Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine


Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Auteme Auteme | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Kirie Kirie | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

“I knew you would become a great Jedi. Do it.”

The command hardly registered through the anxious haze. Do it. It could all end with a stroke of viridescent conclusion. Yet, he could scarcely formulate the signals to move his arms.

“Strike me down, I am defenseless. My weapon is yours. You can end this. It’s in your blood.”

"Y-you won't tempt me, Sith," Saan'an spat with poorly feigned valor. The last end of Fossk's remark hadn't seemed more than fluff. Insight sought not to fail this time, Saan'an knew the Dark Lord wanted him to profane his Jedi virtues. Maybe he should, helpless old man or not, this was the very man that sent the dark descending over a plant. No. No, that's how he wants me to think.

Uncharacteristic defiance stared the Sith Lord down, prolonging his life out of retributive spite.

OUR blood.”

Our? Saan'an's brow furrowed. A lie. Epochian lineage had only been a coincidence. Then again-

“I believe in you. Son.”

A sudden drop in his chest could've deceived him that his heart had stopped altogether. Fossk's insistence on his presence, his help, and all of the times the offers extended to Jem Fossk Jem Fossk without any real grounds. Could it all have led back to this? A blood tie to explain all of the special treatment and strange charities. Or was it all part of the deception? A tremor went through the Padawan's face, convulsing into a troubled snarl. The temptation offered by the Dark Lord taking root in an unforeseen avenue.

This thing can't be any father of mine. It can't be true. It's impossible.

But it wasn't. The Force gave him no inkling of deception, he simply refused to believe it.

"LIAR!" Firmly hooked into the bait, Saan'an's grief and indignation over the betrayal had taken the reigns over his decisions. His weapon raised overhead in both hands. His emerald consular's blade plunged in a wild, uncoordinated slash toward no particular part of the Sith'ari. Openings were a credit a dozen, Saan'an might as well have been dead.

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Location: The Senate Chamber
Gear: A tweed suit, vambraces, lightsaber, beamer
Tags: Auteme Auteme Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Romi Jade Romi Jade Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Kirie Kirie @Saan

The Tinman batted the attempt at a battle meld away. Nimdok had expected that. What took him by surprise was Auteme’s rejection. As far as he knew, she was as disadvantaged in combat as he was—you’d think she’d seize any help she was offered by her allies. Or perhaps not. He didn’t really know her that well.

Romi accepted the meld… only to be promptly knocked unconscious by falling pods. Sighing, Nimdok moved deeper into cover, into an area of the chamber that was almost dark from the shadows of various structures around him, pillars and pods mostly. From there he observed snatches of the duel from afar.

Rurik was trying to curbstomp the Dark Lord. Auteme likewise threw a ball of energy or something at him, though this attack seemed to backfire. It looked like Lucien had lost his lightsaber. Romi woke up and screamed loud enough to make Nimdok’s ears ring. Saan’an froze up for the… third or fourth time? Nimdok was losing track. At this point, there was nothing more he could do to help the kid, if Saan’an couldn’t even help himself.

Nimdok lay on the floor behind cover, closed his eyes, and fell asleep on command. As he lost awareness of his immediate surroundings, his consciousness expanded to the depth and breadth of the Senate Chamber. The scene took on a surreal, dreamlike cadence, like a fresco depicting mythology rather than reality, populated by frozen figures painted with light. Even Solipsis hummed and glowed.

He sensed things differently when he dreamwalked. The ebb and flow of battle appeared as swirls of exerted, dispelled, and absorbed energy. He hallucinated, too, seeing things that weren’t there. Visions of loved ones and enemies long gone, as well as glimpses of future friends and foes, passed through the fog.

In the dreamtime, he couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t. But he could focus enough to accomplish a task. He trained his gaze upon the figure of Solipsis, standing now before Saan’an. Something set the boy off, and he finally moved, but his opening strike was sloppy, reactionary.

Nimdok dove toward Solipsis from behind, spectral hands seizing the Sith’s head. He flooded Solipsis’ nervous system with sudden paralysis and disorientation, trying to hold him in place by sheer force of will. All he had to do was keep him there and pray Saan’an could hit a stationary target...


The fighter screen closed in, the point defense weaponry blared out into the vacuum of space as volleys of firepower rained over the valiant Alliance craft of Revenant Squadron. Deep in the underbelly of the ‘Magnus’, the reactor roared, the Proton Beam Cannon charged. With the arrival of the two squadrons of interceptor reinforcements, the situation began to look grim.

The Sith Cultist smiled brightly, visual projections of holographic World Devastators showed the chaos below as the Admiral monitored the situation below as it progressed. The time had come, the reckoning of the Alliance was at hand. Admiral Garrick stood tall, proudly puffing out his chest with a look of true satisfaction.

“All too easy.”

The Sith Admiral spun around and faced the deck officer in the pit below, “You may fire when rea.”


Aldo hissed with rapid discourse, “What!?”

