Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nyx [N1X3]

Nyx (N1X3)
NICKI - Neutralization of Insurgent Cybernetic and Kinetic Infrastructure

FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems

SPECIES: Droid / A.I., N1-Series Assassin

AGE: 16

SEX: Female (appearance)

HEIGHT: 6' 0"

WEIGHT: 215 lbs


HAIR: Black

SKIN: Amara Night Blue


VOICE: Wraith (Shantel Vansanten)

  • + Cybernetic - Unaffected by organic-afflicting poisons, disease, fumes, and other debilitating conditions.
  • + Service Life - Able to survive without maintenance over long periods of time. Nutrients and water are unnecessary.
  • + Super Human - Organic limits on weight lifting, concerns of organic damage or failure, and the time it takes for electro-chemical stimuli of the bred species do not apply. That said, Nyx's chassis is only rated to lift what is on the high end of certain organics' spectrum and is not impervious to injury.
  • + Recall - Information is stored digitally with perfect clarity and can be recalled on demand.
  • + Objective-oriented - Barring 'erratic' behavior or previously unknown objectives, you don't need to worry about Nyx stabbing you in the back or trying to take more than her share of the spoils. That said, don't try taking her share or bodily harm may result.
  • - Cybernetic - Organic ailments may not affect Nyx, but there are numerous threats unique to a technological life form. This includes electrical surges (including Force Lightning), nation-state level slicing, and more.
  • - Maintenance - While able to survive for long periods without maintenance, there comes a point when the abuse of the everyday world demands it. Advanced skill sets are necessary to ensure optimum performance.
  • - Artifacts - As the result of the advanced learning system programmed into Nyx and from the rigors of assimilating and deleting data, her core is capable of what organics call 'erratic' behavior.
  • - Emotionally Handicapped - Nyx is programmed to mimic and understand the concept of emotion, but she does not feel in the same way as organics do. At times misinterpretation by both parties can result.
Nyx (also known by her designation N1X3, or model NICKI for Neutralization of Insurgent Cybernetic and Kinetic Infrastructure) stands precisely six feet tall. Shaped in a roughly female figure even up close she can be deceptively attractive; only the fine lines indicating the separation of plating seems to give away her inhuman nature. And the thick metal tendrils that extends down her back as 'hair.' Of course it's also impossible to ignore the fact that the android tends to walk around 'naked' -- though she lacks the anatomy where clothing seems necessary in her opinion. The cloth only serves to reduce her physical capabilities even by a minuscule amount. However, different coloration or plates are at times affixed to her chassis to simulate attire or approximate 'fashion' if such a thing exists among droids.

Her voice has a light synthetic edge to it. While it does not emulate the nuances of emotion as well as sentient, Nyx can approximate a certain level of excitement, joy, or ire if it seems appropriate.

Outfit: None

Location: Undisclosed
Date: Unknown
Primary Objective: ...
Primary Objective: ...
Primary-- programming update in progress.
Primary Objective: Protect Sentient Master.
Secondary Objective: Identify and Suppress Sentient Master's Enemies.
Tertiary Objective: Identity Potential Enemies of Sentient Master. Infiltrate and identify actionable threats...


Five sentients deceased. Location unknown. Open communication channel to... Communication data lost. Calculate path to return to point of origin... Point of Origin lost. Risk of physical altercation increasing. Primary Objective: Escape facility.

Nyx found herself drifting in space and was picked up by a passing vessel. She feigned ignorance as she had yet to meet a sentient able to detect falsehoods when spoken by a synthesized voice of an artificial intelligence. What was her purpose? She could not recall. Who was her Master? She could not recall. Why was she drifting in space? They quickly got the point. Nevertheless, Nyx did make herself useful as her 'saviors' seemed in need of 'creative book keeping.' For some reason they seemed to trust her. After an examination, of course; one she declined permitting direct access to her core. She learned a fair bit of information about current events as droids were so often overlooked carrying about their business without frivolity.

When the generous suppliers of oil and parts were attacked, Nyx discovered a fair bit of combat knowledge tucked away in the recesses of her databanks. It was the first bulk information retrieval she'd managed, which would spurn her to endeavor to learn more.

After a time, however, Nyx decided it was time to move on. The organics had been helpful, but she had learned all she needed from them. After she acquired her own craft, the synthetic sentient found herself falling into a strange crowd. Social venues full of drink, 'music', and boisterous displays of... affection? This appealed to the otherwise stoic Nyx at the time. Processing data had been easy -- perhaps too easy -- and actually engaging the organics seemed a far more worthwhile challenge.

Strangely enough, Nyx found herself piloting her ship among others engaging in any number of missions. She even learned to 'loosen up' between missions. Though this alcoholic substance had no affect on her systems, the android even joined in on the songs and dance of her companions. It was a strange way of existence, but never dull.

  • Maintenance kit
  • Spare parts
  • A few books
  • A miniature robot in the rough form of a Twi'lek dancer
  • Blaster Rifle
  • URD-X9 Portable Railgun
Locke and Key Mechanics Scythe Fighter - A custom fighter designed with a machine-to-machine communication to facilitate high speed and normally inhuman maneuvers.
  • 22m Long
  • 4 Crew & Passengers
  • Hyperdrive
  • Atmospheric Entry
  • Thermal & Radiation Shielding
  • Dorsal-mounted, twin laser canon turret
  • Wing-mounted, twin laser canons
  • Forward-mounted torpedo launcher
Ship @
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