Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Heirs to the Empire | NIO invasion of TSE held Serenno and Ord Radama


Location: Estate of House Terassi
Objective IV: Ensure the surrender of House Terassi the Eternal Empress
Writing with Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Ingrid’s words began to tear at him. Hans had become so unaccustomed to being called a Lord, though he didn’t correct her. If he was ever to be one again he needed to be ok with that title, and not shirk from it. Every time she mentioned the Bryn’adul it made his heart race faster. The NIO and the GA had the resources and the resolve to fight the Drael, but they had their own people to help first. The people who needed order and stability after the oppression of the Sith.

He couldn’t argue, though he wanted to. He couldn’t risk jeopardizing this moment, so he continued to bottle it up. Sadness at the loss of his home, remorse for not helping fight the invading horde, and above all the anger. Anger towards those who had forged a pact against the Bryn’adul, only to turn tail and fight the Imperials instead. It wasn’t just the NIO that was neglecting the Bryn, but the entire galaxy save for a few logical hearts and minds like Ingrid.

He slowed his breathing as subtly as possible, but his anxiety was visible on his face and in his aura of the force. He composed himself again and said nothing about his emotions. Yet still he could not control himself from speaking an ounce of his mind.

“Our new empire exists only to defeat the Sith. Don’t blame us when the Silver Jedi choose to send their dogs to support the Sith instead of defending the worlds under genocide.” he said as calmly as possible, though the thought had swelled up from a place of anger deep inside. He tried thinking of anyone in the NIO that would disagree, any higher up that might not just execute her on sight. But he couldn’t.

“If you think you can change something, then I will take you to Vice-Chancellor Tithe. Our missive was to turn anyone we found over to the Galactic Alliance anyway.”

He had a feeling he would soon eat those words, but in the moment there was little else he could do but follow the rules in front of him, even if that broke some unspoken ones somewhere down the line...

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Estate of House Terassi
Objective IV.: Save the House Terassi
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Kaldrweave Elegant dress | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen

"They did not originally want to unite against you, but against Bryn’adûl. Your intelligence certainly got data on this, if the leaders told you otherwise… they lied. They recognized the threat by the time you started a total war. The Sith Empire was not interested in you - they wanted to prepare for the eastern front. If you had been the target… Do you think the Eternal Empire would not have been included in that treaty? We were already allies of TSE. Just think about it, please, Lord Rennagen!"

There was bitterness in her voice, she spoke honestly, her own intelligence agents sent back such information. If GA and NIO were the target, the woman was unaware of it; so she didn't have to lie. The man was also able to feel hatred and be angry. Ingrid envied him, sometimes she wanted to feel them too, and not just suppress all the feelings right away.

"I hope they will listen and not send me to the execution squad for the Byss; although I think in this galaxy I am currently the only military leader to whom… the blood of civilians does not cling to their hands or did not commit war crimes. In fact, we even cleaned the Byss of a dark-side Nexus."

Ingrid said the end was a little amused, but she hinted that the Eternal Empire had left out civilian territories and only attacked infrastructure outside the city borders. And she did not now refer to herself as a ruler, only as a military leader. As always, she hated being called a ruler.

"But one more thing I want to make clear, I’m going to be a prisoner because I wanted to. If it weren't for that, you wouldn't be able to capture me. And I will only be a prisoner of GA as long as they stick to the agreement between you and me. The moment they break it in some way, I won’t cooperate with them anymore and go home. They don't have a prison that can hold me captive. But as long as they do what we agreed on, I will be the best prisoner of war they can ever imagine."

She was still cold, then her voice softened somewhat.

"You suffered from them, didn't you? You look like an honest man, Lord Rennagen, as do your men. What is important to you? Is the revenge that devours you and after a while you won’t be better than the Sith, or is it more about trying to help others? I’ve already heard from Djorn Bline Djorn Bline that the NIO was built on defiance and anger. You are, in principle, at the good side, yet the galaxy says your name as a curse. Is it worth losing and giving up what you really are? To become something else? You are still suffering, I feel…"

She paused for a moment.

"I don’t want to dissuade you from the crusade against the Sith, if you want to continue that, I won’t stop you. I ask, would it not be better to support a cause that is not about revenge but about helping others? Even before this situation kills who you are now…"

She took a deep breath and continued in a sad voice again. She was tired of this war.

"No Empire or state is long-lived, built on revenge - such places will sooner or later devour themselves and destroy everyone who lives in it. Too often, history repeats itself…"



Arcturus was feeling a strong sense of confidence as he prepped his crew to make their move. He was eager to get into the fight, and wanted to move quickly in order to out-maneuver the Sith.

"Commander, I want to split our ships. Scramble fighters to give us time to move into position. We'll catch the Sith in a pincer movement, and keep their attention divided. Make sure all crews are... are..."

His head began swimming. He began to stagger, catching the attention of Quintus.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Arcturus began to stumble slightly as he spoke.

"I'm fine, Quintus. Must just be my injury from Ziost. Move forward with th..."

Everything became a blur. The room began to spin, and eventually, the commodore found himself collapsing on the ground, the voices of his crew drifting off as he lost consciousness. Quintus found himself frantically trying to wake Arcturus, to no avail.

"Sir? Sir! Ah feth, we need a med team here now!"

Two medical officers made their way over to Arcturus as Quintus helped him onto a gurney. The commodore was alive, but unconscious.

"Get him to sick bay now!"

As they rushed Arcturus to sick bay, Quintus found himself trying to determine what to do next. While command of the Prodigal Sun fell to him, he wasn't about to let their fleet fly into battle without centralized leadership. It wasn't in his authority to command the entire fleet, so he had to find a solution, and fast.

"Ensign, get me through to Gunnar Madine."

Quintus spoke with urgency as the transmission begun.

"This message is to Gunnar Madine. This is Quintus Corbray of the Prodigal Sun. Commodore Tal is injured, and is currently being treated in sick bay. I have assumed command of our ship, but do not have the authority to properly coordinate our forces. I am handing command of our fleet over to you until the commodore returns. Tell us where you want us, and we'll give the Sith a fight worth remembering. Corbray out."

Upon sending the transmission, Quintus hung his head at the control panel. They had just barely entered the fight, and things were already going awry. He couldn't wrap his head around the state of the commodore. Had his injury at Ziost really been that serious? Could something else be the cause?

No, there was no reason to speculate now. The commodore was in good hands, and they still had a battle to fight. And it would be on Madine's terms, for now...

Objective: 2
Allies: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran
Enemies: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
Equipment: See first post

DT did not relent in staying in the center while the stormtroopers moved to different positions, or even moved to flank the entrenched troops. The multi purpose blaster rifle would be beneficial and useful. Given the target of several Force Users within the vicinity. But even as he took shot after shot. The cyborg only stood his ground. The combat chassis was designed to take brutal punishment.

Then a target was coming at him at such an
increased capacity. His HUD lit up giving him all types of information through the photoreceptors
locking onto his newest prey. He stopped firing on the enemy instead pointing the blaster in front for what was coming for him.

Scanning.... Target identified.... Jedi...

Objective: Terminate

His gun now raised, firing upon his enemy as she started to come towards him. Increasing his shields to take the fire breath coming towards him. While the third degree burns started to eat away at his armor. He changed the weapon configuration to the grenade launcher. Fighting fire with fire. Shooting off several explosives. Where his prey got close enough. The fire that was being launched would cause a too close for comfort. While holding the rifle in one hand. He pulled his signature doom bringer shotgun. Cocking it ready for up close and personal encounters. Now this time he didn’t need to wait. His target was coming to him, and if he could process it. Some would say that DT was feeling a form of excitement!

