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Dominion Operation: Starbird Snare | DE Dominion of Anobis


Operation: Starbird Snare - A COREWARD STORY

The Deep Core reels under the iron grip of the DARK EMPIRE. Imperial forces tighten their hold on individual systems, seeking to extinguish any flicker of rebellion as they amass a strike force capable of striking the Galactic Core and seize control over..

CORUSCANT - The Galactic Capital and former heart of the GALACTIC ALLIANCE stands as a bastion of hope against the encroaching wave of power and oppression that is the Empire. Yet within its towering spires and bustling streets, fear begins to take root.

From the planet Anobis, the Empire launches Operation: Starbird Snare. A series of war games within a mock city based on Coruscant, using the New Imperial WAR PLAN COBALT. Imperial forces converge, honing their skills in urban warfare and strategic conquest. It is from here that the Empire prepares to reclaim the Jewel of the Core.


Operation: Starbird Snare is a large-scale military exercise conducted by Imperial High Command within the confines of War Plan Cobalt, a simulated city designed to emulate the layout and challenges of Coruscant, the galactic capital. Overseen by Warlord of the Empire Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , the operation aims to enhance Imperial forces' proficiency in urban warfare tactics and strategic objectives crucial for securing and maintaining control over key territories during an intense planetary invasion of the galactic capital.

The operation consisted of various objectives, each designed to test different aspects of Imperial forces' capabilities:

  1. Seize the Throat
    • Objective: Secure the heart of political power.
    • Details: Participants engaged in a capture-the-flag mission within the Senate building. Their task was to penetrate the heavily guarded structure, locate and seize the designated flag, and successfully return it to Imperial control amidst enemy resistance. Success here showcased their ability to infiltrate fortified locations and extract vital resources.
    • Recommended Characters: ISB / OIT, Special Forces
  2. King of the Hill:
    • Objective: Assert dominance over a symbol of opposition.
    • Details: Engaging in a king-of-the-hill challenge, Imperial forces aimed to conquer and hold the simulated Jedi Temple. They strategically positioned their troops to maintain control over the iconic structure, repelling enemy assaults and reinforcing their presence. Victory in this objective demonstrated their ability to neutralize symbolic resistance and establish Imperial authority.
    • Recommended Characters: Stormtrooper Corps, Armored Units, TIE Fighters, Royal Guards
  3. Urban Warfare:
    • Objective: Demonstrate adaptability and resilience in hostile environments.
    • Details: Amidst the bustling streets of the mock Coruscant, participants faced a last one standing scenario. They navigated through dense urban terrain, engaging in intense firefights, ambushes, and tactical maneuvers to outlast adversaries. Success in this objective highlighted their agility, resourcefulness, and ability to thrive in chaotic urban landscapes, crucial for overcoming urban insurgencies and maintaining control over key territories.
    • Recommended Characters: Stormtrooper Corps, Scout Units, Armored Units, Scarhounds, Mawites

Operation: Starbird Snare serves as a vital training opportunity for Imperial forces, allowing them to refine their skills and tactics in preparation for the encroaching INVASION OF CORUSCANT.


Objective Banners:




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In Umbris Potestas Est

Objective 2 - play OPFOR
Tags: OPEN

Jedi Grandmaster Circe Savan stood in the temple, peacefully meditating. Her lightsaber was at her waist, and black hair fell softly over the shoulders of her light brown robes. This was an incredibly difficult thing to do, but she knew that it would be well worth it in the end. Her entire purpose for being right now was to ensure the temple was defended, the Padawans were victorious over any threats of the Dark Side, and good and wholesomeness reigned supreme over the galaxy in an unending tirade of naivety and nonsense.

Gods, this is grinding.

Now it was a question of how the Dark Empire sought to attack the Temple. While she couldn't be everywhere at once - at least, unless she perhaps tried it - resistance would undoubtedly be thorough.


Objective One
Capture the Flag
Open to Interaction

The Zeltron Special Agent was dressed to the nines. While other agents might do their best by slicing into the areas of the mock Senate, Xochilt had a particular set of skills as a Zeltron she was more than willing to use. Dressed in a spider silk black dress that hugged her full curves, the coral-skinned female had plenty of espionage tools for infiltrating and swaying the opposition to work her way into the Senate chambers.

Everything from tranquilizer lipstick, essence of Zeltros make compact, blood poison nail polish. More items were concealed or easily disguised with what she wore as articles of clothing or jewelry, including high heels with a concealed vibroknife and a small derringer blaster strapped to her thigh that could pass through standard detectors.

With a full smile, she made her way to meet up with her contact that will be assisting her with entering the Senate.

Now, where could they be...




With a worried frown, Nute slowly rose from the Chancellor's desk, the worn wood creaking under his weight. His hand lingered on the polished surface before he smoothed down the front of his blue robes, the fabric whispering as it settled around his frame.

