Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ready For Judge The Ancilla

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
  • Astronomical Location Name: The Ancilla
  • Classification: Dyson Sphere
  • Location: Cosm's Well
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Orbital Period: N/A
  • Size: Massive
  • Affiliation: Jedi/@Krass
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics: Jedi
  • Accessibility: Massive is scale and its scope, the exterior station of the sphere is able to be accessed with passcodes and security clearance.
  • Description: Created by the jedi tech master and forger Krass as a galactic mega structure. The size and scale of it designed to harvest the power of the well an extra galactic cluster and channel it into the celestial forge an exponentially scaled up version of Krasses own ship that is able to construct with its many drydocks and forges Throughout the massive shell it serves as a temple and defensive measure of last resort to protect trillions of people within it in case of attack or plague. With droids and automated systems designed to attend as well as maintain
  • Nexus Name: The Chasm
  • Nexus Alignment: Light
  • Location: Cosm's Well
  • Affiliation: Jedi
  • Size: Large
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: A massive dyson sphere around the system created to be a jedi safehaven and forge for ships and equipment. It infuses the cosmic
  • Description: A focused point in the center of the dyson sphere that has been constructed around a rogue planetoid. Used to tap into and connect with the cosmic force in a tap of the Wellspring of Life. For the forges and jedi to be able to connect and understand the influence of the cosmic force upon the living force.
Strong Presence of the lightside of the force allowing the jedi to tap into the cosmic force and create an artificial Wellspring of Life. That while not perfect is able to do what the ancient and secret world does... letting one observe and see the living and cosmic force interact with jedi capable able to tap into it.

Galaxia Temple: The central temple of the dyson sphere that is used to house the jedi forges and projects. With reconstructed sections of jedi temples as well as space for millions of jedi to be housed and used by the various orders.
The Celestial Forge: An exponentially scaled up version of her ship the The Celestial Forge. The structure itself is built around a planet that is kept in the center and still in the center of the well allowing them to draw on the power of the stars to power the forges arms. With biodomes developed to mirror different environments for testing purposes and defensive systems that allow it to

The Forge: The jedi forge capable of developing equipment and ships using technologies developed in the Bangmangi Class Experimental chamber for using the dreaming pocket dimension in the forge and accessing a physical manifestation of the force itself. The forges themselves are massive and able to be used by tech division jedi as well as artisans ans anyone who comes to join them.

Historically the Ancilla has only recently been created... as a massive endeavor of Krass and Sasori as well as different jedi. It as a megastructure within the galaxy. To use the well was an idea and Krass with her ship had been stationed in the center already... building around it to harvest the energy and focus it into the forge itself was just the next step as with most of her works in the jedi forge it used newer technologies that accessed ancient secrets of the jedi when forging with the force. Krass has worked to make sure the massive sphere itself is beneficial and powering itself from the many stars and clusters in the well itself. With its power they have also worked to develop two big things within that can be traveled to the true forge itself which is around a rogue planet perfectly balanced in the well and a temple structure that has been created. The jedi temple massive in its scale and designed to house millions of jedi for training and teaching. The chance for many things to grow and become a better place that the jedi will be able to develop working as a test bed for jedi ships, development of lightside aids and equipment aas well as taking a more active means in allowing others to be protected with self sustaining modules for growing its own food that can be shipped where it is needed in the galaxy.

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