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Dominion Homecoming | Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Ession


Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix"


Deliver Us

The plan had been set in motion, and the pieces began to fall into place. The time for Ession's liberation was at hand, and the cardinal had a front row seat. That being said, Pietro wasn't ever really one to be sitting down. He took his place in one of the transports as the rest of the Ashlan vanguard prepared to move out. As soon as the last of the troops were in place, the transports were off, moving at full speed as they pressed toward the enemy fortress. The Crusade would have to move fast, and strike before the Sith could pull any of their usual tricks. Pietro looked at his holo, surveying the battlefield in realtime.

<<Chaplain Panaka, what is your position?>>

<<We have begun the advance, your imminence. The Sons of Ession will reach the walls first, though they won't be able to do much until that shield comes down.>>

<<Maintain the pace, Chaplain. We'll get that shield down.>>

The cardinal sent another transmission, this time to the Eternal Empress.

<<Lady Ingrid, I hope your endeavors prove fruitful soon. If our troops get to that shield and it hasn't come down, we will have a serious problem on our hands. May Ashla guide you. Demici out!>>

As the transports continued to close the gap, Pietro could feel the tremors around them. They were coming under fire, and Pietro muttered another prayer for the countless souls on the advance. Today would be a big victory for the Crusade, of that he was sure. The cardinal only hoped that they would sustain minimal casualties. Pietro reached out through the Force, sensing the surrounding battlefield as the transport continued to rock with each explosion.

Another transmission, this time to the Grand Admiral.

<<Grand Admiral Draellix, I am sensing a squadron of enemy bombers inbound. Requesting immediate air support.>>

Each second would count, and every move mattered. They had to reach the walls with as many of their troops intact as possible. Though the cardinal didn't trust these mercenaries that accompanied the Crusade in this battle, he would rely on them to maintain a buffer until the shield came down. His last transmission was sent to their leader as the advance continued.

<<To the mercenary company, once that shield comes down, we'll need to move quickly. The enemy has some serious artillery behind those walls, and we'll be relying on those tanks of yours to take them out of the fight.>>

With those words, the transmission ended, and Pietro went back to his prayer.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Help the AC to get back their homeplanet.
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix" | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid just responded that she had received the Grand Admiral's response; no more answers were needed for this. However, she also responded to Lord Demici's words with words. That is, for her, these were thoughts because she didn’t say it out loud, but because of her biochip, MANIAC conveyed the message as if she had uttered them and not just thought them. The wonder of HPI technology has made communication very convenient and fast. It was possible to communicate as fast as one thought; and that was faster than speech.

<< It'll be ready in a few minutes, Cardinal. I arrived at the building, L'lerim out! >> she replied.

The fact that she had to hurry to work did not bother her at all; this will not be the first task in her work when she has to race against time. In the meantime, the map has also arrived from MANIAC. It wasn’t very detailed, but at least the woman already knew that the Sith on the planet didn’t really change access to the security system, they seemed to have different things to do here since the TSE collapsed. Fortunately. This made Ingrid's job much easier.

Ingrid remained invisible and so she headed inward. Based on the data, she chose one of the side entrances; according to the signs of life, there were fewer of them from the ranks of the enemy. Outside, the noise of fighting on the street began; a team of Crusaders also came towards this and attacked the place. She didn’t know if it would be a diversion or if they didn’t trust her abilities. There was no reason for her to cross Ashlan Crusade's calculations or her daughter's. After all, they needed them to prove to the galaxy that they were done with the Sith forever.

Based on the data, the reactor was in the basement, so the woman headed there. She had to walk down one or two narrower corridors, where a few times she was almost touched by the local cultists and terrorists who were here. Ingrid didn't want a bloodbath; no, don't get me wrong, it wouldn't have bothered her if she had to kill someone, but that would ruin the task. If someone finds out there is an enemy in the building, everyone will gather at the reactor to defend it. So she had to proceed as a silent shadow.

After that, Ingrid reached corridors that were already much wider and more people could fit next to each other. She was already moving easily here, all she had to do was wait at the doors to open them by someone. It took a minute or two everywhere, but she finally got into the basement and followed MANIAC’s instructions toward her goal. The red-haired woman finally arrived in the last hallway, walked silently along it as well, and was there in the last room. Here she had to wait about two more minutes for the door to open.

She entered the room where the reactor was; it was time to start work. She sent a quick message to Pietro Demici Pietro Demici and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana again.

<< This is L'lerim! I have just arrived, from now for just a few minutes and I'll turn off the generator. Hold on a little, L'lerim out! >>


The experimental Soldier

equipment:harm mkII heavy assult varient without helmet, Eternal Empire aws
Npc units: 4) Tank distroyers, 4) heavy gunship shuttles, 7) APC's, 72 scarecrows infantry, 105 B-7 droids
battle music: holy diver
tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici tro, Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Nix received messages from Isla and Pietro taking into account the new info and change in ROE. he called over the Command line to the east and west flanks of the APCs and tank destroyers. "All units switch position to the front of the vanguard were gonna earn our pay today boys and girls get ready to punch a hole." Nix picked up the coms and switched to the channel of the fighters Noticing bombers heaving to the vanguards location. "Belay orders I want you fly boys to watch out for the vangard and Pietro our birds can take a hit." after nix had given the new orders he would look to his pilot . "spooky get on the SR and let the other gunships know to prepare their guns we got fighters gunning for us."

