even though she had no idea what Reductive Molecular Memory was. Nevertheless, Eleena was entranced as she always was with Trinity. However, at Silhana’s mention of the day’s itinerary, the Twi’lek snapped out of her reverie and set her mind back on the mission. Indeed, the warnings of potential seismic activity, as given by the Overseer of Scientific Development, Ladybug Ladybug , were of some concern to her. Eleena hoped that the arguing didn’t result in any delays which might see the team caught underground in the midst of some earthquake.

Perhaps Silhana’s idea of shooting the old, arrogant scientist was not so bad.

"I do apologise that you had to watch me disciplining the children." she was the youngest scientist by at least 20 years but they knew what she meant. "I think we are ready to proceed now into the deeper sections mapped out on your briefing packs."

Finally, after more than ten minutes, her girlfriend approached the group of escorts, to which Eleena offered her a warm, amorous smile from beneath the transparent glasteel of her helmet. Then, activating her OmniLink, Eleena glanced over the holomap of the section they were going to, her pale, alabaster features narrowing in focus as she did.

“No apologies needed, Doctor Harris. Everything is perfect.” Eleena answered playfully batting her lashes in the process. Then, revving the engines of her bike, Eleena gave her girlfriend a coy wink.

The bike itself was a smaller model, not nearly as fast as a Loralora or a Kallomena, but far more suitable for the caves and tight confines that the group might need to navigate, than the two powerful, loud machines. As such, the Swyftbreeze was quite ideal for scouting duties, allowing her to move ahead of the group and assess potential hazards. The added sound bafflers to dampen engine noise would keep things discreet, as well.

“Ready to fly!”

Still going, despite everything.

Objective One: Exploration
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa ( Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Ladybug Ladybug )
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

"I would give anything so that the two of us can get out of here now, to anywhere. Say a cinema or whatever…" I complained grouchy.

"I know, Sil. I know." Kicking at a stone with his boot, Arturo watched as the small lump of rock went bouncing across the cavern floor. It came to rest near the scientists. Lo and behold, they didn't seem to notice. "For now, just try to ignore them. Gods know I want to." Indeed, if things had been up to him, Arturo would've given the bickering eggheads a slap on the wrist and sent them all topside. Unfortunately, things weren't up to him. More's the pity.

A couple minutes more and the argument finally -thankfully- began to peter out. Bowing his head in gratitude to the young woman responsible for the feat, Arturo unclipped his own helmet from his belt and put it on. His HUD flashed to life as he ran a check on the seals and armor diagnostics; all systems came back green. "Ready to fly!" Miss Salwa stated, her tone eager, and somewhat familiar. Did she know this Doctor Harris? Or was that just youthful optimism he heard?

"As you say, Doctor. Miss Salwa." Clearing his throat, Arturo called all those stood in the entrance cavern to his side. Two dozen pairs of eyes turned to regard him as the nearby elevator pad began to ascend, no doubt on its way to pick up and ferry supplies down from the surface. The rumbling and grinding of ancient mechanisms drowned out the footfalls and grumbled curses of the scientists as they approached, a ring of well-armed contractors in tow.

Arturo shot a glance at Sil and rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long day.

"Right! Now that you're all here and listening, I'd like to begin by saying that it is both an honour and privilege to have you all along with us today." The Director started, his gaze sweeping over the pack of wild scientists -and their armored shadows- and back again. In truth, he didn't know any of those present. But he wasn't going to tell them that. "No doubt you're all excited at the prospect of exploring the unexplored. I am, too, if we're being earnest. I'm also terrified." The lie came easily enough, but it served to extinguish some of the fires Arturo could see burning in the eyes of the scientists. "You're probably all wondering why that is. Let me show you."

Reaching into a pouch at his waist, Arturo withdrew a datapad and began tapping away at the screen. Several seconds later and the group's own 'pads began to chirp, courtesy of the data package he had sent them. Waiting, watching, Arturo was not surprised to hear a few gasps coming from the scientists as they took in the info. Was it awe that made them gasp? Or fear? He did not know. "Batvadans. Funny little fethers, aren't they?" Arturo remarked, studying his own screen for a moment before passing the device to Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa so she could take a look. "Our forward teams discovered them not twenty-four hours ago, lurking in one of the nearby atriums."

The atrium in question had been marked in their briefing packs, as were several other sites of interest. Arturo continued.

