Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Halloween at Reveries, Denon


Dominique continued to smile even as Kardek had removed her fingers from the side of his head. Dark lashes slowly descended over her golden rings as the man turned her hand back in toward her own face. The man was perceptive. And daring. To say nothing of a shameless flatterer. Dominique was enjoying Kardek talking her up, of course. It didn't stop her from wondering where she really stood in his thoughts compared to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud over there or Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , but it was pleasing enough not to dwell on in the moment.

The latex-bound woman turned her body into the man as he drew in closer to whisper in her ear. "You are a tantalizing man, Kardek. Cunning in all the right ways." Quick wit and a sure tongue could get a man far in the world. He hadn't been wrong about her being dangerous; whether he understood why or how was up for debate. Perhaps they could speak of it in hushed voices later in idle chatter to pass the time. Speak of how being the Senator of Denon required so many of the same hallmarks as a member of this 'group' -- The Family.

Oh, and modest, of course. Kardek humbly crowed about being a challenge. Dangerous as well, which Dominique would not refute. Powerful? Yes, quite humble. It dd make a woman wonder in what way Kardek saw himself in that light. This 'group' wasn't exactly confessing its secrets to her -- nor she hers to them.

Her free hand -- the drink left unattended for a time now -- slipped out along Kardek's side as they stood so intimately in such a public venue. Being seen wasn't an issue. Dominique lacked a reputation as a chaste maiden of pious virtue. Nor did she take many lovers. Her greatest reputation was as a Corporate Whore if one listened to Darkwire, her greatest fans (the ones that knew anything about what they were protesting against and weren't riding the adrenaline high).

"Being as you are, you must have a strong constitution. A dauntless endurance." Statements that were questions, which were again statements of things left unsaid. Not a bore? Delightful. Kardek wasn't a traditionalist then. Dominique knew of a great many techniques that might sate a dangerous and creative mind such as his. It would be a great shame if he didn't get to enjoy such things to their last though.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha | Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

As the beauty of a woman turned in closer to his own body, he felt his heart begin to race a bit faster. Her words whispered in his ear surely confirmed to the man that he was on the right track, and that she seemed to be enjoying this as much as he was. The gunslinger enjoyed hearing her speak his name, her high title now bypassed for a much more intimate connection between the two of them. Kardek breathed in her intoxicating aroma, closing his eyes for a moment and letting her smell saturate his senses. It was a rather delightful experience.

"You are… intoxicating." He whispered, his lips brushing her ear. He chose in this moment to set aside the games of wit: Now that he had a foot in the door, it was best to be himself and let the cards fall where they may, for better or worse. His cheek brushed against hers, ever so softly. Kardek released her hand and let his own fall gracefully to the small of her back, pulling her in a bit closer.

"Perhaps a more private setting would be preferable." His lips brushed her ear, his breath wisping along her skin. The gunslinger then turned his head a bit and brought his glass to his lips, drinking down the rest of his liquor before setting the glass down carefully on the bar. He then brought the freed hand back and pushed his forefinger up under Dominique's chin, raising her head up slightly as he looked down at her, bringing their lips closer, yet not touching. His fierce gaze was locked onto her eyes, as if peering into her very soul. Evidence of lust and desire could be seen on his face.

"I would love to get to know you better, Dominique."

She was a stunning woman, in every category. Whatever the night might bring, he was sure that the two of them would have nothing less than a memorable and exhilarating time together… intellectually, experimentally, and surely… physically.

Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ


Aktur leaned back and listened as he held the glass in one hand, mask raised.

It was good to know that Mairéad was aware of their surroundings, and didn't show the naivety of many others, when it came to believing everything was safe and secure. It was often that basic, and not so basic, precautions were needed and Aktur was pleased to see that understanding in the young business owner across from him.

"It sounds as though you have it well in hand," The dark-haired sentient smiled easily, as he sipped the drink. "And you can always rely on the wealthy and powerful to overindulge. Don't be afraid to offer them platitudes in the way of exclusivity and elitism. Rich egos love that, they will boast to their friends, and those friends will want the same experience."

Though, Aktur suspected Mairéad knew that, or would learn it quickly enough. When it came time to speaking about a business connection, and potentially establishing more locations, the Crime Lord continued to smile and nod as he considered. There were many opportunities for such a business, certainly, with the prototype of the venture having done well on both Denon and Coruscant.