On the ground with the vanguard
Damion and Railjack rode in one of the APC's as the order came by to take point in this armored charge. "Ah piss, Railjack get on the gun looks like were riding shotgun." Damian said while getting on the coms to the other vehicles in the vangard. Railjack would tuck a stuffed animal into a magpouch on his armor before hopping into the gun as a a explosion rocked their lines. "poor guys, bravo 2 just got blown to hell by the fortresses defense gun." Railjack said calmly to damion.

Damion shook his head worryingly to his slow squadmates comment before getting on the line with the tank distroyers. "Hey roughnecks mind putting your guns to use and putting some fething smoke down range before these guys zero the whole fricking vangard." as soon as he got off the phone the 4 tank distroyers main guns began lobbing thermal smoke rounds down range at the various hardpoints to make it way harder to target them all. as they moved. nodding to himself damion would call up to report the losses to nix.

Back to the sky
All hardpoints and even the ball turret of the gunship shuttles were engaged in fighting off the fighter craft while they move.
Nix nodded to himself. hoping they would survive the day.
Last edited:



Objective 4 - Taking back what is ours


4 x Ashlan Variable Geometry Command Vehicle
Hundreds of Heavy Tanks
Thousands of Medium Tanks
approx one hundred thousand Sisters of Ashla
4 landed Bastion Planetary Landers
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix"

"You heard the man," Isla said to the hologram of SAINT in front of her as she traced her finger on the holo from the southern most lander to Pietro's position "deploy two interceptor squadrons to his position. Give him complete command over their deployment as he sees fit but I want those incoming bombers dealt with as soon as possible." The Holographic woman nodded and two symbols appeared on the map moving rapidly to intercept, it would be a close call whether they would arrive before the enemy bombers hit Pietro's lines.

In a Pegasus cockpit

The pilot held his breath as the starfighter launcher and joined his wing mates flying across the battlefield, in atmosphere launches felt so different to space launches. His wing commander transmitted coordinates to them and authorised atmospheric SLAM usage, he braced himself and felt the fight lurch hard forward, hitting several thousand kilometres an hour, the anti-friction shield glowed around him as it did its work. Less than a minute later they had travelled the near 30 kilometres to the interception point and dropped their speed back down.

He and his squadron mates broke formation and engaged the high speed bombers, he and his wingmate engaged to third bomber. Lasercannon fire pinged off his shield as he locked on and launched his own weaponry. The bombers were also shielded but they had little agility so he fired a second volley, finally blasting though and watching as smoke bellowed from a gaping hole in the side if the now spiralling craft.

The majority of his squadron mates were fairing well, but his squadron leader, taking the dangerous task of going for the heart of the enemy formation had been hit, his fighter was falling from the sky, but he saw two parachutes drifting lazily down. At least it looked like they got out alive. "May Ashla protect you" he prayed to himself as he jumped on his next target.

The fight was going well but the first two bombers were clearly now on their attack run, he only hoped the cardinal and his men had the foresight to take cover, pushing his fighter faster, he managed to tail the pair and do enough damage to put one of them off course, but he winced as he saw the other release proton torpedoes toward the lines held by Demici.

Back in the command vehicle

Replying to Ingrids message, speaking verbally as Isla had still not managed to convince herself to use her chip non-verbally. "Message received loud and clear, artillery will stop in 90 seconds to prevent collateral damage once the shields go down. They will open fire again once we can pick our targets more clearly. I hope Ashla protects us all today" she knew Ashla meant little to Ingrid, but Isla would still pray for her mission to be safe and successful.

Ninety seconds later, the turbolasers and ship mounted heavy artillery paused and waited for better targets. The front lines of the Ashlan advance were getting dangerously close to the kill zone that the defenders had prepared. It was now or never.

Themis had finished yet another group healing and had called on the next group...

But there was no one left to heal in her area. She had gotten them all.

Themis didn't want to stay amongst these fawning people who whispered prayers over her as she passed by them. But she had no viable reason to leave.

Alyosha dead. Brother missing. Her sight, useless to stop any of it. The thought came involuntarily.

She saw the messenger in her Force Visions ten minutes before he arrived. When he did Themis surprised him by merely saying. "Leave the envelope by the counter. Don't worry about the vase..."

The messenger, an Ashlan soldier, looked deeply surprised.

"Vase? What va--" he asked, looking around, turning and accidentally bumping into a ceramic vase on a counter that shattered as it hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry--!"

"Like I said, don't worry. What's really gonna bake your noodle later is whether or not you would have still broken it if I hadn't said anything." (No Spoon: 90 XP)

The messenger looked at her with his head tilted slightly in curiosity before doing as she asked.

Themis after a few minutes went to check the note, pupils narrowing as she saw the terse message:


Themis left the tent heading to her lambda shuttle...

She grimaced as she saw multiple batches of flowers left around her ship. She didn't get these people at all.

She shut the hatch, locked it. As usual, tinting it's view ports and covering her bases, blood magic had been applied to the craft 007 hours before coming to Ession to obscure any and all attempts to monitor and listen in on the inside of the craft either with the Force or Electronics. She didn't trust these Ashlan feths as far as she could throw them.

She saw a gift wrapped box on the pilot seat.

Themis hid her alarm as silver, mercury like liquid puddled from an air vent and gathered in front of her, forming into a pale young woman with brown hair and mercury irises, seemingly wearing a black catsuit.

"Greetings..." the Advanced Model 1 said.

Themis stopped tensing. It said a lot about how dangerous these Nanite Droids were that even Themis feared them.

But what was it doing here? A simple contact would have done. The Nanite Droid was sent only when a place absolutely, positively had to be infiltrated.