The vessel rocked, it’s hull lit up in massive blooms of fiery hell. Metal groaned, framing twisted, the reactor had been hit.

The Sith Admiral realized the impossible had been done, the only weak point on the vessel exploited at the right time. All the struggle, the odds laid against the enemy was for naught. Aldo rushed to the viewport as fire rolled into the Bridge, alarms blared but in only seconds the entirety of the Command Deck was covered in flames. The Sith Cultist reached the window and stared out one final time, a cold distant stare and a dark prayer muttered under his breath to Sissiri before the flames wrapped around him.

The glass exploded outward and flames burst forth into the great vacuum where they’d subsequently would too die. The Great Battlecruiser ’Magnus’ ripped itself apart in the space above Coruscant, Aldo Garrick.. was dead.


Meanwhile over Coruscant..

The World Devastators continued their descent as they touched the glistening towers and began devouring Coruscant as the Warrior III’s engaged alongside the New Imperial backup. Swarms of Maw fighters fired up the Alliance craft, the skies lit up in laser fire and scorching flames.

As the shields of ‘Tu’teggacha’s Mercy’ came down a lone Warrior III crashed into the bridge of the mighty vessel. It was brought low, the World Devastator splitting at the helm before crashing into the cityscape below.

Soon, pandemonium would set in as communication between the Devastators and the MAW Armada went radio silent. The Magnus and all orders from Admiral Garrick going offline as he met an early grave. Without the exceptional coordination of the Master Strategist the tide would turn, but not before taking Coruscant with it.





KILL Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , All Jedi


He had an opening, an opportunity to take revenge for the near death blow delivered to him and revenge against the Jedi occupied by the dreaded Aspirant of Death herself, Darth Mori. Letifer was no fool, no weak minded acolyte amidst the sea of unworthy. He was of the New Sith, he had earned his place through the fires of tribulation and emerged out from under the gauntlet a man reborn. Every opportunity had to count, he would enjoy this.

His attention left the two locked in combat as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze valiantly attempted to evade the Sith Master who’s attention he had unfortunately garnered. Letifer could only chuckle beneath his mask, how feeble, how futile.

He approached the suspended Padawan and removed his mask, looking upon her with his own eyes stained by sulfuric embers of hatred. He rose his saber overhead, preparing himself to deliver the killing blow. That’s when he felt it, his attention wavered only momentarily upon the thunderous, ravenous hunger let loose by Darth Mori. Had she intended to devour them all?

He was only momentarily distracted, seconds away from ending Jem Fossk Jem Fossk .


Location: Senate District
Equipment: Single Blade Lightsaber | Mantellian Vambrace | Commlink
Allies: Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
Opposition: Shai Maji Shai Maji | Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres

Cadere's scarlet visor watched as the armored individual's leg raised to meet him once he landed, as his descent drew near Cadere raised his lightsaber ready to defend from whatever she had in store for him. However, as the Dark Jedi landed opposite his opponent once more, the sound of a sniper pierced through his helmet and into his ears. Spinning his head to face behind him, Cadere proceeded to leap into the air and transition into a backflip as the impact of the sniper sent the Mandalorian forward.

Touching down, Cadere's crimson blade twirled before he stabbed the tip of his lightsaber into where the Mandalorian fell miliseconds after the she rolled her way to safety. For a brief second he felt something, like a small breeze kissing his skin, a familiar one too. It was the Force, coming from... her? The fallen Knight paused for a few seconds as the battle and skirmish raged on around him, watching her with a curious brow raised behind his mask.

Interesting he thought to himself.

Unfortunately, he wasn't interested nor did he care enough about the dormant Force-sensitivity within this cybernetic Mandalorian anyway. Whether or not she'd recovered from the hit, Cadere's desire to continue their fight had diminished and so, extending his right arm to his side ever so slightly - the Dark Jedi extended his will with the Force and proceeded to grab another piece of rubble before motionining his arm in the direction of Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt and launching the piece of debris at his enemy at breakneck speed.

Turning on his heel, Cadere resumed his approach toward the Basilisk droid just as his head tilted up, watching it blast into the air above the fight. Whatever Clones were left, Cadere let out another piercing commanding whistle and drew their attention. As much as they despised it, they knew who was boss. Two more cloaked clones appeared beside him, shifting the lightwaves around Cadere as they uncloaked themselves.

Cadere's eyes remained locked on the Basilisk as he addressed the clone to his right
"Keep her off us for a minute." he commanded. An annoyed grunt escaped him but his obeyed nonetheless, igniting his crossguard he charged at Aerith. Addressing the other, Cadere ordered "Hold it in place, or are you not strong enough?" stoking the clone's ego as to make sure he'd carry out the task correctly, and for Cadere's own vindication. Complying, the clone's arms raised as he telekinetically gripped onto the Basilisk with his command of the Force, forcing it to hover in place.