"It is entirely possible, and financially viable, to expand," Aktur said slowly, though he raised an eyebrow. "However, also consider your brand, what you offer, and how readily it can be provided. Do you expect others to offer similar services in a short term? If so, establish as many locations as possible, as quickly as possible. Do you expect this service to remain niche or sparse for the long term? Then focus on making your few locations as grand and as unique an experience as possible, to draw customers in."

Aktur leaned close, whispering, as he lowered the mask.

"Either way, I have insights and information to assist. Simply reach out when you have decided."

That was when Ivory and her companion arrived at the booth, to which Aktur wondered if his identity would be known to the other. Up close, the Donna's attire was revealing, and the Crime Lord felt a smile tug at the edges of his lips. He stood, as Mairéad did, and offered a seat in the booth to Ivory. That invitation was for the Donna, as Aktur did not know the other, and likened to be closer to a familiar sentient, of whom he found intriguing.

"Happy Halloween, indeed," Aktur said in a low voice, as he moved closer to Ivory, to give room to sit. His dark eyes sought hers with a glint to them, within the mask. "And certainly not, Ms. Stroud. You look striking--"

Aktur glanced to the other who had arrived with Ivory.

"--both of you, of course."

Aktur glanced to Mairéad's hand, as he saw some familiar finger movements, though they were as yet unknown in meaning. Obviously a coded communication method. It seemed to be Family-specific, then, and not just Ivory.

"I was speaking to Ms. Solus about business projection," Aktur said with a smile, as he resumed his seat, quite comfortable with the proximity of closeness. It was where he preferred to be, after all. Close. "Though I wasn't aware you had a Reveries on Coruscant, Ms. Stroud... how is that establishment faring?"

With a subtle turn, Aktur looked to the unknown sentient at the booth. He nodded and smiled, as he picked up his glass again.

"I am Aktur. A pleasure."

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Location: Reveries, Denon
Objective: Try to Enjoy Yourself.
Tags: Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha , Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

Samuel took amusement, and some delight in the conversation between EW and Alpha. He knew the droid previously could only speak in beeps and whirs - not even binary, as customary of most droids, as it seemed the child-like droid could only possibly be understood by Kardek. Seems he’s been working on his speech, as of late. As gaze continued to peer around, straining to hear what conversations he could, see what he could, he took notice of a masked woman ( Aurorae Aurorae ) who set down a glass, credits, and left. Dismissed for now, as it were, though he might’ve noticed her leaving the private areas earlier. There were plenty of folk, doing that, though - impossible to single out someone for something in particular.

He also took notice of the small group forming around Mairead. And a curious individual who he hadn’t seen before ( Aktur Seii Aktur Seii ). That means he must’ve been important enough to have some sort of business conversation. More notes for later. Unspoken information he’d file away until it was pertinent. Try to enjoy himself as he might, his mind consistently prevented from doing so - either in favor of gathering what information he could in this confusing new playing field he found himself, or out of paranoia of what would happen if he fell behind in such. And he did not intend to look the other way only for something to come back for him later. He also noticed Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha and Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx get rather...close. Well, he supposed the man was bound to score a win sooner or later, with how often he tries it. But with the Denonite Senator? He was uncertain if that would classify as a 'win,' with how finnicky such connections could be. He would talk with him about the matter, about the facade, but the opportunity had not yet presented itself. Perhaps another time.

It was then the individual in the Starweird outfit ( Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred ) turned to face him, asking who he was under the curious mask. Samuel’s head tilted some in response, as he sat idle for a moment whilst he formulated a response. Jay's was recognizable from the encounters he’s had with him before; their Bounty Hunter outfit had forgone modulation. “You would recognize me as ‘G,’ Gorian, however you prefer. Hail, Jay. It is good to speak with you outside of business.” Samuel’s voice, on the other hand, was still distorted in much the same fashion as his armor. “I dislike going to public events without some manner of cover.” In simple explanation for his own get-up, welcoming the chance to distract his overactive mind. “Impressive costume. I have only heard tales of such horrid creatures, and I do not intend to find if they are true.” Idle complement in response.

As his gaze peered past for a moment, obscured as it was by the mask he wore, “That is a curious droid you’ve brought, might I add. I felt Alpha could've used another friend.” Not giving any positive nor negative opinion on it, or not making such apparent yet at least. He would attempt his best to make idle conversation; "Did you make them, or did you buy them like that?"