"What are you doing here?" Themis asked.

"I bare a message: 3, 24, 20, 12, 19, 17, 17, 22, 19, 23, 19, 4, 0, 7, 6, 7, 19, 10, 12, 16, 17, 6, 14, 4, 3, 17, 24, 20, 13, 24, 8, 16, 17, 1, 24, 9, 21, 15, 0, 5, 15, 4, 4, 23, 6, 11, 25, 14, 4, 20, 4, 9, 14, 18, 12, 8, 7, 21, 6, 4, 21, 7, 21, 4, 2, 14, 3, 14, 7, 18, 13, 6, 22, 16, 6, 1, 21, 21, 15, 3, 5, 24, 9, 11, 2, 10, 5, 21..."

Themis tensed up. Activation codes. Xiphos was telling her to begin infiltration efforts in The Ashlan Crusade.

This was crazy, trying it here. Insane. Themis was good, but even she didn't think she could pull it off.

The Nanite Droid broke down into a puddle and flowed back into one of the ship vents, the message delivered. It would sneak off this world at the earliest opportunity...

Themis went and opened the Loot Box...

(Fallen Order Upgrade Sound Plays)

(Themis has received new equipment!)


Visor that aids in Espionage. Upgradeable software


Device fitted with micro repulsorlift, enabling limited flight and slows falls

Themis stared at the box, thankful the temporary magic inside prevented her emotions from being sensed by others, and said one word:

"FEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTHHHHH-----!" she screeched.

She composed herself, putting the interface and the belt back inside and headed back out, to see if she could find someone to help to distract her from the terrible task she had been given...
Inventory: Lightsaber
Tag: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich

"Yeah, that tracks," Aedrien noted in agreement. Her hand brushed over the rusted grate in vacant curiosity, nose crinkling in disgust at how much of the rusted grime coated her fingers. She brushed the debris off on her pants. "You'd think a school of all places would be better kept."

Creeping along the pipe, the general look of disgust never quite left Aedrien's face. Such was the norm for the Jedi, having never quite grown used to the shenanigans her usual party would come up with. It wasn't helped by that ever-present sensation that they weren't alone. A part of her could hope that whoever was watching would reveal themselves an ally - it wouldn't be the first time that'd happened. That wayward hope also came with it the daydream of the watching presence actually being a familiar face.

"I think you're right." Her hand drifted to the hilt of her weapon, that sensation of company shifting from creepy yet unnoteworthy to foreboding. "No use turning back now, though. If we don't make the first move, they will."

Viers never imagined she'd be working again with the NJO or any Jedi in general. She had her views, and they countered those of the Jedi, but they were essential to Dagon. The two she was assigned to work with were interesting, the girl who spoke was strong, and Viers could feel it. Something deep drove her, and it was almost inspiring. She followed behind the Jedi Master and Apprentice, her footsteps lighter than air - a trait from her understanding she inherited from her mother.

As the pair ahead of her pressed against the wall and began to speak, Viers appeared from the shadows. Her painted face nodded as she listened to the two Jedi. "It's close as well as the dark side. Do we know exactly what we're going after?" Viers looked to Ishida as she held onto the Bo staff.

She could feel the pain of the Force being annihilated through sheer will. "I don't like this feeling." She spoke quietly; instead of the usual whispers, Viers could hear screaming, terrible screaming in the Force. Shaking her head, Viers focused on the map and felt almost in awe of the technology. It spoke to her, like the living, but in a different voice. Either way, she studied the map.

"We could probably attack in a team or separate; it's up to you, though." she nodded to Ishida feeling that she was in charge of the three of them. "Let's do this...and be careful."


All at once the fight no longer mattered. If light or dark would prevail, if the Sith'ari was truly worthy of such a title or not. Under his hood his eyes widened as he turned his gaze towards where he felt it. Where he felt her. Why was she here? She shouldn't- This wasn't Jedi business. Valery Noble Valery Noble , why..? He stepped back into the darkness, letting shadows take over his form as he disappeared from sight.

Only to re-emerge mere steps from Valery. It truly was her. Here of all places. This place was dangerous.

"You should leave." His voice echoed out from under his hood, his features covered in an unnatural shadow that hid even the glow of his eyes. Valery wasn't alone. His gaze drifted towards Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina and Viers Connory Viers Connory , lingering for a moment. Jedi? That would make sense. The Jedi were here to help the Crusade, then? Or was there something else going on.

"I won't let you go any further." Kahlil avoided directly speaking towards Valery, yet for them it was obvious he was. The way ahead was more dangerous than she could imagine. Even if she did, he wouldn't let her past. Not until he was finished with what he needed to do.

When the blinding light subsided, Geiseric was standing ready to fight again, though he quickly realized his attack had not the intended effect, at least not on the level he had anticipated. But it had hurt the creature, even a little showed its weakness. As the creature retaliated he could feel the Force shift around his head. His vision hazed, but he held on to his consciousness. He had endured visions from it before.

When was fully immersed in the vision, completely lucid though nonetheless confused, he scanned his surroundings. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Out of the windows there was no Maw, nor the carnage they brought with them. Yet the moment felt familiar. He recognized the trick the parasite had used, sending him back to one of his memories. If it wasn't the battle of Coruscant, Geiseric knew exactly what memory he was reliving. His lucidity made it no easier to bear.