"So far we have had very few run-ins with them. They seem tribal by nature, and note their faces. Blind, see?" Letting the joke slide over their heads, he said: "That is not to say they're senseless, however. On the contrary, their sight and smell seems to be far better than our own. So, don't be surprised if we run into them down here. Be wary. Do not wander off, and for the love of the Empire, stick together! If there's trouble, I or one of my associates will handle it. You all just do what you've been sent here to do and everything will be fine. Understood?"

Waiting for his words to sink in, Arturo turned to look at Eleena, stretching out a hand for his datapad. "Miss Salwa, I'd like it if you would scout ahead with Mister Sallow over there," Arturo said, indicating the other mercenary with a nod. "I'd rather we weren't caught with our pants down. Doctor Harris? If you're ready, we shall depart."

Smiling at them both, Arturo cast a look at Sil. "Ready for some sightseeing?"

"The Lady Ingrid will be enough..."

Beltran nodded along. He, as much as anyone, understood the need for leaders to keep a firm hand on their authority. He would have been fine calling Ingrid, my lord, or whatever the preferred honorific was here in the Empire but he appreciated Ingrid's feelings on the matter. "Alright," He said easily. "Lady Ingrid it will be. You are, of course, more than welcome to call me Beltran if you like."

It didn't matter much to him whether she continued to use his old rank or not. He appreciated the respect it intoned, but did not require it.

"I still have the same goal: to break the current perpetual, meaningless cycle, and get rid of the ongoing war between the Sith and the Jedi once and for all. Even before everything and everyone is extinct in this eternal struggle, which will never end unless we break the circles drastically."

It was a harsh truth, but one that Beltran had come to believe long before. The Sith and the Jedi would continue in their self-involved petty squabbles for the rest of eternity if left to their own ambitions. Many millions would die and untold billions would suffer in the seemingly endless cycle. She had spoken to him before of her desire to end the mystical energy field that was commonly called The Force. At that time, he had been incredulous. Now, after all the devastation he had seen in the intervening years, he was more open to the idea.

But, that said, he was skeptical that it was even possible. Still, something had to change.

"I guess you have a lot of questions..."

It was true, he did have questions but all of his years as a soldier had impressed upon him the importance of taking on the enemy in front of you. "I have a few," He replied. "But first let us explore this anomaly. It is important that we determine whether it is a danger. My questions can wait for after."

He gestured for Ingrid to lead the way. "After you, Lady."

Beltran would fall into step a few paces behind her as to not crowd her if she suddenly needed to defend herself.
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Objective One: Exploration
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tag: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Ladybug Ladybug | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga

There is something about being part of an expedition team, the chance to broaden horizons and to be on the planet instead of out in space, going nowhere fast. This was one of those times, Tovald agreed to come as protection and genuine interest. Besides, he knew Arturo and Sil, they met in a run-down cantina, possibly a few months ago now. He did remember to be not so formal with the boss lady, it's awkward and stilted.

He had weighed options on how to go about this and what loadouts to use, so he takes them all with him, with excursions like this, they will likely run into something that wants to eat them, hopefully not giant killer spiders. Small ones he can accept and live with but giant ones still keep him up at night armed with his slippers, ready to shoo them away or end up swatting them in a desperate attempt to keep them from crawling into his clothes.

The Cyclone was parked elsewhere, doors fully sealed to stop all his pets from escaping, Vee as it turned out follows him around, mostly due to the contents of his sandwich or that he craves attention. But right now, he cannot afford any disaster or any lost animals, because it would be fruitless to find anything here. He also began to wonder if he has too many, no, they are fine.

Tovald never liked figures of speech, they never mean what they say any more than what they should. He was standing listening to Arturo's speech/lecture/instruction, he tilted his head at the pants part, before letting that go as he would be spending precious minutes thinking too hard on a metaphor.

The grumbly Scientists were arguing, he didn't know what about, but it had to be something important. He could have been a scientist, but he was not scientifically inclined, nor did he have an aptitude for it. If he did, life would have been different.