Standing his ground. Both weapons pointed straight ahead. He was ready for anyone and specifically any force user as crazy enough as his current target to try anything.



XT-62 | MBTb 'Cataphracht'



I - II - III - IV - V

I - II - III - IV - V

I - II - III - IV - V

Getting heavy. Didn't like these circumstances. A jungle of green replaced with a jungle of duracrete and metal spires in the black cauldron of Carannia. These sorts of cities weren't ideal for mechanized warfare. It never was. Always dipping his toes into the hellfire. Again...and again. These Sith were a people who had now adapted to the eternal, total war that beared down over them. Street ways blocked, traps laid.

<"I'm taking up position in this next building, warehouse, need a forward command post established in Carannia proper."> Anton voiced the way of Konrad who nodded initially for his own visual cue of acknowledgement before patching through.

<"Copy, Vidage. Move what you need to move, we're keeping up the push."> Neutralizers. These damned droids gave him a headache and a shredded gut on Generis and here these enigmatic droids came to meet him again. As they enclosed down the nearest streetway corridor, he pulled open the command hatch before taking up the reaper chaincannon above. While pointing out targets and giving the command to fire the mass driver gun was a satsifying thrill, nothing compared to taking matters into his own hands. Droids removed any restraint that could ever come w/ pulling the triggers of the weapon. Not that there was ever much there to begin with. He'd been through the fires long enough to negate any worry of those nightmares of what happened when you snuffed the life from the enemy. He cleared out the nearest alleyway before ducking back into the tank.

<"High explosive, pull Tyrant keel up and get full coverage of this intersection, I want two Cata's and a BTR down each corridor, we'll secure this sector and keep moving."> As Vidage took position in the warehouse, more of the 501st could impose overwatch unto the sorrounding areas, preventing the Hell's Hammers from any immediate threat of ambush or overrunning.

Another section dropped out from one of the BTRs to take up position in another building, drawing the ire of a pulse cannon from UX-0626 UX-0626 's unit of Sith Legionnaires.

<"Vornskr Squad, Storm Commandos are moving up into the next sector and they're taking fire, pulse cannon.">

<"Get a lock on it and concentrate fire 'till its gone.">
Anton commanded, the source of the punishing volleys finding a high explosive anti-tank warhead surging toward it accompanied by heavy repeater fire.

Slowly but surely, they were making the crawl through Carannia. Though Konrad's pace was slow, he was leaving a fortified, sustainable path of reinforcement in his wake.

ALLIES | NIO | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre | Tulan Kor | Julian Qar | Strasza | Enedina Tal Enedina Tal
ENEMIES | TSE | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | UX-0626 UX-0626 | OPEN




The Danger In Starting A Fire

The Blood-Red Banner of Galidraan - Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Willan Tal Willan Tal Enedina Tal Enedina Tal
New Imperial Order - Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre DT-0800 DT-0800 Halketh Halketh
Galactic Alliance/Other - Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Viers Connory Viers Connory

ENEMIES (TSE/CIS): Darth Strosius Darth Strosius UX-0626 UX-0626 Kimora Min Kimora Min
Laertia Io Laertia Io Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


Primary - Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
- Basket-Hilted Vibro-Claymore (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade
- Fairbairn Vibroknife Fighting-Dagger (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
- Gifted Brass-Knuckles from the Guv'Nah (Both Trouser-Pockets - akimbo wielding)



The Fight For Carannia: Part 9 - "Wrong General, bro. It's fine, let's get drunk instead!"

'Vexander Graves reporting for duty, I have a small task force at my disposal and at your command.'
At my command? Eeerrrmmm....

'Silmeria One, in the flesh!', Barran replied with a smirk that was doing little to hide the friendly mirth behind it. Reaching out for a handshake that was almost-immediately accepted with a firm, yet amiably business-like grip, Erskine continued,'Was expecting a Jedi to show up, but you're talking to the wrong general if you're talking of command. Now, don't get me wrong, I command the center of the armoured static line, but Tal retains command of every mechanised unit from east to west. Lucky for you, though, we're aiming to keep up with our Lord-Protector's push northwards. Plenty action from here to the inner-city districts, and to top it all off.... We've got whiskey on board! Not the Corellian stuff mind you, but it's from a 50-year cask still; you genuinely won't find this stuff anywhere else, the only others in possession of this are of Galidraani descent in some regard or other.'

'Time to go, Milord! Bolter's pushing and our tanks are following his lead!'

Turning back to his new acquaintance, Erskine smirked and tilted his head towards the ACV, walking ahead and waving over to join him on his northward charge with the rest of them. All the smoothbore barrels in sight were firing at their highest speed-loading rate, with just about all the APC's (acting more like BTR's in this stage of the invasion) letting loose on the infantry or militia soldiers within range or sight of the shooters up top as the Lord-Commander concluded,'We're about to face up against the forces of Syd Celsius, and it would appear this woman has a contingent of advanced droids at her disposal. Don't count these ones out so easily, this particular breed of droid's been giving us problems since Generis; their makers named them,"Nuetralizers", with the ease of their application to battlefield scenarios in mind. The Galidraani go into the great fight of our time, every time, so you picked the right,"Commander", in that regard. After all, there's plenty bright-colours, tracers an' explosions, ultraviolence and stellar-tier inebriation where we're going!'


The Fight For Carannia: Part 10 - Gould Meets O'Mara

Seeing a total of seven AA-installations wrecked by seemingly random bombardment from Syd Celsius' contingent, though the general direction it had come from had been easy enough to track once the enemy artillery pieces had committed to their deeds. The flashing thuds on the city backdrop made it all too easy for Staff Sergeant O'Mara to order Private Gould to track the positions of each battery on the north-western horizon. Judging distance with the enhancing of his scope's zoom, distance could be ascertained to be a minimum of 5km, so their tracking-warheads would need to be set up in the meantime, in the hopes they could set up the rockets in time to unleash them before the enemy artillery could retrieve their next round of ammunition cartridges.

After losing whole segments of the rooftop defences, entire swathes of north-facing architecture were cast to the surrounding area by the barrages ordered by Syd Celsius, many of the gifted sharpshooters from the 2nd QMs-Company had met untimely ends; exploded on impact, crushed by debris or sent falling dozens of stories to the vehicles and the ground below. By the time the dust cleared, the remnants of their best marksman-elements (not including Gould & O'Mara) consisted of roughly four shooters and three spotters in total, and O'Mara was beginning to perform better without a superior officers kneeling by his shoulder to spot with middling proficiency.

<"Gould to Scope One! Three batteries zeroed, four more t'go. How's things on the northeast arc the noo?">

<"O'Mara to Scope Nine! It's getting a little busy, but nothing I can't handle. I'm up another six after our last transmission!">

<"No bad, sur! Happy t'see ye catching up gid an' proper, ah'm only ahead by three noo! If ye catch up before ah finish this chite, then we'll both be on thirty-six K-Cs exactly! Keep confirming wae the double-tap - an' gid luck o'er there, Staff! Scope Nine out!">

Movement was slow for the Quartermasters in pulling their resources together, especially in their technician element, as all the men assigned to the AA-installations had perished in the bombardment also, but they'd pooled their remaining proficient operators together to set up three separate homing-missile launchers; calling them,"Galidraan's Gift to the Army-Replenishment Initiative", whilst in the process of enacting heavy-laden distribution of ammunition supplies to the allocated loading crews. By the time the whole prepping process was finished, Private Gould, along with another shooter, had tracked the origin of the cordite smoke-trails from yet another four Sith-Imperial batteries had been tracked; five were on the move, though two were seemingly rotating their axis to pound on the Blood-Red Lion's far western flank, totally unaware that Hell's Hammers were already pushing forwards with the wind seemingly at their backs.