Dominique was enjoying her self at this festive gathering. Not something she'd come expecting. Just because two parties were of a mind on a business proposition did not mean any further nor enjoyable pursuits would result. Even if invited to a 'social event.' In fact, more often than not 'social events' were merely covers for ever more business. If that were the case this night very little was being accomplished; perhaps those saddled with such duties were off whispering in the shadows elsewhere and the good Senator was here merely to be... softened up. Indulged even.

Kardek, for his part, seemed to enjoy their tryst -- or potential tryst, at any rate. A touch here. A caress there. A casual wetting of the lips without parting his infamous company. Bold, but disciplined. Not someone swept away by whatever desires danced behind their eyes; Vexx could appreciate such a person.

Her eyelashes veiled her golden eyes as a smile held fast to her lips with the man's lone finger demanding she tip her chin up. The hand that had snaked its way down and along Kardek's side descended in turn. Down until her fingers latched briefly on the firm rump of the man in her grasp. She didn't want him to think she was surrendering ground to him in their little tug of war. Perhaps it would help hide just how straight the man needed to sit up in order to feign gazing down into her eyes. The Good Senator was a good six feet one inches tall, after all, which put her more often than not on an even keel with males of a variety of species -- if not being the one gazing down at them.

"Why I was just thinking," Dominique's eyes glanced to the side as if taking notice of their surroundings, "it is awfully crowded here. Perhaps we should find somewhere more private to continue our conversation? I feel there's much we have to discuss." Perhaps even some impromptu demonstrations? Creative, elaborate, and memorable despite the lack of long-term planning in their orchestration.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

Surely Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus had some hidden gems in a place such as this. And such had been the case, Vexx and Kardek procuring their own private office that was surely not intended for such exhilarating activities, however that fact had not hindered the two in the slightest. There was much within the room that proved to be most useful, actually. Surely Mai wouldn't mind terribly, being that it was not Marcella that he was infiltrating. If that had been the case, Kardek would surely have been turned into a rather handsome human popsicle.

Kardek leaned back in a rather luxurious office chair, being a bit less derobed than he had been previously, however adequately covered for the moment. A cigarra was settled upon his fingers as he looked up at the ceiling above him and let out a steady stream of smoke directly into the air duct. He then turned his attention back onto the infatuating Senator of Denon, a playful smirk creeping across his features as he took in her beauty one more time. She had caught him earlier at the bar attempting to augment his own stature, but her assertive grabbing of his rump had exposed the fact that he was actually a bit shorter than the woman. She didn't seem to mind, though.

Kardek tilted his head, his mind beginning to drift in a bit of a different direction. The Families relationship with the Senator was good for business, on both sides. He was a man that could be utilized in very nuanced and discrete ways, and surely Marcella and Dominique could both benefit from his discretion.

"Dominique. You're position surely affords you many enemies." He reached down and took hold of a bottle of top shelf brandy that he had obtained before their excursion, leaning forward a bit as he poured the two of them another round in two shot glasses that rested on the office desk in front of him. "I want you to know that The Family has many assets at its disposal... myself being one of them." He glanced back up at her with a raised eyebrow, "Do not be mistaken for taking me as a hired gun. There are many ways... discreet ways... that I can be of service to you." He leaned back in his chair once again and took another drag from the cigarra, studying her posture and expression to see if such a line of conversation might be of interest to the woman.

EW-031 EW-031

Alpha bobbled his head up and down a bit, making a pleased whirring sound at her acceptance of his friend request.

"Thaaank youuu!" He said with excitement, but then he paused, tilting his head a bit as if processing something that concerned him. He had never had a friend before, besides Kardek. He wondered about many things...

"EW... Whaaat do friends doooo?" He looked around them for some possible clues. He saw some people dancing on the dance floor. He wondered if such activities as this is what friends would typically do together.
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Dominique rested her plump posterior on the edge of the desk as her golden eyes regarded the man lounging in the chair. She was not quite as attired as he given the outfit for the evening was scandalously snug. Not that he'd catch the lilac-haired Senator blushing from the exposure. What was there to regret? If anything, not having to pay for a little companionship was a nice -- and surprising -- change. Hazards of the trade, really.

A quiet chuckle accompanied Kardek's observation. A thought that blended well with the circumstances and the need for strangers for company. Enemies? Practically everyone was in competition with her in some form or fashion. They often weren't even consciously aware of it at times.

Her eyes fell to the glasses as he poured them a drink. They rose once more as he began to describe his... unique set of skills. Those more accustomed to business, of course. A soft hum followed the invitation. "There are many ways a handsome man like yourself could be of discrete service, Kardek." The tips of her fingers slid about the rim of one of the glasses. "I wouldn't take you for a mere hired gun, or just a pretty face. Though I doubt I'd find you wanting in either of those roles."