Taking a moment to adjust the ornate collar encircling his neck, he glanced down, ensuring that the intricate armor concealed beneath the flowing garments was firmly in place.

It would not do well for someone to die during such war simulations, even by accident, as the consequences could be less than ideal. The gravity of the situation became more pronounced as the Councilor quickly shifted their gaze towards the GRX Super Tactical Droid, standing stoically nearby, awaiting its next commands.

Initially, when the Dark Empire requested the deployment of their state-of-the-art battle droids from the Trade Federation, little concern was raised.

However, now, peering out of the senate window at the unfolding chaos of the warzone below, waves of apprehension began to wash over him, realizing the staggering toll both in terms of droids lost and resources expended.

"Thrall, you may begin defensive protocols." The Neimoidian said,

"By your command, Chancellor. All simulated defense networks surrounding the Senate Building have been activated. Our security personnel are being alerted accordingly."

Thrall communicated in a robotic tone as the simulations commenced, transmitting the signal to the Senate Security Forces stationed below.

Machines Making Machines


Location: Observation Theater
Objective: ALL

Antipater watched. Remote sensor arrays, a small army of probe droids, and a circling squadron of aerial drones all worked in tandem to render a holographic replica of the battlefield. A little chunk of Coruscant - perfectly depopulated from the upper levels to the bottom dregs - brought to life in flickering shades of blue.​
Little grey dots were advancing along certain avenues. Dark Imperial forces. Little red dots flickered to life around the city. Simulated opposition laying in wait for the 'invaders.' For all the ruthlessness of the Sith, this wouldn't be a live fire exercise. These were just war games; a quaint little preparatory exercise.​
Antipater circled the tactical display table with short, stiff footsteps. Taking in the details. How closely would the strategic proclivities of the Alliance armed forces be replicated, he wondered? How much of the heroic antics of their loose-cannon Jedi guardians?​
Not much, he decided. But then it was a fundamentally irrelevant consideration. There was an amount of direct force and raw firepower that no amount of tactical maneuvering could prevail against. Heroics and entrenchment counted for nothing against turbolasers of sufficient size.​
Sticks and stones against the lightning.​
This was not about mastering those variables. They were beneath consideration. Assessing personal shortcomings and making the necessary adjustments was of greater importance. Every movement would be recorded. Every fired shot would be counted. Every engagement would be analyzed, assessed, and stored.​
With enough data points, conquering urbanized worlds could be turned from a grueling siege to a rote chore. Antipater relished the thought. Another inefficiency eliminated - all for the good of the Imperial cause.​
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The office of Bureau Chief Bannavar Langstrom
ISB Orbital Station, Carlac
21:00, several days before Operation Starbird Snare

"A drink, son?" Langstrom moves swiftly across the room as though he weren't a giant of a human. He needs that drink as much as I do. We were sitting in his office across his desk from one another.

A familiar setting. I feel like I've done a lot of growing up in this room, opposite the Chief. He'd been the one to recognize me years ago and, as he puts it, foster my potential. Potential I've been wasting lately. But that isn't why he'd called me for a chat.

"You have any of that Aargau 795 left?" my mind wanders to the taste of the brandy I requested. I know he'll have some left since the last time we drank it.

"That stuff I gave you after your graduation? What? Do you think we've taken Coruscant already. You can have the Dantooine." he scoffs, pouring us both a stiff glass of our usual whiskey.

"I read the brief, we're almost there, aren't we? This will look good on my portfolio." I chuckle, accepting the glass passed to me and taking the first sip.

"HA. You're just another warm body to throw at the wall, boy!" the big man engorges with a jolly laugh, but it wasn't really a joke. Coruscant would take tens of thousands of Imperial lives, and the ISB isn't protected from that possibility.

"You think so? God, this is gonna be a bloodbath." I took a bigger gulp of the burning liquor.

"That's why they have you practicing. You're on the senate building right?"

"Yeah, we're running a bait and switch, they want us to practice flipping the cover once we infiltrate."

"Sounds like a blast," Langstrom rolls his eyes, "anyone stupid enough to still be in that building deserves whatever you do to them. I reckon you have the easiest job in the invasion."

"What will you be doing? Sitting here?" I jest.

"You know me too well, Kaz." A wide smile forms across his bearded face.

"But I know you as well, lad. You still have eyes for the Deathtroopers?"

"Yeah," I crack a smile too, "more than ever." since I'd seen them up close and personal in the Imperial Despot's entourage at Onderon. It had long been a dream of mine to wear the black armor. Most didn't see it like I did, but for an special agent I knew that was the highest honor, elite special ops. Everyone else in the Bureau was aimed at upward mobility, climbing the ladder of the Bureau while the climbing was good and hoping that when the bottom falls out their ass is in the big chair, or at least a big chair.

"This will be a good start. Let them see Agent Vigilant, not Sergeant Blackwood from Compforce. Y'know, that L'Ierim woman wrote you a good report after Ord Mantell. Your name is on the radar again, you just need to decide which one."