Like a mass of fireworks automated to fire off at the same time, all the payloads that had been cued for launch were sent flying into the late-afternoon skies, and as soon as the rockets had been confirmed clear and effectively-live, all scopes but the one O'Mara was looking through turned to follow the trajectories of their hard work. Within the space of ten seconds, all the QMs were jumping and punching each other's arms with excitement, screaming with anticipation as the payloads sent seven separate bombardments to the only barrage-artillery pieces that Syd Cesius had brought with them to Serenno. With the seven fires sending seven dark towers of smoke into the skies above their northerly positions, all the QMs cheered and huddled for a while before deciding to load again for aiming on positions of greater significance.

'Archer to Blue-Heart Alpha! Requesting coordinates for Laertia Io's bombardment array, and permission to wipe them out before they have a chance to cause damage like those of Syd Celsius!'

<"Barran to QM One! Casualty report first, then we'll see if it's wise to hold position after your bombardments of the northwest.">

'Archer to Blue-Heart Alpha! Of course, Milord! Ten Scopes down, eleven spotters also! Fourteen technicians and assistants, combined, are down with three wounded to add on top of that! But before you make your decision, just know we've loaded all the ordnance with another payload of homing missiles.'

<"You're a karking nightmare, you know that? Fine, check your datapad if you want this so badly! Fire then PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS REASONABLE, MANEUVER TO ANOTHER POSITION!!! No ifs, not buts, just get it done and get - moving! Blue-Heart Alpha out!">

Running back to the rest of the men, Leftenant Archer left the comm-link unit (almost tripping up over the holonet screen at his feet in the process) to get within earshot, roaring,'CHECK DATAPADS FOR COORDINATES!!!! LET'S GO, LET'S GO!!!', whilst closing the distance in a series of vaults and ducking-dips. By the time Archer had arrived within grabbing distance of Drest and the others, all the homing-missile batteries were readied and everyone was covering their ears for what came next, bracing for yet another solid sequence of effective launches as their company-commander screamed,'STAND - CLEEEEEEAR!!!! LOCKED AND READY!!!! ENGAAAAAAGE!!!', once more.​

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Defend Carannia
Location: Somewhere on the streets of Carannia
Equipment: Lightsaber
Allies: TSE / CIS
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix / UX-0626 UX-0626 / Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter / Willan Tal Willan Tal / DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran / DT-0800 DT-0800 / Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre

It didn't take long for the Legionnaires to scavenge what little there was to take, with Alisteri helping of course. Other than a heavy blaster rifle and the odd ration, there wasn't much that they needed. Besides, based on his experience against them, he doubted that whatever blasters they handed out to their Stormtroopers were worth anything in a proper fight.

Probably inaccurate anyway, I mean just look at the sights on this one. It's kicked over to the left, how do they hit anything with these?

He perked up slightly as his comm activated, glancing at the Legionnaires as they readied to move out before he tapped on his own commlink. "Understood. We're going to meet up with the Shadow Fleet squad now." They had moved ahead of the other group of soldiers a bit, but with the enemy advancing they would need to find somewhere to make a stand. He had never worked with nor had he even heard of the Shadow Fleet before UX-0626 UX-0626 and the soldiers had wound up accompanying them, but they were impressive nonetheless.

"Alright Legionnaires, let's move out. Can't just wait around until-" The masked Acolyte was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of something flying through the air as well as the deafening noise of guns going off somewhere nearby. He looked up just in time to see a warhead shoot over the buildings around him.


He wasn't about to wait while the sounds of whatever force was approaching steadily got closer. One squad of Legionnaires and an Acolyte against whatever could make that noise? He did not like those odds. Thankfully the squad didn't need to be told twice and were all too eager to run after Alisteri as he sprinted down the street.


T H E _ W O L F
Jedi Jumpsuit | Concord Brawn |
Blade of Ruusan
Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | CLOSED


“Not yet ––”

“How far do you go until you realize there’s nothing left for you here? You’re too late.”

Waiting? You haven’t saved anyone that way before.”

Far too insidious, far too despicable, belittling. It wasn't her. Of the two voices that pierced his mind on the bloodied surface of Ziost, this was the one in control, which manifested itself in the shadowy miasma that utilized Loske, the woman he loved as its vessel, its parasitic host.

"I'm not talking to you...I'm talking to her, the one you've tried to take from me." Maynard snapped back, bitterness tinging his tone. He could fully differentiate the two now. Shursia and Loske. He wasn't here to negotiate with the putrid exterior, only to grasp the embattled soul within. He cut through the external noise, the taunt and pull at his insecurities.

The doubt.

The failure.

He ignited the blade of ruusan in his hand, that cobalt blade pulling itself to life in the heavy air around it. In its presence, he felt the weight of this encounter grow lighter, his nerves cooling and calming at its sensation. Shursia...would find much the contrary effect, the creature of darkness. The hilt weighed heavy in his hand, heavier than the typical blade of choice, the very same he'd crafted in his youth and reclaimed from Concord Dawn. Ever the reliable weapon...but to carefully make the incision to divide Loske and Shursia, only Ruusan would provide the delicate cut from Darkness and Light. From what was pure and what was tainted. What was and what was supposed to be.

"And you're hiding something...hiding that she's still there. Otherwise, doubt you'd be talking much at all." Determination, unbroken. Since the last they'd spoken in the comfort of one another, he'd been through fires that burned brighter than any other. Through the smouldering ruins of New Adasta, twice. Flesh ripped asunder, the bounds of his mortal shell tested. There was no price greater he could pay short of giving his own life to get her back.

So then it'd be the test. The lengths of his determination against the extent of the roots the parasite had dug into Loske, the depraved existence of Shursia.

He stepped forward and for the first time, while looking into her horrid eyes, the gaze so eerily familiar yet completely alien, he swiped his blade up toward her shadowy abdomen. Not seeking to cut too deep but to sever the dark shell enclosed around her.

Rear Admiral of the Fleet of Everlasting Autumn


ALLIES | NIO | GA | NJO |Admiral Regent Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Admiral Fiolette Fortan | Lieutenant-Colonel Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk | Commodore Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Commodore Gunnar Madine | Second Lieutenant Jivim Vaak
ENEMIES | TSE | EE | Zeradias Mant Zeradias Mant