The halls of the Temple were quiet in solemnity. It seemed to happen more and more that a world was purged by the Sith, and the Jedi who weren't on the front lines could only bow their heads in sorrow. Geiseric had only just finished his trials, but on that day he too was relegated to the temple, powerless to stop what he saw on the holonews in such vivid detail. And no one in the temple was more shaken than him when Ession was beset by the Sith. Their great bombs scorched the surface, rending steel and duracrete, collapsing populated floors of the city down into one another. Though the death toll was not countless, it was far more than Geiseric could bear to hear. Ession wasn't a statistic. It was his home. One he'd never been back to since the Jedi took him, and in the moment he thought he would never return. The family he never knew, the friends he'd never made... all gone. That was the beginning of his descent towards the Bogan, before he even truly understood its nature.

Watching the news again, seeing the bombardment of Ession once more as a different man... it didn't hurt any less. But Geiseric knew this memory walk was only for the purpose of distracting him, keeping him from Ession with resurgent feelings of youthful guilt and untempered anger. But he was on Ession now, a son returned. The parasite could not bar him from this achievement. Geiseric pushed down the dark feelings brought back to him by the vision. It was the most real vision he'd had at the lying hands of the Bogan, and there were no lies in this one. Only the cold hard truth that his home was ravaged, and might never be the same. But he knew the Crusade was going to try, and he had to try as well.

In the dimly lit meditation room he sat cross legged, the same spot where his younger self had first heard the whispers of the dark side as he sobbed in grief for his people. Geiseric could not rewrite the past, but experiencing it through a different lens would strengthen his future. There he sat silent and motionless, feeling the waves of the Force shifting and swirling around him, making no attempt to control it. Yet now there were no dark whispers of the Bogan. Where would he have been if he had been so composed when these events had really happened? He didn't know. It was unlikely he would have walked the path he did, and although he had skirted the edge of the abyss many a time, he had always walked back into the safety of the Light, and in Ashla's embrace had found a new family. That family would not be taken away from him again.

Geiseric snapped back to reality almost an instant after the vision had been forced upon him. He was unsure how long it had felt, but the sentiments he had felt in the memory walk were still at the forefront of his mind as he charged the monster with his lightsaber, slashing across it's corrupted hide.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Eina's mind ~
It had lasted too long, it had been subjected to constant torture for too long. Here in her mind it seemed much more than a year, like centuries passed. The Valkyrja just wanted it finally over. Everything hurt, Eina was lying on the floor sobbing, she couldn't move either. Was it worth the fight? She thought about it for a moment. Due to the injury and pain, the images of the last few months have also faded, the time she spent with Geiseric, as if they never existed. She didn't know anymore why she was struggling, whether it made sense at all.

It would have been so easy to just let her life go and reach eternal resting. All her life she just fought and fought. She was tired, and just wanted to rest. She just wanted to rest, nothing else. It would have been so easy and simple. Just close her eyes and don’t care about anything. To deal with herself once in her life and do what she wanted. In it, she was like her mother; she always cared only for others, never for herself. Now, for a few moments, the selfishness of her father came to the surface, who, in turn, typically cared only for himself.

As far as she knew, he was much happier than her mother. For Eina, it was a joy to see her people prosper and grow and save others. But they had already reached the point where they didn’t even need a mother figure to take care of them, guarding them. Eina knew they would prosper without her now. Her people no longer needed her. She had already taught them everything she knew. She was proud of them and loved them with motherly love. But the time will come when a "mother" will have to let go of her children's hands.

She tried to raise her head; she was still unable to move. Eina was alone. Gei didn't need her anymore. She saved the man's life, his soul, from the Dark Side. She couldn't do more than that, she only hurt him in everything else. She swayed him in his faith, the man doing something for her that he wouldn’t want to do as a Jedi, or maybe these actions even banned in some places. Maybe it really would be best if she let him go too. Because of him, she fought, fought for her life, but it was too painful. It takes too long, there is too much variable in the mortals' world.

Everything was easier on the battlefield, but this was taken away from her here. She couldn't fight as usual. Though she could have done it, she never slept. Now she felt the need for it. Let the snow cover her, cover her and hide her from everyone and everything. Relax and rest. It was all too tempting. Eina couldn't see or even perceive it, but in the distance the trees began to disappear, the garden getting smaller and smaller. Suddenly she felt another pain in her side, a burning, fiery pain, a lightsaber as Geiseric actually wounded her physical body. She didn't have the strength to scream this time either.

She felt like they had won, they had broken her, she had nothing more than a wreck, she was tired, she just wanted to sleep and finally rest…

Golden ichor flowed out from her latest damage as the snowfall intensified, but the lights and the world began to fade as well…


~ Surface, Ession ~
As long as the vision lasted, the parasite used that time to gather strength for itself. The former attack caused more damage to them and Eina, but they were still able to hide it. However, their biggest concern was that they were unable to heal themselves. There were no living beings nearby, and they could not draw life force from the dead. While the man was prisoner of the vision, the parasite tried to steal a life force from Geiseric through necromancy, but they had to realize that they were incapable of it.

The rosary, too, was something Eina had hidden from them and they didn’t know about. She didn’t lie when she thought Gei didn’t want to see her anymore, even though she did everything she could to protect the man from causing him even more pain. But there was a limit to how long she could protect him. And with the former injury, she reached that limit. As a result, memories flooded the parasite and made their way accessible again to Eina's soul, which had previously been locked away from them.