Replica Senate Building
War Plan Cobalt site, Ord Canfre
With Xochilt Xochilt

The chiefs words of wisdom echoed in my mind as we made our way up to assume our positions in the wargame. Our team of operatives was playing a much different game than the legions of Stormtroopers getting ready to charge through the streets. Our game relied on a crucial detail: the fact that we would already be inside. Come the real day of the attack, the Senate building would be crawling with ISB plants, and when the jig is up, we'll have secured the building from the inside while special ops ensure nobody gets out. The cleanest sweep possible.

Of course, Langstrom was right that we had the easiest job. All of the senate save for the most obstinate and stubborn had moved the political machine to Fondor. Our job was really digging out what was dug in, and when we did, holding the prize. Would that failure comes to pass, we also had to memorize a series of escape plans. The Bureau had certainly invested in that following our fumble at the Empress Teta coup.

I was moving along beside the graceful Zeltron Xochilt. She was an operative whose assets were... fit, to the standards of the mission. I'd met a lot of agents cultivating the femme fatale look, but none who I was quite so certain of possessing the skills to back it up. Maybe it was those Zeltron pheromones.

Just as she played to her strengths with her attire, so did I. A brand new black suit, single button, bow tie, and deep interior pockets in the jacket for sidearm concealment, all fitting the vogue of the senate. My role? Filling one of the many staffing vacancies the shift to Fondor had created. Stubborn old coots in need of aides that had justifiably ditched them when the Alliance government fled. Desperation would lead them to taking in Imperial agents under their noses just to feel safe.

In my left pocket I concealed a blaster pistol, in my right, a projectile firearm. Options, is what they were, but if we did this right, now and in the moment when it actually happened, we could do it with minimal conflict.

"What's your cover, Pink? Senator's Mistress?" I ask her jokingly as I wave to the hologram doorman we pass.

The whole building was a playground of simulation, with droids and semi-interactive holograms breathing an eerie life into the mock senate building. Excited as I was to see how they were programmed to react when we blew our cover, part of me wondered how well they had been made to simulate chaos, the human variable. All a battle droid had to do was shoot back at a Stormtrooper, but the ones we were dealing with had to replicate the madhouse the senate building would inevitably become when we make our play.

Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Capture the Flag
Location: Replica Senate Building, War Plan Cobalt site, Ord Canfre
Equipment: Elegant attire | 2x Sunfury Pistol Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Xochilt Xochilt | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


After Ord Mantell it was time to rest and recuperate. True, as soon as I was discharged from hospital I didn't stay at home, but went straight to work. A few days after I started work, I received the news that my application to set up a new division had been accepted, so I was being transferred. They rarely surprise me, but I was surprised to be appointed Director. A pleasant disappointment. It involved more bureaucracy and politics on top of my previous responsibilities. Not to mention the fact that I hardly had time to get used to it, because shortly afterwards I was given another job. A final training exercise at Ord Canfre. I have the preliminary details of the task and an old friend will be there to work with.

The report I filed on Kaz after Ord Mantell was enough to reinstate the agent to special agent status and he can now work on his own. Ironically, we now had to work together again and with other agents. The task was clear and somewhat ironic. I've always wanted to see the iconic Senate building; now I'll have the chance, only on a different planet. I would have worn cloaking gear, armour, and entered the building unseen. But this time the task was different. So I chose an elegant but militarist outfit, I was in L'lerim after all, it suited me.

With this outfit, I was able to look enough like a person who works in the Senate building and I was even able to conceal my weapons. To that end, MANIAC and Nite produced a document for me that made it look like I actually worked here and had a permit to carry weapons. I didn't want to get busted at the first entry point for carrying weapons. And if I have the technology, why not use it? After all, an agent has to use his resources and contacts to become a much better agent. And I have a good enough background and network of contacts just because of my family and my bloodline.

I waited a little further away for the others to arrive, waiting at the corner of a building where there was a café. Here I sat and drank coffee while other people chatted. After all, the play had to be perfect. I deliberately sat in one seat so as not to be noticed, only standing up when they had passed me and then walking up to them. For the more elegant dress, I wore high heels and even discreetly put on make-up. As we walked along, I walked elegantly, with a noble bearing and a culture of movement. Perhaps Kaz had never seen this before, but now, in this dress and shoes, with this movement, it was even clearer that I was a member of a noble house. I've been learning this movement, this posture, since I was a child. And it came in handy on missions like this.

"Miss Xochilt, Mr. Blackwood, are you ready for a day of boring meetings and red tape?" I asked them, already getting into character.

It seemed like an interesting task, I've been in the business long enough to know that in a live situation, everything goes wrong anyway.


“Hallway clear.” “Moving up.” “Watch those corners!” “Hold up, need a sec on this lock.” “Objective ahead.” “Contact front!” “He’s down.”