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Batva, Science / Archeology Camp
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a / Arturo Braga Arturo Braga / Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa


The first vehicles carrying the science team began rumbling forward under the first signs of daylight. One transport carried a small contingency of soldiers, one for the science team led by Director and Overseer Mihaly, and one for the scientific equipment and supplies and contract workers. The plan was to get into the tunnels quickly, find an ample location, and set up a base camp inside. Too much time would be wasted with continuous roundtrips with any discovery of worthiness, it was best to store them within the camp, and transport them as one big lot when the expedition concluded. Besides, with an established campsite in place, more ground could be covered in shorter bursts.

Reaching an estimated forty-eight kilometers deep, the vehicles halted; allowing the soldiers to filter out and switch on the high-powered lights whilst setting up a defensive perimeter. After a few moments, the contracted workers exited their vehicle, unloading the materials needed to erect the base camp. Whilst the contractors went to work, Director Mihaly led her two associates out into the cavern. There was a strange sensation humming all about, except only she could actually feel it, through the Force. The timetable planned upon the night before saw the team ahead of schedule, but as eager as the science team was, there was no desire to rush into the unknown. The first scouting team would not be dispatched till the medical tents were operational. Sleeping tents and the supply tents held little importance to that of the medical tent.

r. Hansen, Dr. Jenson, take this time to thoroughly familiarize your plans with your respected teams," Director Mihaly said staring out into the darkness, feeling the humming grow exceptionally stronger, "The moment the medical facility is up and operational, I want your teams on the move." Before the two doctors could reply, she walked away with crisp steps toward the maw of the blackened cavern ahead. Folding back the sides of her cloak, revealing the twin hilts on her waist, she sat on the ground, closing her eyes and crossing her legs. Most Sith Lords never took time to meditate, that was a Jedi technique designed to center oneself, but she was not like most Sith Lords; she was special and unique. Her meditation trance was far more sinister in design. She wasn't trying to calm herself, rather to connect to the humming through the Force; to manipulate it for her own purposes.



Niransh Binzra



Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi
Location: Sanctum inside the Rochluns; Batva

Niransh noticed the others come to her world. There was one the ancient witch queen recognized from a previous visit. They only scratched the surface last time they were here, and Niransh was getting ready. In the times between the newcomers here and the previous visit, she has had her thralls construct more defensive infrasturcture for Lachbroch, and more importantly the Rochluns. When the visitors left, she knew more would come back. The visions she had centuries ago in her youth said outsiders from beyond her world would come, and now they have come. Her only hope was for them not to destroy her world. Not to destroy all the work she has spent centuries in making.

For the past day or so these outsiders have been on her world, she has been scanning their minds a bit. Peering in as best as she could without raising too much alarm. By looking in on the minds of sleeping guards, the language of these newcomers was becoming known to her slowly. She wanted to understand them in order to prevent destruction possibly wrought by them. From what their massive pressence, and the visions she was receiving from their minds, showed, they were not visiting. They were going to stay with force and exert rulership to the outside over this world. They thought it was to be a settlement of theirs, yet Niransh would see to it that her world would not be destroyed by what these newcomers bring from the outside.

However, there were several figures in these newcomers that stuck out to Niransh. They were almost present in her mind, which was something new. The rest of her kind were so weak of willpower to not be present in hers at all. They always could be prone to her well-tempered suggestion. These ones talked about this thing called the Force. They wanted it gone because the destruction it brings to the outsiders. She wanted to learn more, but one of these beings in particular was more present than others. Yet, Niransh could not peer into this one's mind. It was strange, and it intrigued the witch queen. This more powerful one soon became the focus of her attention.

Ignoring her concern of letting her curiosity get the better of her, she decided to reach out with her powers. She had a special elixer brewing from her fungus garden within her sanctum that would she might be able to communicate with others rather than manipulate them like her thralls. She inhaled its fumes. It nearly burnt her nostrils and throat with its potency, yet she felt her mind presence move towards the surface to this seemingly important figure.

It showed she was the leader of the newcomers. A powerful user of this Force she heard mention of when she skimmed the mind of the other with her. However, she also learned that this woman was looking for Niransh. She then summoned up a great amount of her energy and spoke to this empress. "What...brings you to this place..... You seek me...... Come down below to my world...... I will be waiting at the source of life.... You will be welcome......"

Niransh staggered after her telopathic communication. She fell on her ancient staff made from the chitin of the Akhiliikh her people harvested and a hardened stalk of a Aursklk that grew in the forests outside of Lachbroch. She then made her way over to her bed. However, her bed was more of an ancient air filter for the Rochluns that she also had fungi growing in. From there, she rested to restore her strength as best as her ancient self could. "Now, I wait for them to come.", she thought to herself as she drifted to sleep with the door to the filter hissing shut.