So it was already easy for them to put together the picture that they wouldn’t be able to wound the man with Force while the rosary was with him. So they set out to tear it off his neck, but at that moment Geiseric broke free from the vision and attacked the parasite. The entity raised their hand and defended themselves against the lightsaber with Tutmanis. However, the former injury drained a lot of strength from them, so they were not able to do it for long. When their power ran out they jumped to the side. That was enough for the crusader not to cut them in half, but he could still cut deep into the creature's side with the lightsaber.

The former pain was not visibly noticeable to the man, but the rosary could not defend against the present one either. As the cut of the parasite cut deep, the man also suffered the burns, at least the pain, but perhaps some of their injuries as well. What Ingrid and Eina also told him was that all their injuries and pain would be in common because of the Force bond, the dyad. The ichor seen earlier flowed out of the parasite, or rather Eina's body. It was still golden, not corrupt. He could feel that he had hurt again, not only the creature, but also Eina's remaining soul, as he had done with Force Light before.

The parasite fell to the ground at Geiseric's feet due to their severe injuries. However, they have already taken something from the character of Valkyrja that they will never give up. Even so, they tried to fight. Their pain was felt by the crusader at every moment and he could experience it. The huge creature looked up and snarled.

"Proceed differently!" they hissed in pain.

They grabbed the dyad in the Force, Geiseric could feel it had become something else, the creature already knew what it was for… at that moment he could see and feel Eina dying as well. There was an injury by the lightsaber's cut on one side of the girl, Force light injuries on the other. The garden slowly faded, and the snow began to cover Eina as she lay motionless on the ground. There, in the same place where the man left her hours ago. But in all directions darkness appeared, arms reaching toward the girl to tear apart what was left of her soul, that is, to kill her once and for all. The parasite reached and entered the deepest part of Eina's mind. At the same time, with their tentacle clawed hands, they got to Geiseric's feet to try to catch it and pull it out to pull him to the ground so they could attack him there again.

The decision was in the man’s hands to try to save himself in the physical world, or through the bond Eina, in the girl’s mind…



Location: Ession
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
As the three were getting ready to go in and begin their work, Valery was once again struck by a strange feeling in the Force. He was close, and likely knew she was nearby as well. So while she'd normally help lead a mission such as this, she almost seemed to be distracted for a moment. Lost in her thoughts, and the whispers of the Force.
It was only when Viers approached that she snapped back out again.
"We could probably attack in a team or separate; it's up to you, though." she nodded to Ishida feeling that she was in charge of the three of them. "Let's do this...and be careful."

Valery turned her gaze to the woman and shook her head, "It's too late, prepare yourself." she said without any further explanation, as she felt it through the Force - he was going to appear in front of them. The brunette drew the hilt of her lightsaber into her hand and stepped forward, her gaze cold as ice.
But despite knowing he was coming, and regardless of the strength the woman naturally carried, seeing and feeling him as he appeared in front of her briefly caused her to pause. She looked up towards the face underneath the hood and gritted her teeth as a mix of emotions exploded through her core.
She felt that ancient conflict within her rise up again. The pain and struggles of her past, combined with the loss of this new future she was in. It made her muscles tense up, and it seemed as if a fire was lit within her fiery orange eyes.
"Please don't make me do this, Kahlil. Not here, not now."
Her thumb slowly shifted towards the activation switch, and for a very brief moment, she hesitated. As much as she loved him, she couldn't back down. So with a pain echoing through her heart, she tapped the switch and a purple blade flashed into existence between them.



"It's close as well as the dark side. Do we know exactly what we're going after?"

Ishida frowned, her brows sloping down toward the centre of her forehead while her mouth rose to something smaller, more thoughtful. The way the short-haired girl spoke was normal enough, but watching the makeup move on her face was captivating, like the warrior’s paintings on some of the masks from her home planet. But those were removable, from what Ishida could ascertain, this girl’s aesthetic was permanent. There was no removing the mask.

“Expunge the darkside.” Was all she offered and dismissed away the mini holo projection. It was all she’d latched on to from the mission briefing. This temple was an honourary place for those who were rightfully heir to Ession, and it was tarnished with malfeasance that needed to be scrubbed from existence. These three were the pair the New Jedi Order trusted to do it.

"We could probably attack in a team or separate; it's up to you, though."
"Let's do this...and be careful."

"It's too late, prepare yourself."

Her brows unknit, one arching in surprise to the Master’s tone, then neutralizing her expression once she understood the words.

A hand moved to her hilt, unclipping it in a single gesture an instant before that which she should be prepared against revealed themselves.

A figure, cloaked and shadowed, appeared as though an apparition. A chill arrived with it, a coldness that filled the space with the depths of the darkside. Distaste ran over Ishida’s face, the only glimpse of any of the girl’s emotions.

"You should leave."

Immediately, her chest tightened in defiance. They’d already overcome trap after trap, walls closing, grounds falling away, let alone the necessary travel through the stars to aid their allies in their crusade to reclaim their homeworld; the guardians would not back down from a mere suggestion of a Sith.

"I won't let you go any further."

Molars met their match as she grit her teeth, rising from her crouch to a more offensive stance.

This was an irritating intrusion. This figure was of darkness, truly, but it was like comparing a bulb to the moon. Beyond him, in that direction of further he implied, was something worse. What she’d felt, what Viers had felt. This acolyte dared to stand in their way? To suggest he was capable of stopping not just one, but all of them?

Ishida was about to sneer at him, to goad him on and challenge him to try when Master Nobel spoke up, her voice soft with a threatening edge. It carried with it enough emotion for Ishida to peer scrutinizingly at the Jedi Shadow. Her own heart pulled by the vying query. Or, at least it was until she saw the defensive stance taken by the warrior. Inch by inch, where the Battlemaster’s readiness had been, her muscles adjusted. Tightened. Hardened. As if resolve imbued her physically to contradict the appeal of her words.