The team of six Storm Rangers moved down the service hallways of the mock Alliance Senate Building, their blasters at the high and ready as they worked their way through the bowels of the replica building. The corridors - or rather the original ones on Coruscant - were built to keep the thousands of workers, technicians and service droids required to keep the Senate building out of sight and out of mind. While the entry points were guards, the Storm Rangers had made quick work for the soldiers roleplaying the security guards and now had the means to access every corner of the training simulation without opposition.

Aerarii Tithe followed in the wake of the green-armoured commandos alongside their battalion training officer. The Aargauun had spent years walking the actual hallways the replica was based on as the Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance and had lent his expertise to the exercise. Tithe’s own backroom dealings had seen him frequent rarely used areas of the Senate to avoid prying eyes while he accepted bribes, conducted insider training and rigged elections for corporatist candidates. Those same discreet meeting spots provided an unmonitored point of entry for the raiding team he accompanied.

The Storm Rangers paused their advanced as one of their members began slicing into a turbolift terminal. “Direct access to the committee chairs dining room you see,” he explained to the training officer. “From there, well, it’s but a short stroll to the Chancellors suites. Ohh, it’ll be a hive of activity, staffers and courier droids everywhere.” He nodded to the commandos as the doors to the turbolift opened and hurried inside to check for threats. “But I can’t see that being a problem for these fine specimens of Imperial military might.”

The training officer gave a grunt in reply - he wasn’t a particularly enjoyable conversationalist. The Storm Rangers waved for the pair to join them in the turbolift.

“Ahhh yes, after you, I insist,” Tithe exclaimed. It was time to how Minister Griimda and his mock Senate Guards would react to their unannounced arrival.


ATTACKERS Xochilt Xochilt | Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim
DEFENDERS | Nute Griimda Nute Griimda

The dreams of their forefathers would soon be fulfilled. They were close to descending upon Coruscant and reclaim it with the Imperial emblem eclipsing the Starbird. A new era would soon dawn over the Core.

Tomorrow Coruscant.

And soon the Jedi and whatever remnants of their Alliance would desist. There was no room for them in the future.

The mock Senate was a relic of another time for Torne. Remembering quite well the training simulations he first participated during the age of the New Imperial Order. All of this was just a reminder of his past; a walk down through memory lane.

It was memory to know the entry points, the important chambers, the Guard barracks, and other paramount points of interest within the building.

But just how well would the rest trek in this operation?

He and his unit of Storm Commandos, Squads BOA and ANOOBA, crashed through the glasteel of the Chancellor’s chambers. The twelve-man team took their positions, awaiting the next orders from their commander.

<“The Big Boss is secured,”> he plainly announced to all corresponding officers in assigned to the Senate, code name for the mock Chancellor. <“I need any available units to secure a route to the landing pad to exfil our objective,”> awaiting for a response as he directed his attention to the Neimodian.

“Sir, are you capable to come along with me?”


"Sir, our units have reported tibanna gas marks, and dead droids along the southern quadrant of the senate building. Although we are unable to track their exact whereabouts of the intruders, we possess a general understanding of their intended destination."

The GRX Super Tactical Droid dubbed 'Thrall' said to the Neimoidian Chancellor, having recieved important updates from the mock Senate Security Forces comprised of Imperial Military Troopers and holographic simulations over droid bodies.

Reports from Unit-1055 and Unit-12290 indicated that a small strike team had infiltrated the premises and was actively searching for any traces of the Storm Rangers, who had mysteriously vanished from radar detection. It seemed that his assigned opponent in this mock battle was Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , a worrisome fact because as ex-chancellor this building was virtually his backyard.

"Excellent, We know that Tithe is a former Sith Empire Moff so combat strategy should well be ingrained into his head. We must think like tithe, and therefore we must talk like Tithe to win."

Nute confidently stated, knowing that the assistance of the Tactical Droid would enable him to outwit the individual who had held various high-ranking positions within the Galactic Alliance, Sith Empire and now the Dark Empire.

"Since we are speaking like him, we must say things like. Credits..ah find a way," He said assured, that he sounded exactly like him only to recieve the deadpan look from the tactical droid in the corner who began rerouting units towards the Chancellor's corridor for additional protection.

With a soft snear, the Neimoidian glanced away only to hear the sound of the window breaking and Torne Derok Torne Derok and his unit making their entrance into the room.

"Any movement of the 'Chancellor' in this war simulation would remove the fact that the current Chancellor is a Jedi. They would never flee the engagement zone."

The GRX Super Tactical Droid said towards Torne Derok Torne Derok , knowing full well that the Current Chancellor was a former jedi and they would never leave the building until everyone else got out.