The Dark Jedi then proceeded to raise his own arms as he visualised the internal components of the Basilisk droid and proceeded to internally crush the Basilisk's thrusters with the aid of the Force at great concentration. "Let it go. Follow my lead." he ordered the clone, as the clone did so, the fallen Knight's fingers curled into claws as he spread his focus across the war droid's entire anatomy. With the help of the clone, It's metallic casing began to close in on itself as it descended toward the ground.

Smashing onto the ground, crushing a few troops and Death Troopers under it, the war droid was temporarily out of commission - though still repairable.


Allies: NIO | SJC | GA | AC Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji

Enemies: BotM | Cadere Cadere | Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
IS-2 Medium Armour, SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster x 2 with 1 Grappling Hook attachment, Vibroknife, Thermal Detonator, KXA ABDG-01x 'Null' Grenade, Wrist-mounted Personal Energy Shield


The overly-powerful Sith were not worthy opponents but simply irritants. Perhaps it was her own wilful ignorance that underprepared for such metaphysical attacks as she had spent much of her training with focus elsewhere. She was not surprised by the feat of strength displayed as the Sith casually blocked and directed the offensive blaster fire - she had seen it plenty of times before. She wasn't fearful but frustrated. What skill was needed in their methods?

The flames seemed to heed to the will of the Sith and she had but moments to react as they were launched in her direction. With no chance of running away, she opted for the only reasonable evasion she could think of in such short time and raised her hand above her head to fire a grappling line onto the edge of the building high above, pulling her up from the flames that would engulf the lower portion of the building.

She dropped onto a balcony not far below her, watching in horror as her allies below the building she was now trapped atop of burned to death from the brutal attack. Her HUD picked up their vital signs as they were snuffed out one by one.

With her focus returning quickly on her own survival, she slammed her fist into the keypad of the door behind her and used the space behind her to run up to the balcony. Pushing one foot off of it, she leapt to the adjacent balcony, landing inelegantly in a roll. Grabbing whatever she could, she began to scale the building to reach the roof. Being on the ground was a death-trap.




Location: the icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi-ish & also Jax Thio Jax Thio

The potion the Nightsister tossed, which Spasa unintentionally splattered into the air, is not the same as Jax suspects. It is understandable how this might confuse the jedi, for he has no knowledge of how numerous are the abilities of potions, nor a developed darkside creativity. This potion in particular simply provided a window for the darkside to root into such an area as this.

The black void expanded beyond the spot where the three reside, the Darkside of the Force continued to impede upon the Light, her intent is to create enough darkness and snuff out the Light to permit the Wanica Coven to appear, cast a spell to destroy Spasa's safe haven.

The jedi rushed forward with his fist leading the way. The Nightsister braced herself, waiting until the last possible moment to extend her hand to grasp hold of his. The light and the darkside collided with their connection. The tendrils of darkness writhed, attempting to encapsulate the light pushed forth by his hand.

Over their heads the Force imbalance could be described within the empyrean as a volatile storm. Atoms collided, causing unpredictable combustion. Their result generated sonic booms and caused air to rush in all directions a chaotic inconsistency, attempting to rattle and uproot all within range. The Darkside, unleashed an onslaught of constant changing movement, as the beauty of this direct portion of heaven became assaulted by the intruding Force.

Pom attempted to hold onto his hand and encapsulate the jedi within her Darkside Force.

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


The Clouds Break
The Chancellor's Office // The Executive Building // Coruscant
Chimera Chimera // Aerarii Tithe // Suri Vullen


As the fight began, Adhira had been the perfect picture of authority and serenity. Her hair had been neatly pressed back into a tight black bun on top of her head, her jewels had been all set in place. Her cerulean robes were spotless and laid in place with golden embroidery. Now, as the dusky leader of the Alliance rushed through the barren corridors, klaxons blaring overhead, her carefully coiffed hair fell out in strands around her face and she had cast off the heavier parts of her robes. She had broken more than a few nails and cast off her burdensome earrings. The old woman could hear her heart beating in her ears, even louder than the heavy footfalls of what remained of her escort. There were no more blast doors behind which she could hide and they were rapidly closing on the Chancellor's Office, the most secure part of the building. "TITHE! Answer me!" She yelled into her communique as she hurried into the final stretch that led to the Chancellor's Office.

A blood-curdling scream rang out behind them and she turned. Her guard had turned to look back as well. For the first time in a long time, she was terrified. She was on the safest planet, in the safest building, in the safest hallway, en route to the safest room in the Core and yet a deadly assassin was still in hot pursuit. He was not only hot on her trail, but he was overcoming every obstacle in his way. "We need to move... NOW!" the Chancellor's Guard was not asking, he was not suggesting, he was commanding, and she felt her body hoisted and carried into the annex of her office by force as she watched in horror as the blast door began to be wrenched open by something hot... something dark... something terrible.