"Please don't make me do this, Kahlil. Not here, not now."

Purple light filled the space, the scent of ozone fresh. The hooded Sith seemed not to flinch.

Ishida glanced at Viers, expressionless as she mirrored the Master’s motions and activated her own blade.

“Prove him wrong?” The Padawan invited the monk, and without the patience of the brunette Shadow, she darted forward to the right side of the acolyte, rushing in with an up-cutting arc of her blade from calf to midsection.

GA | NJO | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Viers Connory Viers Connory

FOES | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | O P E N
BOTM (DISTANTLY, NOT IMMEDIATE) | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



Grand Jedi Temple
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble



Dodge, parry, scatter. The scene lit up in a brilliant display of signet blades, the epitome of their force orders. Cedric strafed off at the start of their long awaited duel, avoiding the Dark Lord’s plunging blade that thrusted forth now into the emptiness. The Sith’ari sneered, snapping his blade off towards the neck of the Blade of Ession instinctually, in tune with the flow of his movements.


Emerald and crimson clashed in a brilliant display of white hot ignition between the two blades of plasma. He branched off, aiming to sever the hand of the Dark Voice where he stood. The Sith Master’s preternatural senses roared, hyperawareness and a deep connection to the empyrean offering a glimpse view into the sudden future. Not a clear picture, not a definitive event.

A feeling.

The Dark Lord of the Sith acted quickly and decisively, his blade rushing back into it’s hilt with a vacuuming hiss as the metallic crossguard went up and over as he backpedaled giving way to the Jedi’s momentum and handing him the initiative. Narrowly avoiding limb loss the Dark Lord held firm and stepped aside in a feint, phasing as Cedric’s blade passed through him towards Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust .


Emerging out from the trap set before him, his saber ignited once more in a crackling roar. The Dark Lord threw his body in a twirling counter, throwing the weight and power he held behind a dangerous arch. He attempted to kill two birds with one stone.



Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



Blade clashed against blade, erupting into a brilliant display of light as they met in a torrent of plasmatic beauty. As Heinrich attempted the riposte, he found his blow unanswered. The Sith'ari, devious as he was, disengaged his crimson blade, allowing Heinrich the opportunity to press the advantage. He swung once more, and once more his blade failed to find purchase upon his opponent. Then, as Cedric's strike followed through with his own attack, Heinrich felt something shift within the Force...

The Dark Voice was phasing through the strike.

Heinrich reacted quickly, reaching into the empyrean as he leapt into the air, flipping forward in the air as the strike came for him. Cedric, having also sensed that something was wrong, quickly disengaged the Light of Ruusan. Using the momentum of the strike to his advantage, the Ashlan leader dropped into a forward roll in a single, smooth motion. Both crusaders managed to barely miss the following strike from Solipsis as the crimson blade swung in between their moving bodies, the warm aura of the lightsaber felt against their bodies as the blade hissed right past them.

As Cedric came out of the roll, he leapt to his feet, swiftly turning to the Dark Voice. His blade once again roared to life as he came out of the turn, arcing horizontally toward the Sith's torso. Just as the strike came, Heinrich landed next to the Dark Lord of the Sith, cutting upward from a crouched position, hoping to catch the man off guard.

The Blade of Ession's mind was racing, his heart pounding like an anvil as he attempted the strike. This feeling... was it hate? Anger? Heinrich pushed the feeling as deep down as possible. He could not afford to falter, not here. Never again, he told himself. He refused to fail his people as he did all of those years ago. It was time for the Dark Voice's tyranny to end...

It had to end.



Geiseric had no doubt the creature was ailing now, though the last of its tricks were not exhausted. The crusader stood over the large twisted mass of corruption when it toppled to the floor. A well placed push in the Force would send it careening through the floors below. Whatever it took, he would break the fetid shell of death that enclosed his Eina. Yet before he had the chance to do so, the creature lashed out with another visionary attack.

He saw Eina, alone again, surrounded by the corruption. He could feel she was close to the end. The cut deep in her side from the lightsaber strike pained him to look at. He wondered if he was taking the right course of action. No one had said it would be easy, and he'd prepeared himself to kill her if he had to since Zygerria. He couldn't let her suffer.

It was not hard to wrestle his consciousness from the vision the second time around. The parasite was fighting its hardest to keep the two apart. But the momentary slip in Geiseric's defense allowed it to bring him down. Dark, evil tentacles wrapped his ankles with their grasp. Geiseric hacked and slashed them as they came to latch on. There was a good chance his next few moments would be his last, so he weighed his options. There seemed to be but one.

The stone Ingrid had given to him weighed light in his pocket, but heavy in the Force, heavy in the back of his mind. It belonged to a Sith, and now Geiseric considered using it. It was not the way of the Jedi, but if it meant saving Eina... he had to try. If it worked, he would do well to avoid the Bogan in the future. He promised himself that.

As his sword arm fended off the molluscoid appendages, his free hand reached for the crystal. He felt the weight of the crystal's dark energy, singing both grim portents and bright prophecies. The way of the Dark Side was deception, but he supposed it didn't matter now. If the crystal didn't work, they would die anyway.

Geiseric released a burst of Force Light, searing and withering the tentacles, giving him enough time to stand to his feet. He stood opposite his fiendish enemy, smaller in stature but grander in purpose and faith. His right hand, gripped around his saber, sweat profusely. This was the end. It had to be.