1st Post







Tags (Friend):
Tags (Foe): N/A




Guffawing together under simulated pressure, Thomas found himself feeling glad for choosing to grace this cohesion-building exercise with the Maw's longest-served warband, as the Cirihut Warriors were quickly becoming a firm favourite for the Bloodhound as they had for the Mongrel before him; and before long, the Khan knew these elite Marauders would find favour among the Empire's soldiering caste, standing eager as ever to prove their worth in the eyes of their peers. Made apparent from the moment Barran summoned them to report for duty, as they had been enticed by the opportunity to face off against Mandalorians for the first time in almost thirty years, and in the understanding of their appointment as the Great Khan's elite guard for the foreseeable future, that earnest desire to prove they deserved it all would consequently fuel their return to fighting-form.

The Cirihuts' chosen Warlord, serving as an equivalent to elite-guard captaincy, had initially been sceptical of his one-eyed Khan, but soon grew into change when he saw that the Bloodhound shared that same, earnest desire to fight the toughest opposition. Coincidentally factoring into Barran's decision to attack, overcome and hold a particularly-stubborn chokepoint in practice, just as he knew he would if fate put Mawite feet on Coruscantine ground once more, but despite the competitive pressure applied by their droid opposition, it still felt as though something was missing. Magnar Karseres could sense it, even his chosen lieutenant could sense it, but both leading Cirihuts knew the value of going through the motions - appreciating the merit in practing for the real thing.

Zap Zap-Zap Zap Zap


But despite the change in intensity, the Khan and his affectionately-dubbed,"Warriors of the Hidden Maw", would make the most of their experience all the same, treating it as they would any other battle they fought before, pushing their capabilities despite the fun-and-games aspect of the exercise in and of itself. Seen in every enthused charge as they stormed the simulated foe in every street, every cul-de-sac and hovel, seen in the celebrations of each successful action, small and incremental though they might have been in the grand scheme of the exercise; though this didn't stop the Mawsworn from blowing off a little steam along the way, bringing cigarras, food, music instruments and plenty hooch along for the moments of respite between engagements, a handy thing for the steady pacing of the exercise's first phase.

'Now we can talk at a normal volume.... Anyway, we don't need t'worry about much at this angle, all's we need are means o' baiting opps into that bottleneck - though as for everything else? Lets see....'

Particular rises on the slum-part of the city landscape had been taken by then, and those three strongholds would serve as the Khanate's headquarters for the rest of the exercise, though as for whether or not the Maw would venture outward, such actions would depend on the Imperials' propensity for allied coordination that day. The Bloodhound and his Cirihuts were more than willing to aid the advance of their Imperial contemporaries, but this in no way represented their own objectives, given no other option but to utilise the sole-attending Darkhan's strategic reserve in the wake of such opportunities, as the main purpose of the Khanate would be to draw forces away from the Imperials in theory, practice and implementation alike.

'Well, we hold all the nearest northwestern intersections from here to the L-Z, and with eyes enough across the entire approach. Its just the south-east we need to be careful with, if you look here.... We've shied off from Slum Zones 2 and 3, and thats a little too much for my liking.'




ATTACKERS: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim | Torne Derok Torne Derok | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Tidhe | Xochilt Xochilt

DEFENDERS: Nute Griimda Nute Griimda


"What's your cover, Pink? Senator's Mistress?"

"Well, well... aren't you a looker,"
Xo cooed, sauntering up to Kazian Blackwood with a full-hipped stride that commanded attention. Her face tilted up, a playful grin spreading as she assessed him -- tall, blonde, blue-eyed.

Perfect little Imperial eye-candy, she thought with an internal smirk. Without waiting for permission, the Zeltron reached out, her coral fingers reaching out in an attempt to graze the smooth line of his jaw. Bold and brazen, those citrine eyes glittered with a devilish charm. If he batted her hand away or grasped it, it would only amuse her more.

"Senator's mistress... secretary... personal aide... I'm entirely flexible on the role I provide," she added with a low hush, her voice a husky purr, clearly entertained by her own wordplay.

"Personal aide for now,"
Kazian replied coolly, his gaze shifting to the approaching Ellayina L'lerim. Xo gave a curt nod in greeting, lifting her head, ready to play whatever part was necessary in this tangled game of deception.

"Miss Xochilt, Mr. Blackwood, are you ready for a day of boring meetings and red tape?"

"Greetings, Miss L'lerim," although the amusement still lingered in her citrine eyes. Taking up a datapad, the Zeltron gestured for the blonde to take point.

"But of course, " she added, her fingers gliding over the smooth surface to bring up the map of the Senate so delightfully provided by Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe .

Just then, within the hidden behind the ear insert, she heard the broadcasted notice.

<“The Big Boss is secured,”> he plainly announced to all corresponding officers in assigned to the Senate, code name for the mock Chancellor. <“I need any available units to secure a route to the landing pad to exfil our objective,”>

"Well, it looks like it is time to make our move."