Fleet Roster Composition

Fleet of Everlasting Autumn
NIV Eternal Eminence of Autumn
- Defiance-class Star Destroyer- Fully Crewed, Active
Rear Admiral Naier Rambeigh Naier Rambeigh
NIV Warm Embrace of Harvest
- Praefect-class Star Destroyer- Fully Crewed, Active
Commodore Halsey Simmons, [NPC]
NIV Sorrowful Farewell of Warmth
- Praefect-class Star Destroyer- Fully Crewed, Active
Commodore Harris Nelsey, [NPC]
NIV Inexorable Valediction of Summer
- Cuirassier-class Cruiser- Fully Crewed, Active
Commodore Albert Marcellius, [NPC]
NIV Silent Contemplation of Spring
- Cuirassier-class Cruiser- Fully Crewed, Active
Commodore Olivia Aerichte, [NPC]
NIV Gentle Embrace of Winter
- Cuirassier-class Cruiser- Fully Crewed, Active
Commodore Harkell Billiams, [NPC]
NIV One Big Gun
- Tirailleur-class Frigate- Fully Crewed, Active
Captain Kerin Erkhart, [NPC]
NIV Your Final Move
- Tirailleur-class Frigate- Fully Crewed, Active
Captain Geller Janovic, [NPC]
NIV Rapture of Beauty
- Escolta-class Frigate- Fully Crewed, Active
Commander Desmond Fesner, [NPC]
NIV Tomorrow's Terrible Thunder
- Escolta-class Frigate- Fully Crewed, Active
Commander Blakeley Osmond, [NPC]
NIV The Almighty One
- Escolta-class Frigate- Fully Crewed, Active
Commander Elicia Harrow, [NPC]
NIV Failure to Negotiate
- Escolta-class Frigate- Fully Crewed, Active
Commander Kerin Erkhart, [NPC]
NIV Poor Manners
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Ciroix Amende, [NPC]
NIV Ulterior Motives
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Louironna Blithe, [NPC]
NIV Gargantuan Rooster
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Eric Bentham, [NPC]
NIV Anonymous Anarchist
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Rickard Pline, [NPC]
NIV Blue Sky
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Krantel Geisling, [NPC]
NIV Ironic Tragedy
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Allison Vantam, [NPC]
NIV Confidently Nervous
- Caçadore-class Assault Corvette- Fully Crewed, Active
Lt. Commander Otto Bahez, [NPC]



Hope was in dreadfully short supply in the vastness of cruel, meaningless space: the imminent presence of Everlasting Autumn to combat only added to the internal turmoil raging in Naier's gut. He tried to remain comfortable in his command seat, high over his ship's stations. It was a hopeless endeavour, and to make matters worse, Commodore Simone was no longer present aboard his ship. No, what had once been his emotional anchor had gained her own command. It had been a professional farewell, although the two would continue to serve together.

But aboard a ship so large and cold, it was nice having a friend who understood you. Instead, Captain Marjorie was to be her replacement, another one of the young, more enthusiastic officers that Naier hoped, by the end of her career, would resemble her superior officer: cautious, paranoid and a rabid pragmatist. He was eager to break her in aboard the Eminence of Autumn.

Disgruntled, Rear Admiral Rambeigh stood up and walked back to the command deck, where his 2-IC was surrounded by a flock of ensigns and lieutenants, eager to approach a more jovial and energetic woman in her prime than their more stern, phlegmatic superior. His presence noted, their charm and flirtations melted away, leaving only Marjorie and Naier facing off one another, separated by a holo-deck: her fawners had left, mumbling apologies or otherwise eager to depart in case they were singled out.

"Something you need, Admiral?" she asked without a hint of fear in her voice. He pulled out his pipe, and in direct violation of Imperial regulations, proceeded to light it in front of her. She gave his breach of conduct a brief glance, but maintained her position. Simone would not have hesitated to call him out for it.

Naier needed the puff anyway- it was becoming a habit to smoke before a battle to calm his nerves. "How are you finding yourself with the crew? Not too much trouble?" he asked genially, dusting off his shoulder. Marjorie's laugh was an annoying titter that he had heard on so many badly acted holovids at night. Hers was genuine however, which made it worse in his ears. "Oh! I'm fine, thank you. The people here are so nice to me, I've never been in a ship like this."

He restrained himself from snorting in her face. He knew his crew- if it wasn't Hansen running his engineering crew ragged day and night, or the bridge crew trying to slack off, the ship was far from perfect. There was a sense of misplaced pride that he found in every one of the officers here, as if they had earned the position aboard such a ship. Naier detested it, as much as he understood where it came from: the Order did not staff useless idiots aboard Star Destroyers.

"Good to hear." He replied.

And that line killed the flow of conversation between the master and protégé. Marjorie was beginning to crack under the presence of her superior officer, whilst Naier did his best impression of a rock, staring at the holographic display in front of him motionless. The only sign of life was a silent puff of smoke that wafted from his pipe.

Klaxons blared, relieving Captain Marjorie of her silent work, but the Admiral was quicker to respond: "All crew, battle stations." His voice commanded the room in a way that no raised voice could. Ensigns moved a little quicker, lieutenants focused and station chiefs called out their readings with a little more gusto than usual.

Naier turned around to look at his captain. Marjorie did her best impression of a comfortable smile. The Admiral waved her to the communication's station down the stairs. "Once we're out of hyperspace, monitor our fleet's callouts. Then get me a direct line on any Imperial forces in the AO. Let them know we've arrived."

"Aye aye!" she responded, moving a little bit more eagerly than she wanted to show away from the Admiral.

As if on cue, a nearby patch of space above the raging battle churned, twisted and warped into itself before spitting out the fleet, assembled in a loose triangular formation.

The Fleet of Everlasting Autumn had arrived, and with it the grace of a few hundred batteries primed and ready. Captain Marjorie gave the confirmation that the fleet had no missing vessels, and soon Naier had a channel opened to local friendly forces.

"This is Admiral Rambeigh of the New Imperial Order Armada." He paused, his attention caught by the unusual formation of vessels attempting to herd one another in a confusing direction. Something deep in him warned him that politics were at play, and it was not something he wished to be entangled with.

"We're dreadfully sorry for the delay, weather just wasn't pushing enough wind into our sails. Let's keep things civil and organized- I will have no part in whatever internal conflict is going on. I signed up to fight the Sith, and that is my clear and only intent." His bridge crew murmured, staring at one another- civil strife? Now of all times? It was an air of thick uncertainty that grasped everyone's imagination, but Naier could see the glint of the Sword of Damocles high above his head very clearly. "I wish you the best of luck."

He gave the sign to cut all lines to Marjorie, and then covered his face. High command came with too much politics to be worth it, in his eyes. Be a good sailor, do your orders and don't mess up. It used to be so simple.

"Helmsman, bring us about on an intercept course against that newly arrived Sith fleet [ Sith Dominance]. Steady as she goes. Systems, I want Chief Hansen to get ready for flank speed- Comms, relay the orders. On my mark, we'll burn past and swoop around Serenno itself."

The chorus of 'Aye ayes!' spurned the ship and her escorts into a sudden burst of speed. Naier had chosen his vessels with care- every ship within the Everlasting Autumn was dedicated to a singular mantra: Speed is life.

And Naier, contrary to his somewhat lethargic appearance, ran on some extremely volatile engines himself.