OOC Noted: When she spoke to Ingrid telepathically, the words were in Nelvaanian due to the minds of the EE people on the planet. The words are choppy and with a somewhat primitive accent. Almost like a child learning to speak with the language. Her voice is then raspy and abrasive in Ingrid's mind.
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Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective I: Into the Dephts
Location: Research camp, underground, Batva
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Ladybug Ladybug | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I see and hear that the shouting and quarrelling are slowly finally coming to an end. It was time for that. I seriously say they are worse than the kids. I looked grimly at one of the scientists who apologised to us. I don’t have to be kind to do this job. Especially if I feel like I’m wasting my talent. I could hunt criminals, war criminals and all such evil people. That’s what I wanted to do to help others. To make the galaxy better and safer.

I simply didn’t feel productive enough to take care of scientists. Not even if I was able to spend a little more time with Arturo, thanks to this job. Next time, I’ll change my mind and listen more to my mind rather than my desires and my heart. That was a good lesson now. As I looked around, I even saw an acquaintance, he nodded in the direction of Tovald when I saw him. He worked for me at the Bounty Hunters' Guild. There was even another twi’lek woman here and another person.

Tired, still leaning against the wall, I listened to Arturo's inspiring speech as to what would be today's task. I felt a growing urge to lose scientists "completely by accident".

An associate? I raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t his associate, in fact, he wasn’t even my boss! I haven’t spoken yet, though here too I felt a strong urge to do it and fix his words. The way he looked at me I had already picked up my helmet and spoke on the closed communication channel that only he could hear.

"It’s like I have a different choice… and I’m not your co-worker!" I grumbled.

Of course, I know he couldn’t say he and his girlfriend or anything like that. I was an independent entrepreneur who worked for the Empire, he was not my boss, just my liaison. Fortunately, the Bounty Hunters' Guild has given me some advantage and a greater reputation than to other mercenaries. I finally stopped and spoke without looking back at him. After all, only he could hear my words.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like places like this, I have a hard time knowing I'm not outdoors… reminds me of a time when I was a slave and he locked me up." I shuddered during my words.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Investigate the event | Find the Source
Location: Underground, Batva
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi | Niransh Binzra | Open
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I think you already know that I never call anyone by their first name, at least not in public circumstances, Colonel!" she replied with a faint smile.

Yes, the woman grew up according to strict etiquette, and it was very deeply ingrained in her character. She was always distant and brittle in public conditions. Even with her own family. If she had wanted to, she could not have behaved any differently. It’s a pretty striking feature, and she insisted on it even in prison when they met there. Though the Empress had been regularly tortured by GA and the NIO at the time, she had lost nothing of her dignity, and her behaviour had not changed, not even there.

Harsh truth, yes. But the woman believed in this and believed that this was the only way to save everyone. True, then there would be different wars, like what Maw does. But they are also strong because of their Force Users. Most Sith joined them. As she told Beltran earlier, wars would persist, yes. But they would be much more human. They wouldn’t be as mystical as they are now. Without force, the dead would not come back, a lot of tyrants would disappear. She smiled at the man's words.

"I also have no problem answering your questions as we move towards the unknown place." she offered.

And indeed, the man has already experienced before that Ingrid is able to talk to someone telepathically at the same time, and at the same time talk loudly and respond to a conversation. In any case, they set off in the direction of the depths. The woman did not allow any soldiers or bodyguards to accompany them. She didn't want to stand out in this place. That was the reason she came alone. And the way she arrived was supported the same. They may have been moving for a few minutes when she heard an unknown voice in her mind.

She signalled to Beltran with military hand signals that something had happened. Ingrid moved on, but now more slowly and cautiously, paying even more attention to their surroundings.

~ The special energy radiation in the Force that is felt from the planet. That's why we arrived. ~ she replied.

She then looked at her future disciple.

"The source of the anomaly seems to have found us and invited us to herself. It was a female voice. We're soldiers, Colonel. Let's get ready that this is a trap. Let’s go ahead and follow the "energy", the centre will be the one who we’re looking for." she told Beltran.

She then moved forward, but now her movement was the usual military reconnaissance's movement rather than a peaceful walking officer's…



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