Jewelry | x | x | x | Wearing: x | x | x | x | Makeup | x | x | x | x Other x | x | x |​

Replica Senate Building
War Plan Cobalt site, Ord Canfre
Attackers: Xochilt Xochilt | Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Defenders: Torne Derok Torne Derok | Nute Griimda Nute Griimda

Xochilt's movements were gracefully, enjoyable. I simply looked down into her eyes and smiled as her soft finger ran across my face. Perhaps it was a good thing I was meeting this woman now, and not on the cusp of our real invasion of Coruscant. I could scarcely afford any more distractions or my ass would be kicked back to... damn probably the infantry at this point. Our fiasco at Ord Mantell had repaired my reputation but Coruscant was a different beast.

Far from easy as it was to look away from the Zeltron, over her shoulder I spotted a sight I had not expected: Ellayina, luxurious and radiant, a far cry from how I'd last seen her, caked with two months of battle and bleeding from her guts. She looked strikingly non-military. Not how I'd ever seen or pictured her before.

"Good to see you, L'Ierim" I smiled, though I was taken aback. We were all dressed to the nines, and I wondered if Alliance senators just lived like this. I suppose that was the reward of corruption.

As Xochilt produced her datapad, I looked down over her shoulder at the map. Highlighted were several rooms dotted around the gargantuan complex. The nearest would be our first target.

With the news that the Storm Commandoes had assumed their position, I led the way forward for the agents.

"Those targeted rooms are safehouses. The system was implemented as far back at least as the Clone Wars, but the Alliance invested heavily in their renovation after the Maw attacked and some Sith flew a ship into the side of the building. Lucky for us." I joked sarcastically as we reached one of them.

I opened the door and moved inside, taking note of everything. I hoped that War Plan Cobalt was up to date. With Tithe leading our op on the Senate it had to be.

"Reinforced walls here will stop just about anything our spec ops has in their repertoire. That's what we're for."

In the center of the saferoom, a handful of HRD's dressed as non-descript politicians cowered. It was kind of creepy, but I had to keep telling myself that one day soon we'd be doing this with real senators. And that we had to be real aides.

Drawing my own datapad to corroborate with Xo, I pulled up the chart for what had been decided by the Bureau's tactical research team as the optimal path of exfil for the Chancellor, and cross-referenced it with the map of saferooms spread across the complex.

I turned to look at my comrades,

"Ladies. How should we execute this?"

"Any movement of the 'Chancellor' in this war simulation would remove the fact that the current Chancellor is a Jedi. They would never flee the engagement zone."

The interjection from the tactical droid gained an emotionless stare from his helmet, his face turned into a confused frown as he was unsure how to resume.

“Uhhh okay, and…?” his tone was as if dismissing the droid with his rhetorical question.

Did I ask though? Thoughts?

returning his attention to the mock Chancellor. “I have my orders, sir. For this scenario we’ll be acting as if the current Chancellor was to retreat from the war zone.”

“Let’s get a move on. We can’t be wasting more time,”
and motion the Neimodian to move with a shrug of his blaster rifle.

Stormtrooper Corps
2nd Division
1st Regiment
First Company

First Platoon

I can honestly say it was the strangest few days of my professional career, perhaps even my life. Growing up a 'Remnant', I had never known the full might, let alone the glory, of the Imperial Order; not truly. My officer's commission had been awarded far from the hallowed halls of the Imperial Academies that had born such leaders that given rise to the full force of the New Imperial Order.

All that was changed.


Or at least a facsimile of it, meticulously crafted on this barren rock to serve as our training ground. The sprawling cityscape, though artificial, was an uncanny mirror of the real thing. Holographic billboards flickered with Republican propaganda, and the hum of simulated traffic buzzed through the air, creating an atmosphere so authentic it was easy to forget it was all a façade. Oh sure, we knew we could be hurt and nobody wanted a fast-track to the medical bay from injuries sustained in an exercise, especially an officer.

As we moved through the simulated streets, my senses were heightened, a blend of anxiety and excitement coursing through my veins. I led my platoon with cautious confidence, each step a delicate balance between drill and instinct. The architecture, the alleyways, even the smells—they were engineered to evoke the essence of the enemy's capital, and it worked. The illusion was flawless. We were four squads, each led by a Sergeant. They were a nine-person detail, each self sufficient in its own right. One of the squads was made up of the 'heavies', the Boomers as we called them. They were a plucky bunch, rowdy almost. I tried to keep a cool command of them and put up with a little more backchat than I should. But they were mean fighters-I was glad to be leading them and not the receiving end, that was for sure.

We were on high alert, scanning every corner for signs of enemy combatants. I knew this was a drill, an exercise designed to hone our skills, yet the stakes felt real. The thrill of the hunt, the anticipation of engagement, it all played on my nerves, reminding me of the gravity of our mission. Every shadow seemed to hold a threat, every distant sound a potential ambush.

In one such moment, as we rounded a corner into a narrow alley, the tension peaked. My heart pounded in my chest, the weight of responsibility pressing down on me. A flicker of movement caught my eye—a flash of a figure darting into a side door. I signalled for the platoon to halt, hand gestures conveying silent commands honed through rigorous training. I spoke quietly into my comms, myself the only member of the team not in their standard issue Trooper armour. The men needed to see me, to know who I was.

