Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Moff Evner Braxiatel

    Private  The Imperial Cabal chapter III | The Moff, The Witch and the Imperial Stronghold

    NYRIAAN Imperial Headquarters The pure devotion to the Imperialist ideology made Moff Braxiatel do the unthinkable: he would, although very roughly, try to politic with the Moff aberration known as Onrai. He had seen her in action during Warlord Sularen's rescue, and she was quite efficient...
  2. Teckla Tane

    Imperial Artwork

    Classic Empire Empire of the Lost Header Red Divider Blue Divider Yellow Divider Green Divider Empire of the Lost Main Logo Velran Loyalist Logo New Imperial Inquisitor Logo Red “Imperial Guardian” Logo (Teckla) Hammer of the Empire Logo Imperial Council of Civilian Affairs...
  3. Aculia Voland

    Approved Location  The New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters on Ossus

    The New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters On Ossus A frontal view of the Inquisition's Headquarters from the surrounding mountains. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a headquarters for the New Imperial Inquisition and a repository of knowledge for the Empire of the Lost and...
  4. Aculia Voland

    The New Imperial Inquisition

    The New Imperial Inquisition Basic Description The New Imperial Inquisition otherwise known as NII, is the Empire's Force Sensitive Internal Security Service. Based in its fortress on Ossus atop the ruins of the once great Jedi enclave, it has become its own independent agency with a broad...
  5. Karl Von Strauss

    Major Faction Empire of the Lost - Join Today!

    Securing Peace and Order for YOU! [Faction About Page] [Faction Discord] Join the Empire of the Lost today! The Empire of the Lost, or simply The Empire, is an Imperial faction made up of a coalition of Imperial Remnants who have come together to restore order, law, and prosperity to the...
  6. Moff Evner Braxiatel

    Private  The Imperial Cabal Chapter I | A Talk with Reiner

    NYRIAAN Imperial Headquarters Days before the mission to free the Warlord happened, Moff Braxiatel sent a cryptographied message to ISB Director Reiner Ghadi, saying the following: "Moff Braxiatel requires your presence to discuss Rebel Infiltration inside the ISB". Of course, Braxiatel...
  7. The Voice of the Lost

    Populate  The Death of His Imperial Majesty | EOTL Populate Thread of Gala/Gromos

    Forever Grace What was once an uncertainty is now verified as truth. The Emperor is dead. In the days following the disastrous, costly battles of Lothal and Mon Cala, the Empire of the Lost enters a period of mourning. Flags fly at half-mast, troopers march in solemn ceremony, and businesses...
  8. Shannic Wulf

    Faction  A New Dawn: A New Imperial Decree

    - ##IMPERIAL DECREE ON THE CRIMINALISATION OF PROFITEERING & UNAUTHORISED FOREIGN COMMERCE ##PREAMBLE In the continued effort to protect the Empire's economic integrity and sovereignty, it is necessary to criminalise any activities that undermine these goals. Henceforth, any Imperial...
  9. Kaleb Sunwalker

    Dominion  Dark Tide | DE Dominion of Borosk & Aris

    The world of Borosk is no stranger to Imperial occupation. Long a stronghold of the New Imperial Order, the once blood-soaked world during the early days of the Third Imperial Civil War has more recently known peace under the stewardship of famed NIO veteran FN-999. Now the Dark Empire is...
  10. Karl Von Strauss

    Work In Progress  Karl Von Strauss' Workshop, NCE Projects

    This is where all my WIPs will be posted now, instead of multiple posts.
  11. Dieter Kovasch

    Character  Dieter "Breaker" Kovasch

    Dieter "Breaker" Kovasch Age 46 Species Atoan Gender Male Height 2.08 meters (6 ft. 10 in.) {not in armor} Weight 140 kg (310 lbs) Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dieter is muscular, he is buff in all the right places. This is furthered by the fact that he is Atoan...

    Dominion  The Pit | DE Dominion of Yinchorr

    The Pit - A COREWARD STORY fa-play fa-pause After their pyrrhic victory of Coruscant, the free peoples of the GALACTIC ALLIANCE have successfully blunted the advance of the sinister DARK EMPIRE. Their heroic actions, even if temporarily, have safeguarded the heart of the galaxy from...
  13. Teckla Tane

    Approved Lore  Imperial Crusader Strike Fleet Aurek

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Offensive fleet to serve the Imperial Crusaders Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Crusaders, Teckla Tane GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Imperial Crusader Strike Force Aurek Classification: Offensive Fleet Affiliation...
  14. Teckla Tane

    Approved Starship  Imperial Paramount - Medical Frigate

    Image Source - Deviant Art STANDARD FEATURES Medical Bays Bacta Tanks Surgical Pods Scientific Laboratories Tractor Beam Generators Hyperdrive class 2.0 Hangar Space: Extreme - 6 Hangar Allocation: 3 squadrons of TIE Vipers Three hangars for accepting medical transfers ADVANCED SYSTEMS...
  15. Underworld of the Lost

    LFG  Fresh blood in the Imperial Underworld

    After being ousted from the Imperial Moff council, quite violently, Domina Agmena Rend is looking to add to the ranks of the Krykna. As the Empire has expanded new bosses and foot soldiers are needed. As an opportunity to get involved in the group there is a mission to take over a Pyke...
  16. Simon Meinrad

    Character  Simon Meinrad

    SIMON MEINRAD � Music Neon Knights Aliases Cavalier Class(es) Bladesman Tactician Enforcer Birthplace Copperline Age Adult Personality Traits Judgemental Dutiful Idealist Rigid Rank(s) Jedi Knight Imperial Knight Imperial Sovereign Faction(s) Galactic Alliance New...
  17. Blackhole


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This will be the "homeworld" of my character Elias and serve as the location in which he holographically or telepathically communicates with other character unless in some extreme circumstance. As the homeworld will serve as the backdrop to most if not any...
  18. Maldor Mecetti

    Approved Lore  Imperial Auxilia

    Image Source: prompted by me OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Represent the Auxiliary Forces of the Empire of the Lost Image Credit: Image Source: prompted by me Permissions: NA Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Army Name: Imperial Auxilia...
  19. H

    Character  Ignore

  20. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Imperial Kavaak Class Escort Destroyer

    Imperial Kavaak Class Escort Destroyer "Far too many starshipwrights in 900 ABY focus on adding more firepower and exotic weaponry across a ship's hull. However, they often overlook the fact that each new weapon necessitates a firing system, integration into the ship's targeting computers, and...
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