Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aedrien

hex color: 6397cf
Talk chit, get hit.
NAME: Adelai Cordel

The Desert Viper
SPECIES: Arkanian/Sephi Hybrid
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
BODY: Athletic
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Platinum
SKIN: Pale
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Angry


Right eyebrow - scar
Liver - questionable
Attitude - yes

My way or the hyperway.

Order’s Demand: Holding an unyielding sense of justice and the willingness to act on it, Aedrien is a stalwart (though chaotic in her methods) beacon of light where darkness would otherwise prevail.
Bleeding Heart: Bound to no particular sect of Jedi and often finding issue in organized forces both light and dark, Aedrien often finds herself either entirely overextended or nothing at all.
Addicted to Bad Ideas: Be it poor impulse control or a leaning towards a ‘mess around and find out’ mentality, many of Aedrien’s plans have been questionable at best and outright bad at normal. There’s definitely a habit of solving one problem by causing another in there, too. Oh well, that’s a problem for future Aedrien.
Voice of Authority: Not one to take no for an answer, Aedrien has at least the voice of a leader. Word choice, decision making, and overall confidence, however, not so much.
War Caster: While certainly willing to throw punches, Aedrien’s far more suited toward offensive maneuvres via the force or lightsaber than physical combat. Alignment aside, she’d have much better luck choking the life out of an individual from afar than with her bare hands.
Suspicious Minds: A bit of a cynic herself, she finds herself questioning the motives of all around her. And while perhaps naive enough to fall for demonstrations of sheer charisma, Aedrien has a tendency to pick up on minds being more forcibly bent toward another’s will.
Blessing of the Midnight Gaze: With a little extra attention paid to sensory details in her formative years, Aedrien developed a unique proficiency over force sight than others of her persuasion. While this ability pales in comparison to others, there’s still a comfort to be found in knowing that physical sight isn’t as much a requirement as it could be.
Euryale: As if cursed by her own questionable decisions, Aedrien finds herself...not where she used to be. Moments of dire need end up becoming more, well, dire. Getting away by the skin of one’s teeth has become more literal than it ever should be.

A Beginning.

Adelai Cordel was no stranger to disappointment, or rather, she was no stranger to being one. In a family so centered on perfection with a history in the sciences, Adelai took to things with a more humanistic approach and aggressively so. The independence that came from such an estranged relationship meant a lot of time spent alone, thus making Cordel an ideal target of pirates. Too brazen to be controlled, Adelai was sent to the fighting pits in an attempt to break her spirit.

Fate would have other plans, however. Rescued from the pits by a sardonic Jedi, Aedrien trained as one of the keepers of the light for a bit before ultimately distancing herself from an Order, preferring to figure things out as she went rather than obeying the whims of an institution.
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