Libertas quae sera tamen



[ x ]

The ominous groan of the earth enveloping the steady march of the damned caught The Vulture's ear. It spoke to him, unveiling its prophecy, revealing the turmoil of the overworld. His form staggered, forced to sway against the sudden tremor resonating through the soles of his feet. "Halt." He whispered, heralding the sudden stop of the rhythmic marching of those forces surrounding him. The columns of dead men came to a stop, staring straight ahead through the darkness as the miraluka froze, listening closely.​

Underground, the hasty, almost panicked voice of his apprentice felt distant as she urged him through the communication channel: <"Vulture! They-bzzt-rbital strike-bzzt-tunnels! Get ou-bzzt-re!" >

Hidden away, his brow furrowed. < "Cassiy, darling-">

Thunder overcame him. The ground trembled around him, nearly throwing his balance. He reached out, shakily pressing his gloved palm to the wall of the tunnel. The strike was far enough away that no dust or debris threatened to choke them or halt their progress, yet his heart still leapt into his throat, hammering at his chords as he struggled to respond.​

< "Vulture! Do you-bzzt-" >

He shook his head, drawing his mind back to his skull.​

"Master Kezec!" She was in his head, now.​

Halketh sighed, pushing off of the wall and extending his hands by his sides. The fading rumble continued, but only for a few more moments as the ruination settled. The Force flowed from him, thrust forward in a silent, pulsing wave that swept through his ranks and beyond, illuminating the path forward and soaking through the walls around them. < "I'm well. We proceed as planned." > He offered his response over the commlink, stifling the growing worry of the army above.​

< "And-bzzt-charges?" >

"The charges?" He asked aloud, twisting his head towards the corpsely soldiers closest to him. < "The charges are well. We march on." >

"Forward." Halketh beckoned with a sweeping hand and stride.​

The drumming toll of boots picked its hastened rhythm, rattling the ground above as the hidden army moved closer to their objective.​

They weren't far now.​

And soon, the entire hellish landscape would change.​

ALLIES | DEAD MEN | NIO | GA | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Willan Tal Willan Tal DT-0800 DT-0800 Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Tulan Kor


Objective: Resolve the Serennian Conflict without further Bloodshed
Allies: Grand Moff Decimus | Xeykard Xeykard | Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar | Jan Beroya Jan Beroya | +TSE & Other Allies
Enemies: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Kainan Kainan | Lilith Dooku | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju | Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio | Tiadu Tiadu | Ruek Tast Ruek Tast | +NIO & Other Allies

"It seems that we are in agreement on one thing," Beric said, rising to his feet from his meditative position, now at the same level as the Jedi and the Ithorian. "I have no stance on the result of this conflict. Whether Serenno join the banners of the New Imperial Order or remain in the ranks of the Sith is but of little consequence."

Beric turned, extending a gloved hand towards one o the large windows that looked down on the capital city below from the above vantage point that the Palace sat on. Serenno was a beautiful world, and its capital was a city of stylized architecture and prosperity, unmarred by industry and exploitation. But now smoke poured from towering spires as blasterfire and explosions shook the city. "Serenno, though not perfect, for no World or People can be, was a place of peace under the Sith. Support their cause or not, the New Imperial Order has brought war to this planet."

He turned back to face Aaran and Jerec. His blue-white eyes burned with a quiet, icy resolve. "It is our duty as lightbearers to break this cycle of bloodshed. I propose that we have the commanders of the New Imperial and Sith forces respectively end this fighting and instead send in a single champion, from anyone of their ranks, to fight for the right to control Serenno. Doing so will stop this slaughter and bring peace to this world, however late that boon might be."

Beric looked back and forth between the two. "What say you?"


Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Allies: TSE | Melia Siari | Sith Dominance
Opponents: NIO | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Fiolette Fortan | Gunnar Madine | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Arcturus Tal Arcturus Tal | Naier Rambeigh Naier Rambeigh

Retribution was swift. As Mant's fleet has begun positioning itself for the impending onslaught, New Imperial vessels set their engines to full throttle in an effort to position themselves on his flank. It was a daring maneuver, given the large size and low maneuverability of such a class of ships, compounded by the threat of the Iron Imperial Remnant's turbolasers sending a message of their own.

"Sir, tight beam from the Tregessar!"

"Pull it up.", he said, almost irritated that he had to.

"Reckon that's the something that belongs to you, Inspector General. The Tregessar cordially invites you to a family dinner for two, entry from the portside." The scarred blockhead motioned behind him, highlighting the distinct hair of his daughter, detained and in no doubt some discomfort. He would pay.

The invitation could not have been a more obvious trap. Yet, Mant felt compelled to oblige. Before he could marshal his next orders, a loud explosion pierced through the hollow void to rock the bridge with tremors.

"Hammerfist I is down!", a droid squealed. The interior of the bridge glowed orange as the star destroyer in the vanguard drifted downward toward the planet below. The New Imperial ships were making startling progress in closing the distance, but Mant was confident they wouldn't be able to turn quickly enough to fire effectively upon them. Regardless of that assessment, he would need to plan accordingly, lest he hand them the opportunity to do so.

"Damage assessment."

"All ships sustaining heavy fire. Shields on Hammerfist II are offline. Shields on the Ichor and Ironmaw have been depleted, redundant shields nearing depletion!"

"And them?"

"Uh, their shields are holding."

Zeradias raised an eyebrow, sharing in the perplexity the droid spoke with. "Is there something wrong with our batteries?"

"Readings show all systems nominal."

This was troubling. He hadn't expected the New Imperial's technology to have been so advanced. If the battle continued at its current pace, Zeradias anticipated he would be joining the Hammerfist I soon.

As if to answer a prayer from the damned, additional Sith-Imperial ships jumped into the system en masse. They may not have been there to support Zeradias in his personal mission, but they would provide sufficient cover by means of force projection.

"Sir!", one of the droids exclaimed, almost confusedly so. "The Tregessar...its systems are going haywire on the port side. It looks like they're being taken offline!"

Now this was interesting. Naval forces were taking an particularly aggressive stance against Mant's Iron Imperial Remnant, yet he was offered an invitation to board the NIO flagship from the port side, and there its defenses and shields had unexpectedly been rendered inoperable. Thoughts raced through Mant's head to determine what was going on. Did the left hand not know what the right was doing? or did it just not care? Regardless, a window of opportunity was provided, and it was a window he would seize.

"Sir!", the droid squealed again. "Enemy frigate heading right for us!"

A suicide bomber? No, it didn't fit the imperial modus operandi. Imperials were too prideful to use their prized vessels as fodder.

No matter. Prepare for microjump to the Tregessar's port side. Relay message the rest of the fleet. Leave the drones to distract.", he ordered. He wanted to add a remark to the disposability of the drones, yet a twang of empathy for the sentience of the droids under his command held him back.

"Hyperdrive ready in 3...2...1...mark."

As quickly as the countdown completed, the former Iron Imperial ships had a new view: the massive grey hull of the NIV Tregessar. The Hammerfist II had missed its jump only slightly and ended almost directly above the port side of the Tregessar. The rest floated only slightly above, comfortably positioned to broadside the NIO flagship.

Zeradias could only imagine the disappointment of the fleet commander that his apparent prey had left its jaws before it was able to close them.

"Activate gravity well.", he ordered. He would not have the New Imperials crawling up his ass to further interfere.

"All cruisers, open fire on the Tregessar. Turbolasers, concussion missiles, all of it. Prioritize defensive infrastructure.", he ordered. Escort frigates would continue to provide cover as needed, and the dozens of drones aboard the Ichor would assist. "Scramble drones."

Ren-Hua would likely resent him for his decision to press the attack, endangering the very vessel she found herself trapped on. Zeradias was saddened by the thought, but he was confident his call was the right one. She may have had a ship and crew of her own, but she was no fleet commander. She wouldn't understand. It was a tactical decision. In any other scenario, Mant's fleet would pose little to no threat to the colossus of a flagship, but he now had the opportunity to reign the significant firepower of a small handful of heavy cruisers to bear upon an undefended super star destroyer. Zeradias recognized this opportunity would not last for them. He intended to use everything he had to make them feel the hurt.

"Prepare boarding craft. Ensure fire leaves the nearest hangar alone, I don't want to be killed by my own ships.", he ordered as he began his departure from the bridge. A
super tactical droid would hold command of the fleet in his stead. "Patch any relevant communications to myself."