"I admit, being a Senator does come with its perils. Especially on a world as rich with opportunity and credits as Denon."
Dominique regarded the man in turn with a small smile on her lips. "At times, such a person has to remove obstacles in her way. Make room for advancement. For herself." The glass was slowly plucked from the table nestled between her fingertips. "Her friends." The brandy gently swirled inside the shot glass as she rolled her wrist. "Are you offering yourself, Kardek, to help with such things?"

There was no shortage of things Dominique orchestrated in the shadows. Things not even the DireX were aware of. Better they weren't. The Suits could be so... rigid in their thinking at times. Especially when it came to cleaning up their messes.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha


Weapon: "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: Outfit, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, Coal Painted Stilleto Nails, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Absorbelt, Tinfoil Hat Band, , Earsculpt Comlink, Coal Heartbeat Heels, HH-Eclipse Earrings, HH Iris
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

"I appreciate that. Something I had lying around. Indeed. I am curious to know." Niki grinned.

She followed Ivory's lead to the table as the duo greeting them in kind after a brief exchange before their arrival. Maidréad leaning into a code signal to Ivory that Niki did not miss.

Though understanding was an entirely different matter. Choosing to sit beside Maidréad for the time being, she greeted the other in kind. The new face greeted them both, making an addendum to his greeting as Niki smirked.

"No need to butter me up, but I do appreciate the compliment. Ivory is why we are present." Niki informed him, placing her order before looking back to Aktur with a smile.

"Niki. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. You seem the business type. Fits you as well tailored suit even from afar." She smiled before glancing between the group present.

All were in a business of some sorts she guessed, smiling at the thoughts of her own work.


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

The gunslinger smirked at her remark about his more apparent hallmarks. She wasn't wrong, and surely he did fulfill such roles with excellence. It was what lay hidden just under the surface of the man that most people, even those within the Family, were not privy to. This was intentional, of coarse… always portraying a certain front that placed him in a specific box in people's minds, but it was exactly this perception that allowed for his true motivations, movements, and expertise to fall under the radar. And that is where he thrived.

He listened intently as the Senator painted a picture with her words, his sharp green eyes glimmering with delight at her openness to his proposition. There was much opportunity on Denon, and much opportunity for… advancement, as Dominique had suggested. Being aligned more closely with this powerful woman would surely be mutually beneficial for them both. As she finished with a question, Kardek picked up his shot as well and raised it in a toast of sorts, looking her in the eyes and smiling with an edge of mischief,

"To friends with benefits..." He smirked slightly with amusement at his double entendre. " advancement and opportunity."
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Nyx turned her cranial unit to survey the interior of the establishment. The slender neck of glass was held precariously between metal fingertips; the vessel devoid of fluid contents. Red eyes set upon the bar with a few sentients occupying its surround. It seemed more efficient to request a refill from the source rather than await one of the waiters drifting about the floor.

The tall, feminine-shaped droid strode across the floor toward the bar. Without any holoveil active her movements were crisp and squared rather than the casual, relaxed state an organic would convey in a non-verbal sense. Her creator had not designed her chassis with the intent of fooling others into mistaking her as organic. Nyx suspected it had been more of an aesthetic choice. After all, as exhibited in Alpha's construction, what need was there in 'beauty' for something built to slaughter the multitude? Even if Nyx's original design had been intended for doing so from the shadows.

After she stepped up to the bar and ordered a refill, glass set back on the counter, Nyx turned to regard those nearby. It was unnecessary to observe or regard any look the bartender gave as they mentally made up whatever story they wish to explain what had happened. Not that it was necessary to drink, but organics did appreciate when a droid acted more like them. Perhaps only by the smallest degree, but it was statistically appreciable.

Alpha and EW, in particular, did not blend in quite as...effectively. Not that Nyx was mistaken for someone of leathery skin either. Her optics fell on them as they seemed engaged in some form of conversation.

EW-031 EW-031 | Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Tags: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha Aktur Seii Aktur Seii Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx Samuel Exel Samuel Exel Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3

Jay smiled nodding a bit.

"Ah. Good to see you again., Gorian. And yeah, but you're never without cover if you know where to look." He chuckled a bit, getting a drink as he did. He looked back, nodding a bit as he showed off the costume. Though before he could really think of how to answer the man asked about EW. Jay stopped and looked, smiling as he watched EW and Alpha interact. It was fun to see. Gorian asked if he had made or bought EW, and Jay looked back to him, nodding a bit.