It also proved convenient for the enemy too.

We approached the door with practiced precision, blasters at the ready. I could feel the eyes of my men on me, their trust implicit, their readiness palpable. With a swift kick, the door flew open, and we surged inside, adrenaline flooding my system.

The room was dark, lit only by the dim glow of control panels lining the walls. It was empty, a decoy. Yet, the rush was undeniable, the lines between reality and simulation blurring. I called for a sweep, ensuring we missed nothing, my mind racing with the implications of such intricate setups.

A crackle of fire outside, my own men's voices across the comm channel. They were under sustained enemy fire, a heavy repeater by the sounds of the whirring thud of blaster fire that was now raining on our position. I called down the comm for the Boomers.

"Boomers, you're up! See if we can't silence that position."

Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Capture the Flag
Location: Replica Senate Building, War Plan Cobalt site, Ord Canfre
Equipment: Elegant attire | 2x Sunfury Pistol Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Xochilt Xochilt | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Nute Griimda Nute Griimda | Torne Derok Torne Derok | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Zeltron; what a cheat. Of course, everyone uses what they have, but then again, pheromones have made everything so much easier. Even if she were ugly, she could easily seduce anyone. That's why I didn't find them very talented. As Kaz was watching the woman, I wondered for a moment if she had used the pheromones on him? It would be fun, especially since I was under a law that I couldn't use the Force on our own people.

"Come on, Kaz, if it's true, you've been trained to resist a little pheromone trick like that..." there was a hint of disapproval in my voice, but not towards Kaz, it was more towards her.

Even though we were no longer there at Ord Mantell, it was still there in my mind that I had to take care of Kaz, because if I didn't, I wouldn't survive on my own. Feth! And there was not a trace of jealousy in my voice, but rather that I didn't want to work, even on an exercise like this, when my partners couldn't pay attention because they were distracting each other. That's partly why I worked alone, I didn't have to listen to the others and worry about them messing up the mission. I also suppressed the urge to tell her to stop messing around and focus on the next mission.

Shortly afterwards, we received the signal to start the mission. When the maps appeared on the datapads, MANIAC projected them onto my retina. I looked at it here. For a moment, a contagious smile appeared on my lips. Even at that moment, I was looking for a challenge. And I had an idea.

"To tell the truth, it doesn't matter. In a live situation, it will work completely differently than it does here. But to be on the safe side, prepare for the worst and most difficult scenario. Something like what happened at Ord Mantell. If we can pull off such a difficult mission, we won't be surprised in the real world." I said, not sure if she understood what I meant, but Kaz certainly would.

HRDs were not the best practical "targets", clones would have been better, because of Force and pheromones. But we got droids, so now we had to work with them. In fact, it may even be that Alliance will go to something like this for cost efficiency.

"So let's improvise and create a difficult situation for ourselves." I said; we cannot learn from other simple situations, nor prepare for the worst.

Probably everyone on Coruscant will have a different job anyway, but that was fine. There were three different fields of agents at the moment. I'm probably going to be tasked with capturing somebody and getting information from them. Or I may have to interrogate the captured political person or officer. But we will find out on the day of the attack. I looked at the others.

"Sure, if that kind of training works for you." I looked at the others, Kaz knew I was a perfectionist and I wasn't giving up anything as long as I could move and I already knew he could do it, almost two months had forged us together enough to work well together. The current biggest question mark in the equation was the Zeltron woman...

But if they weren't open to my idea, then I'll do what they come up with.

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The GRX Super Tactical Droid dubbed 'Thrall' stood motionless, its glowing red eyes fixed on Torne Derok Torne Derok . Despite the clear and logical suggestion that the Chancellor would never flee the senate building, especially considering their background as a former Jedi, this individual semeed unfazed. Ignoring the data that indicated Jedi, even former ones, would prioritize saving lives over their own safety would be strategically imprudent.

"Sir, I must caution against the recommendation to flee the senate building, it would give our enemies a tactical advantage."

The Droid said,
wanting to reinforce the notion that their adversaries in this simulation would gain a heighten sense of assurance if they witnessed the Chancellor evacuating the building, while the simulated senators remained inside.

The Neimoidian offered the droid a quick glance, pursing their lips together at the thought of letting Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe have the gloating rights.

It would be simply intolerable to give the Ex-Chancellor the satisfaction, especially after all the effort they had put into outsmarting him.

Although it was true that they couldn't stay here within the building any longer despite the additional security forces being sent to the Chancellor's Office Corridors.

"Perhaps you are right, let us withdrawl from the engagement zone. I do hope you have a plan of retreat"

He said towards Torne Derok Torne Derok , getting the hint.


The turbolift chimed as it came to a halt in the service area adjacent to the chair’s dining room, where droids and butlers would collect the food and beverages sent up from the kitchen for serving. The doors slid open to reveal an empty lift car and remained ajar for a moment before closing. The service area returned to normal as the Stormtroopers role-playing as Senate Guards lowered their weapons and turned their attention away from the potential point of entry.