As he entered the hangar nearly a dozen
gunships were finalizing preparations. Droid deployment racks were filled, and his shuttle was cleared to depart. Seconds after he boarded, the shuttle doors closed behind him and the engines roared to life as both his shuttle and the gunships levitated, about faced, and entered the deep, dark unknown, bound for the sea of steel before him.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
GA, NIO, Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
ENEMIES: TSE, Beric Layne Beric Layne

"What say I? Uh..." Jerec scratched his chin in thought. "It's a stretch to call any Sith world a place of peace, bub. I've made a couple wupiupi running cargo in and out of Sith space, and it's fething miserable. Fear all over. Besides, you're thinking too small - one planet? The Sith torch planets for funsies. I may not like the NIO, but you want actual peace for hundreds and hundreds of planets like this? Help'em kick the genocidal war crime hobbyists to the curb.

"But looking just at Serenno - I mean, if you could convince the Sith and the NIO to turn the planet's fate over to a couple of champions, end the shooting war, of course that'd be good. But it's never gonna happen. Sith champion wins, NIO can't afford to back down, keeps invading. NIO champion wins, there's no reason for the Sith to honor the deal and give up a planet they control.

"Basically, what you're calling for only helps the Sith and only disadvantages the NIO, so I doubt you'll get a lot of traction with the quote-unquote good guys. And once you strip it all down to the rivets, they just really like war and won't want to give up their toy. Maybe Tuffo the Jedi over here has a take."
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

ALLIES: NIO, Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
OPPOSITION: TSE Beric Layne Beric Layne

So that was how Beric was looking to handle things. Combat by champion? In an ideal universe, that could be a good way to end a way. Two individuals embodying all the virtues and vices of the institutions they represented. Fighting each other with everything they had to find victory. Both of them emerging from the conflict with their dignity intact.

Unfortunately, this was not an ideal universe. And for the briefest of moments, Aaran felt pity for how naive Beric must be. An issue that many Jedi had in this day and age. A lack of understanding about the affairs of the galaxy on this more mundane level. They dealt with so many high concept ideas such as ethics and the nature of the universe. They forget that the vast majority of the Galaxy did not care much for such things.

"I am afraid that Mr Assure is correct." Aaran stated simply, deciding to inject a deliberate mispronunciation of Jerec's name. Taking the Ithorian's own verbal mangling in good humour and throwing it back at them. "While it is possible for them to do so. The Sith are statistically unlikely to act in good faith and honour the agreement in the event of their loss." He said, opening out ohis hands in a vaguely disappointed fashion. "And by now, both sides have invested enough into the battle that they cannot pull out without incurring even greater losses."

He held out a hand to Beric, gesturing to him. "Your suggestion, while noble, would not appeal to either side. The Sith look to crush the New Imperial Order's morale and weaken their war effort by making them fight for every inch. While the Iron Sun are looking to win a great victory for morale. I cannot see them both putting their faith in a champion that would have what? Roughly a fifty percent chance of winning?" War was a terribly complicated affair. More often than not it came down to pure statistics and economics more than the deeds of exceptional warriors and soldiers. Not to say that such heroics did not matter. But it all came down to your enemy's willingness to fight. And rarely did an army with few supplies wish to wage war.

"I personally approve of your idea. And if my word would have any sway with the commanders here. I would push for it, if only to avoid the loss of life. But I am afraid that even if I could have the New Imperial Order. I could not guarantee that the Sith would do the same." Under his hood, unseen by the others, his brow quirked.

"Could you honestly tell me that you can convince the Sith to stand down and consider this? To show what they consider weakness in the face of an enemy that they have created through their own cruelty?" He shook his head. Saddened, resigned.

"If you can, please make the call. Otherwise, I will simply go and capture their command posts and attempt to end the fighting with a more realistic ceasefire."


Dooku Royal Palace
FOCUS: Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju


"Dorin, Tiadu." He addressed the two once more, still focused on what was above. "Reach the throne room. Watch each other's backs. Don't get cocky, and Rurik will keep you two alive."

With those words, his master had disappeared from the position to which they were both standing. His first test. Tiadu grinned in excitement. He had been studying under the Jedi Warlord for small-time, but in their time together he learned a great deal about himself. His training was far from complete, but Dooku had made sure that he had gained some sort of new threshold of power before throwing him into a new conflict such as this. For that, he was grateful.

He had not even taken one step inside as he could already feel the heavy presence of Sith that lie deep in its depth. At first feeling, it was intimidating. Almost as if there was a large entity waiting to thwart one away based on the sheer display of strength alone. For Tiadu, it did not frighten him, yet it still posed as a large threat. He was stepping into unknown territory to fight a battle with enemies he was familiar with. He felt confident in his abilities but confused about the outcome.


Tiadu gave a slight nod back at his partner. A man he had never met before but had resounding respect for. At a first glance, he looked as if he could hold his own in a fight and he held himself to a standard that called for excellence. He had no doubt in his companion's capability. As he stepped off into the palace, the padawan followed him inside. The internal architecture was grand, royal excellent in design. The other parts of it were turned into rubble and debris as the battles inside ravished the structure heavily. To the side of them both, individuals clashed with one another in heated duels, and Tiadu had to maneuver himself to make sure he didn't stumble into one accidentally. But to their luck, they had a guide. Rurik Fel, the close half-brother to his master led them both into the fray to get them ever closer to their objective: the throne room. The man clad in all iron walk intimidatingly as a path was made for them.

His lightsaber was quickly drawn to his hand as a random Dark Trooper fell upon him with a slash down of its arm. With ridiculous speed, Tiadu reacted with a horizontal cut to the arm. The arm did not come off no matter how hard he struck. Cursing under his breath, he took a step back to regain focus. With a launch, the padawan swiped and slashed repeatedly to do damage to no avail. A comment by the noble he was accompanying pointed out that the weak point was hidden beneath the head and neck. He lunged, plunging the emerald blade between those two points. The droid's body quickly spasmed and shorted out on the palace floor.

"I can feel the Dark Side within the Palace, it's heavy in volume. We should follow its trail!"

"Agreed," Tiadu responded in an anxious manner. He was ready to douse himself in the heat of battle, to face the true feeling of everlasting conflict between himself and a Sith warrior. He deactivated his lightsaber and headed deeper into the dark abyss.

Syd flew at DT-0800 DT-0800 , wreathed in flames . This one felt like an HRD...he lacked any sensation of being alive past his skin, and he had a BFG.

Holy chit, Syd thought, that thing was almost bigger than he was! He had clearly taken a good amount of punishment already. Syd would have to work to see it die.

Some of his shots got through, hitting her shoulder, and causing intense pain that nearly made her fall from the sky, forcing her to concentrate and be extra cautious as she dodged his incoming chaingun shots, throwing puddles of fire in front of and behind him and making them go, trying to cut off his ability to retreat.

Just as he whipped out a shotgun that would have made the Doom Slayer go green with envy, Syd whispered a spell and dived into the pool of flames in front of him, though part of the projectiles managed to graze her thigh, eliciting an unnatural, metallic squeal of pain as she vanished into the flames and reappeared a good distance behind him shooting upward and then belching her throat flames upon him in a stream.

The flames that poured out of her were red in color, capable of overwhelming most shields and if not melting the armor on droids, then making it hot enough for some of its more delicate internal parts to hopefully start to degrade. She conjured high walls of flames she could see perfectly through but would hopefully blind his thermal targeting capabilities as the red flames rushed for him...


Following: SOG TEAM 1

"Hey Martin..." Isacc the Nuetralizer called out after finishing snapping the last NIO Stormtroopers neck, siezing the roof top mortar.

"They took out Syd's Bombardment array. I don't think they realized it was a Void-007. Damn we are good!"