The Chancellor was unceremoniously hurled into the Chancellor's Office before the Chancellor Guard who tossed her sealed the door behind him. "NO ONE BREAKS THIS LINE!" The voice was muffled, but Adhira could hear the hurried rearrangement of positions behind the sealed blast door to her office. She stumbled backward past the foyer and into the annex office. She sealed the door behind her. Adhira pushed the hair back from her face to no avail, the black strands falling back down as she jammed several buttons on her control pad behind the high-backed leather chair. "A-...All.... All units... converge on the Executive Building. Distress. I-"

A loud thud against the door of her annex made her jump and she fell back onto the floor, crawling in the direction of the main office. She sealed the doors behind her. There was no escape from this place, the doors to her main office had also been sealed, she could not open them without a code that she was hard-pressed to remember at the moment. Then, she searched for a place to hide. That plan also, quickly failed. There was only one escape that still remained.


The golden statue clutched desperately in Adhira's hands thudded against the nigh-indestructible window of the Chancellor's Office.


Something made a wet thud against the annex door.


A hiss rang out and smoke began to fill the room. A crack formed in the thick glass pane.


By some miracle, the massive window gave way to the crack which rippled through the entire pane and then crumbled into the clouds below. The wind whipped around her and she fell back into the wide sill of the window, turning to face whatever horror had come to meet her.
Jedi Maverick
Codex Judge



Location: Netherworld of the Force
Equipment: Oneness
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

As he hurled his glowing fist towards Pom's face, Jax sensed a black void churning, growing around them, it wasn't the same potion that she killed him with. This potion was more potent which could even kill him in his Oneness state. It wasn't just the dark side growing within Pom but rather the maelstrom that was forming. What was Pom planning this time? Jax couldn't dwell on it for long, Spasa's life was at stake and so was Pom's, he needed to make sure that Spasa stayed alive and find a way out of the Netherworld. His fist was closing in, inches away from connecting to her jaw.

Then all of a sudden Pom held out her hand, her palm full of dark energy and seized Jax's arm a powerful blast was formed between them. Light and Darkness trying to dominating one another but failing to make any headway. Jax remained at a state of calm but cracks of frustration began to surface as he noticed the dark tendrils creeping on his arm but once again began to disintegrate. There was loud boom as thunder and lightning were flashing above them. A force storm most likely formed by Jax and Pom's began collision began form violent winds and sonic booms. The entire Labyrinth began to break apart. Pieces of large rock flew up in the air and began to swirl as if it was being consumed by a tornado. Yet Jax and Pom remained in the eye of the storm still trying to push against one another.


"It's no use Pom!" Jax bellowed summoning a large force blast separating him from Pom. Jax was sent flying back until he slammed his back against a stray large boulder. The glowing Jedi collided through the giant rock quickly regaining his balance his gaze turning to Spasa. "Don't give in to your other half!" Jax said to Spasa. "Let go of your fear and despair."

His body glowed lending Spasa a piece of his energy filling her with the warmth and wisdom of the Light Side of the Force so she can better combat whatever Pom had in store for her. Turning to Pom, Jax clasped his hands white light began to spread around him cleansing the darkness around his area. The storm stopped for at least a moment, no doubt once Pom used her magic the chaotic whirlwind will continue. "You will not harm Spasa!" Jax yelled a large ball of light beginning to form in front of him. With all of his might, Jax hurled the ball towards Pom hoping that it will end the fight.

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Revenant Squadron

Picket Line 253

New Imperial Order

Brotherhood of the Maw

One Flight punched out through the hole in the fighter screen opened by the X-wings of Two Flight and the A-wings of Three Flight. The Galactic Alliance squadron sped away from the five-kilometre battlecruiser as its reactor went critical, tearing the mighty warship into atoms. Magnus was no more.


The exclamation over the squadron comm channel was unlike anything previously heard.

As soon as Chaar let out the celebratory whoop he caught himself and silenced the comm. His emotions had gotten the better of him. The destruction of the Brotherhood vessel by an outnumbered and outgunned starfighter squadron with one pilot grounded would be a shining beacon of their service records. Chaar could already see his fifth rank pip.

Still, he needed to get a grip. “Revenant, Lead,” he said flatly over the com, a return to his usual form. “Good kill, good kill.” A rare encouragement from an otherwise exacting and stoic Umbaran.

The Magnus was dead, but the Brotherhood threat remained. The World Devastators, believed to be controlled by the Sith Admiral, continued bearing down on Coruscant. If Revenant Squadron could bag a few of those he might be pushed straight to Flight Commodore.

The squadron was battered and bruised. He was well within his right to request a landing slot of rearm and refuel. But glory awaited. Revenant wouldn’t make a name for themselves sitting on the sidelines.

“Command, Revenant Lead,” he said, switching his comms to the squadron leaders channel. “Request permission to engage the Brotherhood harvesters.”

“Revenant Leader, Command. Permission granted. Good hunting.”