"I am sorry, Eina. Ashla wills it" he said aloud. He wasn't sure if the girl would hear him, even has he tried to reach her through the Force.

With blade in one hand and crystal in the other, the crusader emptied his mind, focusing his gaze and his thoughts on one sole spot: the creatures heart. Through the use of Force Battlemind, Geiseric honed in on his enemy, and with a thrust of lightning speed and strength, he stabbed the azure blade towards the dark heart of the beast...

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Reality, Ession's surface ~
As the man cut off the tentacles with the Force light that wrapped around his ankles, the creature screamed painfully. The man could feel the pain, too, because it hurt Eina as much as the creature. And the parasite-occupied body was still only Force Energy, only in physical form, so after the cut the tentacles disappeared and new ones grew on the creature's hands. The change in size was the visible result, because the parasite became smaller, and now the blue glowing skin in the part where they got damaged, the parasite remained Eina, her part did not disappear anymore.

And the man then stabbed them with the lightsaber as the creature tried to attack him despite their injuries and pain. The lightsaber hit them at their heart, except the parasite didn't have a heart, nor did Eina. There was only energy in that part, though the blade pierced the entity just as much did with anyone else, though it hadn't killed them yet. Geiseric may recall that members of Valkyrja said that the lightsaber could kill them and cause permanent damage, even in the form of a ghost… nevertheless…

As for the crystal, the man didn’t have to use it, he had to do nothing but take it out from his pocket. That was enough, he didn't have to defile himself with Bogan. The crystal seemed to react to Eina's proximity, suddenly much better could be felt from the Prosperian soulstone… and it was Eina. Well, this was not entirely true, as the dark side energies emanating from the crystal were the imprints of the former Darth Prospero, and the neutral ones of Lady Ingrid. And the two together… Eina. The two Force energies fused, blended in the soulstone at that moment, Bogan's power disappeared and the new energy became neutral, becoming Eina. The heavy crystal suddenly became weightless in the man's hand and shattered into a million pieces. And the energy released flew and merged straight into Eina's body.


~ Eina's mind ~
She was still alone, motionless. The snow fell more and more, covering her more and more. From the fact that her reality petered out more and more, her mind had not yet felt anything, but from the fact that it was starting to get dark around her she sensed and saw this. And it wasn’t because she was starting to lose consciousness, but the parasite had reached her. The Valkyrja screamed when she saw Gei going to the ball again, leaving her. No! It was just an attack again! The next moment, another pain as the parasite bit into her motionless body... soul, then over and over again.

She felt these arms would tear her apart and then another bright light, another pain. Eina sobbed; she didn't know what to do with them, she just wanted it to end, more than anything else. Why did this have to end this way? She was always just doing the right thing, never hurting others. Her birth may have been unnatural, but she did not understand why she had to pay for it in this way. She would have sacrificed her life anytime, for anyone. Yet she had to endure torments and sufferings that no one should have.

Maybe the Force really wanted to compensate with this? Someone once told the girl that the purest souls should suffer the most, also because of the others' sins. It was at this moment that Eina began to understand that this might indeed be true. Another pain, it pierced her whole soul, it was the moment Geiseric actually pierced the Valkyrja's body with the lightsaber. The parasite could also feel something at that moment, because it attacked the helpless girl from all directions, but did not reach her. A blue light surrounded Eina like a shield.

She felt peace and safety, but it wasn't Gei now, she couldn't hear the man's words what he said to her. She opened her eyes, the blue light destroyed the part of the parasite that had to try to reach her. She was able to move and sit up. Two tall figures stood in front of her and looked down at her. The Valkyrja could hardly believe her eyes, she didn't know what was going on out there. But the two blue "spirits" were the figure of Lord Vandiir and Lady L'lerim, at least for the girl as they watched their daughter.

"Mum, dad?" she asked surprised.

The two ghosts did not respond, disappeared in a bluish light, became one, and melted into Eina's soul. Much of her injuries were gone, the pain was dull, she was not dying anymore. She was now able to sense what was going on out there. Eina knew the end game had arrived. She didn't know how or why, but without it she certainly wouldn't have survived. Maybe not now, but there was no other option, just this.

Eina could feel the power and warmth of the rosary's light, which was pleasant for her, but it hurt the parasite. For a few moments, the Valkyrja managed to grab the parasite and regain control of her own body. Maybe she would pay a huge price for it, but she had to do it… she had to!


~ Reality, Ession's surface ~
Probably (almost certainly) this was not what Ingrid had in mind when she handed the crystal to the man to save Eina with her, but it seemed to work as well. This was probably how Eina was born, the way it had just happened, for a few moments later the man could see before her spiritual eyes that her aura was strengthening. It was also felt through the Force that what was left of the soul of Valkyrja became much stronger. Stronger than ever since they found each other. She healed a lot. She was still very, very weak, but at least she wasn't dying.

The parasite, too, seemed to realize what was happening, screaming over and over again despite their pain, as did Eina, deep in her mind, but closer to the crusader as the lightsaber completely pierced their body. They stepped quite close, and their tentacle hands wrapped around the man's throat. The screams turned into Force screams, old things exploded, further in the room, the wall torn. Especially that Eina, or to the proximity of the parasite the rosary, was also reacting again, it started to glow again and radiated Force light, which further damaged the parasite.

"Use the light now!" commanded in a painful voice not the parasite but Eina. "You will have no more chance!"