"Good." Martin said.

"Good?" Hudson sputtered. "What're we gonna do? Game over, Man, Game Over!"

"Those are expensive props, built by Mother using her experience as a Stage Magician, nothing more. All those folks are doing is wasting ammo and letting us pinpoint them." Martin answered, straightening the Bandana on his skeletal forehead as he got out his range finder and IR laser designator, searching from the roof top.

He watched the homing missiles position as they went up, striking the fake Artillery.

He looked at Isacc's girlfriend, The Arena.

"Do it."

The Shi'ido Witch resembling an beautiful Orange skinned Twi'lek in a skintight white catsuit grinned, flesh shuddering hideously as she called down powerful lightning on the Rocket positions, decimating them.

Meanwhile, Nuetralizer piloted Tie Bombers, members of Jester Squadron streaked in on the Forces of DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran , Willan Tal Willan Tal , and Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter .

The flight lead, a Nuetralizer with a purple hued chassis and green photo receptors named Jack, cackled insanely as he released his payload.

"They don't make 'em like they used to! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jack laughed as the Concussion missile slammed into the walkers and cataphracts dozens of meters behind and in front of Erkine's transport, though he would likely feel the terrible blasts and hear the screams of his men.

The fighters behind his razed the lines of Stormtroopers and cataphracts below in a vicious coordinated strike with starfighter lasers, exploding and killing multiples of both, even though some of them got shot down too.

"They're trained to drop fire on soldiers, yet they won't let them write 'Feth' on the Fighters because its obscene." Martin muttered.

"That was amazing, Sherbet!" Isacc said sweetly at The Arena, who made a kissy face at him in return.

"Why didn't Laertia build us with the ability to vomit?" Stevenson the Nuetralizer asked.

"You literally have a flamethrower built into your throat." Bernthal the Nuetralizer pointed out.

Stevenson perked up.

"That's right!" He said.

"Soldier if you use your flamethrower to simulate barfing you'll light our thermal signature up." Martin warned.

"Party pooper." Stevenson said in a sullen manner.

"Let's move out and coordinate the next set of strikes..." Martin said.

The team used their stealth fields and the Arena's magic to cloak themselves and were soon off the roof, reaching the street after five minutes, still stealthed as they went looking for more havoc to cause...


Armour | Rifle | Pistol | Sohei | Hammer | Grenades
Company Strength: 96/100




In the skies over Carannia, Silas felt as if he were the namesake of Taka Group. The Tirra'Taka, the Dragon who, according to the stories held together the very planet he flew over now. Once, it must've roamed the surface, Silas thought. And it was to those times where his mind would venture. A predatory beast stalking the lands for prey, its great wings flapping, and with them a summoning of great gusts of wind that would be the herald of his arrival. Their similarities only went as far as their abilities to fly, and their purpose of terrorizing the inhabitants. For despite Serenno being Silas' birth planet, he cared not for its people. Those people that were content with living under the Sith. False security, when in a moment, the Sith would force weapons in their hands and demand they fight or die. Only to meet the exact same fate that denial would get them.

The Sith were unfit to hold this planet. They were monsters.

And Silas had figured, long ago, that to slay the beast, he had to become one.

'Barran to Taka Actual! You are clear to move up as far as our static line - though I invite you to join our push northwards from the center. APCs are en-route to take your men anywhere you need them to go, and we'll do our best to keep up if-or-when you get here. Blue-Heart Alpha out!'

From the depths of his reveries, he was brought back. The sound of a voice that was almost foreign. The wondrous look that had been threatening to overcome his placid features, died, at the summoning call of duty.

<<"My HUD reads you to my rear, Blue-Heart Alpha,">> Silas said. It was then when he boosted the thrust from the jetpack, his body rotating around as he straightened vertically, hovering above the city. Gently bobbing up and down as the Battlemind AI automatically adjusted for the shifts of his body, he spared a quick glance for wrist display before he suppressed the urge to groan. I've gone off course, he realized, before his gaze tracked across the city's skyline. <<"No. Taka Group will approach from the flank,">> even as he spoke the words, his gaze settled on that of the closer looming Royal Palace. <<"Always forwards. Taka out.">>

I just have to trust that things will be made right.

From the east, the forms of the Myrmidons resembled that of wraiths. Flying through the air and descending upon the nests of snipers through the city. The boldest of them dove down into the streets, carving through reinforcing Sith forces as they sought to converge on the Galidraani's Blue-Heart Brigade.

Danger loomed on the horizon.

The telltale sound of wailing TIEs were not unlike the cries of a banshee. Ahead, in the streets, Silas could see the TIE Bombers rend the street and reduce much of it to slag with their payload. The jetpack propelled him down the street, at a similar height to the Cataphract Tanks, passing perpendicularly to them before raising up into the air.

<<"Blue-Heart Alpha. Taka Group will circle from the West and meet your forces in the centre. Your eastern flank is open. Keep it as such -- for bait -- and our combined sweep will crush them.">>

With the numerous streets, Silas could see the western flank of the Galidraani extended much further than he had initially thought. Still, once he reached the edge of it, he veered to his right, and to the North-East. In his wake, almost a full platoon of his Taka Group, whilst the rest of them were scattered through the city, merely a comms call away. Soon, they'd descend upon the likes of the fleeing, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . Unbeknownst to them both, they were on a direct approach with each other.

Allies | NIO | GA | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter | Halketh Halketh | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
Enemies | TSE | CIS | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | UX-0626 UX-0626 , Kimora Min Kimora Min



Objective: Resolve the Serennian Conflict without further Bloodshed
Allies: Grand Moff Decimus | Xeykard Xeykard | Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar | Jan Beroya Jan Beroya | +TSE & Other Allies
Enemies: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Kainan Kainan | Lilith Dooku | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju | Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio | Tiadu Tiadu | Ruek Tast Ruek Tast | +NIO & Other Allies

He had feared that they would not be so inclined to his proposal. Few had been. Likely, the sending forth of two champions would be an idea scorned by the New Imperial Order, or the Sith, or mayhaps even both. But just because something was unlikely did not make it impossible. It was the duty of Beric to at least try. But first if he were to have any chance to convince the heads of the warring forces respectively, he would have to convince the two in front of him. "You will have to forgive me," he said, inclining his head ever so slightly towards Jerec but keeping his eyes level, "for I am not an expert of Sith history. But I know that there is no innocent side in war. For whatever crimes the Sith have committed, I'm sure the New Imperial Order have done actions to match them."

He looked at the both of them. "I acknowledge that the likelihood that either side will accept these terms. They are slim, yes; but not impossible." He turned to Aaran. "Is it not the way of the Jedi to seek peace, not war? If you attempt to assault those Sith command posts, you are only perpetuating the cycle." His gaze swung back to the Ithorian. "And it would be wrong to assume that Serenno is the end of this, for it is just a minor pawn being played by two greater powers. War has consumed this galaxy for too long. If there is a chance to break that cycle, then we must try and take it."

It was here that Beric was uncompromising. He would not waver on his mission. The path before him was clear. "I can guarantee that the Confederacy will stand behind the results should both sides agree to the terms. Aaran. Go to the Prince who seeks to claim the throne. I will speak to the Sith. The road ahead may be difficult, but I know that the Force will light the way."