“Revenant, Lead, new orders from HQ,”
he lied over the squadron channel. “Set bearing to one-nought-eight-nine, accelerate to attack velocity. Target: Brotherhood capital ship, designation: Tears of Junra. Jobs not done Revenant, lock and load.” He twisted his B-wing around on its long axis and accelerated back toward Coruscant.

The hunt for glory continued.



Hatred 101

Location: the icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi-ish & also Jax Thio Jax Thio

The Nightsister felt his frustration grow, as the Darkside sought to redeem him.

As Jax separated her grip from his fist, Pom quickly swung her arms overhead to gather the energy, and thrust them towards her mortal enemy, casting a wave of Darkside energy towards him. In the process she was forced backwards, further away from this pesky jedi was thrust against a boulder upon his backside.

The Nightsister saw her creation surrounding them falter under the weight of pure Light within its natural habitat. The ground fell away, a mere physical manifestation as understood by beings of a realm which do not define it. Chaos and peace intermingled causing gusts of wind to thrust about where the witch exists. She shrieked like a wild woman, fortifying another swell of energy gathered from what remained of the darkness she brought forth and cast from her own Darkness, strewn straight from her very essence. She let out such a force, she exhausted more of herself than utilized the energy which remained around her.

Like always before, Pom sensed what Spasa felt. The taint of the jedi, and the feeling of this place, she hated it even more! But Pom would not allow Jax to win! As the jedi targeted Spasa to fortify her existence, Pom suspended her twin before them and the ball of energy Jax hurled, first blinded the Nightsister, before it hit first Spasa and then Pom dead on. Its diametrical opposite, Pom found herself unable to alter it to suite her desires. It burned and she cried out. For a moment the Wanica stepped out of Pom essence, in part. Just their arms appeared, -blisters forming upon their flesh,- long enough to frantically wrap tight around the bodice of their Matriarch and pull Pom into what little Darkness remained, that from within the Nightsisters themselves, before the goddess of the empyrean quelled her storm.

It would not be over just yet, for the Nightsister could be heard rampaging from all angles of this alien ethereal plane. It was only in the recent years that she learned to hate it, for it would not simply let her be, even among her own place with her own people!

Thankfully opposites repel! The doorway to the empyrean merely closed to her presence, as Pom was spat out, cast once again into the tunnels under the dastardly jedi temple. She immediately turned upon her heels to identify her surroundings before sneering haughtily. The empyrean had completely shielded itself from her senses. Jax and Spasa were still therein, protected; this angered her even more! A pang of disgust surfaced from the pit of her stomach. The Nightsister cursed these grounds as she stormed down the corridor, as beasts unleashed by the Sith rampaged for prey around her.

She suddenly decided to throw up her hands and Apparate away from this vile place among the galactic core…

…as if…

…as if the very fabric of the galaxy itself chooses to dwell among the Light!!

"AS IF!!!"


Location: Senate Building
Allies: NSO
Enemies: NJO, NIO Black Mynock Black Mynock

Interitus gritted his teeth as he engaged in a small blade lock, before sending the mysterious man out with a blast of the Force. A scowl started to emerge, as he revealed himself too early. Way too early thanks to the man that tried to kill him. He had no choice, but to defend himself with his saber. His telekinetic blast had worked for the moment sending the being flying out of his office, and onto the adjourning level. Interitus slowly made his way out the office, leaving his case behind. It seemed to have no choice that he would have to fight. Much to his dismay as he would have wanted to flee than fight.

He walked over slowly, his saber lowered as if to check if the man was alive or dead. He doubted that a push from the Force wasn't strong enough to kill the man. If anything he hoped that it would at least catch him off guard. Maybe give Interitus time to counter attack. But first wanted to see what would occur.

The moment he placed his head above the railing. All the while the clash between light and dark was raging all around the Senate Rotunda. The moment he had looked, he found himself being pulled and sent flying. Some of his Senatorial robes being shredded as he was sent flying towards the man. His saber still gripped into his hands before he was sent crashing into the ground with a loud thud. Before he had the slightest time to react the man tried to sever his saber hand clean off. The only thing that Interitus could do was react by launching Force Lightning straight at the man. Blue jolts of lightning extending from his free hand, in order to prevent his hand from being cut off.

If it didn't work, there was nothing he could do but that. Trying to back away to a more defensive position. Raising his saber in a defensive stance. His eyes locked cold on the man, his irises burning yellow showing his influence under the dark side.
Jedi Maverick
Codex Judge



Location: Netherworld of the Force
Equipment: Oneness
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

More dark energy came from Pom as they separated, Jax took the brunt of the attack. It burned just like it did back in Ziost but the light around Jax easily dulled the pain. Using the force, Jax stopped his momentum but he can feel as though there was a massive gash on his chest. Pom was growing in power, it wasn't a surprise , Pom was still drawing upon the darkside of the Netherworld she had enough energy to kill him
even in his Oneness form. Then all of a sudden, Pom shrieked towards the void it was scream so powerful that it created a massive shockwave that slammed Jax once again.