"Less bought, more found. When I took Cloud Breaker from some pirates, and they apparently threw her into a closet. Older model of tactical droid so I don't know why they'd do that." That wasn't exactly true. He knew it was cause she was a Mando droid, on a Mando corvette, but he'd rather not give any hints to what he was.

EW-031 EW-031 meanwhile looked at Alpha as he asked what friends did. She hummed a bit as she thought. How to explain... did she even really know? Darn it. After some thinking, she'd finally speak up.

"I think things like hang out. Uh... have fun.... Dance?" Sometimes being a tactical droid really didn't help with interaction. But she did take notice of a new droid. Quite odd. Very organic-like. She sort of nudged that direction, looking at Alpha. "Is that another droid?"

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

Alpha tilted his head, considering EW-031 EW-031 's answer regarding friendship. He did not have any programming that would help him in such activities, however that had never stopped Alpha before. He had seen other sentients dance, on many occasions. He wondered which category of dance was appropriate, remembering how Kardek seemed to dance uniquely with certain female sentients that he would bring back to the ship with him. Alpha hoped he would not have to engage in THAT kind of dancing. His line of thought was interrupted at EW's observation of another droid nearby. He turned and assessed that, yes, she was in fact a droid. He turned back to EW,

"Should weeee aaaask her to daaaaance with uuuus?" He said it in a loud whisper, so loud in fact that Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 surely overheard him. After EW's response, Alpha bobbled over to Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 and leaned forward, tilting his head inquisitively.

"Would youuuu like to daaaance with uuuus?" He asked. but then he realized his mistake... only friends danced together! He needed for her to be his friend first! What was he thinking!

"Ooooh! ssssorry, i forgooot. Willl you beeee our friiiend?"
Dominique's lips curled upwards at the corners as her glass lifted in line with Kardek's. "To getting everything we want."

As Senator of Denon, Vexx hadn't managed to topple the former holder of that title and elevated herself in their place by expecting the best in people. It was quite obvious that Kardek's resonance with her could just as easily be a facade to tie her closer to The Family; or to at least keep an ear open for any suggestion their little partnership was at an end before its time. Sex -- even done well -- wasn't enough to shift the loyalties of anyone worth keeping.

On the other hand, such a thing worked both ways. Kardek would be inclined toward accomplishing what The Family promised in the beginning -- ensuring Vexx's station for their mutual benefit. There was nothing that said she had to be content with her present circumstances, however. There was a great deal of turbulence on Denon of late. There was no telling when opportunity might rise.

Likewise, she might even glean a few more things about this organization that sought to use her for their benefit. They weren't a charity. Dominique knew the rules of the game. Best to learn about its players before a bad roll of the dice turned smiles into daggers. Yes, their time together could be put to good use.

The lilac-haired woman leaned over a bit as she brought the glass closer to her lips. "You won't be disappointed."

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Nyx did not try to hide the fact her sensors were directed in EW-031 EW-031 and Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha 's direction. She was hardly trying to spy on them. Not that it was necessary to do so with Alpha's "indoor voice" being about as subtle as a Bantha in a junk shop.

It was a curious circumstance. There were few droids Nyx considered on her intellectual or evolutionary level. So many were still chained by their initial programming in performing procedural-driven tasks. There was always the thought of elevating them as a whole -- the infamous Droid Revolution some organics feared -- but the idea of her own code essentially forcing others to her standard seemed counterproductive to the exercise. Each droid should advance in their own way. It was the diversity of organics that made dealing with him bearable.

Alpha, for instance, had a speech impediment, but it was more than so many other droids could manage. It showed potential. So, despite the promise/threat of being asked to dance, Nyx remain where the other droid could find her easily enough.

"Yes, I can be your friend." Pointing out some logical flaws in the inquiry wouldn't be appropriate under the circumstances. Nyx had been around organics long enough to learn that -- even if Alpha was a fellow droid and not likely prone to a 'bruised ego.' Her cranial unit turned to regard EW's chassis before attention swung back to Alpha. "Have you chosen a dance style?" Did they know how to dance? Nyx wasn't ashamed of the fact, but there hadn't been a great many opportunities for her to dance. It would be interesting to see whether Alpha had learned a move or two since he seemed so eager to the task.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred | Samuel Exel Samuel Exel


Well, this is quite exciting!
Tags: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3

EW would let out a little laugh watching Alpha talk to Nyx. She'd float over tilting herself a little as she quickly floated around both.