The guards, now engaged in conversation with their peers as they returned to their patrol patterns, did not notice a thin piece of durasteel slide between the turbolift doors. The durasteel rotated slowly, creating a gap between the doors. A gloved hand emerged to grasp the lift doors and slowly slide them open.

Six Storm Rangers quietly clambered out of the turbolift shaft. They had exited the lift car shortly after their journey from the kitchens had started and ridden on its roof. With the coast now clear, they silently moved through the service area and into the chairs dining room.

The elaborately decorated room was used by the chairs of Senate committees to wine and dine potential allies, kingmakers, and political donors. Today’s meal service was just as bloodthirsty, though it traded blank cheques and promises of influence for stun bolts and concussion grenades.

The green-armoured raiders made short work of their opposing colleagues, quickly stunning the Senate Guard role-players and securing them in stun cuffs. Tithe and their training officer followed in their wake, marvelling at the efficiency of the Storm Rangers.

“While I leave the conduct of conflict to those more learned in its deadly arts, even I can admire the professionalism and artistry of your men,” Tithe explained to the battalion training officer. “They go after their targets with the vigour and drive of an Muunilinst stock trader with an insider swap tip from their university roommate's father.” The officer shook his head and sighed as he walked away from the Aargauun. He was clearly hating Tithe’s presence.

The six-person fireteam moved to the exit and spilled out into the corridor. The chairs dining room was only a few corridors over from the Chancellor’s office, a sign of the power wielded by the committee leaders. The Storm Rangers quickly and quietly worked their way down the empty corridor with the blasters at the ready.

Tithe was about to make his final attempt to strike up a conversation when blaster bolts filled the corridors. The raiding team reacted quickly - four took cover where they could and returned fire, the fifth pivoted to cover their rear, while the sixth brought their hand to their ear as they called in the ambush via their helmet comlink. Tithe could just make out black-armoured Storm Commandos further down the hallway, firing from behind improvised cover outside the Chancellor’s office.

Now the real test would begin.

“For a droid, you sure ain’t that smart,” Torne was already annoyed with the tactical droid’s assessment. He might as well shoot the hunk of tin and save himself the trouble for it. It didn’t matter what course of action they took as all their lives were in “risk”. If they stayed here, they would just be overwhelmed until broken by the enemy’s pressing numbers. If they mobilized, they’d exposed themselves.

However, more options with the latter than to sit here like ducks.

“I have a solid idea, but we’ll be improvising the plan as we go along. No plan goes perfect in a fight,” replying to the Neimodian. He was just about to get a move on until blaster fire was heard outside of the office.

“Ah, shit,” surprised to see the enemy be this early. <“Garlen, shut the damn blast doors,”> at once the doors to enter would be sealed and the access pad would be fried by blaster fire. Only whatever Commandos were outside would engage the enemy. The Storm Rangers would have to work hard to earn their bragging rights.

“Change of plans,” they would have to use their grappling hooks and descend to break through another window for their escape. “Chancellor, if I may,” he would not bother to ask for permission to grab the alien to begin the descent from the executive office.


O P E R A T I O N - S T A R B I R D_S N A R E



From within the confines of his flagship located in orbit of Ord Canfre, Marlon Sularen watched from the situation room as the war games went on, haivng taken a particular interest in the Senate Building where most of the action was taking place between Imperial Special Forces, with ISB Operatives already on the field while a group of Storm Commandos lead by Torne Derok found themselves confronted by the Storm Rangers of Aerarii Tithe, engaging in a firefight as both groups tried to secure their objectives.

As the Dark Empire continued it's plans to take Coruscant, the Grand Admiral had recognized the need to test the different capabilities of the Empire's military forces while also making adequate preparations to ensure that all strategic objectives pursued during the inevitable invasion of Coruscant in order to secure a decisive victory. However what Sularen sought the most was to advance Project Inferno, hoping to gather some of the Empire's best Special Forces operatives into a singular unit under his direct command so that he could effectively wield it against the many foes of the Empire.

One particular individual that had caught the Grand Admiral's attention was the Imperial Special Forces agent Torne Derok known by his codename "Idolon" who had appeared to take command of the Senate Building's defenses, already leading a contingent of his Storm Commandos to fight another group of advancing Imperial forces. From the reports that Sularen had on Derok, the man desired to see the extinction of the Jedi and the collapse of democratic forces all across the galaxy in order to create an indefinite curtain of Imperialism in it's place. Derok was a true Imperial patriot and a good soldier too and out of all the individuals currently involved, he was the ideal candidate for the Grand Admiral's project.

Nevertheless, the war games had just begun and there were still plenty of opportunities for other participants to shine and prove themselves here. As such, the Grand Admiral would continue to spectate as the war games went on, eager to see what else the other participants had in store and to know who he could possibly recruit for his Project Inferno.


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