Groaning, Jax found himself collided with another large floating rock. As he remained stuck on the ruined labyrinth piece he could feel a powerful darkness forming inside of Pom. "No!" Drawing on the massive reserves of Force energy Jax powered out from the crater he was in, the massive piece of rock began to crumble and break off into massive pieces from his attack. As he recovered, Jax could see Pom once again using Spasa as a shield from his Jax's light sphere. It was the same tactic that she used with Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin back at Korriban, but this time Jax made sure that Spasa was protected with his Light Side energy.

It barely effected Spasa but strangely Pom was affected by the attack, Jax remained calm and took Spasa with him. "Hang on," he whispered to the woman. "You're safe."

Large arms pulled Pom away from the Netherworld, more Nightsisters helping Pom. Jax sensed that it lead back to the Jedi Temple, reaching into the Force Jax glided towards the shrinking portal heading through it just as it was about to disappear. There was a flash of light but Jax immediately found himself back in the Room of Thousand Fountains with Spasa knocked out in front of him. Sighing Jax could feel the light fading away and immediately exhaustion took over. He was bloody and his robes were tattered, a deep gash was spread across his chest blood still pouring.

"I-I did it," Jax mumbled to himself swaying back and forth his legs feeling like jelly. "I got Spasa Jairdain Jairdain I'm home......"

It was then Jax fell back first on to the hard floor, the crashing sounds of the waterfalls helping him ease into a deep sleep.

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Iron Skin | Lightsaber

Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor | Kirie Kirie | Morteg | Auteme Auteme | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Metis Athena Elpis Metis Athena Elpis
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


His kick managed to make its mark and send Solipsis plummeting to the base of the depths of the immense Senate Chamber. His steely eyes watched the descent in harrowing furrow before snapping his gaze to the fallen Lucien Dooku. His argent blade snuffed back into its hilt as he went to the side of his half-brother, pulling him from the ground with with an arm propping up his back. He looked into the young man's eyes, ever the brazen, ever the unbreakable soul- he feared for his very mortal self in those moments. Those fearful eyes reflected in Rurik's coldness as he looked over the fallen King's wounds. He went to grasp one wrist before binding it to the other aligned with the notes of bloodcurdling agony from Dooku.

He screwed his eyes shut, curing the searing pain of the cauterized wounds before him before slowly rising to his feet.

"It's not over, brother." Rurik stated before snapping his gaze to Auteme, his gaze honing in intensity.

"Take him from this place. Now."
The Imperator stated, impatience dogging his tone as he let Lucien down gently, eventually grasping the hilt of his blade once more before extending his arms out and shutting his eyes, letting himself all but 'fall' to the depths he'd forced Solipsis to in cataclysmic reprisal. His boots slammed against the ground with a thud, fist clenched against the broken flooring before he finally surveyed the scene before him.

Solipsis...confined, captured, his fate sealed and in the hands of the young Jedi before him.

"Do what must be done, Jedi! End it!" Or he would. Rurik's saber ignited with a violent hiss of argent before he began his approach toward Solipsis and Gaelor. Saan had few moments to act before the Imperator would swing the sentence at the end of his blade himself.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective III : Crisis in the Core

Location: Coruscant's atmosphere and orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope


Tag: Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Fleet carrier CV-2 Tonnant
Commanding officer: commander Erika Richthofen

The fighters and bombers were continuously landing and taking off. Since the bginning of the battle, the squadrons of the carrier were bombing ennemy positions on the planet or hunting down ennemy starfighters and ships. Suddenly, a message came to the communications center, asking the ship to send support crafts to evacuate. The message came to Erika, who quickly gave her orders.

"Send the Zephyr squadron. I want all of our dropships to evacuate the Banshee Company !"

"Yes Ma'am !"

The dropships started to take off, coming one by one from the hangar deck to the flight deck thanks to elevators.

"Open a channel towards the Banshees' leader."

"Channel opened, you can speak Ma'am."

"Captain Nukth Kelga'an, this is commander Erika Richthofen, commanding officer of the Tonnant. We're sending you the support crafts squadron Zephyr. Please take your wounded to the ship's hospita facilities once you're on board of the Tonnant. Richthofen, out."
Tag: Cadere Cadere | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres
Location: Senate District
Equipment: x2 Lightsabers
Propeties: Marr-class Star Destroyer | Death Squad | Al Galaare (Blood Eagles) | Project-TC


Standing on the rooftop, Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres would have a great view of the street as hell continue to rage onwards between both sides. Explosions and fire blasters filled the air with a mix of burnt flesh, only increasing as the fire subsided around her. And then it happened, the loud cracks of bones breaking and merging back together from the dead Death Troopers. Not only the Death Troopers that attacked Zoraya and her men but the ones that were caught in the explosion, caused by Shai's Basilisk War Droid. The Death Troopers started to violently shake and twist as if stuck by the worse possible type of seizure as their body began to reanimate.