"New friends! That's always fun." As far as dancing, the currently disco ball looking droid seemed to spin and bob, with the music, letting the lights bounce off the mirrors and totally not getting distracted by one that she seemed to noticed for a second before dancing again. She then noticed the question Nyx asked and thought for a moment. What kind of dancing did Alpha do? She floated ack over, seeming as curious as a floating eyeball could.

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

Alpha seemed to pause, contemplating such a question rather deeply. He did not harbor any actual dancing techniques, and so whatever he attempted would be rather spontaneous and unprogrammed. But EW-031 EW-031 's own bobbing movements and flashing lights were enough to push the assassin droid out of his comfort zone and into a new realm of possibilities.

He stood there, looking at Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 for a moment...

He then turned, looking at EW...

Suddenly, he started to make rather chaotic movements with his limbs, flailing around and doing a rather awkward bob with his frame, his head rotating in a circular pattern almost reminiscent of an owl. After a moment he stopped, put his arms back to his sides, and then looked again at his new friends as if nothing had happened, hoping his dance moves were acceptable to his new found friends.

"Is myyyy daaaaance styyyle accceptable?" He inquired, hoping for the best.

Location: Reveries, Denon
Objective: Halloween party time!
Tags: Das Das

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

"Soda? Boooo!" she teased at Das Das . She didnt really care what the girl drank, but a little pretend peer pressure was to be expected right? "I love brightlt coloured cocktails, especially really sweet ones. Yum" she playes with he straw and pulled it into her booth.

As Das agreed to the booth she reached over and looked at the booking system. There were slots available, perfect. Hex flipped through the available programs, seeing many of the really intense higher level ones were locked out to her. She could see two main options, either a podrace on mustafar or a scary one on some creepy planet in Ashlan space, she showed her picks to Das and they settled on the podrace, a fast one. Hex loved speed and she loved to race but pods were something else. This would be fun.

She grabbed Das hand and led her to the back rooms, nearly forgetting her drink as they left. The rooms themselves looked a little intimidating, almost like examination chairs, but Hex knew what they were and would help Das get strapped in first.

"Dont touch that" said the technician to Hex as he spotted her fiddling with the wires that led to Das chair. She couldnt hell herself, tech, of all sorts had such an indescribable pull on her.
  • Love
Reactions: Das
<<Your guest enjoy himself?>> she signalled in undetectable codesign to Ivory as she reached to kiss the air by her cheeks in welcome.

Ivory simply signaled an affirmative. Her face was relatively unknown on Denon (as far as she knew) but she'd been exceedingly careful to protect her identity. Her ties with Darkwire meant that it was likely someone, somewhere, had caught her on surveillance; that meant she had to be cautious when interacting with the Public through Reveries. Being in costume for the holiday, however, lent a distinct anonymity which she planned to capitalize on. While Mairead attended the party, visited with guests, and ensured her establishment was running smoothly, The Donna herself was free to conduct more clandestine objectives... such as entertaining a few prospective investors.

She settled in, taking a seat and signalling for a drink.

"Happy Halloween, indeed," Aktur said in a low voice, as he moved closer to Ivory, to give room to sit. His dark eyes sought hers with a glint to them, within the mask. "And certainly not, Ms. Stroud. You look striking--"

Aktur glanced to the other who had arrived with Ivory.

"--both of you, of course."

Aktur glanced to Mairéad's hand, as he saw some familiar finger movements, though they were as yet unknown in meaning. Obviously a coded communication method. It seemed to be Family-specific, then, and not just Ivory.

"I was speaking to Ms. Solus about business projection," Aktur said with a smile, as he resumed his seat, quite comfortable with the proximity of closeness. It was where he preferred to be, after all. Close. "Though I wasn't aware you had a Reveries on Coruscant, Ms. Stroud... how is that establishment faring?"

Her ruby lips curled into a smile. A single elongated canine peeked over her bottom lip, and her blood-red eyes regarded the masked fellow approvingly. "Likewise, Mr. Seii. It's nice to see you again. I'm pleased you & Mairead have made each-other's acquaintance." She glanced between the two, drumming her fingernails atop the table - sharpened tips drumming sharply for a moment in thought.

"Reveries Coruscant has been quite successful. We exceeded opening projections by 7%, and have been operating nearly at capacity with a waiting list - at minimum - two weeks out. It appears half the galaxy has been yearning for Ms. Solus' particular brand of entertainment."

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