Grand Jedi Temple
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


The ignited struggle of light and darkness carried on in the halls of the ruined Grand Jedi Temple, brilliant reflections of clashing sabers scattered against the massive columns. The Essionians both managed to miss the follow up strike of the Dark Lord after brazingly avoiding the trap set before them, the gambit to have both warriors of light slay another after phasing through their synchronized strikes. His nephew, Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , came out of his barreling roll onto his feet, shifting his blade once more to the Dark Voice where he stood. A horizontal arc flew from his turn arch, a swift swing aimed at the torso of the Sith'ari.

His senses roared, scenes of violence unfurled before his sight beyond sight. Instinctively, the Dark Lord backpedaled into a tailspin, narrowly avoiding the Blade of Ruusan only to rush into the full face of Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust and his immediate counter. Crimson hate rushed forth to strike in parry, in sudden defense as he came out from his spin interrupted with force of momentum blade against blade as he thrusted downward.


The twin blades struck white hot, nearly taken off his balance by the skilled counter the Dark Lord hissed. The Elder pressed off the blade of his foe and stepped back, attempting to gain some solid ground to hold. He needed to keep them on the defense, they moved too fast and in unison could quite possibly bring an end to his reign before his ambitions had fully been realized.

"My boy."

The Dark Lord's eyes shifted from Cedric slowly to Heinrich.

"You've fallen so far from my treachings.."

The Elder took a step forward, his grip held firm in position as he entered a Form V stance, eyes wary. He lunged forth with swift strikes, rushing at the two with the powerful strokes of Djem So.





Ession burned.

Righteous flames spread across the unholy forge world built on the bones of their once great dominion. The Sith were a plague, one that had been snuffed out and would no longer wither their beautiful home.

Scorched carbon and twisted metal littered the hull of the screaming Mawite starfighter. It's entry into the atmosphere uncontested only by the fact of total war being waged on the surface of Ession. Flames wicked against the soaring ship, the vessel shook with an intensity matched only by the quaking earth down below. Pieces of debris flaked off the swift junker, it's overextended stay on Avidich prevalent in it's already rusting hull. The pilot gripped the controls tightly, his eyes honing in on the earth below as the starship pierced the heavenly clouds and peered over the lands of his forefathers.

He was home.



Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



Another dodge from the Dark Voice prevented the Blade of Ruusan from finding it's target, and with a swift ferocity the Sith'ari spun back, only to find himself confronting Heinrich's incoming blade. Another crack, and the two blades met for a moment. Heinrich stared into the eyes of the Dark Voice as the two blades clashed, meeting the dark gaze of the man that had once been Kaigann Fosk. As they pushed away from each other, Cedric prepared for another strike. Before he made his move, the Dark Voice said something that would echo throughout the hearts and minds of the crusaders for ages to come.

"My boy."

Cedric's hand froze for a moment, his gaze slowly looking toward Heinrich. He didn't need to say anything; the look upon his face already asked the question for him.

"You've fallen so far from my teachings..."

Heinrich's heart sank. He had longed to forget the years he had spent training under the Dark Lord. Years of pain and suffering at the hands of the man that wrought so much destruction upon the galaxy left the Blade of Ession feeling empty and unfulfilled. It wasn't until he left the man's side that he had found his faith, though he wished to keep that a secret from his companions. Heinrich looked to Cedric, his eyes giving away the simple reality...

Every word of it was true.

Cedric's gaze became one of visible frustration, or perhaps, disappointment. Heinrich knew not if it was the revelation of his past, or the fact that he had kept it from his friend. Whatever it was, it would have to be addressed later. The Dark Lord of the Sith was attempting to divide them, and whether or not the effects would last, he had killed the duo's momentum.

Not long after the words were spoken, Solipsis came at them again, this time with a series of powerful Djem So strikes. Heinrich and Cedric moved back, separating from each other that the Dark Voice pressed the advantage. Cedric parried the first strike, and Heinrich took a few steps back, remaining outside of the lightsaber's range. Heinrich shot another look toward Solipsis, his eyes now filled with anger as he looked at the twisted man that attacked them so viciously.

"I haven't forgotten everything, Kaigann."

He reached out, his free arm outstretched. From his fingers rushed a chain of emerald lightning, sending it toward the Dark Voice as the crusader began to move toward him.




Geiseric wrenched the blade from the creature, only to have it laugh harshly in his face. As the crusader and the parasite stared at one another, the crystal in Geiseric's hand exploded. It's shards tore through his hand, leaving it mangled and bloodied. he cried in pain. The essence coming from the crystal as it opened was not dark, nor light. It felt calm and composed, neutral, like Eina, and the energy merged directly with the creatures aura. He could feel that within the corruption Eina was strengthening.

The crusader dropped his lightsaber to the floor and clutched his wounded hand, giving the parasite of moment of reprieve to assert itself. Its tentacles reached out a wrapped around Geiseric's body and his throat in a death grip. Eina screamed through the Force, echoing in reality as the ruined building shook and the undamaged parts of the walls threatened to topple and have the tower join the rest of its kin as rubble far below.

The warm light of his rosary glowed, hurting the parasite though it did not loosen its grip.

"Use the light now! You will have no more chance!"
he heard the voice of his love, clear as day, a sign she was taking charge from within her cerebral prison. She was right. They were out of time. He dug deep into the well of the Force surrounding him, drawing all the energy that was right and good towards him, collecting the power of Ashla's light. Then, at an apex, he let go of the Force and another searing burst of Force Light exploded from him, bathing the Boganic monster in its golden rays...

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