The very shut and closed helmet-like face skin was forcefully split but the monstrous creatures where the mouth would have been and released a high pitch nightmarish shriek of dread, they now reanimated undead Death Troopers. Not only was a mouth now forcefully created where it otherwise wasn't, but long iron hardened claws had split the fingertips and they now had one purpose... Kill and consume.

The two reanimated Death Troopers down in the street where Zoraya was, immediately picked up on her scent and released a similar shriek, though this sounded more like a call. As the two Death Troopers launched themself into the air in a great show of strength, they grabbed onto the edge of the building and pulled themself up with such an animalistic hunger for flesh and charged the Imperial woman in a full-on sprint.

The same exact thing happened with the Death Troopers that were killed by the explosion from the Basilisk, releasing their own death shriek and looked for a target to hunt and would first find Shai, but something in their brain denied them from attack the Shistavanen. Instead, the remaining eight reanimated split up into two groups, 3 followed the shrieking call from the two chasings Zoraya and leapt into the air, locking eyes with the Imperial as they landed on a rooftop a couple of rooftops from Zoraya and the two already chasing her.

The other five reanimated Death Troopers released their own shriek and like the rest, went into an animalistic sprinting towards Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt 's back, with two even launching themself into the air to punch her from the air. Another loud crack could be heard as this time, the shot was aimed at her leg, and if the shot managed to pierce a weak point in the battle suit's beskar, her leg would be shattered to pieces.

The Clone screamed in horrifying pain as his entire head and upper torso was engulfed in point-blank fire from Shai Maji Shai Maji 's flamethrower, however, in doing so, she would find the second clone would spin around the line of fire from the flames, flanking the Mandalorian. As he flanked the Mandalorian, he would simultaneous with the help of the Force, performing a lightning-fast uppercut with his blade, aiming for the girl's elbow, in an attempt to dismember the lower arm from the upper one, cutting out her ability to use her flamethrower and put the Mandalorian at a disadvantage.

The remaining clones kept close to their Father and creator, waiting for Insatious to give them other orders, but Insatious never gave it as he started to make his way towards Shai.

The homing was a wonderful surprise for the Al Galaare Dar'mandas as they refocused on the metal beast and performed some rather dangerous manoeuvre, coming close to getting hit by the homing missiles. Seeing the Basilisk getting taken out by Cadere Cadere and two freaks of nature, the Dar'manda's that was being chased by homing missiles redirected their path towards the temporarily out of commissioned Basilisk.

Activating thermal detonators, they threw it at the downed Basilisk, causing the tree thermal detonators to blow up a good chunk of the machine without completely destroying it. However, what the explosions did, was create a major source of heat and the Dar'mandas directly through the fireball, without a second thought to their own survival. An enormous explosion from the homing missiles exploding upon impact with the Basilisk. While the basilisk wasn't destroyed beyond repair, it would be impossible to fix it on the go and would need a proper workstation and access to parts and tools.

The three Dar'mandas escaped with only minor burnt they didn't even seem to care about and relaunched themself into the air, landing on rooftops with the rest of their group, having a great view of the carnage.
if they're watching anyways
Rurik's words broke her from the brief shock she'd experienced, but when he handed over Lucien she didn't hesitate to take her partner under the arm. The pain from seeing him hurt was... bearable. It hurt. But she could manage. He could manage. It'd been worse before.

She did everything to assure herself he'd be fine.

"We're alright. Everything's alright." A glance to Saan'an, and a silent revision of what Solipsis had just said; she wondered if she was lying.


PINGS | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock


— 868 ABY, 500 Republica, Galactic City, Coruscant.

After losing consciousness, Kelga’an had been drawn behind the entanglement of pillars, used as a cover by his men and Omen’s Wookies. His dreams were anything but logical and understandable by him or anyone -- maybe by a psychologist? As he had been brought to a safer position, he slowly came to his senses, trying to understand what was going on. Even asleep, he was catching the Sith sword taken from his enemy. Kelga’an was alive, and it was the most important thing of the day -- even if he had a lot of injuries caused by his fight with the Force user. “Brutality but quality.” It means that you can be hurt by the battle, but already alive. And being alive was essential to continue the fight. In the long run, victory favors those who can fight another day, even if it means that you have to rebuild your body.

Kelga’an came to his senses definitely when a Wookiee shook him as he would shake a tribal instrument.

“Heeey… little boy… I’m not your stang tam-tam…!” he said while he was coughing.
“I don’t give a stang of what ya’re saying… Please remove my helmet… I-... I need a breath…!”
“Wooooo-oooo-ooooooooorrrrr!” the Wookiee answered while removing Captain’s helmet.
“Yap… A’right, I agree with ya…” he coughed. “This planet makes me mad… Ooooh, stang, Anaxes, where are ya…?! Stang, don’t let me here… don’t…!”
“Hey, Captain, are ya oski?”
a Banshee asked while crouching down alongside him.
“No Dub-Fi… Why are we here?”
“Duty, sir. The most important thing for us.”
‘55 tried as an answer. “And we’re lost without ya.”