Allies: Naier Rambeigh Naier Rambeigh | Gunnar Madine | Fiolette Fortan | Arcturus Tal Arcturus Tal
Enemies: Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Melia Siari | Thaelius Thaelius | Zeradias Mant Zeradias Mant | Sith Dominance

Rausgeber watched with increasing frustration as the battle continued to fray away from his favour. Sweat creased his brow, and his entire body shuddered and trembled in terrible fury. The monster was awake but his terrible eye was split between so many different places. "
Have Admiral Freye advance his position." Carlyle commanded, "The Malice will push forward and engage this group here," He gestured to the command of Admiral Siege, "He will hold them off, while Madine once deployment is complete, continues to harass and skirmish the enemy." Rausgeber sighed. It was all so tiresome. But the situation, while not necessarily ideal was still salvageable.

"Move Tal, Yvarro and Rambeigh to engage the enemy, close quarters and press our advantage. Prioritise major weapons systems, and deploy petards as much as possible. Seismic cores. "New Imperial doctrine held that edge. Faster, sleeker craft, over the gorgons the Sith relied too heavily upon. Hit and run, and then running circles around them. It would be beautiful. "Have Orcana will press through, and use his vessels in and attempt....Attempt...." And that was when his hideous gaze was cast upon what Commodore Gallius Orcana was performing. Sheparding in the enemy. Specifically Mant and his ilk. Toward him. That rage. It bubbled and boiled over now. A snarl pressed itself over Carlyle's features. A venomous glare. "Get. Me. Orcana." Rausgeber commanded. "Now!"

Technicians scurried to oblige the request. Commodore Orcana was contacted and bought up on the screen, much to Rausgeber's displeasure. "Orcana, you insubordinate boob! You disloyal Lothrat! You feckless colostomy bag! You-you-you wanker!" Carlyle screamed at the man, his hair was amess, and the man seemed to glow red with rage. "You inept son of a whore, whose orders are you following man?! Moving the Iron fleet towards me?! Under whose authority do you operate, you feckless moron! You invalid!"

"You will move your fleet and you will engage where I tell you to, how I tell you to, and you will not belay that order! You will not countermand it, and anyone who tries to, is to be shot!" The Grand Admiral bellowed at the top of his lungs. His diatribe had a shrill quality to it. "In fact, for this betrayal! This treasonous act, I should have you relieved of command and hung right and then and there! You useless sack of seed! You should thank your worthless life I am not there to tie the noose, personally!"

"If you are wise, Orcana. And you value the life of yourself and your fellow officers, you will listen closely," Rausgeber's voice had dropped and octave. But maintained this sort of terse nature around it, "You will move your fleet to create a cordon. You will isolate this Mant and his band of merry men. You will then seek to divide your forces, and engage the enemy. Close range. Your command will be the shock force." Rausgeber then leaned in, a leering presence, "And should you not oblige this order. Attempt to deviate in this task. I will have you terminated. I will ensure that your career, any future mention of you? Expunged. No one will ever know you existed. And those who do, will wish they never knew you. Do we have understanding?" Without waiting for a response, Carlyle terminated the broadcast. "Move us hard to port! And then full ahead, I want us moving through to Mant's fleet. Our guns will tear the prick a new one."

There was a small murmuring, "Sir, if I may," The Helmsman intruded, "The enemy command vessel microjumped sir. If we move hard to port, we may collide and we may sust-"

"I said. Hard to port commander." The Grand Admiral snarled, "We are heavier than them. We are larger. And denser." He turned to the Brigadier, "Prepare the Stossjaeger at secondary defensive hardpoints in hangars on the portside. We'll allow some give and mow them down totally. All units, on alert and ready to reinforce." Rausgeber drawled, "Now!" The Tregessar began to lurch to port, the super star destroyer swinging toward the Iron command ship.

NIV Tregessar
Prefsbelt Class Super Star Destroyer (

NIV Malice
Reprisal-Class Star Destroyer (x)

NIV Bargration
Tyranus-Class Star Destroyer

NIV Usurper
New Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer (

NIV Brigand
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser

NIV Harridan
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser

NIV Bandit
Curiassier-Class Cruiser

6x Escolta-Class Frigates

3x Dragoon-Class Frigates


M A N _ O F _ I R O N
Iron Skin |


He didn't hold trust in these two. Nobleman of Serenno descent, much the same as himself but also...much the same as those who sought to have him killed to save face to the new Sith masters. Regardless, in that they were right. Darkness swelled in Carannia, with its horrid source tracing from this palace, ode and monument to the oppression the Sith had inlaid on the old, proud and guarded foundations of Serenno. It was hardly a homecoming worthy of revelry to Rurik. This place served as the mere origin point to his path.

He still sought the despicable soul that cast him down it in a violent debut. Vincent Dooku. It was difficult to reason his desire for vengeance as rooted in anything but darkness. It was a difficult and dangerous dance to perform. The drive to kill and vanquish it, to fuel the flames purely by duty and will alone. Not to let them turn to a tainted fire by spilling the savage oils of anger and hatred unto them.

Such appeared, the challenge.

"Man of Iron, let's see if you melt..."

Another scion of the darkness, a fool miscreant to burden him on the path he walked. The path of a final and just vengeance in reclamation of a tortured past which began in tortured origins.

"You'd not the first to try and see...and you'll be one of many to fail." Rurik voiced in reply, invoking the benevolence fitting of his seat in power, Lord Executor.

A Dark Trooper sought to bend Iron again and was met with another envelopment of the Force around his free and open hand before he closed it into a fist and burst the nigh explosive, destructive power through the abdomen of the Dark Trooper's composite, ebon armor. With its more vulnerable internals revealed, he sliced through with the argent blade before kicking the mechanical corpse to the floor beneath.

"You will become one as the rest who have sought my life. Nothing at all." He continued his slow, foreboding approach, grasping ahold of the Dark Trooper's heavy metal carcass through his will in the Force before all but firing it in the direction of the rogue force user.

She would not stop him. No one would.

"The darkness is all around us...and it all comes trembling down today." Rurik voices to the two at his flanks.

He would find him. And cleanse. The just end.

He's not atop his throne...far too cowardly for that...but where...

Rurik pieced together in his mind. He sought hangar bay. Without any doubt, the patriarch would be there. Waiting for him. Or perhaps, in the midst of escape.

Regardless, they were going to meet and Fel would have his vengeance. He sought to press past this Jedi, whatever it was. Merely obstacles to his true aim. He understood then he would face penance in the selfishness he garnered to himself here. For not leading the Knights as he should've, the champion of the New Order, the Lord Executor. Vaulkhar would not have failed in this way, as he had.

"Dorin. Secure the Palace, any Sith you see - put them to the sword. Any Confederate daring to assist them - put them to the sword. Any of the noble glad hands who had sold this realm to the Darkness...put them in chains. There is no satisfaction in slaying them, for they are nothing at all...and they will face the toll of their misdeeds." The throne was a symbol and the Sith fortified it well, knowing the New Imperials would covet it equally as the symbol of dominance over Serenno. In truth, Rurik sought to make his own. From the fallen of all those who'd ever dare prop up this despicable regime. The lies ran deep here as they had anywhere else. The Sith had entwined all but Galaxy in its web of deceit, twisting Jedi to equate the Sith Empire with defending the Light, the Galaxy, goodness and all from the sovereign realm of Iron.

Lies that'd all be burnt away. Motioning to two of his knights, they'd take up his flanks and follow him into the depths of the mountaintop palace. To sever more heads from the dark hydra.

ALLIES | NIO | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen | Kainan Kainan | Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju | Lilith Dooku | Adron Malvern | Tiadu Tiadu
ENEMIES | TSE | Grand Moff Decimus | Laertia Io Laertia Io |OPEN TO DISTRIBUTE TURBO
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