He took a look at the Captain’s sword.

“Wait… is it a laser sword?!”
“No it isn’t…”
Kelga’an replied, mimicking the Coruscant accent. “It’s a stang sword, commando…! Mine, now… and my enemy’s, before this moment…”
“Are ya gonna keep him?”

“By the way…!”

Double-Five nodded slowly to his Captain.

“Right. A medic is on our way. Just stay with me, sir.”


A few hours later, Banshee Company received a com from Commander Richthofen and one of the four Lieutenants took the call.

“Here’s Kyber Platoon’s leader, Ma’am. Captain Kelga’an has some… problems? Well, he has been injured in a fight against a Sith, but his condition has stabilized, don’t worry. We have ten injured commandos aboard, we’ll move them to Tonnant’s hospital. Over.”

Kelga’an was still in a semi-conscious condition, not between life and death but just stunned and tired by the fights -- and his fight, by the way. In a few minutes, Zephyr Squadron was here to take them from the ground and to bring the Banshees on the ship. Dub-Fi was at Nukth’s bedside.

“Is he oski?” his Sergeant asked him.

Double-Five answered by nodding without taking his eyes off his Captain. He got a look at Coruscant's atmosphere and, as the dropship was going higher and higher, sighed noisily. He was alive. One more day. He could continue the fight.




KILL Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , All Jedi


He had an opening, an opportunity to take revenge for the near death blow delivered to him and revenge against the Jedi occupied by the dreaded Aspirant of Death herself, Darth Mori. Letifer was no fool, no weak minded acolyte amidst the sea of unworthy. He was of the New Sith, he had earned his place through the fires of tribulation and emerged out from under the gauntlet a man reborn. Every opportunity had to count, he would enjoy this.

His attention left the two locked in combat as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze valiantly attempted to evade the Sith Master who’s attention he had unfortunately garnered. Letifer could only chuckle beneath his mask, how feeble, how futile.

He approached the suspended Padawan and removed his mask, looking upon her with his own eyes stained by sulfuric embers of hatred. He rose his saber overhead, preparing himself to deliver the killing blow. That’s when he felt it, his attention wavered only momentarily upon the thunderous, ravenous hunger let loose by Darth Mori. Had she intended to devour them all?

He was only momentarily distracted, seconds away from ending Jem Fossk Jem Fossk .


It clutched at every fiber of Jem's being. The force stasis consumed her, her heart beat drawn out without completion. She was forced to watch as Letfer approached her, the intent in his eyes sparking primal fear through her core.

His arm raised, the heat of the blade washing over- A drain pulled at core, the same moment his concentration shattered. It all happened in a moment, but she took it before it could be her last.

Jem gathered what strength remained from the meld and attached. Her saber slashed for the Sith's sword arm, very much real and pulsing with lethal heat.

Unlike before, she didn't linger there. She pushed her distraction and swept at his legs, trying to keep him on his back foot. She wouldn't give him a chance to fake his death a second time.

She couldn't fathom what be lost then.

Jem took her opening and lunged, fury in her eyes as she went to finish him off with a saber to the heart.

(phone post)


Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

Smoke poured through the crack of the battered door, its smothering tendrils creeping to tarnish the sanctuary with its ashen black. Flames lit the room, seeping through the smog. A lengthening shadow proceeded the wet 'schlop!' of the security officer's corpse back into the room, their blood pooling in flooding excess to stain the floors. Glistening in the flickering light, buried to the very hilt, a blade plunged through the armored helmet of the officer. And connected to this, dragged a chain threading back through the growing crack in the reinforced door. From the external smoke, its source stepped forth, ushering himself over the corpse to whip his fiery arm outward, wrenching his rope-dart from its corpse bed and flinging the blood staining its edge across the room. His silhouette was disturbed only by the roaring flames that seemed to pour from his arm and eyesockets, those unnatural horrors of his that gazed upon his quarry at last.

His own ichor, twisted and tarnished a vile black soaked his armored body, the flames he wrought in his wake glimpsed through him in the places their countermeasures had outright blown holes in his graven body through and through. Wounds that should have felled any mortal man. Chimera stepped forward, the wicked chain he wielded rattling in tolling measure. This was it, at last. The crimson of the living trickled down his monstrous face, dripping between his boots as he stood there in telling silence, watching her scramble away like a trapped rat.

The howl of the wind behind her scattered his haze, banishing his smoky blanket to the edges of the room. He was but one man, so it seemed, but his very presence here, in the most secure room of the galaxy, was telling of his nature enough. The blood saturating every inch of his body was telling enough. The destruction he had wreaked, the lives he had taken, it had all coalesced into his encounter. He offered his prey no words and instead, allowed his weapon of choice to speak for him.

A lunge saw his fiery arm flash outward; the die cast.

The blade soiled by the blood of her loyal whistled toward her, a mere flash in the strobing darkness.
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